This is a short story and definitely not scary, but I wanted to share it. I've always been a pet person and has had all sorts of pets growing up from bunnies, cats, dogs, reptiles and rodents. This story is about my bearded dragon. She was my first beardie and I loved her lots.
Some people may believe small animals don't "feel" or is "in-tuned" but I think differently. I believe animals do communicate through eyes and energy, just like plants. She was a runt and I got her from my friend's shop. I noticed she was alone in her tank and I was curious why. I was informed she was being attacked by her siblings, and her missing 2 toes and a bit of her tail gone is proof. I have never been interested in beardies before her. I pet her and she just looked at me with her little head tilted and beady eyes. I picked her up and she sat on my collar bone for half the day. Other customers thought I was wearing a brooch!
Anyway, so I wasn't leaving without her and so I left with a lizard, tank, shavings, and crickets. As she grew up I handled her a lot so she was very friendly and unafraid of human touch. Her tank was empty so I decided to make her something personal to bask on. I looked up how to make these reptile sculptures out of foam, paint and grout. I was very pleased with the result and so was she because she loved climbing on it and sleeping at the top where it was nice and close to the basking lamp. Sadly, she passed away one day on the sculpture and I buried her in the backyard, then I left the sculpture on the deck. A few days after she died, I was looking at the sculpture while missing her and feeling sad, so I took a picture of it. To my delight and surprise, I believe I caught her orb! The orb is actually the exact spot she died. I've read on orbs before and it said green orbs are healing orbs, and it was green in my picture! That gave me a sense of relief and I was no longer feeling too crappy.
*Thanks to BJJ for helping me with the picture* =)