I remember when I was about 10 years old (ish), I had the kind of bunk beds that were in the shape of a "T" from a birds-eye view. I remember I went through a phase where I absolutely COULD NOT fall asleep unless I was facing the wall. Eventually, I would start to feel hard taps on my left-hand shoulder blade. Not really violent taps, but hard enough to make it obvious that someone was doing it intentionally.
The first time it happened, I was sure I was imagining it, because I was half-asleep. But, when I woke up and was fully conscious, the tapping didn't stop. Then, my body froze with fear and I didn't turn around to see what was tapping me, right away, because I honestly DIDN'T WANT to see what was tapping me. Then it stopped and I eventually fell back asleep.
It happened again sometime later, I'm not sure of the exact time, because I was pretty young. I turned around REALLY fast, this time. Halfway expecting to see a man in a mask with a gun in my face, I saw nothing. As a kid, I never really thought about being "haunted..." I was far more scared of someone breaking into my house and taking me, or something like that.
Lately, (I am 18, close to 19 now) strange, and almost unexplainable things have been happening. I don't have the bunk beds anymore (obviously), but sometimes I can feel something breathing down my neck. Sometimes I feel something plopping down on my bed like a tired person who's taking their shoes off. I've read a bunch of people who said the same thing... But, usually if I fall asleep flat on my back I eventually get temporarily paralyzed and cannot breathe. I don't really feel an evil presence, and I don't think whatever it is has any intentions of hurting me, but I'm to the point where I am just annoyed now, and If it wants something from me, I would like to know what it is, now because I am getting bored with it doing the same things all the time. HELP