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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter P: Page 1
Pa Pah by Tuesdey
When I was 17, I traveled with my dad To Metter, GA during summer vacation to visit one of the family farms. About a year before my visit our Pa Pah passed away, leaving frequent proofs of his current existence. For example, my 3 year old cousin pointed out the window one morning shouting "Pa Pa!...
Pacheco Pass' Ghost In Black Robes by ccmerlin
Years ago driving back from Sacramento to Monterey I went over Pacheco Pass, and I saw a small car broken down on the side as I was coming down the hill. There were kids in the back seat playing under a sheet, and there was a lady on the passenger side with the door open. I felt bad for not stoppi...
Pactolus Ghost Light AKA The Stokes Light by Stuart Edwards
I have been going to Pactolus my entire life outside Greenville, NC. I recently caught what I believe to be a ghost light aka orb on video for 30 seconds at around 100 yards away. Catching this Ghost Light on video has changed my life. It makes me want to research every ghost light I have ever heard...
Padma's Experience by mangadanga
I have always appreciated and supported efforts taken by Mughda who was a very zealous volunteer for anti superstition groups before she married and settled outside India. She is aware of my interest in paranormal and have read most of the other incidents that I have narrated in various other forums...
Pagona: The Woman In The White Gown by SeaSparkzz
My mom cleaned houses when I was a kid and one particular house had an interesting ghost story that came to life for me. I had heard that a particular room upstairs was haunted. It was said that when a man slept in that room that he had "blood curdling nightmares"; however, women were unaffected. I ...
Pain by Hopeful23
A little note before I begin this story. It's rather long even with me splitting it up into two parts and I feel that this can't possibly be split up into three. This happened about a year or two ago and there were so many events that occurred. Everything in this story is true and every name in the ...
Pain 2 by Hopeful23
Not many days had passed since me and Alissa had tried the Ouija Board. I didn't know what she did with the Ouija Board and I didn't care. I had gone to the store with my mom to get some photos from a disposable camera developed after I discovered it in a drawer. The camera contained photos from a c...
Pain Has Faded, Touches Return by triden07
To all readers, new and accustomed to my stories, this is about the 2 guardian spirits in my home, Gran and Charlie. After going through recovery from my operation in November, I had really started missing being able to feel Charlie or Gran with me, instead of just hearing them make little noises...
Painted Rose Petals by Delilah
I was twelve years old when my grandfather passed away. I remember growing cold when I heard the news, so cold I had to put on every sweater I owned though it was a hot Florida summer day. I spent the next few days in a fog, barely seeing or hearing anything until the funeral. The one bright poin...
Pakyong by Bhava
My name is Vaibhav and I am from Sikkim. This is a real experience of mine with the supernatural. In Sikkim there is a place called Pakyong, where a catholic school is located. I studied there for five years staying at school hostel. Our hostel was a three storeyed horizontal building. The f...
Palace Of Westminster by gjs1967
Being a serving police officer, I'm usually quiet sceptical when it comes to farfetched stories. But as this happened to me twice, I can't discount it as my imagination or being overtired. After a long shift with on 7 hours before the next one started, I decided to stay over at work. We have a ba...
Pale Faced Man With A Scar by ghostgirl445
What I am about to write about is something I thought I would never experience. My parents and my two brothers had gone to the store and I decided to stay home and get my homework done. While I was doing my homework I suddenly heard a loud slam which sounded like my family had returned home so I...
Panchami by evilmonster
I am back with another one of my strange experiences -- this one occurred around 2-3 months ago. I had been having a lot of dreams where I would be hunted by people or sometimes by other things and one of those dreams led to this strange event/situation. This dream originally started out just like a...
Pap Doesn't Approve by monicar
In July 2011, I took my 17-year-old son Nick to West Virginia for my dad's 60th birthday. Nick does tattoos so, yes, he made some money at his own tattoo party we had for him. My pap, Paul Ray McCord, passed back in 2000. He always said for us grandkids not to tattoo his name on us. My older bro...
Pap Gives Me a Sign by Papsangel
I recently wrote a story about my grandfather's ghost that my mother had told me. Now I believe I had my own experience. On Monday 4/16/07 at about 4 am I was standing in my kitchen. It was a week and one day before my step father Carl died. He had something on tv but I wasn't sure what though. I wa...
Pap Pays a Visit by Papsangel
This story is about my grandfather's ghost. A week ago, on Easter after dinner, my mother, myself, and her friend Lisa began discussing ghosts. My mother said that about four years ago, around the anniversary of my grandfather's death, she began to see things. She saw a figure with no face, wearing ...
Papa by haleybug
My family has always had this problem. We can see and hear things that shouldn't be there. When I was very young my mom, sister, and myself lived in a small two bedroom house, it was always pretty creepy. At night I always had trouble falling asleep (I still do). Well later at night I would hear thi...
Papa And Freya by The_Puffin
This event occurred over the course of several months. Being in the military I had moved to Kansas the year prior and decided to change houses when my first rental home's lease ran out. We found a house that was slightly smaller than the one we had been in before, less yard, but in a quiet stree...
Papa And My Family by abelievermetalfan
I want to start this off with my own background. I am not a religious person, most would consider me to be an Agnostic, but I more personally identify myself with the overall concept of Deism. I am really the only member of my family with this set of beliefs, which has alienated me in a way. Because...
Papa? by nosidaM
My story is brief, the reason for posting it is to see if this has happened to anyone else. This took place when I was around 12 or 13 years old. And really only just came to me now that I have been on this site reading many peoples' experiences. My parents and I went away every year at Christmas...
Papa's Ghost by Ijuannie93
This occurred right after I graduated from high school in 1992 and yet still when I'm telling this story, I get emotional. Right after graduation, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so upset with myself and depressed thinking I ruined my life. I was accepted to go to Howard University and due to...
Papa's Love by bette31
Some of you have read my previous stories regarding my "Granny" and "Papa". After my granny was diagnosed with the mid body cancers (lungs, bone, stomach), she decided to have a porta cath put in to start chemo. We were in the waiting room for hours, watching the clock, waiting for a doctor to co...
Papa's Warning by tricia889
My grandfather died of heart related problems when I was 13. I was devastated by his passing, and didn't really know how to morn. I kept talking to him, (still do), kept him in my prayers and tried to move on. Some time after he died, I dreamt of him. He was wearing a blue suit (I've never seen him ...
Papaw Is That You by dreamergal72
September 7, 2004 I was thirty. I had just gone sleep that night so I Don't know if its dream that he visited me that night; just to talk and such. He is my mother's father who was a very strict and good man, also a very strong Christian and a very good husband to my mamaw and his children and grand...
Paper Money Mystery by sunsetsphere
I had second thought whether to contribute or not to this website because I have neither seen a ghost nor experienced popularly scary encounters. At this age however, I have experienced and witnessed several paranormal occurrences which began, not when I was young, but during my early thirties. Th...
Parallel Dimension by ravishingdevil
My name is Ravish, I'm from Bhopal capital of madhya pradesh. This incident took place ten years back maybe in 2005 and until date I haven't found any answer what actually happened with me and my friend. It happened like this one summer evening my friend Ankit came to my place like everyday. We c...
Paralysed by iCleopatrah
My name is Jess and I am a 13 year old girl. My story happened about a month or two ago and I thought I would share my experience. It was about one in the morning and I was sleeping on my back. I woke up to find myself unable to move. My eyes were closed and my mouth clamped shut. My mums r...
Paralysis by kunwarkh
I am 21, from Delhi, India, currently pursuing my Chartered Accountancy and working with one of the top accounting firms of the world. In my life I have had three paranormal experiences. The one I am going to tell you about through this post happened just over a year ago. I live with my mother a...
Paralysis Demons by Mandybooh
I am scared to death. I have had paralysis since I was 14. It has gotten worse in the past 4 months. I am a Christian woman. I was saved at the age of 17. Things have been good until lately. I will be in bed and I'll know when it's going to happen because I'll hear this noise in my ear, like somethi...
Paralysis Sleep And The Voices From My Head by j3s13jess
This is the first time when I publish my story on an website, please excuse my English, I don't know it very well. The reason why I am actually do this is because I am looking for some answers. How to begin... So it all started when I was eleven. It was morning and suddenly I felt trap in my bod...
Paralysis, Spiralling Falling, Shaking Bed, Orb, Smoke by vegas101
I recall having sleep paralysis when I was younger many years ago but cannot recall the nature of it just remembered the feeling from a couple of recent experiences that I have had... I have had two experiences within the last two months... I am a 25 year old male; I live in a town called Rotorua in...
Paralyzed by chop_suzie
When I was 16 years of age in my house in Abilene, Kansas. I was lying awake in bed late one night recapping the day's events in my head. Yet when I tried to roll over onto my side I could not move at all except for my eyes. I was just flat on my back paralyzed with just the ceiling to look at. My b...
Paralyzed & Scared by Sykai
II am 24 year old, I just want an understanding of it all, and it's been in the back of my mind ever since it happened. This happened two years ago, when I went to my partner's parent¡¯s house to meet them for the first time. We were in bed together sleeping, I had a dream, which started very trib...
Paralyzed Awake by gmar
I've been living in the same house for five years, in those five years a lot of paranormal things have happened, different doors opening fully and slamming shut while the doors had been previously closed fully. An unwelcome "guest" sits on my sister's bed across the room I sleep day or night. You ca...
Paralyzed In Bed While Conscious by drummerdimitri
Let me first start my story by telling you people that I am an empiricist and do not believe in things I cannot perceive with my senses, so ghosts and spirits don't really appeal to me. I am only writing this story to share my experience with people who have experienced similar ones. Ok so I decided...
Paralyzed in Bed While my Father Sees Me in His Room by leo
I have had many experiences but this by far was the most scary and real. I was in bed sleeping on a hot summers night - suddenly I woke for no apparent reason, I could hear this creaking going around my bed then slowly but surely, it felt as if something was sitting on my chest, it felt as if my sou...
Paralyzed, Dragged & Whispering by manxgirl
The latest experience freaked me out, but I'll mention the first one. I've always found an interest in spirits and ghosts, I wanted to do the Ouija board but my mum won't let me after her experiences with her friend and advice given from her church, so I'm off the idea for now. Anyway my first pa...
Paralyzing Fear by jehle
Last year in 2011 I got ready for bed like I normally would have, and I fell asleep like normal too. In the middle of the night there was this noise in my ears that sounded like when you put your hand over your ears. I opened my eyes and all of the sudden a hand pushed my face down into my pillow. W...
Paramedic - Creepy Doa by Vmarie123
I'm posting this here because I've had a few stories that I can't explain and I don't know who else to tell without sounding crazy. I am a paramedic in a busy city. I am typically one of two paramedics on the overnight- 6pm -6am. About two weeks ago, I went to a call for a cardiac arrest (dead p...
Paranoia Or Paranormal? by DeviousAngel
I'm glad that I got so many responses to my previous few stories and so many people were helpful with their opinions and insight. With that said, I wanted to ask everyone what they think about a few things that have started occurring around my house. Am I just suffering from some kind of paranoia, o...
Paranoia Or Was This Really My Uncle's Spirit? by supernatural_princess
My story starts of at my uncle's house who recently passed away. Me and my family went of a day after he passed away... Everything was normal nothing much happened except talking about good memories of my uncle. Now fast forwarding to the time I was about to use the bathroom, which is kind of in the...
Paranoid? by ambo137
Here are a few odd experiences I have had. They've always freaked me out and I'm not really a strong believer of ghost or the supernatural. But, because of my mum, I am quite superstitious although not entirely sure where I really stand on those kinds of things. - When I was about 9 or 10, I use...
Paranormal Activitiy After My Mother Used A Voodoo Doll by luke77
We've been dealing with paranormal problems since my mother used a voodoo doll in 2010. There are ten people in our 3 bedroom trailer: five adults, five kids. Thankfully the kids haven't been messed with. At first it was just little things, stuff disappearing, seeing things out of the corner of ...
Paranormal Activity by jwhitfi
I just wanted to share some things that have been going on my house with people that I knew would appreciate it. Before I start let me give you some background info. My family and I live in a very Historic Town in Central Virginia called Fredericksburg. It's really big on all of the civil war battle...
Paranormal Activity And ESP by WTVick
I never really thought about the paranormal as a child. Now that I'm 24 years old and have experienced paranormal events I look back and have to reconsider exactly what happened to me as a child. I was horrified of the dark and had plenty of nightmares consisting of the infamous boogeyman. We've liv...
Paranormal Activity Appearing To Follow My Son by klseitz26
My son is 17. I am quite worried about him as I realized two nights ago he is really at the end of his rope. Since the age of 6 he has been having night time difficulties. I did not know this but he had nightmares about our previous home, nightmares about the other side of the house. Not knowing thi...
Paranormal Activity At A Poultry Farm by discerninguser
This story concerns my friend Hemant and goes back to those times when we had not met. At that time, he was newly married and very keen on having his own business rather than working for somebody else. Therefore he had tried his hand at several ventures such as opening a collection agency, running a...
Paranormal Activity Child 2 Years Old by maricoetzee37
My grandson is 2 years and 3 months. It all started after a suicide in the family, first things would randomly just fall over or off the table. First the TV would switch itself on, the decoder for satellite TV would be off, but TV would be on and satellite TV channel would be on children's channel, ...
Paranormal Activity Experienced By My Family by sushantkar
Recently I have some serious health problem. I have a cardiac arrest on 22nd November 2014 and I was admitted in the hospital for more than a week. Still I am on bed rest but I am recovering from it smoothly. Since I was hospitalize for more than a week, in my absence my mother and my two brother...
Paranormal Activity Has Recently Picked Up by hales3
I haven't updated in years! I have so many new stories, so many new experiences. I will briefly summarize and get into detail later, you can email me for more info about a certain one if you'd like. So, usually paranormal activity in my life picks up dies down randomly. Lately, things have picked ...
Paranormal Activity In My Bedroom by Lost_memory
Where to start? I'm an optimistic when it comes to the paranormal, I'd like to believe that there's an afterlife. Nevertheless, my mam, on the other hand, believes that there's something, and my dad believes there's nothing. Often when the family is together we watch paranormal TV with medians and m...
Paranormal Activity In School by FearMeNot3000
Hi, I'm a 17-year-old senior high school student who lives in the Province of Leyte, Philippines. When our teacher dismissed our class at 5 p.m., I went with a few of my classmates to the school gymnasium to practice for our class presentation. It was quite dark in there, so we asked the security to...
Paranormal Activity In The 70's by reincarnation
I have experienced strange phenomena throughout my whole life. I was born in 1962 in San Diego. My parents had always been into paranormal and supernatural phenomena. When I was about 13 years old they got a Ouija board. They used it right away and had much fun doing so. I don't know exactly wha...
Paranormal Activity? by ljh1992
I have been coming to this site for a few weeks now and I would like some help making sense of some experiences I have had! When I was really young (probably about 5?) I shared a room with my sister, we had bunk beds and I was on the bottom bunk. I remember waking up one night and seeing a black...
Paranormal And Pregnant by Smartini13
So up until today I have wrote off all this as a coincidence. I am in my second trimester of pregnancy. We tried for years to get pregnant and lost multiple babies along the way. Since becoming pregnant, there have been a lot of weird things that make me think paranormal activity is happening. After...
Paranormal Attack On Family Members by SoliK
This happened to some family members of mine recently while they were visiting my aunt and uncle in Mexico. I might've mentioned that my dad passed away this past spring and while he died in the U.S. He was buried in Mexico, his home country. At my aunt's home he had his own bedroom where he or our ...
Paranormal Awakening by GirlSixteen
My sister is two years older than me, and we shared a room until I was eleven. My sister is sensitive and when she was about eight she woke and saw our uncle (who had died) walk into our room and try to talk to her, he said he had something important to tell her, but she was very scared. He then ask...
Paranormal Encounter On Beach by nishad72
This incident happened with me around 5 years ago. During summer vacation I visited my native place Achara village which lies in the beautiful konkan region. Achara has an untouched and beautiful beach and the region is blessed with abundant of forest. In our native house my grandfather's brother...
Paranormal Encounter With Multiple Entity's by JoeO213
I was with my good friend, now best friend of 8 years. We went out to go for a walk to our other friends house to pick something up. We had left my house around 2 A.M. While we were walking it was very quiet and dark, almost "too quiet and dark" no street lights or anything on, also we were surround...
Paranormal Encounters by Jellybean112911
Some things I should start off saying are 1) my great-great- grandmother was psychic. She told people many things and people thought it was a coincidence until she was pregnant with my great- grandmother. She became ill, but the doctors said she was fine so no one listened to her. She told them she ...
Paranormal Encounters In Gettysburg by GingerRead
In August of 2007, I traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with my mother, brother and sister for a weekend in order to visit the renowned historic sites and learn more about the town's many supernatural occurrences. We attended a series of tours to learn more about the town's outstanding history and...
Paranormal Encounters In Gettysburg Part 2 by GingerRead
During our second night in Gettysburg, I met with my brother and sister and together we strolled through the fields to occupy some time before another tour. Our second tour lasted for about three hours, in which we were informed of a few encounters past tourists claimed they allegedly experienced. O...
Paranormal Encounters In Gettysburg Part 3 by GingerRead
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is a destination of very high interest among paranormal researchers and enthusiasts due to record high instances of claims regarding otherworldly activity. My family and I were among the many others who claim to have seen and heard remnants from the town's disturbing history...
Paranormal Encounters In My Neighborhood by Scaarvii
These are just a few things that I think might be paranormal. This happened in the same house I live in now. My mother was watching a horror with my family, I was asleep upstairs, so was one of my brothers. The other three family members were in the living room. After a while, they heard a knoc...
Paranormal Entity In Upstate Ny by JohnBurve45
It was a normal Monday evening and I met up with my friend how I usually do. However, instead of playing video games we had decided to go out and explore an old abandoned building near one of our houses. We had been there before in the past so we knew our way around pretty well. Once we got there ...
Paranormal Entity? Mulitiverse? Or Both? by Ominousone
I purchased a house over a year ago which was in a dilapidated state when purchased. As such, I spent the first year or so only doing landscaping and general cleaning. Needing to commit more time to the project, the wife and I decided to stay there, it was livable, just not the most luxurious. (The ...
Paranormal Events Follow Me: Am I Personally Haunted? by Watchful
All my life, I have seen/experienced things most people don't. I know that sounds overused and expected, but please hear me out. When I was growing up, I lived in a trailer bought by my parents. Other than negativity generated by my biological father (who was an alcoholic, drug-abusing, paranoid sc...
Paranormal Experience by alinvan
I've had three strange experiences in my aunt's house in Fife, Scotland. The first time which was about 12 years ago. I was in bed reading, and my mind was as far from ghosts as anything, didn't really believe in them, when suddenly a creepy feeling came over me, like there was someone in the roo...
Paranormal Experience In A Dream Come True? by DeviDevil
My name is Shruthi and I'm 16 years of age and the paranormal experience that I'm going to share may not be paranormal because I'm not sure, so that's why I'm here to share my story to maybe find out. This incident happened in 2015, when I was sleeping in my house. During my sleep I got a frightenin...
Paranormal Experience In My House by JBrophy92
My name is Josh, I'm 21, and have lived in the same home my entire life. I live with my family which consists of my mother, father, brother, sister and my grandma from my mom's side, who actually owns the house. The is located in a modest suburban neighborhood in Long Island, New York. Throughout...
Paranormal Experience Of My Grandma by amit1807
I am narrating a para-normal matter experienced by my maternal grandmother. As a kid, I used to stay with my maternal grandparents during summer holidays because both my parents used to work. Even during the days when I used to go to school, I used to come to my maternal grandparents' home after ...
Paranormal Experience Or Paranoid Experience? Part 2 by Blizzards_Echo
Just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update. If you read my other story, you know the strange things that have been happening to me. If you haven't read my other story, then, please take a look at it and comment. The other night, after reading some stories on this website, I decided to try d...
Paranormal Experience Since Feb 2013 Part 1 by Pragya
To begin with I must share that I am a tarot reader since I was 14 years old. I have always felt myself sensitive to energies around me. This includes people and the vibes they give to me. What I am going to share with you have happened since February. The last experience I had was on 19th May 2013....
Paranormal Experience Since Feb 2013 Part 2 by Pragya
I will now continue with the next series of incidents. As I told in my last story that I literally stopped sleeping in my house. I would go to my aunty's house at night and would come back early morning. However, after 4 days of the last incident, another incident happened but in broad daylight. ...
Paranormal Experience, Or Paranoid Experience? by Blizzards_Echo
To begin, I have read quite a few stories on this site, and I decided to submit my own, just to see if anyone might be able to enlighten me. My father passed away in July of this year, after a one and a half year battle with cancer. He was in and out of treatment from January of 2013, until aroun...
Paranormal Experiences by Amihet
The first time that I experienced the paranormal occurred when I was 13 years of age to roughly 21. We lived in an old Victorian house and on many occasions myself and my brother would hear a young girl crying. On one occasion while sitting on my bed reading while my cat sat beside me, I heard a g...
Paranormal Experiences As A Child by KatieBear
I have a few stories of small encounters that I thought I would share. All of these happened when I was a child, and some I remember as young as 4 or 5. When I was little, I would often see, hear, and even do things I cannot explain. There were times I would hear my name being called, sometimes ...
Paranormal Experiences At My Grandma's House by kittenglasses
When I was born, I lived with my dad, mom and grandma in my grandma's house in Chowchilla, CA. This town is notorious for gangs, shootings, and plenty of "crazies" as the locals called them. This story is not about them, but I figured I should establish that first. I will be writing in this account ...
Paranormal Experiences In Bristol, England by Flowerpot87
I would like to share a few experiences I have had over the years. In my life I have lived in 5 different houses; 2 have had no kind of activity whilst 3 have been very active indeed. My first experience with the paranormal was when I was 7 years old. My parents sent me to a local Sunday school-...
Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences by the22centuryboi
This would be my first post here. I am a true to heart sceptic and haven't seen enough proof firsthand to conclude the existence of absolute good or bad. With that said, I do try my best to elicit a response from the other world or other plane of energy, or the other dimension. Until today I still h...
Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences - Part 2 by the22centuryboi
It seems like forever since I wrote my first post. For anybody who wants to read my first post please check my profile. I would suggest you read that post before you read this. Assuming you guys have read the first post, I am going to continue from where I left off in the first post. The last pa...
Paranormal Experiences Related To Mind-altering Drug Usage? by alexandrapr369
I stayed living in Puerto Rico for maybe 5 more years after my experiences from my last post stopped. And even the first 3 years that I moved here to San Francisco, CA I did not experience anything paranormal. Until I noticed that, after I started having a regular meditation practice and also got a ...
Paranormal Experiences Run In My Family by Zeno_ama
First day first story. Allow me to first say that paranormal experiences run in my family, each of us has had numerous experiences, but this one has me a little confused. In my home there is one hall with all the rooms in it, most located on the side but one particular one (which is now mine) is a...
Paranormal Experiences Starting At Age 15 by kadens_23
I am a 31 year old mother of three. I'm hoping someone can give me advice or insight into some of what I've been experiencing. I've had paranormal experiences starting at age 15. I didn't think it was a big deal but whatever it is has followed me across states and to several different places of resi...
Paranormal Experiences: More As I Age? by lee45022
Growing up I never thought much of ghosts or, in general, the paranormal. As a child there were a few occasions but I never thought much of it, until years later when I met my old best friend in high school. Let's call this old best friend K. K was very attuned with the paranormal. She would alwa...
Paranormal Experiences? by Anomius
Greetings reader, I am quite new to this website but I like to share my personal experiences I've had regarding the paranormal. First something about myself. I am currently 20 years old and I've lived my entire live in a small village near the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands, which is also ...
Paranormal Experiences? Or Something Else? by NickyCharmed
Five years ago, when I was eight years old, I lived in an apartment (let's call it the Saticoy apartment). It was the only apartment from the whole the whole building that had a bar. My dad loved this fact. The first time we moved in, I had an odd feeling about the house but I ignored it. I thought ...
Paranormal For Years by Ibelieveheshere
My Daddy's death and the hooded figure - It was 1990 and I was living in a trailer. My parents were divorced and I was in the room where I could watch TV and do my homework at the same time. I was 17 that the time. It was evening after supper. I was feeling something was not right but couldn't p...
Paranormal Haunting And Evp Spirit Voice Recording by yellowhouse
For several months our seven year old neighbor girl has been saying that a man has been coming into her room at night. The man has communicated with her. He seems obsessed that he doesn't like the light. She said he has been shot in the head. There is no particular time that he visits her, although ...
Paranormal Healing? by beavis
I have many stories, one of which I am (almost) dying to share... But I will write that next time. This happened while I was in a pub known as ' the angel inn ', which is not to far from London, south side of London. Addington I think to be precise. A beautiful pub, the place I had undertaken my...
Paranormal House by kmarie
So, I have already submitted a story once before and would love to thank everyone who commented on it! You all have helped me understand what is going on a little bit more. But anyway, to get to the point, I have since experienced other paranormal activity in the house I am living in now. My fat...
Paranormal House? by Ghost_Girl1993
In my neighborhood there is a house. Looking at it, there's no damage, no horrible thing like broken windows or anything. The house itself is really cute. I always feel fine when I'm looking at it from a distance. The second I get to the edge of the yard or driveway, however, I feel sick. I get ...
Paranormal Influence Or Just A Coincidence? by ghost_fanatic2011
A few years ago, I was dating this guy, who is a devout Christian. I never really thought too much about religion, and I still sort of kind of don't but he and I talked about it, and I began to question the whole Christianity religion. I used to sleep all day and stay up all night so my experienc...
Paranormal Investigation by SirAader
The Following is not completely a personal experience but a legend that I have had a part in investigating. Year (s): 1995-2003 Location: Tifton Type of Entity: T-2 (tier two minimum danger) Case File: Alpha 0111 Lead Resarcher: Josh Barnes Type of Investigation: Roaded Ghost Time of Inves...
Paranormal Life by UndeadExplorer
Since I was young I have had some strange and even movie like encounters. If you can imagine a movie where the kid looks out the window and sees a boy and decides to go after the boy? That's what happened to me several times when I was younger. The odd thing is that I don't believe it is my house th...
Paranormal Life Just Got A Bit More Active by CDubber
My story begins practically right from when I was born. My whole family is very spiritual and a majority of them are psychic or have had paranormal encounters. First of, I'll start by saying all of these events have occurred in various places, as my family and I tend to move around a lot but all...
Paranormal Life Just Got A Bit More Active 2 by CDubber
In order to fully understand this I suggest you also read my story 'Paranormal Life Just Got a Bit More Active' I forgot to mention that my family has also become extremely sick and more prone to any sort of Health related issues since we moved into our current home. I'm honestly not sure whethe...
Paranormal Maybe Not? by MissyM
My Mother's house as I explained in my previous story is quite old. This story is about the cellar of the old house. My Mother's cellar can't be accessed from inside the house. There's an old wooden sliding door at the back of the barn house that enters into the dirt floor cob webbed walls of he...
Paranormal Or Hallucination? by bytheriver
For starters, I feel that it's important that I give a small synopsis on me and my past life before recounting this experience. I am 20 years young and a recovering addict - and have now been clean for over 15 months. I started using young and used a wide variety of substances but preferred indulgin...
Paranormal Or My Mind Playing Tricks? by ashleyzk
Let me start out by saying this is my first story and I am a 14 year old girl. About a month or 2 ago I have started seeing a black spot or dot every time I'm in my hallway passing my brother's room. The black spot is round and it seems to be about 5 inches wide. It always shows up in my brother's ...
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