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Our Grandparents House Was So Strange


While my parents, Allen and Natasha, were often away working with their Business (they ran an import company for various antiques and fine wines for many years). Because it was difficult to travel with three youngish children, my siblings and I were often left in the care of our Paternal Grandparents.

Papa Charlie and Gran Florence were great and spoiled us rotten when we stayed with them. They lived in a 120 year old house in an upper class area of Atlanta, Georgia. Grandpa had been left it by his late Uncle Stephen who was a well known escentric. It was quite large (6 bedrooms and 4 full bathrooms and a ballroom which we used as a roller rink). The place was full of really weird art works and very old furniture but it was very very comfortable. It did have heating and air conditioning for when the weather required it. And baths with weird claw feet that were at least then seemed big enough to use as swimming pools (I was 5 at the time).

My siblings (twin sisters who were 9 and a 3 year old brother) loved being there during the day but at night it felt strange. The place echoed strangely. Papa told us it was just the old house settling.

We would have believed him if it was all just sounds.

The first thing I noticed was this shadow that would move around the hallway it wasn't something you just saw gliding around on the wall like a common shadow. This thing looked like a solid mass of darkness. It was only the hallway we saw it but at different times and only at night.

I tried to approach it and talk to it but it only moved away faster and disappeared into a painting on the wall (or maybe just into the wall). It never said anything, it never gave off any feeling good or bad. It just kind of came and went but it sure was strange.

Doors would open and shut, they were checked and rechecked for being badly fitted or having moved out of square due to their age. The locks were checked, the hinges were checked. Doors were taken down and rehinged and rehung but it still happened. You wouldn't see it happen and no one ever heard them open unless we personally opened them. They'd just be open. Then we would close them. They'd stay shut for a while and then open by themselves again. It was only the internal doors that did this. The front, back and side doors didn't open unless we opened them ourselves. This confused us all.

Another was the sound of a car with a big engine that was very loud would drive up our long curved driveway (we would hear it drive up to the door and the engine turn off) , many times we'd go out to see who it was but there was never anyone or any car there. A little while later it would start up again and we would hear it drive away again.

Stranger still was the fact the front gates weren't only shut but locked tight and bolted. As it always was unless we were going out.

Certain nights we'd hear singing (a lady with a beautiful voice) and a well played piano with music that sounded very old. Two problems with this; Firstly no one in the house knew the music that was being sung let known be able to sing it (many of us played instruments and my mother was a great singer but she wasn't around when this would happen), secondly there wasn't a functioning piano in the house. We had an old piano in the basement but it was broken (all the wires inside were broken by something we didn't know what and many keys were missing). And the piano sound came from the front lounge room and the singing from the ballroom area (were we roller skated as our grandparents pretty much didn't use it).

There were many other things but this is something I thought I'd start with. If your interested I'll post the other weird happenings of that house and our holiday home in Florida.

Sadly my Grandparents have since passed on to the reward they earned in the afterlife I miss them everyday. My uncle David and aunt Deb live in the house with my cousins now and I rarely visit as my work really doesn't give me much time.

Now and then though stories from my aunt and uncle and cousins filter down to me... The ghosts or whatever they are. Seem to still be around.

Thanks for reading. Sorry it's a bit long.

Cars I can fix. Stories aren't my best thing but I try.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, InTheTARDIS, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-26)
I would love to hear more stories that happened at your grandparents house if you have any others that you wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks for sharing!
InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Thankyou so much for your kindness and I'm very happy you enjoyed the story. I'm a bit of a history buff too and can see what you mean.
I wish you could have seen the house too it was and still is an amazing place now owned my aunt and uncle.
The comment you made about the piano and the singing is very intriguing. And could very well be what happened. Sadly I don't know if that's why we hear her singing and why the piano is broken and in the basement. Gives me a lot to think about. You could be right on the ball with that one. With my crazy family it wouldn't suprise me at all. Sadly I have no one who can confirm that who's still alive. Only wish we had a way to work it out.

Just recently another of my stories was published of your interested. It's about a spooky haunted painting my Mother got at auction when I was young. Check it out I'm sure you'll like it.

Thanks again,
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-22)
I am SO in love with this house! And it is such a rare and special thing that it is still in the family - I hope it stays that way for many many years to come ❀

It reminds me of a house that featured rather centrally in a book I just read (The Witching Hour by Anne Rice). Funny thing - you know you are a history geek when reading a book that features a few rather adult scenes, what really gets your pulse racing is when they start talking about carefully and accurately restoring an antebellum mansion with absolutely no financial constraints! 😍

Perhaps the piano was played by a much beloved lady ancestor and when she passed, a broken hearted family member cut the strings and banished it to the basement unable to even bear the sight of it. Or maybe that's just my romantic imagination getting carried away.

Each one of your updates is more enchanting than the last. The way you describe the parties once held in that ballroom! I too would give my eye teeth to have attended those - oh and so many more in previous years!

I look forward to reading of your other experiences and hope your cousins call you back:-)

Welcome to YGS!

InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-19)
❀ Thankyou Tweed! ❀
Going to go and check out your stories now. Looking forward to reading them. And Thankyou too for your kindness.

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-17)
You're very welcome Dee and Biblio. And I might add, a belated and very heart warming welcome back to you Biblio! You have been sorely missed around here. How is Jim doing? Uh-oh. I think I'm over stepping the bounds here, so I'll ask questions on your last account.

My apologies Sebastian. 😳
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-17)
Please pardon my taking up a little space in your thread, Sebastian.

I have to acknowledge BGP: Thanks! I did not know that! "Does" and "Bucks" it is, then! 😊

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-17)
Sebastian, wow I wasn't expecting such lengthy responses!

DarStar, thanks for the link to that story. I'm always up for a good read and that sounds very cool, so thanks!

Sebastian, the house I was referencing belongs to friends of my parents. I wrote about it here:
The main similarity between yours and my experiences is the hallway activity, and also the activity around the driveway (or in my case pathway). They're slightly different, but it seems likely they happen for the same reason. That being time on a relatively unblemished location. It's all just theories and guesswork of course, but my personal feeling is there is some weight to it. At least in historically accurate places. I've never had any trouble in these kinds of homes, neither has anyone else for that matter. So I think the Hollywood clichΓ© haunted house debacles are unfounded, and potentially destructive as they often influence some very flighty people's decisions to 'renovate', or worse, 'knock down' (how I hate those words!)
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
DC and DarkStar,

You've brought up something I've thought about too... The theory of abandoned buildings 'attracting' spirits. I've often wondered if this is the case with my childhood home and 'George' (the resident grump I've spoken of in previous accounts). The house went through a period of time with no permanent owners. It was used as a 'party house' and hunting getaway of sorts for a number of years. It got to the point where no one stayed in the house (it was quite derelict and inhabitable until my father purchased it and began renovations), but camped outside. So... 'George' might not be tied to the house. Interesting stuff.


Thank you for the information, I've made the same mistake. πŸ˜‰

😊 Dee

PS: My apologies for hijacking your thread Sebastian! 😜
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)

Thank you for coming back and providing more information. I would definitely enjoy more accounts from you, so please feel free to share. 😊

All the best,
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
This was a good read and definitely do grace us with more accounts. I love reading about these big old houses with the unseen tenants. 😊

You'll love Tweed's accounts. Just click on her name in the comments and it'll take you to her page. She has enough, for now, to keep you busy for awhile but you'll soon find yourself waiting anxiously for her next post!

I just want to set you straight on one little point. And this is my own personal glitch but I saw a similar reference in an account I read about 3 days ago and it's been nagging at me since. I almost forgot about it until you committed the same "crime". When referring to goats, a female goat is a doe, not a "nanny" and a male goat is a buck, not a "billy". It's just a quirky little thing that drives us goat people to the brink. Most people aren't aware of this so this is my teeny tiny contribution to education. If you're going to keep the kids, (baby goats), and get to know more goat people, you don't want to start off by referring to them as "billy's and nanny's". And if you have any questions about goats, don't hesitate to ask! 😜
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for your reply and the added information. You were very fortunate to have grown up in what sounds like a wonderful family. Your grandparents sound like amazing people, you make a good job describing them and getting across how special they were, you do them great honor. Oh, and you are right about their good taste in music, gotta love that rock and roll!

It makes perfect sense that the ballroom would be used as a music room, that would explain the music and singing you heard, it's what others here have called residual activity/haunting.

Thanks again for sharing those great memories. I got just a little nostalgic as I too was fortunate to grow up in a loving household with lots of family, food and good music.

All the best,

Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
Hostile relatives are scary. Hostile dead relatives are unimaginable. If your aunt and uncle are having problems with the haunting, I'm very confident that the experienced YGS folks here can help, especially with the tried and tested, really effective cleansing and sheilding methods. Lol, I hope I didn't sound like a sales person. Also, your relatives may also share their stories here if they wish to.

I don't think the dark shadow was your great grandfather. Your pa wouldn't be so scared if it was and he'd feel a sense of familiarity or something. I hope your mom wasn't angry when he realized the dishes were half done in the sink πŸ˜‚

Glad you are okay. Feel free to share more stories. Well, that you fix cars, it's good that you chose the TARDIS and not the DeLorean.

Take care 😊
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-16)
Hello, DC... Interesting idea for sure. My wife also has a thought about how some houses become haunted that may work with your theory. She has the ability to sense entities and help the lost ones pass over, if they desire to; some do not want to.

In my father's old neighborhood, there is a house that has stood empty for well over 20 years. Appaerntly the sisters who it was left to can't agree on what to do with it, so it just sits there, empty and forgotten. And it sometimes acquires a "tenant" or two.

The neighborhood is built around what was a very old training track for horses, so the street is a pair of long straight sections, with curved, half circle ends. Perfect for a very pleasant walk, and my wife and I would do this almost every time we visited my father. As a matter of course we would walk by this house, and about once a year or so, my wife would find that an entity had settled in since the last time we had been by the house. Fortunately, in each case, she was able to help them cross over.

So, it seems that wandering spirits might also be a cause of hauntings, in addition to actual deaths that occurred in houses.

DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
I once heard a theory that the reason so many old homes are haunted is because so many people died back then, especially in their homes? I do not know how true this is and I do not have statistics on home deaths in the past. The theory is that less homes like newer ones will be haunted with anything intelligent as child mortality rates are so low in developed nations and many people go to nursing homes or die in hospitals (or on the way). It's just an idea.
InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Hey Tweed,
Thankyou for your kindness. It's much appreciated. I was nervous writing down my story here. Thinking people would shoot me down and or think I've lost my ever loving mind (more than normal. Lol!). So I'm so happy that you and so many others here have been incredible and kind. And very helpful in all cases which has lifted a fair weight off my back.
I accidentally answered your questions about the music room/ballroom/skating rink in the message to Haven. I'm so sorry and whole heartedly apologise as I was trying to be as helpful as I could and get in and answer people's questions as well as I could and not leave anyone out.
So I apologise again.
I like your ideas about the ghosts and I think there is a very strong possibility that your very much on the right track with what happened to my family and I.
You grew up you said in a similar old home? Have you written your experiences about it. If so can't you point me to the right page so I can read it. I'd be very interested. A lot of the houses around Papa and Nan's home were well known as being haunted. It wasn't hidden as everyone pretty much knew everyone else in that street (and surrounding block and park area) and everyone's kids used to play with each other. And stories got around.
That could be a good story of real ghosts I should put together here too. Around around 20 others I've had delt with over my life since I was born in 1995. My wife Alexandra has a number of interesting stories about the places she grew up in both here in the USA and in her home country of Germany. She is half German and half Spanish. She came with her family to live in the USA when she was 5 in the same year I was born 1995. Just a month after I was born. Her family came here as her father got a job transfer to the USA. The family loved the idea and all followed him over. Theyv been here and are happy USA citizens. We married when I was 18 (we were introduced at a friends birthday and I hate to use the old cliche but it was really love at first sight. Alexandra who we all call "Lexi" later told me she felt the same way.) . We have 2 beautiful kids together who we couldn't be happier with. My girl Devann and little mini me Marc. And recently we found out we have another due around March next year. We are over the moon.
My wife also has her dream job as a Teacher for children with special needs. She decided to do this job after her youngest sister Julietta was born with autism and Down's syndrome. She was so amazed at the work her sisters teachers were doing to help her sister that she decided she wanted to do the same kind of work. And Alexandra is a brilliant teacher it's like she was born to do it and the students she has adore her. I'm so very proud and so very lucky to have such an amazing wife. And our daughter Devann wants to grow up and do the same job as her mom or be a special needs nurse. I think she'd be wonderful. She's very sensitive to others needs and very very smart for her age. Both her and Marc my boy are learning fast and reading above their age levels. Marc is only two and can read those first readers that they give kids when you start elementary school and he can read them 95% unaided.
What did I do to deserve such amazing kids. Whatever it was I really do appreciate them and I'm so very proud of my smart Angels.
They too have had many interesting encounters in the new house we got last August (2017 not this past August 2018). As I wrote in my Bio. It has 4 human ghosts and 1 dog ghost that we know of but by judging the current goings on with our home while renovating there maybe 2 at least more that have started making their presents known.
Lucky for us they all seem friendly and kind. If not rather curious. And they seem to love our kids and the pets we have (all 3 dogs, 4 cats, 10 hens that lay huge great eggs, a Nanny Goat that gives us lovely milk (due to allergies my son and wife can't drink cows milk but goat milk is perfect). Her twin daughters that are nearly weaned (we are considering keeping), 1 male children's Python, 1 bearded dragon lizard and 1 pink knee Female Tarantula who loves being held and her back stroked). Yes we have all the proper permits. Yes they have all their special homes set up right.
We used to have a cockatiel called Pancho that I'd has since 8th grade but he recently died of cancer on his leg (Yes we had it treated but due to his advanced age and weaker immune system he couldn't fight much but he sure as hell tried too. He passed away in my arms snuggled in as he always did as my wife and I were on the way to the vets after he started making these weird almost crying type noises. We knew he couldn't take any more. So we took him to the vet to give him a kind and peaceful end. But he chose to do it his way as he always did. 2 blocks from the vets he made a little whistle and then a kind of a sigh and he was gone). Maybe he'll return as a ghost too. I rather hope he does. He was a very special little guy who would sing and talk your ear off all day if you let him. He was my special boy who often came to work with me and one of my dogs as often as he could and would welcome the customers when they came in... Everyone loved him who knew him.
Sorry for the very long reply. I apologise but I tried to answer yo as best as I could. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. I'm not shy and no questions would bother me as it would many others. With me it's what you see is what you get. And I say it as I see it.
Thanks again,'
(Aka InTheTARDIS).
InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Dear Haven,
Thankyou for your reply.
Indeed I did have a great childhood with my beloved late grandparents. They were very good people who loved my siblings and I very much and treated us wonderfully. Like many grandparents do they spoiled us rotten. We were very fortunate to have had them I think. They were both very special people.
My grandpa was a retired Policeman and my grandmother a retired Nurse. They worked hard all their lives and installed in us the need for closeness and love in our family. For that I'm forever thankful. They taught us too to follow our dreams if we have the chance. I did, I always loved cars and working with them. I was over the moon when I got an apprenticeship. My grandpa who knew I wanted to do this for work. Celebrated right along side me. Four years later and 3 mths before he died. He and Gran Florence threw me a massive "Got your Apprenticeship Certificate" party for me. I was so over the moon as it had been a suprise. But that was the type of people they were.
They also took in and looked after other kids and teens who needed help for years until they got to old to do it anymore.
When papa died many of the people he'd helped over the years turned up to his funeral. We had over 300 at his gravesite and wake afterwards. He would have been so pleased. Similar thing happened 4 years later when Nan died in hospice care (she had so many visitors and her room was always filled with fresh flowers it was amazing).
Sorry to go on but I want people to understand how special that they were and how fortunate we were to have them.

On the thing about the ballroom (former skating rink) . It is a possibility that it was also used as a music room. I know before I was born my mother Natasha said that my Dad Allen and her first met. Papa and Nan used to throw big parties for new year, Christmas, Easter Etc in the big room. Once us kids came along we used the large front lounge/sitting room for our parties (mostly cause the ballroom had no heating besides a fireplace and no air conditioning besides big French Windows you could open out fully) and the lounge was more comfortable for all us grandkids and others who came for the holiday feast we had each year.
My aunt Sophie (dad's Older Sister) and her husband Mathew told me that also in the older days when Sophie was still young at home my grandparents would have friends who played various music instruments come over at least once a month on a Friday or Saturday and play most of the afternoon. Have a dinner break. Then spend at least up to 12 maybe as late as 2am some times. The neighbours didn't mind because they were at the party in the house enjoying the music too.
There was never a piano played though one of their friends used to bring his easy to cart around large keyboard and play it. This was during the 1970's and 1980's. Mostly they used to play Rock N Roll (you know 1950's-1960's brilliant music) and the ballroom was full of people dancing and eating and drinking. Everyone would bring a plate or two of food. Nan would put on a massive feast on top of that and huge amounts of dessert. The parties got to be well known for their great music and no hassles as everyone was having to much fun to fight. If I can find any photos of these parties and I know my mom has a few about I'll try to put them up so you can get the idea of what it was like (having seen some photos myself I only wish that I was around to enjoy them. Sadly I'm way too young).

Maybe some of the spirits made them selves known more because of those parties because like our family they loved music? I wouldn't be suprised if they did. They always had music playing. And all of us play some instrument (I play piano, drums (with two bass drums like my fav. Drummer Keith Moon), Bass Guitar and harmonica). Our parents and Papa and Nan encouraged us to play and enjoy music as much as we can. And today still I'd rather listen too or play music rather than watch tv.
My grandparents even took me to my first concert when I was 10 with my best friend Colton who's birthday was the day after mine. We went to see KISS.
My grandparents loved the music too. They also liked music like Led Zep, The Who, Lynard Skynard, Alice Cooper etc. I was so greatful they had great taste in music.

Sorry for the long reply and I hope I helped with your questions. If you have any more questions let me know and I'll do what I can to answer them to the best Avaidable way.

Kind regards,
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Hello, Sebastian -

Sounds like you have some great memories of good times growing up with your siblings at your grandparent's house, hauntings and all. A house that old and in a state with all the history Georgia has, it's almost a given it would have some history of its own.

Thank you for sharing this experience, I look forward to reading more. By the way, it was very well written, easy to follow.
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Tweed, your comment about the possible 'time capsule' connection to the paranormal immediately reminded me of one of Ray Bradbury's short stories called "A Scent of Sarsaparilla", where a man learns how to turn a time capsule of an attic into a time machine.

A wonderfully written fantasy, of course, but one wonders if there is some connection to the paranormal, where many items of a common period in time, at the same location, create some effect or increase the likelihood of paranormal activity...

In ant event, here is a link to the story:


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Hi Sebastian, thanks for sharing, really enjoyed this and hope you share more of your encounters.

One thought about the piano and singing, might the ballroom be (technically) a music room?

I know a couple who live in a very old stately home, with original features. Much like your Grandparents' home, theirs is filled with traditional furniture. I wonder, with wonderful homes like these, if their 'time capsule' condition is conducive to paranormal activity. Well, a ghost encounter can be experienced anywhere, regardless of a location's history. But it does seem that some older, traditional, places harbor a special link to the other side. There are some similarities between your experiences in this home and my own in theirs.

Particularly love your reaction to the shadowy mass in the hallway. You seemed curious and friendly, not afraid. I dare say the shadow was afraid of your awareness of it, making haste toward the wall. An old servant, perhaps one who'd not been treated fairly, during a more archaic time, seems a good guess, I agree.
InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Also sorry I left this out and I apologies.
As for deaths in the house that I know of my Papa Charlie's uncle Stephen died in the house and left it too him. Stephen was a rather well known eccentric apparently. He died at an advanced age of 89. In his sleep. His sisters lived there until they married. One came back after she was widowed, her name I think was Melissa or Melina. She died there apparently from cancer but I don't know how old she was. If I had to guess I'd say she'd be at least 70. Stephen had never married but had several lady friends over the years. I don't know if any of them died in the house.
Prior to that the only records I could find on the house was that a family called Penter owned the property. The father was a doctor. They had 8 or 9 children. Stephen had bought the property from one of the last children alive when he got it. The mans name was Lawrence Penter. He was a doctor as well. But can't confirm that.
The house had servants quarters that were turned into a guest house. But there is no history of any of the homes past servants outside the Penters cook. A woman called Martine Greene. She didn't die in the house though but who's to know. There isn't any record to be found of her.

I'm trying to find out the history of that house and the home I currently live in, in Marietta. It's close to the same age and has some unusual ghosts of its own.

InTheTARDIS (2 stories) (14 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Hello everyone,
Sorry about the late reply as work has been busy.
I appreciate your ideas and have looked into the crystals etc. Seems like a good idea to try.
Yes, I'm a whovian... Long time whovian at that.
My uncle and aunt that are currently living in the house are having it restored currently. I have left a message for them to ring me and talk about the house but so far no luck. We aren't very close sadly but hopefully one of my cousins will ring me and talk. If they do I'll let you know what's going on and if they have had any contact with entities we encountered.
My grandparents were never bothered with what was in the house. What ever was there never cause us any real worry. I think if anything maybe what was there was curious about us, maybe? The shadow did seem to be sentient though no real feel of good or bad came from it. It just was. I always thought it was just interested in what we were doing. As it wasn't harmful and didn't bother me I'd just talk to it when I saw it as I mentioned above. It never stuck around long but it seemed harmless. The house always felt welcoming and friendly. And neither my siblings and I ever felt anything but happy there.

I often wondered that maybe the shadow was a spirit of a former maid or house keeper? The house had what had been servants quarters back in the day that had been made into a guest house. Could this be why the shadow didn't like to show itself a lot as in the old days some servants were expected to be seen and not heard? Maybe someone here can help me with that.

Thanks for the greetings.
Will post some more stories soon as you have stated you'd like them.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
InTheTardis and Redwolf:

Hello InTheTardis,

Have your family who have taken over the house mentioned what they're doing to get rid of the entities?

Hi Redwolf,

Thank you for the crystal information.

I'm looking for crystals that will keep spirits away. Unfortunately I can't find a shop locally that sells crystals. I'm going to look online.

Thanks again,
😘 ❀ 😘
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-14)
Welcome to Y.G.S.

I enjoyed your story very much. It seems to me that the shadow retreating when approached means you had an intelligent haunting.
In a residual haunting the spirits don't know you're there.


Water,quartz crystal, etc can hold "memories" and can cause a residual haunting,BUT,the same can be said about intelligent hauntings.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-13)
Greetings, Sebastian.

Welcome to YGS,

Given your screen-name, fellow Whovian, I simply had to look at your Bio page first. There, you stated, "Currently live in a home that has 5 ghosts (4 human and 1 dog) " and "Grew up and around homes that were haunted," then end this absorbing story asking if we're "interested" in reading about "other weird happenings of that house and our holiday home in Florida." I think I can speak for the majority of YGSers, "Hell, yes! We're interested!"

As for your storytelling, you focused upon one detail at a time, explained it, and moved to the next point of your story. This is a *great* way to write your experiences so that your readers can follow along with little-to-no difficulty. A digression: my father repairs luxury car engines for a living, but his handwriting is easier to read than most computer fonts. He writes in block-capital letters and makes a double-sized letter to start each sentence or name. He told me, "If the customers can read the paperwork, they're much more likely to pay without wasting my time with lots of stupid questions." As with my father's no-nonsense approach to writing, your story is written in a very clear sentences that are enjoyable to read; don't let anyone tell you that you can't write.

(High School English teacher and Librarian.)
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-13)
Hello Sebastian,

I was just reading Twighlight and Curious Dees comments and found both really interesting.

Curious Dee mentioned it could be 'risidual' activity or possibly 'intelligent' activity. I didn't have a clue what they were so I googled it. I found this interesting link.


Towards the end of the link, it says that if a house is built over an old water source, that too can cause various sounds to surface in the home.

Twighlight mentioned the doors inside being the only one's affected because the entity doesn't want to cause harm... I agree.

Please keep us posted.

😘 ❀ 😘
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-13)
Hi Sebastian,

Welcome to YGS. Your grandparent's house sounds very interesting. I think it's great that it's still in the family. From what you described, I'd say you and your family experienced residual activity. Residual activity is a sort of recording or energy imprint. A house that old will have seen its share of residents, emotions, events, etc. Which I find fascinating. 😊

Of course it's possible that there is intelligent activity too. Do you know if anyone has passed away in the house? Any history?

I agree with Twilight, whatever it is, it didn't seem to mean any harm. Thanks for sharing an interesting read.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-13)
Welcome to YGS 😊
Your grandparents home sounds very interesting. I would really love to hear more stories you may have from there. I think your writing was just fine. Have you ever looked into the history of your grandparents home? I see you said it is over a 120 years old, so I'm sure there's a good history to learn from it. It sounds like there is something residing in that home, but from what all you've said about it, it doesn't seem to be bad at least. You saying how the only doors in the home that seemed to be affected, was only the inside doors, but never the one's that led to outside, makes me think that the spirit didn't want any harm to come from it opening doors (like someone being able to come into the home if it was opened doors to outside), so it was respectful enough not to mess with those. Thank you for sharing your experience, as I enjoyed reading your story, and hope to hear more from you soon 😊

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