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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 56
The Follower by gvf7225
My story begins, one night sometime in the 1980's I wasn't home my uncle was home alone and the phone rang, He heard someone run out of my room and pick up the phone. Moments later I came home to see all the closets, cabinets and doors were all open and my uncle's face covered in fear. He told me wh...
Bump In The Night by Wednesday
This is my second story and it happened only last week. Myself and my partner had been staying at his folks due to our bathroom being refurbished. They live in a big old house which used to be a nursing home back in the day. It's been renovated and added on to, but the main part is still the same...
Typical Haunting by nonbeliever
As you can tell by my username I am not really a believer in the paranormal. I've always believed there is a logical explanation for everything. I'm a skeptic through and through. The story that I'm about to tell happened to a colleague at work who is also not a believer. It was interesting enough t...
Lustful Demon by bldfalcon
Twelve years ago, I had a lot of sexual urges. I'm a guy, so enough said! The experience I had happened to be with a succubus. Never seen the demonic tramp, but I knew it was that kind of demon. It happened for a week and I had no complaints about the sex I was having, but I knew it not safe and hea...
The Loved One by bldfalcon
About 7 years ago, I have visions of my girlfriend's death. It all started when my first girl friend killed her. That's when the visions occurred right after the incident. It was a hard day for me. She died, because of me. I wasn't there for her that much. Before this incident, we used to do everyt...
Sleep Paralysis And A Little Boy by ChildOfTheLotus
I don't know if I would really call this a ghostly encounter, more along the lines of sleep paralysis, but it was definitely odd, something that hasn't quite happened to me before. I used to have visions often as a teenager, but things have seemed to calm once I reached 18. Every once in a while I w...
The Cemetery In Cypress by The6thK
It was a cool but sunny October morning as I pulled my car in front of Chris's house. As I walked to his front door I started to think about what happened a year before and how I thought I would not talk about it again. In October of 1987 my friends Chris and Michael experienced something that ...
Who Or What Did He See? by Hanbobs
Only a few days ago I was on my way home from work - as I get in my car I always ring my boyfriend to let him know I have left and will be home within the next 15 minutes. Occasionally I get caught up in traffic on the Motorway - whether it's an accident or road works, they usually cause a delay of ...
I Still Get Chills Thinking About It by Rocket79
My boyfriend and I (now husband) began renting a house from my in-laws back in 2001. It was their first home back in the 70s. Before we ever moved in, I had an odd feeling from the house, and didn't want to give up our apartment, but I did. Everything was fine and in 2003 we had a son. Shortly after...
Seeing A Demon by maryduffee
I'm not sure if it was a demon that I saw but my friend was with me and he knows a little more about this kind of thing and he was sure it was a demon. As far as I'm concerned it could have been any kind of paranormal happening. My friend Connor and I were waiting outside of a friend's house to p...
Spirits, Blue Mist, And Other Unexplainable Phenomenon by StarGazer
I should start by saying I've always had an interest in the paranormal. I've never felt that what you see is what you get, and that life is more complicated than simply, you're born, you live, then you die and that's it. I was raised Roman Catholic (I am of Irish heritage) and although I've always b...
Heavy Weight In My Bed by madcow
Around 5am, I was laying in bed when I felt a huge weight on me. It actually felt like it was next to me at first. I had been sleeping so I thought it was my boyfriend. I felt the weight start touching my face... But like pushing heavily so that's when I started to really focus on it. I started to w...
My Old Haunted House by Meowmix_Symphony
Ever since I was young, I always could feel if something was there. So I was easily scared back then especially at my old house. I lived with a married couple (house was split in two parts by a kitchen). I was probably 10 or 11 and the first day I moved in, nothing much happened. But until we covere...
The Grandpop I Never Met by kiaraxox
My name is Kiara and I'm 19 I live in Sicklerville now. Well I was about 4 or 5 when this happened. I was staying at my grandmother's house she lives in Paulsboro NJ. I was spending the night over my grandma's house. My dad and his brother's lived there so I would always sleep in one of their beds w...
Another Haunted Cemetery by LordOfDarkeningShadows
This happened about a month ago. I went to a cemetery on the outskirts of town with my parents. My mum wanted to photograph a grave. When we got there, I got out of the car and walked into the cemetery. Right after I got out of the car I had felt completely normal but as soon as I entered this cemet...
13 Years With An Amorous, Confusing, Entity by Zuora
Please forgive if this account seems disjointed at times-this is the gist of what has happened to me during the last 13 years. During this time, I have experienced various occurrences which I believe all stem from the same source (s?). I don't think I've heard a story quite like mine yet-I'm un...
Lingering Silhouettes by LoveThief
I've experienced a few strange things in my life. I've heard voices calling my name, had doors in my house shut by themselves, and I've even seen strange images on my bedroom walls a few times. But one thing that I will never forget happened about 10 years ago when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. Bac...
Granny Came Home by angelina
I have never really told my story to a lot of people because the feeling of being laughed at or not believed. But my story did happen. It was the spring of 1980. I lived in Savannah Ga with my mother, my dad, my grandmother (granny as I called her). Every night when my granny would wake up she h...
The Man In The White Horse by giovannyval
This is my first experience I ever had with ghost or spirits. This happened outside the United States it happened in Colombia. I was just 5 years old, I was waiting for my mother to come back from the doctor it was around 8 o'clock and it was dark in the farm that is owned by my grandfather. I...
Experiences From A 7 Year Old by alisachran
Recently I just watched paranormal activity the movie which freaked me out so much. When I told my mom about it, she told me what happened when I was little, for some reason I just started to remember the crying, but not about ghosts or anything. She told me when I slept in my room (I always sle...
Going Crazy by Paranoia
I have heard many stories from my friends about how they see things and feel things and I have always wondered to myself if some of their stories were way to out there to be real. Now I will admit that I have had some creepy things happen to me but to me they were all just 'dreams' or at least they ...
Music From The Basement by mrdeagle
When I was fifteen I didn't like hearing ghost stories. I liked to joke around with my friends about stuff like that but I was very rational, and still am. While unexplained phenomena can normally be explained rationally, to this day I have a difficult time understanding what happened that day. I am...
My Cousin's Ghost by hush-hush
I am Summer a 17 year old girl from the Philippines. My mom sent me to Baguio two years ago to study college. I am staying at my aunt's abandoned house; it has been abandoned for 5 years because her son died and they don't have the heart to live were my cousin built his dreams. My cousin died becaus...
Camarillo Ave by brittny
When I was 7 my parents got a divorce. They decided to share joint custody over myself and my older brother and sister. We'd spend a week at my dad's and a week at my mom's. My mom was the one to move out because she had a day care centre and wanted a bigger house. The house we moved into was a grea...
So Who Was That Then? by Knoxru
It was about 11 pm at night and my second daughter aged 10 months woke and started to cry. It was my 'turn' that night to go and settle her and put her back to asleep. My wife was in the third bedroom of the house with our first daughter as she had needed settling from earlier in the night. I wo...
Can Ghosts Follow You? by Jopuppylover
I've had a lot of ghostly experiences since that my last story. The first experience was white-silvery feathers floating past my face and onto the ground below. I was sat at my computer desk, and they just started. I looked over at my cat (who was sat on her bed which is next to my computer) and ...
Brother's Haunted House by Pjod
My brother went through a divorce. He stayed with my parents until he was able to get back on his feet. He bought a nice little house in the burbs. My brother is no nonsense kind of guy, and has been in law enforcement for about 20 years now. About a week after he purchased this house, my mother cal...
Voice From The Dead: Frequency by bldfalcon
People all over the world have encountered voices from the other side, by electronic appliances or other. I always tried to contact a ghost, but failed miserably. I was twelve at the time. I was always been haunted when I was a kid. It's like the spirits always contact me, but I never respond back. ...
They Are Still Looking Out For Me by SMS0511
I thought this was a particularly interesting and amusing experience as it took place this morning at my office. I should say that I've had a few problems at work recently due to my having a minor stroke which I believe was brought on by overwork and I thought my line management did not take it seri...
School Hauntings by Ariel
My name's Ariel and this is my first post. I'm thirteen years old and attend a grade 2 Edwardian private school in the suburbs of England. My great grandmother was psychic and my grandfather, whom I am very close too, was a paranormal investigator [Now a writer]. Therefore, I'm very intrigued as to ...
Our Old Bedroom by lexie4308
So my wonderful fiancé just told me the other day that he always thought that the room he stayed in when he lived in Texas was haunted. He also informed me (I know for my own good because I'm a naturally paranoid person) that the things he experienced were from his night terrors. Now I know they we...
What Touched Me by Jeremy1982
I was in High School at the time in 2001. I was watching a wrestling show on my small TV sitting on my dresser. I was standing up leaning on the dresser. It was a hard time as I was dealing with anger and my mother's cancer, I was pretty much mad all the time, I think it's why it touched me. I w...
Suspected Poltergiest Activity by ghostmedia
In the past couple of weeks, there has been some suspected Poltergeist activity. I'll start off with what happened first. BANGING - There has been a lot of banging in the house, mainly on doors, but sometimes from the ceiling and the floor. It is usually loud and continuous banging, and sounds li...
School Hauntings 2 by Ariel
If you haven't read my previous story then I advise you to read that before you continue. It'll make more sense, thank you. So, I promised more, and voila, I have! Now, this all happened in year five. It was a cold winter's Wednesday. A quarter of a way into our lunch break time, I have my regul...
Some People Decide To Stay by sheba_buckley
I was nine years old when we moved to Germany. My step father had received orders to return to Schleswig-Holstein, and my mother and I followed him shortly thereafter. We moved into a 64 year old house that was occupied by my step dad's parents. They were 68 and 75 years old. Grandma's parents had b...
A Lack Of Hand by Gellergems
A couple of years ago, when I was a youngster, I was in bed, reading a book, when I started to feel tired so I just turned off my light and put my book on my bedside table. I started to feel drowsy, not tired, but drowsy, when I thought I was about to go to sleep. I got up to go to the toilet, later...
The 1st Encounter With The Follower by gvf7225
I don't know if you all read my 1st story The Follower. Here is the beginning of when I first encountered it. It was back in January of 1980. I was 7 years old. That Sunday my mother had taken me to church for the first time in my life. I didn't know much about God or the Devil at that time. We...
Phantom Feline by SuperNatural35
I don't have a cat, and have never had a dog but this happened to me just before dawn this morning. Hence, my first post and discovery of this website. It was so real and intense I had to see if anyone else had similar experiences. Very early this morning, I turned over in my bed, rolling from my...
Occurences In Home After Suicide by anoynomous111216
I would greatly appreciate any help you can give. A month ago my uncle committed suicide in my late-grandparents house that he was sharing with my other uncle. He was alone at the time and hung himself in the hallway on the staircase, when he was found; he was hanging directly in front of the hal...
Germantown Philadelphia Ghost by toomanystories
I lived in Germantown an historic neighborhood in the City of Philadelphia. The place I was living at for five years had a lot of activity going on through-out the day, but especially between 3am- 4am in the morning... I used to see what I called pin lights and shadows that my cat would confirm by h...
Flickering Entity And A Strange Scent by white_roses84
My first ever ghost experience happened in Coquitlam BC, CA. I was 15 years old. I was hanging around the house with my boyfriend Max when we decided to watch a movie. We popped it in the VCR and started it. Just then, the TV shut off, and the power went out. It startled me, but I checked my patio t...
Uneasy Feeling by ontariomom
My son will be three next month and he is seeing a man in his room. It started one night when my husband and I were watching TV. I heard him screaming on the top of his lungs. I went flying into his room to see him in a ball crying and shaking; all he could say was the man the man. He could not slee...
Volunteer To See A Ghost. Anyone? by vanillaflavored_16
My 6th sense, as most would call it, has been active for as long as I can remember. My mom said that I got it from her as she got hers from my grandmother. She said that this 'gift' runs in her side of her family. It doesn't bug me really- perhaps, I got used to it? I don't really know. Nevertheless...
Something At A Friend's House by Gman003
This story just came to mind again out of the blue so I thought I would share it. About a year ago now I'd say, a few buddies and I were drinking having a good time at one buddy's house. The buddy who's house we were at got telling me how sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees ...
The Third Shift Hauntings by TinaBug1975
My first story takes place in Copley, Ohio, not far from Cleveland. I had just started dating my first, late husband. One evening, while I was visiting his house, we started telling ghost stories. He lived in the house with his dad, and he was telling me that the house we were in had a ghost or two....
I Think I Have Company by sflorida_sweetie2
I found this site looking for answers to some recent strange things happening here in our home. My husband and I recently moved here to Switzerland in June from Florida USA. We are still settling into a house that can't be more than 30 years old. We recently have been hearing dull tones in 3's, ...
Another Night At Work by Sapper
Last night was just like any other night at work, at least I thought it was going to be. I work nights, don't get me wrong I love working at night I've never been much of a daytime person. I arrived at my post around 1900 hours and proceeded with an inspection and count of Inmates present. I returne...
My 3 Year Old Son by forgiven
My son Seth lately has been saying things out of normal. At first I thought he was having night terrors but then I heard him talking. I myself have never seen or heard anything so I cannot say this is true but things he says makes me to believe he is seeing something and talking to someone. He w...
Guardian Angel? Nuisance? Too Much Cheese Before Bed? by LondonCavalier
So there I am, lying on the sofa of my small annex flat. The calm is soothing after the chaotic month I've had, arranging the funeral of my stepfather. Being the most logical and "sensible" of the family, I automatically took control of the situation and moved in with my mother temporarily after his...
Dark Spirit Always Near by apierce18
My first encounter was when a child living in Jacksonville, NC and felt a strong presence each time I entered the house. There was one room particularly strong where the spirit would pull you out of the bed or shake you violently at night and the spirit was often visible in the hallway at night. Doo...
Sleep Paralysis - Paranoia by Shadowfax
I was hoping someone could give an opinion about an experience I have been having recently. I don't strongly believe in the supernatural, but lately some things have been getting to me. To start off, I have been living in the same house with my parents and sister for about 10 years now. My parent...
Little Girls Laugh by davidpvtmouse
This has been happening on and off for over a week. I do not know why but here is the story. My wife and I have been living in the same apartment for over a year and half now so we haven't changed that. We haven't bought anything second hand recently. It started Tuesday the 20th of October. ...
A Night Wake Up by sexiiliciousus
This is my first time on this website. My name is Brenda I'm from the Bronx, New York and I'm just 15years old. I am going to tell you a story about me when I was a small girl. I used to see black shadows in my room, or hear voices. It all started when I was like 7years old. One summer day of 20...
Family Haunting by Stef1609
This "ghost story" begins before I was born; it was my mother who first had experiences when she was young. I live in a relatively small town that dates back at least 1000 years, and has more than its fair share of ghosts and other paranormal goings on. When my mother was about 10 she began to ex...
Our Newest Guest? by jgrueneich
My family has always had a fascination or a keen awareness that there is more to our world than what can be seen with the naked eye. In 2006/07 when we built our new home we were aware that our property had Indian burial mounds located on it. We were careful to place our home up on a hill so that we...
Can't Make Up My Mind What This Is I Saw by owen
This all happened when I was doing some stuff for school. I was sitting at my computer when I looked to my right, because, I thought I felt something touch my shoulder, when I looked (my bedroom is big) I saw at the far wall a shadowy figure looking straight at me. Then within a second it had disapp...
6th Sense Or Just Coincidences? by frmSTP
I've had a few experiences over the years dating back to when I was a child. Never occurred to me, but my friend's mom one day said I might have the 6th sense. Creeped me out. Here are my experiences in a nutshell: Kindergarten: I saw a female figure in traditional clothing standing at the top of...
Old Hag Or Just Exhaustion? by dougquaid
My story is not quite as remarkable and vivid as some of the others on this site, but for a long time I have had the question in my head if this was a supernatural incident. Retrospectively, it doesn't seem that scary, but when it happened, it did shake me up quite a bit. It happened in the current ...
Has Something Been Following Me? by Prerequisite_Dreaming
Gosh, please forgive me for writing such a long story and if it's a little rushed. I'm trying to write my whole lifetime of experiences into as little wording as possible. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll provide more details if you want. Ever since I was a little girl I've always ex...
Screaming My Name At Night by jennie1042
About six months ago is the first time this happened. I moved back in to my parent's house in Orlando, Florida while I finished my BA degree. Most of my classes were in the evenings or night so I didn't usually get home until almost midnight a long time after everyone else had gone to bed. On this n...
Haunted Cemetary by lilabell
My two sisters have recently become interested in ghost and have taken one of those ghost recorders to a few places supposed to be haunted. I'm not as into it as much as they but for my birthday they bought me one of those small recorders so a few days ago I decided to go down to the cemetery near m...
Years Of Haunting Night Terrors by darkin31
This Story Begins when I was twelve years old, that's when all the haunting began. As you all know New York is one of the world's most hot spots for any paranormal activity. One night I was lying in my bedroom upstairs. I had switched rooms with my mother and father with my little brother from d...
The Lady In White by Lucretia
I was on a holiday to Taiwan. I lived in a beautiful bungalow that nobody was living inside. I lived there with my three children. Everything seemed to be in order until the second day I moved in. I was reading a book in bed when I saw a tall and beautiful lady, about 178 cm tall dressed in a wh...
Visited By A Demon by SR55
I was 13yrs. Old when it first happened. I had fallen asleep on the couch the first time he came, I heard a knock on the front door in the middle of the night and my mom came to answer it, when she opened the door I could hear her arguing with someone when suddenly the door was forced open and my mo...
Beach House In Quezon Province by seventeen
My family and I celebrate Holy Week (for non-Catholics, holy week is where we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) in my dad's province in Quezon. We have a beach house there and we only get to go and stay there during holy week. Back in 2006, my family and I went there with my ...
Ghosts Of My Loved? by Xegza
My story, starts in 2007, when my 76 year old grandma died. I loved her a lot and missed her. When I got home from her funeral one night, I started to cry, thinking about her. All of a sudden I felt an eerie presence that comforted me. My nan always used to wear this distinctive perfume, it was rose...
Ouija Board, Sickness And Other Strange Things by SquishyKitty
I know this happened a long time ago, but it has always been on my mind and no one really believes me, so I thought it would be good to post it onto a ghost site were people can help me rest my mind. I was about 8 at the time, we just moved house into this fairly new, large 2 storey house. I like...
Phone Call by nocturnalbeauty22
It was about 3pm in the afternoon in the year 1976. I was waiting for some friends to pick me when I decided I would just call my friend Myla to ask why they were late. As I picked up the phone to call, there was no dial tone so I decided to say hello since during the 70's we had what you would call...
My Grandma Has A Ghost In Her House? by KittyKatPop
This story takes place in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. When I was 5 years old my great grandma died (she was my grandma's mother). After her death, I started being terribly afraid of the dark. Sometimes my dolls, they looked as if they were turning their heads at me and watching me as I was sl...
My Childhood House - Putting Pieces Together by Gman003
From the age of 5 to 12 years old, my family lived in a house that was probably between 75 - 100 years old. This story is about that house. Last night my brother and I had been reminiscing on the old times at our old house. We had been talking about the little things and he brought up how he tho...
Radio Channel Surfer, Playing With Tv by angelina
My story starts in Rhode Island where I live with my boyfriend and his sister, and her family. I believe it was a summer day not sure just know it was sometime this year 2009. My boyfriend's dad loved country music especially Hank Williams Jr. To get to the story I was sitting inside the house w...
Sensitive Or Over Active Imagination? by pangie28
I have had numerous experiences in my life but there are only a few that I can remember. The first one being when I was about 3 or 4 years old I was in my bed early in the morning (around 8 am or so) and I was just lying there when I felt something cold on my back and I turned around to look, when I...
My Three Paranomral Experiences by akaboy123
My name is Ryan. I am 13 years old. I live in the United States of America. I don't know if what I think I'm experiencing is paranormal or not, but I truly believe it is and/or could be my deceased cat and/or grandfather. Background Info. My mom, brother, sister, and I also believe that our gran...
A Funny Kind Of Spirit by vpoolman313
I live in Hatboro, a suburb of Philadelphia. I would like to start by saying that I have always had a connection to the spirit world. I remember as a young child I would always be in tune with strange happenings in my house that my parents would disregard as a vivid imagination. They were scary as a...
They Seem To Be Everywhere I Go by tee_jo1980
My first experience happened to me when I was about 8 or 9. We lived in a trailer house at the time and I always heard things that never really had any type of explanation. I do have an overactive imagination so I tend to brush many unexplained things off, thinking it is just my imagination. But, on...
Moving Before Sleep Paralysis? by Celess19
These stories are from a while ago, I'd say... 7 years ago, I'm 25 years old now... And I just found this website, and just wanted to tell my stories to have different opinions... Are sleep paralysis scientific experiences or are they of demonic or just paranormal nature? My first sleep paralysis...
My House's Ghost by maryduffee
My family and I just moved out of a house I had lived in all my life, and for the past couple of years I believed that there was something in the house. My sister was the first one to notice anything strange, although I vaguely remember unexplainable happenings in the house from a long time ago and ...
The Black Hand And Other Strange Things by esther91
The first experience happened when I was about 8 years old. Two of my sisters one younger, and one older and I all shared a room. The night this happened we were all reading. It was late at night probably 11:00 pm or so. Anyway all of the sudden, a completely black hand shot across our bedroom and t...
Spirits In The House by the_wizard
From 1998-2005 my parents and little brother lived in this house. I wouldn't call it haunted, but I do remember some weird things happening there. My mom said she had seen this man a few times just standing in our living room. And once she saw him standing by her bedroom door when she was in bed. Th...
Little Girl In A Blue Dress by CassieJo
I live in Oklahoma in the United States. I have several stories to share with you, hopefully you enjoy them! (These are real stories!) I used to live with my Dad a few years ago, and I shared a room with my little sister who's 8 years old now, she was 7 then. My father lives in apartments that a...
The Toybox by mrdeagle
When I was ten years old I moved with my parents and two brothers from Milwaukie, Oregon to Portland. I was sad at first because I had grown fond of our old house. We were only able to stay in Milwaukie for two years because of... Complicated circumstances. Suffice to say it was a rough neighborhood...
The Jacket That Came To Life by elasticband
I've experienced a number of mystical occurrences over the years, but here's an incident that forever sticks in my mind. I was in seventh grade, residing in the Southwest region of The United States at the time. It was the day after Thanksgiving and snow was falling quite heavily. There was no s...
Children by carys
When you see spirits or you encounter unusual things do you wonder why? I spoke to my mother about the things I see and according to her I've seen them all my life. But I will not get into it to much. I might possibly if people respond. I remember in primary school always seeing extra childre...
Always Looking Twice by aaaivilo1
I'm new to this so please bare with me. I've been reading these stories for a good year now and decided to create my own account. I've always been intrigued by all the stories posted. I've never really had the chance to share this with most people and some people look at me as if I have two heads. ...
One Big Fat Scary Orb by jessiep
You know how many report cases of orbs and such; I also have had a certain experience with one. Like any other little kid I too was afraid of the dark and my mum said I had to sleep alone that night. I tried to stay up as much as possible with the light turned on but eventually lost the battle and i...
Ghosts Haunts Friend's House by kipdog69
One of my best friends used to live in this older style house, out in the country near a local lake. He had told us stories of paranormal activity that he has seen. Being skeptical I usually took his stories as unreal and played along. He invited me over one night and I accepted and everything seeme...
Children Playing by Ramon
Bewildered by the experience I encountered during my weekend trip to the Adirondack Mountains, I volunteered myself into a conversation with a group of people who were invited to my party and started to reveal my ghostly story, but before explaining the details of the event someone interjected by sa...
More Than One Spirit by Jamie04
This is a story about the house I live in now. I live in Central Queensland Australia in a small town, and I was around about 15 when this experience happened. I'm 18 now and I still can't explain what I saw. Back before this event, I actually used to sleep in the middle room of the house which is d...
The Pacific Palisades Prankster by marvel
Growing up in Hawaii I have been exposed to many stories of superstitions and ghost. Being that Hawaii is the ethnic melting pot of the world all the stories differ from ethnicity to ethnicity. My Portuguese grandmother would tell stories of fetsedas, Portuguese witches that would claim childre...
Phantom Of The Church by zmyers23
When I was 14-15 I had a friend, Dan, whose father was a minister at a church in the small town I grew up in. He myself and a group of friends began to take the keys to the church building and hang out and play hide and seek type games during the night time hours. The first few times we did this we ...
Voice From The Dead: Recording by bldfalcon
As you all know Halloween has passed, but the experiences that I've encountered did not. My grandparent's house has been haunted for many years. There was a Ouija board once locked away in our house. Just to give you a back story of my first experience. I was ten at the time and I was half asleep. I...
Horrible Feelings At Colonial Park Cemetary by mb139
I was on a business trip in Savannah, Ga last Sunday night, Nov 1. Several of us were heading to dinner by the river. We were driving when all of a sudden; I got this terrible feeling of dread. Then we came up on the Colonial Park Cemetery which until now, I knew nothing about. As we were passing by...
Hooded Figure In My Doorway, My Brother Calls A Watcher by Lduff
I'm from what you call a psychic or gifted family. My gift is I am a very sensitive empathy. Lately more and more unexplainable things have been happening. I've been seeing a figure just standing in my doorway. It stands about 7ft tall and is in a thick charcoal gray robe. I couldn't see its face. W...
I Awoke To My Body Tingling, Waves Of Energy And Heaviness by onelove
The night before last I went to bed at 12am and had a little trouble falling asleep although I was very tired. I must have completely drifted off because all of a sudden I woke up to (now this sounds odd) a pressure on my face especially lips as if someone is kissing me. Now that I was completely aw...
The Bang On The Door by Lavenders
I haven't written a story in a while but one that came to my mind while I was looking at the site again was the time when I was living in the guest house at my ex-husband's aunt's house. Spooky things always seem to happen to me while I am in a very depressed state. During this time, I was sever...
Glowing Circle Floating by e-marie
Two times, and only two times I've seen this glowing ball. It wasn't scary it was nice seeing something so beautiful. What I saw is never going to be forgotten and has never returned, I wish it did though. The first time I saw it was really nice, the second time I got to see it, it was little bit ex...
Being Touched By Ghost by Freakyme
My name is Luke and I live in Brookfield MO, I have never really had any ghostly experiences leading up to these events I'm about to share with you, But have always kind of had a wide imagination. But about 4 years ago my sophomore year in high school I was going to bed, and you have to realize we k...
My Daughter's Experiences by CA_NJGirl
My 16 year old daughter has experienced ghosts for some time now. The experiences have been with rather substantial beings, and generally she hasn't been freaked out by them. Most of them have been relatives that have passed. My mom who like my daughter was a dancer. This past summer though, the...
The Voices by Bexxx
So you may not believe me but I know this is true. When I was little maybe 5 or 6 I started to talk in my room alone maybe up until midnight or longer, I only remember a bit of this but I don't remember who I was talking too, My mother just told me that I wouldn't sleep and that voices and people we...
My Lovely Entity by Derek15
Since I haven't been on this site for quite a while, I decided to share my most recent little ghost story. A few months ago, me and my best friend decided to be curious, and a bit stupid, and create a Ouija board of our own since there would be no way we could go off and buy one without getting caug...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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