My name is Caitlin, and my Great Grandfather passed away in January and some things have been happening since he passed. My baby brother who is 2, only knows my Grandfather as Momo, that was one of his first words. And since he's only 2, he doesn't understand that "Momo" passed away. And so about a month after he passed, my brother would get up early every morning before everyone else, and he would play in his room, but one morning, he was playing and talking so loud he woke me and my step mom up.
And since I was already awake I told her she could go back to bed and I'd stay up with him. So it was me and my little brother awake, and he asked me "Hey sissy, you want to play with me and Momo!" I was speechless at this point and since I was still kind of tired I asked him again "Halen, who are you playing with?" And he said "I Play with Momo, he play cars with me..." I said, "Halen, is Momo here right now?" And he said "Yeap!" So by this point, I wasn't scared but actually kind of excited and puzzled at the same time.
I grew up in a very religious family, I am Christian, and I've ALWAYS believed in Angels, Spirits and Ghosts. So I wasn't scared. I woke my dad up, because it is my dad's grandfather, but since my dad never knew his father, that's who he considers his dad. And he said that this wasn't the first time Halen's talked to "Momo" and that he knew Halen could see him.
The next incident happened a week later and we were all cleaning the house and my brothers and sisters were playing in the play room, and all of a sudden I look over and my brother was standing at the door talking to himself, or someone else. So I said "Hey Halen, what are you doing?" And he said "Shh, wait" and than he turned back around to the door and says "Ok Momo, Goodbye I Love You!" and he ran back to me and says "I talk to momo Sissy!" By this point I was almost in tears, because I do miss my Momo so much, and just to have my brother be able to see him, is amazing.
Other little things have happened as well, nothing scary, I've taken them as signs that my Momo is there watching over us. But I am very curious, do you think it could be him? I hope it is, that way I know he's not really gone, he's there watching over us.
FYI: I Changed my brothers name in the story, Halen's not his real name. Thanks!
I have always heard that young children are more able to see 'the other side' because they have not yet realized what is real, and what isn't.
It will be amazing, when he is a little bit older, if you ask him if remembers seeing 'Momo'
Hope to read more stories from you soon
Take care!