I want to share my story that happened around the month of April 2014. This took place at this building in downtown Houston called the Warehouse Live. This was my first time going there and I was going to a Marianas Trench concert.
This night was so amazing and I had such a great time seeing 4 guys from Canada sing at their best. There really is not much to this story as I would have liked it to be.
That night I took many photographs of the band, all the people having fun and me, nothing could ruin my night. I went home and a few days passed and I remembered the images I had took. I was looking through all the pictures and all. That's when I noticed that in one of the images there it was the grim reaper and it was just his face. It was clearly marked as if it wanted to be seen or as it was passing by. You could only see his face; you could see his big dark deep eyes and the mouth and teeth as it grinned. The grim reaper looked like it was in the crowd maybe not too far me from seeing that in the image its face took almost the whole frame.
As seeing this image I got really scared because at the moment I was having some health problems so maybe I though oh no it's here as a warning sign. At the time I was having bad chest pains but the doctors never found a reason for them but they said my heart was fine. Me, as an individual, I'm scared and my body is telling me otherwise. So yes of course I am going to be scared.
I was actually so freaked out by this image that I had to delete it I couldn't bear to look at it. Now that I think about it I cannot believe I did that. At this point I wish I could have kept the image to show. Well really I just want some advice, what do you guys think the grim wanted that night? And do you think it took someone with them later on?
Ever since that night I have been there one other time to see the band Alesana. Now I am going right down the road of that venue to see the band Marianas Trench once again and the guys of the band are so nice and do talk to me; do you guys think I should mention to them what happened that night or no? Thanks in advance.