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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 10
Grandfather Passing Away and my Fever by Kuroyuki
It all started when I was 13 year old, I saw a shadow figure with red eye in my backyard. When I was 15 year old, I saw a white orb past my mother room to my room, out the window to my next door neighbor's house, it freak him out so bad, he fell in his toy box. When I was 18 year old, I heard a voic...
Spiritual Sexual Predators by leocadia
It seems like someone or something does not want me to tell this story. This is my second try. I must have pressed something I shouldn't have and the story disappeared. My story involves spiritual sexual predators. My husband was an alcoholic and died when he was fairly young (52 years old). He ...
A Man in my Hallway Looking Like my Husband by Nadine
When I lived in Guerneville, CA in the late 1990's I saw a man standing in my hallway. It was about 2 a.m. and I was using the bathroom. When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw my husband, Mike, standing at the end of the hall. He was completely dressed in a T-shirt, hooded sweatshirt that zipped u...
Demonic Apparition by aleycat1090
When I was home with a friend I had only been in Tennessee for a month and I had been staying in a real old home. The rumor was that a old man had lived there and had killed himself over his one true love. People said that he would wreck your home late at night if you were awake. Me and Lori (my fri...
The Hand in the Shower by jeya
This next story happened to me when I was about eight or nine. I was at my aunt's house. Now this house was very old and I had been visiting my aunt plenty of times ever since I can remember, probably ever since I was four or so. At no point in my life did I ever believe, or have the feeling that th...
The Winchester Experience by KachieChan
I'm 15 years old currently, when I visited the Winchester house I was 14. It was summer of last year, and my family had taken a trip out to see my aunt for Fourth of July like we usually do. It was the second to last day we would be driving back home, and my mother and I wanted desperately to go vis...
Camera Investigation by Jeremy and Jordan Osborne and Tiffany Lawson
We came to the conclusion early on that our house is haunted, so we investigated with a camera and ourselves. We began in the back bedroom, and encountered several different life-like figures. We saw a man's face outlined, including his eyes, a woman's body shape, staring eyes, several voices over t...
Abner's Haunted Ouija Investigation by Jason Sanchez
Southwest Paranormal Investigators Research Documentation Case Number: H445 Date: 15 July 2001 Investigation Conducted By: Stefan Markus, Kimberly Schmidt, Jason Sanchez, Carol and Charles Sanders, Leola Anne Excellent ectoplasm pictures caught:
The Monk by markcampbell23
When my granddad was a lot younger (late teens early twenty's), he used to live in a place called kemsin in kent. He would go out to the pub at the weekends and would ride back to his house on his push bike. He would ride back past the train station which meant him taking a small dark lane down to h...
Woman in a White Saree by writer4014
This is tale of the township of baliya near Varanasi in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. That was the most horrendous night of my life, I am myself a bystander of all this which I am going to tell you. It was a friend's sister's marriage who used to stay near to my residence, just adjacent to my...
One Scary Night by GhostLuverrr90
My scary night all started at about 8:30 pm. Me and my sister were watching a scary movie which I will keep untitled but it was about ghosts. We watched half of the movie and then stopped it because her boyfriend had called. So I retreated downstairs to watch some t.v. until she was done talking, bu...
Get Out! by aleycat1090
I am about to turn 15 now, so I am still in the same house as that other story I posted. Last night I was sitting down on my couch while my parents and their friend were drinking outside while watching my brothers. I was watching television and I heard my bedroom door open and someone walk out. I k...
Night of Terror by DAZELLE
One night in 1977, on the outskirts of Rocky, Mount NC. Off HWY 43, me & my family lived in an old wood white and black house that still stands there to this day. I always felt like this house was haunted because every night after 12 am. you can hear a chair rocking in the back of the house and in t...
Lady Dressed in Black by Aussie_Vamp
I heard this story when I had started working at a local nursing home which is home to around 80 residents. We have 3-4 spirits in our nursing home which all have different personalities. There was a nurse who worked at the nursing home where I am currently working, who had suffered from post nat...
Winifred Reed - Holy Soul by Julie Ann Brown
The following is an account of what happened to me while visiting Great Britain in the summer of 1993. Wonderful U.K. Magic was sprinkled on me. I thought that perhaps my story would be of interest to others who like me, believe that death is only a light curtain through which heaven awaits. Through...
The 1817 Place by 12gaugeheartbeat
Me and my sister called it 'the 1817 place', that was the address, but it was over 150 years old. I was 12 and Jess was 14 and we were scared shiat-less of this place. My mom never believed us but we know she saw things... Here's the thing, we always slept together even though we had our own rooms b...
Shadow by YoMotherWhatIsUp
A few years ago, my friend was sleeping over. My mom took us and our brothers to Friendly's to get ice cream cones. On the way home, we were pulling into my driveway when we saw a dark shadow jump my fence and run from my house. We went to find it, but it was nowhere to be seen. Another time, wit...
Crazy Signs by Tammy1
About a year ago or more my grandmother passed away. All of our family came to see her in he last days, after she passed, we packed up all her stuff and split it up to who wanted what. My mother being the closest to my grandmother got a lot of the stuff she had made on her spare time the last few ye...
Possible Poltergeist by Unicorn
While I was in college, I lived in a college apartment for one year. I don't think it was a very old apartment building, and if anyone had ever died there, I was certainly unaware. I had three roommates - two of whom had lived there the previous year. The girl in the bedroom right next to mine moved...
Knocks, Door Openings and Voices by Jessie
This happened in the years late 1996 to early 2001 in Roseville, California on 113 5th Street. When my twin brother and I were three, almost four, our family moved into a white house with brown shingles. The house had a moderate sized front yard with a wooden fence, a big porch, a large living room,...
Helpful Ghost by DrunkenGamingMaster
This happened about a month ago. I was baby sitting for my little cousin because my Uncle and Aunt needed to go somewhere important. I can't remember exactly where, but that's not essential to the story. I admit I wasn't the best baby sitter. The fact that it was all night made things worse for the ...
Haunted Hotel Room by ice128
This happened 3 years ago, a true Story, however I do not quite remember the name of the castle hotel, since it was a long time ago, but the rest of this story is true. The location was in Scotland, in an old Castle Hotel, seeing how I'm bad at names, but it was a few hours away from the city. My...
Dogs Came Back by ice128
My family dogs are miniature short-haired Dachshounds. Their names were Charlie and Cindy, had them since grade 5, when we lived in Toronto. They past away in 1999/2000. Cindy past away first, then a year or two later we got another dachshound from the Humane Society, after we were feeling better ab...
An Ominous Presence in my Room by Aussie_Vamp
From a very young age up to now, if I was home alone, I felt a very depressive and hateful presence in my room and it follows me around the house sometimes. My 14 year old sister won't even go into my room alone. One of my friends came over to my house to watch scary movies one night as it was samha...
Gravity Hill by Erica
One time when I was still in middle school, I spent the night at a friend's house. Her dad suggested we should go up to a place called Gravity Hill. It was only a road and off the road, there was a slaughter house. After we drove up, the dad put his car in neutral and we faced up the hill. All of a ...
Sexual Entities Visiting Us at Night by mykeldude
Hi all, because of your interest with my previous story, I thought I might as well start at the beginning with all this. It started, as I sit here thinking, almost one exact year ago. My partner and I celebrated our 11th anniversary by going to a local spa. To hot tub, swim, and have some fun for th...
The Beast by fourthgeneration
When I was in college in the early 1990s, I had an experience driving home around 1:00am-2:00am on Interstate 694 in the eastern suburbs of Saint Paul, Minnesota. It was late, and I was essentially alone in the middle lane of a multi-lane south-bound freeway (no other cars within several hundred yar...
A Few Experiences 2 by Shadows
Once my friend and I were hanging out in my room, and we started to hear sounds like footsteps and bangs coming from the attic. The next day, when my dad was home, I went up into the attic to see what it was. There was no one and nothing up there to make those sounds. If you read the first A Few Exp...
The Bride by AngelEyes
It was a week ago that my uncle came to my place. We were having a discussion on things that people think are not real when the talk led to ghosts. My uncle have had many experiences with them. I guess this one is worth telling: My uncle and his friends were going for a drive about ten years ago ...
Childhood Haunting by fizzylizzie
I feel I should give you the background on my home first. The house is about 117 years old and I have lived in it my entire life. I would say the haunting started when I was about three years old. My mother told my I had an irrational fear of being alone upstairs and some times even being up stairs ...
Walmart Ghost Girl by crazy_chica
I was at walmart with my grandma and sister. I was looking at the video games while my grandma was looking for a photo album. I was walking towards my sister when a girl with black hair and blue eyes was beside me, she was a bit younger than me. I stopped and then she began to run. I followed her bu...
Unexplained Terror by Bellissima
When I was about 12, I had the scariest experience of my life. My family consisted of Mom, Dad and myself. My little bedroom was just off the kitchen at the back of the house. I was (and still am) an avid reader and would stay up late and read. My parents would be long in bed and sleeping, they watc...
Imaginary Friends or Very Real Spirits? by rayona
I've been wondering lately if most kids who supposedly have imaginary friends are really just talking with ghosts? It happened with my cousin's daughter last year and now I'm seeing it with my daughter. A month or so ago, my 2 year old started saying 'hi' and then talking gibberish to the ceiling...
Is It Real? by Sarah_14
Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm in my teen years, I've never had a paranormal experience yet I believe in them. I'll just refer a little background information first. I live in a flat which is new. I'm the first to live here with my family and only. My flat is (you can say/think) broken in 2 pieces: wh...
A Flakey Feline Ghost by Tygerwolfe
I've had many experiences with ghosts in my house, but none of them have been human. In fact, they're all feline, and I enjoy their presence greatly. The particular cat ghost that this story is about is named Flake (originally short for "Snowflake", but changed when we realized he was really a pale ...
Mysterious Woman at the Intersection by S.
This occurred in Xavier Estates in Cagayan De Oro City in June 19, 2007 at around 7 pm: My friend Janelle said as she was entering the neighborhood after arriving from the mall that evening - she saw a woman in a long white nightgown stand by the tree with a man from a distance of about 30-40 feet. ...
The Party Ghost by pdelaney
It was about 1:30 am on a Saturday, I had a bunch of my friends over for a sleep over, we stayed up all night long and we were camping out in my backyard. I said "Hey guys I have to use the bathroom, I will be right back". I walked into my house and went up to the 2nd floor. Then I heard footsteps w...
A Few Spooky Experiences by ghostbeliever79
When my great grandmother was in the hospital dying, her brother passed away. Her siblings didn't want to put her in more pain, so they didn't tell her. They went to say goodbye to her, and when they came, she ignored everyone, except she had a entire conversation with the dead brother. Maybe he was...
An Unknown Roomate, or an Old Friend? by ice128
An unknown roomate, or an old friend? I've been trying to think of an answer to that question for a while now, at least two years since the death of my high school friend in December 23rd 2005. Since then, I've apparently adopted a new roommate in my families home, in my own room. I share a room by ...
Shadow of a Little Boy by evilblackwidow9
This story happened when I was 10 years old, which would have made it 1994. I remember school had let out for Easter Vacation. It was a friday night (Good Friday) and I got done watching Ghostbusters with my mom and step-dad and I went off to bed where my sister was sleeping. To give you a lay-ou...
The Ghost in the Backseat by Trogdor
This story isn't about me, it's about my friend's encounter. My friend Matt was talking to his girlfriend outside of his house at night. Because it was cold out, he decided to sit in his car in the driveway. So he went and sat in the passengers seat. As he was talking to his girlfriend, he glanced i...
The Dog Whistle by TryToFigureItAllOut
They say behind my school, a man lost his dog, but didn't know it. Every time he walked around he heard a bark, then he blew a dog whistle. But the dog wouldn't come. Then he found his dog and out of nowhere, they were shot by a man that was annoyed with the barking. Now everyone knows that humans c...
Something Running into my Bed by Camoandi
The first time it happened to me, it was about 6 months ago. I was laying in my bed and was at that point where you are half asleep and half awake. I heard this deep exhale in my ear and it scared me so bad I jumped! I didn't think much about it though,t it might be the dog so I tried to go to sleep...
Haunting Presence in my House by jason_hawes
A while ago, I lived in a house that I felt was haunted, but some feelings/experiences I found out explanations for. There were three main things I could not explain. I am not one of those people who run out a room scared after an encounter, but the first one, I would be sleeping in my room and I wo...
Donna and Evil by haunts_in_arkansas
I was asleep in my room one night. I always closed my closet doors before I went to bed. One night, around two in the morning, I woke up to see my closet doors were wide open. I leaned up a little and there I saw, plain as day, a catholic school girl. I could describe her to everyone so well. I went...
My Aunt's Possession by looney85
I used to live in a small city (I would rather not say city for protection), where our next door neighbor was the worst ever. My grandmother never told us why this lady next door hated her so much. She sure got revenge at whatever the grudge was, but she was nice to us. Until this day, I do not know...
My Boyfriend's Mother by sferro
My story began a few years ago when my boyfriend Zach's mother passed away from cancer at 54. She knew she was going to pass so she took great care to do it her way. She set up a hospice nurse at her home in Prescott and had her family around to take care of her. She got very ill and Zach was told t...
A Laugh that is not Mine by windsong
My name is Amanda, and I'm 14. I've never considered myself a particularly extraordinary person, but I seem to be living in an extraordinary house. I've been living in the same place in Richmond for as long as I can remember, and things have been happening for as long as I can remember. On one occas...
Ghostly Visions of my Aunt by crazy_chica
My name is anna and my grandma and aunt have had some ghostly experiences with our dead aunt, so I figure that these stories might be worth telling. My aunt died about maybe 6 or 7 years ago. My grandma was up really late one night cleaning up and doing bills. She heard a knock at the door, she thou...
Still Mystified, Still Haunted by Mikecabre
Hi, This is just by chance, perhaps, after I googled, that I found this site. I have to share my experience. I was 13 in 1978 and living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. My mother and I went to the airport to pick up an elderly woman from Indonesia. The woman's son is a family friend. I will never forget noti...
Song of Mavis by lshaffer
Around 5 months ago, I moved into a new house. Well, actually, it was very old. Older than my previous house. The lady who had lived there before me was called Mavis Lashley, and she had died 6 months before I moved in. Nobody in her family had claimed the house. This was confusing. (Might I add tha...
My Guardian by Charlies friend
Hi, I am from England and my grandfather is my guardian. He often does what granddad's do. You know, drives you mental but at the end of the day you love them. My experience starts, in fact, with my sister. She was casually speaking to herself, aged 3. When my mother heard her, she asked who my sist...
Two Men and a Cat by S_wolfmoon
I was about 16, and was babysitting my brother, and my parent's friend's children (a boy of 10 and a girl of 14). We were living in Alconbury Village, in East Anglia. My bedroom was situated directly above the front door of the house (just for later observation). We had a downstairs living room, and...
Late Night Visits and a Toilet Guy by S_wolfmoon
My son has been talking to people. I don't know who, because I can't see them, and neither can my husband. I believe that he used to talk to my husband's brother, but now I have no idea who he is speaking to. His uncle passed away just after my son was born. We were living in America when my son was...
Dark Figure with a Red Eye by JPing
My encounter took place at a farmhouse in Lammington National Park (WH), Queensland, Australia. The farmhouse is very old, around 100 years old (I think) and was previously owned by the O'Reilly family - one of whom is famous for his rescue of the survivors of a crashed plane. The house is regula...
An Old Friend by Veronica
This actual happened to a friend of my great grandmother. I know it's all true because everyone in my family is very honest and does not lie. Enjoy the TRUE story! Well he went to the very south of Chile. To do that, he had to take a bus to another city, then take a plane. When he just got off the b...
Party Gone Wrong by Nichole
My best friend, Cassie, and five other friend (including her little brother, Jason) were hanging out at Cassie's house. There is a house that is about a mile down the road from where Cassie lives that everyone says is haunted. We never thought much of it until the night of Cassie's 15th birthday par...
Boys in the Girls Room by help_me_please
One day at school, I was in the bathroom talking to my friends. My friend was still in the bathroom. I said that I was leaving and she stopped me saying, "Wait, don't leave they're here..." I asked what she was talking about. She said that she has seen ghosts of little boys in the bathroom crying. S...
Barking and Noises by Briannaps2
On July 1st, 2007, I went to my cousin's birthday party with my dad, as my mom and my brother went to the zoo with my grandma. I am 10 and at the party we played softball. Then after the party, my dad dropped me off at my house (my parents are split up). My mom wasn't home yet so I stayed at home...
Sounds of Heels by Seatle_Love_123
If you don't know already, I live in Oaxaco Mexico. My house is very old and many things happen here. My first experience was with my grandma. My parents had gone out to mexico city to visit my aunt who was ill. My grandma had flown in to take care of me and my brother william. I was 10 at the time ...
The Strange White Dog by fizzylizzie
One of the stranger experiences I've had puzzles me to this day. Whether or not this even was supernatural or just a very odd coincidence, I will never know. It started off when I was a little girl, about 8 or 9, there was a path in the woods in my neighborhood I used to go walking on every so often...
My Cat Shuby by windsong
I've always been a cat lover and have had cats since I was very young. I had a cat named Shuby. She was as sweet as could be with her plaintive little meow. She was a fairly large cat: at one point she grew to be 17 pounds. We don't know how or by what, but she got bitten when she was 9 or 10. As th...
The Shadow People Remain by unguided_traveler
I have to say that I am now officially freaked. The shadow people in my room are still there, only now they've started messing with me. And I mean REALLY messing with me. Every time I go to walk out of my room, I feel someone pull my hair, hard enough to yank my head back, and hear distinct growling...
A Frightening Moment in Marysville by PaulDaleRoberts
You know, my life has become very surreal, I feel like I walk one half of my life in the paranormal and the other half in reality. What I am about to tell you, gave me chills up and down my spine. I will say, that I actually saw a ghost with my own naked eyes! But, let's start from the beginning. Th...
Tiny Lights of Gold and Silver by Shane
I have told quite a few stories here on YGS. This short one is something I experienced recently and is something new to me. I have experienced or researched the paranormal for the past 26 years and thought I had seen or experienced it all. I was wrong. This was something that I had never seen, read ...
Mother Like Daugter by ciaravzqz22
This is a story about when I was only about 8 and my cousin was about 9. She lived in N.Y at this moment in a visible but low key neighborhood. It all took place in a two story condominium (small), I was taken to her house one morning to spend the night with her, but our parents had to leave us soon...
Some Things a Child Should Never Do by S_wolfmoon
Bloody Mary... I played that during a lock-in at my elementary school just for the fifth graders of course, as it was celebrating our time almost being up in elementary school (a lock-in, is a large, supervised slumber party, basically). Well, now I don't know if it WAS Bloody Mary, but something de...
My Two Ghost Stories by na32ru
I do not know how to start, but here I go. My cat Fuzz Buzz died on my bed when I was sleeping. When I got up I saw that he had died in his sleep. Sometimes I still see him, but I have not told mum that I can. When I go to bed he is always with me, and I feel him go on my chest. I do wish he could c...
Poltergeist at my Sisters by tskinner
This story isn't about me. This happened to my sister, Stef and her husband, Pat, and is still going on. I am terribly afraid for both of them. My brother-in-law has an ability to see and talk to those not with us anymore. Because of this he gets a lot of unwanted visitors. This latest one is the st...
Granny's Rose by Unicorn
In 2001, my little cousin, Kayla, was three years old. She was not told when our great grandmother, whom she had not seen since she was an infant, passed away. Kayla was not informed about, nor was she present at the funeral. She's always had something strange about her... I'm not sure how else to d...
Hearing and Seeing Strange Things that Dogs also Notice by Lexiluca
One evening when I was about 14 or 15 years old, I was doing what I normally would do when my parents went out for dinner with one another and left me at home to watch the dogs. We had two dogs, both toy poodles, which are commonly known as being noisy and annoying. Not these little guys, they were ...
House Next Door by ice128
My neighborhood is a nice neighborhood, almost all the houses look the same, depending on what end of the street your coming from. We have nice huge houses, to small ones, and ones with brick / stone or brick and wood. However, in 2003, movers moved this All wooden cottage looking house to the neigh...
Encounter of the Floured Kind by Rachel
When I was fifteen years old, my parents and I moved into a house near my high school in an older neighborhood. A few months after moving in, my parents went out of town and left me home with my friend Tori. Tori and I were watching t.v. In the main living room which is open to the kitchen. Suddenly...
Kingda Ka Ride Has a Ghost by TryToFigureItAllOut
I live in New York, I've seen many other encounters with ghosts there. If you haven't read my other stories then you won't know what I've seen or heard. This story I'm about to tell happened in the very famous amusement park "Six Flags Great Adventure" in New Jersey. I went there on June 27th for...
Erotic Dreams and a Force Pinning Me Down by vicstro
I've been having strange, almost violent, erotic dreams every night that don't feel natural to me. Before I didn't ever get these dreams or maybe once every couple of months. Lately, it's been every morning and I wake up feeling violated. This morning I had another, but this time it was different...
Interacting with Dark Figures in a Room by Dani
Hey guys, just a little story of what's currently going on with me. A few months ago I was in a dark room and there were a bunch of figures and they were all moving in this weird sequence, kind of all move, stop, move again, stop... It was weird, I was out of the room fast. The second time I was lay...
Buxton Inn Experience by Amy Blanchard
I recently returned from a trip to Ohio to visit relatives. One of our day trips was to Granville, Ohio where we lunched, walked around, and visited the Buxton Inn which is supposed to be haunted. We were a large group of 10 and we were all looking forward to seeing the Inn. When we walked in, we...
Be Quiet! by Seatle_Love_123
This encounter happened a few weeks after our first one. My brother william had gone out with friends and my parents were at work so I was alone. I didn't mind it very much. It was getting late so I decided to make myself food and watch tv. While I was watching tv, I heard one of the bedroom doors s...
My Brother Passed by phoebez4
My brother (andy) and I have been with each other our whole lives, we've spend cold homeless nights together and we always looked out for each other. He'd said to me that he will always be with me, no matter what. As he passed away, I broke down and was very fragile. I had kept seeing him, hearing h...
Weird Thing Happening in my House 2 by Rosita
My name is Rosa. I already wrote a story about what had been happening in my house. Well lately now, my sister says that she hears someone opening and shutting the door in the bathroom. I thought she was lying, but then I saw her face. She was scared and I never seen her like that. She usually plays...
The Haunting by Jennifer
Ten years ago, when I was 19, I met a girl (Lyn) at a job placement agency, and quickly became friends. Lyn lived with another girl at the time and continued to complain about her roommate and ended up leaving and coming to stay with me and my family. After a few weeks, we decided to get a place of ...
Evil Waitress Entity by music_is_my_soul
I've been all around the world; I love to travel. Ever since I was a baby I have been traveling... (when I was 3, I encountered an entity in Belize). Just recently I went to Jamaica and encountered an entity on a cruise ship with my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I decided to have dinner on a beaut...
Laying in Bed by NickT
Now I consider myself a sane person. What I am about to tell you is the God's honest truth that just happened to me at around 1:44 AM that is going to keep me up for the rest of the night. I was lying in bed just looking straight across the room when all of a sudden I heard the wind pick up. I swear...
Nightmares by Seatle_Love_123
About a year ago, my granny died. I had been sleeping in my dad's study while she slept in my room. When she died, we left the bed how is was and a month later, I started sleeping in my room again. The first night was ok, but when a week flew by, I started getting nightmares. I always saw the same m...
Was it my Grandfather? by Kayla0912
I was about fourteen at the time and it was a Saturday night. My sister, my mother, her partner and I had been out together to the cinema, then a restaurant. We usually did that on the weekend, I think my mum's partner was trying to impress us. After dropping us home, he went back to his own flat. ...
Acorn, my Feline Ghost Alarm by mandakitten
Early fall 2002, I was sleeping peacefully through the night. Dreaming about obscure and pointless drama. When the sound of something I can not easily describe in words (imagine a sound similar to an ambulance siren and a squirrel being crushed by a mac truck combined, with the volume up all the way...
Anna Mills Killed in 1938... Dead Yet Amongst Us Still by Richard Iverson
A couple of years ago, I ran across an old Ouija Board dated 1919. I remember how fascinated I was with an experience when I was about 10 with one, so I thought that this "board game" would be fun to fool around with again. My son, when he was very young, told me about looking out his bed room wi...
The Chained Oak by S_wolfmoon
Living in the UK, and a lover of theme parks, I am a frequent customer of a place in the midlands called Alton Towers. It's a HUGE amusement park, built on the grounds of an old stately home called... Alton Towers. A few years back, they opened a new attraction, a ride called Hex. All it is, is a bi...
Apparition at Time of Death by JPing
This story isn't mine, it is my great grandfather James', who told my grandfather, who told my father, who told me. My family on my father's side are devoted Christian's so I have no doubt that my great grandfather was telling the truth about what he believed he saw. Due to this story having bee...
Voices in a DVD by chunkygut1
I know that I have written a few stories in the past, but this one really freaked me out. Just three or four days ago I was going to sleep, when I heard the bathroom door open and shut, I thought it was my mum but it was late so I wondered what she was doing up. I went downstairs to see what was ...
Blurred Face by Nancy
I am Nancy from Ohio. One morning I woke up, I kept my head on my pillow. I got up and looked at the time, it was 5:20 A.M. I have two Dogs. My biggest dog laid on the bed with me and my smallest dog was downstairs. I keep my door slightly open. I could see out from where I was laying. My dog per...
Ghosts Can Be Friends by AdventureMs_Aqua
Two years ago, my friend and I always talked about ghost stories and stuff that happened near our neighborhood. During school though, my friend found a messy note written on a napkin in her room. When she showed me, I didn't believe her. She got mad and wouldn't stop saying that she didn't do it, so...
Something in my Bed by Nicole Rogers
My ex-husband, Jamie, and I use to live with his dad. We were always told that this house was haunted. There have been numerous things happen to a number of different people. This is my story... Every morning Jamie would get up to go to work and (our room was in the upstairs of the house) every m...
Fright Nights by DAZELLE
Years ago in the late 70's, on the outskirts of Rocky Mount NC. Down West Mount Dr., not too far from the four corners store (some call this area Sandy Cross Roads) me and my family used to live there in an very old house. This is a very peaceful place in the day but at night you would think that al...
Dreams of my Dead Aunt by Nicole Rogers
I was just wondering if anyone out there can help me with this. My grandparents were killed in a car accident five years ago on July 2. My aunt and my cousin were in the accident as well, but they both survived. However, one year ago, on June 30, my aunt passed away in her sleep. She was only 45 yea...
Happy Birthday by Maricris
When I was 9 years old, we lived in a 3 bedroom house that has a big front & backyard. Nothing was odd or weird going on at the first few months after we moved in. As the months go by, I started feeling that something is wrong or something is going on inside & around the house. I would hear footstep...
Strange Encounter by theTRU1
I was alone, and it just turned dark, about 7:30pm, my mom was at my aunt's house, and my dad was working on a car at my grandmother's house. I was making some soup and some bbq meat to eat. At about 9 o'clock, my power went out. I ran out of my house and went to the breaker box to trip the power ba...
After my Grandfather Died by melissagrove2000
This is a true story about after my grandfather died. He died about 4 years ago. He was the first person that I ever really cared about and lost. After he died, I was just looking for some kind of sign that he was at peace and okay. Not long after he died, maybe a few weeks, my grandmother was at th...
Wright Street Haunting by RESCUE243
In a small community, in lewis co, stands a small cottage home that dates back well beyond 1935. I bought the property in April of 2001, not knowing the home was haunted. I've always believed in ghosts, but I never guessed my home to be haunted. Boy was I wrong, many times after moving in, late at n...
Spirit in my School by Qtgrly111
In my previous story I told about my house and my friend's house being haunted. Well more than that was haunted, my school. I have graduated from the small private catholic school that I have learned so much from. I never knew that the entity I had stumbled across at the park the fall day would foll...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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