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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 7
My Baby Son And The Open Closet Doors by TranscendingTales
May 9, 2023, at 12:40 a.m. In the dead of night, I retreated into my quarters after securing the doors. As I was updating one of my ongoing stories on my Kindle, I left my wife to tend to our baby boy, who is not even three months old; he will be three months old on May 22, 2023. My wife put my so...
My Baby Son Befriended By A Spirit? by Cyborg-Siren
hope this story isn't too long, I condensed it as much as I could:P I have had a couple of supernatural experiences as a child (which I will post about maybe in future) but this one is more recent. My first story, so please be kind. So, in April 2012 I gave birth to my son Leo. I was still livin...
My Baby's Guardian Angel by princess2
This is a story of what I believe was my baby's guardian angel. We had just celebrated her first birthday a few hours before. After her party I laid her down for an afternoon nap. She had been in her crib for about an hour, when I peeked in to check on her. As I opened her bedroom door, I saw a fig...
My Backyard by brighteyez
Since my last story posting, I haven't seen or heard anything in my house since I tried the cleansing and visualization techniques which seemed to help. I am now terrified to go outside in my yard when its dark out, at least by myself. I have a pretty decent sized yard, 1/3 of an acre, it's like...
My Bad Experienced by judz32
It was 2006 when my father died in 2005; I was staying at my mother's sister's house because I was taking care of her three month old daughter because she worked at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston and had to do night sometimes but she was home at night. It was a Monday night ...
My Basement Suite by lucidity
I'm new to this website, and have never actually told this story to that many people. So here I go... My ghost encounter took place at my old house, which I lived in when I was 17. The downstairs was made up of a basement suite, laundry room, and where I had my bedroom. At the time, only my mother,...
My Bathroom Is Haunted by luisporras
My parents house was made by my uncle and his assistant thirty years ago, they had a construction company. The land the house sits on had piles of trash that they had to get rid of and old barracks that they had to demolish to build on the site. I believe the barracks are the source of the hauntings...
My Battle Against Hell And Satan's Demons by HellRaiser
Whether or not you believe in Demonic Possession or Demonic Influence is your own opinion, the question of it's reality and existence isn't just a matter of "opinion" for me, but the down right truth. If you want to here a real life story that will surely get you thinking about the reality of the ba...
My Beautiful Uncle Ron by ashi
I must admit I am an only child from Australia, in fact I lost my beautiful mother when I was 11 from kidney failure and I am 20 now! I also have a beautiful father who has gone blind because of diabetes like my mum and I'm an only child it effects me deeply. My story is about my uncle ron. I was...
My Bed by Akashkrishna
I am an Indian living in Saudi Arabia. Since my childhood, I've been living in KSA. Now, it's been 12 years in my house and I hadn't experienced anything strange until last month. But since then something creepy has been disturbing me and my younger sister. It's been my bed in which I'm sleeping. La...
My Bed Felt Like a Treadmill by denasaur
I have gotten sleep paralysis on various occasions since I've been at college, but the one experience I'm going to write about is the one that confuses me the most. I had stayed up all night to do a paper or something, but from 9 to 9:30 in the morning I took a nap on my bed face down. I had my arms...
My Bed Mate And The Lost Old Man by Shlain
This happened around 2006/2007. I was still living with my parents and on this particular night my mother decided to sleep in my room, because my father was snoring too loud and it kept her awake. Next to my bed there is a decorative table with a lamp on it that I would use when I needed to get up...
My Bed Started Shaking by SoniaMary23
I Live in Okinawa Japan. I am American just so you know. I'm a 16 year old female and I feel that I have an incubus following me... About a week ago. I had this HORRIBLE nightmare that I NEVER had much worse before, And my nightmare was about how some people was summoning a ghost so to speak? Anyway...
My Bed Started Shaking 2 by SoniaMary23
I made a previous story that is connected to this one. I'm not really good at telling stories but I'm trying my best. This is beyond my control and I just want it to stop. A few weeks ago my bed finally stopped shaking but after a week thing began to change. I feel like the entity is getting s...
My Bed Started Shaking 3 by SoniaMary0023
I've had another account named SoniaMary23 that I haven't had access to since it's been so long since I've been on this website. I wanted to 'update' my situation with "My Bed Started Shaking". It's been 4 years since things started happening. If you haven't read the previous two, please do so you c...
My Bedroom by Kodak
The previous house was located on a quiet neighborhood, built just 10 years before my family and I moved in. It was spacious; I had my own room for once. I have younger siblings and everyone with siblings knows; they tend to take your things without asking. I would lock my bedroom door whenever I he...
My Bedroom Closet by Sbutterfly83
We have lived in this house for the last 7 years. The room that is my bedroom is the former garage. It now has carpeting and everything functional to be a bedroom. The people that lived here before us made it. Anyways, before it was my room, it was my parents' room. My mom used to always tell me...
My Bedroom Ghost by Liflin
I may be crazy, but I believe I have a bedroom ghost. For about 2 years I've lived in a house in Washington and I spent a lot of time in my room. I would always feel as if someone where there by the closet but never paid any real attention to it. Just kind of knew something was there. Then I mov...
My Bedroom Ghost 2 by Liflin
Things have gotten worse with my ghost and I'm sure my house is haunted. I've been hearing voices and seeing things and lately it's gotten a lot worse. I hear three men. One of them is Salem and I think he has been with me for 3 years now. He told me his name was Salem. But these other two voices ha...
My Bedroom In England And Singapore by sbst_gh
This will be a compilation of all the ghost encounters that I can remember. When I was in England, I lived in this 2 story brick house in Chandlers Ford. It was a spacious, cozy house with my bedroom door directly in front of the staircase to the 1st floor. The walls were painted blue, with a tex...
My Bedside Watcher by selkay
I was abandoned by my biological mother when I was less than a month old in her rented room. She told her housemate that she will be back in an hour but the old lady never seen her again. When I was 3 months old, my current family adopted me. My mom told me when I was around 1 and a half years old I...
My Bedtime Experience by Daniel662
My name is Danny and I live in Ohio. Forgive me if my spelling is incorrect for I am publishing from my phone. I decided to publish my story because of a horrible event that recently happened to me. I came here for answers in the hope that someone could help me and explain what this spirit wants fro...
My Beginning by essiej
My Mom and Dad are pretty quiet about things that happen to us. They don't like to tell the stories because no one believes us anyway, except my great grandma. But she can't help us anymore because my grandma told her to stop feeding my imagination. What I am about to tell you is going to sound c...
My Beginning 2 by essiej
When we moved from the house in Goshen to the one in Elkhart, Mom and Dad watched me all the time. It was like they were waiting to see if anything weird would happen here to. I got to pick out which room I wanted and I picked the biggest one. But it was the coldest one. We couldn't do a thing to ge...
My Bengal Cat Peeves's New Call - Moo'woo by mortal888
I've always considered stories like the one I'm giving as nonsense, but if it were all nonsense I wouldn't be here I guess. Come to think of it, I've never heard of a ghost animal story about an animal that didn't belong to the person telling it. I googled my subject to look for answers and wound up...
My Best Friend by MikePK
I am typing this so my best friend, who is sitting right next to me, will know what I think of her before, or not, I move. I am not entirely sure if I will move, but I'm hoping that I will stay with her for as long as I live. My name is Michael and I am 16 years old. Everything began when I first m...
My Best Friend - Ivy by Reqless
My name's Tara and I'm scared. About 5 years ago, my mommy's best friend, Ivy, passed away but before that, she was also my best friend. Ever since she died, some strange things has been happening during these past few years, although they've stopped now, the feeling that I experienced those yea...
My Best Friend And Her Demon by FamishedZero
My friend thought that she was going insane when she first started seeing things. On November the 15th, 2011, she had the courage to tell me what it was that she was seeing. Being open minded and having experience with demons and such, I didn't rule out the possibility of a other worldly 3rd party b...
My Best Friend and His Ghosts by phunkyd
I have always had an interest in the paranormal, as a child, I found reading ghost stories was more fun than playing with Barbie's. I am 26 now, but at the time of meeting my friend's ghost, I was just 16. My best friend Michael had always claimed his house was haunted, but like a good 'ghost tr...
My Best Friend Returns by RachelChum
When my family and I lived in our old house (7 years ago) there was a young couple with two children and three cats who lived across the road from us. When their marriage broke down, the woman took the children and 1 of the 3 cats. About six months later the husband abandoned the house and the remai...
My Best Friend Uncle by luisma
As I said before, I grew up in Dominican Republic and lived in the same neighbourhood for a long time. I have a close friend that I have known since we were about 10 and he is closer to me than my brother. In my previous story I pointed out that strange things happened at his house. Well here is one...
My Best Friend's Ghost by tamsin
This isn't one event, but a few different events all with the same (presumably) spirit/ghost/entity/whatever. This is my first story on this site, so excuse my poor writing skills. I am currently 17, living in Perth, Western Australia. The events in this post have occurred over the past few years si...
My Best Friends Ghost by cheercat
Let me start off by saying I am not particularly a scaredy cat however, when it comes to my best friends old house I now turn in to a clinger who can't step foot in the basement without another human being by my side. Back in middle school my friend Christina invited some friends over to play with h...
My Best Friends Visiting Me? by iKaaren
Ever since two of my best friends passed away this year, I've been having some... Experiences. As in cold spots, feelings of being touched, things falling etc. I remember approximately a week or two ago, I was sitting on a couch in the living room (which is located downstairs; we have another ups...
My Big Brother Lives On by LBReyes
This is a very personal story, My only older brother died on 10/07/2014,leaving so many unanswered questions and sadness behind, you see he killed himself. In just about 3 weeks before his death something happened to him, and we don't know what and will never know, all we know is that in those last ...
My Biggest Regret by callmeD
Initially, "CHILDHOOD CURSE," was going to be the only story I post. Though it seems the community on YGS has taken an interest on the rest of my life. I do not know how to feel about it. Whether to feel flattered, inspired or otherwise, I have decided to post another one of my ongoing brushes with ...
My Biography Of Supernatural Experience by KRock21
I'm Kevin; I am 27 years old and live in South Florida. My story begins many years ago and still has relevance to this day... Which is why I have decided to write this. Maybe someone reading this will have an answer or advice. Here it goes... It all began as a child. I always had an elevated percept...
My Black Cowboy by Kota
My story is similar to the other one but it is pretty different than that one. When I first noticed The black cowboy I was laying bed at age 7 and my blanket kept moving, so I screamed for my mom and she told next time that happens to tell it to leave me alone, so I did. That night after I screamed ...
My Black Hooded Guardian by sjdillon
I have always had strange experiences, and seen things I can't explain. This is one of those times. I had been living in Germany for a year and a half before I saw him first. He just appeared in the corner of my eyes in the beginning, but I could see a black hooded figure, almost as if he was wearin...
My Black Shuck by Spooner
This experience happened to me at the age of 13, I was moving close to the Thames River in London. Me, my mother, and my older brother, whom was 18. We had two dogs, Chewy our Chow Chow, and Marco our black Labrador. After a few weeks of moving into our new home, we had neighbors knock at the doo...
My Blackberry And My Mom by Kindly_refrain
I am encouraged to submit my second ghost story to YGS, since people have been very kind regarding my first submission titled, "Eldon House Shoes". This submission is not the same level of encounter by far and some may even discount it completely. I will let you decide on that. This took place in Lo...
My Boy Alex Might Not Be So Harmless by calicounter
Alright so please bear with me, I'm not the best writer on the planet and my story is a little confusing to try to explain. I'll give a little insight about myself in hopes that, maybe, that will help. I am a 20yr old female who has always had the ability to see, hear and occasionally speak to the "...
My Boyfriend by Rishi
I am writing to see if I can possibly get answers. I will tell you about some of my experiences but I mostly want to see if someone could help me answer about my boyfriend. Ok, I never really had any scary type of situations but I remember the first time I had ever seen anything was when I was a...
My Boyfriend Is Eating Pizza And I Can't Move by Fanny
Hey All, I have been visiting this site for about a month and I keep meaning to send a story but every time I try it's been disabled. I have a few stories but I'll tell you the most recent as it just happened last night and scared the wits right out of me. My boyfriend bought his house in J...
My Boyfriend Was Attacked by a Demon by jessy
This is my ex-boyfriend's story. The same story that got me interested in the other world. I wasn't there when this happened, but here is the story he told me; Apparently, one night while he was laying in his bed, not quite asleep yet, he felt as if a hand were going through his chest, and grabbi...
My Boyfriend's Basement by Danielle
My boyfriend lives in the basement of his grandparents house. They would always tell me stories of a ghost down there. It always included someone yelling their name and when they went to check out who it was, no one would be around. I never experienced any of this the numerous times I had stayed the...
My Boyfriend's Dad by Adb0423
My boyfriend has the extraordinary gift/curse of communicating with spirits. Just one of his many gifts! He has the ability to see into your past and feeling your emotions (empathy ability). No doubt he has been richly blessed with all of this. Now, about a month ago (end of January beginning Feb...
My Boyfriend's House by DannyBaby
This event or should I say events took place at my boyfriends house. I now currently live with him, but anyways the actual first time I went to his house was when everthing started up again. Let's whine back a little bit. As for you who haven't been on my profile yet. I am able to see, hear, speak, ...
My Boyfriend's House And Its Little Friends by jonesss
I never really talked about it with people who might know more about it, so I really hope someone here knows more. Me and my boyfriend got together about a year ago. We talked about what we liked and believed. The same music, the same movies and we also both believed in paranormal things. I perso...
My Boyfriend's House on an Island Off the Coast of Iceland by Patch
This is my 2nd story on this web site and this one has nothing to do with my previous one. This one happens at my boyfriends house, I've been living here since February with nothing seriously paranormal happening until This Saturday. The first week I was living here I did see an apparition in my ...
My Boyfriend's Mother by sferro
My story began a few years ago when my boyfriend Zach's mother passed away from cancer at 54. She knew she was going to pass so she took great care to do it her way. She set up a hospice nurse at her home in Prescott and had her family around to take care of her. She got very ill and Zach was told t...
My Boyfriend's Place by blue_raven80
My boyfriend's condo is located in Pasay City here in the Philippines. He lived there for almost 2 years then he left because of some unusual occurrences which he said was triggered by me. I will not disclose the name of the condo and I hope you will understand. The place is near an area where so...
My Boyfriend's Place 2 by blue_raven80
As I have mentioned with my last post, my boyfriend to a place 6 blocks away from my residence. He moved there mid of last year. It is an apartment and he is on the second floor of the building. He was the one who scouted the place and I just accompanied him to get my opinion about the place, if ...
My Boyfriend's Place 3 by blue_raven80
It's been a while since my last post because I was really pre-occupied with work and school for the last few months. Anyway, if you remembered my story about my boyfriend's place, I forgot to mention that there is a ghost there that slams the bedroom door. Here's the story. When my boyfriend move...
My Brand New Haunted House by overrated_07
My father was in the Navy until I was 18 years old. Spooky things have happened in many of the places my family has lived, but our home in O'Fallon, Illinois was the worst. My parents planned on retiring from the military so they bought a brand new house. We lived here 2006-2010, my 8th grade to jun...
My Brave Brother by sn
A little about me before I start. I come from the Pacific where black magic and paranormal activities are somewhat common. I'm not a good writer so bear with me. I will write what I can remember. Let's start with what happened recently about 2 months ago. My family and I just got home from vacati...
My Brief Experience At Alcatraz by FantomeNocturne
As much as I believe in ghosts and have had experiences throughout my entire life, I'll be honest... When my family and I got to Alcatraz in the middle of the day during our vacation to San Francisco, I didn't expect much of anything to happen. Especially not since it was absolutely swarming with pe...
My Brisbane Ghost Tour by Kelz86
My friends and I decided to go check out Brisbane's oldest cemetery, as I had been on a tour just few months before, after seeing what I'd court on camera they were interested. The only problem was this time I had my baby with me and it got rather strange. As we entered through the front gates in th...
My Brother by essiej
For the longest time, I was blamed for waking up my brother. He is eleven years younger than me. Our rooms are right next to each other, so when he goes to bed, it's basically lights, radio and TV out until he is sleeping soundly. Then I can quietly listen or watch what I like. Mama even got me some...
My Brother And I by Nadiri
This happened when I was a little girl, around 4 years old. It was late at night and my brother visited my room because he wanted to play. So I got out of bed (very quiet because my parents were downstairs and I was supposed to sleep) and started playing with my brother. Then my parents came upst...
My Brother And The Demons by ChloeIsHaunted
My father is a pastor. Satan hates Christians, and he especially hates pastors. Since the age of six, my brother has been getting attacked by demons. I do not remember any of these times, for it was a long time ago. However, there are some recent ones. The one that scared me the most happened ab...
My Brother is Experiencing a Poltergeist by Derek15
As you may know, I recently wrote a story about my experience in my brother's old apartment last summer. This time, it's not me who's experiencing things. It's my brother, and it's in his new apartment, just blocks from the one where I experienced what may have been his landlady's dad's spirit. We t...
My Brother Passed by phoebez4
My brother (andy) and I have been with each other our whole lives, we've spend cold homeless nights together and we always looked out for each other. He'd said to me that he will always be with me, no matter what. As he passed away, I broke down and was very fragile. I had kept seeing him, hearing h...
My Brother Still Guides Me by MaggieMay_Not
The last two memories I've shared have been frightening and negative. I thought I would skip ahead about fifteen years and share something that fundamentally changed me. Literally saved my life. It is very positive. Prepare to have warm and fuzzies. My husband and I have two children. When I had ...
My Brother Visited Me by DixieChick101
My brother died 2-26-08. (He was paralyzed) After I got through the funeral of course I missed him. How could I not? But there was also the intense desire just to hear his voice again. It was like that for all of us in the family. So I checked my answering machine and my parents' answering machine...
My Brother Was Innocent by Meldel
Shortly after my brother and his wife were married they rented an apartment on the 2nd floor. When their first child was six months old they did not want to take any chances with the little one accidently crawling out the door and falling from the balcony to the ground below. The summer had just ...
My Brother Watching Me by Katieheswatching
I'm only 15 and I have already had my first ghost experience. I'm supposed to have an older brother, about two years older than me My brother died when he was a baby. I have never really thought anything of it. About a year ago, we moved into our new house. Everything was fine until three mo...
My Brother? by Marialena
My family has a tradition in seeing some paranormal activities. Me, my mother and my cousin Lena are the "lucky ones". My mother used to see some shadows and some dreams which refered to the future. Lena, my cousin, before some year used to see some members of my family who are dead like my gradmoth...
My Brother's Birthday And The White Ball Of Light by Vampiress
I have four brothers. I usually say I have three, because I don't like thinking of the fourth. In chronological order, here we are: Kyle (18), Keelan, (14), Katy (me, 13), Brandon (9), and Konnor (4). Kyle died in a car crash when he was 8 years old. My mom and Keelan were in the accident. He di...
My Brother's Casa by jackeline
When I came home to Houston, Texas I got the surprise that my brother had bought a house, a big five-bedroom house in a humble neighbourhood. It has the feeling of a safe haven when you look at it from the outside but on the inside it's a different story. When I arrived in Houston I didn't imme...
My Brother's Death by Dannyhott
My brother's name is Jay. He died when he was 14 years old. He died of bone cancer. I have seen and heard his spirit many times. When I was about 2 years old, I heard a voice say "Watch Out" in a spooky voice. The next second, I was flying through the air. I got hit by a car. There was no one around...
My Brother's Demon by BaD
This all started when we moved into our new house, we have a lot of weird things going on here. I live here with my mom, step dad, younger brother Darian, 13, and youngest brother Devon, 11, we first started feeling things when we would go into Dev's room, it was always colder than ours, and darker,...
My Brother's Double by Lady_Bug81
In my first post, I wrote about seeing an unknown entity mimic my mother; in my second post I'm writing about the entity taking on the form of my older brother. One day when I was a teenager, I was at home and I was reading a really good book that I didn't want to put down, but my bladder was ab...
My Brother's Ghost Story by occulting_
I have three brothers, and one of them has this kind of terrifying story that I've always heard about from my family growing up. Looking back on it it's kind of funny now I've talked to the mother of one of these spirits. One night my family decided to go out for like half an hour and he was pro...
My Brother's House by shamby
My brother, Jeremy, used to live in a house near the center of my hometown, which is quite small. He lived there with a roommate, who we all called Goat because he would eat anything. Jeremy and his baby mamma (now his wife as of a year ago) weren't together at this point; she was living with her fa...
My Brother's Kitchen Ghost by girlie
It has been a VERY long time since I have been up here, but I think it is time to add some more recent ghost stories to the site. My family and I went to visit my brother at his home in Philly. We had been there before with no problem, but I don't know if I had just ignored it the first time or ...
My Brother's Last Request by Jookie
On the 10th of November 2006, my little brother passed away at age 7. It was a tragedy that affected the very core of who I was, and am. My brother and I were always close (me being the oldest and him being the youngest). I have always had the ability to sense, see and communicate with spirits. ...
My Brother's Trick by moonshadowsmom
This story took place in February 2018 in a suburb of Oklahoma City. My brother, "John," had a stroke at the end of December, which left him unable to speak understandably. He had been a heavy smoker, which probably contributed to the stroke. I didn't visit him often before the stroke because I have...
My Brothers Doppelganger by Lucas2248
29th of march at approximately 7pm: After dinner it is my job to wash up the dinner plates, me and my sister were the only two downstairs at the time of the event. I was stood in the kitchen facing the window with my hands in the sink washing the dishes, my sister was in the dinning room to my lef...
My Brothers Ghost Twin by Gantar180
I hid every ones real names with fake ones. I was 11, Sam (My brother) was 18, Dean (Also my brother) was 21. One day I had just woke up, before getting something to eat I decided to check in on my favorite online game. My brother Sam was in his room listening to music, my other brother Dean was ...
My Brothers Late Night Encounter by weabooghost
This story is from my two older brother's experience when they were in their freshmen years of college and it happened maybe around 2013. Both of my brothers and their former girlfriends were going to a friend's house who lives near the city. There are two separate roads that leads to the city, o...
My Buddy Is a Ghost by TryToFigureItAllOut
You know when you were a little kid and you had no one to play with so you made up an imaginary friend. Then once you got to be in your teenage years they fade away. Well I had at least 3 imaginary pals, I had Cloey, Allison, and Andrew. Now I named each of them because of the following reasons. I n...
My Buddy Upstairs by pilz-e1
I'll start off with a little background information. My grandmother has had our house since I can remember. When I was 5 years old my mother, older brother and I had to move in with Grandma because Mom was pregnant and we had nowhere else to go. Mom had my little brother within a few months of livin...
My California Ghost Stories by HawaiiFemme
Story 1 When my sister was about 9 years old, she was alone in my room praying her rosary. Suddenly, she heard the sound of books from my bookcase falling to the floor although none actually did and the room turned red. She ran out of my room and unfortunately, that was the last time she ever pra...
My Captain by wolfeyes7777
I met "Captain" a little over a year ago. He's rather quiet, had a very hard life and was killed during the Civil War. Sometimes he still chooses to appear in his uniform. He decided to stay with me and tries to warn me in his own way if something is about to happen. He tries his best to prepare...
My Cat by Ami1355
Almost about 2 weeks ago, my housemate and I bought a black and white 2 year old male cat. Everything was fine until almost about a week ago when we noticed some strange things. Our cat Jaspurr started to lose his appetite and wasn't as cuddly as he normally would be, his meow changed and he has...
My Cat And My Grandad by MarkMull
I've had a couple of experiences and I hope you enjoy reading them. The first if I remember correctly was many years ago when I was about 8/9 years old. My family had 3 cats, one of them was mine called Missy, a black and white short haired cat who was very affectionate. She developed a problem ...
My Cat Came Back To Say Goodbye by Mac_Barbie93
I'm 21 years old, we are Indians, from India settled in the United States. My parents are animal lovers and I've grown up with pets. We had daschunds when I was an infant and after they passed away from old age, we rescued two cats. Snaggle puss, a beautiful orange colored tabby that I rescued in 19...
My Cat Is Acting Strange by Cole_Harris
I've had my cat since he was a kitten (around 15 years). He's always been a little strange, but he has never acted like this. He was born without front teeth (he had canines, but nothing else), his tongue would always stick out, and he was more likely to act like a dog then a cat. A few weeks ago...
My Cat Is Terrified Of My Bedroom by ShadeSlovanika
So I just bought a house not too long ago, back in November and I moved in. I've been pagan since I was about twelve so when strange things started happening around my new place in January I didn't really think much of it. I'm used to the ideas of spirits and ghosts that are still lost on our plain....
My Cat Kari by bumblebee55
This happened just last night, and I don't know how to explain it. So I have a cat named Kari (pronounced CAR-ee) and sometimes she likes to play in the bathtub. (I don't know why, she just does.) So here is what happened. Last night I was reading some books, and I had to go to the bathroom. So ...
My Cat Returns To Stay by JosephC
Nearly eight years ago I rescued a sick kitten from the streets of Queens, NY, near my home. I kept him and he and I became such good pals that I couldn't imagine life without him. Sadly, like so many cats, he began to succumb to kidney disease, even though he was only eight. He wasn't eating, wa...
My Cat Sees Them by Morgan of unknown
Ever since I saved this cat... I have seen ghosts. The cat's name is Kelly. The first weird thing happened when she sits and relaxes. She always focuses on the kitchen. My other cat doesn't but she does. She stares at it for hours, watching something. My mom says that she's looking at the window sha...
My Cat Shuby by windsong
I've always been a cat lover and have had cats since I was very young. I had a cat named Shuby. She was as sweet as could be with her plaintive little meow. She was a fairly large cat: at one point she grew to be 17 pounds. We don't know how or by what, but she got bitten when she was 9 or 10. As th...
My Cat Thomas by Big_J
My name is Jens Wardrop I've just witnessed the ghost of my cat... Or I think I did anyway read this and tell me what you think, I'm open to anything right now. This actually happened about 15 minutes ago. I got so freaked out that I searched up cat-ghosts and found this site. 1 year ago my c...
My Cat Toffee by woody_wrinkles
I have never experienced any supernatural things in my life before. My Cat, Toffee, died on the 17th April 2010, she had to be put down. I found her outside a shopping mall; she was a stray. I felt sorry for her so I took her home - thinking I could take her to an Animal Shelter the next day. A f...
My Cat Visiting by LauralouCornishgirl
I'll start by telling you a little about my cat. Toffee wasn't really our cat to start with, he belonged to an elderly lady 2 doors away in my street, he used to be jittery and nervous when passing through my back garden during the summer either 2009/10 (we'd moved in May 2009) any way I broke the i...
My Cat, Fifi by Mac_Barbie93
On 16th July 2015, at 9:21am, I lost my 19 year old cat, Fifi to multiple organ failure due to old age. He was my best friend, and companion since I was 3 years old. His previous owners abandoned him, and my dad took him in when he was probably a year old. He came to us when he was fully grown, so I...
My Cat's Ghost by jessy
I was sleeping in my bed one night, and all of a sudden, I woke up and could not move. My 2 year old cat died about 6 months ago, she had a heart attack on the living room floor. While I was sleeping, I woke up and I felt like she was crawling on my bed, just like she used to do when she was alive. ...
My Cats by iez
To start with English is not my mother tongue, so please forgive my spelling or grammar mistakes. My now ex-husband had a cat when we started dating. An adorable fluffy cat named Blondie. I was really fond of her and took care of her together with my now ex for over 5 years. She would lay on the ...
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