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Ghost Stories in Category: Ouija Board / Seances: Page 1
The Slumber Party Incident by Linjahaha
This happened a long time ago in my teen years. You know. The years when you're daring and reckless! However, I was the one who 'knew' better during this particular incident. My two best friends-call them Dee and Val-wanted to have a slumber party. We had a previous one at Dee's house and had a lot...
Get Frightened-learn A Lesson by Linjahaha
This happened many years ago when I was a dumb kid, & messed with something I shouldn't have only to regret it later. My cousins, C., & K. (Just using the initials for privacy reasons.) lived in Cleveland. My folks would take us to visit with them quite frequently through the years when we were grow...
Quasi-ouija Prediction by Cornflower
When I was in my early teens I used to spend a few weeks each summer at my grandma's farmhouse out in the country. The house was very old, complete with a root cellar under the kitchen, and a rickety staircase. The front part of the house was bright and airy and happy, but the back part was gloomy a...
We Saw A Shadow Figure And Red Glowing Eyes by whyismynametrash
A few years ago, I think it was in around 7th or 8th grade, we went on a school trip to Bad Tölz, Germany. From the beginning on my best friend and I -who both tend to pick up on energies at lot more than most people- already felt something was just off about the place. But it really kind of esca...
Something In The Basement by blksabbath74
My home has an un-airconditioned basement that we use primarily for washing clothes, keeping the dogs, and storage. When it's not too hot or cold outside, I will go down there sometimes at night to do group chats with friends after my wife and kids have gone to sleep. One evening, while down there, ...
Warn Bobby by Wyvernshade
When I was about 10 years old, my mother and a next-door neighbor named Margaret Lowery, in Palo Alto (alleged to be a medium) were on the Ouija together one night. We'd often go over to our neighbor Margaret's house to do this, and my older brother would also attend, and several of his friends as w...
Experimenting With A Home Made Ouija Board As Child by DarkDaisy_13
About 10 years ago, I experimented with a home made Ouija board with my friends. This was the start of my paranormal activity fascination. (I'll tell you that I don't remember much of this story but thank god this was the time I actually wrote down my experiences, besides school experiences). In ...
The Board Game Incident At Primary School by MrWafirius
It was nearly 5 or 6 years since this incident had occurred in SK Pajar Sejingkat. I was in my senior years when this had happened. During this period, there was a spike of haunted game becoming famous among the kids of my school. Games like the Charlie Charlie Pencil, Bloody Mary, the Ouija board a...
Experimenting With Ouija Boards by occulting_
So, I have been making DIY Ouija boards for the past few years, to see if they do work and what would happen pretty much. A recent experience I had was a spirit that was passing by and I was trying to see if I could get them to talk through the ouija board I had brought recently and the spirit i...
Do I Help The Spirit? by Lilypopsavage33
I am a fifteen year old female who moved into a new house a year ago. I used an Ouija board to communicate with a ghost. Her name is Carol and she died when she was ten years old. She wants me to find her body. I asked her how she died and she said buried alive. I asked her why she was here and...
The Nun Chased Me Away by thething45
Hey everyone. I would like to state that after reading other posts from folks on this site that I will NEVER AGAIN try to use a Ouija board ever again. I'm still curious about them but, as goofy as I can be, I won't push my luck on them:) My girlfriend (now wife) started college back in 2001. Sh...
Help! This Spirit Won't Leave Me Alone! by msecrose
This story starts back in September of 2019. We randomly had an Ouija board downstairs in our basement and it had been down there for years even before I knew what it was. One day I got the idea to just see what would happen if I tried it but I got nothing. Then on another occasion after that I trie...
Shadow Figure In Dorm Room by LaurenNH13
To give a little background, I'm originally from Canada, however, I went to a college in Texas for a scholarship. We all know the state of Texas is very religious and I'm not at all (this will play into affect later). A bunch of my teammates and I decided to mess around with a Ouija board. One of...
The Prankster Gets Pranked by Kezza011
This story happened in the late 80s when I was around the age of 16, I am now in my mid 40s. Around 6 of us girls were having a sleepover at our friend Monique's house. Just a side note as its important to the story, Monique's family were Dutch and all spoke Dutch fluently. She lived in the mid...
Grandmothers Name by Piggy_
When I was young (12-13 years old), I "played" with the Ouija Board with my friends many times (more than 7 times). I know, bad idea, but we didn't know that it's actually real. We always asked silly questions (e.g. Does xxx have to pretend having an orgasm, or questions about the future, what they ...
The Room And Ouija by bresys
I've posted plenty of other stories on here, and most of them have been more of a positive experience. The two I'm about to detail are the negative experiences in my life (all names changed, of course.) To start off, I live in a little village called Northfield, which is part of the town of Litc...
Exploding Planchette by annie16
I have posted a few stories on this site and in my first, I clearly stated that I have had 4 distinct experiences. However, today as I was reading through some of the stories, an incident popped into my head that happened many, many moons ago when I was around 13 years old (it could have been earlie...
Do I Miss It Being Here? - No! by Marymom
I always felt something unsettling in the 110-year-old house I moved into with my husband & babies in 1991, especially in the basement, which has crumbly field stone walls, low, unfinished ceilings, and is creepy even when sunlight is shining through the small windows. I always felt watched in the b...
More Than Just A Shadow Man by Alvara_Jane
I've been reading stories on here since I was around 12 and have finally decided to post a few of my own. I guess I should start with some introductions: You can call me Ally, although that's not my real name. I'm an Empath, and I've had a lot of supernatural experiences, some of which I don't und...
"camilla" Encounter by Skull_The_Demon
Last summer me, my twin sister, my step sister, my brother and my brother's friend were bored while hanging out at my house in Calgary Alberta. So we decided to make a paper Ouija Board. Keep in mind, we've done this before but have never gotten anything to happen. We used a normal cup as the planch...
A Lesson For The Prankster by Rex-T
The experiences I am about to relate, happened a long time ago and are seen through the eyes of a naïve 11 year old boy. In my attempt to stick to the truth, there may be parts that are vague, please just put this down to father time defeating my old memory. I am the 11 year old, with two brothe...
Strange Growling Sound by Hokustar
I would like to share my gratitude to finding this sight. I enjoyed reading other peoples experiences and would like to share one of mine. I have to first share that growing up, I was not brought up with religion or spiritualism. I will say that now, I am spiritual as I have come into my own spir...
Mistakes Were Made by NightlyEclipse
Recently I went to visit a friend (let's just call her Liz) in her new (ish) house. She'd told me stories about how she's always creeped out when she's home alone, how she's certain someone was watching her, occasionally she'd see the shadow of someone walking down her hallway, rattling of cupboards...
Ouija Board Gone Wrong by Slewis88
Myself and two friends decided to play an Ouija board. The first time we played with it it claimed to be my great great aunt (whom I never met but was told she supposedly killed 3 out of her 4 husbands) then after I got a bad feeling and stopped playing, it claimed to be my friend's dad. After she...
Ouija Board - First Contact by pokemon_trainer
BACKGROUND: My first time using a Ouija board was Friday 16th June 2017 in my bedroom with my sister. We made sure the room was dimly lit. We wanted to "test" the board by only asking a few questions before saying goodbye, just so we could ease ourselves into a proper session afterwards. Below is...
Inviting It In by MsTeek
Back in 2004 my older sister developed a curiosity for the supernatural and would secretly play the Ouija board with her friends in our family home. My mother had a few disturbing experiences with Ouija boards and did not approve of my sister playing with one. Around April 2005 was when we started...
A Nice Lad Called Ed by uju13
So I made this makeshift "oujia board" on a scrap piece of paper at my English class in school back in 2015/2016. I know that a lot of people people warn to "never play on this" and that it's dangerous but I did it (with my friends). This experience is not terrifying at all. DISCLAIMER: I did ever...
Ghost Summoning by Ainhoa
I would like to share a story that I have been told by my mom many times. In Turkey, there are customs in order to connect with ghosts or genies. There are as well professional people who practice sessions. My mom and her friends somehow found out how to summon a ghost. They were teenagers back ...
Psychic Circle by KikiGirl
As you may have read in my story, "The Haunted House - The Undertaker (and Family Stories) ", for a large part of my childhood, I lived in an "actively" haunted house. I describe it as actively haunted because the house itself was teeming with a populous of ghosts, psychic activity and paranormal ac...
Strange Ouija Experience: Coincidence Or Paranormal? by funeralmass
This story takes place in Southeastern Virginia, about 2005 or thereabouts, and is one of many unexplainable events that myself and others have witnessed in the home during the 40 years that I lived there. The house itself is a beautiful, three story Colonial in a historic district. It was built...
Why Is Nemo Coming Through The Ouija Board? by boleyh13
I was fourteen years old when this story took place. My family had lived on this property of 11 acres for over a decade. My grandmother's house being the original home, which sat in front of my childhood home. To my knowledge, nothing "paranormal" had ever occurred there. I lived in the house with m...
Saying Goodbye To The Ouija by Aliviashae
This incident is one that occurred about a month ago. Everything I write here will be portrayed in the exact way it was portrayed to me. First off, I am really sensitive to energy and whatnot; Everywhere I go and every person I'm with, my senses are on high alert. It has caused serious anxiety si...
My Little Emile, The Ghostly Girlfriend by Spiritseer248
This story takes place a little over a year ago. I was riding on a fascination with ghosts and spirits after playing through a lot of Fatal Frame over the course of two days, and wanted to see if there was anything to actual ghosts. I had never seen, heard, or felt anything paranormal in my life up ...
Ghost Engraving Words Part 2 by EggMcMuffin
Guys, things just got real. If you haven't seen it already, part one was basically normal ghost things, such as things moving on their own and whatnot. But I have a very... Unusual update. I decided to hold a seance, to try to actually talk to the ghost. I was really scared to do it alone, so I conv...
Ouija Board Demon by lexy3643
Hey everyone this is my first story. All my life I've always been impartial to ghosts and I have had a couple of weird experiences. So, I grew up in Bristol in the United Kingdom. My twin sister is a wiccan and we both have experienced ghosts etc. When we turned about 16/17 we both started going ...
Who The Hell Is Za Za by darkesgle
The only reason I'm on here is because I'm out of options, and I can't find a rational explanation. My name is Mark I'm one of the biggest skeptics you'll find unless I can see it feel it it ain't real. This all started at my friends house let's call her Emily. Emily was celebrating her twenty secon...
Homemade Ouija Board by brooke1378
So on August 18, 2016, me and my friends were texting back and forth about random things, like we always did everyday. Then somehow in our conversation the topic of ghosts and demons came up. One thing in particular regarding ghosts and demons... Ouija Boards. So we started joking around and sharing...
Ouijia Board Questions by Obohlemon
A few nights ago, me and 4 of my friends did the Ouija. We told all spirits that it was a safe environment and we would not repeat anything said outside the 5 of us. For that reason, I will not go into too much detail of what happened, however, I feel I must tell you that we got a spirit who I belie...
It Came From The Ouija Board by cityofangels
Some people will tell me it's all in my head, others will say I'm just plain crazy, but I still stand by what I saw, what I felt and what I experienced on a Halloween night in 2008, nearly eight years ago when I, a fun loving 14 year old, and my friend decided to play a nice friendly game of Ouija. ...
Of Cemeteries And Portals And Possession Part 3 by rookdygin
Part 3 21 July 1988 (Thur) Time: 2130 Class was short tonight, test review, only so much to review over a soldering practical. Good thing though as it has given me time to ensure I am packed for what tonight holds. I have my cards, crystals, crosses (1 crucifix), bible (w/scriptures marked), i...
A Hooded Figure Who Calls Themselves Tristan by heaven_of_ash
Recently I went to a friend's house and used a Ouija board. When I did so I spoke to one person then chickened out. That one person called themselves 'Tristan' and was actually quite nice. I was REALLY freaked out by the whole experience but I noticed when I was using the board and speaking to h...
Through The Ouija Board, Part 3 by katzifilth
The first time I used the Ouija board with my oldest sister was a brief, but memorable one. This was back when I was around 14-15 years old, and had already been through some experiences I have written about before. We have always been very spiritual and also into all things some call "paranorma...
Through The Ouija Board, Part 2 by katzifilth
After the first time me, my sister and our best friend used the board, we didn't touch it for a while. We were all pretty overwhelmed with what had happened, and it took it's time to fully sink in. But after some time, me and my bestie started to feel an urge (if you can call it that) to test the bo...
Of Cemeteries And Portals And Possession (part 2) by rookdygin
Date: 15-16 July 1988 Time: 00:15 Location: St Michael's Cemetery Pensacola Fl. Running late, class got out at 2330 almost an hour later than normal for a Friday. I arrived about 45 minutes later than I had hoped to. I entered the cemetery and made my way towards the tomb, as I got close I saw ...
The Open Door Of A Ouija Board by Manafon1
There are several cautionary accounts here on YGS of bad experiences people have had using a Ouija board. My experience isn't necessarily bad but a bit on the freaky side. Around thirty years ago, when I was between the ages of eighteen and twenty one, I experimented actively with a Ouija board....
Planchette In Hostel by Kokopat
This is my story which happened in the year 2011 in Delhi. I have many of my friends staying there and had gone to meet them. I had planned to stay there in my friends' hostel for 2-3 days and then come back to my home. That was the time I got introduced to planchette. I had heard a lot about Ou...
Ouija Boards Aren't Toys by kaykay3313
This story isn't mine. It is the story of not only my mother in law but my father in law as well. This happened to the both of them years ago, before my fiance was born, so 25+ years ago in a small town in California called Blyth. It's very close to the boarder where Arizona and California meet. ...
Multiplying Cards And A Disappearing Ouija by valkricry
I suppose the beginning of this particular event was back in 1988, with my son's birthday party. I don't know what the rational was, but someone thought the 'ideal' gift for a 7 year old would be a Ouija board. No card accompanied it, and no one ever stepped up as to being the giver. I remember ...
A Night I Will Never Forget by niko1937
One night during the winter of last year my sister, her boyfriend, and I decided to perform a séance to find out who had been haunting the boyfriend. We got all the materials needed and began the cleaning rituals before beginning. After cleaning and blessing the altar, we started the séance. We st...
Impeccable Foretelling by DrShivago
One evening in October 2012, I was at home pondering my life as a single 32 year old male. I was asking questions like "When will I meet Miss Right?" A thought came to me make my own Ouija Board. I'd played with one when I was 13 and it scared the pants off me but I'd learned that if used for the...
Ouiija... Not A Toy! by earthangel67
I believe I was around the age of 12 - 13 when my group of friends decided to give a Ouija board a try. I'm not definite of my age, as I tend to be pretty bad at timelines of my past, but that doesn't hinder my memory of the event itself, as it has had a long and lasting impact on my life and indeed...
Odd Feelings And Experiences by Armin
I was at a friend's house and we were trying to talk to one of her relatives, so we got on the Ouija board. We followed all the instructions, not playing alone and not asking certain questions. After a few minutes of no responses we were starting to give up and when we all took our hands off the...
My Mother's Ouija Board Experience by Afraidnolonger
I got the go-ahead from my mother to share her one and only Ouija board experience with the users of this site. It's not a terrifying or huge event, though I do think it's worth posting. Sorry it's a bit short but here it is. When my mother was around fifteen or sixteen, she went over to a frien...
5 Girls And Oujia Board by shelly_2429
My name is Shelly, I'm a 16 year old girl and I've looked at this site for years and have had many paranormal experiences, but this is my first submission. So earlier this year in maybe around May, June, four of my friends in our elective class drama decided to draw up a Ouija board. We were beh...
Stay Away From Ouija Boards by Parabol
I have more stories to tell from the same haunted location as my creek stories from last time. A quick rundown of backstory for those who haven't read the last one or don't remember: These stories take place in a more rural part of Pennsylvania that has few houses and is mostly open farmland. I beli...
My Ouija Board Experiences Two Hurt Friends by RedWolf
I am always telling people not to use the O.B. Now I will tell you why. My mother bought one when I was around 17 years old. We were cautioned to ask for a white light of protection before using one. My friends would come over to ''play'' with it. I could always feel others push/pull the planchette ...
Oiuja Board Experience by ginge1388
I would like to share my experience with a Ouija board from around 8 years ago. A group my friends and I constructed a rudimentary Ouija board out of paper and a glass. We dimmed the lights and made sure that everyone in the house was in the same room, along with the dog. This house is an old Vic...
Ouija Board Trouble by amayanoelle
My family and I live in South Carolina, but my other family (my uncle, aunt, three cousins, and grandparents) live in Kansas. So about three years ago when my grandmother pasted away, my parents and I made the unruly journey to Topeka, Kansas. While staying in Kansas my mom, dad, and I stayed with m...
Zozo - The Ouija Meeting by Lily601215
You have probably heard the story of ZOZO the Ouija Board demon however this one is different. One normal day; around 3 days after I moved out of my parents house I was just walking around exploring the attic when I can across a big book shelf all of the stories were quite old and the books were ...
What Do I Do? Zozo Encounter by MaskedRosarie99
Everyone, yes I am new here. Yes, people will most likely think I am lying for this, I can assure you, I am not. At lunch during school day, a few friends and I went into a room alone. Two sat out only watching, while my friend Sam and I did the Ouija board. We asked if anyone as there, we got...
Unexpected Ouija Encounter by bghomagnet
Before I moved to Kansas a few years ago, I experienced something that terrified me while living in my Grandmother's house in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. I heard about the Ouija Board, and I wanted to try it. Now mind you, I knew the dangers it held, but I was a kid and I didn't think of the danger...
The Debacle Ouija Board Created by suman_4141
This incident happened when I was in school, probably in grade 6. I and bunch of my friends were really obsessed with paranormal stories and we had a complete fascination towards Ouija boards. Now, we didn't know whether it was a ruse or it really worked, so we decided to try it out. One day at s...
An Unwanted Friend by Ducksoda
Two years ago, my best friend asked me if I would use a Ouija board with him because he was afraid to do it on his own. I told him that he was being ridiculous and that there was no reason to do it because the paranormal didn't exist. He was persistant so I thought I'd be a good friend and do it wit...
I Will Never Forget This Experience by chayito
My family and I moved into this house. It was nice for a while until I felt like I was being watched. My brother and I would always watch the show Ghost Hunters. I was just so fascinated with it. So one day I tried it myself. I only recorded for 20 seconds without saying anything and what I got ...
The One And Only Time I Tried An Ouija Board by YouAreMySunshine
My brother went to Toys "R" Us and bought a Ouija board. At first I thought we shouldn't bother it because it may be evil, but they talked me into it. That night it was me, my brother and 3 other people. We set up the board, placed a coin on it and said a prayer before we started. These are the q...
Ouija, Won't Ya - Heck No by valkricry
This is not my story, but a shared experience of my parents. One they did not readily share with us kids until we were grown. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure they shared it with all of us, and I only heard it after asking my Mom point blank why in a household of divination paraphernalia (used by my ...
Twins by webkinzlid
In 2010, I was living in a very small town in northern Michigan and had a few friends up there who lived right near me, on the same road. We were always hanging out together, playing on the beach right near my house in the summer and sledding down every possible hill in winter. One day, though, my f...
Ouija by Okayyouthere
Everything started one year ago. Since then strange things have happened in our house a lot of times and it's getting weirder and weirder. Neither my sister nor me can explain what's going on but let's start from the beginning. Ok so around five years ago my family moved into that big, old house...
Playing The Card Game by Sam222
First of all, I would like to say that there is this game just called "The card game", I wouldn't really consider it a game though, because game have objectives. The card game is a way to communicate with spirits (depending on what you believe). It's kind of like the pencil game/Charlie Charlie, but...
Ouija Ouija Is Anyone There? by TheYoungExplorer
Heey guys! This is my first story on this website, I've found it a couple of weeks ago that's when I used the Ouija board, yes I know that I shouldn't use one but the curiosity got the best of me. I'd like to say I am 13 years old and no I am not faking, I'm not that type of person, so if you think ...
Experimenting With Ouija Board by spookie1
This is my second story. First I want to thank everyone that commented on my previous story. Okay here goes. I'm a 16-year-old male and I live in Pretoria, South Africa. I am very interested in the paranormal and love experiencing paranormal things, that's why I decided to make an Ouija board a m...
The Things They Know by WesternWanderer
I've only heard my father tell this story a couple times before, and only once did he tell me the full account -- or at least, as much of the story as he could bear telling. He told me shortly after I came home and shared with him my first, and likely my last, ghost hunting adventure in a demonic ho...
The Genealogical Spiritboard by Siinda
Spirit boards are notorious for having a bad rap. I used one a few times under the direction of my boyfriend\'s mother who blessed us with white light oil before we even got near it. A girlfriend of mine who was very much into green witchcraft got me hooked into mystical capers with her. Our experim...
Never Use An Ouija Board by girleye888
In started when I got my Ouija board and I never read the 'rules'. My friends were too scared so I did it alone. I talked to two people that day by myself. One was a little boy named Tim who was disowned by his parents and died in the forest. The other presence was much darker and for two questi...
Tall Black Shadow by sjd
While I was studying at college back in 2010 me and my college buddy's occasionally got bored in our spare time, me and 5 friends often spoke about what it would be like to try a Ouija board, everybody gets curious right?. I have always been a believer of life beyond death but nothing more. On a...
Ouija Is Not A Game by KennedyM
I have always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a child. I would scare myself half to death by watching shows on television about ghosts and demons and I would always be reading books about them as well. I have been fascinated by the Ouija board for as long as I can remember. It al...
First Time Ouija Board by Ashlynn1014
Let me first start off by saying I love the paranormal. Though I might be scared a lot too of it, I still love paranormal things. Lately I have been doing research on Ouija boards and really wanted to do this. I know what I was getting myself into. It was me, my cousin Summer, and my sister Arys...
Hooves by ADCJ
When I was about fourteen I was dating an older boy who absolutely adored me. I told him I wanted a Ouija board so he tracked one down on eBay for me. I tried to play with it a few times and nothing ever happened. One night I had some friends over and my sister, who's three years younger than I, a...
Ouija Scare On A Visit Home by DamonKnight
I will start this off by saying I'm an Irish/Canadian. I was born in Canada to Irish immigrants, raised for half my life in England and then moved back to Canada with my Dad (my parents were still together but my dad got a job in Canada) for high school. Suffice to say I have close friends and famil...
A Terrible Night With The Ouija by Charles_Edward
To set the scene, it was early JAN 2012 and I was hanging out with 5 of my military buddies; Kenny, James, Dino, Warren and Milton. I was celebrating the fact I was finally leaving operational duty and getting stationed closer to home. We had a few beers in my barracks room and Kenny asked if we...
Ouija Board - My Life Experience by rhysmoonwillow
This is my life experience with the Ouija Board. This happened when I was in my high school. Our girls hostel includes the college students who had their own wing. I had few good 3rd year college graduates as my friends. This helped in reducing the ragging part in hostel to a minimum. They used to t...
Contacting Victoria Hellstrom by Lizbob
I live in Dubai, a very religious place except the main religion here is Muslim. Because of this, not many people talk about and experience the paranormal. It's still a fairly new city, not a lot of history, no wars or anything, so there would be no reason for there to be any lingering spirits unles...
Railroad Spirit by traycandii
My mother bought me a Ouija board. My dad wouldn't allow me to have it in the house, and due to many SCARY experiences I've had (without a board) I was hesitant about it anyway. Well, today my friend and her dad wanted to give the Ouija board a try. The whole time, I was nauseous and had a bad g...
The Planchette by Flora23
What I am going to narrate is not my own experience, but my late maternal grandfather's (nanaji). My grandfather had died when I was just 11 years old. My grandfather was a guard in Indian Railway; he used to live in a bungalow at Kharagpur town which is located at West Bengal, India. The incide...
A Seance At The Old Bungalow by curiousDevu
I liked the idea of conducting seances. My first attempt at making contact with a spirit failed largely because my friend started asking the spirit to demonstrate its presence and it resulted in our planchette, a shot glass, shattering. It put an end to our little stunts for a while but we successfu...
Ouija Board Experience - Zaza, Elbk, A? by char13
I'd like to mention that my friends and I did ALOT of research on Ouija boards before we used it. I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING AN OUIJA BOARD, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE LITTLE TO NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THEM. This is my story about an Ouija board experience that happened over the weekend. I was having a sle...
Personifying Ghost by vigneswaran
I am a 17 year old boy and my cousin is 14 years old. We being teens did a lot of crazy stuff that includes ouija board. We were trying it in his house due to fear my cousin just removed his finger from the indicator, suddenly I felt a chill so closed the ouija and went to my house. After 2 weeks...
Seance With Friends by brendanbueno
Two nights ago, I had a couple of friends over for a night of margaritas and music. Just a fun night with my girls. I have this friend Emily, who is a wild one, and she suggested we do a seance in my living room. I thought she was crazy, and didn't really feel like participating. However, I fell ...
Voices And Ouija by barely_here
This isn't just ONE story here, this is a background of what all I have experienced. While I have never seen anything (other than the "something in the corner of my eye" thing), I mainly hear voices. Sometimes quietly, sometimes too, too loud. They always either say my name (Brianne and/or Bri) or t...
Playing With Fire by Krom1987
The story I'm about to unfold is one that has haunted me for slightly over a decade now, but is just one (technically my first) of the many stories I have to tell of my, and my fiancé's, paranormal experiences. I live in a small town, south of Sandusky, Ohio, in one of the flattest topographica...
Craigslist Your Ouija Board by Walks_on_Clouds
I'm always on the local Craigslist site looking for a bargain, something odd or unique or something that I can use for my art and found an interesting post in the FREE STUFF category a few months ago. A person was offering his Ouija board for free. He wanted it gone immediately! The post stated ...
A Weird Ouija Board Experience by Elizabeth_L
So, even though I've tried many times, I've never been able to actually make a connection with a Ouija board. The strangest thing happened about 10-15 minutes ago, though. I was sitting in my dining room and decided to get my old board out. Now, normally I wouldn't do this in the middle of the day, ...
We Called An Angry Entity... And Made Friends by kitfoxpup
I live in Southern CA, in the city of Burbank. I used to live in a house on the street of Andover, the address of which I'll keep separate, simply because I don't live there anymore and I can't quite get their permission to disclose it. The night before my family and I were going to move into th...
Pendulum Scare by thatkidmina
My boyfriend took me to his friend's house because I wanted someone to use the Ouija board with me. They would not let me inside the house with it. I had to leave it on the porch. They finally let me bring it inside a little later. They explained to me how their house was haunted and they consta...
Bad Tarot Card Experience by stargazer_44
As far back as I can remember (around three and four) I've had experiences with the supernatural. My dad isn't a strong believer but my mother and her father are very religious and are constantly warning my siblings and me about the spirit side. Even though my father isn't really a believer, my sibl...
Ouija Board Surprise by naveennasa
My name is Naveen Pradeep and this is my 2nd experience I am sharing in this site. The experience that I am sharing now happened during the days after my graduation. My mom had the hobby of contacting spirits (only that of our close relatives) to seek answers during our hard days. She used a Ouija B...
My First, But Not Last Ouija Experience by DarkFlames95
Let me just state that, I have always had paranormal experiences since around the age of five and have been interested at the age of six. (I know weird, but I ignored all of the experiences until I finally opened my eyes a year later). So anyways here we go. I was ten years old, living with my br...
The Glowing Orb And Talking To A Dead Family Member by Kirsten83
This is my first story on this site. I have had a few weird experiences I my adult life, but they are not concentrated around one period or one place, so I hope you don't find them to mixed-up. They are not the most crazy or wild accounts, but here goes. The first time I really experienced someth...
Dangerous Games by Vasrod
This story happened about a month ago. I've lived most of my life in the US, but the past 3 years I've been here in Colombia studying my career. At college, when there's a free period, a group of friends and I usually just gather around and talk about homework or simply play cards, normal stuff. One...
Ouija Board Aftermath by Jeanene23
I already feel sort of silly for saying all of this, but I would like to see if anybody has experienced similar things. To be honest, I am an Atheist, and for many years I was skeptical about ghosts (yet I still found the topic to be interesting as a kid). Just a few short years ago my sisters a...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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