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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 23
The Ouija Board and John by Ambi
I'm 27, and I live in a small city in Ohio. When I was 16, I met this chic named Becca, we got along good, and to this day she's my best friend. The same day we met, I found out that she lived in a house that I was way too familiar with. Another best friend of mine (Mo) had live there a few years be...
Shadow People Back in my Life by ambeven
I am terrified lately. A white van has been waiting outside of my house the past couple of weeks when I'm prompted -- for whatever reason -- to wake up at 3 a.m. It just sits there blocking my driveway and then immediately driving off when I notice it. I thought it was a person at first, but then I ...
My Son and my Mom's Grave by MOTHERPANN
My son decided to visit my mom's grave a few years back but wasn't sure exactly where it was in the cemetery. My son always blamed himself for her death because a few days after an argument with her she had one of her heart attacks, she died a month later. It was Christmas eve 1983. I tried to ex...
A Dark Relationship by vickifigueroa
I'm sure some of you have read a few of my stories involving my many ghostly experiences. Well this one is a bit different. It was 2003, just getting out of high school, I started dating this guy Ronnie. I liked everything about him. He was in a band, very popular, just had that "thing". But there w...
A Blue Light by Mindi
I have had many weird things happen to me in my life. This one happened only last Friday. I went to bed around 1 am after watching a movie on tv. I noticed it had started to snow. I wasn't heavy snow but wet and melted as it touched the ground. I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt col...
The Broken Lamp by Mindi
This happened in 2005. I was in bed reading when I heard a crash and glass breaking. I thought something had fallen in the sink so I went down and checked the kitchen. Everything was neat and tidy and nothing was out of place. I returned to bed but kept thinking about the noise I heard. It was defin...
My Hauntings by jennifertorres
I've mentioned before that I've always felt like I was haunted. I don't understand it nor do I want to, I've been doing fine without knowing for 25 years. Before I begin I will tell you more about myself. I believe in everything, I believe that there are lost souls who wander this earth, I believe t...
Old Hobby Shop Ghost by tito412
I'm in the military stationed on the NCTAMS PAC Communications base in Wahiawa Hawaii. I work for base police and one morning at about 0540 the base was completely quiet and pitch black. I decided to park over by the old hobby shop facing the base Fire Department. I was parked just hanging out li...
Held Down by a Strange Force by estamand
This past summer of 07 something really strange happened to me. I went to bed at the same time as I usually do which was probably 12 am - 1 am and I fell asleep. As I was asleep, I woke up to feeling very awkward. When I woke up I noticed that there was a huge black circle over my bed. Being scared ...
Ghost in my Old House by curt82
My experiences started approximately 4 years ago. I had just bought my house which was built in 1954, so it is a little bit older, no big deal right? I was just happy to be an owner of a house at such a young age. Before moving in we started upgrading a bit, small things like paint, electrical socke...
It Followed Me from Home by Cirdan
When I was 13-14 years old, after school one day, my friend Lisa asked me if I wanted to come over to her place later to maybe watch a movie and eat some candy, since her parents and siblings are going to visit her aunt, so I said sure I think I can. Later that day no one could drive me down to h...
My Personal Ghost by scruddud
North Manchester-Haunted Houses -At 104 East 2nd Street there is a big brick house that has apartments in it. We had the entire house as we had a big family. It was months before we discovered it had a second attic, behind a wall in the upstairs kitchen. It joined the upper attic by a passageway. I...
Weird Happenings at Home by Biemaster
This my first story that I am writing so please bare with me the way I write. This is taking place in Kuwait. I shifted into a newly built flat (or apartment, you can say) so it had no past history or anything. I shifted about two years ago there. Well, everything was calm and cool until a few mo...
The Ghosts and my Kids by scruddud
I'm going to start simple here. I don't really have specific dates or anything because this has been off and on for quite a while. Most of the experiences we've had have dealt with my kids. (Recent note: we've had to move back into my parents for financial reasons so that's where we are today and wh...
My Best Friend and His Ghosts by phunkyd
I have always had an interest in the paranormal, as a child, I found reading ghost stories was more fun than playing with Barbie's. I am 26 now, but at the time of meeting my friend's ghost, I was just 16. My best friend Michael had always claimed his house was haunted, but like a good 'ghost tr...
The Spirit in my Home by Niall
This story is a collection of memories from my mother and some of my own experiences, all have been recorded straight after they happened so this is an accurate account. I shall begin by explaining the history of the house. I used to live in a house in Divis Drive, Belfast in N. Ireland. The house i...
Identical Woman by promghost07
This happened to my mom, not me. My mom was going to a restaurant with her buds. As she was about to walk in, she turned her head to the right and saw a woman that looked actually like her. The identical woman turned a block, so my mom followed right behind her. The woman turned into a alley, my mom...
Childhood Terror by megalie
I should start out by saying that I have experienced paranormal activity since I can remember. This particular instance is the first that I can actually recall in full detail. I was about 4 years old and would have nightmares through the night. I would wake up sweating, sometimes crying because ...
Grandma Pays a Visit by Geno56
When I was 14 I lived with my parents in the small town of Homestead, Fl. And my Grandmother lived in a trailer a few miles away. When my father took a job in Ft. Lauderdale he sold the house and my Grandma's trailer and moved us all into our new home in Hollywood, Fl. Since I was getting older I go...
Mommy Ego 2 by Warblaze
As you all know, something is a little off with this house. A lot of people asked about the parents. Like I said in the story above, we had been blamed for a lot of what happened in the house. My aunt Nancy has an Autistic son who is the oldest and keeps to himself, 2 daughters, amy and vivian, and ...
In the Middle of Nowhere with the Boogie Men by lovindaparanormal
When I was a little girl I lived in rural Southern Indiana. My family's home was in a very remote area. The land we lived on always gave off a bad vibe. Early on before we had a house built we lived in a trailer home made from two railroad trailers (where railroad workers lived while on the job). My...
A Reunion with Mommy Ego by Warblaze
So as promised I am writing about my reunion with mommy ego! This happened about 2 years ago in 2006, I was living with my grandparents while working and going to college. I was 20 years old at the time. My aunt and her family were staying with my grandparents too, they had just moved back to Austin...
Mom Always Wins by XTC_Dreaming
This was my first experience as a child with anything to do with ghosts. Since then I have had many of these experiences, seeing as I am a psychic. Well this story takes please when I was 7, it happened when I went to go visit my grandma in spain. My parents had planned a trip for the entire family ...
Fun and Games by metalhed16
As I mentioned in my previous story, Foul Smelling Thing, I lived in California. However, I failed to mention that the house I moved into is indeed quite haunted. The ghosts in this house aren't too bad. Harmless actually, compared to the thing that resides in my parents' old house in Calgary. We...
Memories of a Murderer by metalhed16
As a child, growing up in Western Canada was pretty cool. I lived in Calgary Alberta, home of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, The Calgary Stampede. We went every year to watch the rodeo and spend the night at the midway, and watch the amazing fireworks. I still like to go back every July to see ...
Sat by a Ghost by Choua
I don't remember what month it was, but I remember I was only 8 or 9 years old, and my father had to leave town for the night. Since I am the youngest child, I was chosen to sleep with my mother for the night since she can't sleep on her own. That night, she slept on my father's side while I slept o...
Walking Soldier by tito412
One morning at about 0430 on my way to work I was running late and didn't want to miss morning muster. I live in military housing in Camp Stover which is located on post in Wheeler Army Air Field (one of the first places attacked on Dec. 7th 1941). It isn't unusual to see troops road march that e...
Dragon Lady by Choua
This is a true story that happened to my cousin's boy friend. I do not want to tell his real name, so let's call him Bob. One night, Bob went fishing with his friends. It was really dark at the fishing place, but Bob thought he saw something, but never said anything. He just kind of ignored and w...
Shadow People on the Queen Mary by Becky
In March my husband and I went to the Queen Mary as the first stint of our honeymoon. I am very eager to learn about ghosts and see evidence for myself, however I am also one to speculate if what I am seeing is supernatural or just a reaction from something else. I am not the type to just believe ev...
Friend Comes Back in Dreams by drea2006
I truly believe that here is life after death and that your loved ones come to you in many different ways. This story is about a friend of mine that passed away and how he came to me in several dreams. I was a Freshman when Jose and I began dating. He was such an amazing person, always smiling an...
My Grandma's Old House by lucy_k
I live in Queensland, Australia in a small suburb about twenty minutes from the ocean. Around eight years ago my grandmother decided that she wanted to live closer to us and bought the house next door. I was around six or seven at the time. The house had four bedrooms. The they were separated by the...
I Saw Someone in my Parent's Room by Candiegirl
When I was a little girl, three years old to be exact, I fell asleep in my parents' room while watching a movie, I awoke some hours later, and if I remember correctly it was about 3 A.M. And the t.v had been turned off, as well as all the lights. Then I thought I heard the door open, thinking it ...
I Saw my Mom Who Recently Died by Candiegirl
My mother died about a year and a half ago. Last month I was looking at a picture of her before I went to sleep, I held on to the picture as I slept. Before I fell asleep I started to cry, and it got so bad I started to violently shake, my whole body wracked with sobs until a warm voice filled my ea...
Illusion from a Ghost or Possession? by ominousnyxx
Hi guys I'm 19 and this is my first ever paranormal experience and I didn't like it. (Profanity is used in this story, but not a lot) It happened at my friends house. Here's how it began. At 4:00pm LAST Saturday (yeah it happened just 2 days ago) I was at my friends getting ready for our "Mario ...
The Bed Was Shaking by StaceyRe2003
This will be my first of many many stories that I will be entering on this site, every word I write is true and I have witnesses on MOST of the stories you may read from me. Now that I got that out of the way, I can begin... It was late last August, (2007), my now fiance and I lived in separate c...
Ghost in the Bathroom by StaceyRe2003
My next story takes place at work... I work in a call center for the local cable company, which will remain nameless, and we outsource for our cleaning crew, or janitors. Most of them, with the exception of Catalina, do NOT speak English. They all wear the same thing, light blue shirts with black pa...
Shadow Ghost With a Triangle Coming Out the Side of It by fizzypulp
This first started when I was in middle school (11 years old approx) and carried on throughout secondary school. To get to my school from my house was about a 20 minutes walk - I would walk with my sister part the way and she would go to her secondary school whilst I carried on to my school. Norm...
I Mentally Called Out this Entity by Ohiowatha
So I was lying in bed the other night at about midnight. All my windows were closed and my door was shut. There are no drafts in my apartment. So when I heard the fluttering of papers on my desk and in the area of my cork board, my ears perked up a little bit. For some reason, this faint paper-shuff...
I Want to Peacefully Try to Go Down those Stairs by Pangie
This happened to me here in poland a few months ago. It was on a saturday and I was coming down in my elevator to the front door to go out. (I live in a apartment complex). So I go out of the elevator and right next to me is this long flight of stairs. I'm about to touch the door when I hear the sou...
Do Not Disrespect the Spirits of the Ouija by StaceyRe2003
I would like to give a little bit of my history, so to speak, for those of you who visit this site regularly. So you kind of get the feel for who I am, (psychically). I'm 22, from a very young age my mother knew I was "Gifted", (the next couple accounts are as told by my momma). When I was about ...
An Illinois Haunting by seabird
My story starts in 1983, the year I was born in Des Plaines, Illinois. My parents and my older brother had previously lived in a two-flat, but with a new baby, they decided they needed more space. House hunting was difficult for them, because money was tight, and they always seemed to get outbid on ...
My Vivid Dreams by Lesley
When I was a kid, during the school summer holidays when my parents were working, myself and my 2 brothers would stay with my grandparents. We loved it there, my grandparents had a wonderful house with a beautiful garden, they were very loving and every day was filled with new exciting adventures. W...
Hallway Haunts by faerielike
According to my landlord, the house I live in was constructed around the time of the Civil War. At the time it served as barracks, and later as a hotel, and today it is split into four separate apartments. We live in the top left one, if you are facing the house. I have tried researching this ho...
My Father's Unrest by Tek
My mother comes from a country where even until today things are still old fashioned and secluded from the city. All her life she has been followed by occurrences, experiences, sightings that cannot be explained. She is not a stranger to seeing ghosts, entities. But this is by far one experience I a...
My Grandma's Spirit Is our Daily Visitor by BlueDemon150
I've always been fascinated with ghosts. I was the little girl who was intrigued by a good ghost story and asked questions afterward, putting myself in the spirit's situation. I'm very understanding and try to see any situation from both perspectives. So yes, I believe in ghost. Yet, how ironic when...
The House on Kimberly St by bette31
When I was in the 5th grade my family and I moved into a nice house in a nice neighborhood in Mount Airy, NC. All of the neighbors were very friendly and there were a lot of other kids for me and my 2 younger sisters to play with. About 2 months after we moved in we started finding bobby pins throug...
Was it a Ghost or a Dream? by djeter2
This story happened to my wife when we were living in a apartment complex in Maple Shade, New Jersey. One evening she reluctantly tells me of what happened to her the night before only because she really had no explanation for it herself. In the middle of the night she says she had a very vivid d...
A Message on the Car Radio by JerseyGirl
This story is in two parts; the first part took place in New York City shortly after my boyfriend died. Of course I was devastated when this happened. He was to be buried in his native Ireland, but on the day of his funeral in Ireland they had a memorial Mass for him at his parish in Queens. My boyf...
Little Girl and the Ball of Light by Warblaze
When I was a kid my best friends older brother would baby-sit us when my parents went out, we would watch terminator to give you an idea how long ago this was. It was typical for me to pass out on the couch. One particular night I woke up in the middle of the night. I sat up and looked over the ...
Little Girl in my House by Tino
Let me start by saying that I grew up in New Orleans, LA... And from living there for all those years, I can tell you that there isn't much I haven't seen. When I was 13 years old, my father, my brother, my grandmother, and I moved out of the apartment we were living in, and into a house on the outs...
Memories of a Murderer 2 by metalhed16
This is part two to my last story Memories of a Murderer. I recently went back to Calgary with my fiance and little brother to visit my cousin. She just had a baby so I flew up to go see him. After we got to Calgary we visited with family and had a BBQ to celebrate the new addition to the family, an...
The Pink Rubber Ball by metalhed16
After a crazy experience last week that left me quite shaken up, I came home to some more ghostly stuff. As you have read in my last story Memories of a Murderer 2 you would know that I was back in Airdrie about a week ago. It wasn't the best trip, other than the fact that I got to meet my cousins n...
Stories from my Fiance by MOTHERPANN
This story was told to me by my fiance, I have known him for 15 years and I know he is not teasing me because he is a serious person who is not known to tell tales just to be noticed or to be self-important. When he was in his late 20's early 30's (he is now late 60's) he was working part-time a...
Bad Dream and Sulfur Smell by theTRU1
I was recently deployed to Iraq for a 18 month tour, and didn't mind too much because that was my second time there. Through out my tour we went on different missions and such. Months into the deployment we began to relax and were getting used to the fact of not being home. I had went to church o...
Snapshots of Butterflies by seanp2
I feel blessed to have found a place to talk about the things I normally cannot. The friends I have hear my stories and say, "every time, Shawn; it's always something new with you..." They can say that, for they cannot venture into my mind and see what I believe and feel. At any rate, I live in D...
The Moaning Lady by Biemaster
Hello everyone! My English Teacher told this story to me about her experience in Oman. So I am telling you her story. We will call my english teacher, Ms.Jane (so not to give her real name). Ms. Jane had gone to Oman looking for a job in a school. She did get one and was sent to Southern Oman in a m...
Face in the Window by fizzypulp
This is my first post and a very brief story of an occurrence that happened to me. I was about 14 years old and was leaving my house at approx 8am to go to school. My brother was at college and my sister at university. Both parents had gone to work (they worked together so left at the same time). ...
After School Ghost by Sabrina12993
I have a previous story called My Haunted Bedroom now I will share with you an incident that happened 2 months after the bedroom one. This incident happened in my High school during the month of January. Me and my friend Allan stay after school every now and then. We just hang in the halls and ta...
Old Castle Farm by LeanneScott999
This is my first story so I apologize if I go on a bit or the punctuation isn't up to scratch. Its hard to focus on one story because there are so many, I will be posting more, hopefully, however they may not be in order but I will try to explain them properly. I have had many experiences through...
Old Castle Farm 2 by LeanneScott999
As stated on my previous story the house where I live is haunted and there are many stories from this house and my childhood house that I will post but they may not be in order... sorry. Last week I was in our computer room which is at the very back of the house and is part of the original struct...
Live Death Premonition by mpgb216
The story started one early morning during the time of Ramadan in (September 24, 2007). I woke up because of continuous knocking somewhere in my flat. I had the feeling it was not from a living one because when the entity felt that I woke up, the "knocking" stopped. I knew too that it was kind of pr...
Screaming by matticus
This happened when I was young. I was staying at cronulla. I had just been to a funeral and went to my nan's to stay the night. In the middle of the night I wake up... Everything is cold and my nan is in a bedroom across from me and my brother about 4m up the hallway. "MATTHEW" is constantly being s...
My Story, a Personal Haunt by crashkitty
Boston Massachusetts. March 11, 1960. I was 3 months old and I was dead. I had a seizure and stopped breathing. I was lucky enough to have been in the hospital at the time and was almost instantly resuscitated. Long Beach California, same day March 11, 1960 my 19 year old Birth father "Freddy" had s...
Stalking Ghost by Diyanuh
I'm not that new to the web site but I have something also to share with all of you. I have to admit I think I saw a ghost once I'm not sure but I have heard things which are not explainable. I'm 14 now and I started experiencing things when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I think it all started o...
Grim Reaper Type of Entity by Brook
In the summer of 1996, I was sharing an apt in Huntington, WV. My roommate and I were having similar experiences but didn't discuss it to each other until I had the scariest moment of my life, supernaturally. What led up to my experience was on different occasions, my roommate and I were having some...
Shoe Lane Ghost by Brook
This is my 2nd ghost story I've submitted (it seems like I attract ghostly activity). In September of 2005, I was house-sitting for my aunt who was on vacation. She rents a house in Shepherdstown, WV off of Shoe Lane. The house has 3 apartments in it and the house is very old at least over 100 years...
Spirit Activity and Major Repairs to a House by Brook
This is my third submission, currently about where I have lived the last two years. West Virginia has a lot of spirit activity. I rent an apt in a old house built in 1930. The house has 4 apt units. My apt is upstairs and is a small 2 room efficiency. My bedroom leads to the attic upstairs but is bl...
A Feeling Something Is Watching Me by GhostGal
Hello my name is Mel, and what I'm about to tell you has been happening for over half a year. I live in a small town. And a few years ago my parents recently moved to this small town. I sleep in a VERY small room. It actually was a home-office. I've been sleeping in there for around 4 years. I used ...
Haunted Childhood by wanderer
Growing up it seemed to me that a lot of strange things happened around me, especially in my house. The first really strange experience I had was when I was four or five years old. I was lying in bed, unable to sleep, when I heard a woman start to sing a lullaby. I sat up and looked around, but my r...
A Not So Scary Encounter by Harbringer_of_Doom
Hi my name is Skye. Before I start this story, there are one or two things you should know about me and my family. Every woman on my mother's side: that's my great gran, my gran, my mum, auntie, cousin me and my sister and so on can see into the spirit realm. Don't ask why it is only the woman becau...
Pinching and Slapping by jigokushoujo
This is a true story when I was in 6th grade last year, that my friends and I all experienced. I was not the only one. It was almost the last day of school, and it was after my field trip was over. 2 of my best friends was talking to each other like usual, until one of my friends (A) started to feel...
Was It the Ghost of a Miner? by Jennifer40
At the end of this past March, my sister, her boyfriend, my husband and I took a trip to Bisbee, Arizona for a weekend of camping. Bisbee was known as a mining town throughout the Southwest in the late 1800s. The Copper Queen mine opened up in the 1880s and the town became populated almost overnight...
House 300 by Jules
To make this story easier to follow there are a few things you need to know. My friend Ashlyn, who goes by Ash, is the one that lives close to this house, not me. She also gets scared super easy. And then there's me, I'm Julie; I love scary things, the harmless kind. And I spend a lot of time at Ash...
The House by FreeSpirit
I have had experiences with the paranormal since I was five. Now, I am a mother of two adult daughters, and I am almost forty years old (not counting the months). I have had experiences with the paranormal since I was five. It is a favorite pastime for my children to have me share my experiences wit...
Kimberly Street by bette31
For those of you who read my first story about the house on Kimberly Street, that was only about my house. I posted a comment that stated it was not just the house, but my street as a whole that had activity. My friend that lived across the street, Amy, she also had things happen in her house as ...
Weird Days Forever by bluefreak01
I have moved almost a million times, this time it just got scarier. Everywhere I am, strange things happen. It's like someone's been following me my whole life. When I just moved into a house after getting married, this house was pretty creepy. One day I was home alone, taking care of my kiddies,...
One Last Time by hauserss
On Christmas day 2006 I got a phone call that sunk my heart. It was my mother informing me that my Grandmother had passed away early that morning in her Henderson Nevada home. I was living at the time in Southern California, only about 2 1/2 hours away from her. My wife and I went about our Christma...
Shadow People and a Spirit by hbdave
What happened the last Wednesday night of April, 2008, I will never forget. For starters I will give some background. My girlfriend, Sara, lives with her friend, Jen, in a house. (Names have been changed for protection.) Jen owns the house and has for almost two years. Jen has a very good paying job...
Haunted Motorcycle Shop by metalhed16
As some of you know from reading my previous stories, I have just recently moved to Los Angeles with my fiancé and little brother. And you would also know about the new houses I have lived in, I am currently living in, and the things that have taken place in those houses. Well, I guess that isn't e...
Free Us by Nightgoddess
Hi everyone. I haven't updated anything in a long time. Busy and the page is always down when I get the chance to write. But here is what's been happening. This happened to me only a few hours ago. I was walking from my bus stop to my house which I would say is a good quarter mile. I kept getting th...
Ghost of a Dog by metalhed16
About 2 months before I was born, my parents got a puppy. He was a black lab named bear. When I was born, Bear and I connected immediately. He would always lay beside my crib at night, and sit by the tub when my parents would bathe me. Once I started crawling, Bear would be right on my heels, making...
Is She Gone? by metalhed16
It's been a week since we've had any activity in our house. My fiancé hasn't heard any strange noises from the main floor bathroom, and I haven't had any problems with my electronics turning on or off. But my brother has been telling me a few things that have given me reason to believe the littl...
Shadow People and Webby Encounter by faerielike
I am not sure what order some of these happened in, just that they did happen. These are the events that happened in my bedroom and the guest bedroom, which is now transformed into the nursery. What I think is the first time this happened, it was an average night in the fall. I remember getting spoo...
Haunted School by metalhed16
Here's a story that isn't so terrifying. Compared to my other experiences that is. This story comes from back before I was born, when my dad was 17. My dad grew up in a very, very small town called Alma, located in the province of New Brunswick in Canada's east coast. I'm not exact on when the town ...
My Old Motherly Friend, a Guardian Angel by ghosthunter123
This story is something that I have not personally experienced, but my mother has told me the story so many times that it feels as though I have. When my mother and father had my older sister, "Kaity", they were thrilled. This was their first child and she was healthy and beautiful. The first few mo...
High School Haunting by metalhed16
I grew up in Calgary Alberta, Canada. I'm sure you all know that by now. When I was in high school, I went to one of the older ones in the downtown area of the city. I didn't really notice anything until my senior year, in my first semester. Yes I did, on occasion experience things in past years goi...
Sleep Walking Gone Bad by ominousnyxx
This story happened when I was around 6-7 Years old. I was born in Portugal, but my nationality is Timorese/Chinese. We moved to Australia when I was 4. Obviously nothing has been going on since, but one night, I was sleep walking; when you sleep walk you don't know you're doing it right? WELL I ...
Don't Taunt Satan by MOTHERPANN
When I was in my 20's I was getting a divorce from my husband, so my kids and I moved back home with my mom. Since she only had a 2 bedroom house, I moved into the basement which was semi finished, and the kids took her other bedroom. A short time later, she had a little bedroom made down in the ...
We Don't Think She Really Left by metalhed16
We Don't Think She Really Left', 'Recently I had submitted a story about a ghost of a little girl that haunted my current home. After some time and praying for her, I think we managed to help her cross over. It's been good for about a week since that incident with the daisies on my basement floor. ...
Sweet Ghost Dog by FoxyPheonix
I'm not quite sure if this took place in Alaska or not, actually, but this is a story that my Grampa told me. (And no, it's not fake. He said it actually happened to him.) One day, quite early in the morning, my Grampa woke to the sound of a dog barking. When he opened his eyes, and looked around, h...
Attacked by a Dark Entity at Night by DannyBoy
I am new to this site, as I found it after the incident that literally just happened to me. I'll give some background info; I'm 19 years old, I am a strong believer in Christ, yet I have some personal demons that I have been struggling with for some time. I have not always been a believer, I have my...
My Grandpa by wanderer
My Grandpa was an amazing man and we were always very close. He always did everything humanly possible to make life good, first for my mother and uncles, than for me and my brother. When I was little he would always take me on long walks that would always seem to end with a trip to a park or ice cre...
The Missing Doll by VinceIuliano
I was living in New Jersey, admittedly quite young, when I dreamt about the doll. It was one of those soft bodied dolls that was common for children in the early 60's, with a smiling ceramic face and a soft plush body. It was also one of my very favorites, and I carried it everywhere like Linus carr...
A Husbands Last Promise by bette31
Just a little background before I get to the story at hand. My grandfather (Papa) died on August 19, 1999. He had been on dialysis for 4 years and died in the hospital of heart failure. On Tuesday, August 17th, he told the doctor that he didn't have but about 2 more days to live and he was right. ...
Footsteps in the Hallway by Smi1e
Alright, this is my first submission here, and I'm mainly posting it because I want to know what it is, and it scares the heck out of me to this day. The time was around ten thirty to midnight, I was laying in bed. I was sleeping normally, I don't have any recollections of weird dreams or anything. ...
Feeling Voices by Rowan_Red
I'm fifteen and live in Oklahoma, and have all my life. I recently stumbled upon this site while doing some research on my own. And it seems as though I can ask for advice when it comes to the paranormal, and you guys seem to know what you're talking about. So maybe you can help me. Sometimes I ...
My Little Brother Plays with Our Great Grandfather by tobgirl22
My name is Caitlin, and my Great Grandfather passed away in January and some things have been happening since he passed. My baby brother who is 2, only knows my Grandfather as Momo, that was one of his first words. And since he's only 2, he doesn't understand that "Momo" passed away. And so about a ...
South Minneapolis Home by MNPROPHET
We did an investigation in a south Minneapolis house that has a lot of history involving the usual electrical anomalies. Stereos ranging in volume, lights flickering only at night? We sent in a team of trained investigators over several investigations to record and research the activity. We witnesse...
Baby Sister by asher25
Me and my sister have an 11 year age gap. So when she was 2 years old and I was already 13 it was then that she to started to learn how to go up and down the stairs. One night, when I came home from school I was feeling woozy and my head was aching so after we ate dinner I quickly went up to my room...
First True Experience by Mikhal
I guess I'll start this story at the beginning and describe my childhood. When I was 4, my family moved from Florida to a farm in north Georgia. At the time it was four of us, my father, mother, younger brother and me. The house we moved to was a very old farm house built in 1890 and everything in t...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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