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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 51
A Ouija Board Prediction - True Or False? by smulliniks
This story starts back to day before yesterday, my best friend Chris and I were hanging out with some of our buddies. We were all sitting around the TV being bored and trying to find something to do, so randomly Chris starts to talk about this ghost/spirit living in his closet. At first I was a real...
The Angel, Ghost And The Graveyard by AngelDemonGhost101
I am a sixteen year old girl living in Toronto and what I experienced still puzzles me to this day. One bright, and cheerful day I was walking by the local cemetery with my neighbor's Boston Terrier (which is a mix between a British Bulldog and a White Terrier) Billie when suddenly, I looked up to s...
Azreal by manduhjer
My boyfriend and I have been continuing to play with our board often. We recently moved into a new home, and have been there about a month. We regularly speak with a spirit named Tom. He says he lives in the house because it makes him happy, and he died of a heart attack in 1983. We did some asking ...
Little Kids In My Room by iluvfood5
I took a nap today because I stayed up late the night before. I woke up because I felt like someone was jumping at the foot of my bed and when I opened my eyes there was a figure at my bed. It looked like a little girl. I thought it was my imagination so I rolled over on my side and tried to go ba...
Experience With A Higher Power? by Raquel11
I had an experience a little while ago where when I was laying in bed. I was just laying there and I was thinking about Wiccan spells to call upon the higher powers of earth, but I changed the spell to be more personal to me, and what I was offering in return of its presence. I don't fully remember...
The Rocking Chair by Katie878
This Happened about a year ago when my Mum and I were at a historical site called Port Arthur in Tasmania. We were walking into the community residence when my Mum felt that something was watching her. She turned to see who or what it was but there was nobody in the room except my Mum and me (and I...
The Old Farmer Is Still Hanging Around by BriFischer05
It was been a while since my last post. I have recently divorced and now live alone in a historic district of town. My new place was built in 1925 and to my surprise I haven't encountered anything...yet. My story actually takes place at my friend's grandma's house. My friend's dad and other relat...
The Campus Ghosts by shy_n_kind
I'm eighteen and right now I'm attending a campus in Franklin, North Carolina. I have been here for three months and have had many paranormal experiences. On the first night that I was on campus, I couldn't sleep. It was about four in the morning, and I was surprised to hear footsteps upstairs. ...
A Night At The Brook Forest Inn by dimitrilolo
My girlfriend and I are both chefs in our early 30's. We have a 9 month old daughter. My girlfriend is (was) a skeptic, but I have always been a believer in the paranormal. I wanted an experience of my own, and always told myself I wouldn't be afraid if I saw a ghost. I am a Denver native and the on...
When Vulnerable, Ghost Prowls by BennyB
My friend lives in a building, and in his suite, he tells me there's something weird about it, like a presence, He stays with his family, his mom, and two little brothers. He lived there for a couple of years. I believed him because I had previous Ghost experiences. Just recently, his family and...
My Old Bedroom by BadxGood24
When I was younger I had a lot of things happen to me that I was to scared to admit. A lot of those things happened in my sister's and mine room. I hated that room more than anything. There where three of us living in the bedroom. My baby sister had her own bed and my younger sister shared a bunk...
Children At The Door And On The Bed by galway_girl88
This experience happened to me several years ago, probably when I was 7 or 8.My sister and I had been sharing a room at this time and my uncle had just committed suicide. One night while sleeping in bed I woke up and had to use the toilet, when I walked to the bathroom I stood up and saw a little...
The Old Businessman by Hexotericka
Here I will give you another account of my brush with the supernatural, as it were. The account is rather lengthy, so please bear with me. During the years between 1997 and 1999 I worked as a DJ and hosted the karaoke events at a karaoke bar in Sunnyside, Pretoria. We would usually close up in th...
Five Year Old Meets A Ghost by xtxmariexgx
I first experienced my first paranormal activity when I was about five or six years old. It happened at my old house on Rouge Drive in Kokomo IN, where I lived with my two parents and my older brother. Growing up I never really had a fear until the one night I finally met the ghost that was living i...
Voicemail From Beyond? by abcf1226
A family friend of ours, who was 47 years old (I will call John), passed away Thursday June 25, 2009, leaving behind a wife and two young daughters. My dad was best friends with John, and he and my dad both owned a Corvette. John had a ritual of taking one of his daughters in his Corvette for "Cruis...
The Red Coat Ghost by youngdz79
Ladies and gents I am back with another haunting. This time around it happened to me on several occasions; I was about 9-10 years old when it first happened. I was riding my bicycle in my mobile home park and in the back we had woods with some bike trails in it, well we had three entrances to the tr...
New Friend by Blackrose13
For those of you that have read my story on Eris, I have a bit of an update. I was having some issues with my house (Not unusual) and I felt like something else was in it. Something had been shaking my bed, and I kept feeling like someone was staring at me. I have life sized cutouts in my room, and ...
Rensselaer, Indiana by shy_n_kind
Between the age of nine and thirteen I experienced several interesting nights. I remember going to bed one night and being in a deep sleep. All of a sudden I was fully awake and I had a sense of nothing under me. I opened my eyes, and looked around my room. It was then that I realized that I was in ...
An Existence After The Wax Objects by mangadanga
When my friend invited me to stay with him for a long weekend, I was only too happy to oblige. His house is around 2 hours drive from Pune (India) and in the rich sugarcane farm zone. He himself is very rich. And who does not want to be pampered for few days without any real work? I accepted. But he...
Good Or Bad Spirit? by oc3anbreezexx
To start off, I am 16 years old and live in an old house, that I've always believed to be kind of "haunted". My entire family and I have had little encounters with what we believe to be spirits just like many other people have had, but what happened to me last week definitely beats any other little ...
First Apartment by Ps1983
I had just finished high school and a buddy and I decided to get an apartment together. I have been sensitive to spirits my whole life and it turned out he had a family ghost when he was in Tennessee. We didn't know each others ghost histories before we moved in together, and the place seemed mellow...
The Nun And Her Lover by Surya
I opened my eyes as I lay in bed to a melody being hummed by a man, a man with a deep but angelic voice. I lay in bed listening trying to make out the melody; although familiar I could not place where I may have heard it or if I was hearing it. I closed my eyes only to see the eyes of my cat sta...
Late For School by ReduxDebunked
During the time when I was in high school, about 15 years ago, I remember sitting on the couch in my aunt's family room as my mother told an eerie story to her sister. The story goes something like this... Mid-morning at around 9:00am my mother dozed off on the sofa. She was awakened by me kissin...
Danielle by blue_raven80
I just want to share this story about my daughter. It will be a bit long so bear with me... I gave birth April 2004 to a beautiful baby girl and named her Danielle Caroline. But unfortunately, heaven did not allow us to have her. Yes, she died an hour and a half after I gave birth to her in a loc...
My Son 2 by blue_raven80
It's been a while since I posted a story here. This is a story again about my son, Tyron, as per the title. My last post about my son was last February. Anyhow, my kid is almost three years old now and a lot has happened. The most recent one is he seeing the lady ghost in our house. Here goes the...
The Noises Only I Hear by Hopeful23
I would be lying in my bed at night, afraid of the dark like most kids my age (I would have been around 7 at the time) and worried that the 'noises' would come. Let me explain... While my parents were in the room across the hall from mine--most likely watching a movie--I would be sitting in terror, ...
Scared To Death by moira850
Over the last 4 months I have woken up 4 times in the middle of the night scared to death and actually screamed out with horror. I am a very light sleeper normally and can wake up 2 or 3 times on some nights, checking the time and then going back to sleep. Over the last few months I have woken up...
The Red Man by carolinawolf
In our house we have a bedroom that is separate from the rest of the house. Far away from all other bedrooms, but very close to the living room. I have always had a strange feeling about that room, but not enough to stay out the room. One year it became my bedroom and I had no problems, until one...
Ghost Girl And Her Cat by dreem
We lived in a 50 year-old house in West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from 1979 to 2007. There were many incidences that we couldn't explain, and that make me suspect that a ghost and ghost cat, were at work. Some events I remember are these: My mother had a lovely sofa covered in white...
Screaming Pressure by cheychey2
I'm 17 years old and about to be a senior in high school, the house I live in was built in 1959. It's not an old house but the land it's built on was once an old walnut grove and was a walnut grove from like 1890 to 1940 or somewhere around there. Almost every night that I lay diagonally on my...
Dark Figure Of A Man In My Living Room by cline1986
I don't know the exact day that this event occurred, but I do know that it happened in the fall of 2002, I was 15 at the time. It was about 3:00 p.m. My brother and I where at home alone. He was sleeping in his room (which was adjacent to my room, so I could see when he would walk in and out of his ...
Angel Or My Imagination by cline1986
If you have read my story "A Figure Of A Man In My Living Room," this story takes place in the same house about a year later. I stopped sleeping in my room because of some strange events that had been happening to me on an almost regular basis. When I would go to bed at night I would always feel as ...
Spectral Television Experience by blue_narf89
In 2006, my cousins and my aunt, Penny, were living at my grandmother's house temporarily. Because the house is quite old and small, there were not enough bedrooms to accommodate the children, and they slept in the family room. Anyway, in March of 2006, I was still in high school. I had to get up...
Is That Mom, Dad? by knighn
My first paranormal activity was when I was quite young. I have shared my other 2 stories and again, I have other stories to tell. This happened last June, 2009. My mom had fever on this particular occasion. I was surfing the net in my room until 2:00 am. At around 2:10 am, I heard someone call...
The Pale Face In The Darkness by ghost_hunter2296
I always had this weird feeling in my room and I always thought it was just because I was young and afraid of my own shadow. But it never stopped me from locking myself in there and playing music full blast. I always ignored it, until four months and three days after my thirteenth Birthday when I go...
Grandma by PeaceloveAndtequilla
I surf on commercial pier in Ft. Lauderdale FL. Surfing is my escape when I'm upset. My grandma had passed away two months prior. As a child I was abused... Something I'm ashamed of. My grandma protected me twice when she died. I felt alone so I decided to go surfing on my own about 4 days befor...
The Haunted Holy Book by youngdz79
So my first two stories have been as a kid, this one has and is still happening. Before I want to let you know that I am not that religious just because of the things I have seen in my life (my opinion please respect it thank you). This one started about two months ago when my 79 year old grandmo...
Ghostly Going On's by dannibabbie96
I'm 13 now and every since I was born ghostly stuff has been happening to me. First of my entire house is haunted, a man died in my kitchen and a lady hung her self in my bedroom. When I was a baby it was my first night in my own room, it was all going well until my mum was woken by the feeling o...
New Apartment And Disturbed Sleep 2 by pie1025
The following incidents are recent happenings after my previous post. These days I have been waking up sometime between 2 - 4 am and I am wide-awake. There are no unpleasant feelings when I wake up, it doesn't feel like someone woke me up forcefully like before. I feel like something or someone...
Haunting At Party by IHATEOHIO
So last year, I went to my buddies' house for a party after work. His parents were gone for the weekend so we were going to have some fun. We had this crazy idea that we were going to have a 'rave' party that night. None of us had ever done it before and thought it would be a good laugh. So earlier ...
Shadow Of A Ghost by EezyBates89
I was living in Roseville, Michigan (Metro Detroit Area) at the time of my encounter. I must've been 10 or 11 years old at the time. And I had always felt somewhat uneasy in my house at night, especially in the dark by myself. On Various occasions I would get the feeling that something was watching ...
Screaming Woman by YukiHime
I'm YukiHime, and I am new to this site, this is my first story about one of my ghost experiences and it happened a few weeks ago. So, right now I am in Newfoundland and visiting my Grandparents. I'm originally from Calgary, Alberta; in Calgary is where my ghost experience happened. So, one ni...
Breathing Sounds In My Bedroom by longreeno
We moved into our dream home in June 2008, a little more than a year ago. It is a 2 storey colonial with 5 bedrooms, built in 1970. It is a big home but we kind of grew into it, so it doesn't feel too big. We have spent the last year painting, buying furniture, and making it our own. We are very pro...
California CEO Has Visit by Cali_Guy
So, a little context. I am a CEO of a California corporation; I deal with deadlines and tons of stress. Not complaining just telling it how it is. Further, my best friend is a reporter for the San Francisco Examiner, it's not relevant to my story but I just want to establish that I am legit. So I w...
The Young Child by triabaltattoo92
When I first moved into my house there were only three bedrooms for my four sisters and my parents. One of my little sisters and I shared a room and I always felt like someone was near us. I never felt threatened just observed. I remember playing with dolls in this room and turning to find them in p...
My Chukdhiid Home by Ps1983
I grew up in a nice neighbourhood with nice people and a lot of kids my age that I became very good friends with. When nighttime came around though, things would start happening. The first strange event would happen at night usually between 12:30 and 3:30 in the morning. It sounded like screamin...
Black-hooded Figures by princessofdarkness
It was about a year ago, I do not remember the exact time but it was around late April or Early May, I was returning home from shopping, I took the keys from my bag to enter the apartment, than I heard foot steps, When I turned my back to see what is behind me, I saw this black hooded figure, he...
Little Things That Make Me Think It Is Haunted by A7XFAN09
Hey, I have lived in my house for about eight years; I have never had any major things happen but just little things that creep me out. For example: When I sit in my living room at night it goes strangely cold-once I was sitting with my mum and she had to put 4 blankets over me before I began to...
The High School by shy_n_kind
I went to Ragsdale High School in Greensboro North Carolina from 2006-2009. My freshmen year, I had to take gym class. I hated it. I remember going into the gym, doing the warm ups, and then playing the games and such. When I wasn't involved in the games, I would go to the very top of the bleac...
Footsteps In The Dark by Hopeful23
Our house was built by my parents on land owned by a rather rich family. The neighbours surrounding us have the same history as we do; they purchased the land from the family and built a house on it. No deaths are far as I know, I'm about 90% sure that no one has died on this land my house is situat...
Demon Mind Invasion by ilovejc
I'll give you a little background about me just for reference. I'm a born-again Christian, and I'm 19 years old. I've heard that demons cannot possess Christians because it is impossible for a demon to share a soul/mind/spirit with the Holy Spirit, which enters a person after they've become born-aga...
Frightening Childhood Memories by retro_rose
I have had two unusual experiences, both involving shadowy figures, both seemingly male, and both that have haunted my memory for years. The first occurrence happened in 1994, when I was a small child. I was living with my mother and father in an apartment complex in Virginia Beach. Our apartm...
Midnight Scare by calumniate
Alright, so. My house is... As normal as the next guys. I live in one of the 'safest' neighborhoods in my city, which I will not post. I'm 13 years old and too smart for my own good. That in which I have researched so many ghost experiences, and witnessed one. It start off with, I never sleep in my ...
Near To Death by arsah786
This story happened in Goa, India. We were really happy to find a big house like that when suddenly things started happening. We are a really big family and my mom's family usually visits us. That night, all my cousins and relatives were home and after dinner we all were sitting in the living room t...
Something Following Me In My House? by Catherine
We moved into our house when I was about 6. We lived in it for about 10 years now. Recently, I've been feeling a presence in my hallway. When I walk through it at night, it feels like someone is following me. I can also feel it in my room at night and in the morning. When we first moved in, I stayed...
One Night In A Haunted House by sanjubhat
Vaibhav, Prashant, Deep and I have been very good friends since childhood and have spent some great time together. I haven't met them lately though, since Deep in now in the Middle East and Prashant in the US. Vaibhav is the only person currently in India whom I meet sometimes when I am in Mumbai. ...
Play Me A Song, Piano Man by LilMissMassacre
I've always been interested in the paranormal, as a child I sought out the monster beneath my bed rather than hiding under the covers. My strong beliefs in the supernatural often lead me to seek out that which cannot be seen; by my own eyes anyway. Of course, I always end up experiencing the paranor...
Demonic Predator by RyanJB
When you comment, all I need to know is if this is a demonic presence or not In Fort Collins, there is a haunted house that has slight burn damage, and all the other sheds suggest that it used to be a goat farm. My friends and I would always go there to do silly teenage things and just hang out a...
A Haunting Image And Other Scares by cline1986
I was 17 at the time and my family and I had just moved to a new house. I hated moving because of the work that was to be done, but I also liked the idea of moving to a new neighborhood and a new school. Days after moving into the new house while my mom and brother were out I was finally alone in th...
The House In Makakilo by MYsT3RY08
So there's this really big house down in Lower Makakilo, but the owner divided it into two. The house was on Leiole St. Well we had been living in this house for maybe three months I think when the following events happened. One night when everybody was sleeping, my brother woke up and saw a tall...
The Corridor by Hanbobs
My sister has just got married, this weekend in fact (18/07/09). She had her wedding reception in The Lake District, she got married in Manchester which is where we are all from but hired out a lovely hotel in The lakes where we would all be spending the day with her and my new brother in law Simon....
My Dad's House Has Shadow People by Ninjacat
I am 15 now. This story happened when I was 10. My dad's house is really scary. Whenever I stay the night I feel as if someone is watching me. Like the feeling after you watch a scary movie. I have a room in the basement and every night I slept over it scared me and some mornings I'd wake up and my ...
Strange Directionless Music by ai1265
First off, I'd like to say that while I have had a certain fascination with ghosts, ghost stories and spirits ever since I was little, I have never put much stock in them; or rather, I have not wanted to. I am by nature a very jumpy person. Reading accounts of ghost sightings, even if it interests m...
Demonic Predator 2 by RyanJB
This weekend the haunting that have been going on have hopefully reached a peak at the physical and psychological harm it has caused me, because I don't know how it can possibly get worse. What happened on Sunday morning was something that I am hesitant to even write for you guys since even I hardly...
My Ghost Experience At L.b.j Job Corps Center by loving_babylbj
I have had plenty of Paranormal Experiences. But the one that shocked me the most is when I was living in-house on LBJ (girls Dormitory) I was leaving out of the bathroom, and the door shut behind me... I heard a man's voice and a lot of my other roommates heard it also... When I turned around facin...
Presence In The Bedroom? by tk421
I live by myself. To cut a long story short, some nights, the TV, which is near me, would move by itself. Other times, when nobody was outside my bedroom door, it would suddenly 'thud' for no reason. I constantly feel like I'm being watched, by unseen eyes. I suppose the most baffling experience tho...
A Race With Death by Hanbobs
I recently posted this story on a similar website but one discussing spiritual experiences. I've noticed the site doesn't seem as popular as this one does, so I am hoping to get the feed back I want. Here's the story... When my bother-in-law was 16 he became quite poorly and was rushed into hospi...
The Island Ghosts by youngdz79
So I had totally forgot about this happening to me, because I always chalked it up to an over active imagination of a child on the Island, but one of my father's co-workers thought he "saw a Indian" while he was on Vacation up there last weekend. First let me explain what the Island is, for peop...
Paranormal Plus by DeborahLeBlanc
When I started delving into paranormal investigation years ago, my adventures were done alone and with little more than a disposable camera, compass, flashlight, and a set of brass balls. Over time, I collected more sophisticated tools of the trade, like an EMF detector, infrared cameras, etc. The s...
The Restroom by Lavenders
I have lived in Illinois in a tiny town almost all of my life since I was a very young girl. My mother and father raised my three brothers and me since we were born in that house. Now in the current day, my parents refuse to move since the house is all paid off and it was their first home as a marri...
The Man Face Imprinted In My Wall by Near
I live at Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, in an apartment four-storey and I live in the third sole I am a sixteen years old and a male. I have a certain fascination with ghost, but at the same time, I do fear them, I can't tell you that I've had a personal encounter with ghost, but I can tell ...
Rohini's Aunt by mangadanga
TRohini first narrated this incident to me in June 2002 who was a volunteer for the same group that I have mentioned in "Padma's experience". When she told me this on phone for the first time she was very badly disturbed and we thought it wise not to bring the topic up for a while before she recover...
Pain by Hopeful23
A little note before I begin this story. It's rather long even with me splitting it up into two parts and I feel that this can't possibly be split up into three. This happened about a year or two ago and there were so many events that occurred. Everything in this story is true and every name in the ...
Freaky Two Days by cole999999
My aunt and uncle own a farm in Clinton County, Pennsylvania. I have always heard my uncle tell stories about seeing a strange blue light around the pond, and how the cows seem to avoid certain areas of the property. No one in my family really ever believed him until recently. My cousin and I were...
Nighttime Shadows by Phoenix77
This is my first story. I've read most of the postings here. This happened in 2003 in my first house here in Texas. It was a small but cute two-bedroom house that was almost exactly 100 feet from a highway overpass. I was married and we had two very young children. The way the house is situated is i...
The Monster It Had Red Eyes by cline1986
This experience did not happen to me, but it happened to my boyfriend. He asked me to write this story for him and for now I will call him Jonathan. Jonathan was around the age of six; he lived with his mom, dad, and two sisters (who I will call Chelsea and Helen) in Arizona. Just like me he has had...
Phantom Of My Horse Barn by paranormal_amy003
I am 24 and just got out of collage to be a professional horse trainer. I have a barn with my boyfriend Collin, my sister Amber who is 30, her husband Jesse, and their 2-year-old daughter Carmella. We have four of my horses. Lightning, Chief, Breeze, and Indy. All four horses get along. Now, my barn...
Strange Experience In Our New Home by galleygal
Let me preface this story by saying that although I'm a great lover of ghost stories, including true ones such as those found on this site, I am normally reluctant to immediately leap to the conclusion that ghosts or demons are responsible for unexplained phenomena... But in this case, I'm simply st...
The Ghost Of My Grandfather? by supersambo
My name is Sammy and I'm 26. A few years ago my grandfather died of cancer in our house. I was very close to him and he was more like a father to me than my actual father. I don't know if this bond has anything to do with what has been happening. He died in April of 2006, and in the winter of tha...
Curious Spirits On Old Highway 181 by TXGRL210
This story didn't happen to me per say, but it did happen to my dad. As a little girl he always told me and my sister's ghost stories that had happened to him as a child and throughout his teenage years. For some reason there's one story I can remember very well and I think its worth sharing. When ...
Childhood Shadow Figure by morgiixlove
This first part is a bit of background. You may skip ahead if you really wish. Around 13 to 14 years ago, (I was five or six then) my mother, her boyfriend, and I moved from one trailer to another. The new one was still in the same area, in fact, it was only about 100 to 150 feet away, diagonall...
Dinosaurs At Night by mmberta
My family and I had moved into a house in an older part of town. We were so excited to be out of an apartment and into a bigger home. We did some redecorating and painted, we were trying to cozy up the place. I was finishing my daughter's room and had asked her to come in to see. My daughter was 3 s...
A Tug On My Clothes by Will0w
Not really sure where to start with this... A few things have happened leading up to it but I never thought I would be hurt. A few weeks ago I had a visitor at my house with her 2 children. Her eldest boy was being naughty so I moved him out of the room to calm down and sat him on the stairs, when...
A Horrible Parent by Casp3r
I was staying at my friend's house, her name's Chelsea. But I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. After a semester of school and staying over at her house I discovered something very creepy. In her basement is a very old well. I got her talking about it and knowing that the wel...
Don't Say Boo by beau
I and my mates where out and about one night when my best mate Billy said he had an Ouija board and we should muck around with it. Being 15 and bored we all said yes, why not. When we got to his place he went up to his dads room and got the Ouija board. We didn't know how it worked so we just play...
Sequence Of Unusual Events by rushkinoff
In the summer of 2008 I and my partner moved into an apartment together, it is quite an old building that has been renovated recently. As we had just moved in we were working on the flat and consequently spent most of our time in the bedroom whilst other rooms were completed. Everything had been fin...
They Say Goodbye To Children by Olly227
I've always been a huge believer in the paranormal, though I have been waiting my entire life to be lucky enough to have my own solid experience. A few years ago, however my mother shared with me something interesting that I said to her when I was just a baby. I had always known about the tragic ac...
My Sexual Entity by Spidey_fan
I have only ever posted on here once and that was nearly a year ago when I had experienced a few ghost sightings and had a few experiences of sleep paralysis. These occurrences calmed down after a while, until now. I would say it roughly started over a month ago when I would go to sleep; I don't ev...
I Only Wanna Be A Part Of The Family by stormie
When I was 13 years old my mom had a miscarriage in our half bathroom. We never thought anything of it, of course we wished the baby could be with us but we knew it was impossible... Until one day at 2:37 in the morning I was going to the kitchen to get a drink and the house was very dark. I saw a...
Lady Of White by sprayboy666
I am a very strong believer in the paranormal. At some cases I believe I am different like a psychic. Ghosts have come to me a lot but this one was the scariest and I will never forget it. It was a long time ago. When I was about 5. It was like any other normal day. The sun was shining bright, my ...
The Shadow That Dragged Me by hudini
I recently had moved out of my apartment and decided to room in with my brother until I found one of my own. My lease had ended in March of this year and I was more than halfway through with my classes for spring. I had quit working at a local auto shop due to their unstable shifts and workers. I ac...
My Ghostly Saga by bozoe6
I have had numerous occurrences throughout my life. I will tell you when it all began. I was about 12 years old, living in Corpus Christi, TX. I was actually home alone, when this first occured. I was watching a movie on TV, and I kept seeing this misty thing go by in the corner of my eye on the ...
The Bathtub Ghost by eberkhols
I had never experienced anything paranormal before, but I wouldn't say, at the time, I was a diehard skeptic either. I always wanted to believe there was life after death, there's just no validation of it. Until something you cannot explain happens to you. I was over my friends house one night, ...
Messages From The Beyond by Pinnk
A few months ago I send a story to the site telling all of you the story of my home. It used to be part of Puritan farm house; after it was built over one hundred years ago it became the run down house of the neighborhood. Over time it was restored and now my family and I live there. Over the pas...
Black Hooded Figure by rachill7982
My boyfriend has had many spiritual experiences with a black hooded figure. At times, he has seen it in the distance, sometimes watching him or even following him at times. He describes the figure as very tall, around 7 feet in all black with a hood that is lowered over the face. He tells me that he...
Knocking On The Front Door by Laura1108
I am 29 years old and my husband, father and I live in the family home that I, as well as my mother, grew up in. Our house was built by my grandfather on the same property that HE grew up on. The old farmhouse that he grew up in, however, is no longer here. It burned down when my mother was a little...
Figure In The Trees by Ouijimaster123
This happened August 11th, 2009 about 7:15ish. My friend Jessica and I went to Bachelors Grove for about the 100th time. We love going there and taking pictures to see if we can see anything paranormal. We were standing by the famous Fullton family grave; I got an eerie feeling that there was someon...
The Night At My Best Friend's Grandmother's House by march2
It was winter in Kalamazoo, MI it was myself my best friend another friend and my cousin. It was a regular day we went to school got out went home and we would all meet up at the basketball court and play ball. My best friend's grandmother went on vacation to her summer house I don't remember wh...
Haunted All My Life by xtina_gax
We'll where do I start off? We'll everything pretty much started when I was about 6 years old. I have always seen and experienced ghosts or demons, I really don't know why things just happen to me without me really doing anything. I remember this one time I was at my house and after my aunt had pass...
Feelings And A Voice by cline1986
First of all I would like to say that this has been happening to me for as long as I can remember. I would and still always feel as though someone is standing behind me. My boyfriend stands behind me sometimes and this presence feels quite the same as when my boyfriend stands behind me; it's very cr...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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