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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 11
A Warning from my Mother by Ary
A year after my mother died, I had become very close to my thrill seeking friend Beth. We would go into this little patch of forest behind her house ALL the time, and every time we would go in, that night I would have a dream of that forest and my mother would be there, staring at me. One night I...
The Questionable CA Case: Demon, Poltergeist or Mental Instability? by PaulDaleRoberts
I have always been a curious creature. I joined the Ordo Rosae Crucis (AMORC) aka the Rosicrucians to better understand secret societies. When I was going to college, I did a book report on cults like the Hare Krishna, Peoples' Temple, Church of Scientology and even the Church of Satan, by actually ...
Ancestral Visitors? by Jason
Thank you for taking the time to read my story, true, and changed my life for ever. My father and I were, and are, part of a divorced parents group that would take part in activities on the weekends. Softball, bowling, but most of all, camping. We were scheduled to visit Three Links campground locat...
Lisa's Spooky House by pinkpantherclue
I have a friend named Lisa, she's 13 or 14, I'm not sure. My sister Sara knows her much better. I was to spend the night at her house, and I was excited. Now, I don't think MY experiences are "ghostly", but Lisa's were! I decided to include all that happened: Lisa's Dad wakes up every couple hour...
The Faithful Dog by Trogdor
A family across the street from us owned a German Shepard named Tino. Now, before I tell the story I have to say that Tino was a beast. He was very protective of the family and when people came by their house, he barked non-stop. You could never mistake his barking with another dog, as he had this v...
Poltergeist at my Sisters, the Beginning by stefie83
My husband and I had moved to Texas for the military and 6 months after we got there we moved on post. A few months after we moved in stuff started happening. My husband finally opened up to me and started telling me that he sees stuff and that he has, since he was 8 years old. I found it interestin...
Grandma's House by Tiffy
I'm Tiffany from RI. I'm 17 years old. Here are a few of my experiences. A few months ago me, my aunt, my uncle, and my 2 cousins went to spend a few days at my grandmother's house in New Hampshire. It's a cozy little place and very relaxing. My aunt, uncle, and my little cousin Tyler who was about ...
Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess by sofakingdom808
Hi, my name is marissa and this happened on the big island of hawai'i. My parents and I were looking for our hotel late at night and were getting frustrated. Then, we saw this old lady sticking her thumb out on the side of the road. She looked innocent with her long, gray hair and wrinkled face so w...
Bloody Mary by Nikki
This story is about my friend Cassie, Cassie's step sister, Macie and I after what happened in Party gone wrong we were at my house and were telling ghost stories and reliving our past experience when Cassie decided to try "Bloody Mary". In my bedroom my closet doors are mirrors so it's like having ...
Sexual Entities II by mykeldude
Hi all, in my previous writings I indicated that when all of this started to happen, in our home, (see initial story for details), with the shadow of a person up in the corner of our bedroom, kind of sitting there, hovering, watching us sleep. Once in a while, I would see a spark of light, or a dim ...
I Need Help with my Haunted House by violet
I have owned a 130 year old home for the last five years now and I am moving. My ghost has been terrible. Before I moved in, my house was vacant for two years. Upon looking at my house to buy, I could smell matches that were just struck but no one was there. When I first moved in, he used to ring th...
My History Teacher's Stories by chunkygut1
Just to clarify, at the end of term, our history teacher told us some of his paranormal experiences, I shall tell these stories as if I was him so I'll be using I instead of he. Brother's Ghost My brother got a motorbike for his 18th birthday, he was riding it about a week after he had bought ...
Ghost at the Mayberry Inn by Kailey
I was about 13 years old at this time, and my family and I were going to the Mayberry Inn to take photos and see if we can capture orbs or other spirits in the pictures. As I stepped out of the car and looked at the white inn hidden by dense foliage, I got the chills. I said "to anybody that is list...
Sightings of a Woman and Girl by cupcake10132
Hi guys! Call me Mikomi. I'm living in my grandparent's house and so far I've been experiencing weird things. I'm sensitive and can tell if there's a spirit by how it feels. I felt both, a sad and happy presence here. A couple weeks after that I saw a lady in a nice white night gown. Like the old...
Get an Afterlife by Stac
Last February I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and since then, our relationship has been on the rocks. Within this past year, I have definitely been feeling something in the bedroom and sometimes in the bathroom with me. Usually it was just the sense of a presence there, sometimes I wo...
Back from the Dead? by asje
Here's a strange thing that happened the day before yesterday. A shop owner, across the street from where I live, had a heart attack. He was sitting on a bench in front of his store with some friends when he suddenly grabbed his chest and collapsed. Awaiting the ambulance, bystanders tried to revive...
My Night Attacks by juliet777
I've had attacks all my life. As long as I could remember. It sort of became a part of my life I guess. These nightly attacks affected my everyday life. Sometimes I was too scared to go to sleep. I never told anyone. When an attack happened, I awoke suddenly, knowing the attack was going to occur, w...
Graveyard Shift by Draculina
It was 9:00 at night and my friends and I were driving around, bored with nothing to do. My friend Julie came up with the idea of going to the cemetery that is near the highway. All of us agreed since we wanted a nightly scare of course. As we got to the cemetery, my friend who was driving parks in ...
Growing Up by Scott
I was brought up in the suburbs of Columbia, South Carolina in the 70's and 80's. Not a whole lot of "spooky stuff" going on but I would like to share what I do remember and recollect now as an adult. I grew up in Irmo SC, in a middle class neighborhood that was just wonderful. We had a large col...
Creepy & Abandoned by HxC80
This summer I became a believer. There is this creepy abandoned house right next to my friend's house. He said that a lady named Betty used to live there until she had a heart attack. After she died, all of her belongings were still inside the house and some people broke into it one day and stole so...
Picture of Ghost on the Parking Lot in Lake Jarun, Zagreb by zvonchi
I don't really have a story just a picture I would like to share with you. The picture was taken around 9.00 P.M., July 7th, on a parking lot in Lake Jarun, Zagreb, Croatia. Digital camera was used in order to capture the amount of cars parked on the parking lot behind a wedding hall. There was no o...
My First New York Encounters by biggame88
This encounter happened when I was very young, probably under 4-5. I don't remember, but my parents have told me about it more than once. When I was young, my family (parents and me) lived in an old house in central New York. When I was young, I claimed to be talking to a friend, but my parents just...
Our Apartment by bleck
Hi all, I have written in the past regarding my Father's death and his presence in my life. Well, this time, I do not think he has anything to do with it. My wife and I have been living in our first apartment for 5 months now. It's a nice place. It is on the first floor, has it's own entrance, an...
Mom, Are You Seeing Things? by Lexiluca
My mother passed away almost 4 years ago (her anniversary is coming up, August 14th) and in the weeks before she died she was very medicated and she said and did a lot of things that could easily have been a result of the drugs she was taking to reduce the pain she was in. I am going to mention a co...
House in Waco by Leona
Me, my sister and mother/father, moved to this house in waco KY, my nieces lived right across from us. One night I was on the computer, and my sister, and two nieces were in our room. We had two rooms in one, and my bed was on the built on side, and they were all sitting on my sister's bed, which wa...
My Son's Ghost Story by melissagrove2000
This story is about my son, as you may have read my other story After My Grandfather Died, this is about his grandfather. Well my son's grandfather (on his dad's side) died of a stroke when my son was only 4yrs old. My son was just the "apple of his eye", but it had been a while since they'd seen ea...
Grandpa is in the House! by nikilovesyou
Hi my name is Niki! What I am about to tell you is real and happening recently. When my family first moved in Texas, me and my mom where sitting in the dining room talking, all of a sudden my mom turns around and looks at me. Of course I asked her what's wrong she said, "someone touched my shoulder....
Tragedy of the Black Bridge in Nashua by HauntedHollow
In the early 1950's in the city of Nashua, New Hampshire, there was an incident at the black bridge which was located on a stretch of railroad tracks not far from the Hudson bridge, which is the next town over. My great grandmother, who lived directly across from the tracks, was present when a train...
My Parents House by anu
My Parents house is located in a very sophisticated locality in india (Mumbai). It was built by my great grand father in 1936 i.e before indian independence. My great grand father was a lawyer and was employed by british but was secretly involved in the independence movement. So many meetings of the...
My Father's Experience by Lexiluca
My father is really the only one I feel comfortable talking to in my family about paranormal and supernatural activity - as he has had his own experiences that have been just as intense as my own. He's shared with me a couple of quick experiences he's had over the course of his life and I would like...
Scary Visit by monica5
I had a question and I was hoping to get it answered: My boyfriend has a friend he grew up with in school pretty much all their lives, he had ended up with another of their mutual friends and began dating, this friend of his just recently moved out and they both broke up, I really didn't get in to w...
It's Time To Go Now by Rachel
When I was twelve years old, my great grandmother became very ill with colon cancer. She went through treatment in the beginning, but it was not working and she was at the age that she felt she was ready to die. Her husband had been dead fifteen years, so when she got sick, her 8 kids and their spou...
A Visit from Teena by Tammy G.
I have had many experiences with the paranormal. I have lived in houses that had spirits and have been able to see spirits since I was very young. It was only recently that I found out that I am what is called a sensitive. A lot of the experiences I have have not all been very nice ones. But the sto...
Weird Apparition by claudia
It's not an "old house", it isn't build over a cemetery... Neither was it a mental clinic before! I've been living in my house all my life... It all began one night, I felt asleep (let's explain how my room is: my bed is at one side foots to the door and one complete side is along the wall so that i...
Little Farm Boy by bawa911
Last year, me and three of my school mates went to a little farm house owned by my grandfather's friend spotted near a town called Pairoa. It was quite a new house actually, nothing looked creepy about it. A day after we got to the house, we decided to help the old guy out on his farm. At lunch time...
My Experience with Demon Attacks by joelolo
One morning after a hard night of partying (before I became a Christian and learned how to deal with this), I awoke to the most horrible smell making me think that the sewer had backed up into my house. When I tried to move I could not! I tried to call for my brother but I could not speak either. I ...
Give Us Signs by strangely beautiful
I have this office mate (brian) who claimed that he have a friend who has an opened-third-eye. Let's just call her bianca. Bianca has been seeing dead people, roaming souls, ghosts... Or what so ever she want to call them. This happened one night in intramuros manila or usually known in the phili...
Laying in Bed 2 by NickT
If you haven't read my other experience, which was in the last week of June, I had another. After not being able to sleep since that night because of feelings of being watched and strange feelings of emotions of sadness, I went and bought a crucifix and a cross to wear while I slept. Things were goi...
The Swimming Ghost by Adventure_Ms_Aqua
It's normal for me to go swimming a lot over summer. Yesterday though had to be the most fun even though there were barely any people there. I decided that I would start swimming back and forth in the pool to make me get used to holding my breath longer. I was halfway to the shallow side and I felt ...
The Old Civil War Hospital and the Old Indian Burial Ground by Ceary
Well Hello Everyone! When I was 14, I had a friend who experienced a lot of supernatural experiences. She used to tell me she experienced them both in her dad's house and her mom's house and once before she moved to the houses she previously lives in. When she was 3, she used to see her dead grandfa...
Evil or Prankster? by Nikki
Recently I flew to he north part of my state to visit my best friend, Evona. Her mom is in a wheelchair so they have a long ramp to the door of their home. There is a medium size porch attached to the ramp too. Her dad is a truck driver so he isn't home on weeknights. Her Uncle Jay was staying with ...
My Dead Cat - Young & Lively Again by Raven_CT
In 1994, I had the rare privilege of adopting a purebred Russian Blue cat. The breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and stubborn streak. By January, 2007, she was in full-blown chronic kidney failure, and deaf. IV fluids kept her healthy until this past week. I made the decision to euthaniz...
Ghost Cover Up! by Helen Burkhardt
I always believed in the supernatural and was ready to listen to anyone's story, they were exciting and interesting in a scary way. Never thinking I would be witness to an event, I put all those stories out of my mind. But never say never! My event happened in 1970, in January a couple of weeks ...
The Quarantine Station Tour by Casscass
Last night, I went on a quarantine station tour. It opened in 1830. Our tour guide said it's unlikely that we would have an experience with a ghost there, but I DID! I had a few. We were heading to the quarantine stations hospital to go have a look inside. As we were looking inside, I felt a lar...
Stones at the Borley Rectory by cattee07
I have been to borley rectory about 6-7 times. Nothing ever happened until me 6th time. We went into the church yard to explore, when I heard something drop near me, about 5 feet away. At first I thought it had stared to rain. I ignored it. It then happened again, only this time I saw it, a stone ap...
Fear of the Unknown by lynfanning
My mum's sister, who was called Jeannie, always used to tell my cousin and I ghost stories when we were little. The thing was they weren't made up, they were real. When someone in our family was going to die, my aunt Jeannie used to see a Banshee, what she saw was a little woman dressed in black and...
The Haunted House by Josh Ivory-Mulligan
This is not a Halloween story but it might has well be. My aunt used to live in this part of Gilford that was kind of out in the country. Next to her house is an old cemetery. Also, about half a mile from her house is an old house, and my brother, cousins and I are convinced it's haunted. It's ma...
Who Was It? by Alejandra
My aunt, Tia Ramona, came to visit. She is from mexico. She was sleeping downstairs in the basement while I was sleeping in my room. My room is right next to the kitchen, close the the basement door. For some reason I woke up around 8:35 in the morning. But when I woke up, I had this really weird fe...
Commercial Ghost by Darick
Before I begin, foul language is hard to avoid for my experience because it is essential to the actual dialog, I have abbreviated words that are not allowed. I have only experienced what I believe to be a ghost only once when I was 12 years old. My old house had a finished basement which my brother ...
They Tried to Strip the Joy From Me by Alaina
This happened on July 14th, 2007. We had just finished up with a youth revival at my church. This night God had called for a prayer line for everybody under the age of forty in the church. We experienced a great move of Him that night. I gained a lot of joy that night too. I felt good about myself a...
Red Eyes by canadian123
My mother had recently told me of something strange that happened to her when she was a teenager. She was walking home alone in the summer and it was almost dark out. She was walking on a dirt road and there was lots of trees around. My mother said, she suddenly, saw these red eyes starring back at ...
Knockings at the Bedroom Door by PrissyChick247
How do I explain what I experienced this morning. My nerves are still shot, but I will try. I spent the night at my boyfriend's house. We had just went to bed around last night. We left the door cracked so his cat would be able to come in or out. We set the alarm on his cell phone to wake us up...
Early Memories by redone1867
This story is a two part both taking place in my childhood. As I said before I've experienced things as long as I can remember, which my memory is quite extensive. The first part took place in a town called brilliant. My family and I lived in a duplex when I was two years old up until I was three. Y...
My Father's Uncle by Kaylee
Our entire family has been plagued by a ghost of some sort for awhile, because it seem almost impossible to fall down the stairs, even if you start to, you're always able to stop. However, if you go up the stairs at least 45% of the time you trip! Sometimes I go up the stairs and I KNOW I've cleared...
Being Held on My Bed by AngelB
Last night was NOT the first but the third "attack" so far. Let me explain and if ANYONE can give me a good explanation I would love to hear it. I went to bed and as this has happened two other times, I'm going to stress that I was not yet asleep. I just turned off the TV rolled, over to my stomach ...
Rocking Chair by RchlsSweet07
I was maybe 7-10 years old, when around christmas I had spent the night at my aunt Lori's house to be with my cousins. I was sleeping on one couch and my cousin Emily on another. My aunt lori's rocking chair was at the head of the couch I was sleeping on (my cousin was across the living room). I ...
The Mad Old Woman by Michael
When I was young I lived in Alaska. My family and I moved into this old house on the side of a hill about a mile out of town. I have two sisters and four brothers, so you can get an idea of the size of the old house. When we moved in, all of the house was empty except for this one room that was up s...
My Dad Became Ill by anu
I have shared my experience My Parents House with you all previously, and now I want to share my dad's experience in that place (as you all know that house was built by my great grandfather at Mumbai in 1936.) Please note that my dad is a staunch non believer in ghosts, spirits or anything called su...
Great Grandma's Haunted House by emilyk
This happened to my great grandma before I was even born and my mom and aunt were just kids. One night my great grandpa decided to go out for a few hours leaving the house to my great grandma (it was night). She was reading the newspaper and a few minutes later she heard someone opening the front do...
Amy by ShannonMarie
When my oldest daughter was 2 1/2 (she is now 13), she would sense and see things that we could not. We would sneak and sit outside her bedroom and listen to her giggle and talk in baby talk in her room to all the while she was looking up in the corner of the ceiling. I would always tell her to say ...
Ghost of my Dead Father by darkstorm
My Father was a healthy 50 year old man, I was very close to him. He suddenly took a massive heart attack on the 18th of january 2004, he died in the bathroom of my family home and around 9 o'clock that morning. I was very close to my father and I have great respect for the man. The day of his fu...
Possessed by fawn23
This took place July 18, 2007 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It was in my bathroom. I was standing up in my bathroom looking in the medicine cabinet and then all of a sudden, I felt like I was pushed from the side. I felt like I had just been stabbed, it hurt and stung really bad. I "woke-up" on the...
Sights of a Man in my House by earth409
I have lived in my parents' house my entire life. Ever since I was young, I would get an uneasy feeling about the house. It seemed like everyday someone was missing something or the lights would turn on by themselves. I eventually got used to it and learned to accept the weird things about my home. ...
Slave Girl at the Foot of my Bed by Pam
Very early on Tuesday morning, July 16, I awoke suddenly for no good reason. There was no noise, no movement, nothing at all that had disturbed my slumber. I don't know what compelled me to do so, but I immediately sat bolt upright and found myself blinking, incredulously, at the shadowy image of a ...
The Invisible Thing by betty
I always wanted to believe in the paranormal, but I was a skeptic like most people. I had to "see it to believe it". I was only about 15-16 years old, and was dating someone who claimed his house was haunted. First of all, this guy was one of those people who stretched the truth, and made up stories...
The Martinez Home Haunting Investigation by PaulDaleRoberts
I think before I talking about our haunting investigation, I want to talk about a few other things to get this article started. First off, before I became HPI's ghost writer, I was merely a freelance writer that wrote about anything under the sun. I wrote travel articles, political articles - especi...
Wake Up Surprise by nickki21681
This happened about 5 years ago. I had just started to do sleepovers at my boyfriend's house. He lived in a 3 stories family house with brother on 1st, mom on 2nd and my boyfriend on 3rd. His dad was living with him at the time so we would stay at his mom's on the 2nd. She was at her boyfriend's hou...
Eerie Things Started Happening to Me by mike8887
Hello, I am 25 years old and just wanted to ask you people some stuff. Here are three small stories each briefly describing an incident. 1.) Spring 2002: There were loud bangs from out of nowhere in my house. My dresser banged loudly once while I was laying in my room at 2-3 A.M. It was as if som...
The Way It Follows Me by PoohBearBabyGirl
I encountered this when I was about, oh I don't know, 9 maybe? I had an invisible friend. His name was Anthony. We used to play and talk and do everything together. Until I found out the truth. Anthony started doing weird things like cussing at me and then going into the bathroom and crying. My Mom ...
Phasmophobia by propp21
Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts), yes I have it. Who could really blame me? I went from a non-believer to a man whose hair stands on end from the mere thought of it. It all started around midnight four nights ago. I lay in my bed, so close to falling asleep when I began hearing voices to my left. The v...
Two Souls by Rogue
When my mom was a baby and my uncle and aunty were still young, they lived in a house with my nana and granddad. They moved in one year not knowing it was haunted. The story behind it was a woman tried to kill her two children, but she didn't succeed the first time, so they gave her kids back and sh...
Can People Be Haunted? by freakonaleash
I'm not exactly sure if what is going on is a ghost story, I've had these weird things happening lately, and I think it may be spirit trying to reach out to me. I guess I should start back at the beginning. When I was a kid, I used to have these feelings, feelings something bad was going to happen, ...
Ghost Repeating His Pattern by asje
We were always told by our elders not to stay out late at night, because we might stumble upon 'things' that claim the streets their territory between 12 am and 5 am. And when we entered the house during those hours, we were told to enter with our back, facing the door. This way nothing would be abl...
The Shaking Bed by purplequeen12
To be honest, I still play with barbie dolls even though I think I'm a bit old for them. But I really don't care. I don't play with them much anymore because I have had a couple of strange doll experiences. The one I will tell you is sort of mind-boggling. Not really, it's just really odd. I hav...
Tucked in by a Dead, Blind Grandma by Raven_CT
I have had paranormal experiences since I was a very small child. When I was 17, my family moved from TX to NY. As it was still school time, my parents decided that I would stay with my elder sister to complete my school year before I moved with them into our new house. At nearly 30 years later, I c...
Electrical Ghost by jessi
Hi everyone, I've decided to share my story with you as I'm not too sure what to make of all this, I think there is some sort of ghost in my house playing with my electricity. I live in western australia, and my house it quiet old, I live near the old army barracks in swanborne which is located righ...
To the Stars, Smokey Cat by Tygerwolfe
This experience actually started two days before the actual event I am going to relate to you. It actually starts the night I took the math placement test for my college in January of 2006. Upon getting my results, I naturally called my mother and father in Texas (I live with friends in California.....
The Last Run by leslie burns
Hi, again everybody, this is an experience that happened to me in 1993, at my dad's home. I was eight months pregnant at the time with my oldest son Christopher. We were all about to eat dinner, my brother, my dad, my son's dad, and myself. We had dinner every night together, sitting in our usual ch...
Little Girl Looking at Me in the Night by Stathakis
Today, July 19 2007, was a pretty weird and off day for me. In the morning I was walking to work and as I was waiting for the lights to change so I can walk across the street, a bird came right across me and pooped on my head. I have heard that this means good luck. The rest of my day was a good day...
Was It my Brother? by monica5
Hi All, I have shared with you in the past of an incident that my friend experienced. This one is my own experience, this was sometime ago 1994 to be exact. It all started when my brother was murdered, he was bound and tied and shot, then thrown on the side of the road. I try to think that my experi...
In Bed, Weird Noise by ohdude
I just came home from a road trip and I was REALLY TIRED. So I went up on my bed and slept, and a few seconds later I heard this buzzer noise. And I tried to go to sleep, but I heard it again. After the third time, I heard a voice, it said "Stop making that noise" and right after that I heard the no...
No Figment of my Imagination by Ashley
You don't have to believe this... But it's true. I used to have a dog named Tasha who would NEVER go through my kitchen without whining or shivering on the way to my parents room. From that point on I always thought there was a ghost in my house (which my parents called Casper). After my dog had ...
The Grudge Lady by Teerak
This story I am going to share is the story of my friend named "Bee". She and her two brothers were on their way home and it would take 3 hours to get there. Mark was seated on the driver's seat followed by his sister Bee and their older brother Chie. He was driving fast because they had to be home ...
Message from the Grave by asje
My grandfather died 15 years before my grandmother. After he was buried, my grandmother reserved and paid for a spot right next to him. A few years later, she moved to the Netherlands, where 5 of her children were living, leaving her eldest son who was already married, and my mother behind. A few...
Big Bang by franchesca
I know maybe you are thinking "bet they are lying or must be joking". But this is a true story. It all started on Friday 13, 1986. I will never forget what had happened to me, that ghastly moment, the troubles I had. It all happened that night, I was watching a horror movie, I knew I should not beca...
A Ghost? Or my Imagination? by haunted
Hello. I am a 14 year old girl, and I believe that my house is haunted by someone or something. One day I was home alone downstairs on the computer. I was just sitting there and I heard a knocking. I knew it couldn't be either of my pets because they were sitting right in front of me in plain view, ...
What Happened to Me? by Colleen813
It was late one night and I felt like I could connect with a spirit. I just had a strange feeling, but I was ready for this to happen. I always felt that I could open up and be a medium, I just never really believed. I thought it was made up or something terrible would happen. It must have been arou...
My Grandma by torig1230
This is short, and this stuff hasn't happened to me, but my mom. She doesn't think anything of it, but my stomach flips whenever I think of it. It doesn't help that I'm home alone right now, either. Yipee. I've lived here all my life (12 years), in this (hopefully) normal house. About four or five y...
Communication Through Speakers by unguided_traveler
I realize that people here will probably think I'm nuts, but I swear on my immortal soul that this happened. I'd decided that communication was the only solution to my problem with the Shadow People, so two nights ago, I began trying to make contact. Last night, I finally got a response and even I c...
Recent Mamie Thurman Sighting by Sharon_Hatfield
It was a cool night in July 2007 in West Virginia, two of my nieces and I were looking for something to do, one of the girls asked to go out and stir up a ghost. It was around 9:00 p.m. We drove around for a bit and ended up in Logan County, after reading a web site concerning the brutal murder of M...
Black by Babydoll
My partner and I moved into an old army barracks that was over 150 years old, which over time was turned into 4 conjoining homes. A lot of deaths had occurred there. And the only reason that the house came up for rent was because the girl who lived there before us overdosed and died... in our bedroo...
Ghost Cat by The_End_Of_Days
When I was young, I had a pet cat; His name was Olly. We had him for a few months, and I was very attached to him by then, he would sleep at the end of my bed, or even sometimes at my pillow. Then one morning, he wasn't there, I went to find him, I wasn't worried, he sometimes was gone from my room ...
Unexplainable Things After Grandmother's Passing by KnAs4L
It was 2001, my family and I was visiting my sick step-grandmother. The day she came home from the hospital she was with us for about 10 minutes and passed away. The next night, me, my brother and cousin were setting in the kitchen talking, listening to the radio. There was a old fashion clock hangi...
Telephone Call by BaD
I've been gone for awhile... We've been trying to put everything behind us, nothing has been happening since my last story, maybe a month or so. The other night my cousins and best friend were all over at my house, we were all in my room: Me, Darian, Layla, JJ and Josh. Amanda was in Darian's room p...
Held by a Dark Figure by Phantom
When I was 8, I lived in a house where there were many weird things that were very eerie, such as doors closing by themselves without it being windy. As the day fell and night came, I had to go to sleep. Some nights, when the closet door was open and the lights were turned off, I could see a disturb...
Spirits Following Us by cupcake10132
Me and my friend Brooke from quizilla were talking on IM. She said that she had a little boy's spirit roaming the place. It would get cold, then he would show himself. So in the middle of the conversation she said he was coming. Now he was there and he turned on the water. Yes he's a funny kid, who ...
Man with Blonde Spiky Hair by Dolliementalerror
The stories that occurred in my house about last year or so do not take much effect now. Blessings have been done and such so hopefully it will keep the bad spirits out for good. My house is a very old house, I don't know when it was built and actually don't know much about the history but I feel li...
Visit to my Stereo by Bellissima
This is just something I thought would be interesting to share. When my kids were just little ones, (oldest being 3 years old and baby was 6 months, now they're 15 and 12) we had a pretty decent stereo system. I'm sure you can guess hubby picked it out (boys and their toys!) and he was pretty proud ...
Shadow of a Girl by ninash
My TRUE story starts off when I arrived at a big beautiful cabin in the mountains. The place was more of a house than a cabin! It was a really calm place to rent and I knew I was going to have a great time. I remember thinking that it would be a great place to stay for the next three nights. The cab...
Old Lady in the Mirror by cliffandkris
Believe it or not this happened to me when I was 6 years old. This experience haunted me for almost most of my life up until probably 3 years ago. My sisters and my brother would spend a lot of time at my Aunt's apartment in East Stroudsburg when my mother would work. My aunt insisted that her apart...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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