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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 104
Ms. Brown's Ghost by paigeinabook
When I was around six-years-old, my parents bought a house in Northern Virginia from an older woman who had lived in the house with her sister for years. I remember they said her name was Ms. Brown. Her sister had passed away in the house, in the master bedroom, so she decided to sell the house and ...
My New House For A Fresh Start 2 by Ihaveseen99
In the last part of my last story, I was talking about the bread being moved and the feeling of not being alone, just to sum it up. Has anyone ever noticed that sometimes when you shut a door, one or two throughout the house would shut too? Well, I had noticed that when you would open the front d...
Am I Being Followed By A Spirit Or Two? by OrangeTangerine
There's always been a lot. I mean, looking back on it I guess I've always been a little out there. Things have always happened to me and I never really knew why. When I was 4, I moved from Virginia to Florida and I barely remember things from Virginia but I remember seeing this man. It was Chris...
A Haunting Never To Forget by MissTay
Growing up in Los Angeles and loving shows such as Supernatural, Ghost Hunters, etc, and movies like Paranormal Activity, I always believed in ghosts. When I was really young, I had an imaginary friend whose name was Rose. No one else could see her but me, and I thought she was my imaginary friend. ...
The Headless Horseman by Eazy-E
To start it off, I never actually got to see the apparition myself. My mother did. She told me the story recently. Okay, now that we got that out of the way, the story starts out in a small town in Mexico. It's 3:00 am and my mom was walking home with her friends from this dance they were attend...
Negative Spirit by bones
My trouble started about 4 years ago. I have lived in my home for a long time, since July '97 to be exact, and my home was a warm cozy place, a happy family life. However, as of four years ago things changed. I went from having a happy family to one that was dysfunctional. The first thing was jus...
The Fire Man by Shadowwulf113
This happened to me when I was about 7-years-old, my first other worldly visit. An unpleasant one at that. I remember doing as my mother had told me before I went to bed. Then, of course, I did go to bed. This night I felt very cold and I awoke from my sleep. I walked across my bedroom floor oh ...
The Experience I Remember Most About Iraq by ghostsScareChad
I have had experiences before... But this series of events made me completely aware that what we see is not always all that is there. During my first deployment in 2004. I was stationed at CAMP ANACONDA... Pretty much in the heart of Iraq. After my unit had settled in, we were given the unfortuna...
The Fireplace Ghost by shellzy
This is the first paranormal experience that I ever had. It took place at my Grandma's home and I was 7 years old. My Grandma lived in a suburb of Melbourne called St Kilda and lived on Crimea Street. Many of the houses in St Kilda were built in the late 1800's to the early 1900's and many were mans...
My Mom, The Channeler by paigeinabook
My Mother is a Channeler and has always been able to speak to spirits since she was little. As a teenager I grew VERY interested in the paranormal and my Mom was aware of this so one day she decided to tell me about her gift. She has shared some stories of things that happened to her with me from ye...
Home Alone Experience by MissEmoVampire
My family can see Ghosts and Spirits and I always hoped that I could see a Ghost or Spirit. Before my encounter I believed in Paranormal Activity but my own experience was freaky. This experience happened on 25th February 2012 at 9pm. I was home alone sitting in my room reading, when suddenly a c...
The Girl In The Doorway by SilverBear
My first violent experience was in the back of the house I grew up in. I lost my grandmother at the age of 12. I went head long into a mass depressive state, and nosed dived into Satanism without doing any research. I wanted my grandmother back, and negating that I wanted to tear down the world arou...
A Small Girl by preethinotscared
Friends, this is something which scared me a lot. My examinations got over yesterday. I was too happy that my examinations got over. As usual my mom was not in the home when I returned from school. I switched on the tv and started watching my favourite movie. My cell phone rang and it was my mom. Sh...
Terrifying Tour by 345assasin42
I had just come back from vacation in the UK and have two really interesting stories to share. I'll tell the second one in another story. Well to start it all off, me and a couple friends decided to go on vacation to the UK to get away from work and daily hardships. We decided to go and check out ...
Bed-side Spirit by xParanormal__Girl
This is a true thing that happened, and I wish to find out if I'm going crazy or if this is the real deal. A bit of a back story, my entire family can either see, speak, or feel spirits. I'm a lucky one and got the ability to feel when they are around. I just awakened this gift and it's a bit fr...
Child In The Office Campus by adsouza
I work with an IT services organisation. There are quite a few late nights involved. And some of the offices across the country are at very troublesome locations in terms of transport and accessibility. Last night, I was out for a smoke break with a colleague. And we were having a pleasant time d...
Annoying Entity by 13yearstorment
It all began when I was 15 years old. My step father was the preacher in the church we attended in the Tyler Texas area, therefore my family was very involved and active members. One night, I laid down in bed, shortly after felt as though I was suffocating, there was nothing I could do to help mys...
White Smoke In Darkness by Autumo
I guess I should start by saying that strange things have happened to me frequently ever since I was a child, but I always shrugged them off as coincidences or ignored them for the sake of my sanity. One incident, however, stands out to me among many because it was different from anything that I had...
Seeing Shadows And Feeling Bad Things In My Home by Nicki10
My husband and I moved into our house nearly three years ago which is a new build and we are the first owners, however this past year or so, I have had some strange encounters. One morning, my husband had an early shift and left the house at half four in the morning. My alarm was due to go off an...
I Put A Spell On You by CityGal
This story starts 20 years after my parent's return from Italy. They had recently divorced, and I was living with my mom in our old house in Brazil. The mood at home was not great, as we mourned the death of our old family life. My mom did her best to keep us entertained, and things seemed to slowly...
Autism And Being Psychic by xshainax
I have Aspergers syndrome which is in the Autism Spectrum and I can sense when there are spirits around but not see them or sometimes I have premonitions which came true. When I was a little girl I could feel a presence of a 6 year old girl who died at our house and she used to play tricks on me w...
Everywhere In Everything by Dreamweaver
Both of my parents were gypsies. I grew up with a semi-nomadic life. My mum and dad believed in ghosts, I did not! Still I don't really know what to think! There are so many strange things I have witnessed in my life that I would love to find the answers, but scared of the truth I guess! Now I...
A Glass Of Milk by KelseyKaulitz
Before I start I'll give you the backstory and such. In 2005 my family had a house fire in our basement. My room was in the basement. Luckily the night it happened I slept upstairs. We had no home for months and had to live in a camper in our driveway until our house was repaired. And I also lost m...
A Gift Or A Curse? by dayala_819
I guess that even though most of the events that have occurred to me take place in Baton Rouge, La. I feel that it is important I start my story from when I was a child and lived in Mexico. As far as I can remember, I've always been a little different from everyone else. I really can't remember m...
The Shadows In My Life by teenagewitch21
In my last story I told about the shadow of a man (possibly my dad) in my bedroom. I have recently been thinking of other experiences I have had throughout my life. For as long as I can remember, I have been able to see/sense things that are around me and the people I'm with. When I was 5, I mov...
Never Alone by star26
I have been reading stories on this site for quite sometime now. This is my first time posting to the site, so please forgive me for any grammar issues or punctuation issues. Well, this has been happening my entire life. My mother and my pastor believe it all started when I was born. A little ba...
Grandmothers Appearance by deadbirdt98
I will start the story with stating that this happened back in 1992. I was in elementary school on an air force base when my father's mother (my grandmother) decided to move in with us to help my recently divorced father care for my two brothers and me. After about two months, my grandmother com...
Force Pressing Down Against My Waist by ZwyxiiPa
Best place to start would be Monday night. Me and a friend were home alone in my house and we decided to try summoning so we read up on some incantations and did what was required. Shortly after, my friend started to get rather spooked. I don't know if she was pretending or not as I didn't rea...
Demon Following My Boyfriend 2 by kantonelli3
Due to the suggestions I have gotten on here, I tried the simple ones last night. He is not up to blessing the house saying, "It won't leave". I decided to have my best friend Hillary stay the night at Joe's last night (3/13/12). Who all was there was Joe, his roommate Mike, Hillary, and myself,...
A Frightening Childhood by SophieFfion
I remember being frightened all the time. Scared. Like something was always waiting for me in the next room. It all began when I moved into an old Villa, built in the early 1900's. I was 7 years old. My brother (who was only 5 at the time) and I were so excited. My father renovated the house shor...
My Grandma's Doppelganger by deversine
So in 2006, it was my senior year of high school and I had a very creepy experience involving my Grandma. At the time I was living with my Grandma, just me and her. I had only been living there for about 4 months and nothing supernatural happened before or since this experience in that house. Howeve...
The Late Night Woman by A-Thursday-Whimsy
I'm unsure of exact dates because my experience occurred throughout 2011 on an irregular basis and has since diminished, or at least dimmed, within the beginning of 2012. One of the many rules within my household is to been in bed at a respectable time; however, since it was the holidays and I, ...
My Ouija Experience And Possession by Kirkobezerko
Before I start my story, I would like to begin with this quote which, based on my experiences with the Ouija, is completely and utterly true: "Most often the spirits whom are contacted through the Ouija Board are those whom reside on 'the lower astral plane.' These spirits are often very confused...
Demons, Ghosts, And Everything In Between by Grimm-Reaper24
I have lived in my apartment for about five years now, and I'll admit that I'm not a stranger to seeing ghosts or experiencing forms of the paranormal but living here, I have gotten more experience than I could have ever asked for. Five months after I moved into my apartment is when the activity...
Gates Of Hell The Kasey Cemetery by illuminati33
My experience with the gates of hell has been a very eye opening and somewhat amazing experience that is hard to believe even happened in the series of events that it did. I believe all things happen for a reason, and the syncronicity of these events have even further convince me that this is true. ...
Family House I Want To Forget by AngelaTurner001
I am sharing our experience of the super natural because it made a believer out of me; Our family house in Simonstown Western-Cape South-Africa is a large old house that we renovated after my Mother passed away in 2001. Since my sister and I were both renting at that stage we decided to share our...
Incubus Or Something Else? Please Help by EternalLotus
I don't really know how to describe what's been interacting with me for the past two nights now, or if it is an Incubus of some sort due to its behavior differing from accounts of others being attacked, which is why I decided to share with all of you and see if you could help me. I'm not scared or f...
Little Ghost by AngelaTurner001
My fiancé accepted a job offer in Dubai. We decided that I would stay in South-Africa with our 2 dogs Sally and Mike, during this time we also moved house and I had to stay with my sister and her family for 2 weeks before I could move into our new home with our 2 dogs. Our dogs were not allowed in ...
The Man In The Graveyard by tayperk23
Like many of you on here I have also seen weird things since I was a little kid. The two that stick out the most happened in the same area when I was living in Portland Oregon with my parents, and my little sister. We lived in a pretty old neighbourhood. I remember the road was not even a paved one....
Ghosts Who Helped by prakhar_608
My name is Prakhar and I am a resident of Jaipur, Rajasthan. I am 19 years old. The experience I am going to share with you is something that happened with my dad back in 1992 when I wasn't even born. My dad often tells us about it. My mom and dad got married in 1991 and this is an experience of an ...
Home Alone Horrors by JennyTee
I've experienced a few strange things before and I felt the urge to finally post something. I've been reading stories on this site for a while and only just begun to comment. This happened when I was a teen, and I've never forgotten it. A lot of strange things happened in that house. First of all...
Scream by SauronzAngel
My story is of a night maybe 3 to 4 days after I had messed around with a Ouija board (I know it's not a toy and I didn't look at it as such nor did I mess with it like it was.) Okay so here is my story. I should also mention before you read on that this took place in 2007 I believe. So, I don't...
He Stole My Keys by AppleSauce27
After my first story submission, someone wanted to hear more about my husband's father. I wanted to share this story of when I first met my husband. It's a lighter hearted one then my last, but one I think of fondly. When I first met my husband, we had a lot in common, such as our parents both be...
Shapeshifters And Gold by vidya_amani
I saw a creature that looked like a goblin, looking like some tree spirit, very small but mischievous. I can't say it had pointy ears but rather sticks and branches coming out of it. It had shape-shifted into a tree trunk, looking like it had a belly ready to burst with the wood cracking open. And a...
My Furry Friend And The Signs From Beyond by acuteangles
Mika was the cat I had through a large majority of my childhood. She was the most beautiful (but ornery) Siamese-Himalayan mix and my mom named her Makalu, after the famous peak in the Himalayas (probably because it was the only word she knew that had anything to do with the Himalayas or that region...
Dark Thing Around Pregnant Woman by vidya_amani
My mother and father have these strange friends, they are "farm people". Their children are not allowed to go to public school due to racial issues or financial savings, they don't have farm workers and do everything themselves probably due to hating black people. They live a very isolated life, lik...
My Niece Is Seeing Ghosts, I Think My Family Is Cursed by kimlee
Last night my older sister and niece (her child) were watching the television. My sister took my niece to use the restroom before she fell asleep to help and prevent her from wetting the bed, because she is only 4 years old. When they went back into the bedroom, my niece started to scream and cry th...
Grandma's Visit by tayperk23
When I was about 7 me, my mom, and my sister were living in Portland Oregon. We had moved there from Utah right after my mom's divorce with my real dad. We lived (Like I mentioned before in my other story) in a really old area in a tiny old house. I remember going through some weird stuff when I...
Visitor In The Basement by tayperk23
My Grandma used to be crazy obsessed with Geneology and family history. I remember in my Grandparents house growing up they had... As most basements go, a creepy basement. My Grandma had a room down there fully dedicated to family history. It was cram packed full of books, journals, piles and piles ...
A Message From Beyond by LirraRaenic
It started out like any other night. Me and my friend Rebecca, Joseph and Harj were just watching TV and we got really bored and then one of us (I can't remember who) suggested that we use the old Ouja board that I had found a couple of weeks before when I cleaned out my garage. I didn't think much ...
Hello Again by Flamex
My grandad's second anniversary was today but I only found out after a number of things happened to me and some of my family today. While I was working in the creche earlier today, I felt something touch off the back of my head like a gentle tap of someone's hand as I was bending down to pick up ...
Name Written In The Paint by Buttercup49
My Daughter is opening a nursery in Surrey and we have been busy painting and decorating for the last 3 months. When in the hall I always feel that someone is watching me from the top of the staircase and even though I have a T shirt, hoody, fleece and bodywarmer on I feel icy cold and it feels a...
Why Is All This Happening? by powerof9forever
So my story starts when I moved into a small town in Colorado. Ever since I was young I would feel things watching me, wind out of nowhere just pass by me, and noises. LOTS of noises. My parents have told me stories about when I was younger, they would see me talking to nothing! I even have memories...
Blood's Point Nightmare by Toriii93
This story takes place on two separate nights. My best friend Mandy & I read about Blood's Point Road in Illinois online and we decided to go there at night and see if any of it was true. It was said that there will be a car that will follow you as soon as you turn onto Blood's Point Road and pa...
I Saw A Homeless Man Die And Now I Think He Is Haunting Me by acuteangles
I moved into the second floor of my building about a year ago. A few weeks after moving in, I met a homeless man that sleeps at the back of my building in a doorway that has a small awning over it. Though his bed was on the opposite side of the building, he spent most of his time near the front entr...
The Man In The Flannel Shirt by charlottetybalt
I'm 18 years old now, and for the past few months I've had this one man appear in my bedroom. I don't know exactly what he is. I heard from some people that this man might be my spirit guide due to the fact that whenever I see him I don't feel afraid. I had this experience a few weeks ago which m...
My Grandmother's Dead Husband Spoke To Me by acuteangles
About a year and a half ago, my father asked if I would like to accompany him to West Covina, California to visit my grandfather. I wasn't too excited about visiting him (he is quite the male chauvinist), but knew the visit would give me an opportunity to visit my grandmother's grave. She had passed...
Grandmother Spoke To Grandfather by adsouza
First of all, I must say that I love my grandmother a lot! As a kid, I was her favourite and was pampered to the core by her. She had some funny ways to deal with things and the memory of each instance makes me smile. One such instance was when I was at my grand aunt's place in Goa, India for the...
Poltergeist Activity At Childhood Home by charthebanshee
This is about my childhood home which I lived in until I was 12. Strangely things out of the ordinary only started happening when I was about 10. I only have one experience that happened to me personally. I would like to tell you about this. Right so basically me, my mum, my baby sister and my brot...
A Wooden Wagon In The Forest by ghost_seeker
This is a story my mother described to me just after the night it happened. This however, happened a couple years ago. So here it is. My family and I live in the northern part of New Mexico on a reservation. We lease a couple of cattle ranges and we were staying at one of them for a weekend. A brief...
Crystal Baby by WondaStruck
My mum has always called me a Crystal baby, meaning that I am very spiritual and connect with the dead. I have had a lot of experiences with the paranormal. I was born in 1994 and I wouldn't have even been 9-months-old when stuff started to happen. It all started when my mum and I moved into an o...
Wake Up by Freaked_out
This has only ever happened once but ever since it happened I have trouble sleeping. I live in New Haven, MI. One night about 3 years ago, I can't remember the date exactly. I woke up in the middle of the night and the first thing I noticed is that I can't move at all. I can see OK, I can blink,...
My Wife Says She Is Haunted By Ghosts by soldierguy29
My wife has maintained throughout our relationship that she has been haunted by a ghost. I tend to be skeptical of this, but would like someone else's opinion of this. My first experience with it was several years ago. We had both fallen asleep, but several hours later I woke up to find the bedroo...
Former Skeptic's Journal 2 by Scoops
It's been a long while since I posted here, and I've been keeping a journal like Miracles and Granny suggested. If you want my background, feel free to read up on my other entries. Here is a continuation of my journal entries from where I left off the last time I submitted. I included mood and time ...
A Visit From Mom by JulesVNess
I woke with such a start that my body had automatically bolted itself into an upright position. For some reason, unknown to me, I had an overwhelming feeling that I was being observed. Even though my eyes were still blurry from sleep and not quite cooperating, I frantically searched the immediate ar...
The Giant Forest Jumper by Cohendy
(Before anything I would like to inform the kind readers of this story that, being French, English is not my mother tongue. Consequently, I apologize in advance for any misused word or oddly coined sentence you may -and surely will- find in the following account. I did my best.) As far as I can ...
Just A Couple Of Things I've Encountered by XBFALCON74
My name is John and I live in a little country town in Queensland, Australia. I've seen a few odd things in my relatively short lifetime and I'd like someone to hear them without thinking I'm nuts so here we go; CARS AND PHANTOM AUTOMOBILES To start this off I have to say my family is a very c...
Scared And Needing Help by JennaK
My name is Jenna and I live in a country town in NSW. I have always had a interest in the paranormal and when things would go *bang* during the night, I was always excited to find out what it was. But now lately, things have been starting to creep me out. For the past few weeks, when everyone is in ...
Trail Of Darkness by nyuboom
This story -no not story- event, happened to be the most terrifying, eye opening, and thrilling experience I have ever had. It is something I will never forget and brings goose bumps all over my body when I start think about it. It all started when I was with my friend Hannah up North looking up ...
Haunted Childhood Home by Forest23
As a child I experienced a lot of unexplainable stuff. The house I grew up in was a five bedroom detached house in a lovely neighbourhood with a big garden stretching back with a park on the opposite side. We were the first occupants of this house, but I must admit I am very happy to have moved on f...
My Boyfriend's House by DannyBaby
This event or should I say events took place at my boyfriends house. I now currently live with him, but anyways the actual first time I went to his house was when everthing started up again. Let's whine back a little bit. As for you who haven't been on my profile yet. I am able to see, hear, speak, ...
Hub Bub Bub Bub by Mannerizms
I know, I know it has been a while and I have not had the time between University and work to be able to sit down and write. However, here is a new one for you: Now I know you have read my stories before (A child will always be afraid of the Dark, They just need to learn boundaries.) I've got a g...
Grandpa, Grandma, Where Is Everyone? by Mannerizms
Here is something I could use a little bit of help with; recently I started hearing my grandmother, and trust me I know that voice even though I have not heard it since I was 4, she has a WAY with words... Anyways, what I am trying to figure out is lately she is constantly saying my name over an...
Multiple Occurrences In Haunted Apartment by jjohnson1710
This happened when I was about 14 years old. I lived in a small apartment with my younger sister (9) and my parents in NY. My sister and I shared a room. The apartment layout was in such a way that my bedroom served as a walk through to my parents bedroom. At one end was a door that connected to th...
Was I Possessed? by Nicapol
About two years ago I moved in with a friend, Curt, fully aware that his house was haunted. I had stayed the night a few months prior being woken up to singing and muffled conversation. At first we thought it was his mother, but upon further inspection she had already left the house for work. Ha...
Home Made Ouija Board Took Time To Burn by CryingRose
Hey there! Finally I have got this site to get rid of my incident which I have had with the ouija board last year. It happened in 2011.07.21, we were four friends (lets name them A, B, C and myself Me). We were at B's house enjoying our weekend where suddenly B mentioned that she always felt that s...
New Believer by gaurinijhawan
My name is Gauri and I am a 31-year-old single mother to a baby boy, who will be 2 years in May this year. I live in New Delhi, India. I never believed in ghosts and paranormal until about 7 months ago when it actually happened with me. I am very new to this, so I apologize if my experience is not ...
Spirit That Doesn't Sleep by ilovemexicanfood
My name is Eva and I'm from Houston, TX. My experience began when I was 13 or 14-years-old, maybe even younger. But my scary one began one winter night in my room I shared with my 2 sisters, one slept alone and the other slept with me. The room was so dark but I had my gas heater on so we had some s...
Swimming With The Spirit by Forest23
I have always been best friends with my cousin and we try to see each other at least every month, usually at his house because we have a group of friends in the area. For the past 5 years we have been going down to a nearby circular lake that feels as if it is completely isolated from the world, for...
Uncertain by MoonFall
I am new to the site and do not have much experience with the paranormal as I might possibly like. I have been a silent reader for a few years, however. There are a few similar events that have happened since 2005 that I can't quite figure out. To share a little about me with you; I don't see...
Whistling Dixies by mulder81
This story is the most recent update of my previous whistler stories. This story is in two parts. The first happened in late 2011, and the second last month in January 2012. Early winter here in southern Minnesota was one of the mildest and warmest we have had. My wife was redoing the breezeway a...
Birthday At Rotary Park by JessicaWishon1989
The year was 2009. It was October 5Th, My 20Th birthday. My boyfriend (at the time) was at work, and I was at his parents house. His step-mom and I had a fun day shopping and dining out. Autumn made the scenery so beautiful that day in South East Michigan. The night was slowly approaching. Lori and ...
A Visit From The Dearly Departed? by Wil1974
This story happened to me in 2001, which is a year that was very turbulent for me. I lost both my mother and father that year and what happened to me one cold winter night, I will never forget. It was a late cold night in November of 2001. I awoke to a headache and decided to head to my bathroom...
Red Rectangle by teneki
Twice in my life I have seen what can only be called a translucent red rectangle. The first time, my Dad and I were in our barn having a huge argument. I don't remember what we were arguing about, but there were my Dad, a friend, and I. The friend was trying to calm us both down, but having no s...
Creature In The Dark by aamod_v
This is not my experience but my ex's that she narrated to me. I am sharing this with you as so that we can discuss about this incident if you find it noteworthy. She was living in a duplex that was newly constructed (the venue in this incident is in Maharashhtra) and was surrounded by few other...
Holiday In Wales by TinyTinker
My parents, my brother, my husband, our two children and I were staying in a holiday cottage in North Wales - it was a 16th Century Drovers Inn that had been converted to a holiday let. We arrived and I took my then 14-month-old daughter upstairs to change her. The building looked very old and t...
Talking To David by shellzy
I had often heard that young children are more open to the spiritual world and the below experience definitely made up my mind that this can certainly be true. The experiences happened to my best friend's son some years ago, which we still talk about from time to time. Going back about 13 years a...
Afraid For My Daughter by Phuknoffn
My family and I have been in our house for six months now. Until this morning the only "experiences" that have happened have been by my wife which I have kind of disregarded and attributed to being in a new place. She says she has felt uncomfortable and seen a few fleeting shadows here and there. ...
My Encounters With A Demon by Precaya
Let me start by saying I'm new to this site but I've been interested in the paranormal all my life. Well, from when I could understand it anyway. I'm twenty now by the way. I love to read about people's experiences, the occult, witchcraft, mythology etc. I am not religious in any way, but I'm not on...
The Doll House Ghost by captain-alexandria
Ever since I was little I and my family would go and stay at my grandmothers for the weekend every other month. She lived in a little cottage in what seemed to be in the middle of no where. She had 2 spare bedrooms which I and my brother used, and mum and dad would sleep on the sofas. Anyway, in my ...
Ghost Girl At My Family Beach House by peacelovechocolate
At one point I was at my cottage in Florida last summer. It was built in 1907 and bought by my great grandfather a few months after it was built. Before there were other beach houses but soon plowed down because they were falling apart. (I think they were built in the 1800's.) I stayed in a room...
What Watches Us When We Sleep? by stephyw2001
I would like to share with you an experience that happened two nights ago. Also, to share with you how my mind deals with unexplainable things, and in doing so, perhaps help some of you with your experiences. I'll keep this short. 2 nights ago: I was sleeping in bed, as usual. For some reason of...
Billy, One Of A Kind by Fergie
Billy was one of a kind! He was my husbands' friend, and a constant visitor at our home. My husband met him sometime in the early 70's. He wasn't like anyone we had ever known before! He was a 'showman' and ate razor blades and did fire eating, to entertain people. He was an extrovert, and laughed ...
The Black Figure And The Head by Lild0ggirl
I was visiting my mom (let's call her Cheryl) recently. She told me she sees a black figure in her room a lot. I don't think she is scared of it. Here is the story she told me. Cheryl was going to sleep. She was also the only one in the bed. The dogs were with me in another room, for I was stayin...
A Late Night Visitor by bereal25
Quick backstory: My great grandfather passed away December of 2006 from cancer in his bedroom of the house he and my great grandmother lived in since 1961. He was a quiet man who loved to relax in his favorite recliner and watch baseball. This event took place January 11, 2010. My Aunt called me ...
The Banging Spirit by Kieako
I grew-up in an environment of being introduced to many different religions. My mother is an Atheist, my grandmother, godmother and father, who played a large part in my childhood, were Catholic, and most of our family friends were Protestant. When I was younger I followed my mother's skeptic point ...
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close by Argette
I was awakened at 4:38 am a few days ago by the most frightening sound I have ever heard. It's been a long time since I heard a phantom sound, like my name being called or something falling over or the old fashioned door ringer on our 1896-era front door tinkling in the night. Oh, I hear the odd ...
The Haunted Feeling by Dandruff_in_hair
I was around 8 or 9 when this happened. It happened in my parents house. My nan had died when I was 3 and I was worried as growing up watching stuff like ghost hunters, I feared she'd come visit me in spirit/ghost. This is not fiction so this is true. The first thing that happened to me was when I ...
911 Anniversary Ghost? by sherm784
Being a Manhattan native I was trying not to make a big deal about the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It's always been really touchy for me and I usually don't like to think much about it, even on the anniversary that happens each year. I was hungover that day (Sunday, 9/11/11), and completely wasn't...
My School Used To Be A Farm by Plover
I live in Australia. The amount of happenings is getting out of control and this is only 2. Before I start this story I want to have some back-up history. In the past 200 years, my school was a farm. With possibly 1 or 2 hectares of land. The owners being Mr Buckley and Mr Pye. Over some years t...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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