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Ghost stories from Alabama, United States: Page 1

Return Of The Dead by Winchester_999

I have no idea if it's his spirit or ghost, but every night, 2:15 am exactly, I wake up to my long dead dog, Charlie, standing in the doorway of my bedroom. His decayed body standing in the doorway, one eye staring at me as the other hangs out of his half exposed skull. Decayed, bloody, and the smel...

Black Panther, Trying To Get My Foot by Garm99

Before I lived where I do now, I use to live in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Alabama, specifically in Crestwood, on south hall RD. The house was not really old and had been built in 1963 or there about. From what I remember we really did not have any other kids in the neighborhood it was full of...

A Life Saved By My Mother - 3 Years After Passing by Pegasus593

I just recently came across this website and I love it. I've always believed in the paranormal (I think it's because my mother was so fascinated by paranormal and true crime). I wouldn't call myself a psychic, but I have had dreams that have come true and 'gut feelings' that were correct. This is...

Philbert The Pizza Ghost by Hezza000

So, this started a few years ago at my old job at a pizza place. I don't have great memory so this won't be a fluent story, more like disorganized highlights. It started not long after we began working there. Stuff thrown, things missing, but I didn't think much about until I noticed the footprint...

Something In The Basement by blksabbath74

My home has an un-airconditioned basement that we use primarily for washing clothes, keeping the dogs, and storage. When it's not too hot or cold outside, I will go down there sometimes at night to do group chats with friends after my wife and kids have gone to sleep. One evening, while down there, ...

The House On Bradley Drive by Dontes0817

I was entering the sixth grade when my mother, our two dogs and I moved to Montgomery, Alabama after going through a particularly brutal divorce from her 3rd husband. The house she purchased wasn't huge or fancy. It was a small 3 bedroom, 1 bath built in the early 1800's. The walls were poured concr...

Shadow Figure In My Grandmother's Old Home by rolltide8925

I was recently reminded of this story while reading other posts about similar happenings. My grandmother moved into her parents' home when my grandfather passed away and after my mother's previous home burned. My mother then moved into my grandmother's home right next door. My grandparents had...

Daytime Dark Shadow by beautifulalabamadisaster

I have always been a believer of the supernatural, and I always enjoyed watching shows about people who have had an experience somehow. I had never had anything happen to me personally that I could say without a doubt, was supernatural. On my way to work one day I was listening to a radio talk sho...

Why Do I Seem To Be A Magnet For These Experiences? by rolltide8925

Sorry I've been gone so long. I do not recall if I ever told anyone I lost my mother in 2016. The day after Valentines 😭. Shortly after she passed, my boyfriend and I split up for a few weeks and I ended up moving into her home. The same home I lived in when my grandfather passed. I don't know...

Ghost Stole My Bracelet by DragonLadyYT

We used to have a ghost. We banished it and unfortunately that was before I realized my bracelet, made of real turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty mines in California and set in sterling silver was missing. I have searched this house of ours, even taken things apart to find it, but to no avail. I lef...

The Pressure by SoniaMary0023

Two nights ago, I had an encounter. As I was dozing off, I started feeling pressure on my legs. I went to move them and it felt as if someone was sitting on them. I could barely move them without struggling. It made me wide awake by now but I refused to open my eyes after my previous encounter with ...

Poltergeist? Demon? Scared by LeannaBurcham

My daughter lives in Leighton, Alabama by the old LaGrange College Site. She, her husband and 4 kids live there. They have a blended family. The kids are ages 2, 5, 6, and 8. The two youngest are girls and are hers. The two oldest are boys and are her husband's. Her husband has seen on many occa...

Confirmation From Our Dog by Britral

My three children and I rented a house for a few years in Mobile County, Alabama, starting in 2015. Shortly after our first year there in the house, I began to notice small instances that alerted me that we may not be alone. Tapping on windows, misplaced items, nothing traumatic. It did, however, ...

Smelly Visitor by MarvinScott

It has been a while since I have posted to YGS but return at least weekly to read new postings, even though I stay rather busy at work, and taking grave photos for requests and etc. I have been a licensed funeral director and embalmer for the past 33 years and hold a National License ...

White Demon by SoniaMary0023

I have put in a few stories regarding the paranormal experiences I have been having, all connected, might I include. I've been told that I've been haunted by a negative entity and for so long I believed it because that is what paranormal investigators told me. My gifted friend, who I trust with m...

Apparition Watching Me? by MK1

One evening around 11pm in November of 2016, I was hard at work in my recording studio, located in the basement of my house in Huntsville, Alabama. I was working on a mix session of a recording I'd produced earlier in the month for a band from the area. I'd briefly gone upstairs to make myself a ...

Becoming A Spirit Of Sorts- Please Help Me by ashalli24

Please be patient with me as this is my very first post:) Let me preface with I have always been different. Even at a young age my Grandma told me that I was different than others and that made me more special. Well, I have obviously seen spirits that sort of thing but this is ENTIRELY different...

The Man Of Shadows by haniibee

My name is Hani and I've been experiencing things all of my 20 years. I'm considered, I guess, a sensitive of some kind so I can very easily feel, hear, and see spirits, as well as they can feed off my energy no matter where I am. Now that that's over with, I can finally start with the man penne...

Schizophrenia Or Incubus? by ForbiddenRose

I am 18 years old and have an incubus, or at least I believe I do, and I do not know what to. His name is Rhyder. He has been with me ever since a young age. Back then he was trying to hurt/kill me by sitting on my chest and I couldn't breathe; in a way I had to fight him. For a while he disappeared...

Female Spirit Guardian by allforlaughter

To be honest, I'm not sure if she's my "spirit guardian" or if that's even the real word for it. I don't know who she is at all or why she's been with me for so long. I only know she's a positive force, and I'd do almost anything for my hair to be the same auburn as hers. I grew up in an actively...

Enormous Black Deer by SoniaMary0023

A couple years back my best friend and I were sitting on our back porch smoking a cigarette and talking about nonsense. While we were talking I stopped what I was saying and was staring at this huge black deer with the biggest antlers I have ever seen. I thought it was something I was imagining unti...

Weird Creature Follows Me by rolltide8925

I have had a weird creature follow me since I was a child. The best way to describe it is that it is really tall and humanoid but looks as though it is made of electricity. It's just odd. The first time I encountered this thing I was around twelve. I had gone to bed and was woken by the feeling some...

The "boy" Named Nick by Blackwidow93

I've been reading stories on this site for a while now and decided it was time to share my own. I apologize for this will probably be rather lengthy. In early 2008 my then boyfriend, let's call him Kyle, his family, and I moved in to a 3 story home. To give you an idea of the layout of the house...

What Happened On Alabama Highway 36 by MK1

This story took place in the summer of 1996, on rural Highway 36 near Lacey's Spring, Alabama, which is a small community located between Huntsville and Hartselle. I was living in Birmingham, Alabama at the time, and my girlfriend then (now my wife) was with me for this experience. I am a profess...

Dead Pet by Bunnybaby

This story is not particularly scary as the spirit is a loved one, but it is interesting I believe. About a year and a half ago, my beloved pet rabbit died. He was my baby, never in a cage, and usually either wanting to cuddle with me or play with me. He had a very sweet personality, sometimes im...

Preschool Haunting by flowersgrowback

I work as a preschool teacher, and while the school is beautiful, positive, and belonging to a church, it's hard not to wonder if it may still be haunted. When I began working here, an employee who resigned not long ago would tell me to be careful, "This place is haunted, I swear." She had a sar...

Odd Voices by MarvinScott

In my early days working in the funeral industry we were not allowed to go home on our call nights at the funeral home, but then again this was before cell phones and pagers. We had to be there to make death calls and embalm cases as soon as they were brought into the funeral home's care. As you...

Is This A Shapeshifter Attack? by TheJames

Since 2012 I have been experiencing these tingling like ticking upon my head face shoulders and legs. I've always thought it was some explainable thing happening. It is hard to describe it feels like hair sometimes or a web or like flutter from an insect. I also see like tracers and the mist or shad...

The Lady In The Cemetery by MarvinScott

I have been a mortician for over 30 years and have seen and heard all sorts of things in funeral homes and cemeteries of a supernatural nature. One such event occurred when I was managing a funeral home in North Alabama in the late 1990's. In that part of the state there are many country, as wel...

Galloping Ghost by flowersgrowback

Growing up in a haunted home, there were several things that would happen on the regular that I just got used to. Someone sitting on the edge of my bed. Heavy, loud footsteps in the kitchen (like work boots). A little girl's giggle. But there's one instance that never matched anything else that ever...

Activity In Psychiatric Hospital by flowersgrowback

At one point earlier in my twenties, I worked as part of the behavioral staff within an inpatient psychiatric hospital providing both acute and residential care to children and teenagers. It was a fairly new hospital, only a couple of decades old, and had never served as anything but a psychiatric f...

Intelligent, Obvious Shadow Person by flowersgrowback

Somewhere in the woods that surround the cul de sac outside of my parents' home (in Southern Alabama) and the cemetery that runs parallel to it all, I've seen a tall, opaque, obviously intelligent shadow person. He NEVER leaves that general area. I've wandered out of it and left him behind before. N...

My Bed Started Shaking 3 by SoniaMary0023

I've had another account named SoniaMary23 that I haven't had access to since it's been so long since I've been on this website. I wanted to 'update' my situation with "My Bed Started Shaking". It's been 4 years since things started happening. If you haven't read the previous two, please do so you c...

She Calls To My Husband (a Continuation) by flowersgrowback

I posted part one of this under a different username. I haven't been able to get into that account due to my own extreme level of forgetfulness, but I hadn't used it much anyway, and you don't need to have read my previous story to understand the latest happenings. Previously, I mentioned a spiri...

Alabama Haunting by AnotherZombie

It was 2011, I was in fifth grade at the time. We had just moved to Alabama from North Carolina. We arrived in Phenix City, a small town right on the border of Alabama and Georgia next to Columbus. I walked into the house, it was beautiful with a nice fireplace, Jacuzzi bathtub, outback pool, open k...

Red Cross by ClayWeir

I am new to this site but have read a story that is so similar to mine about the spirit that I felt that I should share my experience and would live feedback about this or if you have see it please email me at clayweir2[at]yahoo[dot]com. This happened when I was 13 years old in Huntsville, Alabam...

The Nursing Lady Part 2 by multiplyingchills3

The family moved in to the house six years ago, in October. The little girl, Lucy, and her brother, Brendan, were both excited, and Lucy had taken my old bedroom, and Brendan had taken the first of the two guest bedrooms. The mother and father got the biggest room, and this is where their story begi...

The Nursing Lady by multiplyingchills3

I was only 8 when we moved to our new home, in the blatant countryside. I was excited to start life as a farm-girl, and because my father had promised me a pony and lots of pets, I was over the moon. We arrived at the charming house, painted baby blue, with white trim, looking innocent, like a dollh...

Entity Called Me Pet Names by christabelle

Over a span of twenty-two years, I've come to learn that living in a haunted space or simply being a sensitive person is a lot like sharing your home with a cluster of usually invisible cats. They're clingy, occasionally affectionate, a little snobby, mildly self-involved, and you're never sure if i...

Unknown Woman Haunting My Grandmother's Home by christabelle

When my maternal grandmother and (late) grandfather were first married, they purchased a several acre lot on the street where my grandmother spent her childhood. They built their own home using inexpensive bricks recovered from the rubble of the Chicago fire, and if you care to look, you can easily ...

Watching Closely by ashlcoopa

Due to some eery occurrences, I refuse to sleep in my room. So instead, I sleep in the upstairs living room. I live in a stone-wall farm house built back in 1860. In order to get to the 3rd room (my sister's old room) one must walk through my room. At which, her light switch is in my room before her...

Multiple Strange Occurrences In Our Home by kletson117

Hey my name is Kenzie, and I am from Alabama. For the past 6-7 months things have been happening at our home. First off I would like to tell about the night my grandmother heard a strange noise. She was visiting, and while in the bathroom, she heard a strange noise coming from the vent in the ce...

Ghost Sightings And Ouija Experience by RazersharpShadow191

This took place during the summer of 2014. I know what I saw was real. The first sighting I had was in my living room. Across the room from me was a boy. I didn't know who he was. I stared at him never moving a muscle. Then as soon as I saw him he disappeared right in front of my eyes. After he disa...

Strange Occurances In One Childhood Home by rolltide8925

This post literally begins with the question "Where do I even start?" Growing up I have an odd family situation. I was adopted by my grandparents at about 3 years old but they have raised me since I was a baby. Please don't judge but my mom couldn't take care of me and I will leave it at that. Th...

Grandfather Still With Me? by rolltide8925

IN 2008 my grandfather was diagnosed with brain cancer. Of course it devastated the whole family. Unfortunately due to him also being a diabetic and 73 years old, his body could not handle the chemo and radiation treatments. That being said, no one else has had any experiences since his death except...

I Will Never Be Truly Alone, Will I by wilsonamanda83

To this day I find it very difficult to talk about what had happened in my apartment in Alabama. I didn't tell but a few close friends what was going on in my home because I was scared at how others would look at me or judge me. I was most of all scared what else would happen to myself and most impo...

Why Now? by ms_st0308

Someone else's story actually sparked my interest and I decided to submit my own instead of taking up comment space. Anyway, I think I have been experiencing a very mild form of sleep paralysis over the last two to three months. I have never really experienced anything like this before, but because ...

Work Stories 2 by ms_st0308

I'm killing time before going home and thought I'd share a couple more stories from the hospital I work at. You can read my previous story, "Work Stories," to get the history of the place. We all have heard the stories about the ghosts that are still here from way back when, and there are some odd t...

Work Stories by ms_st0308

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I had some time today so just thought I'd share some stories about the hospital where I work. First, just to give some history of the hospital, it was originally "built" in 1918 as a TB sanatorium. I say "built" because it started as a camp with tents that t...

A Haunted Nintendo Cartridge? by LizzyFreeman

So my boyfriend and I are big gamers, but since university has started back, we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together. Well, one Saturday we had planned to go to a flea market I'd heard about and go game hunting and spend the rest of the day playing together like we had over the summer. ...

Maple Hill Cemetery, Dead Children's Playground by sharkbaitX37

Hey, My name is Parker and I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I have lived in Huntsville all my life. I'm only 17, so I feel like some people will think since I'm young, I'm joking, but I'm not. So here's my story. All my life I have heard all these haunted rumors of the cemetery that I lived next to...

Family Connections 2 by ms_st0308

This story is sort of a continuation of my previous story, Family Connections. I had talked about some very similar but separate experiences that my grandmother, her brother, and my mother had all had about 30-40 years ago. I am sort of remembering things from my childhood as I write these stories, ...

Family Connections by ms_st0308

I've submitted a really nice, heartwarming story but this one is not so much. I said in my first story (He Watches Over Me), that I've never had a real live ghost encounter; but once I started thinking about it, I have had some strange experiences that I can't really explain. Maybe more about that l...

Turning Handle by RaggedClaws

I've only had one experience thus far that I would judge as being far enough out of the ordinary to potentially label as supernatural. It's not nearly as elaborate or fantastical as many of the stories I have read on this site, but it is as honest of a recalling as I can give. When I was younger ...

Child's Imagination, Or Tall, Dark Shadow Figures? by Lesleighra

In my first story, I had mentioned my fear of astral projection due to the possibility of coming in contact with negative entities. I want to tell this story and provide an explanation behind this fear to possibly read what some of your thoughts are. I don't have anyone in particular that I feel com...

Is This The Beginning Of Astral Projection? by Lesleighra

I have been experiencing strange happenings lately. But most of all, I am concerned with this particular subject. I work shift work so my sleep schedule is completely messed up. I basically sleep when I can. Sometimes, however, it can take me a while to fall asleep. I am sure everyone has had in...

The Fountains by wolfavera

Alright, this is a story from when I was visiting a friend's house in Alabama. She lived in these apartments across the street from this abandoned building. It used to be a hospital and before that it was a nursing home. So as you can see there is already a typical background for a haunting. This bu...

My Granparents by LH

My experience is very short, but very real. I should say that I was very close to my dad's parents. I spent a lot of time with them growing up. They lived close by, and I'd spend after school time at their house. My grandad and I were close, I loved spending time with him. After high school, ...

Our Little Ghost Boy by ValerieB

My husband and I bought our first home in March of 2011. We decided to change out the floors and do some painting starting last January. When we replace our master bedroom floors is when the little boy started showing up. My husband tends to flick the fitted sheets in his sleep. One night the noise ...

What I Saw In The Woods At K's House by pandora971

Before I start, I'd like to say that I tell very few people this story. That is because most would not believe me. But let me assure you that everything you read here is 100% just as I saw it and remember it. With that out of the way, I'll begin my story. It was two summers ago, so I would've bee...

Is This Paranoia Or Something Paranormal? by flyclarinet

Yes, I am a teenager, but this does not mean I'm making this up. I'm not sure if this is hormonal or something, so I'm wanting some feedback please. I am a male. I have heard my name either said or whispered randomly. At first, I thought it was one of my friends. None of my friends were looking a...

Childhood Incidences by spencer9997

I am now a 17-year-old male with a strong belief in the supernatural. Several years ago when I was in the fifth grade, I was bullied a lot starting from the very first day of school. It started literally within the first thirty seconds of getting on the bus that the bullying began, however I doubt t...

A Night Time Visitor by Swordsaint101

My incident took place in Athens, Alabama in a quiet rural home, on an otherwise normal street. I lived there with my ex, her mother, her sister, and her stepfather, as well as our collection of dogs. This house, though old, did not have any history of death or violence. Several times, earlier in...

Friendly Ghost by Nata1ieportman

I was very young when I started seeing things. I was probably around 6 years old I saw a man in my room. I only saw him once but heard him several times. A couple of years later I was sleeping with my mother and got up to go to the bathroom and heard people talking in a room nearby. I opened the doo...

Hooded Figure With Red Eyes by 5FDP

When I was younger, around 12 years old, my cousins moved in with me due to some family issues. They were all younger than me but there was about six of us including my sister. We decided it would be fun to try the old "Bloody Mary" legend. I never believed in that stuff nor did I know much about th...

Can "Resend or Else" Messages Be Real? by dark_wolf96

First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Christian and I am 15-years-old. Being a young teenager I know little, to nothing, about the paranormal other than what I research online. Also, I understand if my story seems... Uncredible but I would like you to hear me out. I am truly freake...

Afraid For My Daughter by Phuknoffn

My family and I have been in our house for six months now. Until this morning the only "experiences" that have happened have been by my wife which I have kind of disregarded and attributed to being in a new place. She says she has felt uncomfortable and seen a few fleeting shadows here and there. ...

Home Alone Horrors by JennyTee

I've experienced a few strange things before and I felt the urge to finally post something. I've been reading stories on this site for a while and only just begun to comment. This happened when I was a teen, and I've never forgotten it. A lot of strange things happened in that house. First of all...

The Haunted December by LizzyBoo

First off, I have lived in this house since I was around two. I am now nineteen and nothing weird had ever happened to me until last year. It only went on for three days for some reason, then stopped all together. The first night it started was in December. It had been snowing for the first time ...

The Cop Car by LizzyBoo

One night my mother and I were driving home from my grandmothers house. It was late (about eleven p.m.) and I was curled up in the passenger seat looking at the rear view mirror to watch the scenery pass by. We were driving on a country road with nothing but grass, ponds, old run down barns and tree...

Strange Happenings Down On The River by pokemonninjanerd

This is my haunting. My fiancé, his brother and his brother's friend are being attacked, haunted, tormented... Whatever you want to call it; by a malicious and evil spirit. This is a long story, but I really need help... Please read This story begins about a year and a half ago down on the river...

You Better Get It by 8baw

The only time so far that I have had a poltergeist try to physically harm me was at my friend Kayla's house. (read Kayla's House). I'm almost 21 now. And the most recent experience I had was back at the end of August when I stayed at my sisters house (actually trailer) to visit her and our nieces. ...

Kayla's House by 8baw

My best friend Kayla used to live in this 3 bed/2 bath house near my mom's house (this was 2 years ago now). It was an old house and looked a little creepy on the outside. Her house was haunted like my mom's. Well both of her parents argue a lot, smoke, and drink. Her mom knew that there were spirit...

The Shadow Man And Green Orb by 8baw

When I grew older at age 14, my uncle Tuffy and aunt Diane came to live with us for a little bit over the summer. (by this time my sisters and older brother had moved out) When they began living with us, during broad day light my mom, lil bro and I saw little white flashes of light throughout the ho...

My Hauntings In The Beginning by 8baw

Background information to better picture/understand my story: my parents are divorced and I lived with my mom at the time and the house we lived in was haunted-BEFORE I was born; I have 2 older half sisters, an older half brother and a younger full brother; all my life growing up I had heard people ...

Ghost Playing With Magnets by ktc96

Let me just say I'm young and this is not just my first expriance with a ghost. So I am going to tell you a little about myself. I'm 15 years old. I have had people in my life pass away. But this story right here I don't understand. For the past couple of weeks I have been babysitting my niece. Sh...

Hilarity In The Presence Of Fear by BriBri

This tale is a recounting of another experience I had this past Halloween. So for those of you that haven't read any of my stories yet I am a tad bit sensitive to spirits. I'm so used to paranormal activity that I'm actually very casual about it, unless it's necessarily violent. Even then I'll still...

Reminiscence Of A Past Long Concealed by BriBri

As I am waiting out this "Witches curse" that you can find out about by reading my earlier story, I've decided to pass time by recounting an earlier ghostly encounter I had experienced. Long ago when I was about 7, I lost my Grandmother to pancreatic cancer. Everyone in my family was upset, but ...

A Witches Curse by BriBri

A few weeks ago my friend Katie and her brother Patrick were talking to this new girl at school. She is a bit off, and is sort of a scene kid. Anyways they began talking about religion and the girl mentions that she is a witch. Patrick being the sceptical smartass he is begins to mock her beliefs. I...

Attachment To The Paranormal by BriBri

Ever since I was little I always felt an attachment to the paranormal. This feeling was intensified when the shade of my grandmother (I use to term shade to describe her appearance) tried to communicate with me through her makeup mirror. She was sitting in her rocking chair looking at me with a smil...

A Second Shift Poltergeist by MoonEcat

Everyone seems to have ghost stories about places old buildings they worked in and my job then was no exception. At the time, I was working the second shift (from 3 pm to 11:30) as a stock clerk in an electronics manufacturing plant. Soon after I had begun working that shift I began to experience so...

Dark Figure In Trenchcoat And Cowboy Hat by COWBOYJR85

So it was Oct 11th 2011. I am in my bed with my wife and 2 year old daughter. About 530 am. My alarm goes off. So I reach and turn it off and I turn and look to our doorway and there stands a dark figure. Now keep in mind that the bedroom is pretty dark. So this figure appears to be wearing a cowb...

Unwanted Intruder by LiviLovesYew1998

A few weeks ago, I was up at my Meemee (grandmother) 's house. My sister and my cousin where outside swimming while me Meemee watched them. I had been feeling really sick lately so I was just sitting inside watching TV. I had to go outside to take the phone to my Meemee. When I came back inside some...

Mystery Lights by LiviLovesYew1998

Before I tell the story, I would like to specify some things: my house is way far out from the road so I know this could not have been headlights. Also there was nothing in the yard that could have made a reflection such as this. One night I was sitting on the couch watching TV. My mom was in her ...

Black Figure Walks Down My Hall by KK78

I wouldn't call this experience super spectacular, but I want to share it for someone to tell me exactly what happened here. When I was younger, my family moved in with my MawMaw and PawPaw. When I was 5, my PawPaw passed away due to heart failure. Moving onto when I was 11, I was watching a movi...

My Mother's Paranormal Childhood by RomanZ

I am new to this site, so I'll try to tell this story to the best of my memory. There are three odd occurrences which my mother witnessed in her home. My Mother grew up in a small home in Alabama. The house was genuinely nice, and welcoming from the outside. It was one storey with a large back ...

Two Days Apart by desiraelovechild

So the other day, my boyfriend and I were at my dads appartment. We were alone (like we are every weekend). Well my dad went to work at about 2 and wouldn't be home until a little after 11. About 8:30, me and my boyfriend decide to go and take a shower. My dad lives in a 2 bedroom apartment. The bed...

Eight Years In That House by Chica22

Before I moved to Kansas, I used to live in Alabama. My grandparent's house was really strange, even though they ended up living there for eight years. I can still remember it perfectly, when you walked in the house you walked into the living room and if you looked to your left there was a hallway. ...

Incubus And Maybe Something Else by sleeplessmom

I am 32 years old. I have been having trouble sleeping at night and I don't know what to do. When I am lying in my bed awake I get a strange tingling sensation all over me. I look at the foot of my bed, and there is a black shadow, shaped as a man. He walks around to my head as I am lying there,...

Ghost Radar And EVPs by Rebelboy1987

It has been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I couldn't help but share these EVPs that my girlfriend and I captured while we were messing around with my recorder. She has this application on her phone that is called Ghost Radar. At first I thought it was ridiculous and was just some r...

3:15 Am Is My Worst Enemy by bt19863

My history of demons, satan, or just plain evil has been with me since 6 years old. Ever since I was a kid, when I lay down for bed it started with this fear of my ceiling. Where the wall and the ceiling met together. An uncontrollable feeling would come over me where I would become paralyzed head t...

Swift Blur by Silent_Observer

This story is not very extravagant in the least. However, it is genuine and I just wanted to share it, in case any like-minded individuals experienced any similar things and wanted to share their thoughts, opinions, etc. Alright, well I was visiting a friend of mine and after some time, we were hav...

Shady Things Out The Corner Of My Eyes by jasonbaker1337

Ever since I was a kid I have seen shadows move past the corners of my eyes. It always seems like people walking past me with demonic speed. I don't know what I can attribute to this and I only feel threatened by it occasionally. Sometimes I can see them longer than other times. But they are kind of...

A Stormy Night by wingwalker

When I was younger, back in the mid-seventies, my husband and I lived in an apartment complex. We were fairly well acquainted with the couple who lived above us. They were an attractive couple, but their relationship had been a volatile one to say the least. They fought constantly over any and every...

I Am Here To Tear Your Family Apart by CassidyW84

I am not a superstitious person and I am most certainly not a writer as you will see in my story. Up until my I was 23 I had never seen, heard or encountered anything out of the ordinary in my life. I would laugh when someone told me a "ghost story" because I could always explain things with science...

Sloss Furnace Apparition by Krimson95cenafan

My dad and I visited Sloss Furnace for a sight-seeing tour. I had my camera for pictures and videos. I have recently became interested in the paranormal after I watched many Ghost Adventures episodes. I saw where they had visited Sloss and I wanted to go as well mostly for sight-seeing but also for ...

Ghost In Our New House by Denice68

My family moved into a house 11 months ago that had just finished being built so we are the first people to live here. My Mom had the house built on a dirt road that has an old grave yard on it. I was a bit apprehensive about that, but I didn't mind it because I was excited about moving into a new h...

House In Dothan 2 by ironhide77

This is my second story and a continuation on the events that happened when my family and I lived in Dothan Alabama on Chadwick Cr. My wife and I have discussed more of the events that took place in that house since I submitted my last story and we remember a bit more that we would like to share. ...

House In Dothan by ironhide77

I believe in ghosts and I have seen a few and I would like to share what I have seen. I lived in Dothan Alabama for quite a few years before I finally escaped and moved to Maryland. My wife and I owned our house in Dothan and we loved it but it was I believe haunted. I won't say the exact address...

Mean Man Tried To Kick Me by wideawake

My 3.5 year old great niece came to visit in mid-June '10. Our electricity was out on a beautiful 100+ degree day. After playing with her in the pool I went to pick up some ice and drinks for everyone. Upon returning my Wife informed me that the little girl reported that "a mean man tried to kick me...

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