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Ghost stories from Australia: Page 1
The Third Player by AussieRedDog
Hey! This just happened a few days back (20/01/25) and having my brother as a witness makes things a bit easier. We like bushwalking so we go up behind the big dam and explore the bush for a few hours. We would find great stuff up there but also it's a strange place. Then come back for a beer or two...
Another Childhood Experience by AussieRedDog
This tale occurred just before the old nun experience, so I must've been around 7 (1975). My late mum used to run our school's canteen. Oh, I went to a small country Catholic school (see details in the Old Nun). Anyway, every second Saturday mum used to go into town, getting a lift from someone sinc...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 4 by AussieRedDog
I'd returned back to work after my week break, where I felt the ghost of that little girl in that abandoned boneyard, and for the past few weeks everything being hokey dory until, just recently, I was given a shift manning this street that has these abandoned houses. These houses are earmarked for d...
Possible Sprite And A Special Sunset by Tweed
Here are three pictures I took a few hours ago. Https:// Https:// Https:// In each of them there is a small yellow thing in or near the center of each photo. Is it light flare or is it some intelligent observer? Really can't decide, looks ...
The Little Girl's Ghost by AussieRedDog
I decided to take some time away from traffic controlling with my best friend, whose name I am changing over to Heather. Heather and I have a platonic relationship. She's like a big sister to me. I've known her since I was 17, nearly forty years now, we've been very close. Heather has this fantastic...
I Think My Dead Grandmother Is Haunting Us! by sp00kyleafbug
Just for reference the ages in this story are from the time this happened, not current ages. This started when me (30F), my husband (31M), my sister-in-law (26F), her husband (25M), and my mother (52F) and father-in-law (57M), had gone on a trip to the Gold Coast while we were all off work for Chris...
Lilly Are You There?! by A_stoney
I have never experienced this type of fear. One day I was having a peaceful bath away from the hustle and bustle, and I would like to say before I go on that my family was away shopping for my birthday, it was just me and the dog. Recently my favorite cousin in the world, Lilly, had passed away. Thi...
Reunited With A Spirit by sp00kystickbug
I have always been a believer in the undead. Whether it be simple lights flicking off, or bookshelves falling over, I have always considered myself connected to the undead. When I was younger, I remember very distinctly a young girl who would float around my house in a Victorian-style nightgown. She...
Grandma Are You There? by G_Bozzy
When my son, Ari, was three years old, he started seeing things. Now, they weren't hallucinations, but he is a spiritual child and is highly intuitive. One day, in our brownstone in Brooklyn, Ari was trying to sleep. He had trouble getting himself to bed and seemed preoccupied. He was looking in fro...
Visit From A Deceased Relative? by Loki101
Before I was born, my teenage Aunty had taken her own life. She lived in the house that I currently live in right now. I am unsure exactly where she died, but she did live her last bits of life in my House. My mother went to see a psychic who gave my mother the cryptic message that when the lights f...
Lady At The Window by Jubeele
My health had not been the best for the past few years. I had made several trips to doctors and specialists, trying to find out what was wrong. At the end of September 2022, I was sent for a whole barrage of tests, including an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to measure my heart's electrical activity...
House Haunts 2 by Tweed
This was typed up yesterday, Sunday, but I was way too tired to submit it. So went to bed. While going to bed something else odd occurred which I'll tack onto the end. - Well now, didn't expect to be updating this quite so soon but here we are. It would appear this new place be certifiably h...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 3 by AussieRedDog
The new year crept in like a thief in the night and already I was back out Traffic Controlling. Yep, got my daily dose of abuse from drivers, marking another effing year of no thanks but how dare you hold us back for five minutes, wasting our days blah blah blah. This time I was doing another one of...
New Home New Haunts by Tweed
As the title suggests this is about moving into a new home and I'm pretty sure it comes with ghosties. Most of this narrative was written before the move. There's a bit at the end which was added today, 30th March. Since I moved back to Australia I've wanted to live in my childhood hometown ag...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 2 by AussieRedDog
It's been a while I had anything supernatural happened... Or should that be 'supernatural'? Anyway, if you haven't read my story, do so. I'll wait...oh, you're back, that was, for the second part (sort of). I'm still doing traffic controlling, did some major jobs by just standing there w...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story by AussieRedDog
The story I am about to relate to you just occurred about two, maybe three weeks back where I was working as a traffic controller out at the back of frigging beyond near Kyogle in Northern NSW. Think they were doing some repairs on the road so I have to 'control' the traffic, which would be bugger a...
The Last Visitor by BiancaB
I have been lucky in my life to have met a number of my great grandparents. This story is from 2011, when my great nana passed away. When Nana passed her funeral was held at a funeral home not far from where I lived in the city. My mum, dad and sister drove up for the funeral from the small town...
Pearl Mystery by Tweed
After almost thirty years today I just might have worked something out. When I was about ten my aunty F (maternal uncle's wife) gave me some knickknacks for Christmas. Aunty F is into drama and theatre. When I was growing up she would often give me her old costume jewelry, which I loved. That ye...
Love You Boy by Tweed
My cat and best bud Leo passed away on the 1st of May. Leo's history is a bit sketchy. He came to us as an older stray in about 2018. Had signs of abuse, both behaviourally and physically. He'd been neutered but no microchip, which is very odd in these modern times especially for a purebred. Long...
Ghost With A Mental Illness by Tweed
Over the years reading stuff on YGS I've found some hauntings so bizarre for the people experiencing them. But if viewed through the perspective of a ghost who lived with a mental illness could follow some logic. Obviously not all hauntings can be, shouldn't be, explained away by a mental illness. I...
Behind My Screen Name by Tweed
This is about an entity I've come to think of as Tweed. Because the first time I saw him he was wearing a tweed jacket, and it changed something in me. Sometimes hauntings come from a location, sometimes an object or sometimes a person. I think Tweed might have come from the location. In the mid ...
The Place Where The Bad Spirits Dwell by AussieRedDog
I got lucky for I scored a pretty damned good job on a remote cattle station in Central Australia and when I say remote, holy crap I really mean REMOTE. Fair dinkum, it takes a day and half just to get the mail and a two-day drive into town. That's how far I was living. Okay, the cattle station. It'...
I Think Lizzie Borden Spoke To Me? by Madfelice
This YouTube 'challenge' came up to contact Lizzie Borden from anywhere in the world using a spirit box. Now I don't own a spirit box but I do have the Voxx spirit app from Amy's Crypt so I set myself up and turned on the app. A whole lot of static and not much else. Anyway, the instructions were t...
Physical Duality? by aussiedaz
Several years ago, when my wife and I lived in an outer suburb of Sydney following a pretty normal mid-week day of activity, work, home, dinner, TV, etc. It was in the early hours of the proceeding morning, that I'd experienced an account, that was unique on its own in comparison to other accounts I...
The Old Nun by AussieRedDog
The story I actually thought I've put story, again, takes place in the late 1970s, around 1978 when I was ten. I went to a small country town Catholic Primary school that was taught by nuns. It was an old school, maybe dating back to the very late 1890s as it had an old church on the...
The Old Packing Shed by AussieRedDog
This is a story that goes back to my childhood in the late 70s. My friend's (who I'll call Luke) family owned a huge amount of land that included owning half of a mountain. This property used to be an old banana growing area that once dominated the hillsides of this area (name is withheld) so you ca...
The Man On The Roof by AussieRedDog
Just recently my poor town was hammered by a rain bomb that flooded the town out, drowned it for the first time in its' 140 odd years history. It is used to getting flooded but not like this. It rose over the levee 15-16m high, fast flowing water, caught us all unaware. Now for my story. I'm a mem...
Lunch At The Quarantine Station by Jubeele
It was Anzac Day, Sunday April 25, 2021. Hard lockdown had just been eased, and we were allowed to emerge into the sunlight again. I thought it was time to use the gift voucher I had been given before the pandemic, and treat my husband, Rex and myself to lunch at the old Quarantine Station. Q Sta...
The Little Old Church In The Bush by AussieRedDog
So, you all have read my strange encounters of the supernatural. Some you don't believe (The 4th Floor and Agna) so be it but the story I want to relate to you happened not too long ago. The story I'm about to tell happened during the Lockdown of '21. Though I wasn't meant to go no more than 5km fro...
Hello Pa by BiancaB
Recently, my grandfather passed away. The loss has been devastating, as he was one of my favourite people on the world. We are blessed to have our grandparents as adults, and my grandfather, or Pa, was very close to me in my life. The only thing that brings me some comfort is having had the chan...
Goodbye To A Princess by Jubeele
We have known our neighbours, Dean and Miriam, for over fifteen years. A loving couple in their seventies, they had been together for close to fifty years. Miriam was everybody's sweetheart. A Princess, beautiful, generous and caring. Then came the heartrending news that Miriam had late-stage pa...
Someone Was Sitting In That Chair by BiancaB
I have written previously about the house I grew up in, and it being a house that seemed to draw a lot of paranormal activity. This event happened to me when I was 15, at a time when I was quite open to what was happening in the house. I have changed names, but used them to make the story easier to ...
Strange Childhood Experiences by SammyToucan-
I've been a bit nervous with telling my own weird experiences but I thought it was about time I should. I only have had a couple of strange things happen in my life but they have stuck with me cause of how freaky they were. My first experience occurred when I was around three years old. As with b...
I Miss My Father Dearly: by CrimsonTopaz
As a child from a huge family, being one of the eldest had many advantages and many disadvantages. The advantages were staying out with friends later, being able to go out with friends to concerts, shows, and movies. (We couldn't afford that though). The disadvantages were having to take our y...
The Nun by BiancaB
I'm currently waiting for my sister to arrive for a visit, and it reminded me of a time I was with her and experienced something I cannot explain. We live in a small town in South Australia. One evening we decided to take our dog to a walk from our parent's house, around the block to where our g...
Of Sandalwood And The Ghost Month - Part 2 by Jubeele
The Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the fifteen day of the seventh lunar month. It is actually a festival based on the virtues of devotion, duty and compassion. Legend has it that the filial piety showed by a Buddhist monk moved the King of Hell so much, that his mother's suffering was eased in purga...
Yanks, Tanks And Diggers by XBFALCON74
G'day, all! It's been a very, very long time since I've used this site, to the point I'd almost forgotten I had an account on here. In the years since I posted my first story I've had quite the number of experiences, so I figure I'd try to break them down into sections. This section will de...
Lady In Black At The End Of My Bed by plume
For years I have tried to explain this event. At the time it couldn't have seemed more real. It was 2007. I was living in a townhouse in Newcastle not far from a steep cliff by the sea, which has been known to claim a number of people's lives over the years. I went to bed at around 11PM and I ...
Of Sandalwood And The Ghost Month by Jubeele
Growing up in Southeast Asia, the seventh month of the Lunar calendar was a strange time of the year. Buddhists and Taoists believe that during this period, the King of Hell would release the ghosts or spirits in his domain to wander the mortal world, seeking food and entertainment. People were told...
It Wasn't A Dream by Maverick_30
Hey everyone, I've been floating around this site reading stories for a long time now and finally built the courage up to send in my own. For a bit of background info, back in 2011 I had a small 2bdrm unit in Adelaide. I had a friend who was in need of a room and I had a spare room so he moved in...
Charlotte by BraelynnMarie
I promise this was a real paranormal experience, none of this is fake! Well, a few months ago I was laying in my bed and all the lights were off and it was about eleven am. I had a feeling someone was watching me so I sat up and saw a little girl at the end of my bed. She was surrounded by a white ...
Don't Let It In by SammyToucan-
This is a paranormal experience of my Mums its told in her own words and from her perspective. I'd just started dating this great guy and as we were getting to know each other he mentioned in passing that his parents' house was haunted. He had pranked me recently about a ghost with a chainsaw in...
My Dad's Haunted House 2 by SammyToucan-
Here's some more ghost stories about my Dads childhood house. He's had multiple things happen so I'll put each little story together here, told from my Dad's perspective. These all occurred in the same house at different times growing up. My brother's and I were bored one day so we decided to set...
My Dad's Haunted House by SammyToucan-
My family has had many paranormal experiences but my favourite has to be the stories my Dad has told me about growing up in his haunted childhood home during the 1960s to the 1990s in Victoria, Australia. This is one of the stories told in my Dad's words and from his perspective... Growing up my ...
Multiple Spirits Around The House by Aqueousdissolution
So this all began around the beginning of March. Some background: I live in Western Australia, in a suburb that has minor crime if you discount drug use. I've been living in this house for three years without much going on except one case which I may publish later... For now up until this year...
A Ghostly Fortnight by Madz
For context to this story, I live in an old house in Australia, having been built around 130 years ago. Though the house has been renovated and rooms have been added, my bedroom is the original room of the house. When you enter the room, my bed is on the far right, lying against two walls and my cup...
Dark Cloaked Being by RobinOdea
It was 1960 and I was three and a half years old. Some say I may have been too young to recall it accurately but I remember it as clearly as the night it happened and it's always been with me. My father and sister were both in hospital with a virus and apparently my father was, at one stage, on ...
A Demon Spoke Through Me? by Cizzy-Shizzy
Does anyone know if you can channel a demon? Recently the single most paranormal thing that I have ever experienced happened to me by way of me accidentally channeling a demon, and I wonder if anyone has ever heard of that happening before. I have brought it up before on another forum but everyone t...
Someone Is Having Fun by Rex-T
Jubeele and I have had many instances of items going missing, only to reappear in places that totally defy our collective logic. What makes an impact, is those occurrences where you look several times in the place where the item should be, for no result, yet it appears in that spot, usually after Ju...
Unwelcome At The Cottage by Jubeele
During the last week of October 2019, my husband Rex and I decided to go on a road trip down the south coast of New South Wales for nine days. Our last stop, on the way back to Sydney, was at a small idyllic coastal town within the Kiama hinterland. The moment we drove up to the large timber-fram...
Ghost Under Stairs Tripped My Mum by Fishallmighty
Back when I was around 7-8 years old my brother, older by one year, and me tagged along with my parents to pick up my father's friend and his kids from his house so he could stay at ours a few nights. Everyone knew his house was haunted by ghosts but we all just ignored it. We kids would play hid...
I Saw A Witch And A Goat Man by Fishallmighty
One night me and a couple of my mates went fishing. We would always go stoned so it kind of makes the story a little discredited, but I know I saw what I saw. This story is 100% real. Anyway after we tried and fail at a few spots we thought to try out a local pier. Once we got there we proceeded ...
The Tall Looming Shadow Person by Madness
This is my first story about my spiritual encounters. I have many more but this is more recent to my life as an empath. As a spiritual empath, I can sense a bad energy within someone, around someone or any sort of spirits without them even knowing about them. For over a year now, not every nig...
Mother Finally Opened Up To Me About Spirits! by terranigma
I will try to word this the best I can. I have so many words and stories flying around my head it is so hard to focus because I want these stories documented and recorded so that others may learn from what has come before. I am sorry this is a collection of a few stories but they all relate to each ...
The Soldiers' Wing by Jubeele
Before I left my last workplace, a number of colleagues told me that the building had been briefly used as a morgue during WWII, sometime between 1942 to 1945. It was in a logical spot for it: the small cottage hospital used to be just up the road, the old church across the road is still there, alon...
Home Alone And Never Again by honeybird22
You know how you always look forward to staying at home alone with no family to bother you? But what happens if you see something that scares the living daylights out of you? Well, that definitely happened to me. Every Thursday night my brother, sister and father go out and play music at a restau...
Someone Or Something Moved My Hand by Sleeping-with-steve
Someone or something moved my hand: I always look at the time when I'm awoken by sounds or dreams. This experience happened at 2:12am this morning, 4th September 2019. I was fast asleep and woke up when I felt my hand being flung off my pillow. It didn't drop slowly, it was quick. I usually sl...
Living In A Haunted Convent by Robin15
Late November last year my family moved to into an old convent built in 1914. It is a lovely big house of 10 small bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, huge laundry (with 4 tubs), a sitting room, library, tv room, 2 sunrooms and so much more. Anyway not long after we settled in we started to notice some strange t...
Sharing The House I Grew Up In by BiancaB
I grew up in a small town in South Australia. I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. My parents were typical working class, and purchased a "fixer upper" home circa 1930s, when I was small. It had a very old looking second bedroom and a long, old fashioned room that served as a playroo...
I Thought Dad Just Came To Visit Me by hansolo
I have had a few paranormal experiences myself along with everyone in my family. I believed in ghosts since I was a little girl, because I guess it's always just been a part of me growing up. My father passed away in 2016 from a small-celled stomach cancer, he was diagnosed in 2015. I had less th...
My Partner Saw A Ghost Figure Of Me by Fran2442
My partner messaged me this morning saying he woke up to grab his phone and saw me at the bottom of his bed, as if I had just woke up. I was crying apologizing to him and he said he couldn't hear me, so I used my pointer finger to write it in the air, spelling out I'm sorry and then, as I was crying...
Someone Was Calling Me by idkwho1234
This is about my first ever paranormal encounter. This incident took place in December 2015. I am originally from Malaysia but this incident took place in Perth, Australia while I was visiting my uncle. I was around 13 then and I had gone to Australia with my grandparents and cousin to visit my uncl...
Creepy Footsteps by janiso
I was lying in bed last Tuesday week the 30th April 2019. It was 7.15 a.m. I heard what sounded like dog footsteps (dog toenails clicking on wood) walking along the wooden verandah behind my bed, which is up against the Eastern bedroom wall. I thought it was my daughter's dog Pepper, as my daughter ...
Spirited Workplace by Tbeartuff
I apologise that it has been so long between my posting to this site, but for privacy and confidentiality reasons I was unable to submit this until after I ended my previous employment. I also apologise as this is a series of short anecdotal accounts, and may be a bit of a marathon to read. These ac...
Doorbell With No Source by expathistorical
One morning I was up early to see my husband off to work, as was my habit back when we were newlyweds. We lived in a lovely secluded beach house in the scrub with vaulted ceilings and huge glass walls. We had no neighbours most of the time, as the area was heavily weighted towards holiday homes, and...
Sinister Laughing And Footsteps At Night by Creyton
I was raised in the home that my parents bought since they came to Melbourne. The home dates back to the mid 1900s or so they say. Me and my sister have both experienced inexplicable phenomenon especially in the past few years, such as radios suddenly turning on as we walk into a room or thumping in...
Pulled Down Hallway by Recurring
I have thought about this for years. But particularly the last 5 years. When I was three my family moved to a small town in the Riverina area in NSW Australia. The house we moved into was maybe built in 1910. We moved there in 1980. It was a creepy house. Everybody seemed to agree on this. The ge...
Dead Battery by sunsetsister
We have recently been tasked with moving house. At the moment we are right in the middle of building our own home and unfortunately, though we are weeks off finishing, we have been told our lease won't be continuing and have to move. In 20 days! We put up an ad on Facebook for a short term rental an...
3rd Roommate? by natnorman95
This all happened while I was about 16 or 17 years old. I was living in a two bedroom apartment with a couple friends of mine (they were a couple) and had left for work early in the morning. Upon my return, around 6 in the afternoon, I did my usual routine of going to the bathroom, got changed a...
Shadow On The Stairs by Jubeele
This happened during the first week in November 2018. I had pulled an all-nighter writing and it was already the early hours of the next morning. I wasn't sleepy but thought it was about time I went to bed. My laptop showed the time as around 3:40am as I was logging off. Turning off the lights do...
The Man In The Hospital by Andy1985
First of all I am new here and want to say hi to you all. My story begins back in 2012, I was admitted into hospital due to some internal bleeding and because they had run out of beds in the section that I was supposed to be staying in, they moved me into the cancer ward. I knew this place all to...
Did They Just Do That? by biggie_cheese
It all started at the local Bunnings Warehouse. They were doing their usual "Bunnings Snag" sale which they do every Saturday. However, this Saturday was so much more different to others. A man before me had purchased himself a sausage sandwich, with onion and bbq sauce, and a can of Kirks Creaming...
The Spooky Sunroom by sunsetsister
The house we lived in when I was a child was originally a 4 bedroom with one living room, but the previous owners had built a sunroom on the back of the end two bedrooms. My bedroom window opened into the sunroom and the 4th bedroom, used as a study, opened up and stepped down into the sunroom. T...
The Spinning Man- Need Advice by MsTeek
I decided to write this story, not to try freak anyone out or to share the experience but to actually get advice and help. About 3 months ago my partner, my 2 step sons and I moved house. For the first month nothing was out of the ordinary in our new home but after the first month my eldest ste...
Growing Up In The Rocks, Sydney, by REDLANE
My name's Karl. I'm 28. And this is a little story from Trinity Ave in the Rocks Sydney; a story that I without knowing shared with my older brother. As a young kid from around the age of 3 onwards I grew up in the Rocks down in Sydney, and I remember as a kid seeing figures and well really weird...
Where Did My Sandals Go? by Sleeping-with-steve
I usually put my sandals near the French doors that link up with my balcony. That way when I go on the balcony in the mornings and afternoon's to have my coffee outside they are handy. I've been putting them in the same spot ever since I've been in this unit/flat. I have lots of shoes, but these ...
The Time I Died Twice by Rex-T
My liver had been deteriorating for many years and I was eventually informed by my specialist that I would need a new liver. I was briefed by "the transplant team", on all facets of the procedure, including the typical waiting time, false starts, the eight-hour operation and lengthy recovery. Ear...
I'm Back... Steven The Ghost by Sleeping-with-steve
It's bad enough I've had trouble with my TV changing channels without me touching the remote, previous visits from a really scary hag pulling my quilt from the end of my bed, and from Steven the spirit who kept jumping under my sheets. It was Monday night 8th October, and there was nothing on TV ...
Channel Surfing Or Poltergeist? by Sleeping-with-steve
I have a brand new TV from a rental company. I've had it just over a year now. The picture quality and features are amazing. I can look up programs for a day or the whole week. I can set reminders for shows I like. I can preset the TV to switch off on a sleep mode and it also records live shows so I...
My Grandma's Ghost And My Dad's Cousin by BlackKnightGhost2003
My old family home is haunted at least that is what I believe, my grandma died inside of a room where me, my brother and where my sister used to, sleep in. Long ago before we were born my father took pictures of my mom laying down on the bed and around this time my grandma had passed away but in a...
Q Station Manly by Veronquita
We recently went on the extreme ghost tour, at Q Station in Mainly. The whole night from the moment we arrived was strange. We were early for our tour and went into the little restaurant, I remember everything smelled great (food) my husband, and cousin's wife got a drink each and all I could smel...
Rest In Peace My Darling Brother by Sleeping-with-steve
Sunday night the 26th August 2018 I got a call from one of my brothers and he said, " pack an overnight bag I'm going to pick you up, we are going to visit our eldest brother." My eldest brother lives just over 3 hours away and was suffering with diabetes for the last 10years. When my mother and...
Hag Pulling My Quilt by Sleeping-with-steve
I've been living in this unit I'm in for just over a year. Prior to this place I was living with my mother because I went through a divorce after a long marriage. When I first moved into this unit I had bad dreams and couldn't sleep all the way through until the morning. To start off with when...
My Fathers Presence by Sleeping-with-steve
My family moved into the house my mother still lives in 40 years ago. I was about 13 years old when we all moved in. I have so many beautiful memories growing up in my mothers house. My father had a lot of beautiful chickens, quails and ducks and loved them dearly. He fussed over them every day b...
Sex With Steven The Ghost by SleepingWithSteve
I have a regular ghost who visits me mosts nights. He has sex with me and leaves. Last night I had questions for him. When he arrived I asked him his name. He said Steven. I said where are you from? He said Lancaster. (I'm in Australia). I asked him how old he was. He said same as...
My Sister Came Back From Death by BlueLion23
In my life I have experienced many things on a paranormal spectrum. Most of those are stories to be told another day. This one is about my first ever encounter with something paranormal. I was four years old at the time, so I don't really remember much. If you want a specific location, it was in...
Hello Lovey by Jubeele
February. It all happened in February. Strange how a lifetime of bitter-sweet memories can be filled into that one month. Rex-T and I first got together in February 1996. Then in February 2004, we lost the IVF baby we had tried so hard for and wanted so badly. That night, as we were still trying ...
Not Another Night Fright by Jubeele
After the incidents related in "Bedford Park - On Another Level", my younger sister, Cara (names mentioned have been changed) took in Fran as a flatmate at Bedford Park in Adelaide, South Australia. Then Fran graduated from university and started at a new job that was some distance away. She soon fo...
Being Watched And Dragging Down The Hallway by enchanted_bunny
Recently a friend and I began talking about hauntings - I hadn't known him for very long but as we were getting to know each other, we talked about whether we believed in ghosts. Since I work in a haunted location (but that's another story) I told him that I did and he told me about the house that h...
Reoccurring Incubus Haunting Question by AussieGuy81
I am a bloke in my mid 30's and yes, I know stories about Incubus/Succubus hauntings are being filtered/restricted for obvious reasons. But I am going to try and see if my story will be published and if anyone can help me with my current situation... So, first of all, a bit of background informat...
Hearing And Seeing by Gabriellerose998
For as long as I can remember I have always been able to sense and see things that no one else can and that is very scary for a young teenager. I was about 12 or 13 at the time when I had my first encounter with something paranormal. My Nanna was looking after me and my younger brothers. They wh...
Bedford Park - On Another Level by Jubeele
Bedford Park is a southern suburb in Adelaide and ideally close to the university in South Australia. When my younger sister, Cara (names mentioned have been changed) rented this unit (apartment or flat) in 2002 with her flatmate, Bea, both of them had thought it was the ideal location to stay while...
Sleep Paralysis... Please Help by Ell11901
Alright so I have never posted anything like this so cut me some slack if this sounds really annoying. I have had sleep paralysis and demonic dreams since the age of 11 and they seem to just get worse especially in the past two years since becoming sexually active. The paralysis is a regular oc...
The House In Coburg by Pisces_Boy
My family moved to Coburg, a suburb of Melbourne, when I was five years old. My bedroom was a old dining room. My sisters shared one of the front rooms, my parents in the other front room. The first night, I watched a lady with no feet, glide into my bedroom, slowly fade until it reached the c...
The Other Flatmate At Bedford Park by Jubeele
At our recent family reunion in Singapore, I shared with my mother and sisters about YGS when the conversation wandered onto the subject of strange experiences. My younger sister, Cara (all names mentioned have been changed), then revealed that she was sensitive to the spirits as well. Around 200...
The Shadow On My Sofa by BrambleWoods
The following events took place when I was around 15 years old and lived at home with my parents and younger sister. We had moved into a new house that was only around 20 years old but still needed a fair bit of renovating. The house was situated on an acre and a half of land, with a creek running a...
Annoying Haunting by Just_Alice
I can't think of a better title than annoying for what is going on at the moment. I have had encounters with ghosts/spirits for as long as I can remember. I remember things were always odd at my grandmother's house, I spent a lot of time at her house when I was younger. Things would move on their ow...
Paranormal Experiences: More As I Age? by lee45022
Growing up I never thought much of ghosts or, in general, the paranormal. As a child there were a few occasions but I never thought much of it, until years later when I met my old best friend in high school. Let's call this old best friend K. K was very attuned with the paranormal. She would alwa...
Visitors In My Bedroom by Lydia_Deetz
So I don't know if this is paranormal but it definitely wasn't normal, that's for sure. I have been sleeptalking practically since birth. My mother says I even used to giggle and babble when I was a baby before I could speak. I have also been caught on several occasions sitting up in bed talking,...
Unknown Walker Of The Stairs by terranigma
This account happened on the 23rd of March, I had wanted to update earlier but have been tired from working nights at my new place of work. I have move into a boarding house that shares rooms with four other guys, most are the shady sort and are either on drugs or alcohol. The atmosphere of the h...
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