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Ghost Stories in Category: Old Hags / Night Attacks / Sleep Paralysis: Page 1
Weird Experience In A Newly Opened Hotel Room by Akkikad
This is my second story here This happened to me in 2016 when my company sent me for a training to Chennai. I was based out of Bangalore that time. The company had booked a room for me in newly opened hotel belonging to the noted international chain of hotels. It was situated on OMR road. ...
Breaking The Chains Of Sleep Paralysis: My Journey by MythBelieve
I've come across numerous posts here about sleep paralysis, so I thought I'd share my own experience. My journey with sleep paralysis began shortly after I started working in 2008. Since the early days of my career, I've worked a variety of shifts - sometimes early mornings, other times late nights ...
Hypnagogic Hallucinations? by Self
I have had many different types of "visitations" from my point of view. From dark figures in my bedroom doorway that I couldn't really see no matter how hard I tried, to being picked up off my bed by an unseen person/entity, having someone or something grab my ankles while in bed and try to pull me ...
How Do I Get My Normal Life Back? by MPS
This happened to me when I used to live in Varanasi. As I had mentioned in my previous posts I live with my husband and son. My husband is in a transferable job so every 2-5 years we shift to a new city. We came to Varanasi in 2017 and were living in a government allotted bungalow. Everything was fi...
Bad Dream Or Sleep Paralysis? by Rattler27
I recently stumbled on this website and I'd like to get your take on an experience I had two years ago. First a little back ground. I'm a twenty-seven year old construction worker. I've never done drugs and at the time of the story I had and still have stopped drinking alcohol. I'm what my mot...
Night Horror by 00786
Assalam o alaikum (may peace be upon you) Before starting the story let me excuse for any grammatical errors as English is not my native language. A little background: My family and I live in a house that belonged to my grandfather but before that it belonged to his grandfather so it's an ...
My Sleep Paralysis Type Of Experience (30 December 2018) by abyx
Sleep Paralysis; this is a fairly new subject of research for me but also for most other people. I would say the subject started being researched about 20 years ago, but the phenomenon was allegedly always known through history. People used to attribute it to demons, ghosts and other malevolent enti...
Frightening Experience At Night by SashaLA
This happened to me last month when I had been to my hometown Goa, for a vacation. We have our own flat and this incident occurred there. On 10th Jan 2022, around 2:30 AM. The bedroom which I was sleeping in has 2 windows adjacent to each other. Suddenly I heard footsteps walking from one bedroom ...
An Old Parsi Hotel by Asleep
This will be my first submission to this site. I am a regular reader of Real Ghost Stories since very long time. This is a real incident which I experienced during March, 2019. My wife and I, along with a friend and his wife, planned a weekend getaway to a nearby beach. It was approximately 2 hou...
They're Friendly by Limey
Before I relate my story, I would just like to say for the record how irritating it is to see so many infantile time wasters submitting stories that are clearly works of poorly written fiction. But here's my story. I can't say exactly when it happened, but it was in the neighbourhood of ten years ...
Hallucinations Or Illusion by dhariniraman
I am avid reader to this website. First of all forgive my English grammar. I am from Chennai, Tamilnadu. I have had this experience for a very long time. I had a hallucination of some being pressing my right or left hand. And I am unable to move them at a particular time. And if I am turning thi...
2pm Terror by Episodelover413
This is my 1st time writing a story on YGS. I will come to my story without wasting any time. I live in Bangalore, a metropolitan city in South India with my mom, granny and youngest uncle and aunt. My dad left me when I was a baby and my grandpa expired in 2019 due to cancer. It was 2 pm and my ...
Sleep Paralysis Over The Years by TheSweetDevil23
It has been some time since I had stopped having nightmares every night. Like the past few years, I can count on the tip of my fingers about the instances where I had seen such dark dreams that I used to get emotional the whole morning after waking up. Maybe it has to do with a lot of things I had...
Loopy Nightmares And Out Of Body Experience by shiz98
Yesterday night, it was pretty late when I went to bed - around 3:15 am. Few months ago I started this habit of sleeping late due to work, and sometimes for binge watching Netflix. Suddenly I felt like a weird vibration going around in my body. Kind of like "buzz" sound in my head. I started feelin...
Sleep Paralysis Or Is It Something More? Help Needed by CaitlinMirren
I have been experiencing this for at least two years now. I moved back in to my old childhood home with my boyfriend and things were good. He started having vivid dreams of a demon and started having night terrors, something he said he hasn't ever experienced until he moved in with me. In the dream ...
Black Mass by Twilight1011
It's been quite some time now, since I have posted another one of my experiences here, so I figured it's finally time that I write this one, which I have been wanting to share for awhile now, before I forget too many details about it. I can't remember exactly if it was this past Spring, or the en...
Daytime Dark Shadow by beautifulalabamadisaster
I have always been a believer of the supernatural, and I always enjoyed watching shows about people who have had an experience somehow. I had never had anything happen to me personally that I could say without a doubt, was supernatural. On my way to work one day I was listening to a radio talk sho...
Outstanding Sleep Paralysis Episode #2 by blckwdnsdy
You became the first place I go to if I need any advice or if I feel something is wrong. Your opinions always helped me, they opened all kinds of doors that made things clearer for me. I am sorry if I post a lot or if some of my experiences are not so "out-of-the-norm", but I feel the need to discus...
Continuous Sleeping Paralysis? by svishal121
My name is Vishal. I am a passive reader of this site. And this is my first experience I m going to share here with you all guys so please forgive me if I have any grammer mistake. This goes way back when I was a high school student. I don't know how to explain this all so I will get into the poi...
Outstanding Sleep Paralysis Episode by blckwdnsdy
I am writing this, because something is really bothering me, frightening me and I want to know more things about this, but I don't really know how I'd be able to do so. For those who've read the other stories I've posted, you know that I mentioned sleep paralysis. I completely understand how it's...
Update On My Hauntings by Alliedragoncat
I've now experienced sleep paralysis more... I have also communicated with one of the spirits I saw during one of those states. He is the large, black mannequin. He is pitch black, with only white eyes showing. He's tall. Tall enough to reach the doorframe of my closet, where he usually stays. He...
Was This An Attack? by Azzopardi
Throughout the years I've had many encounters with spirits. Some of them were just greeting me and others were helping me with small or big things in life. However, this story is not about these friendly experiences. Because I'm looking for your opinion on something that happened to me. Before I...
Jealous Ghost by Rozita000
This is about my brother, he is 34, good looking, athletic and very kind but he has been having a ghost problem for the past 4 years. We are not sure how it started or why! There are things that get misplaced and he was grabbed by his feet and shaken at midnight, one night. It shook him so hard tha...
Kashi Milli by Rownin
Back when I was 18 years old, during summer vacation I was alone in my house. My family were out of state for quite long so, I was made responsible to look after the house. I was alone and the creepy silence of the house made me little uncomfortable to stay alone especially during the night. So I de...
Ghosties! Here We Meet Again by sweetsunshine1800
Hey,guys. It's been 3 years since I last posted. You know life gets you in its race. But I'm back with recent Stories that happened to my life from 2015 until now. Now there's a lot, so be prepared and take some popcorns and drinks as this is going to be a ride. So, after Ranchi, me and my dad m...
Bruises After Dream by Vixenne
The night before last, I had a dream a guy was forcibly holding me down by my arms and I kept struggling to no avail. The next morning, of course I didn't suspect it to of been anything other than a dream, but when I looked at my arm below my wrist I noticed a bruise and when I pressed it just barel...
Harassed By Spirit? by Ribs1993
Hey, I am new to post something here. I have been an avid reader for couple of years. I decided to try to write my story and I need some advice or information regarding my experience. This started when I was teenager around 14 years old. I started to develop sleep paralysis. But I thought it was ...
Sleep Paralysis Events by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia (dad house) and ex office place in Kuala lumpur. I would be consider this story to be sleep paralysis category. I encountered a lot sleep paralysis throughout my life, mostly during my teenage years. But there is 2 time that I got a very intense sl...
Pitch Black by Ranarian_R
My family had received news of my maternal grandfather's death after his battle with pancreatic cancer; which meant we had to embark on a 4-hour long journey to the capital Kuala Lumpur (KL) for his funeral. And since we were his next of kin, we had to leave earlier to be present at the evening wake...
Energy Sucking Beings by Yy2u
This didn't happen today but I wrote it down when it had happened, so here it is: I had sleep paralysis today in the early morning hours maybe 3-4 am, when I had the paralysis I started thinking okay let me stay in this state and see where that leads, then I started imagining things in my head as...
A Visitor Last Night by annie16
This was so weird and I really can't explain it. Things have been a little tense at home this last week and a lot has been going on in terms of really bad things happening to very special people in my life. Last night I went to bed alone and was awoken by someone shaking my foot, I was sleeping ...
Divorce Made The Fix by Pasindu
This was truly happened to me about seven to eight years back. I got married about 8 years back to a nice girl from Kurunegala and she did not had her father and living with her mom. I met her when I started working in a company after returning to Sri Lanka from my studies. She used to call an...
Pressure, Tugging, And The Unsightly Bruise by Aporetic
Not too long ago I posted a comment that I'd thankfully never experienced anything spooky - except for the disembodied voices that may be seen as such - but that's since changed. The first thing I do when I get out of bed in the morning, unless I urgently need to use the toilet, is check up on m...
Paranormal Experiences Related To Mind-altering Drug Usage? by alexandrapr369
I stayed living in Puerto Rico for maybe 5 more years after my experiences from my last post stopped. And even the first 3 years that I moved here to San Francisco, CA I did not experience anything paranormal. Until I noticed that, after I started having a regular meditation practice and also got a ...
Hag Pulling My Quilt by Sleeping-with-steve
I've been living in this unit I'm in for just over a year. Prior to this place I was living with my mother because I went through a divorce after a long marriage. When I first moved into this unit I had bad dreams and couldn't sleep all the way through until the morning. To start off with when...
Sleep Paralysis... Please Help by Ell11901
Alright so I have never posted anything like this so cut me some slack if this sounds really annoying. I have had sleep paralysis and demonic dreams since the age of 11 and they seem to just get worse especially in the past two years since becoming sexually active. The paralysis is a regular oc...
I Am Christian. What Was This? by helloimhere
Please approve this. I am a Christian and need help. I am a woman by the way, in college. I have had sleep paralysis only a handful of times. They have been terrifying experiences but don't last very long. I begin speaking in tongues (something I can't even do in real life) and the spirits scream...
Tandra by Anjaneya
To introduce I am having many unexpected and unexplained experience since my childhood. I have tried to chase every answer I could get. I would like to share a recent experience with YGS. I am learning the paranormal from the West as well as Vedic as well as Tantric Indian and corresponding texts. ...
Terror In Tarawa Terrace by wth_devildog
This story takes place during the summer of 2006 at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC. At the time I was a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps. My wife and I lived in the Tarawa Terrace II base housing area in a small little 2 BR 1 BA apartment/house. There were five conjoined units th...
It Pinched Me by Hermit
I suffered from sleep paralysis when I was still in college. In my dream I'm seeing a white lady with no face approaching me in a zigzag motion. It scared the hell out of me since I'm completely aware that I was just dreaming but couldn't move my body or even open my eyes. When she's almost few step...
Schizophrenia Or Incubus? by ForbiddenRose
I am 18 years old and have an incubus, or at least I believe I do, and I do not know what to. His name is Rhyder. He has been with me ever since a young age. Back then he was trying to hurt/kill me by sitting on my chest and I couldn't breathe; in a way I had to fight him. For a while he disappeared...
The Blue Me by mhyzthie_vHee
This happened in the same creepy house we used to live in a decade ago. It happened one night during a blackout, (or in Philippines we call it a brownout). I woke up in the middle of the night with my sister beside me sleeping and I can also hear my parents talking in the living room downstairs. It...
Strange Sleep Paralysis by Melintina
When I was about 11 years old my parents had split up and they moved into two separate houses. At my dad's house I got to pick my own room and I chose the master bedroom because it had a nice view of outside. I found out later on that my bedroom was the only part left of the previous house on the pr...
Lifted Back Up by Yee
Alright,This experience happened when me and my brother were sleeping alone. I used to have a lot of sleep paralysis episodes but now it happens rarely, anyway I had sleep paralysis one night and when I opened my eyes to look I found that my blanket is literally floating which frightened me, So I...
The Black Lady And The Girl by czamantha
I have been reading real ghost stories for quite sometime. I don't know why, but I found it very interesting though others think it's weird. But this is my first time to post my own experience which happens 8 years ago. I was born and raised here in Baguio City and all those years of staying here...
Sleep Terror by johndecourcy
My story starts some 20 years ago when I lived in London. My girlfriend had gone out with friends for a meal. I was tired and got an early night. I had a mug of tea as usual before bed. I read a little then went to sleep. I quickly fell asleep as usual. But this night I was awoken abruptly. Someone ...
Disturbed Sleep by Shezz
When I was fourteen and living in my old house in the rolling green hills of Somerset UK, I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. At the time I had never heard of it, and it scared me so bad that I couldn't sleep for weeks. But it was more than just waking up and being unable to move. I wo...
This Never Happened To Me Before by Scorpio_Rising
I'm just going to start off at the time this happened. Earlier today around 12:00 pm, I had just put my son to a nap and was about to take one myself. I lay down and put YouTube on my phone because I'm afraid without it on I'll get sleep paralysis. I been having this problem for the past four months...
Feeling "pressed Down" In My Bed While Sleeping by mikepapp
I am a healthy adult male, and I do not suffer from any medical maladies such as Bi-Polar Depression or related Anxieties. I have never been on medication, nor I have I ever been prescribed to be on any medication for these symptoms. I can remember (3) times in my life where this event happened....
Ghost In My Bed by colettestenhouse
This has happened two nights now. The first night I awoke to the feeling of something holding down my arms and legs, not being able to move. It finally let go. I was terrified. I felt like there was something still there. I then started to feel the hands walk slowly up my legs and hold them down aga...
Evil Force Inside Me by Jen1970
Some 23 years ago I was asleep in bed with my two-year old daughter at our home in Texas. It was dark and late into the night. We were alone. I was awaken by some sort or force or entity that somehow managed to get inside me. I don't recall feeling it enter. When I woke, I was frozen, literally froz...
My Most Recent Sleep Paraysis by cleanfood
This is my first story so here goes... I been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was a child. It happens more frequently the older I get (I am almost 22). I have had numerous real and alarming experiences but I will talk about those in another post. After I left for class yesterday I went s...
Need Help About Shadow Man by alone1303
I have been seeing this shadow person since I was little. I first started seeing him in my old house in Ohio. He is tall and all black with red eyes. He would watch me while I sleep. Some nights I would wake up and not be able to move and I would see him. I moved to Florida and I stopped seeing him,...
Was I Asleep? by Mishell
During 2001 I was living in a two bedroom unit with my then partner. During this time he was doing night shift and I was working early mornings. These experiences happened over five nights. I would go to bed quiet early and my partner had already left for work, I would fall asleep and after a few ho...
Is This Paranormal? by HunterJack
Friends! First of all please forgive me for my English. Because I don't know English grammatically. This is my first paranormal incident happened in my life. This has happened when I am studying grade 10. I am prepared for my board exams, everyday I spend overnight for studying. One day may be 1 p...
Was This Sleep Paralysis? by annie16
I stated in my previous stories that I had only had 3 distinct experiences. This one was not counted amongst them as I do not know what this was. I was 21 when my husband at the time and I had just moved into a new house in Arconpark, Vereeniging. About 2 weeks after we moved in my son was born. ...
2 People, Same Nightmare, Same Time! by saadsayed8
I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and I finally decided to share one of mine. I live in a city called Pune in India. I live with my parents and younger sister. My sister is 22 and I am 26. Lately, we have been having weird experiences in my house, from voices to shadow people, to my ...
Something Behind The Curtain Of My Bedroom by girl25
A few months ago even before the experience with my own doppelganger (and yes I am still alive), I had sleep paralysis -it was dark of course in my room and I didn't wear my glasses- I could see two hands moving slowly behind the curtain next to the shutters. They were like female hands. I was so af...
Demon's Actions Scars Me For Life by Jayteachout
This is not my first encounter with demonic creatures, but I'll tell you this story It was a typical day. In the year of 2014 The same routine the same long dragged out days of summer. Through my open window I felt a nice cool breeze of air that drifted me to sleep. Until suddenly I awoke in a st...
Was I Awake? by Sanchez_92
About 4 months ago I experienced something really unexplained. I was talking through text messages with my boyfriend at like around 1am. I could not sleep so I decided stayed up talking to him until late. Later that night, when it was about around 3:30am, I told him I was getting sleepy but wasn't g...
Bedtime Terror by OktaviaObinger
This happened when I was around 16 or 17 years old, at nightime. I was sleeping and I was dreaming. It was a silly dream about Ciceron, the roman guy who was a great lawyer at Rome. I had read a novel about him and that's why I was dreaming that. But the important thing is not the dream. I sudde...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something Else Maybe? by Mazzmarach
The title speaks for itself. My first story was about my girlfriend and her white spirit stalker. This one is about me and my bouts with what I believe to be sleep paralysis, and I'd like to have a second opinion. This all began one sunny weekend afternoon. I was feeling sleepy, so I took a nap i...
The Shadow That Stalks Me by CuriousCatLady
I'm not entirely sure of where to start with this. I don't really recall when this "shadow" started following me. I don't even remember the first time I ever saw it - which could be due to the dissociation I experience that is co-morbid with a psychological disorder I've had for years. The first...
Paranormal Or Regualr Sleep Paralysis? by wowbummerdude
I have read a lot on Sleep Paralysis (for those who don't know what it is, when someone is about to fall asleep, or just waking up from sleep, they can't move or speak, but they can move their eyes and breathe), but I am still uncertain on whether or not paranormal things can happen while experienci...
Seeing A Demon During Sleep Paralysis by Jay011
I've started having this terrifying series of sleep paralysis. As I am typing this, I've experienced this 4 times over the course of two and a half weeks, all of which that apparently a demon is wanting to torment me. The first time this happened, I awoke from my nap and suddenly felt a chill engulf...
The Night Of The Shadow Man by RandyKnapp
It was late one night when I retired to the couch for the night. I went to sleep and had the window blind open so I could use the fan on my window air unit. The street light lit the room with a soft orange light. I always keep my pistol close by when I am sleeping and this night was no exception. I ...
Suffocated While Sleeping? by Anny_Reece
I've been living in this house for almost two years now, and there has definitely been some paranormal happenings going on. Although I'm not going to get into them, I was just giving some background information. I was sleeping in the same bedroom as my 9 year old, younger brother. We were sharing...
The Black Figure: The Worst Sleep Paralysis by KXNGSD
I live in Las Pinas City, the southern part of Metro Manila. There is nothing spooky from where I live or my house but, I have experienced sleep paralysis. The way I see it, it is more like a tormenting, extremely unpleasant, haunting and dark type of sleep paralysis. It was around October-Novemb...
Floating In The Air by TheCavalry
I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times. This experience was quite different. I was about 15 years old and I was up late on a school night. I was dreading going to bed... I was looking for other stuff to do. I was avoiding my room altogether but I didn't know why. Finally, trying to be respo...
Is This Sleep Paralysis? by ThirteenStars15
I've been suffering from some kind of sleeping disorder for many years. What kind of sleeping disorder? I am not sure to say. I've tried searching up the symptoms on the Internet and the closest I could relate to is 'Sleep Paralysis'. But yet, I wasn't sure... For most of the examples I read on t...
Scary Experience Post My Delivery by strangelife
So am back after a long long time. Life just got so busy after my baby son. Job, looking after my baby and other household activities is so damn hectic. Was just going through the posts and remembered that I had to share one experience long before but just didn't get time for it. This happened r...
Sleep Paralysis, I Don't Know, I Am Looking For Answers by SleepyBoy
Ok well, let me start this by saying I have no prior experience with this website and I am seriously just looking for answers or at the very least some insight into what exactly has been happening to me. For starters I am 18 years old and live in Virginia, I have been here my whole life and I lo...
Spirit by Priyala
Growing up, I always had this feeling of being watched. I felt that someone is following me, measuring my every step. At night, when I used to sleep I felt someone breathing down my hair and something crawling up my legs. Whenever I was alone I could feel an eerie silence. Once I heard whispers. I w...
Lady Ghost Attracted To Me by shafishaik
This time I am going to share my second story with all of you. It happened 2 years before when I was coming from office. Our company provided bus facility from our colony to company. That day I had some extra work and not able to catch the staff bus. After 1 hour somebody was going from my offic...
3:00 A.m. Wake Up Call. What Could It Have Been? by jess_theturtle
So when I was 16 years old I was living with my father. We don't really have a good relationship so I would go to bed really early 8:00 pm at this time. It was late spring and one night I woke up at the time I didn't know why. For about three weeks I would wake up a 3:00 am on the dot. I still di...
Sleep Paralysis Or Something In The Attic? by FC_DUB
A quick background on this story: This takes place in the house I currently reside in. At this point in my life I was in my earlier teens and there was much pent-up negative energy in the household from constant fights with my family. This was the hardest point in time for my family to date, and ...
Strange Dream Or Something Else by lexi-loo
I don't have many experiences to share but I remember this one very well. It was a few years ago now. I was on my early twenties, still living with my parents. I'm pretty sure I was asleep. I was in bed, I was lying on my back but it felt like someone was lying underneath me with their arms wrapp...
Dream Or Real? by bangaloredreams
I read a story from deepak22 about sleep paralysis and I think even I have one experience bit similar. But I'm still not able to find out if it was a scientific or paranormal event. This was during my early working days and I was 23. I had just finished my night shift at a manufacturing unit and ...
Somebody Came Into My Room by Melintina
This story happens a few years ago when I was about 13 years old. My parents had separated a few years before and they now live in separate houses. I had always experienced something weird in my dad's new house. I am going to talk about one of the weirdest and most fascinating ones I have had. ...
Unexplained Scratch Marks by Kshaya_SL
This started to happen 2 or 3 weeks ago. My room is kind of a big room and is very open to the garden and I sleep alone. Everything was fine until this started to happen. Normally I sleep late night but everyday I woke up around 5.30 a.m. Since the beginning of this month (June, 2015), When I wok...
A Hairy Little Monster by Bela_10
My father is a pastor, so we are always moving to different provinces for my father's ministry. The last place we lived in is in this old Philippine National Railways building (built during Spanish colonial period in 1892). I was 8 years old that time. It was abandoned for many years, so my father's...
It Done Or Is It? by SalesaSeiuli
It was back in 2007, I was only seventh grade when I first experience a demonic vibe. So my mom was telling my siblings and I about the aikus (ghosts) in Samoa just to scare us to sleep and how the two sisters took our grand uncle. I would say their names but these names are never to be mentione...
Green Eyes Looking At Me by Immy
It was just after 11ish at night in the Christmas holidays, everyone had gone to bed (some were sill up reading). I was feeling a bit tired so I thought I would try to sleep. I turned off my light and lay down but try as I might I could not get to sleep. It got to about half past and I was still awa...
A Pressure That Took My Power by Sally1985
This is hard for me to say because I have read a lot of the stories and the critics are pretty tough. This is a true story with all my heart and I still wonder all the time what the heck it was that happened. I lived in a place called Big Bear Lake California for a very long time. Born and raised...
Associate Ghost by sushantkar
Here I am going to narrate an incident which had taken place during the summary of June 2005 with my elder brother and me. We all had gone to attain marriage of my maternal aunt's daughter at Satna, Madhya Pradesh (Central Province of India). My elder brother works in a Pune based MNC (Multi Nationa...
Should I Give In? by SegaGK
Lately I've been having a lot of Sleep Paralysis and bizarre sensations while I'm either very close to falling asleep or already asleep and waking up to a spinning/vibrating feeling. This happens almost every night and I'm starting to get kind of scared of falling asleep sometimes. I've read on...
Sleep Paralysis Or Reality? by AnksCutie
The incident I am going to share with you happened with me a year ago. First of all I want to tell you that I have a problem of frequent sleep paralysis but it wasn't that frequent when I was a child. This problem grew after that horrifying dream or reality that I faced a while ago. I used to liv...
Strange Presence In My House by 6ix2wo
I feel weird writing a submission however I have no one to really talk to. Anyway, my dad bought his house back in 2008 and the first time I notcied something strange was within that first year. Long story short me and the cat I got were in the old computer room. The door was wide open with my d...
The Girl Who Fell by suman_4141
Over the years, I have become really sensitive to anything paranormal. Even the occasional cold spots or the feeling of someone watching me freaks me out. But this particular incident brought me close to death. I was a freshman in an engineering college. I was living in a dorm with my three room...
Doppelganger Causing Me Sleep Paralysis by bhebhe
This is my first time to submit a story. Sorry for the grammar I am not good in English, hope you understand my story. Year 2012 me and my partner rented an small room located at second floor of the house (it was the only room there) the owner and her husband with their children was in the first ...
My Bed by Akashkrishna
I am an Indian living in Saudi Arabia. Since my childhood, I've been living in KSA. Now, it's been 12 years in my house and I hadn't experienced anything strange until last month. But since then something creepy has been disturbing me and my younger sister. It's been my bed in which I'm sleeping. La...
An Unforgettable Night At Terrace by ghostrider24
The incident that I am going to narrate had happened to me some 11 years back when I was in my early teens. Now am 25. I was doing my 9th standard at that time. Those were the days of March month my annual exams (what you call semester nowadays) got finished and probably I was enjoying my exam v...
Night Attack by Macknorton
My experience (100% true) took place in Melbourne, around 1993. I hadn't experienced anything remotely close to this before and haven't since. I was living in a house in Orrong Road with around 4 flatmates at the time. I had been living in the house for about a year, with no strange / unexplainable ...
A Moment Of Fear by Shahzad
I am new to this site and doesn't know how to write it but I am trying my best to write my story so that everybody can read and understand it properly. It was march of 2012 and I with my mom has gone to my native village for my relative wedding ceremony, we were very much busy in post marriage prepa...
The Worst by justcecilia
I was just from reading some psychology quotes off twitter about diet and tricking your body and all that when I came across this site that explained how you can actually see your dreams. Like you can be awake and watch your dreams like a movie. They said when you get in bed, be completely still. Do...
Demonic Possession? by xoBrokenAngelxo
Here I am, 5:19 am, not able to sleep due to not a "night terror" as I would LIKE to use as a term; however, not quite sure if that's what it might be, of my own, rather of my best friend's. Yesterday night, my friend woke me up in a panic. For a good minute, I wasn't able to get any words from ...
A Complete Violation by Wish-Not
For those of you that have read my profile you will see that I have had two bad experiences. The first being "The Big One", and now the following describes the second. I have had reservations on writing this one because of it's nature. It is not one of those sexual encounters, however it was a co...
Spirit Who Kept Me Holding For Some Minutes by sushant
Friends this is my second encounter with ghost. This encounter happen when I was Finishing my board exam in 1998. On last the day I finished my last paper, and came to home and was very happy. As we all know we get big relief after board exam. I was completely free and on that day only my friend ask...
Something Weird Happened by archana
This is my first post. I really don't know how to explain what I had experienced quite a few years ago. It was in 2006 when my family moved into a newly constructed home. Due to my mother's illness myself and mother couldn't stay at our new home on the initial days of our new home. But fortunate...
Why Now? by ms_st0308
Someone else's story actually sparked my interest and I decided to submit my own instead of taking up comment space. Anyway, I think I have been experiencing a very mild form of sleep paralysis over the last two to three months. I have never really experienced anything like this before, but because ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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