The following video is yet another captured EVP for your review. We will once again play the "What is it saying game"... The first thing that I am requesting is to let me know what you think it says. I put this on twice. The first one is unfiltered, straight off of the recorder. The second version that you will hear is using the minimum amount of noise filtering that I can, from the "Audacity" software. I apologize, this is a more "whispery" EVP than what I normally put on YGS. However, I think that it is fairly easy to discern what is being said.
My second request, is once you have figured out what it is says, let's start a discussion pertaining to the message in the EVP. I have a hard time trying to do my part from their request. I would love some feedback as to what others think on this topic.
This one was captured by my 10 year old daughter in a small cemetery on 03-10-2008. I believe the time was around 6 PM. Again, thanks for listening and let me know you interpretation and thoughts!