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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 1

"simon Says" I'm Here by KT432177

It's been ten years since I posted a story on here but I'm back with a recent experience! I still live in the same 100+ year old house that was in my last story, only difference now is that I'm an adult and not a teenager! Me and my mother are still very much interested in the paranormal, which lead...

A Beam Of Light by SheilaSharpe

Several times in my living room some time ago, I experienced something strange. I would be sitting there relaxing and would suddenly become aware of a light, shivering in front of me. The nearest description I can give is that it was like seeing a light beneath a door, but shivering in mid air. I wa...

The Arp Warden by tigerfeet

These events took place in SE London, back in the 1980s. A long time ago, when I was dating my ex-husband, he was living in a dingy basement flat that was so damp a previous tenant had actually nailed the wallpaper to the wall! I was OK going there for the first couple of weeks, until I needed...

Ghosts Waking Me Up by Gh0st_Knight

A couple of years ago I mentioned there was a girl's voice I would sometimes hear in my bedroom and if you've been following my stories this would probably make this a continuation. Over the years I've kind of developed a sixth sense and been able to see the beyond. As stated in my previous stor...

What Is This Entity? by T0PH4T

My name is Brooke, this story isn't mine, it is my dad's story, however my dad is a psychic medium and doesn't lie when it comes to things like this. This story involves my dad who we are going to just call John (not his real name for privacy reasons) and three women who I'm going to call Linda, Jan...

Somebody Wants Attention, I Think! by MW

I moved to Suffolk around 9 years ago with my son. I met my (now) husband a couple of years prior to that. We both had unhappy previous relationships. We decided to move in together. We have a blended family and kids are now 12, 16 and 18. We were essentially "starting again" and had to look for ...

Supervising Ghost by tigerfeet

I've just realised that, yet again, it is almost two years since my last submission, and I apologise for the length of this post - but the background information is important to the story. I live on one of the most northerly islands of the United Kingdom, which happens to also be one of the most ...

The Man With The Golf Clubs by Oceana

It was a few months ago, in summer, that this experience took place. I couldn't sleep that night and when the sun came up at four in the morning, I ended up looking for birds out of my window. I was looking in the sky, mostly, but I can see the ground as well. The footpath is at the back, behind a ...

Menacing Voice Calling My Name by organisedchaos

I have had many experiences with ghosts, spirits etc. But this is the only one that has left me feeling really uneasy. This happened the night before last. My 9 year old daughter is not very well with some type of virus so I was laying in her bottom bunk until she fell asleep. Despite it being 3...

Arm Around My Neck And Bed Sheets Pulled by amirstrange

I need some answers as I am very confused and drained. Around four nights ago I was sleeping when I felt this pressure upon my body. I awoke and I could literally hear the bed springs creak from something pushing down on me. I fought it off but I felt it again and I was not scared as I have ex...

Conversation With An Old Man by DasherT91

I have had a few encounters with the paranormal over the years but I shall start with the most and perhaps most unnerving one. In a previous role I was UK Sales Manager for a worldwide office broker but after being made redundant following a merger I have been forced to take up two temporary rol...

Cold Eerie Feeling Surrounding Me by KenS80

When my partner and I were at our old place, living in Buckinghamshire, I always felt like there was a presence. I do not have a scary tale to share, but what I do have is a memory of a strange cold unexplainable feeling that surrounded me whenever my partner was out. It did not matter if it was...

Graveyard And Bike by Sjn85

This happened about 5 years ago at St.Paul's church in my hometown of Skelmersdale. Recently single, I moved back to 'Skem' as we call it. I was bored and needed something new to do, so I went out and bought a brand new Kona Dew mountain bike. Bike rides became a daily thing and I would ride for...

Woman And Horse Drawn Carriage by Sjn85

This happened in Scotland, Drummore on the B7065, New Years Eve 2014. Four of us, my best mate and our now ex girlfriends, stayed in a cottage for new year. New Year's Eve came around and we got very drunk and a bit high and at one point I mistakenly had Codeine instead of paracetamol. This conco...

The Spirits Of Station Cottage by Clfrd

My parents moved to Station Cottage around a year ago now. It's an 1800's house with a few previous deaths, although they are long in the past. It is named Station Cottage as it was built for the station master. The actual station was demolished and its pieces used to build the other houses nearby. ...

This Is My Life! by Plaza

My name is Plaza and what I am about to share is a very real part of my life. Nothing is going to be exaggerated or worded to sound better than what it is, what happened happened and I've tried to debunk it all myself with no such luck. First off, I am not the world's best writer, I was kept off s...

Her Majesty's Tower Of London by GingerRead

To conclude our long-awaited journey to western Europe, my brother and I landed in London on Good Friday of 2012. We had originally hoped to visit Westminster Abbey, but were disappointed upon being informed it had been closed to the public due to the holiday. We decided to go for a walk through Pic...

My Family's Haunted House by Pilotpaul

'Springfield' was one of a row of 3 cottages built by my great-great grandfather on Locks Road which was then a quiet country lane in a small village on the south coast of Hampshire. The initial white-painted detached house known as 'Dorcas Cottage' being my great-great-grandfather's family home wit...

Granny X And The Demon Teddy Bear by tigerfeet

My background/ethnicity is a little complicated! How's this for a mixture - takes a deep breath - Irish, Romany, English, Scottish, Norwegian and a little Jewish blood all mixed up in little old me! I was reassured by my maternal grandmother (the youngest daughter of a youngest daughter) that as I a...

Warwick University by Stevep74

After reading a story from a girl that had stayed in the uni lodges in Warwick I felt I had to say something. I too stayed in the rooms that are connected to the building where companies give training, meetings etc. It happened to me in 2017. I was attending a week and a half training course. The f...

The Cooker by GMPembo

I've had a few supernatural experiences in my life, I must admit in my younger days what we call the supernatural intrigued me, and sometimes I even seemed to attract these things. Let's just say I dabbled. I no longer dabble. This was my very first experience of such things, you may or may not...

Dream Visitation And Possible Astral Projection? by Emilieoxox

I have two stories here, the first of which I am certain was a spiritual visitation from my Grandparents in a dream state, so it wasn't an actual dream but rather a way of lost loved ones coming through to us as we're sleeping and on a different vibration to what we are when awake. STORY 1: It...

Vanishing Child At School by Emilieoxox

Back in the summer of 1999 I was in secondary school. On this particular day our final lesson was PE and afterwards myself and 3 friends stayed behind a little after everyone else to help put away the equipment, so by the time we went to shower and get changed everyone else had left. The PE hall...

Little Boy Spirit by Emilieoxox

I've just joined this site and have really enjoyed reading some of the stories posted, so thought I would share one of my own. We moved into our current house in 2017 and right from the start we knew we weren't alone. At first we would hear footsteps, or catch a glimpse of something out of the...

A Ghostly Visitor by GhostGoth

This is my first time posting here, and I just wanted to take the time share a few of my own experiences... All of them back from when I lived in England. So these few experiences were from when I was younger and could see ghosts. The first one was back when my younger brother had just been ...

Lights,noises And Tinkling Bells by JulieK

The first blue light I saw was last year. I don't sleep very well so I usually get up and go downstairs and read until I feel tired. I decided to return to bed so I switched off the lamps and was making my way to the stairs when a blue light on the ceiling caught my eye about 5 inches in diameter it...

My Brother's Ghost Story by occulting_

I have three brothers, and one of them has this kind of terrifying story that I've always heard about from my family growing up. Looking back on it it's kind of funny now I've talked to the mother of one of these spirits. One night my family decided to go out for like half an hour and he was pro...

Experimenting With Ouija Boards by occulting_

So, I have been making DIY Ouija boards for the past few years, to see if they do work and what would happen pretty much. A recent experience I had was a spirit that was passing by and I was trying to see if I could get them to talk through the ouija board I had brought recently and the spirit i...

Angel Lady In White Light by Chaningham91

Following on from my first story about my son being in hospital with leukemia, I would like to share the paranormal experience I had once we were discharged and allowed home. Obviously, I was going through a really tough time. I felt alone, depressed, and terrified for my son's health. One week a...

Haunted Children's Ward by Chaningham91

My name is Chantelle, I'm 29 years old & this is my story! 3 years ago, my 2 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia & so we had to stay in hospital on a children's cancer ward as expected for a few weeks. It's an old, eerie ward with the hospital dating back from 1876 & is very quiet & cree...

Ww2 Mortuary by Breaghboo

My sister, who is older than me, has lived in East Anglia for many years. We are estranged so I will give no clue as to her specific location or identity. When she first married, she lived very rurally with her two young children and her dog, a Golden Retriever. Her husband worked abroad a lot. T...

Strange Man In White Suit by Kfergie

I was at work on the 11th of May 2021. It was 8:30am and I looked from the corner of my eye and there was a man in a white suit staring at me, so I turned but no one was there. I thought I was seeing things but earlier today on the 20th of May, around 10:45am, I looked out my kitchen window and ...

Creepy Gollum by RoseyWren

This is an ongoing story really, I've lived in this house for around 5/6 months now, nothing notable has happened, bangings around the house that I've just passed off as being the neighbours when my children aren't home or the children if they are home, even if they're in the same room as me, easier...

The Ghost At The Abbey by occulting_

I'm back with another story, this one takes place in 2018, when I went on my first proper ghost hunt to a haunted old mansion that used to be an abbey but is now turned into a museum. So firstly, for context the place has either had many various deaths occur there or there's records of certain spiri...

The Lady In The Room by dhewitt1

As I sit here by candlelight, at my sturdy, hard mahogany wooden writing desk, I write this strange encounter, which I can only describe as a mysterious Lady. My Wife's sister was admitted to local hospital for pneumonia just after the New Year's celebrations. My wife and I visited her every even...

The Singing Child by occulting_

I'm back again! With my second ghost story I experienced which just added more into me believing the paranormal. This story happened in the same bedroom I am currently typing this up in, exactly in the spot I am in. One night before going to bed I was listening to music on my very old MP3 player w...

Why I Started To Believe In Ghosts by occulting_

This is a story about the house I have lived in ever since I was born, and one of the experiences that occurred inside of it. So, one of the first experiences that I can remember was when I was a kid, I can't remember exactly how old I was only that I was very short, so short that to look at adults'...

Brothers' House And The Scaredy Cat by RoseyWren

This story will be shorter than my other stories. This is about my brothers' house, I will mention what I've experienced there and what he has experienced. For the sake of this post Brother who owns the house will be called Rufus and my other brother will be called Mingus 😂 Rufus is ver...

The Grumpy Ghost Who Doesn't Like Men. by RoseyWren

I've done a piece on my dad's house and one about my mum's house, now it's my first house, my first home for me and my family. (and a tiny bit about our second home) I moved into a house around 7 doors down from my dad, it was a two up two down house. Stairs from the front door, tiny square land...

The Cheeky Ghosts. by RoseyWren

I've posted before about my experiences at my Dad's house while growing up, but this is what happened at my mum, mostly to her. After my parents split up when I was in Year 4 my mum moved into a house, an 8 minute walk away from my dads. Which was good for us to walk between both houses without o...

The Thing In The Back Bedroom by RoseyWren

Apologies for the long read and if it gets scrambled it's because I'm still get scared. I've always known something was weird about the back bedroom at my dad's house, I lived there from being a month old until I was in my 20s, It was for the most part me, my dad and my two brothers as my mum an...

Is A Ghost After Our Son? by Oceana

I recently gave birth to my son. He is a very healthy baby. I set him up a nursery on the ground floor so he can sleep in there without me having to trek up and down stairs with him. I gave him my old baby stuff, so I didn't have to bring possible covid near him. My boyfriend wanted to sleep in the...

Weird Things In My Bedroom by Gh0st_Knight

To those who read my story about the little girl's voice comforting me, this is a sort of sequel. I'd been experiencing weird things in my bedroom at night, at the time me and my brother shared a bedroom. In the summer he always complained to leave the door open so it wouldn't get stuffy. One ni...

Ghost Angered By New Decor? by User3246

I've mentioned in previous stories about our family home being haunted, mostly passively, however in the past few months activity seems to be picking up again rapidly. My family have always joked about ghosts in the home, my dad usually humours us but is mostly skeptic, however even he has admitte...

Strong Ghost by Tweed

For those who don't know I'm a pianist. Earlier this year I learned the basics of how to tune a piano. Because of safety concerns this year it's not been practical to get my tuner over. We had a leaking pipe which needed urgent attention this year. It wasn't hard to keep a safe distance from the plu...

Sleep Paralysis Or Is It Something More? Help Needed by CaitlinMirren

I have been experiencing this for at least two years now. I moved back in to my old childhood home with my boyfriend and things were good. He started having vivid dreams of a demon and started having night terrors, something he said he hasn't ever experienced until he moved in with me. In the dream ...

Elephant by The_Morrighan

I have many little vignettes to submit but here is an encounter that happened about two days ago. My apologies in advance as I tend towards brevity in my accounts. Please do feel free to ask questions. Let's begin at the beginning. I live in Wakefield, Yorkshire and in my spare time I volunteer w...

Millbank, Uphall, West Lothian. Two Stories by Aliendewd

These two stories are recollections of stories told to me by one of my Aunts many years ago (the same Aunt from my Dechmont haunting story). She would tell these stories a few times through the years so this retelling is as accurate an account as is possible. Both these stories take place in the ...

Nursery Haunting by Lorenzo

I volunteered at a nursery for a period of 6 months before it closed. It was small and we only had 7 children. It was nice for my first week, but then it got creepy. The layout was the main hall, a small walkway to the kitchen and a closed off bit that lead to the storage room. It was used as a soci...

Experiences In The Leamington Spa Area by JonLS87

When I was about 17 I was living with my foster family. My Foster Dad had gone to Russia, so his daughter, Trish, was looking after my foster siblings and his children. Someone came up with the idea that we would go camping, so we ended up driving to somewhere near a village called Tysoe. I have...

Care Home Ghosts by JonLS87

I work in Care Homes, and these stories relate to the first care home I ever worked in, as well as some after. When I first started working in care, I worked in what looking back was the worst care home ever known to man. As freaky as it was, the residents were lovely. That being said, it wa...

Littlecote House Experience by JonLS87

I must have been around 5/6 when my parents took my sister and I to a "Teddy Bears Picnic" at Littlecote House. I remember it being very special because my Mum let me take my yellow teddy that my Nanny bought me the day I was born and that NEVER was allowed off her bed. I don't remember much abo...

Loch Doon Camping Experience by Aliendewd

This was a recent event. On Wednesday 16th September 2020 I decided to head off for a night of wild camping in the Galloway Forest Park in South West Scotland. It's a beautiful area and one of the few 'dark skies' areas in the country. On clear nights the views above are really quite spectacular, yo...

My Cousin Attended Her Own Funeral by Oceana

The funeral of my cousin was really strange... Especially when I saw her standing in the corner of the church. The church was full of family and we just sat listening to the service and to others saying their goodbyes. It was nothing extravagant, but it was nice. I get distracted really easily b...

The Good Demon by Spoopy328

Now I'm only calling this a Demon because it looked pretty scary. In truth I have no idea what this could have been, but I mentioned it briefly in a previous story. This is a more detailed account. When me and my family lived at number 11 we all were aware of the spirits residing there and the s...

Seeing Shadow People Or Angel Of Death by mariah2020

I am dyslexic. I may not see some errors, apologies. Where to begin! I have been seeing dark figures or "shadow people" for many years. It started, first of all, before someone passed away or after. I have moved from 3 homes and I have seen them in each one. Every home I move into has trouble...

The Ghost Of My Infant School by itz_Karma

When I first decided there was ghost in my Infant school I was about eight years old so quite awhile ago, It was the middle of winter when it gets dark real quick and there were rumours in my club that just across our school in the house was a murderer. That's all anyone would talk about the man in...

Ghost Spoke To My Mum by User3246

We've lived in this house for the past 20ish years, pretty much my whole life and it is a relatively old house. In its current form it was built in the 1940s after our town was destroyed by the war but previous to this there had been foundations of another home so it's more likely than not that some...

Something In The Vicarage by Seekings

My father was an Anglican vicar, and at that time (early 1960s) clergy houses tended to be large, old, difficult to heat, quirky,characterful,inconvenient and often beautiful. The Vicarage we lived in at the time was all of the above, (except beautiful, although to me it was, and is... It's still th...

Care Home Incident by Lorenzo

I did some work experience at a care home. I didn't think it was creepy at all. I thought it was a nice place and all the residents were very nice. There were three of us, but the other two hardly ever turned up. I'll call them X and Y. We had these little booklets to fill in, a sort of... Record o...

The Man In The Bird Hide by Oceana

Near where I live, there is an abandoned bird hide. I first noticed it on my way home and by the third time I really wanted to explore it. I wondered why it was put there, like what animals I might see. There are no houses around it, it's just a hide on the side of a small road. I parked my car ne...

A Picture From The Future by Limey

This is not a ghost story, but one that is impossible for me to explain. It started many years ago in London, England. It was a snapshot from a dream that I had as a child. Most people have little or no memory before the age of four, and I left London at the age of exactly eight and a half. So i...

Haunted Loft by Lorenzo

Recently, I have been really nervous about what is happening in my home. A bit of backstory: I have lived at my home for 10 years. I live with my auntie because my parents work abroad. A few days ago, I was in the bath and I heard footsteps from above, which is the loft. It was like someone w...

Year 10 Drama Class by sophiethunder

When I was at high school, in year 10, my drama teacher told me and my fairly small class that she'd seen a ghost. The drama studio had a balcony which used to be used to watch small drama productions, but it was just used as a storage space when I was there. Apparently, he wore Victorian attire ...

Is My Rescued Truck Haunted By Old Owner (s) by ZeppelinChriss

A little while ago I wrote a story about a farm going up for auction in Milton Keynes, UK. I titled the story "Old Barn Scares My Friends and I". During that story I talked about rescuing with hope of restoring an old truck left on the farm behind the barn. Soon mentioning the truck now resorted...

My Sister's "lookalike" by Shrinkydink

This is my first story on this platform! It happened a few years ago so I might not remember it too clearly! Around this time, I had been waking up at midnight kind of hours. I was about 9 or ten. On one particular night, I woke up as normal, my parents had gone to bed already. I decided to go do...

My Son's Amusing Encounter And Mine With The Man by EnglishEmpath

This is one of our most recent experiences and one I love! My son is 6 and has global developmental delay, he is very clever though, shows quite a few autistic traits but hasn't been diagnosed as of yet. He was 5 when this happened a few months ago. I was in the kitchen and my son comes downst...

A Big Family Holiday by sophiethunder

I went on holiday a few months ago. Some pretty weird stuff happened, but after talking to the rest of my family and friends, I realised I wasn't the only one to notice. I went to a house near Devon. It was quite big and had a lot of rooms to accommodate all of us. There was 8 of us. Mum, dad, my...

Are These Dark Entities That Keep Showing Up? by Chilli

I apologise in advance for the potential length of this but I would love to hear opinions from others who've had experiences. I'm tired of being afraid. From as young as I can remember, I've had experiences which I can't fully explain. I had a rough childhood, growing up with an alcoholic mother....

The Old Barn Scares Me And My Friends. by ZeppelinChriss

Welcome Everyone and thank you for taking time to read this. Hope you enjoy it. I'll answer questions if I can, so ask if you have any I won't be upset. I have questions myself. Back in 2017, a farm came up for auction in Milton Keynes, UK. Family estate sale. Furnishing included, Farm equipment...

The Gladstone Villa Story. by Andrew Dexter

A prequel to ''The Ghost of Gladstone villa'' The property was named after the former Prime Minister William Gladstone, he died in 1898. The the Gladstone property dates back to the 1900's as shown in a map of former mining town of Bargoed of that year and it still stands in Cardiff road. Henry...

Tight Rings Removed by Empress-Solomon

Stack rings removed during sleep!? So this happened last night which would have been 20/04/2020. It's a Sunday night I'm laying on the sofa watching a late night film, eventually I fall asleep. I have a 10 year old who sleeps dead and a 2 year old who will wake up in the middle of the night to ...

Time To Finally Tell All by EnglishEmpath

First of all I would just like to say that we are safe and happy for these spirits to live with us so I am not looking for any advice, I just would like to share my many experiences. As my name suggests, I am an empath. I have always felt as though there were people around me and it used to really s...

Other Sister by sophiethunder

A few days ago, I had a really weird experience. I was going out with my sister and we were getting ready. I saw her sitting at the computer. I'm not sure if she was doing anything, but she was definitely sitting there. Obviously this was strange, since we were going out and I encouraged her to hu...

The Stones 2 by sophiethunder

I had a phone call from my cousin asking me to come around because something was freaking her out. At her house, something felt wrong. There was a heavy atmosphere and it just felt uncomfortable. We sat down on her sofa because she really needed to chat with me. She looked gaunt, like she hadn't sle...

A Playful Ghost In My Childhood Home by taintedrose

I first came across this site in 2010, and have regularly been a visitor, but I have finally decided to join and share my experiences (and believe me, there are a LOT). I am 24 years old and live in the North of England. Growing up we had regular "paranormal" experiences in my childhood home. I put ...

Great Grandma Came Back One Last Time by snavej

This incident took place before I was born, in the mid 20th Century. I heard about it from my father back in the 1980s. When he was a little boy, my father lived in the small village of Llanfrechfa. This was in the county of Gwent, which is in the south east of Wales. That principality is part of th...

The Figure by Keajen017

Back in April 2011, me and my then partner moved into a flat with our 10 month old son, now the flat we moved to used to be a house which the upstairs was converted to, so there was a staircase leading up to flat and it was open, so a huge landing and then multiple rooms coming off of it as you woul...

The Stones by sophiethunder

I have always collected stones to make pendants. Most of the ones I collect are expensive, but good quality. Recently, an Ebay seller, who was selling stones, messaged me. She told me that she knew my craft and that she had a few stones that she no longer wanted. They were going really cheap, so mu...

3 Year Old Woken Up by Emilya11

On Saturday 1st February 2020 around 7:00am Josie woke up. Her dad was already awake but was pretending to be asleep to see if she would go back down. Josie quietly said "dad, daddy, oi daddy, dad" he turned over "yes what's the matter". Josie "Daddy come here and have a look". Partner "You haven't ...

My Tv Remote Vanished And Then Reappeared by lilpeachyghost

This happened years ago and I still can't explain it to this a day. It just doesn't make any logical sense. I was sat on my bed watching rubbish tv with the remote next to me up the top end of my bed somewhat near the pillows. I mean, who watches tv with the remote all the way down the bottom of...

Furry Face by Tweed

We have one cat, no children. Two stark details I managed to neglect whilst typing this up. Two details that could save a lot of time. Was just after New Years, perhaps the 2nd of Jan. Late at night, say midnight, I was getting ready to turn in. As per the usual I was straightening the rugs out b...

Something Mimics Voices Of Loved Ones by lilpeachyghost

This has happened to me multiple times, more so when I was younger but every now and again it will happen again. It used to be my mothers voice, and then it switched to my fiancé's voice. I remember one instance when I was younger of hearing my mother scream my name, as if she was hurt and need...

The Chocolate Man by bigkris

This never directly happened to me. However, last night I was at my neighbours' and a lot of abnormal things kept happening. Our phones kept turning off at 90% (that never happens to me), we kept hearing thuds and the front door opening, we heard talking, and the internet was turned off by the switc...

The Missing Earring by KT432177

I'm not very good at intros so I'll just cut to the chase. I own a pair of silver stud earrings, in the shape of jigsaw puzzle pieces. They are especially important to me because I have Autism, and a puzzle piece is often the image that is associated with and represents Autism. I love wearing them a...

Someone Was Rummaging Through My Things by lilpeachyghost

This isn't the scariest of paranormal experiences but it is one that has happened repeatedly and can't be explained. I'll start off by saying that we sleep with the bedroom door completely closed and latched. Our cat isn't allowed in our room because she likes to climb and often gets stuck up on the...

Stairway Chills by Joshseesghosts

Hope everyone is well, thanks for taking the time to read. This story is a strange one. To start off I am 22 years old and live in a small village called Fradley. Now here's a couple of things. Fradley was an Air Force base during WW2 and many people died around here. For instance, there is a st...

Shadow Of The Living? by Londonuser

This is a bit if a strange one, I have been looking for answers but keep reading about unknown or shadows of the dead. A few years ago, while staying with my parents I was sleeping on the floor of my mom's room. We had a lot of guests over and my niece was with my mum in her bed. I woke up quite ...

Living With A Ghost by Ittsjamezzz

This all started when I was younger, we had the odd thing go missing from time to time and then reappear in a really obvious place. Tv's randomly turned on in the night and even in some cases they turned on when unplugged from the wall. My bedroom was located above the kitchen and some nights I like...

The Shadow Under The Door by Skully

I must say that I have had loads of things happan to me, and this is only one of them. On this day I was working for the local council, and was based in a very old farm house, which was said to be haunted by a old farmer who died on the farm. On this day I came into work, and was getting on with ...

The Story Of My Brother As Told By My Mother by Faith_2000

I cannot actually recall the story I am about to tell since I was only 3 but my mother remembers it like it was yesterday. Okay so for this story a little background is needed. So I'm 19 and have 4 siblings: Chantelle (25), Alex (24), Taryn (21), and Logun (15). I live in a small place in Wal...

All The Events In My Aunts House by SolitudeBluebell

So, I have submitted one occasion of my own personal experience in my Aunt's house (It's called ''The door in my Cousin's room''. My aunt lived in Stevenage in the Uk in England. We don't know the history of the house, apart from later we found out an elderly man had died there (though how t...

The Door In My Cousins Room by SolitudeBluebell

My aunt lived in Stevenage (in the UK, England), I must have been around 9 years old, I'm 24 now. My cousin had a room at the top of the square spiral staircase. I was on a mattress on the floor in the corner of the room, there was an old tele on a tall stand at the end of the mattress and the door ...

Friendly Little Charlie by tigerfeet

I've just logged in and realised it's almost 2 years since I have been on the site! I'm so glad that it hasn't changed a bit! This story actually started before my birth. After being married for about a year my parents bought a house in south west London - back in the days when 'normal' people co...

Lifted In My Sleep by Beenie

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. The front half of my body was high off the bed. Not sitting up but neither lying down. Not doing a crunch or a sit-up. At that angle that's impossible (especially for me) to hold. My stomach and my muscles weren't strained. This wasn't me holding me...

The Grand Haunting, A Hotel No One Knows Is Haunted by Faith_2000

I'm not much of a story teller, however I felt this was an experience that I needed to share. I'm Faith, I'm 19 and from a country called Wales in the UK, I've had a couple ghostly experiences and am quite a believer of the supernatural however this experience shook even me. Me and my boyfriend ...

I Moved Into My Dead Grandma's House by Kelseyal

I think I was about 12-13 at the time, maybe a little older it's hard to recall. But my step-dad's mom had recently died of lung cancer, and she had lived about a 5 minute drive across town from us. I had me, my mom, my older sister, 2 younger sisters, younger brother and step-dad living in an undec...

The Ceiling by Beenie

10 years ago, I was in bed reading. For the previous 6 months, we heard scratching above in the attic. My brother heard it too, but never the way I heard it. I heard something heavier. It ran back and fourth across the attic. It sounded as big as a cat. For months my dad checked the attic. I...

My Old House Was Haunted by Jazzisepic

I had forgotten about this website but found it after being bored as it is the summer holidays. I have decided to put this story up to YGS as I would like to share the experiences my family and I have had in my old house. The house was quite old, we lived there for 5 years but moved out as the own...

Sat On And Choked By Something Unseen by lilpeachyghost

This experience happened around five or six years ago, I was in a pretty bad place in my life and struggling with some things. Mainly my religion and my love life; the two didn't mesh well and I was stuck between wanting to be a perfect disciple, if you will, and the need to be completely and utterl...

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