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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 110
Being Watched And Flying Things by GhostlyKitty
Alright, this is my second story. If you want a little more information, go read my first one. Recently, and more frequently, I have been experiencing small but curious things. For instance, I constantly feel like I am being followed or watched. I turn around a lot in my room which I am in now to...
The Feet In The Door Way by deftonehone
I would just like to remind you guys that, although this happened, I still remain a little skeptical. It was the summer of 2005 and I was living in a large house in Lydney Gloucestershire with my very good friends Laura, Jim, Barry, Steve and Collie. We were all aware at the time of strange going...
Ghost Hunting With Loonies 4 by Miracles51031
Before I even left for our tour of Mansfield, things began for me. On the 9th of May I got a call on my cell from a number I didn't recognize. I didn't answer it and they didn't leave a voice mail. I realized it was an Ohio area code, though, and googled it. Strange, it was from Mansfield. Stranger ...
The Dark Man Figure by XxmusicluvxX
When I was little, like 2-5 range, I would always see a dark shadowy looking figure come out of my closet and stand over me, and would talk to me. So here's the story of how I remember. My mom had just finished putting me to bed and our rooms were really close. So I fell asleep, but woke up in th...
Disembodied Voice At The Cemetery by k416jp
I will never forget the experience that I had one day at a cemetery. It still confuses me and I just can't explain it. My mother, sister and I were on our way to a funeral at a beautiful cemetery by the ocean. The funeral was for my beloved uncle Joe who passed away from cancer. It was a calm sunny ...
Saw An Imp In My Friends House by ashville
This is my most recent "experience" that happened about a year or so back. A friend and I were staying with one of friend's for a month in her old house, as we were all in the process of moving to a new house together. This house is in a well-known complex in lower Tableview in Cape Town, and con...
My Girlfriend Is My Third Eye by karpkarpkarpmagikarp
This happened just last month. Me and my girlfriend were going to see the movie Avengers in a mall along Padre Faura street in Manila. My girlfriend has third eye. She's more capable of seeing, hearing and sensing the presence of these non-human entities compared to us average people. But what's mor...
Still Terrified by JennaK
It's been a while since I've put anything up since my last encounters, but I'm still terrified and still very fearful about what is out there. I am currently living out with my boyfriend's parents whilst he's still overseas. So anyway, the past few weeks have been interesting. Laying in bed one n...
Girl In The Bathroom by lorrraaiinnee
This is my first story on the site and my experiences happened while I was about 15 living with my parents. My dad was in the british army and we were posted to an area in Germany that used to be a Royal Air Force base. We moved to one house but got moved to another soon after on the same base du...
My Sister's Experience by destineelynne
I am just going to jump right into this story. My little sister had an experience the other day. But, Before I tell you her experience. I want to say that I can see spirits. I just started seeing them regularly. And it has been very hard for me to adapt with by myself. So, to start off with about...
Ouija Board Experience Possession? by jordanlynne
My name is Jordan and I am from a tourist town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania; actually right next to that town. Where I am from is called the "coal region" which is basically a bunch of coal towns. I don't know if that influences my "hauntings" in any way, being from a pretty old area. Anyway, the ...
A Shady Character by alandhopewell
August, 1991. I'm staying with Dave, Buddi, and Dave's mother at their home in Avon Lake, a little town about twelve miles east of Lorain. I'd been evicted from 1444 Broadway for nonpayment, which I didn't pay because the new owner wanted to (A) raise the rent, (B) tack on utilities, but (C) didn't ...
The Black Thing In The Hallway by Neko98
So, we moved into this house in Bartlett, Tennessee about five years ago, and the one area of the house that has always bothered me is the hallway on the north end of the house that leads to the guest bedroom, my bathroom, my mom's room, and ends in the stairs that go up to my room. Whenever I go up...
The Graveyard Prank Gone Wrong by Emo
It happened last year in Uberlingen, a small suburb town in south Germany. It was dusk, almost nightfall, and me and my friends were walking through the graveyard on the way to a party. The graveyard in itself is pretty clean and well kept, but has a older portion as well as a newer portion. Me, my ...
The Old Woman In My Room by kaykay27
Recently, I was woken up by a feeling that someone or something was walking next to my bed. I woke up around 3am to find that an old woman was walking towards my dressing, then standing next to my dresser, looking up at the ceiling, or at least it appeared she was looking at the ceiling. I recently ...
Frightened And Stressed by LadyLaide
I am new to this website and found it because I was looking up hauntings and I would like some advice on whether I have a ghost in my home or not... My boyfriend and I live in an old house in the historical centre of an old town in Sardinia. Everything was fine when we first moved in (I should po...
New Apartment Haunting by ChepachetRI
I recently moved into a renovated apartment above a garage, 75 yards away from our landlord's house in Chepachet, RI. I used ear plugs to get used to the new location for the first month. Now I decided to put them to rest, but strange things just began happening. Between 3 am and 4:15 am on June...
Still Afraid Of The Dark by hhall7
I was lying in my bed half asleep, and my room was dark, but not pitch black. There was a blueness in the room to where I could still see objects and where they were in my room. I turned over and by my bookshelf that's in the wall, right smack dab in the middle of it, was a dark hooded figure. It st...
A Sweet Goodbye by virtualboy
Perhaps I'm being overly generous with my assumptions of who this being was, but everything I'm about to type is true. I was 17 when this happened. It was the early months of 2007. First a bit of backstory: My mom's late partner had passed away from brain cancer in the beginning of November ('06)...
It's Not A School Day by vernonwolfe
In 1969 I was 11-years-old. Our family was pretty normal. I had two brothers and two sisters still living at home, as well as mom and dad. My parents bought this two-story farmhouse in Pettis County located north of Smithton, MO. We had lived in the old house about two years when my 17-year-old ...
Once In A Small Town by forevercomatosed
When I was younger, from the age of a baby until 7, my family and I lived in this trailer out in a small town called Pink Oklahoma. There were actually two trailers that we had lived in. The first was old and beat up and from what my mother had told me, an old lady had lived and died there. I wa...
Are Dream Catchers Portals? by Siskakes
My mother is a very spiritual person and cannot be swayed from her beliefs. She was born with the gift\ curse of being able to sense and see things in the other realms. I have had an experience before (Stifling Experience); however, I don't sense or see anything from the other realms. I'm very ok...
Angel's House by Fergie
I think I should get this in print, before I forget! My short-term memory is getting worse. I really should keep a diary, as many have suggested; sometimes though, things happen at awkward times. The last week, I spent at our youngest daughter Angel's home, situated to the south of Johannesburg. ...
Is It An Incubus? by emily_rose_1
Before I began with the main part of the story, I would like to state a few other things that happened. Things like; objects flying across the room, having odd and frightening dreams about me having a beautiful baby girl, then handing her over to the Devil, hearing breathing when I go to sleep at ni...
Haunted Care Home by rachelsmith
My mother works at this care home until present day. Three years ago my mother got me a job at this care home as I was only 18 and looking for a job. Only problem, it was working nights. There were 5 residents at the time I worked there. When I first stepped foot in the the building I sensed a very ...
Suicidal Mother's Ghost Or Not? by socrazy100
This is the only true and real experience that I've ever had. My grandmother was the only one in our family that could see, sense and communicate with ghosts. I always loved listening to her stories and I wondered if I would ever experience it for myself. One night I did. I was in Std 6 and had a...
Not Everyone Left Woolworths by beliver1980
This is my first time so every one be gentle. I once worked at a Woolworths' store, in Ilford anyone from the area will know where it once was and there was a lot of strange going-ons happening there. I will only go into detail about the two things that happened to me, as everything else is se...
Is My Dead Uncle Trying To Comunicate? by OliviaT14
My mom and I wanted a new beginning for our lives. So we moved in with my mom's brother, Jeff. Jeff works in the oil rigs and he went to a different state for a couple of weeks. Before I get into the story, I should tell you that a few years before my Uncle Heath died in a motorcycle accident tha...
Was I In A Deep Sleep Or Was It Something Else? by Casper_the_ghost
I see myself as a light sleeper, any noise would wake me, but this night was different. It took place the night before last and hasn't happened before nor has it happened since. I was extremely tired but was too concentrated in the book I was reading, Shrine by James Herbert. I had read 35 pages ...
Ghosts On The Farm 2 by Mountaineer
It's been a long time since I've gotten on YGS and it's good to be back! A lot has happened in that time. The Clock While digging around in my house's attic for interesting old things (we've got 1500-year-old Indian pottery up there), I found a nice wooden mantle clock. After a short period o...
Hello Doggie by Kimmie_Ann
This experience happened to me when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I don't remember quite how old I was, but I remember every second of what happened that night. Let me start by giving a little background of my parent's house. We were definitely not the first family that lived there. The house, ...
Unwanted Spirits? by KristaMae
I've been a victim of abuse by both my father and brother and I believe they're sins dragged UN wanted spirits, for as long as I could remember I'd always felt something poking at the back of my head or my legs or etc, and a couple of times when I've felt something rub on my side or my thigh when I'...
Turning Corners by Victorianicole95
This event took place back in my old house in Colorado about 8 years ago. I live in Texas now but I still remember the day veeeery clearly. The house we were living in had 4 floors, including a basement. Me and my sisters, I have 3, had always seen things out of the corners of our eye. I specificall...
Ghost Following Me by Destiiny822
It all started when we moved into our previous house everything was going fine until I started to notice something was there. No one in my family ever felt anything besides me and it wasn't a good feeling. I had this habit of falling asleep in the living room and countless times I would wake up to m...
Priest by JTM1218
When I was a child, maybe at the age of 9 or 10, me and my cousins visited my grandparents house regularly. There was nothing creepy about the house, as we loved going there to see each other, as well as our grandparents themselves. One night, we decided to play a game with our grandmother in wh...
Whispers Leading Towards The Dark by Desir3
This was my first encounter. It happened when I was 9, and I can remember it clearly. Okay so every summer I would go to malaysia and visit my mom's side of the family. At that time, we didn't own a house (now we do though) so we used to stay in my granny's house. It was at night around 10pm whe...
Strange Hotel Room by k416jp
I've had many paranormal experiences throughout my life. This is the first time that I was with someone to witness it with me. A friend of mine was in town and got a hotel room for the weekend. He never believed any of the paranormal experiences that I've shared with him before. He was a non believe...
Strange Hotel Room 2 by k416jp
I told him the truth that I didn't do it. I'm sure he realized this as well when he heard me answering from the other room as it was happening. So we are both scared at this point. It's around 2:30 am and I really wanted to just get my stuff and leave. I didn't do it because my grandma told me befor...
Someone Walking Briskly Across The Ceiling by spectae
Greetings dear reader, For some time now I have been wondering whether or not to add something here. Wondering because I don't have some fab ghost story... Just three experiences that come to mind. I'll relate them in order of year and they are unrelated. 1991 maybe, lying in bed, with the ...
Ghost In The Castle Toilet by Catttie
My name is Catherine, I live in a very old town in Northern Ireland by the name of Carrickfergus. When I was younger my school went on a visit to the Castle in the town, (it is known to be haunted) it is 800 years old. I was only about 7yrs old, I really needed the toilet and my teacher let me leave...
The Incident At Mom's House by Rozo
Year was 2006, I just had separated from my longtime girlfriend and lost my 1st business to unfortunate circumstances and as a result, packed what I had and moved in back at Mommy's house for some loves and light. Being a Jewish mother, she was only to happy to have her boy back with her and this...
More Than A Wake by NATAROX101
It was a normal and warm day in May. Well, about as warm as it's going to get in Cleveland. I was 12 years old and I had heard the news a few days ago that my Aunt Kathy's sister, Karen, had died. I had never met her, or at least not as I remember. I was told that I had to go to the wake. I didn't r...
Curiosity Killed The Cat by Nightshade029
This is a short but true story. Last year when I had just gotten home from school, I went up to my room and threw my bag on the bed. My room was pretty small, there was only the bed, the narrow closet and a small desk up against the window. I turned my back to the door and felt a chill run down my s...
I Think My New House Is Haunted by Honesttogod
It all started when I found this house on craigslist, I fell in love with it instantly, like I had this connection, so I had my mom look at it and she loved it, so of course, we moved in. The house is 100 years old, and I HAD to have the upstairs bedroom, I just couldn't part with it. But the thing ...
Keep It Down Up There by xlucy__12x
These are just a few of the experiences I've had with my 2 ghosts that live in my house. Firstly, I have 2 ghosts in my house, both nice. One is a young girl of about 6, the other is a teenager of about 17. I think they are both brother and sister, but I'm not sure. I do know that the teenager is...
A Girl Was Standing There Watching Me by toriT22
It all started when my family and I first moved into the house. We got settled and enjoyed being near the mountains. I loved the house, it was big. It had a basement but it was very old and not in good shape. The walls were torn down and you could see the pipe lines and it was nothing new. The main ...
Danny by Kara1211
This story takes place in a house where I have had many ghostly encounters. This is one of them. It begins when I was about the age of nine. I was sitting in my living room watching TV. The rest of my family were on my grandparents room, so I was alone. The lights in the hallway were off, so the ...
Soldier Ghost? by Sailors_Sweetheart0413
I've never really posted a story like this before but I've had some weird experiences since I moved into my home. I moved to my new house six years ago. For about two years nothing really weird happened. Then I had a conversation with my mother about ghosts. I had always believed that ghosts weren't...
A Collection Of Events: Other Experiences by bloomfield19
So here is another story of a few experiences that link into another story that I submitted earlier on. The other story was mainly my own experiences and this is going to be what I have been personally told of other people's experiences with my dad's house and how this affected my view on the house....
Bedshaking Video by ddlm
Happening now year 2012, This was Mothers Day morning. Could only capture using Phone video. She has capeze shells in her room that you hear as the bed is shaking foot-to-head direction, which hits the headboard then the shells. Turn up the volume so you can hear well as we are wispering somewha...
Grandfather Visits His Wife And Grandaughter by kestralflightwarriors
In 2010, my grandfather died of respiratory cancer about a day or two before my birthday. He always had said I was the light of his life. We had lived in Sylmar, but when he got ill we moved to a new house. The new house has brought many experiences to my life. I am not completely sure my grandfathe...
A Demon That Will Not Leave by Captain_Gardner
So, Here it goes. I have expierenced some weird encounters recently in the past couple years. My life has seemed to be going on normally until one fateful day when my friend committed suicide. That day I was different and something weird seemed to come with it. I do not really know how to explain bu...
My Creepy Encounters by GhostSeeker14
Let me start off my saying my name is Tina and I am 16. I strongly believe in the paranormal but I am a bit skeptic I want to relay a couple of my encounters and see what you all think. My first encounters with the paranormal were when I was young, however it was more my moms expierence then min...
Fourth Street Hall by MaryLilac
About a month after I had moved into the rent house on Fourth Street I was settling in my new place. But every once in a while, mostly in the evenings, I'd see something like a shadow the size of a crumpled paper sack; pass along the floor by the hall entrance. I would only see it from the living ro...
Strange Woman On A Lonely Road by mmblack663
Before I get into details of my experience, I might as well give the required background information. The location is Hampton, GA, close to the NASCAR racetrack, commonly referred to as AMS by the locals. The date was just three short days ago, June 22nd, 2012. The time, around late afternoon, maybe...
Hearing The Voice by HeavenlyGlory
I remember this had happened when I was in elementary school. I was in second grade which was twelve years ago. I came home first since my school let out earlier than my brother and sister. They were in middle school by then. My parents were at work and would be home later. Well once I got home I ...
The Man That Disappeared by HeavenlyGlory
This happened a few years back. It was a Sunday and it was around 9:15. My family and I were heading towards Sunday school since we go to church every Sunday. My father was a Sunday school teacher and my mother a teacher's helper. My brother, sister, and I were of course students. The school and the...
Hearing Someone Walking At Night by HeavenlyGlory
This happened a few years back. I was 10 then. At night I slept in my own bedroom, by that time I got a new bed and was able to sleep in my own room. My room, my brother and sister rooms are very close to each other. Our rooms were in a small hallway. The laundry room was in front of mine. When faci...
The Stalking Wolf 2 by MoonlightShadows
I hadn't seen this spirit for a little more than a month... So I decided to visit a graveyard because every time I've been at a graveyard the dog was always there. It was a calm day, the sun wasn't out but it was fairly warm. I decided to go to the oldest graveyard in my hometown (I had only been th...
My Daughter by Billie03
When my daughter was five my aunt sent a book with family photos and history. When I got it I had my son on one side and my daughter on the other looking through the book. I knew my grandparents had nine children, but didn't know they had ten as one died (my aunt) at seventeen months old. When we go...
Sister's Clown Head Monster by H2olily
During the early 70's, when my family lived for a time in Fresno, my mom decided to divorce my dad and moved herself, me and my little sister, Ruth, into government housing, which was not bad. I thought the little semi-detached two-story houses were cute with their wooden floors. When my dad was aro...
The Child In The Window by Carolann1015
My story takes place in Virginia, at Christmas time. My sisters, my parents, and I were outside decorating the house, and my brothers were inside. What happened was actually very suprising to me, because I haven't seen anything like it before. While hanging up a string of Christmas lights, I heard...
A Visiting Shadow by ghostboy3131
When I was about 9 (I am 14 now), I used to play by myself alone. Both my parents had jobs so I would be left with a baby sitter. She used to tell me spooky stories that got me goosebumps. But one night while I was alone in my room I saw this shadow, it wasn't mine for sure. But I ignored it. B...
Presence In The Bathroom by SpiderZA
Some of you might have read my previous story where I mentioned I am sensitive to feeling things as opposed to actually seeing anything. Anyway, a month or so ago I started working at a new company and two weeks or so into my new job, one of the ladies from one of the other offices has a heart at...
The Bunkbed by forevercomatosed
As in my first story I have posted, this is after we had moved out of that trailer and a few years after. I was about 9 years old living in an apartment with just my mom and me. My dad had given me a bunk bed that his great aunt said I could have. At first I was overly excited about it. The bottom w...
Voice by Onyx_Jill
I wanted to share an experience that happened to me recently. I have a habit of reading stories late at night. And when I read, I get absorbed into the story. This happened just two days from today. I was reading as usual. It was getting about 2:55 AM and I had decided to sleep when it was nea...
Cat In My Room On Anniversary Of Fire And Destruction by brennessel
This is my first post, and I'm not sure if it means anything but I'd like to hear other people's opinions. I live in Germany and my apartment (where I've lived for just over a year) is on the site of a synagogue that was set alight and destroyed by Nazi rampaging and violence known as 'Kristallna...
My Baby Friend by SnoWQueeN
Recently I had an experience which I may never forget. While I was cleaning my room I felt I was being watched, I thought my grandma maybe just passed by the room though she walks very slow I shrugged it off. Later I finished my work and decided to watch out of window and was thinking to visit my...
We Shouldn't Have Messed With This by Liam1986
Six years ago when I was 20 I was very naive and a real lads lad. I would work five days a week and then have a real blow out at the weekend with my mates. I then fell in love with my friend Katy who I had known for years previously and my outlook completely changed, however, something I did one nig...
The Number Three by HiddenSecret
Last friday (22.6) I tried autowriting to mainly see if I could do it (I used a pen and a paper). I asked whether I had spiritual guides or not, however the most I got out from that was inreadible doodles, except there were a large number of very clear 3's. I tried this a few times and there would a...
Scarf Noose by NyghtOwl
I am new to this but I felt I should submit my experience. I just graduated high school in a little neighborhood right on the city outskirts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Earlier in the year, my cousin committed suicide by tying a slip-knot noose, attaching one end to the door-knob of his closet an...
Big Mirror Ghost Girl by PrettyLittleLadie
In my house, I have this huge mirror in front of the stairs. Every time I walk up, I see it, and every time I walk down, I see it. It didn't start bothering me until I started reading ghost stories. I see this little girl when I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. She has not let me see her her ful...
I Managed To Scare My Doctor by geetha50
This took place last month (May), when I took a trip to India. Although I was born in Sri Lanka, both countries have similar if not the same culture. But for a person like me, who grew up in Canada, it was a huge culture shock. First of all was the weather; oh my God, was it ever hot (I didn't care ...
The Dark Man Who Followed Me To The Bathroom by kestralflightwarriors
In approximately 2009-2010, I lived in a small 1-story house in Sylmar, CA. This was all before we moved into a bigger, two-story house again in CA. The house in Sylmar was horrible. I would always have bad dreams; the drawers in my room would open and clothes would be scattered onto the floor; my c...
Spirits Getting Too Close For Comfort by EvaRains
I didn't expect to be writing another ghost story on here so soon. But since having my first story published, I've encountered three more spirits. The first one I've already posted about in the comment section of my first story; it happened a few days after the story was published. Like I said i...
Visit From The Past by ancestor5234
When I was little I used to stay with my grandma in the house that she grew up in. This house had been in the family for nearly 100 years at the time. My grandma's bedroom was right next to what she used to call the Parlor and it had huge double doors that opened up to that room. One night when ...
Am I Haunted Or Is It The House? by kristine021
I haven't ever really experienced paranormal activity until I moved into this house about three years ago, and it isn't that old. I've had dreams all my life that scare me to death and every once in awhile I'll have a night terror. The dreams are like set on another world setup with scary people...
Whispers And Breathing In My Ear by HeavenlyGlory
Since the time I turned 13-years-old, I hear voices in my ear at night. They seem to be whispering into my ear. There was this one night where I was sleeping or, more exactly, falling asleep. This was before I played music when I am going to sleep. Everyone in my family was asleep and the house ...
My Fellow Spirit by SheytheNotsoBrave
Ever since I was a young child, I have been terrified of the unexplained. I would see shadows and hear footsteps in my kitchen, bedroom, and guest bedroom. I would tell my parents what I would hear and see, but they always told me it was nothing but my imagination. As I got older and into my teen...
Intruder In My Dream And The Weird Occurrences by Sakura22
This happened last week. I think it was either Monday night or Tuesday night, I don't really remember. All I know is that whatever it was scared me to the core and I have been thinking about it since. Now I must tell you this ahead. I am used to seeing some strange things since I have possibly inh...
We Just Want To Play by solitude
This story dated back when I was very little. I was 9 years old and my little sister was still a baby. My family, as well as other relatives went for a holiday at my late grandpa's house in the countryside. It's a typical wooden house in a typical village with fruit trees filling up the yard. There ...
The Smell Of Burning Candles by AzraelX
It was about the time I was in the 3rd year of my Engineering Course. During my Vacations I had gone down to Kerala. My Dad, step-mom and youngest sister were in Abu Dhabi. So, my dad had arranged with my step-mom's family that I will stay with them for a week and then I will proceed to other famili...
Ghosts Of Hickham by nowabeliever
This is one of two experiences that I had while stationed at Hickham Air Force Base as a security specialist on the island of Oahu, Hawaii in the mid 90s. This incident would occur in 1997. The first day we were processed in, the other troops there started telling us new guys ghost stories. I though...
Multiple Form Doppleganger by mamachong
I just recently subbmitted a story called ocassional encounters. This story is related to that story, and is in the same trailer. I recently changed jobs. I wasn't getting any hours, no raises, and I wasn't getting the hours I wanted, which was graveyard. I got a much better job, with better pay, an...
My Experiences In The Childhood Home by Horun
I present to you my very first publish of one of the few occurrences that I've bared witness to. A little about myself, I'm 23 and a native of California. I am a practicing Wiccan, and also dabble a bit in the Druid teachings of my motherland. I've been serving in the Navy, and have not had the chan...
My Visit To My Cousin In Gujranwala by danawal
I should start my story by telling a little about myself. I live in Lahore and I visit my cousin on every summer vacation who lived in another city called Gujranwala. My cousin's name is Ayzaz and we both were best cousins. He is 6 months smaller than me. It was almost 5:00 pm when it was cool e...
One Jolly Fellow by duwag
I don't think I have the sensitivity to sense the paranormal but I'm a believer. That is why this story I'm about to tell is very particular because it happened to me. When we were in high school, me and my sister would hang out in our cousin's place in Sampaloc, Manila. My mom loved coming here bec...
The Man In The Middle Of The Road by Ghostly_Muffins
Late one night I was in the car with my older cousin and little cousin. My older cousin needed a home so my mom said she and her baby could live with us. Anyways, we were in the car because we were at my grandma's house to visit. We didn't leave until midnight. My cousin doesn't like to take the hig...
A Night Time Visitor by Swordsaint101
My incident took place in Athens, Alabama in a quiet rural home, on an otherwise normal street. I lived there with my ex, her mother, her sister, and her stepfather, as well as our collection of dogs. This house, though old, did not have any history of death or violence. Several times, earlier in...
Was It My Imagination Or Was It Real? by YoungBee
I am 18 years old and I currently live in Tampa, Florida. But the experience I am going to talk about happened when I lived in Cocoa, Fl. I moved here in August of 2011 from New York. The house had 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a huge backyard and front yard. That day my parents came to visit (I live with m...
Waking Apparition Or Hypnopompic Hallucination? by Max_b
On the evening of Tuesday 11th September 2007, whilst living in a brand new 3rd floor flat, at Stockton-upon-Tees in the UK, I awoke in the dark in the middle of the night, to see a full colour, moving image of an unknown 45-55 y/o black male from the shoulders up. He wore a broad brimmed green h...
Navy Ship Haunted by Swordsaint101
I am a former Sailor. My ship was decommissioned back in 2007. The Navy gave her crew an option to transfer to another ship, or to go ahead and get out of the military. Fed up with the treatment, I opted for the latter. The USS Saipan, LHA-2, had been in service since Vietnam. It was 40 years ...
Experiences Throughout My Life by AddyFails
I don't really have any experience with any actual "ghost" that I could see or knew was there, but I have had some really weird experiences that have freaked me out my whole life. I guess this is just a collection of weird things that have happened to me, in no real order until the end when I talk a...
Mother's Final Goodbye? by TheWhisperSilence
This all started when I was 10-yearsold. We had just had a power outage, so the only electrical thing we had were some flashlights so we could see. My father suddenly yelled for me to come into the room. It was pitch black. "Hayleigh, this flashlight just flickered on and off by itself!" At first I ...
Strange Feelings And Sounds by toriT22
Its me again! My last story was about a little girl standing in my doorway. Well this time it's different. I have a sister and three brothers. My sister is 9 and my brothers are 11, 6, 1. I am 13. In my first story I forgot to mention them and their ages. I don't want to say their names because my f...
Samantha's House by JustanotherTori
First of all I will apologize for the length of this story, but there is a lot to tell. These events take place in Harrison, Arkansas. It's a small town in Northern Arkansas. I currently live in Missouri but my best friend Samantha lives in Harrison. This is her story: Samantha is a single mother of...
The Sandbox Ghost Girl by moravian
What follows is a recollection of an occurrence that came my way back in 2007 and it involves me (a 47 year old male), my seven year old step son, and a very strange girl - all at an isolated sandbox late one summer's evening. Looking back, weighing it all out, I strongly believe the girl was a spir...
Strange Figure In The Picture by nicktheman
My girlfriend recently moved in with me into my house. I bought this house back in 2009. I never really noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then again I'm not the most observant guy in the world. Well recently some strange things have been happening. We were hearing big bangs, we'd go to inves...
Ghost Hunting With Loonies: Stephy's Mansfield Experience by stephyw2001
YGS members present: ZzsGranny, Miracles51031, Clever210, Cosmogal926, and myself, Stephyw2001. Additional people on trip: ZzsGranny brought 2, Miracles brought 2, Clever210 brought 1, Cosmogal brought 2, Stephyw2001 brought 1 (Maria). 2 people that Clever knew could not make it due to an unantic...
Spanish Governors Palace Anomalies by Sistermidnight
I recently took a ghost tour of San Antonio Texas. We visited The old govenor's palace and we were told that about one hundred years ago a woman that lived in the home was murdered in the front room of this home as she knelt at her alter. The woman was home with her children when burglers broke into...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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