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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 68
Creepy Dolls by FelixFTM
This is something that I just remembered, actually. This happened when I was twelve, and it happened in my bedroom (the bedroom that I still have. I have always been really scared of dolls, ever since I was six years old and saw a horror movie about dolls coming to life. But, even though I have a vi...
Little Girl Spirit Loves My Dogie by Jeanine_dv
First off I would like to say that I have had MANY ghostly experiences and I am a very open minded person. I am also a Christian and believe in heaven and hell. I have also had many demonic experiences too. I live around the area people call "Gold Country" because it's where people first discove...
Could It Be Danielle? by blue_raven80
If you haven't read my story "Danielle", please read it because it could be connected to this story I'm going to share with you guys. Recently, my son is telling me that there is a child ghost that he sees and plays with. He calls it "Batang Kamumu" meaning child ghost. The reason why I suspect ...
My Haunted House On Lake Superior by Pammy
I remarried in 2003 and my husband has a house on Lake Superior that his family bought in 1969. It overlooks Lake Superior and is on the North Shore Drive, half way to Two Harbors. Strange noises and events have been happening ever since then... I would hear loud bangs in the night in the other room...
Piano Ghost by cguerra
This is the second story I'll be posting. I posted the first one a few days ago but I haven't seen it up. Maybe it was not in correct format. If I don't see it in a couple of days I'll try again. The first one is about one of my earlier experiences with the paranormal. Like I said in the last one, I...
Our New Flatmates Friend by kiwiboy
I live in an old 4 bedroom house with my partner and 3 children. We have lived here for seven years and had no paranormal activates, until recently when our flat mate moved in. 15 years ago she did a séance and the glass shot off the board and smashed against the wall, since then she has had weird ...
The Unleashed Spirit by mukesh_cap
I have a friend, Sajid. We worked together in the same store in Dubai. Sajid, earlier staying with his wife and kids was now alone in his studio apartment as he sent them back to Mumbai for the kids schooling purpose. I never visited his house often though, especially never stayed overnight. As he w...
It Was Not Meant To Be by angeldemon
Before I tell you about my experience, I need to note that I am a teenager, but that does not mean this experience will be a fraud. I request people to take my story into account because I need help. My name is Taufiq and I am a 16 year old Muslim. I am also a science student and I prefer logical e...
Flames Of Hell by chelchel10
At the time I was sixteen and it was a week after my mums funeral, I had to sleep in my nans room due to the fact that I just felt strange in my own room. I am now twenty four and can still remember it clear as day. I was sleeping in my nan's bed when I woke up and just could not go to sleep, I w...
A Summers Ghost Story by harrywelsh
It happened on a very hot June day in the summer of 1976. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was sitting in the living room with my dad. He was watching the horse racing (something he always did on a Saturday) while I was more interested in the football results. It was quite a large living room, or...
The Ghostly Shadow by AyAsantex33
It was about 1 in the morning in the summer time. My two cousins, Tyanna and Asia, and I were coming home from a party, only a couple blocks away from my apartment. We all three were sweating, stinking, and sticky because of the hot summer weather. I decided that I wouldn't go to bed like that so ...
My Daily Horrors by vicuttie8
In recent months many things have happened to me. Much too many to name so I'll just explain some of the major things. For those of you who have read my previous stories, the house in New York where the incident with THE MAN IN MY ROOM occurred things have started to happen there again. I was t...
Cemetery Experience Which Will Go To My Grave by Rolly
Around ten years ago when I was 18 I had an experience that I have been unable to forget or to explain since. I'm not sure what relevance this has to my story but my friend had recently committed suicide aged only 15 years old. As you would expect this hit our group of friends very badly and we were...
My Grandparent's House by guy48
Ever since my dad was a child unexplained things have happened at my grandparent's house. Unexplained footsteps, talking, music, are just a few of many paranormal activity that has gone on there. Since there are too many stories I will share only a few for now. Once my aunt was sleeping in what ...
The Man In The White Shirt by kiwi_girl
This happened only last week and although I'm not completely sure if it's paranormal it's certainly unexplainable. I've just finished my first year of my university degree and my boyfriend and I decided to take a break at his family holiday home on the beach for a few days. Before I begin let me tel...
Encounters by snickers_8134
I live in the United States in Roseville, OH. I've lived here for most of my life and there have been many stories told about ghosts. I have always been a believer in ghost but it wasn't until lately that I have had any experiences with them. Some people say I'm crazy and others just think nothing o...
Grandmothers Spirit? by Josh_little
My grandmother, who passed away a year and 5 months ago. She was an amazing person who unfortunately had a tough life. All her life she had the, wait on me hand and foot thing going. My grandpa is 72, he is real fit and in shape and she had him running raggid... Well she started hitting Alzheimer's ...
Shadow Wears A Hat by thefabulouseggs
Over my life I have always "seen" figures- little boys' old ladies just all walks of human life appear and are gone in a flash. Never has this caused me any problems and never have they interacted or lasted too long. They are not a corner of an eye experience either but quite clear visions of people...
Ghostly Visitors - Where Do They Come From? by lankyloo98
I have seen many strange things over the years and the odd person who others can't see. Over the past 5 years this seems to have increased. I decided to take advantage of any early night as my four children where fast asleep and my husband was busy on the computer. (With four children this is rare i...
The Move - Woken Spirits by Hanbobs
Me and my boyfriend - and of course our American Bulldog Bella have just moved out of a house we were renting and into my Grandma's house which is on the road behind where we were originally staying. My dad had suggested this to us only a few weeks ago as my Grandma is now staying in a home and the ...
Is My Bedroom Being Haunted? by Shellbell
The first time I remember ever having anything strange happening was when I was in third grade. I was in my bed trying to go to sleep when I heard someone coming up the stairs- I know that old houses creak and groan but you could tell this was footsteps- and I was confused because it couldn't have b...
Abusive And Harmful Ghost by the-imaginary-friend
I'd like to begin by saying I have never personally seen a ghost or anything paranormal, though I definitely believe in their existence. This story is not mine, it's my fiancé's story (who we'll call Roger), but we were wondering if we could possibly find advice about what to do on here. So here go...
Red Eyed Cloaked Shadow And Recorded Voices by DangerSilent
Hey there, my name is Chris... I play in two bands that you might know, Danger Silent & Autumns Fall. I was actually hanging out with a hip-hop artist in our recording studio last night, who was here for business. We somehow got from music and business, to the topic of life, which led to the superna...
Red Eyed Cloaked Shadow And Recorded Voices 2 by DangerSilent
This is a continuation of the original story I actually just posted about the cloaked, red-eyed shadow character I saw, and the weird events that took place at my friend Richard's house in Scottsdale. We recorded this whole event, and the story is in the previous post. I will post the audio when I g...
The Entity Kept Kissing Me by andy1979
I am a 30 year old male with a normal sex life and I believe I had an experience with a ghost. I am taking care of my brother's house (he is on vacation) it's a huge house. Built in 2005... Around 2pm I took a nap in my brother's sofa I was all alone in my boxers... This is going to sound creepy but...
Mean Man Tried To Kick Me by wideawake
My 3.5 year old great niece came to visit in mid-June '10. Our electricity was out on a beautiful 100+ degree day. After playing with her in the pool I went to pick up some ice and drinks for everyone. Upon returning my Wife informed me that the little girl reported that "a mean man tried to kick me...
Feeling of Being Watched Since Pregnant by apophysis
I am a 27 years old female, and here is my -tiny- story for which I am desperately trying to find a rational explanation to. I live in a very small town 300 km up north from Montreal, in Canada. I grew up in a suburb of Montreal from age 7 to 15 and came back to my hometown to finish high school ...
House In Dothan by ironhide77
I believe in ghosts and I have seen a few and I would like to share what I have seen. I lived in Dothan Alabama for quite a few years before I finally escaped and moved to Maryland. My wife and I owned our house in Dothan and we loved it but it was I believe haunted. I won't say the exact address...
Flashlight Lantern by Hilary0128
I have always been on the fence about whether I believe in ghosts or not. I had never, until recently had any real evidence that I couldn't just try to explain away. I have had weird feelings and cold spots in rooms etc., but I always found a way to explain it away. A few months ago I was sleepi...
Old Family Experiences by Flamex
These are some experiences my granny and her family had years ago when she was young. My granny told me these only a few months before she died. Haunted House on Moore Street Around the time of the 1916 Uprising my granny's mum (my great granny who lived here for a while) used to live in a hou...
Not A Skeptic Anymore by Flamex
My best friend (I'll just call her Laura) always came up with an excuse for everything that happened to me or my family. In the end I wished something would happen to make her believe me. A week or two ago she was staying in my place overnight. That evening we were sitting on my floor watching vi...
Since They Passed Away by Flamex
My granny and granddad died around April 2010 within 3 weeks of each other. My granddad died around the end of March and my granny died 20 days later. 2 weeks after my granddad died (a week before my granny died); I woke up to footsteps beside my bed. Thinking it was my mum in my room I asked wha...
Shadow, Make Believe, Or A Demon? by Ruikai
Let me start off with saying I don't believe every single time you see something it's automatically a demon. This is the one time I may disregard that statement. I've seen this, thing, many times, gladly it has stopped appearing. The very first time I ever seen it was when I was five. We had just ...
An Unlikely Friend by Lost
Why I am writing this I couldn't tell you, but if I had to guess it's because when you can't tell the people you know you need to tell someone. When I was younger I was awkward, shy and very much alone in my own way. My parents were divorced, my family was in ruins and I was hopeless in terms of mak...
My Father's Cousin's Weird House by x10
I would like to share this one since this has been one of my favorite ones. My father's cousin was an elementary school teacher and this story is about their house built 10 years ago. Her husband was a seaman so they earned enough to make this enormous house. It has been a local tradition that...
Is It Common For Toddlers To See Ghosts? by Verdantlife
This morning, I was talking with my two year old in her bedroom. She randomly pointed to a blank spot on the wall toward the ceiling and said, "There is the baby. Baby. The baby is there." I told her that I didn't see a baby. And I said, "Really, a baby in the sky?" She said, "Yes, there is the baby...
I Know He's Following Me But I Don't Know Why by kate_1011
I know that I said this story takes place in CT but that isn't exactly true. My story started in Massachusetts. I was seven years old. It was the winter of 2000, before Christmas. My father had just bought me a puppy and I was taking him outside for a walk. My family lived in an apartment attached t...
Hooded Figures by KitteeChaos
When I was about 16 I started getting sleep paralysis. At first it was nothing more than not being able to move upon waking or falling asleep and I only got it once and never got it again until a couple years later. When I was 18 I got a job decorating cakes at a grocery store, and my schedule was...
Strange Happenings - Looking For Answers by bugergirl1990
Strange things started happening when I was younger, I used to get awakened up in the middle of the night by what felt like a hard slap in the face... Which would leave my face burning for a half an hour or so until I fell asleep but never saw anything? This happened twice a year or so but stopped o...
Encounters Throughout My Life by RRick
My name is Rick and I'm 17 years old, I would like to just get straight to the story. I use to live in a 2 floor house, I was about 5 at the time, and I had an imaginary friend named Robert, who was a war Hero. He carried a sword into battle and fought for his country (Present war times), what scar...
Black Dog by Noxxy
My name is Vanessa, and I am 17. I will be turning 18 this Thanksgiving. I wish I had found a site like this sooner because, frankly, I was a little confused and scared at the time. A few years back, things happened (Family-wise) and we ended up caring after an elderly black Labrador. He was the swe...
Ghost In Arrelano St Philippines by Nikkichi
Before I get on my personal ghost story, I just want to say that I'm not a person who believe in things that I don't see. I need to experience it my self in order to believe especially in cases such as ghosts. When I was young, I wasn't scared of ghosts (I swear), because I thought they weren't real...
My Demonic Encounters by Aellai
My name is Josie and what I'm about to tell you is completely true, I have had so many encounters with demons, but I'll only be telling you a few in this story. This was one of my first encounters, I was on the computer out in the dining room, Our dining room and kitchen are basically one room, T...
The Man's Name Was Raymond by louis7300
This happened over thirty years ago in my hometown of cadillac, michigan yet I remember it like it was yesterday. For the first 17 years of my life my family lived in the largest house on our block and I'm not sure but I think it was one of the first in cadillac, which was an old logging town when i...
The House Next To My Best Friends by MariMariQuiteContrary
About a year ago in october my best friend had a halloween party, I was unable to go because, to be perfectly honest, I was really mad at her. It was a week before Halloween and all of my friends went to her party, they asked not to have their names in this so we'll call them Jay, Em, Cee, and Ar, t...
The Ouija Board And The Baby by Nikita
This is my mothers story, so I will tell you the story as best I can. When my mother was young, she use to live with her parents in a house in Manchester with her three sisters and two brothers. On being brought up in a family that was very much interested in the paranormal, she too became hooked an...
House In Dothan 2 by ironhide77
This is my second story and a continuation on the events that happened when my family and I lived in Dothan Alabama on Chadwick Cr. My wife and I have discussed more of the events that took place in that house since I submitted my last story and we remember a bit more that we would like to share. ...
They Always Watch Me by Nephele
I've always had an interest in the paranormal, and as I get older, I look at it more. I'm also interested in psychology and how the mind works in what we think we see or know. When I was 6 years old I lived in a different home then I live in now, and now I am 15. When we had just moved in, there...
To Investigate Or Not Too? by sowrongitsthomas
During the past few weeks weird stuff has been happening in my house. A few weeks ago I was home alone taking a shower, and my dog was downstairs. I began to hear ruffling sounds and it sounded like things were being pushed around. I assumed it was my dog so I turned off the shower and yelled, "SHAD...
Contact With Our Grandfathers by shart801
July 10, 2010. Scranton, PA. My best friend and I purchased a Ouija Board the other night because we have always been interested in the paranormal. The two of us have an insane connection with each other where we can read each other's minds and have full blown conversations without speaking. Most pe...
Is This Really An Incubus? by Ashley818205
Everything that I have read about incubus experiences is different than what I am experiencing maybe you can help me figure out what the deal is. Off and on since I have been 17 I have been having incidences of being sexually touched in my room but no one is there. Not to the point of orgasm but...
Caught On Tape: Evp by Aisatsana
For years now my family and I had come to the conclusion that our apartment, and maybe even our entire apartment complex, was haunted. Our complex is pretty huge, before they existed; there were about 3 separate rows of side streets lined with houses. And as far as I know, lots of things get disturb...
Late Night Of Fishing by Builder
So, my cousin and I were fishing for catfish one night at one of my dad's ponds in Kentucky. The night started off a little bit weird, we started fishing at about 9 pm. The place we were fishing was only accessible by animals from the sides of us, there was a creek behind us, and everything was basi...
My Old Apartment, Haunted? by MyChaoticPeace
It had to be about 2000, 2001 because I was about 12 - 13 give or take. We moved from California to New Hampshire when I was 5 and had lived in the city of Dover. It was calm and nothing strange ever happened there which is why my experiences a few years later when we moved to Rochester were so incr...
Lady In The White Wedding Dress by AyAsantex33
This happened on a humid summer day in June. It had been raining all day and my cousins, Asia and Deja, my father, and I wanted to go out and take a walk through Lehigh Parkway, where there's said to be a ghostly lady dressed in a white dress that walks around the park. We all go there and then ...
Incubus Or Just A Wet Dream by Vane4MYC
This happened to me a couple months ago I don't really think about too much but now that I read all the stories about Incubus and stuff I feel the necessity of putting my story here. I'm 19 years old. You see I was tired of the university and since one of my teachers missed that day I decide to go...
Memorial Day Will Most Likely Be A Memory I Wont Ever Forget by ImmortalDollX
I want to let you know that in the past. I've had a fair amount of experience with the paranormal and I am supposedly physic and I hardly imagine things unless I'm getting lost in my day dreams which I have from time to time. My friend invited me to Palm Springs for Memorial Day. We had a sleepove...
Riley's Friend by BadJuuJuu
This started in spring of '07. At this time, our only dog was Riley, a spaz-tastic black Lab. We would hear him out on the back porch running and romping, and would comment to each other that it sounded like he was playing with someone. We would even go check to see if something had gotten in the fe...
Is There A Spirit In My House? by myronwilleatyou
I feel I have the right to believe that there is a spirit in my house. Many strange things have happened, but there are a couple that particularly stand out. From reading other stories on this site, I have learned that children are sensitive to paranormal visitors (or something along those lines......
Flashes And Demonic Visions by Hipboy125
First of all, I'd like to state that I have been a paranormal believer for my entire life. But anyways, that shouldn't matter much to you, the reader. Anyways, here's what has happened; Recently, in my southern California house, there have been strange flashes and orbs flying across rooms. Now, I a...
My Ghost Sister by Danny6752
I had a pretty normal life until about a few years ago, here's what happened. When I was about 11 my parents got divorced and I moved with my mom to an OLD house. I used to cry all the time but one day after I got home from school I noticed that even though I was alone (my brother was at cello prac...
My Haunted Work-place by myronwilleatyou
So I have a part-time job in an attorney's office filing papers. I go to work with my grandmother on Sundays, when no one else is at work with her besides my brother and mom. It's a relatively new building and everything there is new anyways, (like the lighting, computers, etc.) so these things sho...
I Woke Up I Couldn't Move by The_Water_God
I was about eight when I moved into this old house. When I first stepped into it I sensed something it felt like a weight on my chest. This did not bother me though because believe it or not I have been physic since I was four. I first figured out I was physic when my grand mother died and she wou...
Haunted Bucks County Farmhouse by BrandonCR
This story is really just a series of happenings at a House my Uncle used to rent in Bucks County Pennsylvania. My Uncle, Aunt, two cousins (Zachary my age and Lacey about 11 years younger than me), and My Uncle's friend rented a large Farm house near Lake Towhee. The house was very old, I'm not exa...
My Haunted Work-place 2 by myronwilleatyou
Unfortunately, I came to discover that not only the basement floor of where I work is haunted. If you read my other story, you already know that I work part-time filing at an attorney's office. It is newly built and there are near to zero explanations for the occurrences I experience there. Just ye...
This Thing Touched Me by Nana1
For many years I have seen things that I couldn't really explain smoky shapes and shadows here and there in random places. Nothing was ever too clear, and none of these creatures ever frightened me or attempted to communicate with me. In March, 2010 I moved into a new apartment; I now live alone w...
My Cousin's House by Cami123
My story is about the time my cousin and her family moved to this very big house some where in Quezon City, Philippines. This house was so big that it had 3 floors, 5 bedrooms, and 6 bathrooms. Plus a maid's quarter at the back. Anyways, a few weeks after the move, weird things have been going on in...
Playing With Dead Uncles by tyler12
About Fifteen years ago I used to see my uncles, and play hide and seek with them. They both passed away, but I would run around the apartment playing with them and my mom always asked what I was doing, but never though anything of it. I would see spirits in the sky around their house and both my pa...
My Grandparents Haunted House by matt10
This is the first story of my experiences that I have submitted to this site and I am keen for other people's opinion on it. I am 19 years old and have experienced quite a few weird events in my short life to which I cannot explain, I do not make myself out to be a someone open to such things in fa...
Jewish Cemetery by Mikah
It was a dark night on July 7, when I drove with my car through a forest. It was the shortest way to get home and I used this road every day without seeing anything or feeling strange. It was about 2:20 a.m. And I felt that something is wrong and I had to stop my car. I went deeper in the forest, ...
Creepy Man In The Backyard by CrystalAngelWings
I moved to my current house when I was just turning 5 years old. I have always believed in the paranormal but was never the type of person to quickly believe that everything that happens to my friends and me is paranormal. In my yard I have seen the shape of an old man walking around and towards th...
Countless Nightmares And Touches by GothicWinter
It started right after I turned fourteen on December 9th, 2009. I'd wake up feeling something cold and human-like rubbing my thigh. It scared me a bit but I've been able to see, feel, and hear spirits since I was a young child so I brushed it off as nothing. The next morning when I woke up, it was ...
Demons In My Sleep by liza316
Where to begin... My first demonic experience occurred when I was 13 years old. It was a time of great turmoil in my life. My mother had abandoned me, my dad had been gone for years, so I was sent to live with an Aunt and Uncle I did not know in Georgia, taken away from everything and everyone I kn...
Texas Road Ghost? by TonySoprano60
Living in Windsor, Ontario, we always heard the rumours of the creepy Texas Rd., situated about 20 minutes from Windsor in Amherstburg. One mild October night four of us piled into my '71 Torino and decided to cruise to Texas Rd. It was close to midnight, and believe me, it was dark as could be, ...
It Was Not Meant To Be 2 by angeldemon
If you read my previous story, you will have all the idea you need for this one. So the past few days, I have been encountering visual contact with the thing. Even during the day, the place where I live is surrounded by buildings from two sides (I live in an apartment district) and my room happens ...
Lights Have Voices by Valencia_Rose
It had all started when I was all alone in my room, I was happily reading my book when I heard someone called my name, and I ran over to see if it was my parents. It called me 3 times, saying "Valencia,Valencia,Valencia!" (note: not my Real name). That's when I realized, my parents had gone to buy...
A Night Time Visit by Valencia_Rose
It was a hot summer's night and everyone was fast asleep. I was having a nightmare and woke up to get a drink. As I was about to go downstairs I saw my dad walk up the stairs and said "I came home early from work today, so just go back to sleep okay?" at first I went along with it and went to bed th...
Footsteps In The Nursery by boots
I and my partner live in a four bedroom dormer bungalow. The house is located 3 miles from the nearest town and is so peaceful and quiet. The house we are living in is a new construction just over 4 years old. Across the field is an old hospital which is now an Old People's Hospital. At the top of t...
My Grandparent's House 2 by guy48
Just to let everyone know we know the history of the property. Before the house was built it was a landfill. We think that someone might have thrown a body into the landfill but we don't know for sure. We are trying to bring in a psychic to explain why the house is haunted. Anyways I might as well g...
Aunt Beth... Is That You? by Brenna
The story I'm about to tell isn't scary, but odd and rather exciting for me. While using the Ouija board, my friend, Amber, her uncle, Ryan, and I were home alone, downstairs. Before playing, we read official rules for us to stay safe. We lit candles and began. Conversation: Me: Hello, I am our s...
Strange Dream by BlueFyre11
My name is Madyson. Here is my story. I was asleep and having the strangest dream... I was in a room. The door was locked with chains, the window was boarded shut, and the light bulb was smashed. I sat up and looked around. There was 10 people sitting around me with there heads down and there eyes...
Not My Cousin by Brenna
This is my first time writing a story on the site, so I'm going to give you a bit of a background check. I've always been interested in ghosts and paranormal things. I'm a strong believer and I've done my research. This story I'm about to tell you is something that hasn't occurred to me since my g...
Presence In My Bedroom by serenity27
For the past few years some unexplained incidents have occurred in my bedroom such as covers pulled off me and things just vanishing and re-appearing where I left them, recently however more things have started happening but most of the activity occurs around my bed. It started a few months back on...
Black Lady by Zorro
I have lots of paranormal experiences in the past but this one really stood out. This happened in my room during the wee hours of the morning. I am sharing my room with our maids which I absolutely hate but that time I was really thankful. Anyway, it was about 2:50am when I suddenly woke up. I f...
Need Answers, Was I Violated By Incubi? by SillyLilGee
My very first "demon attack" occurred when I was a 22 year old college student. Until today, I have no idea what really happened on that day, and I would really appreciate feedback. To start with, I am not someone who is religious or spiritual. I do not practice religion much, and therefore, it onl...
Did Grandpa Save Our House? by narcissa
I remember sharing with you the last story about my Deceased Grandpa's spirit and the way he had saved my mom and her family, in the story "the warning- A Brush with Fate". The story I'm about to narrate today is something on similar lines... Through this I will relate yet another instance when Gran...
My Grandpa's Bar by rottenyouth
Both of my grandpa's died before I was born (I'm 21 at the moment) so I never knew them. I've only seen pictures. We've had an old bar (if you call it something else in other countries - you keep alcohol behind it, and hang glasses from it, etc) in the family for a while now. My mother tells me it b...
Feeling Of Being Watched by rottenyouth
Between the ages of 10 and 17 I lived in a house built in the 70's I believe. It was a small house with a lovely back yard. Often, during the night I would wake for no apparent reason and "feel" a presence in my room. There were no noises, or anything creepy like that, but I just felt as though I wa...
Grandma Wandering The House by rottenyouth
Before my grandma died she went a little bit... Well... Mental. She couldn't do anything by herself. She would always wake up in the middle of the night and wander up and down the hall, shuffling her feet as she went. Countless time we had to take her back to her bedroom, because she couldn't rememb...
Ponies by Morticia1
I preface this with some history interfaced with what has happened as it's all relevant to make it understandable as to reactions to each other. This story is do with two of our three animals that have passed. Our two ponies to be exact. YES we believe animals have spirits just as we humans do. I...
Hispanic Woman And Lost Child by Koopa
A friend and I decided that we wanted to go fishing for catfish along the Mississippi River but we went late night. We thought that the best time to get there would be after 9pm and my youngest brother had apparently decided to tag along. The location was along the Mississippi river in South St. Pau...
An Office Haunting by sanjubhat
The incidents which I am about to relate occurred at my office a couple of years back. I have already described one such Office Haunting in my story "The Parking Lot Ghost". The events which I am about to narrate were experienced in a single night and the people associated with it had one hell of a ...
Paralyzed, Dragged & Whispering by manxgirl
The latest experience freaked me out, but I'll mention the first one. I've always found an interest in spirits and ghosts, I wanted to do the Ouija board but my mum won't let me after her experiences with her friend and advice given from her church, so I'm off the idea for now. Anyway my first pa...
Grandmother Or Coincidence by chopsticks1
My dad had a god mother that we called Grandma. She was cool but slightly crazy. She was getting old and her health started to deteriorate little by little as the days went on. Of my siblings and me, she claimed that I was her favorite because I was the smartest and prettiest. One day, my fiancée ...
Dead Man In Attic by chopsticks1
Growing up, I had a best friend who was a guy, his name is Joe. He and I would spend all day with each other and spend all night on the phone with each other. We obviously had our circle of friends and one of our friends in particular was my exboyfriend (we were a clique of 3. My ex and I somehow en...
Ghosts And Pressure On Bed by CLGagnon
I have 2 stories I wish to tell everyone. Here's the first one: Almost every night when I try to fall asleep, I tend to feeling some pressure on my bed like someone is sitting next to me. Or sometimes I get the feeling someone is touching me even though no one is there. It hasn't happened for quite...
The Shadow In The Living Room And Voices In The Bathroom by starfish
In November 2009 my boyfriend and I moved from our rented flat to a rented house. It had originally been quite difficult for us to find somewhere we were happy with (well, that I was happy with) until we stepped into the house we currently rent. As soon as I stepped across the threshold I knew I wan...
Spirit Of Nemo And Something Haunts My Bedroom And Bathroom by Ramseyrules
Before this is deleted for being stupid, hear me out. Ever since I was really little, I've felt a presence that ligers in my bedroom, bathroom, and hallway that connects them with my father's office in our small, 40-year-old Floridian house. I don't know if it's more than one, but I suspect it is. ...
Ghosts Or Madness? 2 by Rengor_Ifield
First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who commented on my last entry, and I'm so sorry I haven't done anything before this, but I haven't had the time, and when I have, the internet has been down. Right, I've been doing my research on the area, and as far as I know, there where no asylums. T...
Apparition At The Foot Of My Bed by scarred4life
One night at about 2:45 or so I woke up and I looked down to the foot of my bed and saw a kid standing there. I got up and ran to the door but for some reason I couldn't seem to move very easily. The kid walked towards me with a very creepy smile on his face, I tried to kick it but it seemed like I ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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