In my old apartment, one which I have moved out of about 2 months ago now. Some really unexplained things would happen. As I am a teenager I love putting pictures up on my wall of my family and friend e.c.t, however I stopped doing that after these two incidences.
The first was a picture frame of me my dad and my unce, it was placed on my window ledge at the back so there was no way it could fall off. Next to my window was a shelf of DVDs, and one day I was sitting down opposite the shelf looking for a film to watch and the picture frame just fell and shattered to the floor cutting me on several places, however the window was shut.
The next occurrence was the worst though. On the wall opposite my bed I had a photo wallet that could hold up to 100 pictures in hanging on my wall. I came home after school one day to find that all 100 pictures in the wallet had been removed and had been thrown all around my apartment. None of them were damaged in any way but as I collected them all and put them back in the photo wallet, I realised one was missing. I looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. The picture was of me, my mum and my dad, it was the fist picture I have ever had with both of them so it meant a lot too me.
This photo occurrence hasn't happened since but I no longer keep photos on my walls, instead I keep them in albums or scrap books. I'm still curious on too how this happened as both my dad and stepmum leave for work before I leave to school, and get home after I do so there's no possible explanation for them doing it.