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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 128
Ghost Needed To Use The Bathroom by spiritwaiting
This occurred in the purple house as my kids call it, 4 years ago, just prior to us moving into the duplex I've described in other stories. At around 11:30pm, I had been catching up on my favorite programs on tv, when I needed to use the bathroom. My children were sleeping, and my husband was at ...
Little Girl And Opening Door by AzryuutheBlueDragon
So I wanted to share these stories with someone, but first I'll tell a little about my house. It's a a big two story, old 90-100 year-old home in the small town of Elk Creek NE. I have lived here for about 7-8 years. Elk Creek is a small old town and if I remember correctly from what I read it use t...
Spirit In My Car? by Rafaelo11
This is what happened to me in Canberra, Australia. I do not know whether it is in fact a spirit, but it was too weird to just be a coincidence. I'm a strong believer in God and Christ, and at the time I would be always wearing my gold cross. Recently I've come to the realisation that wearing a ...
Military Base Hauntings by Seeker1
Where to begin? I've shared one other story on here from my early childhood. I will attempt to share another which may be lengthy, so I apologize ahead of time. Out of consideration of all parties dead or alive and specific location, names have been changed or called "Blank". Setting: Somewher...
The Old Charleston Jail by austinje
My mom and I went to the old Charleston Jail, which was made in 1802. We went inside with about 25-30 other people, and we went to the first room on the left. Everyone was standing together in a "U" shape, and my mom and I were in the back of the group, right in front of the doorway, listening to th...
My New College Hostel-1 by fastrack999
I never know anything about the ghosts even though I never came in contact with them so I do not care or worry what people told me about the ghosts. But I think... I am not that lucky enough and I experienced something that I will never forget about. One day I was with my friend, suddenly he star...
The House At The End Of The Street by Radish23
I've lived in a couple of places where strange things have happened. The most recent was my last apartment that I lived in for a year, back in 2001. It was an small, old apartment building located at the end of a dead end street. I moved in with my dad, my brother and my boyfriend at the time. Ev...
Did We Release A Demon? by fallenangel1224
When I was around the age of 15, me and a bunch of my friends were sleeping over at my house. One of my friends, Katilynn, was curious about what would happen if we messed with an Ouija board. So we got one out of my basement that had been there since I was born. We read and followed the instruction...
New Home, Old Spirits by Believing_is_seeing
In the sixth grade we had moved for the final time. It was a simple Central Cali home with a huge front yard with huge trees to shade the yard, and a huge backyard for the dogs to run around. It was a four bedroom home that was perfect for my parents, my younger brother and me to live in since my ol...
My Visitor From Rainbow Bridge by lady-glow
Today is August 20th, 2013. On this very day, two years ago, my beloved cat Tom died an untimely and horrible death like I told in my story "Tom, my brave cat" He has come to visit many times, mostly in my dreams and I can hug him again and bury my face in the soft and silky cloud of his body. Wa...
The Girl By The Computer by d2424
I can remember this as if it was yesterday. One night, it about 8:00 or 9:00, I was sitting at my mom's kitchens table talking to her. My daughter was six years old at the time. Mind you she was asleep on the couch and my sister was not home at the time, so it was just the three of us there: my daug...
Grandma Comes To Say Goobye by ChrisB
It's been a long time since I last experienced any paranormal activity, which I think is a good thing for me. My wife has experienced more paranormal things then I have, which I got to see during the years of our marriage. This leads me to my story because this is my wife's experience and not mine. ...
A Smugglers Cottage by KayleighClarke
Staithes is a small town located in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, that is popular with tourists. Going back in time over 200 years ago the town was a very busy fishing port, with lively fish auctions at the harbor and horses and carts rushing back and forth to trade with nearby towns. Amongst all...
Hospital Carer And False Alarm? by Shlain
The Nun at the Hospital This is an experience that happened to an aunt of mine while she was pregnant with her second daughter. I believe, if I remember correctly, she was in hospital due to feeling unwell and the doctors insisted she stay a few days just to be safe. She was lying in a ward ro...
Ancient Fort by Shlain
This is a story I am excited, yet apprehensive about. This takes place at our Accounting Head Office. This building is massive and in the shape of a perfect square with an inner courtyard of what looks like modern mixed with old cobblestone paving. This inner area is big enough to have roughly 2...
First Time Away From Home by Niccanix
My boyfriend, me, and two of our friends that are couples, moved into a house together. It's my first time away from home (which had paranormal activity) and now I'm pretty convince this home is even worst! I have been there for two months and it has been quite a trip! First short story: my boyfr...
Strange Voices by mohammad
My name is Mohammad, and I live in Iran (why isn't Iran in the country location list? I had to choose a random country... Sorry) Anyway, I thought I was just living in a normal house at my grandmother's in Qom (a city in Iran) but one night I decided to go and put a simple sound recorder in the...
The Seeing Child by Tarajo
It's hard to know where to begin with my story, seeing as I've had many experiences since an early age. I guess the earliest memory I have is when I was about 4 years old. I was sitting in the corner of the living room talking to "Charlie" (that's the name I gave him). I remember plain as day talkin...
Some Of My Childhood Experiences by heather_doolan
I am not sure if I believe in paranormal activities but I have experienced a few things over the years that I have not been able to explain. The first of my experiences is not a direct memory as I was only a small child (around 3 or 4) but something my mum has shared with me in recent years. As a...
The Stories by abipumpkin
I can't say that my third eye is open. Somewhat open, I guess. I'm not like the kid in The Sixth Sense, at least I'm not wishing to be one. But in the past few years I have encountered a lot like ghosts and even demons. I even talked to God and dreamt of heaven and hell. I started seeing and fee...
Another Mysterious Case Of The Caring Monk by Swimsinfire
This story happened in Kentucky. It also involves the alcoholic man that gave my son and I so much grief until he passed a few years ago. You can read about him in my first story. We had just met. He was cleaning up his act and working at the monastery, and we had a rather nice relationship goin...
Weird Encounter With My Great-great-uncle by mlw5796
I traveled with my mom and my uncle to see my great-aunt and her two sons in their native country in Czech Republic on a vacation for two weeks. My uncle was going to come a few days after my mom and I. So my mom and my cousins slept in bedrooms upstairs, my great-aunt slept in her room downstai...
Intervention by triden07
To all readers, this is about 2 of my 3 resident spirits, Gran and Charlie. It's funny how the human mind works. Some people are naturally predisposed to be hard and unbending when interacting with others while others, such as myself, are the kind who tend to be too nice. In saying that, I have l...
Seeing My Mom And The Ouija by spiritwaiting
This is when all my experiences began. I was 5 years old, and lived in Versailles, Missouri. Late one night, far past my bedtime I woke up and heard a slight noise down the short hallway that connected my room and the kitchen and living room. I sat up in the bed and realized the living room ligh...
Three Knocks On The Desk by spiritwaiting
Only a couple years after my mom's Ouija experience, at 8 years old is when I started noticing odd things going on around me. My mom and first stepdad had divorced and now at that the time of this occurrence we lived with my grandfather in Moore, Oklahoma. Now in the room we shared, my mom and I,...
Black Figures In The Back Yard by IttyBittyKitty
This didn't take place too long ago, so I remember all of it quite well to tell the truth. This is not fake in anyway but I don't know if it was just the moon playing tricks on my eyes or if I really saw what I saw. Before I start I'll tell you just a bit about myself. I'm fifteen years old, and...
Ghost Of Kallavva by Santosh12
The story which I am going to tell you took place in the city of Bijapur in India. I have not known the ghost personally but my grandmother and grandfather knew her very well. And due to certain incidents, the ghost became an integral part of our family as well. In India, you will find many dowr...
Real Or Unreal by maitreyee
This is my third incident that I am going to narrate. This incident happened when I was in college. It was summer and I was staying home for my internship. Before I begin some background information. We live in a Goan Village. The area where we lived is now developing, then we had only 5-6 house...
Fairy Lights And Black Mass by BattleScars
As a child around the ages of 4 until 9, I would wake up early in the morning and I would always hear whispering in a different language, giggling, a buzzing feeling in my chest. I would also see shades of blue, yellow and green blinking lights. I told my family and they said they were fairies or pi...
Is It My Friend Or Someone Else? by Jennilou87
This is my first experience I have written about, and I haven't really told many people about it either. So here goes. Unfortunately, this story starts with a sad beginning. One of my closest friends died in April this year. I can't tell you how, as I don't want to upset his family. I should also...
Mischievous Ghost Of Number 66 by FunkyPhantom
It was 1981, I was 14 and my parents had just purchased a run down town house (Number 66) in the small cathedral city of Ely which dates back to pre-Roman times The town house was in some desperate need of renovation, some of the work was undertaken by my pa...
The Lady That Faded Into The Darkness by jennyjenn7932
I have had a few experiences that I would like to share. The first experience I had with a spirit, or ghost, I was about 11 years old. This was around the time that an aunt of mine passed away in a car accident. I will get to that part in a bit. Well, I was laying in my bed one night. I seen thi...
Ouija Board, Ghost And Unexplained Light by rasc25
After I made the mistake of playing with a Ouija board at my dad's house, I heard something crawling on my bedroom floor. I woke up one night and saw a man standing by my bed, I thought I was dreaming and went back to sleep. I have always thought that was a dream until later when other events change...
It Looked Like My Brother And It Was Not My Brother by jennyjenn7932
This is a little strange. I was a young adult at the time this happened. I was visiting entering the gate to my mother's house to visit. Well, when I was on the outside of the yard, I saw what I thought was my little brother looking at me. I waved at him, and said hello, from a distance form the gat...
The Notorious Doctor G by sistermary
It was July 2012 and my fiancé and I were counting down the hours until our trip to Mauritius. Having arrived 2 hours early (as is protocol for all International flights) we decided to pass time at a coffee shop in the airport and use the free wifi to check our mails one last time. I checked in on ...
The Smoker by musqua_35
Since I was five, I've seen this figure in the shadows when I try to sleep. It first appeared in November. It's non-distinguishable but for one trait. It's a man about six feet tall having a single cigarette. His presence is only outlined by the glowing ember at the end, but his face is still shroud...
Shade Or Shadow Imitates Grandfather by DirtyDishSoap
First, I'd like to say that I am posting this more out of curiosity from what my friend has told me or experienced. Judging by the way he has told me, it spooked him rather badly. So yes, this has nothing to do with me, and I'm going off of memory of what he has explained to me during our deployment...
The Crying Baby by suene123
It was 2002, I was 16 at the time and we just moved to a new house in George, South Africa. It was a lovely house with a big shady garden and the first couple of months everything was fine, with no sign of any "activities" to my relief as all our previous houses had "tenants". One Sunday we had u...
Hooded Black Figure 2 by hmb2002
Hey everybody. Before you read this, you probably should read hooded black figure if you haven't yet. My brother has seen this figure once again. Just last weekend, we drove into town to buy groceries. Mom and dad drove separately, so that we would have more room to put things. I wasn't feeling well...
The First Ghost I Ever Saw: Dark Entity by Ell_Annabelle
I had my first paranormal experience at the house I grew up in. I was not very old, about four years old. I remember it like it was yesterday and so vivid, I often walk by the house just to reminisce. I remember that I was outside in the front garden. I had not long been outside when I looked bey...
Was Our House A Portal? by B4Freya
My childhood house was built in 1959, in a Detroit, Michigan suburb that officially became known as Dearborn Heights. Four years later, in 1963, my family moved in as soon as the house was finished. I was conceived in this house. When my mother was pregnant with me, she did not like to be in the...
Haunted House Part 1 by Strange_Things
This story is completely true. I wouldn't be posting it if it wasn't. All my stories take place at one house. I've lived in it most of my life and I've always been hearing things and even seeing them sometimes. Before I start telling the story I feel like I should give a tour. When you come in t...
What Is Living In That House? by AussieChick95
A few months ago my partner's mother was tight on cash and needed help paying the rent, so she decided to rent a room out. A couple of weeks later Jason shows up eager to rent the room. I don't live with my partner so Jason had been there for a week before I met him. I will give you a bit of back...
A Frightening Glimpse Into The Future - I Need Advice by triden07
I have noticed that as my stress levels rise, the spirits around me make their presence clearer. This past weekend, 23 to 25 August 2013, I had more confirmation of this. A friend of mine, J, had been visiting for the weekend. I love having him there, he used to run ghost hunting tours in Pilgrim...
Something At The Window by Mishipeshu
This happened when I lived in my old house with my parents. I was lying in bed being lazy, sometime late in the morning. I had been woken up rather recently by my mom saying she was going to work/in town, but it had been long enough were I wasn't sleepy or on the edge-of-sleep by any possibility. ...
My Encounters With The Man Watching Me by Bethanyc8
This story is about one man which I think is looking after me. I love in Perth, WA. My name is Bethany and I am the only one involved in this paranormal experience. My first encounter was when I was lying in bed three months ago. It was 10:30 at night, and when I looked forward I saw a man sitti...
Talking To Our Grandparents by aleahsierra22
I've always loved spirits and ghost stories and all that stuff so did my best friend Shelly. My friend ended up getting a Ouija board for her birthday, so I had her and my other friend, Kate, come over. It was my first time ever "playing" and the Kate's also, we didn't know what to expect but I ...
The Spirits In My Basement by aleahsierra22
I was hooked on playing the Ouija board talking to my dead family members and just other dead people. It was something I loved and still do. So I had two friends come over, Shelly and Kate, and we stayed up playing the board from 11 pm to 6 am and, yes, we know you're not supposed to use it in the d...
Uncle's Hand by notjustme
My mother's brother had always been the "trouble maker" of their family. Growing up as the youngest son in the family, he was always the rebellious one. The first time I met him was during my mom's funeral, and he was escorted by two officers. During that time he was serving some time in prison and ...
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction by lin66127
My family moved in with me when my husband was ill and then he passed. They are still here with me. They live in the front part of the house and I in the three rooms in the back part. One morning, I awoke to see my youngest granddaughter standing at the bottom of my bed looking at me with arms t...
Constantly Being Watched by stefanig123
I've always felt as though I was being watched since I was a child, and still to this day I feel as though I am being watched. It all started when I lived in these apartments in Clymer, Pennsylvania. I was around the age of seven or eight. I had this little beaniebaby TY, Zebra. I left it on this st...
Is It Grandpa? by Lornaroze
This is a REAL story of my personal haunting. I am a believer and would never make thinks up like this. About 2 years ago I was at my nana's house in Long Island. I was sitting in the kitchen talking to her and then, out of the blue, the trashcan lid moves by itself. Nana and I look at each othe...
Who And Why Are You Shaking Me? by notjustme
As mentioned in my stories "Here When Needed", I had a boyfriend pass away in 2008. Six months before he passed away, he took a trip to Vietnam (his and my home country) for the first time in his life. He got to meet his aunts and uncles, as well as many cousins. His auntie (his mom's younger sis) d...
Infamous Spirit Turn Table by notjustme
I occasionally go back to my home country for visits. During one of the visits, my family and I traveled from central Vietnam to North. There are these wooden tables that are all over Vietnam, I saw 3 of them during this trip. These tables all look the same. I saw one in a temple, one at the bottom ...
A Black Shadow by Shelby_99
I'm 14 and I've always been unsure about ghosts but the last couple of weeks I beginning to believe they are real. I moved into my new home with my mum, dad, sister and my three brothers about 2 years ago. The house was brand new and is in a fairly big street so there are lots of people. The land be...
Night Study Turned Into A Nightmare by engr_sarim10
I am Sarim from the city of Karachi. This incident took place during my last semester of engineering (BS) in the month of November 2011, now I have passed out. Our semester exams were to start in a week, and we had this course Industrial Control Electronics which I found a bit difficult to unders...
Okay Then, Who Sat On My Bed? by girlie
I haven't written a story in a while, mainly because not much as happened in a while. But this is my most recent situation to date. It was about two months ago when I got my wisdom teeth out, and if anyone knows how that goes... It wasn't fun. The pain medicine made me really sick and I could ha...
The Woman In Black by sabrina_25
To start off I apologize if there are any errors in my writing. These events took place in the heart of Los Angeles, California, all which happened in my aunt Mary's house. Now, the house was a very big two story home with a small back house which was divided into several apartments. The house i...
Possible Attachment Of An Entity by Aramoura
Firstly, I'll give a little background about the locations, and then I'll get right to my experience. The town is Salado, Texas. It's located along the Chisholm trail, and the creek that runs through the town shows evidence of both Paleo-Indian tribes and the Tawakoni living alongside the creek....
The Green House In Lihue by qohw2
I moved to Lihue with my family from the small town of Koloa. It was me (9 years old), my little sister (1 year), my mom and my step-dad. The house isn't isolated, it is in the middle of a little housing area and we were surrounded by homes. The house was built on a hill so there had to be stilt...
Voice In The Basement by thelioness08
This happened to me when I was in high school, about 15 or 16. I was at my friend's place on Number One Pond. She lived in an apartment that had caged compartments in the basement for the tenants to use as storage. It was late at night and I had never been to her house before. We were in the base...
There Something In The Tree by nina_BB
This experience of mine happened when I was still living in a small town in Camarines Norte. At the time, I was seven turning eight and my mother was pregnant with my only brother. During this certain pregnancy, my mother had a weird habit of walking around at night. (It's a small town and pretty mu...
Grandparents Or Something Else? by kaysie_x
As I live in England, I am not that far from London. My mum's friend (a huge Harry Potter fan like myself) had brought us tickets to the Studio Tour and I was sleeping round her flat the night before we went. Her flat (or apartment) is about 2 years old therefore is relatively new, so the occurrence...
The Apologetic Ghost by zeeburger
In the 70's, as a very young girl of about 4, I had to share a bedroom with my older sister in our house in Main Road, Strand. Many a night I would see these odd monster like "faces" swarming around the room and when it got too bad to handle I would have to pluck up the courage to jump out of my bed...
In My Place by Heyguys
A long time ago, one of my cousins fell into depression after his wife left him. He felt really bad and needed a break from reality. To get his mind of things he went on vacation to Italy for a while. He had a motorbike and liked it very much. He used to drive it all the time in Italy. One day h...
Things Happening To Me And People Around Me by anjarey
Let me begin with the things that happened in and around my ex house. My ex's parents had a dog and there was a certain room upstairs that when he (the dog) was in the room he couldn't come out! You would hear him walk and whimper since the room had a wooden floor and the landing upstairs had normal...
The Past Few Years by Sparkie
Sorry in advance if there is any grammar errors. I typed this up early in the morning and I hadn't slept for at least 24 hours. So, I seriously have NO idea how to start this off. My last update was in 2010 and I think this is way overdue. I don't know where to begin so I'll begin with my last me...
My Collection Of Small Experiences by Aishling
Hey everyone, this is my first and probably only story I'll be submitting! It's just a collection of small things that have happened to me over the years. Nothing major and possibly they can be explained away but then again possibly not, and I hope not. So I hope you guys like them and they're not t...
Of Cobwebs And Darkness by Shlain
For those of you who haven't read my story "The Ancient Fort" yet I would advise you to do so as this is an update of that story. The experience I had there happened approximately 3 months ago. For those of you who did read the story you might recall me saying that I didn't want to risk taking pi...
Witch Encounter by ghostrider123
This experience took place when I was just six. I do not remember much of it though I do remember a bit of the spirit's face. As my uncle told me, I was with him walking through the creepy streets of a village at 2 o'clock at midnight in Illinois. Suddenly, I saw a woman in front of me, let me descr...
Haunted Hotel Room by brukernavn
Last weekend I was in the south of Norway, going to a wedding with some of my friends. We were staying in a hotel from the 1800s. From the moment I stepped into the building where my room, and my friends' rooms were I felt that it was haunted. My friend K agreed with me, but we weren't afraid becaus...
Not So Quiet Neighbors by SparklinBurgndy
Last fall I moved from Lafayette, IN to a small house out in the middle of nowhere. I'm in the middle of about 2,000 acres of fields. My closest neighbor is a quarter mile away. The closest neighbor to the south is half a mile away. Well, that's not entirely true. My "real" closest neighbors are...
Held Down By Unknown Force by Kayla_Lynn
My name is Kayla Lynn. I'm new to this site, but have been an avid reader for over a year now. Now I have the opportunity to share my experiences with you, so I hope you enjoy. There are actually two separate accounts I'm about to relay, so we'll start at the beginning. Over the summer, about fou...
The Bungalow by miss_m
My family moved to a small mining town in northern Minnesota. We moved into a small, single level bungalow when my brother was barely a year old. I was four. I remember hearing that they got a good deal on the house and that no one had resided in the home for quite sometime. My parents were excited ...
My Life 2013 by freaky123
Everything started about a year ago. In March me and my wife moved in the same apartment, we also have 1.8 year old daughter. Anyway everything stared when they moved in. First there was flickering light, cold spots, laughing and stomping sounds in the night, etc and our daughter was very jumpy ...
I'm Glad We've Moved by fancyfeast
So, it's my first time posting on this site. I have been a fan of it for many years, hoping to find some closure on things that happened in my old home and now I've built up the confidence to share and not be judged (too harshly anyway). We finally moved out of it after struggling to sell it for two...
Unexpected Run In 2 by mamachong
So today is a perfect day to submit another story. It is one of the two or three holidays that the building is closed and no one around to bug me. I waited until both of my patrols were done before submitting. I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for a better ghost story from tonight on my end, b...
The Occurences In Western Sd by renovatio
I am new here and frankly I don't know where to begin. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota. A lot has transpired here since they found gold here in the black hills a century and a half ago. I am of Native American heritage and a firm believer in the paranormal. My first experience was when I was a...
Michael The Imaginary Friend by kaysie_x
Michael was an imaginary friend that I interacted with from a very young age. He must have appeared at about the age of 4 and when I began to grow up I gradually mentioned him less and less. As my family are very strong paranormal and spirit believers, an imaginary friend was no surprise and they ac...
Was This My Grandfather? by Tamzinite
I am new to posting on this site but I have read quite a few as I have always been interested in the paranormal. I thought I would post one of my own. I am going to start by explaining I have had a few strange experiences, but only recently have I thought maybe they are all linked. This one I am...
Odd Happenings Before And On My Trip by Casper_the_ghost
I wasn't sure whether or not to post these as was unsure if it was simply a case of my mind playing tricks. Anyway, I'll let you decide. The day before I was going away to Spain with some family members, I decided to download some of my CDs onto the computer and then onto my iPod. I will state th...
That Evil Smile by sabrina_25
This is a very short but terrifying story which happened to me last year. One night me, along with my family, were praying the Rosary as we would normally do every night. Now, I am not very fond of being there every night praying for more than an hour but I would definitely do it when my parents ...
Stranger In The Condo by Rockabilly
I had a three bedroom condo in Victorville, CA. My friend, his wife and kids were staying with me as he was looking for a job and a place for the family. It was the weekend and I had gone out to meet up with some friends for dinner and drinks. I got home around 1 am, trying mot to make a sound b...
Footprint And Handprints? by m4dm1nnes0tan
My siblings and I were talking at the table one night; it was raining out, so all we could hear was just rain hitting the house. The electricity had cut off so we were just sitting there talking and laughing, trying to pass the time. To others, myself and my siblings are a little different (but w...
I've Seen Him And You're Not Alone by notjustme
Today is September 3rd, a dear friend of mine passed away on August 16. He was a very close friend of mine and Derek's. He was also my god-sister's husband and the father of my god-kids. He was 31 years old. Let's call him Sunny. Sunny had this amazing smile that was so contagious (hence "sunny"...
Student Flat With Unwanted Roommate by SarahEliz
This is my first ever personal paranormal experience. I have had friends who have went through some scary stuff as a child and played with Ouija Boards. I've always been interested in the paranormal but would never tamper with forces I do not understand. Me and my best friend Ruth have been livi...
Still Terrified 2 by JennaK
So I'm still convinced this is a man. I haven't written anything in a while but what happened last night has really shaken me. I did what you guys said, "became tougher" or so to speak, and basically withdrew myself from any situation where he would usually come out. I've been staying at my pare...
Odd Draining Experience by Mdivision
About a month ago, my friend and I played with a Ouija Board. She said she was experienced enough to know how to open, maintain a safe atmosphere, and close the board. I believe she did so. Anyways, she was proving to me that she had a friend called "X", and asked her a bunch of "yes" or "no" q...
Gettysburg Has Ghosts by tedbear
It was June 23rd 2013 when my wife and I returned to the Farnsworth House B&B to spend another night with Jeremy (the ghost boy), and anyone else who came along. We had just checked in to our room when we had our first paranormal experience. Two plastic soldiers that had been standing on a table wer...
My Cats by iez
To start with English is not my mother tongue, so please forgive my spelling or grammar mistakes. My now ex-husband had a cat when we started dating. An adorable fluffy cat named Blondie. I was really fond of her and took care of her together with my now ex for over 5 years. She would lay on the ...
The Thing Across The Road? by Icy82
I've been reading stories on this website for several years now, but today I finally decided to sign up and share one of my stories. I have had a few occurrences in my life that I couldn't explain and I will probably post them later. This account happened around 1995 when I was 13 or 14. I grew ...
Energy by Mstanion
I'm empathetic. I feel emotion, energy, everything. It tends to turn a person crazy if they can't control it. I've seen things, heard things, that most people don't. Where I live, I have a grocery store across the street. My husband walked over there yesterday afternoon for me; shortly after he ...
Sleeping Paralyzed: Horrible Dreams And Visions by pbeters
My name is Britney and I live in a very historical town called Upland in PA. I live very close to the site of The Pusey House which was owned by Caleb Pusey and was a plantation. All of the houses (including mine) surrounding the plantation are very very old, build in the late 1800's to early 1900's...
Old House In The Forest by Nectarvore
My childhood home was almost a hundred years old. Deep set in bush land, far back from the road. Hard to get to unless you followed a snaking driveway up through the eucalyptus and ferns and camphor laurel. Stashed, almost secret, deep into the thickly forested hillside. Six foot pythons living in t...
I Know You're There by pixiejenn
There has been activity in my life for as long as I can remember but it's gotten horrible since I got pregnant with my daughter in 2010. I met her father through a friend and we dated for a little while, he was a Iraqi veteran with PTSD and decided friends would be best as he was still having some p...
Apartment Haunting by Seeker1
As promised here are a few more happenings in the South West, USA. All of which occurred in the same apartment. As Bugs Bunny would say: " I knew I shouldn't have taken that left in Al-bah-curr-key!" My husband and I have sort of been nomads up until now, working where we were needed in our pa...
Strange Occurences, Is My House Haunted? by Misspants12
This is my first time posting in a forum so I am sorry if this is long and boring. I just wanted to know if anyone could help, I want to know if my house is haunted or if I am just going crazy. I think first I should tell you a little information about me, before I moved into my current house. I wa...
We Don't Understand... Is It Following Us? by lincsstef
Several years ago, I submitted this story: Http:// Looking back now, some of my mothers more outrageous claims - such as the window being blown open - are probably her embellishing her story; or as I said at the time; caused by natural ev...
12 O ' Clock by crookssandy
Hey! Everyone, I'm new here. I'm Sandeep from New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. I'm very happy to share with you all my real ghost story in this site which was happened 5 years ago. Let's start. I was 15 years old when it happened. I was returning from my friend's birthday party which is in the nig...
An Unpredictable Camping by Trishspooky
So, to start with I would like to introduce myself. Am Triya and am 17 years old. I live in Mauritius. The story am about to narrate occurred last year in December. My family (my mom and dad, 2 aunts and 2 uncles and cousins and me) altogether we were about 25 people, we went camping in a bungalow n...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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