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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 101
Clearing Out A Young Ghost by byron
I am a psychic and medium. I can hear, smell, and see quite well in my mind's eye. I am having a problem in clearing out a young ghost named Michael and a few men, one mainly named Patrick. I have asked them all to go to the light. And they won't. I have burnt out my house with sage, put camphor by ...
Recent Strange Happenings by Blaqwynter
This really isn't a story, but more of something that recently has been going on... I moved into this apartment building Nov 1st. Everything was fine up until this past week. I have dealt with ghosts in the past, and know for a fact that its not from this building. I brought in my ex's ashes int...
The Walls Have Voices by SpiritKid
So this story happened...Eh...About 3 years ago. I had 2 of my friends spend the night. Back then we were looking at anything as a challenge so, we decided to head to the back room/storage room which is where the connection/opening is for the electricians and that stuff for the to get into the walls...
The Walmart Ghost by Kryodrache
I'm going to start off my story with this: the very LAST place I expected to see anything paranormal was in a public corporate store. Up until this point, I had only ever caught vague glimpses... Never enough to warrant a story to. I think perhaps the most intriguing was the time I stepped into a gi...
The Beast At Lake Merril by AndreaRC
This story isn't actually my own personal experience but is a story that I'm posting on behalf of my dad (he's not internet savvy but wanted to share this when I told him about the site). It was a few years ago, he and my uncle were driving up to a place called Lake Merrill in the mountains across ...
City Lights And Strange Sights by AndreaRC
So this is another one that I've been meaning to post and figure out, though again it seems to have more to do with parascience than the paranormal. When I was in 5th grade, we lived across from my bestfriend in a small cul-de-sac neighborhood on the outermost point of Gresham, near what locals cal...
A Gorilla? by Fergie
The first thing that struck me, that day, as we entered the deserted premises' of Robinson Married Quarters, was the number of newly-dead ducklings. Pathetic little bundles of yellow fluff dotted all over the back yard. I was at once, dismayed to see this dismal sight. My friend from next door was ...
This Is My Life by crazy13lark
I'm writing this because I've done everything else and this seems like a last resort if you know what I mean. Basically my life revolves around ghosts and I-can't-identify-wtf-you-are things. If you have read my prior story which I do recommend you read, you will see that for as long as I can rememb...
My Grandma, My Angel by Chica22
My grandma was a kind woman with a kind heart. We were very close and when she was diagnosed with cancer in September of 2010, I tried so hard to be with her every second that I could. She fought very hard but ended up passing away in October of 2011. On the day she passed I was sitting in class whe...
Strange Experience by XxTwistedAngelxX
This is my first voilent ghost experience. The other night I was trying to get to sleep. It was about 12:00AM and I suddenly felt really cold. This was a little surprising as, even though I have a cold, I had a thick dressing gown on and a water bottle with me. Then I leaned so I could itch my back....
The Hooded Shadow Figure by sord0111
I grew up with my Grandmother and Mother in a little blue house right near the ocean. While I was growing up we had a neighbor named Ray. Ray was a really nice and generous guy who helped us in many ways, like caring for a baby kitten we had taken in and could not care for because of my Grandmother'...
Noises In My Room by Bure
It was a hot summer night in my town (near Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). I was alone at my home - my dad, sister and mom went to Ostrog (a monastery/holy place) in Montenegro. My family and 99% of population in my town follows Christian Orthodox religion. I (being an atheist) refused to go with...
A Shadow Cat Is Seen by InsidiousFaery
I have read many posts regarding people experiencing the unexplained with Animal forms and I am sharing this because I have experienced something of that same nature. It was around 12:00-12:30 in the morning about 2 years ago. I was sitting on my front porch relaxing gazing at the moon when I saw ...
The Short Story Of My Life by PatientListener
I'm new to this website and after reading many stories decided it's time to post my own. So here goes... When I was about four, we moved from our old house from where my parents say I would frequently be "attacked" by my imaginary friend I called "The Man." You can read more about him on my profile...
While They Were Gone by D-Bautista
This was my first possible encounter with the paranormal, happening when I was still in elementary school. The house to the right of mine had been vacant for some months after its owners left. This had been the second time that my neighbors move out during the time I've lived next to that house. Eve...
Hotel Del Coronado by CaliforniaSpooks
So of course, as soon as I post my first and only experience with the paranormal, I have another encounter... I went and stayed at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego this past weekend with my family. This hotel is famous for hauntings, especially from the ghost of a lady named Kate Morgan. My famil...
Who Made That Whispering Sound by ScaredNicky
My name is Nikki and I am 25. This is my first horror experience that I am sharing on this site. The incident I am writing about happened when I was 20 and doing my engineering in the outskirts of a town 350km away from my home city. I couldn't afford the institute's own hostel, so I was staying in ...
The Room On The Other Side Of Reality by BenjaminCreech
My name's Ben. I'm 22 years old and I live in Albert Lea, MN with my parents and two ghosts. I've already submitted a story under the name hauntee describing my experiences in this house. That was atleast a year ago and I haven't had anything to add since. Nothing new has happened. Until now. I thi...
I Thought He's Gone Already by scarletnine
First of all, before I start telling you my story, I would like to remind you to read my first story if you haven't yet... There's a connection with the story I will tell you. Now, I am 16 years old. The first story I posted was when I was still 14 or 15. Since it was posted in 2010, I guess it's be...
Tales From The Motor City 2 by walksthroughshadows
In the fall of 2007 I decided that I'd done enough research into the paranormal and it was time I got out into the feild to do some serious work. I had done some looking around and I had gotten in touch with a local paranormal group that was kind enough to take the time to give me a "trial run" of s...
Ride Of The Valkyries by CF
Over the past few days, I gained some useful information. Since the entity was picked up at the castle Neuchwanstein, the possibility arose that the entity could be a valkryie. 'Mad' King Ludwig, as people call him, based a lot of Neuchwanstein's rooms on his favourite musician, Wagner. One of h...
Creepy Jewelry Box Music by Ashley1985
Yesterday, my mother went to the hospital because she has had complications from a surgery she had. I was upset about it and looked at a photograph of my parents after I got off the phone with my family. My father passed away several years ago. As I looked at the photo I thought... I hope he is with...
Things On The Stairs by hanna1460105
My aunt got a new house about a month or so ago, and I went to spend the night. She has three kids, all of which I am very close with. Well, I was passing the stairway to the kitchen (That's the layout of the house, they made the stairway like part of the wall to the kitchen), and as I pass by I thi...
Picklebean Hollow by Mreaglesfan127
Back where I used to live, there was a hollow named "Picklebean Hollow". It was named after my Great Great Grandpa named Francis Hatfield (AKA Picklebean) who was very well liked and respected. Now this story dosen't have really anything to do with Francis but with the hollow instead. I'm told a...
The Aaah Voice by Yoshian12
This is my first story on this site. I am a new member here. Now, I will tell you my story. I remember hearing it and I have heard it going on since August 2009. I would hear this voice go "aaaaahhhhhh" and it sounded like a mans voice whispering. I only heard it whenever it was quiet for a while...
Maybe A Succubus? by MattyDude2009
This is the second story I have written for this website. This story is about me when I was 14. I have had experiences in the past regarding the spiritual realm, never had anything so significant though. On a daily basis, my sister used to always bring my dog into bed with me (she doesn't like it wh...
Chained To My Closet by Kolchak
It started when I was about ten. I lived in a house in Arkansas. I don't know if there was anything that might have triggered the experience, but I certainly didn't do anything. I was walking into my basement to get something (I can't remember what) when I felt a chill and had a feeling that someon...
Bainskloof Ghosts by anneke8
In South-Africa, in the Western Cape, there is a mountain called Bainskloof. Bainskloof has a very steep pass for trafic, called Bainskloof Pass. On the one side of the pass is the mountain, on the other side, only a very very steep cliff, with the Bainskloof river at the bottom. Many accidents happ...
Multiple Experiences by iiKissYew
Being that its hard to find a chance on here to submit my stories, I'm going to do a few of my biggest encounters, I had an old account on here and one of my stories was 'Hockey Boy' if your interested about reading it. Just last year I got up to get ready for school, normal, and I went downstairs...
Attack Avoided by Mykah
I've had many ghostly events happen to me since I was a very little child, and unfortunately most of them were malevolent or had the intent of scaring me (successfully, I might add). So it should come as no surprise, that I have struggled with standing my ground when something supernatural happens n...
Ben Strike's Again by JessicaWishon1989
If you have read my Previous stories, You can see that I have one gifted baby brother. Ben, has been encountering things of other realms since well... Birth! It's been awhile since I wrote a story. But my ex and I are no longer together. I am with my current husband to be, Charles. And we live ...
Ghostly Bark by sand_dragon
This took place shortly after my beloved dog, Zoey, passed away due to cancer. I had my first experience after a very long day of school. Normally when I get home, I hear the sound of Zoey's tags jingling. But all I heard was my other dog, Baily. I had gone to let Baily out to go pee. I stood out...
The Fleece, York by Simplyghostnights
It had been sometime since the Simply Ghost night's team had visited The Golden Fleece, and on our last visit there we had been royally entertained by the spirit world, would the spirit world once again entertain us with their activity, in a nutshell yes. This was by far the most active occasion we ...
My Grandma's House by pilz-e1
Since I live in my grandma's house I cannot really make decisions on what happens in the house. I have talked with my mom about cleansing the house and she wants to do it but wants everyone out of the house first. This is hard since I do online school and so does my little brother, Jacob and we are ...
Where It Began In Earnest by Csprstrykpr
I am a natural skeptic, don't trust much of what I read or hear but all that changed for me in the summer of 1998. My ghost experiences all began at my work place. The Biotech firm I work for, whom I shall keep nameless as I do not have their permission to use their name, moved. It was the hotest...
The Dead Live by Subtle_Poetics
There is rarely a more traumatic time in one's life, than when they bear witness to the decline and eventual extinguishing of the life of a loved one. This horror is greater still when the soul who is passing happens to be your own mother. This morbid situation was the grim but true reality for m...
Strange Experiences In The House by Mhannerism
I've been a reader here in this website for a year or two because I love ghost stories but it doesn't mean that I believe in ghosts of any kind. I just find it entertaining to read. This is my first time to post here because I badly need an answer. I don't know if this is paranormal I'm experiencing...
Uninvited Guest by bigryan020192
This experience occurred in September '11, I was at my cousins wedding and after the service we went to this really old really beautiful grand building dating back to the Edwardian period. The evening was well on its way, the alcohol was flowing and the music was playing and people dancing. After ...
Sleep Paralysis And A Demon Rabbit Cat Thing by Suzy711
I had experienced sleep paralysis one night. My whole body shook like a shiver almost and I was completely paralyzed. I was on my back and I never usually open my eyes because I always know there is something there in my room like and evil presence. For some reason my eyes forced themselves open and...
The Lay-away Ghost by shellzy
I recently read a story on this site about an experience somebody had with a ghost in Wal-mart. This made me think of an experience that I have had with a ghost in a department store so I thought I would share my story. I live in Australia, and funnily enough the chain of department stores I am r...
The Smoking Mist by PatientListener
Since my last story, I have been seeing this little mist floating around at various times. It looks like cigarette smoke, and comes towards my face, or just around the room. One day, I was in history class, and my friend was talking to me. I didn't quite catch what she said, and looked up. And this...
Breezy Bathtime by missberry
It was new years eve and I was with my dad on a business trip in Savannah, Georgia. It was about 6:30 p.m. And I decided to take a hot bath before we went out for a night on the town. Half way through the bath, with the bathroom all steamed up I might add, the hairs on the back of my arms stood up, ...
My Grandmother's Love by lindaschneider304
I had been living with my grandmother since my 6th grade year and during those years her health had started to go down hill. I really loved being with her and hearing her say things about her growing up years. When she passed away in my senior year in high school my mom wanted to stop by the house t...
The Woman In The Chair by creepydog
This happened just last night. I had a sleepover with my cousins. Their house is REALLY old. It will be 100 years old in May. My auntie is thinking about having a birthday party for the house. We went to bed last night feeling a bit uneasy. You see, considering that the house is 100 years old you ca...
Demons In My Room by andre
So here's the deal, my father owns a house in North Salt Lake that I've been raised in and out of since the divorce of him and my mother when I was two years old. (I'm 21) The house has an old history and dates back to early 1870's, it was an old polygamists home and barn house that has been since r...
The Double Scare by VamprincessRedKnight
These experiences happened when I was still in 6th grade, merely 5 years ago on the year 2007. I am now 16 and a Senior at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy here at the City of Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines. It was just a normal and mediocre day for everyone... Just like any other school ...
Chilly, Silly Ghostie by zzsgranny
I thought I'd submit one for the "workplace ghostie" thing we have going on. I honestly don't know if it's paranormal or not, but one thing's sure: it ain't normal! At the time this event took place, I was the bakery/deli manager with a "major" grocery chain here in Las Vegas. Shortly after coming ...
Messengers by tillyanna
These experiences I am going to be writing about are a mixture of my own and experiences that my own family members have had. I will be submitting them gradually. My paternal Gran, when she was alive was a very spiritual person, as my Dad always says, she was a real angel. She would go out of her w...
Strange Happenings Nowadays by isabella8
Hey guys! I want to let you guys know about a few minor happenings in my house. Nothing unusual happened in my house until lately. My exams were on so I had to stay up all night all by myself. I haven't seen that feet again until now but still when I stay at home, alone, I have this really creepy fe...
Demon Car? by Casper_the_ghost
This took place roughly 2 years ago and I was sitting in the back seat of my parents' car. They were parked in the grounds of a mountainy foresty lakey area (can't think of a name for it.) I had a newspaper, so was busy reading it. Next thing, I noticed a movement out the window to the left. The car...
The Ouija Board Experience by MattyDude2009
This is another story, my third in fact. This story goes back to October the 2nd, 2008. I am a support worker and our goal is to help the people I support. One of our goals was to get as many people we support to France. We decided to make up a sponsor form and get people to sign. The agreement for ...
The Entity That Possibly Entered My Body by PatientListener
I'm just going to jump into this because there's no easy way to put this. I was at my friend, Mackenzie's house, along with another friend, Lisa. We were just hanging out, being normal girls, when we decide to watch a movie. Shark Night, in fact. Not the kind of movie I'd like to see after seeing S...
Parent's Cabin by teneki
As an aside before I begin, I'm bringing this up now instead of later because I've mentioned it a few times in different comments. It breaks my rule of sticking to chronological order however, so I do apologize for that in advance. In the early 90's, my parents bought an empty lot on one of the G...
My Freaky Bedroom by Buffymaate
These are some stories about all of the weird things that have happened to me. I've been in my house for 5 years now and me and my sister used to swap rooms. I ended up with the smallest and the scariest. I got a TV in my room and I was going to sleep so I turned it off and rolled over. I put my rem...
Tapping On My Windows And A Stalker In The Shadows by Anonymous37
I don't really know where to start. I'm not going to give you many details about who I am. For communication purposes you can call me D, and I'm of completely sound mind. I am a skeptic by nature and I tend to demand scientific proof for nearly anything I encounter. Despite this I have managed to ga...
A Demonic Figure? by MattyDude2009
This story goes back many years! I was probably 5 at the time and I am 25 now... 20 years ago, Eeeek! Anyway, this story is about me seeing something that looked like a dog standing up. The day was normal, from what I can remember. I had been into town with my father, buying some shopping, I thin...
Bright White Butterfly by tillyanna
If you read my last entry you will know that I was visited by my Grandparents, I wasn't sure whether to tell my Dad in case it would upset him, but after what my sister encountered we decided to. My sister woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, in doing so you had to walk past the...
Strange Happenings In No.25 by AmieMc93
This is the first time I have ever written down my experiences of living in No. 25. No. 25 is the number of a previous house that I used to live in. We moved into this house in 2000 when I was about 6 years old. We lived there for about 5 or 6 years and during this time lots of strange things happen...
The Midnight Watch by agochoa
My story takes place in RTC Great Lakes, Illinois (US NAVY BOOTCAMP). What a place! It has been around since 1905 and has trained many sailors throughout its years (approx 40, 000 a year). The overall environment and experience of the place puts ghosts completely out of mind. As a recruit, I was giv...
The Night I Spoke With A Demon by sarge82
I had been working late on my computer; it was close to about 3am when I had finished. About five minutes later I heard a knock on the door and thinking who this was I got up to open it. What I saw shocked me in a way I will never forget. It was my friend Mike. Now the reason this shocked me so muc...
Someone Walking Into My Home by MattyDude2009
This story goes back to when I was 14 years old. I was going through a time in my life where I was being bullied. I am not sure if what I'm about to tell you is correct but, it seems to be very coincidental. I'll explain as the story unfolds. Throughout my life, I have had warnings. Okay, this wi...
A Loud Bang by lillmisspanda
It's been 2 years since weird things started happening in my house. Once I was sleeping out and my sisters slept in my room (they are fairly young) and saw weird lights and shadows in a corner and one shadow sitting on my bed. They were so scared that they refuse even now to sleep in my room. I told...
Odd Happenings by Thisisit0910
My name is Tarah, and I'm going to tell you of the things that have happened over the course of today and yesterday. Yesterday, I was in my room, and my record player turned on out of nowhere. There was a record in it, but it wasn't playing music, it was just making the static noise from the end ...
Was My Dad Visiting His Granddaughter? by teenagewitch21
Although I have been a reader of the stories on this site for a while, this is my first story. It may not be amazing but it was a very scary experience. Here goes... Back in 2008 (when I was 18) my dad became seriously ill, as it was just me and him in the house I became his care-giver. As he got ...
The Floating Orb And The Black Smoke by ghostsrreal202
As you know from my earlier post, I have the ghost of an old man that lives in my bedroom. I'm sad to say there have been no recent sightings of him, and I still do not know what he wants. Instead, I will talk about my occurrence that happened last night. Before I tell you about my experience last ...
Following Me My Whole Life by Jessican22
Now that I am 22 years old and have been sharing experiences with my fiancee I now feel it is safe to say I am not crazy. Beginning when I was a child I experienced unexplainable events: - A frisbee I found and threw into a storm drain always ended up on my street near my house although I had tosse...
Basement by angel614
As long as I can remember I have seen spirits. I have heard my name called on several occasions and it was quite scary. I have seen shadows, felt spirits touching my feet and tickling me. I finally prayed and asked Archangel Michael for protection, and to keep out the annoying spirits and only allow...
Ghost Asking For Cigarettes by Hkb
The incident I am going to share here is my true personal experience which happened to me long time back. I came across this site few days back and thought to share it with other people who had similar experiences. So it goes like this: I had just joined the State Government Service and was posted...
That Lady In White Saree by TinAA
This is Christina. I'm a regular visitor of this site. And want to share a true personal experience I had with a lady who until date I don't know whether was a ghost or what... So the story goes like this... I still remember at that time my age was merely 11. And it was my aunt's (mom's sister)...
Meet My Grandfather by Subtle_Poetics
Have you ever made a bet? A real gamble, and won? When the stakes are high, and you have little to lose but an eternity of gain just a dice throw away. This was the case for my grandfather who risked a great deal on financial bonds which one day paid big! With this he bought a small house which he w...
Interesting Experiences At A Retirement Home by luckkyme
I have only had a few small scale paranormal encounters, or at the least unexplainable experiences, and they have occured at work. I work at a retirement home and recently have had three experiences that kind of took me by surprise. The first experience was back in September, it was Labor day we...
Lucy by luckkyme
I have had one other experience that I really want to share. As I mentioned in another story, I work at a retirement home and although I work in the kitchen I am still able to get to know many of the residents. I have met some very sweet, loving, and interesting people and I love it. There was one...
Shuffles In The Kitchen by unknown_madness
The following experience was encountered by my ten year old self and my older brother who was thirteen at the time. My brother and I are good friends though we do, like normal brother and sister, fight loads and it wasn't often we got to be friendly towards each other and not tearing each other's he...
My Three Years Old Son Sees The Ghosts by Zara-Hx
It's been about a year since I submitted my last story, we have since realised we have more than one spirit here, two that we know of. I can't give exact dates as these things have happened over the last year. My son (three years old) has seen the girl I wrote about in my previous story. I was get...
My Dog: The Illusionist by Casper_the_ghost
My dog is my best friend ever since I got him for my 10th birthday. He has his off days where he can be grouchy but to me he is still the playful puppy he once was. This happens quite frequently and is on going. When my mother isn't around he follows me everywhere, although I love him it can get kin...
Succubus Or What? by Johnwayne
A couple of nights ago I got my first visitation from my new friend. Kinda tripped me out a bit since I am 38 and spent 14 years of my life in Army special operations. Kinda accustomed to the strange and don't scare too easily. Laying there and I started to feel the sheets tighten up around my legs ...
The Locket With The Girl In White by PatientListener
So today. At school. 1st period. My friend comes up to me. She seems sad. Her eyes seemed a little clouded, her skin was pale, and...glowing? I ask her if she's sick, but she storms out of the room, without even asking for a hall pass. I quickly ask for one and chase after her. She couldn't have gon...
Old House by Freshprince
I'm new to this site but I have decided to write my first story so here it is: When I was 17 I traveled from Canada to see some of my family over in Ireland. I went to stay in an old house built back in the 1800s where my mother, sister and brother were living. Since I was on vacation my mother g...
What Keeps Stalking Me? by CCTrainer
Hey guys, this is my dad's experience with a ouija board back when he was in his 20's. He's in his 50's now. This was way before I was born, he told me about it a year or two ago, and I was interested in it. If you knew me, you'd know that once I get interested in something like this, I won't drop i...
He Tried To Get My Daughter by Worriedorparanoid
Before I even start my story, I feel there are so many people which leave really sarcastic comments which I feel are very unnecessary as they don't really even know me or what's happening in my home - for each one of us that have a story to share, it is very real to us. Any way back to my story. ...
Shadows And Other Again by Moondefi
Let me start by saying that I didn't have a paranormal experience in a few months. If you have seen my other two stories you can see what I was experiencing with a hooded figure and at another point shadows. Randomly around November everything just stopped. No more dreams, things being moved, noises...
Was It A Sign? by jzinck
Just this past Thursday, my boyfriend, son and I all took a trip to visit my parents who live about an hour drive away. It was just a regular visit. We had stopped in to see my grandparents, went home to put my son to bed and then sat back to have some good ol' conversation. We were all downstairs i...
Black Hooded Figure? by Death-To-Juliet
I'm a 17 year old female and I think I may have encountered something paranormal or at least a darker being/entity... Today is Mon Feb. 6, 2012. The night of Fri Feb. 3, 2012 at approx. 11:25pm, I was on my Mac Book Pro and I had the TV on in the background, however I had my headphones in so I c...
Zozo The Ouija Demon by april_0
My name is April I'm 21 and have a story to tell you about the experience I had with the infamous Ouija Board. You have heard stories of Zozo the demon right? Well he is real and I have read stories on him but didn't actually think it was true until it happened to me. Three months ago I had moved ...
Whose Hand Is That? by DARKNESS
This small occurrence was witnessed by me around February or March in 2011; I had just arrived at my mate's house on a Friday evening for drinks and a bbq. Now this home has had a few weird occurrences happen, they are mainly experienced by my friend's Matt and Sean who own the home. The amount ...
Is This My Dad? Or Something Else? by Bubbly-Pockets
To start things off, I'd like to give some background info on how I think all of this started. My dad died when I was 6, and before he died, he gave me a locket that I wear everyday. Well, fast forward to when I'm 11. The day after my 11th birthday, I was sitting at home alone, since I had been to s...
Spirits In My House by Contradictory
I'm 16, I've lived in my house for 11 years. It was built on a battlefield. Strange things have always happened in it, but lately they've because more aggressive and frequent. I'm looking for help and advice, or really just to know that I'm not alone. I've had everything in my house from the stereot...
Little Girl Giggle by Anneliz
About a few months ago, me and my friends decided that we'd try using a Ouija board except that day, we couldn't go to anyone of our houses so we thought why not try it outside out school since our new building was built on a graveyard. That day after school, we rushed around back and sat down dr...
Our Old House On Canal St by thespartan1024
I grew up in Augusta, Michigan. It's a quaint little town about 20 minutes away from Kalamazoo. The house I grew up in on Canal Sreet was the first building built in the town, in the late 1800's/early 1900's. A few miles out of town was a military base called Fort Custer, aptly named after Civil...
A Visit From Great Grandma? by Yooie
I used to be unaware, or I guess sceptical towards the subject of the paranormal. That is until I had an experience. My family moved around a lot, and my other family members have also had paranormal experiences that I weren't aware of before I reached my teens. Such as my brother when he was arou...
Grandmom Wants Water by mhalditah
It's been a long time since I wrote my stories, anyways, it's good to be back here. This story is still about my grand mom. This incident happened last week. It was afternoon then around 3pm. Mom and I were at the living room watching tv and my Dad was at the water refilling station, taking nap ...
Constant Dream by Bluerose19
This is not a personal experience. Its not a very spooky one also, but it is a true incident. This happened to my father who was about 15 or 16 years old at that time. My father with his family lived in a small village, of Assam state in India-about 37-38 years ago. He had a younger brother who died...
Is My Next Door Neighbour Saying Goodbye? by flashycar
We had a next door neighbour (literally next door), who was close to ninety. She was always out and about walking to the hospital nearby (a seven minute walk in dry conditions for a fast walker like me). She did however have known back and leg pains (important piece of information that!). One day I...
My Sleep Paralysis Experiences by ashleynicolexx
My name is Ashley and I am 20 years old, I'm new to this site, so please bear with me. My very first experience happened when I was 18 years old. It was about 12:30 at night and I had been asleep for a few hours before I started feeling a pressure on my body. I opened my eyes, only to realize tha...
Zozo The Ouija Demon 2 by april_0
So, I decided why not find out if this supposed "demon" was real and provoke it even further by bringing my friend over yet again to play the board. This time I was going to ask it questions about hell and what "mama" meant. So we went into my room and sat on the floor with the board. Even after my ...
The Truth About What No One Will Speak by an9e1eyz24
For years I have doubted and questioned my own visions, feelings, and experiences. I over analyze and try to find a reason or cause to discredit my own sightings. I am finally ready to share some of these experiences, as I feel I may be losing my mind. The home I live in now is over 100 years old an...
Sleepwalking And Where's Daddy? by Casper_the_ghost
This took place at my home around 10 years ago. I don't think about it much anymore but at the time, I was fairly confused. I am a light sleeper, get awoken by the slightest noise, although back then I can't say whether I was or not: can't remember to be honest. Don't remember the day nor going to b...
Following Ghost? by elysiamarie
My next story is quite long as it spans over a year of events. Again, I do not call myself a full blown "believer", but the occurrences I have witnessed have led me to this site for some insight. It begins about a year and a half ago, when myself, my partner, and her eight year old daughter were...
Ghost On My Ceiling by creepydog
This experience happened just a few nights ago. I was going to sleep when I heard a small, bump! I jumped but then shrugged it off thinking I had been on your ghost stories to long that day and it was starting to bother me. I was half a sleep when I heard someone else breathing in the room. This jus...
Ghost With A Grudge by jessicaj5
About three and a half years ago, when I was 15, my mother and I moved into a townhouse in a small, rich, suburban neighborhood in the middle of nowhere. There were two previous owners, the one before us was a husband, wife and their baby boy, and before them was a single man - no one knew much abou...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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