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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 125
My Son's Ghost Friend by MissusTodd
When my son was 2 1/2 (he is now 9), our family moved into a low-income apartment which was set up much like a standard townhouse with an upstairs where the three bedrooms and full bath were located, and the downstairs included the kitchen, living room/dining area and small powder room. At first,...
My Haunted Flat-first Encounter by Niya22
I am Niya22 and Today I wish to share my first encounter with all of you. I still live in the house where this story has taken place, this story takes place the first 18 years of my life. From the moment my mother and I moved into this flat, the hallway always gave off an eerie feeling. When I...
Laundry by kristina_marquez
This will be my first time to publish my story in this site. I was encouraged to share my personal experience after reading the stories. I may not have "the gift" to see the unseen but as normal as I am, I have also my personal experiences. My first experience was way back elementary days. As far...
Ghost Of A Living Person by BlackVeilBride
Forgive my writing skills, that's my first story to publish. This is an experience I had when I was about nine years, my sister was twelve. We were playing computer games four in the morning and I saw my dad, wearing his favorite pajamas and looking at us with an angry look, he was a bit transparent...
A Galloping Of A Horse Or Something More? by Wyland_Renald
This was told to be by my mother. She is from Sylhet, Bangladesh. This takes place when my mother was a child. She and her family were visiting one of her grandma's home. The whole family was getting together after a long time. Some of them have visited each others' homes in between the last great g...
Easter Ghosts by bluesman9669
This happened last year. My daughter was home for Easter but had to return to her apartment in Eau Claire that evening. It got to be late, so we decided we had better get her home. We left around 9:00 pm for about a 2 hour drive. We arrived, I helped her with her things, made certain she made it ins...
Congress Plaza Hotel - Chicago by Marine
In summer of 2011, I accompanied my Uncle back to the US. He now lives in Dubuque, IA. I spent a week with his family before returning back to Cebu, the Philippines. On my return trip, I decided to take a few more days off and see the sights of Chicago. I have been to the US on numerous occasions bu...
Mystery Solved: A Ghost That Wasn't by Sceptic-Ari
I have personally had this experience a few years ago. I was encouraged by a few of my buddies on this site to submit this as a story, when they read it on the comments section of another story. So this story is dedicated to them. It was a the end of summer and monsoon was approaching. I was alon...
My Sisters Haunting, What Is This Entity? by irishgirlo
I am writing this in worry of my sister, and first of all I'll give you a background on her. She is 21 years of age. She is your average girl, friendly, never done anything out of the ordinary or edgy. A few months ago she started working in a department store, which I recently learned was built ...
A Family Curse? by Dawnseeker94
I live in Northern Ireland, just outside Carrickfergus in a renovated mill that's been in our family since my great grandfather's time. It's safe to say that I've had an easy life. He was very wealthy and this was passed on and added to, as well as the house which was changed from the mill thanks to...
Shadow Man, Demons, Possession? by minnesotaLM
I have always been quite sensitive to the paranormal. The first story that I would like to share is one in which happened to me about 7 or so years ago and still concerns me. I am 26 now, married with an almost 2 year old, and another on the way. When I was 18 and in college I met a man from Sri...
There Is Something Going On In This House by R4ch3l12
We had always lived in very suburban, crowded streets when I was growing up. But after my parents separated and each of them found their respective new partners, obviously the next logical step would be for them to move into a new environment with their new partners and to start afresh. For me, ...
The Mean Old Man With A Coat by ZellaB
This is not a spectacular story but I am very worried about my son. So if anyone can give me any information or advice, it will be much appreciated. My husband, son and myself used to live in a town house, in Port Elizabeth in South Africa. We lived there without any problems for about a year when t...
Hellhouse by Jac006
Ever since I can remember I have been prone to feeling psychic energies, the good and the bad. My friends tell me I have the uncanny ability to read people without as much as speaking to them. This ability is especially observed in my mother's family, both an aunt and two cousins have declared to se...
Being Watched By Grandfather? by MetalGuru666
Let me start with a little background information before I get to the meat and potatoes of my story: I was raised Catholic and my whole family is extremely Catholic, attending Church every other Sunday. Within the past year or so, I began having certain questions about my faith and have been gradual...
Who Else Is Living In My Home by Amihet
In my first post I mentioned that we didn't experience anything paranormal until we had renovations done in our home. Around that time and shortly after, my mother, who was dying of cancer, came to live with us and she died in our home. My mother had a peaceful death, she slipped into a coma and die...
Maggie? by justice6920
This story is about my 2 1/2 year old son and an instance I had happen with "His Friend." This instance happened a couple of years ago. I had just given birth to my daughter (she is 14 months now) in the old condo we just moved from. My son at the time was about 2 1/2 and he all of the sudden st...
The Shadow I Saw by myprincess90
It was the 15th of December 2012 and my fiance's grandad had died. He was diagnosed with cancer in July 2012 and I met him for the first time in September 2012. His last words to me were, "The next time I see you we will go for a drink." Unfortunately this wasn't the case. My partner flew to Ire...
Goodbye Visits Shows Distance Never Made You Distant by Neverland_Natalia
Last night I was up late studying for AP testing when something strange happened. It was about 2am and I was totally consumed by my studies when a sudden loud noise interrupted my focus. I expected it must have been one of my family members who had woken up, but when I looked up I saw a medal swingi...
Standing On The Lawn by Know_Seek
When I was younger I had a couple of experiences happen to me that I just can't explain. My grandma's house, where I grew up, used to be the biggest party house on the block. Everyone in my neighborhood was related somehow, either through marriage or our parents growing up together (in my cultur...
Who Was Outside My Bedroom Door? by ItsTooGreen
Alright, so I'll be honest... This is the first time I've ever really talked about this kind of stuff with people outside my very close family and friends, so I'm not quite sure where to start. I suppose a little background information might be handy, so here goes! I'm 19 years old, and have had ...
Screaming Lady by sweatseveryday
Not too long ago my entire family shared a paranormal experience. We had all been sleeping, and out of nowhere this toe-curling cry seemed to be resonating from within the house. It continued for at least 5 minutes, and by then my sister, my cousin (who lives with us), and I had all gotten up and as...
Sleeping On Her Lap by pooja54
It was in 2009 when I used to live in a hostel in badlapur. I was in 10th std that time. Some guy friends of mine used to talk about some supernatural things happening in hostel but I didn't care much because I believed in things that I have seen. One day we girls were talking until late night a...
The Faces In The Ground by NadaNab
I lived this experience that I can never forget. I'm an Egyptian girl, I live in Alexandria, Egypt. So forgive me if my English is poor. But I have an experience I want to share with you. It started the last summer vacation were our family, my aunt and my cousins went to another government in Egypt ...
Shadow Stalker by Obsidian0666
It's Sid again with an update of my husband, Wayne's ghostly stalker. It's not his deceased father as originally thought, it's a woman ghost! I want to describe my condo so you will have a clearer picture of the place. When you walk in the main door, you walk into a small foray and into the livin...
A Transparent Figure Crying? by Jaanu96
What I had experienced was so weird! I was 12 when it happened. We lived in a house where we had our main hall at the center attached with 2 bedrooms and one kitchen behind the main hall. We had an open backyard (can be seen through a kitchen window) from which I can see a small road which was about...
Provoking Them Made Her Learn The Lesson by Amie_16
I'm new here on YGS and I've been reading a lot of stories here so I think it's time to share mine. I've been interested in the paranormal since I was little. I've been hearing stories from my grandmum (mama) my mother and most of her relatives. My mum told me that my great grandmum's both houses (o...
Evil Or Senses? by InnerTurmoil
I'm going to tell you my (continuing) story and I please ask for some assistance. Well, if anyone knows any information about what is going on. For as long as I can remember I've never been fully able to be in my house by myself. When I was a young child 7 years old I shared a room with my sister a...
Daddy's Little Girl by Key_Lay
So about a year ago I met my current girlfriend Stephanie and we clicked almost immediately after meeting each other, we shared many common interest and we enjoyed the company of each other. As we grew closer she started telling me a little bit about her life story. She was adopted at the age of 6 a...
Demon Girl by sweatseveryday
Unlike my mom, my dad has never been very supportive with me and my problems with the supernatural. There was a time when I use to spend 3 days a week at his house, I dreaded going to his house because of the girl with the black hair I constantly saw at his house. She would wake me from my sleep in ...
Resident Ghost by AToastToGhosts
I have a resident ghost named Frances. Evidently she's the original owner of my house, not that my house is that old -- it was built in 1956. Yet, I'm the seventh owner. The other houses in the neighborhood have been sold three times at the most. Makes you wonder, huh? When I was moving in, I put...
Was It Just A Dream Or Was It Real? by xxelainedenisexx
I was 16 years old when it happened. It was late at night and I was in my room, sleeping. After a long day from school and doing loads of homework, I thought I deserved a hard earned nap. All was well... The house was so quiet; everyone else was asleep. Even the neighbors across the street were quie...
A Ghost Following Me by im_scared
I had recently moved into a apartment on the basement floor. I loved the place! It was nice and roomy and cheap! Until one day I heard the floor creek. I didn't worry about it until I started hearing the cabinets open and close and the doors open and close. I was so scared! One night while I was eat...
Lingering Great Grandparents by soul_shine
I live in a house built in 1940 by my great grandfather. It has been lived in by family since the passing of my great grandparents. One cousin actually had so many frightening experiences there, she left in a hurry, leaving behind many of her belongings. Another claimed that when he lived there, he ...
Little Girl And Mother At Door by Sarahrose926
After school, my friend and I had arrived at her house, and were sitting at the kitchen table, talking and drinking soda. Her little sister was sitting with us as well, who is eight. All of a sudden, she gets up, and walks to the door. We figured she just wanted to go outside, so we continued with...
The Closet Door by Butterfly_Kisses
My husband and I had just moved into a house that was right behind the house my parents lived in. They owned this house as well, and wanted to rent this house out to us to be close to them since I was expecting my first child. On the day we moved in I was past my due date. It so happened that was al...
The Creature That Hides Beneath My Nephews Bed Part 2 by chrisstar
Things have gone from bad to worse since I first told about this creature that torments my five year old nephew while he sleeps. Both of my nephew's parents passed a month ago and he hasn't been the same. My nephew's name is Conner. For about a month now he's been attacked by this pale green, ha...
She Was Real. I Saw Her 2 by ErrychMyName
Thank you for those who sent comments on my first story. Like I promised, here is the second part of my story. I already dismissed Ms. White lady with a spooky dress on my mind when I entered high school. We were still using the same comfort room but I'm definitely refraining myself from using ...
The Demon Knife by justlisten
This story happened last year. I was dating a new guy and he was introducing me to ghosts and all this stuff. He was friends with a druid priest and until I met this man I never really had experience with anything paranormal. This priest was the person who showed me how to use my powers and what I c...
Hidden Room by SmokenMirrors
In a past story I have briefly mentioned the house my grand-parents used to own. The House is a pre-war terrace in Birmingham. I'm not sure when it was built but the street in the same form as it is now shows on 1910 OS maps, so I would assume the house or variant of it was standing at the same time...
Lady In White And Burnt Face Man by TheBadSeed
This isn't a long story or really scary as it is unsettling. This... Phenomenon took place in Delphos, Ohio around 3 am (can't remember exact date, but I know it was at least a year ago). I was walking around with my 2 friends and my friends mom. We were helping her deliver newspapers for some qui...
Spinning Bible by Tuesdey
February 2013 I entered a homeless shelter. I'm living there still, but some events that followed my attendance have me a little on edge. Since I moved back to Melbourne, my mother has tried getting involved with me for the first time in my life. I lived with her up until I was 16 and my "dad" to...
Who Took My Charger? by Amie_16
Yesterday when I came home after dinner and long drive with my family, I was the first one to enter the home my mum dad and brother sat on the chairs in the porch while I went inside to drink water as I was so thirsty after a heavy meal. I went inside, my phone gave a 'beep', I had a text. I was jus...
It Isn't Always Imagination by Fergie
Before you begin reading, I would like to post a "Tissue Warning" for all the em-paths. (Before I get a telling-off again!) I have noted with interest, that many folks post stories from their childhood, in which they recall sightings of ghosts or spirits. I have also noted just how many folks cl...
The Shadow That Followed Me by aoife
This, Is my first experience. I am not one to believe in the paranormal or supernatural. Ok, so this started about 3 months ago in my parents holiday home. I was sitting by the lake with three of my friends (Jessica, Emily and Amy) Amy and I where sitting on the side of the lake with our legs in wh...
Memories From My Childhood by MissusTodd
After writing my bio, and stating that I had never seen any apparitions, I got to thinking about some things that I remember from my childhood. When I was young, around the age of 4 probably, I remember waking up in my room in our trailer. Floating in my room were what I always described as "spi...
When A Demon Shows Itself by Perhaps
I am an eternal skeptic. I believe in things such as God, angels, demons, etc... But when it comes to ghosts and such, I tend to be on the fence. I am a spiritual person and can feel good and evil... Even just by walking into a room. But I am undecided about "ghosts" of people who have died. I hop...
Neighbours by katzifilth
This is the first ghostly experience I had since I was but a small child, and let's face it, I can't really recall the earliest of them all. I can't say which one of those are real since as a child, I really didn't pay much attention to all things paranormal. So let's start my collection of experien...
Maybe Astral Projection by Believer88
When I was around 9 years old my parents moved us into a green house in Kearns, Utah. This house would be the center of my parents divorce and a lot of tension. This house always seemed strange to me, there always seemed to be something there, I would hear footsteps in the middle of the night, they ...
Saxophone Terror by JoeEspinoza
It all happened in Mexico, to be exact I was only 17 years old when this event happened, it was during 3 o'clock p.m. So there I was playing my saxophone in my room. I was practicing a new song, just learning it to improve a little bit, weeks before this happened my Grandma had passed away. I was le...
The Queen Mary Experience by gwali
I am sharing a story for the first time after reading much of the submissions on this site. My name is Gabriel and I am 24 years old and my wife is 22. This story begins with being sent to out of town to Long Beach, CA for work in 2011. This time when I went I took my wife with me since we are a...
Ghostly Pets by IzabelleRenee
My boyfriend bought his home in 2008 and I moved in early February of 2010. When I came to live with him, he had 3 cats and I brought my cat with me. We had one tortie, one calico, one white and one orange in coloring. Shortly after moving in, I noticed some rather odd things occurring. Such as ...
...that Whisper In My Ear by SpiritChild7234
I have already submitted a story about strange occurrences that have happened to me in my house. To start off I have noticed a pattern in many of my experiences linking both me and my grandmother. Like when her and I dreamed of my grandfather her husband who died holding a baby boy. The next day my ...
Guess Who's Back by triden07
As a common courtesy to new readers and those not familiar with my stories, this is an account of the three spirits in my home, Gran (my mom's mother), Charlie (a friend of mine) and Kiddo (a little boy who died being burned to death on the property). And the person who has made my interactions poss...
A Ghost With A Sense Of Humor by VividNature
My then girlfriend lived for a couple of months in a trailer in Alamogordo, New Mexico. We both felt like there was something there, some sort of unpleasant feeling. The neighbor told her that the last person who had lived there was a drug dealer. The back room had a particularly creepy sort of feel...
Home by spookyonfire
I have quite had a few spare times to share another story but I almost always don't know which experience I'd share next. This will be my second story but unlike some from this page I won't be doing my stories in chronological order because I'd rather share what comes to mind during the few times th...
Haunted Cat by Ghost772
I am 17 and live on a farm in New Zealand and have recently had a stray cat show up at my house and made its self at home. My mum took the cat to the neighbours to see if it was their's and she got told it was his flat mates cat who had died the week before. I saw the story in the news paper and he ...
The Little Girl's Scream by cluff
In England 2012, I was in Cornwall and staying in a old house. The street was an old cobble street with just stores, food and shopping stores. The house was the only one and the rest were stores. One night we were all asleep. Me, my bother and my little sister were sleeping in the attic. My Nanna ha...
The Jingling Sounds by Bluerose19
This is my 3rd story here in this site, and like the first two, this one is also one of my father's many paranormal encounters. This incident took place in the late 70's. My father spent his childhood in a village and he did his college in a small local town near his village (will avoid writing ...
Is It My Imagination Or Am I Hearing And Seeing Ghosts? by anjarey
I've been looking around on this site for some time and I want to tell you guys about things that have happened to me mostly in the house where I live now for the last 16/17 years. I am 28 now and we moved to this house when I was 11 years old (December 1996 if I am not mistaken). I moved there w...
Im Pretty Sure I Have One Or More Spirits by Dawnie
It all started 5 years ago when a friend started babysitting for me on a second shift. She was here with the my young children and her older son when she first saw a dark shadow figure followed by a light going into my basement. Her son at 9yrs of age also saw it. Me, being a VERY sceptic person...
The Demon In The House by cpachecoxo
Wow I haven't even thought about this in so long, but recent events triggered it and I needed to let it out. My fiancé doesn't believe in ghosts, demons and the paranormal. The only thing he knows is that they're all 'ghost stories' since nothing's happened to him. Mind you, since he's met me he's ...
Woman On The Beach by Randy_bear96
All I remember was being ten years old and going to this campsite close to Mackenzie British Columbia called whiskers as a family summer camping trip. My cousin and I were swimming in the lake just trying to scare our younger siblings with ghost stories about sunken ships and pirate appearances. I w...
Come Out And Play - Schizophrenia Or Possession? by Wyland_Renald
When my mother was a little girl she wasn't very sociable like her brothers and sisters. She didn't have many friends and would prefer to spend time by herself, or at home. She did have some friends. Amongst them, she was good friends with one particular girl. Usually they would play with each other...
Passing Through? by weber242
In the summer of 2006 me and my family moved from Troy Illinois to Black Diamond Washington. Up until a few months ago I have not experienced any thing out of the ordinary while living in my current home. About 5 months ago my mom woke me up and told me she had just seen a women's face right in ...
What Was The Little Boy I Saw? by unsure1
This is completely new to me and really want your opinions on what you think. Last night I was lying in bed and reading as usual using my phone as the source for reading articles etc. It wasn't too dark as there was a light on further down the hall way and also the light of phone lit up the area ar...
Spirit Games by SmokenMirrors
I have just completed my third ghost hunt. Unfortunately this one didn't have the same level of activity as the first two but still had a few moments to take away and think about. The experience that left the biggest impression happened completely by accident. I had been doing a lone vigil in a s...
Two Experiences While Traveling by sds
I don't know why I chose not to send the following two experiences or encounters for submission earlier. I was continuously thinking of how to stretch each of the stories to 1500 characters but until now never thought to sending it to the site together. Both the experiences I had while I was wor...
Grandmother's House by yuki
I love reading stories in this site which convince me to share my own story. This is my first time so please bear with me and my grammar. These stories that I'm about to share all happened in one house different time and date. Let me first describe to you the inside of the house. Once you enter t...
Something Passing Through? by VSAngels
I've always believed in ghosts. I've been a fan of learning about them and I find them so interesting. I'd never seen one. I have very high senses on certain things and major deja vu which I believe sometimes could let me pick up things other can't. My mother is also this way! I've lived in my home ...
My Scary Experience As A New Bride by allesgute154
Dear readers of YGS, first of all, I'm so happy that story submission has been enabled. I will now proceed to narrate my experience that goes back to five years ago when I was a new bride. I tied the knot on June 9, 2008. At that time, we did not have our own house. We (my husband and I) had take...
Blue Mist by themurph
This is very recent and it was last night. Got back from active and later I noticed from the side of my eye I would see something instant rarely, but it was nothing. Last night I was in my room and I heard the dog whimpering and standing by my door, I figured he was ok. Hour later I still hear him a...
Ghosts All Round by lurlzz04
Hey guys, I just have a few stories to get you interested. It started in 2007 and it's 2013 now. I was 10 at the time and I wasn't really much into scary stories ghosts or anything like that. I was laying on the couch and I was just about to go to sleep. I was watching over at the table and I s...
My New House Might Be Haunted... Part 2 by hunting_for_answers_
I was telling some of my friends about all the things that had happened to me in the past and what is happening to me now, and one of them had an interesting theory. (This is my second posting to this site and you should read my other story to get the full picture by the way.) First up, the ghost en...
Ghost Dog Or Something Else? by cakelehde
I've finally gotten brave enough to submit this experience to see if anyone else has had anything similar occur to them. I've submitted one story and thought I would go in chronological order with others but this recent set of experiences has me perplexed. This will take some preliminary explanation...
Things That Stuck With Me by Kriddie
Just registered after digging a little deeper into some phenomena that I've experienced. I found out others have had the same things going on, that's why I want to share with you some things I experienced in my life. Now, the reason they stuck with me and I can still remember them is because, wel...
Touching Ghost And Text Messages Related? by webbie
Last night I went to my bedroom, tired and ready for sleep but once I laid in bed, my mind was energized and couldn't fall asleep. I turned off the light anyway and tried to sleep but I ended up turning it back on and reading. After I read for about an hour, I heard my cell phone make a sound like a...
The Spirit Of The Grove by curiousDevu
This was an experience which I had while I was visiting my paternal grandparents who stay in a beautiful beach town in Maharashtra. It's a quaint little village actually, extremely clean and beautiful. My grandparents' house is situated very near the beach. There are ample coconut and mango trees si...
Goodby And I Hope You Guys Get Along by Swimsinfire
This happened in 2010 along in May, so maybe that's why I'm thinking of it now. Two good friends of mine died just three days apart, and I was devastated for a long time over it. Just to go into some background about both of them let me explain them. The first one was my friend Loren, who had been...
Black And White Hooded Figures by Hanson123
I have only ever had two experiences with these hooded figures and both of these occurred when I was a child. The first hooded figure which appeared to me was black. I abruptly woke up around 7 o'clock in the morning and instinctively jumped up from my bed to see this black robed figure standing ...
Country Road by pmadison
I came across this site after we had moved out of our house. I just wanted to share the experiences that happened to me and my family. If you are curious about the house the street name is the title and from my descriptions of the house it should be easy to find it out on Google maps. Well I hope yo...
The Man At My Aunty's House by AussieChick95
When I was 10 years old, my parents moved my little brother and I to a station in Western Australia. My Aunty and Uncle already lived there and we were keen to live in wide open spaces as opposed to living in suburbia as I had done for my whole life. The station was 4 million acres and 800kms north ...
The Haunted Floor by AussieChick95
This is something that I will never for as long as I live forget. While traveling Australia, our car broke down outside Alice Springs. We were advised to get a room and the mechanic will fix it tomorrow. We rang up one of the hotels and got a room. They were extremely friendly and got us in straight...
Granny Saw A Spirit by allesgute154
I'm sharing this story which was told to me by my grandmother (who passed away over three years ago) when I was a child. This incident took place sometime in the 1960s in a chawl in South Mumbai. For those who are not from India, a chawl is a common housing system which used to be generally occup...
Demon Girl 2 by sweatseveryday
This occurred before the incident in my other story, Demon Girl. It was about 2 years prior to that incident and gives chills to think about it to this day. It was when I first began seeing the girl in my dad's house. Each time I'd go to visit my dad after he and my mom divorced I'd always see h...
I Love You, Grandpa Al by sweatseveryday
When I was seven years old my grandpa died. He wasn't just my grandpa, he was also my best friend. We'd do everything together! Go get donuts, eat our meals together, walk to the park, build Lego cities, and much more fun memories I'll never forget. So when my grandpa passed away in his sleep I was ...
The Invisible Threat by KatieKoolEyes
Greetings, other ships on the sea that is the internet. I have been reading many stories on this site all weekend. I must admit, a couple have hit close to my own experiences from my own life. Many others have driven into stories from people I know and trust in real life. Spooky stuff, I don't th...
Hat Man by zzsgranny
I think I've finally scrounged up enough courage to put this account to the jury of readers here on YGS. These experiences have confused and befuddled me for years. Being somewhat logical in searching for answers to events, I'm torn between what my logical mind is stating and what my senses have def...
Could I Be Haunted? Weird Things Are Happening by nikkijane
Could I be haunted? I have noticed weird things throughout my life, things I would normally just think it was weird but forget about. I am 18 years old, I was born in 1994, if this helps with timelines and ages. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I have lived in the same house all my life. My mum mo...
Final Goodbyes by soul_shine
I recently submitted a story titled "Lingering Great Grandparents" about my house. I neglected to mention one of the more strange things that have happened. On one occasion, I was laying in my bed when my television turned on. Only it was just really loud static, as if a VCR had been left on or some...
Guiding To A Peaceful Place by Amihet
On most nights our cats are locked in the basement because around six am they make a lot of noise meowing asking to be fed. Saturday night to Sunday morning they slept in our bed and, of course, at six am they had to be fed. My husband went to the kitchen to feed them. At that moment he heard a ...
My Old House In Pasadena, Ca by rosehart
This is my first post, and I have been really putting this off for a while but I think now's the time. Sorry if this is a bit rough, I was younger at the time so the memory is still sketchy. My parents lived in this two bedroom house for a few years before I was born and had heard noises that th...
Smell Of Flowers by gman51
This is an account of the passing of my wife at our home. I got home around 1 AM and found my wife slumped over onto the couch and she was dead. I called the EMS, and upon seeing her they called the JP which pronounced her time of death. I noticed a very strong smell of flowers like you smell whe...
Running Out Of Options by Meneiny
So I came across this site by chance but think I'll give this a shot. If anything it may just make me feel better sharing my experiences. First of all I'm 21 and I always try to find rational explanations for everything but for somethings I just can't explain. And at this point, even after moving...
Camping On The North Shore by livinit2
I am livinit2's daughter. My story happened while camping on the North Shore of Lake Superior with my Girl Scout troop last year. The camp we were staying at wasn't a bad camp, it was actually very nice. I don't remember the name of it though. There were three camp grounds in the camp, the one the f...
Our Duplex- Continuation by MandyyNicole
I recently submitted story about the occurrences in my home (thank you to those who commented, I apologize for my belated response!), unbelievably, I left out a piece of possible evidence. There has also been a new happening with my son; I'll start with the new and end with the old. Three weeks ...
The Whisperers by Marine
This happened Sunday night. There have been reports of break ins in our neighbourhood so I decided to sleep in our living room to make sure Dad is safe (his room is downstairs). I kept my 1911 within easy reach for extra protection in case someone did break into the house. On Sunday afternoon my ...
Hunted By A Demon From A Ouija Board by superstroop53
My girlfriend and her friends played with an Ouija board a couple years ago. My girlfriend told me the Ouija board told her it was her grand father that died years back from a freak accident. She began asking it questions that only he would know and the spirit answered them all correctly. Ever since...
Banshee And Other Encounters by rockergurl227
So all my life I have been a little sensitive. Feeling vibes in certain rooms, getting that "Gut" feeling about something. Even having dejavu occurring a lot. Just a lot of different experiences. The one thing I remember clearly as a child is hearing my name, as clear as day, usually followed by ask...
Playing With The Children by Countrygirl1
Ever since I was a child I have been super sensitive to supernatural things. I try to keep my distance and I always have that feeling someone is there. I have only seen two ghosts clear enough to know who they were: my step brother I've never met and my step grandpa hovering over my baby sister when...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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