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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 118
Black Smoky Mass by blacksmokiemass
This happened a year ago in the winter time. It was about 10:30pm and dark outside. I was staying in cabin on the lakes by myself. I had all the lights on in the cabin and a fire going in the fire place. It started to get hot in the cabin so I opened the sliding glass doors to get some cool air ...
Angil by kazenichi
This happened around a decade ago when I was in high school. In relation to my last story (Pitik) this has something to do with the backyard but it didn't happen in the same room but the other room where my mom is taking now. I just finished doing laundry (I'm the family clothes washer, ha-ha) a...
Demonic Tormenting by brennen4321
I just want to share this part of my life, because I just feel like I need to tell this story. First I will tell you a little about myself. I am currently 18 years old and I have recently "came back to reality" after about a period of darkness. I was a junior in high school when I started to meet...
Ghostly Hawaiian Guitar by shellie1981
I am from Hawaii. I grew up on the island of Oahu. In Hawaii, belief in the paranormal is extremely commonplace and accepted. Now I live in Florida and I always notice how uncomfortable people are when discussing any unexplained or supernatural phenomena. So I am sharing my experiences here to an au...
Residual Energy Or Something Else? by shellie1981
Many years ago I used to live in Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. I grew up there, met a man in the military, got married, and moved into base housing. I was 19. I made friends with another military spouse, as we were both avid animal lovers and I was helping her raise and care for her rather large me...
Paranormal Experiences Starting At Age 15 by kadens_23
I am a 31 year old mother of three. I'm hoping someone can give me advice or insight into some of what I've been experiencing. I've had paranormal experiences starting at age 15. I didn't think it was a big deal but whatever it is has followed me across states and to several different places of resi...
Ghosts In Our House by abbiegallon
My name is Abbie and I recently have had some ghost encounters. I will tell you one of them. They don't hurt me they just make themselves known. Ever since I moved into my old house weird happenings happened. My house was on top of a graveyard. The graveyard was dug up and houses were built on to...
What Is My Daughter Seeing? by maccybere
My home was built in the 1920's to 1930's, I know this as it still has the original fuel stove in the kitchen which backs onto an ornate open fireplace. I purchased my house five years ago in 2007. In the first year that I came to occupy the house I would often feel VERY uncomfortable there to say t...
Of Ouija Boards On Terraces by curiousDevu
This was around 4 years ago, I was at Vidya's house when this took place, and there were 3 of us including Vidya me and another friend Shweta. At that time Vidya was completely obsessed with Ouija boards and was dying to have a séance, I was not very keen on it since I have read that only the spiri...
Curious And Friendly Ghost by Eiknujcisuma
I will try to be brief and stay on topic but since this is my first post, please bear with me a little bit. This happened two weeks ago. My boyfriend has been living in the same apartment with two of his friends for about 6 years in Gaithersburg, MD in a 60s style three-floor apartment building....
Strange Episodes by Rekked
I had these strange experiences when I was a child. I would Wake up at night only to find out I couldn't scream, and then someone (dressed up as a person with a white table cloth around him) came into my room and put me in a bag, I did not only have these episodes while in my bed but also when I ...
Hallucinations Or Spirits? by WillowTree
I am 15 now and you may not take me seriously, but these happenings are tearing me apart and no one will believe me, not even my parents. It all started when I was 5, in my home at Dubai in Jumeirah. I would get this horrible feeling, like something is filling me with fear and suffering, I got sc...
Hostel Haunting by pallsearth
I was always very curious about the ghost stories and experiences but it was more like a fun thing or can say time pass thing for me. But one incidence totally changed my perception about these paranormal things. After completion of my MBA I got a banker job in Varanasi, India. There I stayed at...
Our Last I Love You by Luvmykids
My story is not a "ghost" story but that of a love that can never decease. I will give a little of my background so that it is more understood. I am 31 years old and have two children of my own, my parents divorced when I was 8. My dad was the type that was there one day and gone the next. He ne...
The Shadow Inside Of Me by rippedvanilla
This is only part of my story. The beginning actually. I will post the rest of it if you guys want to hear more. The haunting has started between 1998 and 2001 and has now catched up with me. Have a nice reading. I had no clue it would come to this. I don't even know why I did it. I didn't do it ...
The Overlook 2 by triden07
This past weekend, 6 and 7 October 2012, my best friend (I am not using their real names) Elaine, and her husband Tim and their kids came to visit me. Tim has been able to see and commune with the dead since he was a little boy. He says it wrings him out physically and emotionally and he feels it is...
A Few On The Lighter Side by jupiter_rising
Really happy to have found this website, and to share my experiences with others. I live in an old home. It was built in a sleepy village in Illinois around the date of 1870; I can't be sure, as the original blueprints to the house no longer exist. I have lived here for the majority of my 25 yea...
Haunted House In South Texas by Southernbelle4
In 1995 my dad and stepmom bought a house in a small town, Portland, TX. They took my older sister (15), brother (11) and I (7) over to look at it. The minute we set foot inside I noticed how dark it was. There were windows everywhere but it still seemed very dark. My sister and I were to share ...
A Sad Boy And Faces by RozaBelikov
My name is Roza and I have been followed by a boy. The boy looks familiar but I am not sure if it's who I think it is. This boy still has colour to him but is washed out. He wears the look of sorrow on his face and he doesn't say anything. He opens his mouth yet nothing comes out. I see him now ...
Sarel 2 by SquishySwart
So if you have read my previous story you should have an outline of what we have been living with for the past 17 years. This is a more detailed event that happened around the time I was 13 and been living in the house for 3 years or so. My mom and dad have been divorced for a very long time and ...
Family Spirits by RedWolf
My grandfather was a wonderful man, a tile setter by trade. He taught me how to set tile and paint. He also taught me how to drive and other life lessons as well. He had a heart attack and needed a pace maker when my daughter was a toddler. When my oldest son was just over 10 months old he had anoth...
Is The Cook Still There by triden07
When I was 13, we went to visit family on their farm. They lived in a town dominated by farms and the people were so nice. As we were in town the Saturday, my mother bumped into her eldest sister, who she had not seen for years. The reunion was a shock for them, but they were happy to see each other...
Bad Feelings In Aunt S's House by triden07
This is sort of a follow up on the story "Two Houses He Has Never Been". On Friday, 23 November 2012, I went to my aunt's house to go and pick up a photo of my Gran. It is the only picture that my mom and my aunt have knowledge of, since she was exceptionally camera shy and it was apparently a ba...
Demonic Experience At My Apartment by guy123
I am glad to see this site today and I decided to share my experience with you all which I experienced 4 years back. Since I am spritual in nature I encountered many spirits back in my home country. My first experience in US is really thrilling and unforgetable. It all started on first weekend af...
Radio Une by catweazle
I don't know how one starts telling one of these tales so I'll start with a little information about me. I have always been susceptible to the atmosphere of places. Usually that just amounts to "feelings" such as menace in one of the rooms of my grandmother's house, extreme sadness in a house my par...
Black Seemingly Glaring Figure Causing Bodily Harm In Sleep by Sickened
So. I'm shakin up, and its happening to my girlfriend not me. Il start off a bit before this started, 17 year old boy meets 22 year old girl both fall in love and become a couple who tells each other Everything. Ok so now you've got some back story. This happened hours ago or Days ago depending ...
Experiences In My Family Home by forthkind
I grew up in a beautiful house with my parents and 2 siblings. I've always been sensitive to spiritual activity and this house definitely had that. It all started when I was about 5 or 6 and I felt drawn to certain areas of the house. I'd spend hours playing by myself, or at least my parents thought...
Sleep Paralyis Or Something Creepy by Mocha018
This is my first story so please if I muck up take it easy on me, I've never been afraid of the dark. I've always loved it, but after last night I can't stand to be in a dark room. So for the past couple of months I've been waking up, but feeling like I'm being pinned down by someone. I can't move a...
Not So Home Sweet Home by Sheilarae58
My story is not about a particular incident. It is about things that have been going on in my house. I just moved here a month ago. I have heard cabinet doors slamming. I also have the feeling someone is watching me, especially in the bathroom. Water dripping, the sink was turned on and off. The...
Is It Possible For Someone To Be Susceptible To Ghosts? by MrRonan
Now I personally have never believed in ghosts. However events currently taking place are changing my mind. Let me take you back three years ago. I was working in a pun as a chef, supposedly the place was haunted but I never saw anything as such. It was there though that I met my girlfriend who ...
A Shadow Man In The Night by Believe_1234
This story is the first ghost encounter that I can remember and that I know actually happened. It happened in the neighborhood I grew up in, Riverside in Duluth, Minnesota. I'm trying really hard to remember how old I was but I only know I was probably around the ages of 8 or 9 years old. My sister ...
Shadow Thing by GiGiUnderTheNight
The experiences I've been having accually started recently. For the past few weeks I've been taking walks at twilight. Through out these walks, I've felt like I am being observed. It's unsettling, to say the least. Anyway, I often see something move in the corners of my eyes and it seems like shadow...
I Saw My Boyfriend As A Spirit, But He's Alive by KristinaK
This morning I woke up at about 3 AM. I couldn't sleep for what ever reason. I Turned and tossed until it started to look like it was starting to get daylight outside still dark but not black outside, I was just laying in bed with my eyes closed But I was awake. I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend ...
Ghost Of Marayoor by Pradeep
This incident still sends shivers on my spine whenever I remember it. It happened to me when I was in Coimbatore. One day Jayanthan a friend of me, suggested a trip to Munnar. I was always willing to take a break from my tight schedule. We planned a trip of 5 days. Munnar is a hill station on th...
September 29th Will Live On In Me by Trybal_Knyte
It seems so mundane at times when you hear or see people talk about life in general and how plain or dull it is. I find myself at times praying for that but would balk at the thought and just laugh it off. If I could only show them the things I have seen or have survived and the spiritual affects th...
Some Of My Paranormal Experiences by Rekked
Here are some small stories of experiences that I would like to bundle in one message. When we (my older and younger brother) were young, we went to Italy every year. As we were kids we were capable of entertaining ourselves. We liked to make our room completely dark and put my younger brother in...
Now We All Know by triden07
I have been sitting and thinking about the stories I have posted. One thing that I can say in all honesty, and frankly, with a great sense of relief, is that my stories predominantly do not centre around fear. I am honestly thankful for that. This past weekend, my sister stayed over for a few nig...
Experiences In The New Indian House by Nelli9x
I was truly never a "spiritually inclined" child, but to be honest, I can't really say otherwise being I have very few memories from my childhood. About eight years ago, my father moved to a remote area in Wyoming (what area in Wyoming is not remote?) and I have lived there ever since. After about t...
Is This My Grandfather? by PsychologyMelon
I just wanted to share some of my experiences and hopefully gain some insight into what could be happening. I want to start out by saying I am by no means "gifted" but I have experienced several things since I was little, that other people have seen as well. The first story I want to tell however is...
A Happy Music Box Experience by zetafornow
I had commented previously on another story about my music box collection after reading another poster's story about music boxes. This story is not a scary story but a wonderful sign that I believe I received. My mother and father are both passed. My mother passed before my father and my father ...
The Lady In The Fields by Alaviya
This story was told me to me by my father who's own father lived in a remote village in uttar pradesh. My grandfather was an advocate who lived in a village and often had to travel to the city for cases, the cities were all at long distances from the village and about a day's drive away. So when ...
Strange And Unusual Happenings For Me by kariorit
I currently live in rural Kentucky, and we've been at this residence for the past 7 years. It was a home placed on the vacant land; as far as I know there has never been any home on it before. I don't know the history of the land, however. Let me say first off, I am not usually a bit sensitive. I...
Hauntings Of A Residency Converted Hospital by tonywhite2259
I've always been sensitive to paranormal-like experienced in my mother's house, and I've never had the nerve to talk about what I experienced until this Thanksgiving break. In chronological order, these are the experiences I've had from the time we moved into this 120 year old house several years ag...
Broken Man by MeganSierra
It's been awhile since I've posted here, mostly because life has gotten in the way. But it seems no matter how busy I get, I still find time to be haunted. See, I used to be terrified of ghosts. And I'm not going to lie, they still frighten me. But recently I've found peace with the deceased, and...
Spirit Welcome by catweazle
Back when I was in High School in Sydney in about 1977, my parents were house hunting (again) & Mum & I were checking out a house in Killara they were interested in. We were both impressed by the welcoming atmosphere in the house as soon as we stepped through the front door into the wide, sunlit hal...
Prisoner's Ward by triden07
Between 15 August 2008 and 29 September 2008, my little boy was in a coma in a hospital in Johannesburg. The Staff and Management of said hospital had been so kind to my husband and me that they gave us a room in the Maternity ward to sleep in, as they knew we would not want to leave the hospital. A...
Footsteps With No One Around by TimDefacto
This story isn't scary. I decided to share it with you in case anyone had anything like this. Since my first story here I was having little more strange occurrences that scared the crap out of me. I'm not sure whether or not it has some link between my passion toward the ghost-thing and me. Well ...
Little Things In The Office by triden07
Just as clarification, this is not an unknown entity wreaking havoc in my office, this is Charlie being mischievous when he seems to get bored. I do feel that I should give a little background on my work environment. I work in an office building with three offices, and two open areas. When you en...
The Farm In Zeerust by triden07
When we were younger, I am guessing around 13, my aunt and uncle dragged my sister, then 11, and I to my uncle's family farm over a school holiday. My cousin and I were born 13 days apart, partners in crime our entire lives. My uncle's father had died a few years prior to this, and his mother was li...
Uncanny Thought by triden07
This is more of a question than a story. I have seen first hand how much power there is in twin connections. My father's mom was one of a set of identical twins, and she told us a lot of instances where they were hundreds of kilometres apart, but they always knew when things were not right with t...
Chance Of Storms by BadJuuJuu
Things seems to get more active around our house depending on the weather. Makes sense since weather can influence the amount of energy in the environment. Here are some things that happened on stormy or rainy days. 3-11-12, 4:20 pm, rainy, solar flares Brad was in the kitchen and heard all the ...
Intelligent Haunting? by AMC2012
My family and I moved into a newly built apartment 6 months ago, But stuff just started happening 3 weeks ago. First time something happened: I got done watching a movie. It was around 11pm. My kids were asleep in their beds. I had all the lights off and the TV on. Got up and used the bathroom, ...
Crazy The Follower by hemp
My up close and personal experiences with the paranormal all began at my dad's old home. Just for some background info my parents divorced in fifth grade and I primary lived at his house. As far as I know, the house itself was NOT haunted because it was newly built. I really want to tell you guys ab...
Creepy Experiences? by Biggs0341
My name is Tony and I live in Sylvania, Ohio within Toledo. Just to start I've always been a believer in ghosts, spirits, demons, etc. But just last night I think my question to them existing has been answered. Last night or early this morning I got poked relatively hard on my forehead. I live w...
Haunted K9 Unit Of Police Station by Shlain
This story takes place at my Mother's work in the building that houses the K9 Unit and the Radio Control Room where the 10111 emergecy (also known as 911) calls are taken. First I will tell you my experience in the Radio Control Room so please bear with me as this story is a bit lengthy, but its wo...
I Saw Him After His Death by LovelyAngel
I love reading and hearing ghost stories. And recently I came to know about this site. It's really awesome and a ittle scary feeling I'm having when I read each story. Now I'm a regular visitor of this site. I don't have many personal experience on ghosts and all. But I had a strange experience when...
Mysterious Locking Doors by GypsysHeart
In my last post I talked about how a spirit around my house keeps shaking my bed to wake me up. Since that last post there has been a different type of activity. Doors around my house keep locking and unlocking on their own. The first incident happened when my husband got up to get ready for wor...
The Shadow Person by 3moChic859
This is one of my first stories ever. They are true, but they're not mine. These are my moms stories. My mom has had a few experiences with ghosts, entities, or shadow people. The first experience she told me was called the shadow person. She told me she had gone out with a couple friends in the f...
The Highway Experience by Maniacmedic
YSG readers! This is my first submission here and hope you enjoy it. The following incident was my first experience of the paranormal/unexplained. At the time of this incident I was in my early teens, now I am originally from a district headquarters called Pudukottai in the state of Tamil Nadu, Ind...
Suddenly Cold by branson65
I had heard of cold spots when a spirit was present, but I had my doubts as to whether or not this was true. Now, I believe. My mother passed away a little over a year ago, in early November. I reside in Lubbock, Texas, and my mother and sister were in Joplin, Missouri. My mother, 92 years o...
The Grandmother Whom I Have Not Seen by Jessamine
I am a 22 year old, working in an MNC. This particular experience that I am about to share happened ten years back, but still I am unable to forget it. So here is the experience. I am the only child to my parents and both of them are working, so it happens that I stay alone when they are not at h...
Are You Scared? by JulesVNess
After what I have learned to call The Lennox Haunting, a haunted house that I lived in terror in for 38 days total, we vacated the property and moved to a different home on the outskirts of Lennox. I thought the hell was over, but I was dead wrong. Sometimes hell does not leave, it just lays dorm...
And Suddenly The Room Was Cold by azhar
Before I come to the actual story or incident, I would like to share something about myself. It was back in 1992, when I was just a 14 year old girl, single child of a single parent. I was never the typical teenager, always a bit withdrawn, serious and very quiet, and drawn to religion and sp...
Something Is Bothering Me by MoralityStrides
I would like to ask about recent experiences I've had. 1) My house is incredibly old, and I feel a strange feeling when in certain parts. I feel this feeling in other places and some of the places I've felt it I've researched and they are reportedly haunted. This strange feeling makes me feel di...
Dead Bolted Door Opened On Its Own by cori81
Our company has been located at our Richmond, Virginia office building for almost 15 years. For years (as long as we can remember), we've felt a "presence" in the office -- especially at night time. We heard all of the creepy sounds of someone walking around, the banging noises, etc. We've seen the ...
New Mexico Ghost Car by Wyatt13
I swear to God the following story is true, and happened to me in about 2002. I was driving through New Mexico around 2 am or so one night on a remote section of I-40 heading west. I had the cruise control set at about 88 mph and there had been no cars anywhere in sight for some time. I was t...
Spirits Playing With My Grandson? by happygrammy3612
It all started a couple of months ago. I was awoken by the sound of my grandsons' music box playing rather loudly. Of course, being the light sleeper in my old age, I sprang to my feet and rushed to his room. He was fast asleep and no where near his music box. I thought it was odd since he was at on...
Starting At Ihop by mwbddh2
My wife and I were about to go to a friend's place but since we hadn't eaten dinner, we decided to stop at the IHOP, in Ankeny, IA. It was about 7 pm. I forget what month but it was somewhere between March-May and it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly and the IHOP was busy and full of...
Childish Pranks By Our Invisible Tenants by azhar
Since 1995, I live with my husband and my in-laws in a rather large bungalow in Karachi. The building is not very well maintained, and the number of visible inhabitants (my mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and their two kids) does not justify its size. The b...
The Monk In The Old Abby by spiritwolfdancer
I'm the new heritage worker in a town called Finglas, Northside of Dublin. I'm training to be the local tour guide there. As I had been researching a lot, I took a day where I took my family to the historical spots in Finglas. There in the heart of the village is an old Abby called St Canice's A...
Farm House In The Karoo by Fergie
I would like to share with you, another account from my Uncle Norman. This must have taken place in 1950/1, as Norm had bought a 'new' car, a grey Vanguard. He was delighted to have 'wheels' for the first time in his life; eager to try it out on a road trip. Norm and a friend (I honestly can't...
A Bad Demon? by SkullKid
A couple months ago I woke up in the middle of the night (which I rarely ever do) and automatically looked at the foot of my bed and there stood a very slender, lanky, inhuman looking black figure watching me. I was absolutely terrified and felt like a deer in head lights as I could not take my ...
The Man From The Picture by stormy8063
I have always been a skeptic about the existence of what people call ghost or duppies... Until I had my own experience. I grew up in a common Jamaican family setting where I lived with my grandmother, an aunt, mother and brother. In Jamaica the existence of spirits is something strongly endorsed ...
Who's In My House? by girlie
There are too many things going on in my house right now to remember them all. So this story may be continued in other posts later on. It started about two or so weeks ago. My friend B, who was the friend who join me in the creepy old house story awhile back was at my house again. Usually the weir...
Having My Baby Girl by LakotaWinyan
Some background here: It's Dec 5th, 2012. I was due to deliver my second baby girl yesterday via C-Section, with tubal ligation afterward. It wasn't meant to be. I ended up coming down with a "cold" with coughing up phlegm. Turned out to develop into mild pneumonia, so I was prescribed antibiotics a...
Ghosts Of Children? by Tash1982
I would like to share my experience and get your opinions if possible! Basically I used to live in Germany on an Army camp and when I was about 12 I started to wake in the middle of the night, always in the early hours (from what I remember it was always between 1am and 3am). This only happened a...
The Ghost Under The Bed by NasCudi
When I was younger, I used to live in a house that had 4 bedrooms. One for me, one for my grandparents, one for my mom, and the other was a spare room but since my "Great Grandma" used to stay over a lot, we named it "Great Grandma's Room" (she passed away years before). For some ODD reason, my gran...
Eventful Weekend by triden07
Friday night (30 November 2012) my ex came to pick the boys up for the weekend. T didn't want to go at first, but then when "J" got there he was happy to see his dad. "J" has always had a knack to say a single sentence and get me so upset that I start shaking. He did it again on Friday night. But, I...
My Frantic Mother by triden07
My mother was in a flat spin. Completely worked up about going for surgery that is potentially life threatening. She kept checking and double-checking her bags, trying to decide if there was anything of importance that she had forgotten. She was looking for her slippers, everywhere, and just could n...
Fearful Nights by LibertyLites
This is a continuing story as it is still going on. I moved into this current apartment in February 2011. Upon moving in, I had a creepy feeling as if I was being watched. I also was 6 months pregnant at the time. Besides the creepy feeling everything seemed normal, every now and then I would get a ...
Red Faced Entity by nanakorobi
This actually happened just then and it has left me quite shaken. This morning while getting ready, I began to exit the bathroom when I suddenly saw a red face glaring at me from the reflective mosaic tiles on the bathroom walls. I was really shocked and just tried my best to dismiss it. Just...
The First House That I Can Remember by CAyer
I've moved around a lot during my life. And many times I have noticed weird things. This is the first home I have memory of. I was there from age four until age nine. I lived in a two story apartment in Brentwood, and not much ever seemed out of the ordinary. Except the upstairs of the house. Mainly...
The Strange Knocking In The Bedroom by spiritwolfdancer
My mother died very sudden and fast in January 2000 on a cold Friday Morning, by Tuesday we had her buried. I was staying in her house keeping my Father company along with my two children. The next day my children went up to visit their uncle not far away and my Father had things to do so my neice a...
It Wanted To Possess Me? by billyak18
This happened to me in 2009. I was working in quality certification company based in Coimbatore which is a city in southern part of India. This place is 60 km from my home. When I joined, I used to commute to and fro in my motorbike. I used to love those rides as I love riding bike. I used to st...
A Few Strange Occurrences by LadyKarli
It was a beautiful warm day in sunny Florida. My husband, boyfriend at the time, and I decided to take a slow walk around the lake behind his house to have some time alone. We made our way past the houses and into the trees. Standing next to the lake we listened to the bird and enjoyed the occas...
Castle Grounds Phenomena by bizzjoe
I have been reading a lot of these stories over the last couple of days. Some of them very interesting, and others not so much. I am now going to tell you my story, and I hope at best you find it intriguing. It's a true story, and I wasn't the only one there. Anyway the location is Mallow, County C...
The Underwood Devil? by spookyme401
I have seen the devil, I think. It's going to sound strange I know, but this really happened to me. When I was young, about 10 years old, I was with my grandmother driving all around town looking for some Halloween costume and was having a problem locating a store with anything worth a damn. Finally...
Visits From Blue-grey People by Shay88
I'll start off by mentioning that I live near Johannesburg, South Africa, and that the experience below took place a few suburbs from where I currently stay. In my late teen years I used to wake up every night (in the early hours of the morning - usually around 2 or 3am). I would often not be abl...
Helping Hands by triden07
To say that we have had a busy few days is stating things lightly. After mom's surgery last week, Gran has been very active around mom. She does not hang in the passage; she is constantly where mom is. Friday afternoon Tim asked me at one point if mom was sitting in the lounge, so I did not even ...
The First House That I Can Remember 2 by CAyer
You should read the first version first to learn about this. There is a lot I left out though. After I wrote it I started trying to recall more memories. And I remember more. I didn't have too many direct experiences, considering I tended to stay away from my room, but I remember how it felt, and wh...
Dad's Last Message by Cafelelion
When I was young, I used to enjoy music. I was 9 when my Dad (strongly encouraged by my Mum) bought me a guitar. He mumbled a lot because he thought that I would be interested for a short time then would let it down and in the 50s, a guitar was expensive. I finally got it and started to play. I was ...
Two Ghost Experiences by SamuelSnow
The first ghost experience I had in my house was I was sleeping in my bed, which my door of my room is on the foot end of my bed on the right. As I was asleep, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. My door opened, by a black shadow in a shape of human form holding my cat. The black shadow ...
The Girl In The Dark Corner by Argaka_1_1
We once lived in London in a town called Kilburn, just off the high road, which was handy for us to do our shopping. The house we lived in was an old Victorian terrace house with separate apartments, which was said to have been haunted along with the rest of the street. Many complaints had gone into...
Poltergeist Likes Moving My Body Parts by mooglebooboo
Whenever I can't sleep I can hear something leaning on my bed. I could hear the sound from the mattress. I would stay perfectly still and my legs and arms would move on its own. If I slept on my side, something would push me and try to wake me up so I always sleep on my back. I always hide my han...
Is A Ghost Reaching Out To Me? by NightTerrorGirl
I'm nineteen years old and within the past couple of years I've suffered from what I imagine to be night terrors. What happens is, I am lying in my bed and my eyes are barely open. It's like looking through your eyes when they are as squinted as possible. I feel something next to me holding me down,...
Smoky Spirit by alandhopewell
This was about the mid-seventies, about seventy-five or six. I was downtown in Lorain, about eleven in the morning. I was walking south, heading in the general direction of home, after a morning appointment. In those days, there was still some foot traffic on Broadway during business hours, as ...
Mischievous Spirit by kaleidoscopegirl101
This happened back when I was a high school freshman. Our school has a lot of paranormal activities so I keep hearing ghost stories and paranormal experiences from other students. I didn't believe any of it until that night. Our classroom was said that there's a spirit of a child that sometimes ...
A Quick, Strange Visit by ghostfacep
This story occurred early July of this year. I wanted to publish it earlier, but was not able to because the amount of submissions the site was receiving. Anyhow, here it is. One night, I would say around 7:30 pm, I was watching television in the Family room when all of the sudden I felt the envi...
Ghost Or Just Tired by kaiyasam
I have two stories. To me Ghosts/Spirits have alsways been interesting even though I have never really wanted to meet or just see any, plus that has always been my mothers thing, where she has ended up talking to them, even talking to an ex who she didn't even know had died. My first story I am s...
Force? by missk
This happened a few years back, I don't know what to call it but this is the first time I've actually felt something. I was in Graphics class, we were sketching things to learn the basic skill of Graphic drawing. The classes desks were in rows of two, on each side of the classroom with a big walk...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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