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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 178
My Son And The Skull by Bee_Beans
About a year ago I posted a story entitled Something Tried to Attack My Son. This story also involves my son, L. After the terrifying experience in 2012, we were lucky enough to have a fairly quiet time (in the negative paranormal sense). We have had strange occurrences but these have mostly been...
My Mum's Attachment by Bee_Beans
I think my mum has something attached to her. I have always been a sensitive person and have certain 'gifts' that I believe would be stronger if I were not raised in a Jehovah's Witness household. My gifts include sensitivity to energies (both human and paranormal), some kind of precognition and ...
Gift Or Curse? by Bee_Beans
I mentioned in my previous post (My Mum's Attachment) that I have certain gifts. I said I would discuss them in a subsequent post. I would really like your opinions and advice on these 'gifts' as I sometimes feel that they are more curses than gifts. As I have said, I was raised in a Jehovah's Wi...
Violent Spirits And Possible Demons #2 by Toby
Mysterious Bruises- I nearly forgot about this experience, but a few weeks ago my sister, the same one that took the photo (that she deleted before I could get it), came into our room and showed me some bruises that she had on her upper leg. She found them strange because they looked like they were ...
The Skeptic by MaggieMay_Not
To date, I've told you about my mom's poodle, my brother, my dad, myself and my son. I've mentioned my husband. He is the ultimate skeptic who moves back and forth between belief and outright disbelief. He has no qualms telling me I'm imagining things or that I'm crazy. Then when something happens h...
A Very Eventful Walk Home by Oceana
Today as I was walking home something very strange happened. I walk home on a path next to a main road. The road was empty which was strange as the road is always busy with cars and lorries. I told myself it was nothing and walked quicker because I was scared and cold. I got lost in my thoughts and ...
A Choice To Be Made by EmmalineTexas
This story is personal to me. I'll merely present what I experienced and leave any judgement up to the individual reader. I believe that both evil and good are very real forces in our universe. I'll be happy to chalk it up as something that is non-supportable as far as evidence but I thought it migh...
My Brand New Haunted House by overrated_07
My father was in the Navy until I was 18 years old. Spooky things have happened in many of the places my family has lived, but our home in O'Fallon, Illinois was the worst. My parents planned on retiring from the military so they bought a brand new house. We lived here 2006-2010, my 8th grade to jun...
Voices, And A Bang by sheld999
It was a Thursday December Evening, Its summer a cool night not too hot or too cold. It wasn't too late into the night when this encounter well not really a encounter but the incident that happened. I'll will try to write it with the correct way of trying to explain what happen as its still fresh in...
My Three Different Types Of Ghostly Experiences by oddie
The first experience that I had was in 1983 I was eight. In our house the living room and dining room was just one big room with an old time heating stove with pilot light and when it kicks on all the burners come on to heat the house. We had a fan next to stove to help circulate the heat. I was on ...
Moving From One Strange House To Another by Mandee
The experiences in this particular house weren't nearly as obvious as something in my previous home moving dolls around but a few small things did happen. Myself, my partner, and my daughter moved into a house shortly before I gave birth to my son. The house seemed ordinary until we had been there...
Strange Knocking On My Wall by JudyW
I live in a small home in the suburbs of Chicago with my husband and 3 cats. As far as I know, nothing bad has ever happened here but the home was built in 1954, so the possibility is there I guess, for a tragedy to have happened at some point. We always get the feeling of being watched, and excep...
The Spirit Of Ann by NotSensitiveButDanish
Thank you for reading this - I have read many interesting stories and experiences of the super natural kind here myself for a few years now. I am not sensitive in this area or afraid of the "unknown" - mostly I find it fascinating. I'd like to think that all these encounters and sensations of the in...
The Creeper From Next Door by MsTeek
My partner and I live in a house his family have owned for generations. I have been told stories of paranormal events that have taken place in this house and have heard footsteps, knocking and voices but it had never bothered me because my partner believes that the spirits in this house are his f...
My Sister's Shadow Man by alizzle87
Hey all 👋🏾, I am writing this story in regards to my little sister who shared something with me last night while we were out dinner. A few months ago she casually mentioned how when she wakes up in the middle of the night, there's a black figure with a wide hat standing in her doorway. M...
Barbie Legs (help) by Sempiternal
This is but one of countless experiences of which I've bore witness. Being a Wiccan Initiate, it is vital that I keep the psychic door propped wide open (not that I could close it anyway). Being in the Four Corners area (New Mexico), paranormal occurrences are not so paranormal. But this is a strang...
My Father's Visitor by LostGirl
This account happened to my dad, but (with his permission) I felt I had to share it. It terrified me to say the least! Just over a year ago, my dad went on a trip to Scotland. I can't remember the name of the place he visited, but it was a beautiful manor beside a loch. He had a room to himsel...
I Grew Up In A Haunted Cottage by GhostGirlClara
When I was seven, nearly eight my Father got a job as a Handyman on a private estate on the outskirts of Stirling City, Scotland. The estate was very large and housed many buildings, an orchard and stables. The main house was home to retired men and my Father was in charge of it's maintenance and al...
Followed To My Room by terranigma
I have so many stories and experiences to publish here that it almost becomes overwhelming when I think about it and mostly I just give up the thought of publishing more but this happened just this morning at 5am. My partner and I moved to Ashfield in Sydney's inner west NSW about 3 months ago. W...
Am I Just Crazy? by Alliedragoncat
Ever since I was a child I have somehow been connected to paranormal activity. My grandmother, who passed when I was a baby, came to me often in dreams and to comfort me when I was sad. She made me feel safe. This isn't about that however. Over recent years, I have had a spirit / entity follow me...
Childhood House: Fear Of The Dark by Cosmica
This story happened directly to me, but as I was a toddler I don't remember it, just the consequences. With that said, this is what my mother and grandmother told me. When I was 3 years old, I started to cry a lot at night. The only way I would sleep was in my mom's arms and she had to be walking...
The Historic Courthouse by Lilwolf
A few months ago my husband Cuyler and I decided to go check out a building on my historic trip list, Yes as dorky as it may sound I have one of those. We decided to revisit a very beautiful small town called Blairsville. It is very simple with limited attractions but full of history. Completely...
Ghost With Glowing White Eyes by ButterflyBabe
Today, I had an abnormal new to me experience. I have occasionally seen an older woman always from the side profile never showing face or lower half of body. She would walk from the door to the fridge. It's been a few months since I've seen her. Today she appeared in human form except she looked at ...
Ghost Made Bacon Sandwich by sophiethunder
I was home alone one day. I was not feeling well so I took the day off work. My boyfriend had already gone so that left me alone. I was watching TV when a loud humming started. Originally I thought this was the TV so I turned it off, but the humming continued. It was really starting to annoy me beca...
Our Apartment Above The Hospital by Fariya
After a long time I am here, back again with my experiences. So this story is about the apartment we bought and moved into, after moving out of the apartment mentioned in my previous story "My Scary Apartment". This apartment was in the same city as my previous apartment, but was very far away f...
Dollar Shop Ghost by DarkSoul94
I work at a dollar store just down the street from me. It's been there for over 10 years and it has been an ok first job. I get stuck with night shifts a lot, but in these instances it's been alright since most of the weird things that do happen are at that time. My coworker who was with me on thes...
The Blue Church by Mavvey
I have many paranormal experiences to share, so I decided I would do so in chronological order starting with my first ever notable experience. My Biological mother, who I no longer speak to on a regular or even yearly basis, was a self proclaimed 'Ghost Hunter.' While she was off across Ontario hunt...
"camilla" Encounter by Skull_The_Demon
Last summer me, my twin sister, my step sister, my brother and my brother's friend were bored while hanging out at my house in Calgary Alberta. So we decided to make a paper Ouija Board. Keep in mind, we've done this before but have never gotten anything to happen. We used a normal cup as the planch...
Ghost? Shadow Man? Both? by lolly200011
I'm new to this site and have signed up in hopes of seeing other peoples thoughts and interpretations of my experiences with a ghost and/or shadow man in my childhood home. I would love to hear you thoughts and read your own similar experiences. These things are fascinating to me and I hope you enjo...
I Told You So! by Pinka
I only have few experiences and thought of sharing the most terrifying experience which happened in 2017 September. When I was 16 years old I saw the ghost of my Grand mother and after that she communicated with me through black kittens and strange dreams which I will share in a future post. Then on...
Tandra by Anjaneya
To introduce I am having many unexpected and unexplained experience since my childhood. I have tried to chase every answer I could get. I would like to share a recent experience with YGS. I am learning the paranormal from the West as well as Vedic as well as Tantric Indian and corresponding texts. ...
Toddler Terrors by Nicky22
So this is my first story I've posted on here and I'm really intrigued on what you all think. I've recently moved into a two bedroom flat with my two young sons, my oldest is 3 years old and he's always been a very caring and sensitive little lad, but recently we've had a few things that have made...
Running Up The Stairs by believeandsee
I was 11 when this story took place. I no longer live in that house and haven't experienced anything paranormal ever since. This story is about my sister Cas' dog, Lilo, who got hit by a car behind our house. Nothing strange had ever happened at that house until Lilo passed. I've had about two e...
The House In The Swamp by stargeezer
Long time ago I used to live in a small town called Negombo. It's on the western coast of Sri Lanka. It was a simple cozy little town where almost everyone knew everyone or everyone knew someone who knew everyone. It's a fishing town where most people are are Roman Catholic and you could find many h...
Just A Little Too Coincidental For Comfort by MaggieMay_Not
I had planned a different submission, something that would explain my thoughts and beliefs about ghosts and other paranormal entities, but that will have to wait. I need to share this with you - it is almost real time because it happened today - 1/24/2018 from 3:15 PM until about 4:00 PM. First I...
Rita And Her Children by AlskaRJean
My experience started about two years ago. It started out as sleep paralysis, but it slowly progressed over time. I know sleep paralysis has a scientific explanation, but these incidents started to happen while I was awake, as well. The first time I experienced sleep paralysis, it was scary for me...
The Fish Dish by LuciaJacinta
Around the late 1970s, one of my grade school friends was named Moonchild. (Name slightly changed but extremely close to this name.) The family lived in an old Victorian home. It wasn't a dark or scary home but one filled with love and family and little kids. But, you could tell it was a home th...
Freedom by LuciaJacinta
I was a young mother in 2004. I loved my husband and children and just enjoyed the day to day routine of raising kids. We were living in Northern California at the time in a cute little home and I was happy. My oldest just started first grade. I had a three year old and a new baby. Life was busy...
Door Closing And Noises by Friedrich94
First, let me introduce myself. I was born in Phoenix, AZ, in 1994. I lost both my parents and my brother before I was 18 years old, after which I moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and I've been living alone ever since. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Tech...
The Shadows Near The Tree by Socracy5
This is actually my first story which I am going to tell and is actually based on the encounter of my best friend who lives in the neighborhood. This experience is neither terrifying nor horrific but I am scared though, and a little worried about this incident. So here we go, This first started o...
The Odd Room In A Rather Sunny House by Amor
This is my first attempt to share a story here. I have been reading accounts here since 2013. I have Googled "ghost stories" and this site came up first. But it was only very recently that I decided to make an account and be a real part of the community. I have always looked for the most logical ...
A Visitor During A Hospital Stay by Mandee
It's Mandee again, and I have something to share that happened just last night. Those of you who have read my experiences with my daughter's Uncle Dusty know the circumstances and I'm pleased to report another visit while we are having a difficult time right now. My 16yr old daughter is in the hos...
What Was Laughing In The Room? by Artickpiggy
This is the very first paranormal fact that happened to me. I was 14 at the time and my friends and I were always attracted by the paranormal world. Back then, we would try to write down a Ouija board (the adults never wanted us to use one), and try to contact spirits but thank god it never worked o...
Confuse A Gnome by Tweed
This is a follow up to our resident brownie (home dwelling gnome). In the second week of November I was exercising in the lounge room. It was the first time I'd done a workout in the lounge room, as I normally do it in the bedroom. I don't know why it never occurred to me before to do it in the l...
He's A Believer Now by WontTellYouMyName
This is something that cemented my belief in the supernatural. Bare with me because this might be a bit long but I guess it's worth it. It was around the second week of August 2017, only a couple weeks before my birthday and since my partner wasn't going to be in the country on my actual birthda...
The Dark Place by Shadowwulf113
When I was very young, my grandmother told me a story of when she was young. She said that she had played with a ouija board and that strange things began to happen to her. I have often wondered if in some manner she had submitted me to a lifetime worth of encounters. This is the time that I had bee...
The Mimicking Spirit by Lilwolf
There has been some pretty creepy things going on in our apartment the last two weeks that is unlike anything I have dealt with. It started last week Jocelyn had been asleep for awhile and Cuyler was getting a shower while I was putting away dishes. I was just about done when I heard what I thoug...
My Unusual Mountain Guide by Amor
I was in college when I joined a mountaineering club. We planned a trip to hike a mountain that's said to be mysterious among locals in a neighboring province where my college was. There were reports of strange lights at night near the peak and sort of partying noises, despite having no power up ...
The Crying Tree by nfw1993
This is a story my great Grandmother often told. When Grandma was young her family moved to a little town in Lincoln County, Missouri. The house they moved in to, unbeknownst to them was rumored to be haunted by the cries of an infant. They moved in and the first night as they lay down to go...
I Saw A Shadow, And Nobody Was There by kittyclassified
This happened around Halloween, in 2017. I was with a group of friends, and we were chilling in the backyard of one of the friends. Things were going good for a while, just normal middle school discussions and occasional doll in the window. (the friend had a little brother who was inside the house a...
Adam's Shadow by nofxroxx
Here's a little back story: I had a very good friend by the name of Adam for many, many years. We had probably been friends since elementary school up until he passed away in 2007. I am 29 now (2018)... First of all, Adam always said that he would die in a car accident at 19 years old. Well, g...
Loku Mamma <3 by Pinka
This is my second story. In my first story (I told you so!) I mentioned that I saw my grand mothers spirit and she started communicating with me in my dreams and black kittens. We call our grand mother "Loku" Mamma. Loku means big in Sinhala language. The first spirit that I ever encountered was Lok...
Ghost Smell? by xLau
A bit of background to this... When I was younger I spent a lot of time with my Great Grandmother, or Little Nan as I always called her. I used to spend most weekends at her house, we did pretty much everything together on a weekend up until she passed. Anyway, she used to ALWAYS use Deep Heat a...
The Queen Mary Kids? by SucculentMania
I am curious skeptic, it has always been a source of entertainment to watch paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the Saginaw, Michigan films made by "Prozak" (although I find Prozak's films to be a bit more difficult to debunk in certain cases). A California native, I have heard many times that...
Satanists In Savannah by Zander
The year was 1986. I was dating a young man from a little town outside of Savannah, Georgia. Ours had been an immediate attraction but no one comes without a past. In his case his last relationship still haunted him, I could tell. It was never completely clear why they were not still together becaus...
Phantom Vehicle by junemoonchild69
In August of 2006, I saw a "phantom vehicle" on Big Tujunga Canyon Road (Angeles Crest National Forest) in Sunland, California. It was late evening around 10:00 pm. My friend (who lives there) and I stopped by his home so he could pick up some of his belongings. We parked my Jeep in a small space on...
The Ringing Thing by eloisa28
This happened last January 28, 2018. We all know that Christmas is over. But this story I will share relates with Christmas. As I arrived at the school where I worked at, I saw our janitor and asked him about the key in the office. He said he's not holding it yet. So I decided to go to the main g...
Something Scratched My Friend, Cat And Mirror by Oceana
Quite recently I was at home with my new cat, Alissia and my best friend, Eddison. We were sitting watching a video on my phone when the cat started meowing really loudly from upstairs. Eddison offered to go and see what was up with Alissia. He said there was nothing up so I put it down to settling ...
I Think I Was Visited By A Deceased Friend by PretentiousSitch
Two years ago I lost one of what I would call my three nearest and dearest friends, who I'll call Hannah for purposes of this story. We met in secondary school, stayed in touch through uni, and remained quite close throughout while going out, going on holiday together, complaining about men, shoppin...
The Giant Shadow by Amor
We were staying at our aunt's place in a hilly village in Rizal for a time. It was very near the City, but the place is completely suburban. It was a rather sleepy village, where most people we know are retirees. There were also unoccupied houses, one of which is right across ours. We stayed in a...
The Golden Haired Girl by EllaKS
First off, I'd like to begin by saying that this isn't an experience of my own. This happened to my mother when she was around the age of 11. It all started when my mother and uncle were sent to boarding schools across the country. My uncle was to attend a private school in the countryside and my mo...
Okay, That's Weird by saboy
Over the last 7 years, I (and some others around me) have experienced some strange goings-on. Each time I have thought, "Okay, that's weird", tried to find some rational explanation of what I've seen and/or heard and then I've forgotten about it in due course. Here is one such strange occurrence. ...
Kittens by Pinka
This is my third story. I promised to share how my grand mother communicate with me through dreams and with that being said I will share the story how my grand mother was sent away to the light. If you've read my previous story (Loku Mama) I explained what kind of a person she was and how she passed...
Forest Encounter by Artickpiggy
My grandparents used to rent a house in a little mountain village for three months in the summer and I used to go there every summer since I was 5 until I was 14 with my sister, which is 7 years older than me, and my cousin which is 3 years younger than me. I really liked my time there so when I gre...
Was It My Grandad? by Paranormallover247
Last night I stayed in my living room with my niece, we both stayed on different sofas. The shape of my living room is an L so where the tv is there is another section of the room behind that you have full view of. I had a bad sleep to start with, waking up every few hours. But one time I woke up ...
One Final Visit by RCRuskin
2018 has not been that great a year for us in Upstate New York so far. The big blizzards at the start of the year, and barely halfway through February and mom broke her arm and needs a joint replacement surgery. She's Orthodox Christian, and as dad says 'there is no ox so stubborn as an Orthodox.' I...
Kaci Is Still Here by lisadeanna1966
It started with my friend's daughter. She got very sick on Christmas morning of 1998. One of her lungs had collapsed. They rushed her to a hospital in Lexington Ky. They found out she had a large tumor behind her heart. They diagnosed sarcoma bone cancer. This little girl was a twin, she was only 8 ...
Mama by Queen_Rias
This is my first time posting a story here and I just made an account here just to share this with you. This story happened to me almost 8 years ago June 4 2010 to be exact, its not that scary actually but it's unusual I just read a story here similar to mine so let's start! Last 2010 my mothe...
Was It Magic? by majarlika012
Actually, I did not personally witnessed the event, my mom and other relatives did. It happened I think in the middle to latter part of 2017. Last year, my tita found out that she was pregnant. When she told her daughters (she currently has 3 beautiful daughters - eldest is already working (23...
In My Daughter's Room At Night by nolasara
I have written about my youngest daughter before. She is now four and is a pretty normal, healthy, happy child. Two nights in a row she had gotten up and gone into her big sister's room some time in the night. This, in itself, is something that is not too strange or uncommon for a child to do in m...
Is She Mad With Me? by Sarsem
For those who have read my previous story of my brother John, you might be aware of the young "girl" attached to him. This happened a few months ago and I would like to share with you. John has still been going through a tough time but had said that he hadn't seen the girl for a while. So I sugg...
Hand Grabbing My Ankle In Shower by kk3boo
So my family moved here to Utah about four years ago and ever since there have always been these presences. Some of them were kind and helpful. A couple of them I was able to talk to as well and they never did anything other than protecting the younger children in my household. However the other n...
Two Dogs by Joshyboy95
My name is Joshua and I am from south Yorkshire England. I am 23 years old and was around 20 years old at the time this sighting occurred. Having watched a lot of ghost stories and other chilling videos on YouTube and other channels due to having been bed ridden for the past 12 days due to a ...
Don't Stay In The House Alone At Night by El
I have seen and heard things in this house before but I've never been bothered by it because in my village I'm known as " brave" so I'm embarrassed to admit I am terrified of what's happening. I know everyone that has lived in this house has stories about what they've seen. My uncle said he would ...
Active Childhood House, Still Going Strong by CuriousDee
I grew up in an active house (I'm not a fan of the term haunted, probably because of the negative feedback after sharing with others). Many times the experiences happened to my mother and father. I've heard plenty from my parents, but also conversations where they didn't know I was eavesdropping. I ...
My Other Mum And Dad by Thefox
I have written a story about an experience I have had of seeing a black dog in Scotland and mentioned my daughter giving me advice on how to deal with it. The reason I ask my daughter is that she has studied this phenomenon because of things that happened in her childhood. When my daughter was a...
Periodic Experiences, What Is Going On? by LewNicol95
So, a bit of background. The house I currently live in, we moved into about 7 years ago now. I live with my parents and two brothers (I'm in my early 20s and my brothers are 18.) We live in a place called the Wirral, it's a little peninsula over the water from Liverpool. Ever since we moved in t...
Most Haunted Wisconsin? by gabriellesnotes
Alright, so I am not sure where to start so I will start with a little background on my story. This was in 2012, in Rothschild Wisconsin, I had found out that the original "idea" for the movie poltergeist was based on a house a block over from mine. It explained a lot of phenomenon that happened...
Self Writing Code by valkricry
From my journal: 2/9/2018 I'm not saying this is paranormal, because I've been sick and we know how that can be, but sick or not it's platypus odd. Since the doctor won't let me go back to work until Monday, I decided to work on Trespauze Manor, my online haunted house. I wanted to make it respon...
The Horror Of That Night: Stranger Girl by Aakanksha10
This is a real incident that me and my friend 'X' encountered. The story begins as... My friend 'X' had a night stay at my house as exams were near and we needed to study. It was dark outside, the time would have been probably around 12:30 am. Everybody at my home was asleep except for me and my ...
10 Years Old And New House by robmkivseries70
My small contribution, which has led to some continued interest in the paranormal. We moved house when I was 10. Bigger house, two story, built in the late 40's IIRC. Early on I,at least, would hear my name called and it wasn't my mom. (Went and asked.) My younger brother complained of seeing faces...
A Friend In The Woods by indiglo
I grew up in an old farm house in the country - off the highway and kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was the house my grandmother grew up in, and it stayed in the family since. I even had the same room she did. The house was surrounded by a big grassy yard, which was bordered by a wood - or smal...
Visitation by inez67elena66
I'm not sure if my experience falls into this category or not. Begin 2015, my husband was hospitalised with heart problems - the first of what was to be many hospital admissions. The morning after his admission as I was getting up, I had one foot on the floor and was about to stand when all of a s...
My Dad Won't Talk About It by jellybeaniekid
This is my first time uploading my experiences but this is mostly an account of what my parents and their old friends have went through in one of our old homes. We used to live in a flat above a pub that my dad owned, it was huge and had two floors; with my parents bedroom, the living room, my da...
More Than Just A Shadow Man by Alvara_Jane
I've been reading stories on here since I was around 12 and have finally decided to post a few of my own. I guess I should start with some introductions: You can call me Ally, although that's not my real name. I'm an Empath, and I've had a lot of supernatural experiences, some of which I don't und...
It Wasn't Me, It Was George by CuriousDee
I've given a little background on my childhood home and the ongoing activity in my first story. This is an experience that scared and baffled me for years. It still does. The house I grew up in was active since day one of my family moving in (and still is). Immediately after moving in, my father ...
Big Foot And The Gang! by Pinka
The story I share today is what my brother experienced at his annex in Kaduwela, Sri Lanka. My brother is studying software Engineering at SLIIT, Malabe. Him and four of his friends rented a house in Kaduwela like most of the other students. It's a two storied huge house. The top floor is half way d...
Little Girl From Down The Street by milky
When I was little, I apparently was able to see, sense, and talk to spirits. The ability slow diminished over time and now I can only sense and see them if I'm caught off guard. So this is a story my mother told me about when I was 3-years-old (I'm 21 now). I was a chatty 3-year-old. I would like ...
Ghost Or Anxiety? by MiDL00
I have experience many ghostly encounters, some not so great and others that weren't so bad. One that sticks out to me this day that now makes me question if it was even paranormal or just an anxiety attack. This particular experience happened when I was around 6 but didn't last too long. We moved...
The Skeptic And The Playful Ghost by Bee_Beans
As I have mentioned in my previous stories we have had many paranormal experiences in our current house but they have mostly been positive/neutral. One of my favourite encounters happened to a friend of ours in our house. We are VERY close with J. He lives a few streets away from us and is at our...
I Saw A Spirit As Clear And Solid As A Living Person by Dangslow
I had a job working at a secured military facility out in the remote Utah desert. When I was hired the man who trained me asked if I believed in ghosts, because if not, I would before I left the job. He was kind of strange though, just like the rest of us graveyard shift workers, so I never gave it ...
Shattered Glass And A Creepy Little Girl by triden07
It has been a while since I have posted anything, just goes to show how quiet things were. Until now... My story takes place on the night of Wednesday 21 February 2018 (though it could have been in the wee early hours of Thursday 22 February 2018). Just a side note, since the house swop last year...
Scar by Amor
This story was shared by my mother. She has so many paranormal stories, being sensitive and all. But this struck me the most because it involved me, even before I was born! In the Philippines, it is common for pregnant women to call for 'hilot' or what you may call a therapist in modern world. Th...
Heard A Coworker's Voice In My Head by sherm784
One of the phenomena I've heard of is that of "projection" or a living person's voice or essence being present when the person is not there. I had something similar to that happen. One of my colleagues at work is an older Indian lady of Guyanese decent. Let's call her Mary. She speaks softly, pe...
Stewart The House Spirit by milky
In my mother's country of birth, it is believed that every home has a spirit protecting it. You could call it a guardian angel or intelligent haunting, it doesn't matter. They're always there. It was my belief that if you feed the house negative energy, they won't protect you in your home (like in a...
Sounds When I'm Alone by NewbyKin
This is the first time I've written anything on this sight. I'm 21 years old, female, and I live in London, UK. This happened to me a few months ago (can't remember exactly when) but I honestly have no explanation for it. Our house is rather small, one bathroom and two bedrooms as well as a ...
Visits From Beyond The Veil by Fergie
For those of you who are not familiar with my writing, please allow me to give you a little update. Many of my experiences centre around our late daughter, Angel. She passed away in 2012, in hospital, after a mammoth four year battle with a rare form of cancer. On occasion, she still visits her e...
Bye Kuya: ( by majarlika012
This happened last Thursday, February 22, 2018. My cousin's husband died last Feb 20. My family immediately went to Laguna when we learned about what happened. He was rushed to the hospital 2 weeks ago because he vomitted blood. Then, was confined in ICU due to heart failure and stage 4 kidney f...
A Young Girl Ran Through My Living Room by Dangslow
I live in an old Victorian house in a very small town. I have lots of stories I plan to tell, but one story stands out in particular. My seven year old Son and I were the only ones home one evening. My Wife had to work late and my five year old daughter was at a friends house. It was a chilly winte...
Dead Village by Dreyk
After a couple months of searching, we FINALLY found a new place to live within the city of Vladivostok. We wanted to be near to both of our jobs, and be in proximity to at least a few stores. Neither of us owned a car, so when we found an apartment flat near the city's trolly network it seemed like...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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