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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 123
Nightmarish Year by Believer88
I lived in Orem in 2007, in my first apartment with my husband. This was the first time I had ever lived on my own and I was excited! We were previously living with my husband's grandma, but we were kicked out because we purchased our dog Bella. I had a nightmare of this apartment before we even...
Demon Or Angered Spirit? by XypherXamerChain
It was when I was 12 or 13 years old when I had my latest experience. I was living in a house filled with mold in the walls and roof. My mother was in the hospital because of it and my father was always working, so I was always home alone. Well, with freedom, comes abuse. My dad is a huge re...
The College Phantom by AM616
Until about a year ago, I attended a year round daycare at Louis and Clark College that was also a summer camp. At the time this event occurred I was twelve and, being one of the older kids, had only about two friends at camp that were my age named Jesse and Walter. Since all of the other kids w...
The Unusual Sounds My Mom Kept Hearing by chelseylobo
The story was told to me by mom. It took place in Goa, soon after she got married at my grandparents' house. Let me brief you about the house before I begin with my story. The house is situated alongside a road, facing towards a farm just opposite to it. As you enter, towards your left is my pare...
Ghost Of Gar Museum And Library by RebelRaider
Long time reader, first time poster. Let me start off by saying I've had plenty of paranormal experiences when I was younger. Nothing too major has happened since I was around 17. This happened not too long ago, last week March 19th. I started volunteering at a Local Civil War Museum & Library [...
My Dads Run From Spirits by Elgin
I'd like to share a story that was told to me when I was young and until now I can still remember it. It's a story about my father and how he was haunted growing up. He had a lot of experiences with the paranormal but I'll tell you about the time he almost died. This story happened when my dad w...
My Great Grandmother's Ghost by EveryHour
I have lived in a very active house my whole life. My family, friends and I hear voices and experience poltergeist activity every single day. But one thing that we have only experienced a few times is actually seeing an actual apparition. This is one of those experiences. I was about ten years old...
Ghost In My Car? by melindaalex
I bought a new car and I had my cross hanging from the mirror. One day I found the cross on the floor. The cross was not broken, and I was the only person that had keys to the car. I found it to be really odd because you would need to lift the metal cross and leather string it was hanging from to g...
The Trickster by TalonWalt
Before my boyfriend and I bought our home we were living in the apartment that he had been renting for about ten years. While visiting there, and later living there I had many paranormal experiences. I'll tell of the two most benign ones first. When we first started dating I'd go over to his plac...
Not Seeing Is Believing by Zack84
At this point, we've now lived in the Victorian house for approximately a year and a half. Cosmetic repairs and electrical work on the interior have been largely completed. If you would like more information on what happened during these repairs and what we experienced see my previous three stories....
Man In The Brown Suit by Baronessie
I was 16 years old and never a believer of the paranormal until I experienced something my self. It was 8 am and I was getting ready for school. My sisters were across the street at my uncle's house visiting my cousins. The apartment was very quiet, very still. I got my clothes out of my closet, m...
Haunted House On Lincoln Ave by SeaSparkzz
I spent the first 16 years of my life in a haunted house in a town called South Cle Elum, WA. Strange things happened, and they happened frequently. My youngest memory of odd happenings comes from when I was about 7, give or take a couple years. I will be telling many short stories here, trying to g...
Pagona: The Woman In The White Gown by SeaSparkzz
My mom cleaned houses when I was a kid and one particular house had an interesting ghost story that came to life for me. I had heard that a particular room upstairs was haunted. It was said that when a man slept in that room that he had "blood curdling nightmares"; however, women were unaffected. I ...
My Great Grandma by kaylamarie22
When I was about 8 years old my great-grandma had several heart attacks and became very ill. The last one was the worst and she was unable to recover from it. I know she wasn't there mentally anymore, but I have some questions about what happened the day she died. A couple of days before she die...
The Creature Lying Next To Me by Nanja
A year ago me and my husband bought an old house in the northern part of our country. It is an old farmhouse, which the previous residents completely redid. There is a large piece of land which was used as agricultural land (animals, fruit trees). This plot is more and more transformed into a garden...
Farmhouse Haunting by skull_666
It had been 2 years since I had left Nepal and traveled to Europe to pursue my higher education, finally settling down in London. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I became addicted to cannabis and other drugs. Well, I have to admit that time was both fun and had some dark moments. Nonetheless,...
Something Possessed My Maidservant by xiao88
This story happened before I had my third eye opened, around six years ago. My mother had a new maidservant since the old one quit to marry just a week before (in Indonesia is is usual for a common family to have one or two maids since the salary for maid here is very low, mine costs just $50 per...
I Am Being Haunted by Death_Defier
This was just recent with my paranormal encounter. On either March 23rd or 24th of 2013, I woke up and got on my phone. My phone is a smart phone but it's not very bright. I locked it around 6:05 for a couple minutes and then I see it, a shadow of a hand holding a black book floating across my field...
Auntie's Experience Scarred Her For Life by sabzzz786
My first story is about my auntie which my mum had told me when my auntie was in Bangladesh, by the way we all live in the same house there. In the night she was sleeping with her sister-in-law and my mum. She had woken up in the middle of the night to, I suppose, get a drink. When she came back, sh...
Haunted House In Which I Am Living by Talha
A part in the discussion I want to tell everyone that the inn which I am living is haunted. My family bought the house on urgent basis on cheap prices. It was good and fine for our family but in 2008 when we shifted to our new house I used to sleep alone in my room without any lights, only street li...
Harris Street Part 1 by vmolina9025
My home on Harris Street is where my family and I encountered the most unbelievable events of our lives. I lived here with my two brothers, A and J, two sisters, Val and V (both my sisters and my name start with a V), my golden retriever, and both my parents. We had many things happen to us, and in ...
A Scary Experience by Maahi
I am Maahi and I am of 14 years old. I live in Hyderabad. Before entering into the story I want to introduce myself. Nobody in our family believe ghost or their existence, but they strongly believe in god. I am the only one girl who firmly believes in ghost and god. So, entering into the story, i...
My Grandmother's Experiences by gkcampbell76
Some people are very sensitive when it comes to the spirit world, I'm pretty sure that my grandmother was one of those people. Her first paranormal experience took place while she was doing some wallpapering for a friend at his home. First let me begin with a little bit of history regarding the ...
Eyes by Believer88
I started believing in other world entities when I was five, and it really stemmed from one incident. When I was five, I was sitting on my bed coloring and because I didn't like pulling the crayons out of the box I had dumped them on my bed as a result of my colorful mess I dropped a crayon on the s...
Demon Or Just An Intelligent Haunting? by xxTorturedByDemons
I'm not too sure what exactly is going on, but since I've noticed it, it has been known as "the ghost" because that's the only explanation I had. Don't say anything nasty if your opinion is different to mine. It all started when I was nine. My mum, step dad, brother and I had just moved into a ne...
When I Was Younger by Natalie7034
So this is my first story, and it took place when I was younger. When I was about 4 or 5 (I'm 13 now) I used to have dreams that there was a witch in my wardrobe, and my bed was in the middle of my bedroom and it was right next to my wardrobe, and when I woke up it would be about 12 in the morning a...
Akron House And Crystal Blessing by ZeitOfClubs
This event happened the duration I lived in my old house in Akron with my friend, back when I was 18 and 19 years old. The house was one of the oldest houses within the city and on lend to us to use while we got on our feet. The moment we both moved in we knew something was off. I'm a very firm beli...
They're Is Still Here... We Know It by m4dm1nnes0tan
I'm a very family-oriented kind of person. Always put my family over anything and everything. Most people don't, but I do. My father was my best friend growing up, and my mother was my idol. My siblings were always my PIC's (Partners in Crime). My parents always told us that when its their time to g...
The Indians And Other Experiences by xAshley
This is a true story that I've heard from my mom. She lived in Oklahoma with her parents, but spent a lot of time with her grandpa and grandma. My mom stayed for a week at the house of her grandpa and grandma, where she had dreams about an fight of Indians and the white people who attacked long ag...
The Bedroom by DelzLdy
For Christmas when I was about 10-11 years old, my parents bought me an electric blanket. I don't know how they function now, but back then the controls would click on and off to maintain the set temperature. I have always been a light sleeper, and this constant clicking on/off kept me wide awake. ...
Gray Feet And The Watcher Or Are They The Same? by Believer88
My husband's grandpa built a house for his grandma over 60 years ago, when the house was first built it was a small 3 bedroom 2 bath house and the whole basement I believe was the original master bedroom. He was able to purchase the land for cheap because the land was all owned by the family. Ev...
Basements...who Needs 'em by Believer88
When I was 16 and living with my dad and step-mom, my younger brother moved out and lived with my mom for a time so I decided I wanted to take his room downstairs. This was quite a feat for me considering I hate basements with a fiery passion but I figured I would give it a shot. My step-mom had...
Does My Grandmother Want Contact? by luckynumbereight
A year before I was born, my grandmother (father's side) passed away. Before she passed, she would speak about how excited she was to see me. My first experience and earliest memory was when I was about four years old, I remember it very vividly. My father had driven with me and my older brother to ...
Here When I'm Needed 3 by notjustme
This is my 3rd story about my late boyfriend who passed in 2009. For those readers who have not read the 1st and 2nd story, please do before continuing on. Ever since Derek passed away I've "dreamt" of him many many times. I chose to put "dreamt" in quotations because I now strongly believe that ...
Party Crasher by AM616
It was my tenth birthday and I had nine girls staying the night. Around twelve, two of my friends went to sleep but the rest of us stayed up. Around three, we started taking pictures with my friend Abby's phone. We took a picture of my friend Jess on the couch. We noticed some kind of white smud...
Camp Fire by maneteemoo
I have been a girl scout since I was in the 1st grade. A few months ago, I was up at Tomahawk Ranch in Colorado. My troop was the troop that organized the whole thing. The camp lasted 3 days and two nights. About 60 younger girls attended, all ranging in the ages of 6-11. On the first night, a g...
Addicted To Demons by Beccas_Shadow
As I have stated in my first story, I have seen unusual things since I was a little girl. The thing is, I am absolutely addicted and obsessed to learning and researching demons. I feel like I am being reeled in, and I know that I could stop it but part of me does not want to. I finally got over the ...
Tragic House by Lunahenry
This is a true story recently relayed to me by my sister. The names have been changed for privacy concerns. Here is her story: You wouldn't know it by it's appearance, but there is a certain house, located in close proximity to my son "Dave" and his wife "Erica's" home, that seems to possess s...
The Creature That Hides Beneath My Nephews Bed by chrisstar
First let me just say that this is not just some monster under the bed story. Okay this thing is real and attacks my nephew in his sleep at night. My nephew's parents just died so my girlfriend Ashley and I moved back to my parents' house to help take care of him. He's five. At first I thought i...
My Mom's Double And Other Experiences by Everton-FC-1878
I have had a lot of paranormal experiences since I was a young boy. I am 18 now and haven't experienced anything odd in a while. The house I lived in definitely had some evil spirits who tormented me and my family since I can remember. My father and mother only recently told me that if they need...
My Grandpa At The Funeral Home by hollybvb10612
I'm 16 years old. First experience was when my grandpa died in 2006. I was about 9 when I had to go to his funeral. All my life I was afraid of my grandpa because of his deep voice. He would come over and I would hide. I was his first girl grandchild blood related from my dad. I felt really bad ...
My First Ghostly Experience by DestinyGirl
I recently posted about some more recent experiences I've had dealing with my grandfather and mother who passed away, so I thought I would share the first experience I had with something that didn't seem quite right. We lived in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio when I was between 2 and 10 years old. I...
Irregular Haunting by Macca
My story first started when I was around the age of about 14. I had always been interested in the paranormal but never had any experiences prior to this one. I was laying in bed in the early hours of the morning when I was awakened by my covers being pulled off me slowly. I gripped them but the ...
The Man On My Property And Other Experiences by GHOSTBUSTERS1234
This is my first story (I have 3 stories here). My house is a single story farmhouse and is about 75 years old. When you walk in, you see the living room, to your left is the kitchen/dining room. And if you look to your right, there is the hallway. Down the hall is my room, my mother's, my sister's ...
Whispering Child by Nburke12
Me, my husband, and my 2-year-old daughter vacationed in the Catskills for Easter this year to get away from everything. We stayed in my cousin's beautiful mountain chalet. The cabin was quite a drive from the nearest store, so on our first day I went to the grocery to stock up for the week. My ...
The Goat That Would Watch Me Sleep by CaliforniaK
About ten years ago, maybe less is when it happened. I was about eighteen and still living at my parents. My best friend named Jessica and I were really into witchcraft. We had many spell books, played with a Ouija board quite a bit, got into the whole Astral Projection thing. You name it, we were i...
Something Was Living In That Backyard by CaliforniaK
In 2008 I was living with my ex-boyfriend, and was pregnant with our daughter. We lived in a back one bedroom "guest" house behind his parents' home. When they moved into their house back in 1993, the guest house was not there. The whole backyard was overgrown brush, with a small open-aired shac...
The Ghost That Tickled by Clare_Sita
So it all started when my partner and I decided to join some friends on holidays to Ballina NSW. We were staying in a rental holiday property on a street called Riverside Drive that backs onto the Richmond River. It is a huge house with two kitchens, two bathrooms and six bedrooms. We were staying w...
Some Brief Experiences And Questions by Lee267
I'm new to this site and am very interested in the paranormal/looking for answers. So I will start by saying even though I have an interest in the paranormal I am somewhat a skeptic. Now looking for proof of the paranormal, I went to an old abandoned mental hospital with 2 friends. Even though n...
Our House Ghost by Marine
Cebu City in the Philippines has never been a hotbed for ghostly haunting and apparitions. Unlike some areas in the country where myths and stories about strange beings and ghosts are rife, Cebu does not really qualify for a paranormal tours stopover. Having said that, I do know a couple of places a...
The Fall Of Madame M by Zack84
We had now been living in the "horror house" for about three years. I was a Senior in High School and looking forward to graduation and attending UCSC afterword. The house was complete and it looked amazing! My mother and I had researched the property extensively, and with the help of the histor...
Little Girl Being Mischevious by Baronessie
There's one encounter I have that still sends shivers down my spine when I think of it. I posted a story about a "man" I encountered when I was younger and he wore a brown suit. We moved to a new house a few months after that experience. That house was on a street called Williamson Avenue. In that h...
My Friend John by stonegate3
I was returning from the local supermarket on Friday afternoon when I saw a man walking towards me who was a fairly close friend. I had met him often when I walked my dog by the river, and almost every day we would sit together and chat on the seat there. He had lost his wife, and I am a widow. ...
My Friend Emily by Tuesdey
My first ghost experience that I recollect happened at the tender age of 13. I had just gotten home from visiting my dad in South Florida and was happy to be back in my room, to have my bed. Overjoyed, I simply threw my bags on the ground and streaked onto my bed. Now, the way this house was bu...
Ouija Board Warning by Auramyst
In 1977, I was 12 years old. My best friend, Jamie, and I were continually messing around with my Ouija board. We were mostly interested in contacting any spirits that happened to be around. After a few months of playing with the board, weird things started happening in my house. We usually playe...
The Girl In The Bathroom by jenniferlynn95
Since I was the age of thirteen I have been haunted by a ghost/demon. I have seen her so often in the last 6 years that I have given her a name. Chelsee. Chelsee is a paranormal entity who haunts my bathroom in my house. I live with my parents and even though I tell them my stories, they don't belie...
The Girl In The Bathroom Part Ii by jenniferlynn95
Chelsee has been getting more violent, she will come into my room at night and stand there and just watch with her blurred out face. I am about to turn 19 and am getting ready to move out, maybe after I leave she will leave me alone. Chelsee has also given me scratches on my back that are unexplaina...
Who Was In My Backyard? by Andrea22
This experience was very short but it was enough to stay in my memory for a long time. It happened when I was 14. And I'm 23 now so it was almost 10 years ago. I lived in Tennessee at the time. While I was growing up I always shared a room with my younger sister, but when I became a teenager and n...
Awkward Sensations by Michelledelkel
I don't know what it is. Often times I tell myself it's just one of those uncomfortable feelings you get when a limb might fall asleep, but I'm not all that sure anymore. What happens is that I feel someone or something touch me. I know a lot of people have experienced that, but the difference (at l...
My Sister's Supernatural Week by macelar
So I stumbled upon this website on Google and next thing I knew, I'm reading ghost stories from the Philippines. The story that I'm about to tell you happened and told by my older sister. The events happened to her when she was a few months pregnant and was living in Quezon City at that time. ...
Was It My Grandpa? by jmj
I have been reading ghost stories from this site from a week, wanted to share my experience as well. It is about my grandpa (my mom was adopted by them from my mom's actual parents as they didn't have a baby). A little bit history before the actual event. My grandparents (grandparents in the story...
Great Nan Visit by SmokenMirrors
This happened to me when I was much younger and has been recounted back to me by family members who were present at the time. For some general background my Grandparents lived in a prewar two story house in Birmingham. My mom and I would stop at my grandparents house for the weekend, with my mom ...
Our Girls - It Runs In The Family by Fergie
Last year Easter 2012, we had what we like to call a 'Gathering of the Clan' -- not a large one according to historical events, but our children, and our children's' children, ten members of the family, all under one roof. It felt so good having all of us sitting around in our middle daughter's loun...
Turned A Non Believer Into A Believer by 13thomas
So last week I was lying in my bed when I look to my right for my water bottle. While I was grabbing a drink, I saw a tall black figure of a man. I didn't freak at all, I was just thinking I was crazy. My room is well-lit at night due to the moon shining through the three bedroom windows. I do n...
My Father Visited One Day... Years After His Passing by m4dm1nnes0tan
If you read my other stories about my parents, you will know that my parents loved my siblings and me to the fullest. Never once did a day go by without them telling us they loved us. It was about 5 years after my father had passed away, just a few weeks after his anniversary of his passing. My ...
Incidents In My House by Isabelle27
My name is Isabelle and I am fifteen. I hope no one thinks that these incidents not real. I am not the sort of person to jump to conclusions and have only really thought about the paranormal these past few months after things in my house are getting more strange. I moved into my house September 2...
Voice In The Hall by Beckiie
This happened a couple of years ago when I was about 14 or 15 (I am now 17), in the house where I currently live with my parents. On this particular day in August I had woken up early (about 6 or 7 am) and everyone in my house was awake. My dad was in the living room, my mom in her room, I was in th...
Evil Lady by mysterious_sunset
I am new here and would like to share my amazing experience with something supernatural that happened only once in my life that I will never forget. I haven't shared this story with many people but always wanted to. This event occurred when I lived in Ukraine with my father, mom and two younger ...
Mirror Shadow Spirit by Night_of_Nyx
Often, in the middle of the night, I have to get up to go to the bathroom. I am 15 weeks pregnant, and since I've been close to my 2nd trimester, I have been experiencing paranormal activity. This may due to some increase in hormones, or because being pregnant means getting up more often in the midd...
My Sister's Double Upstairs? by leahandanna
I am new to this website and I want to tell you a personal experience of mine. Well, we were just moving into our new house. It was very large and spacious. So, I was upstairs unpacking boxes. My sister, who lives in New Hampshire, came to help me unpack and everything. I was unpacking and going ...
An Experience I'll Never Forget by ghostly94
What you're reading now is something I'll never forget. It was late one night around 2010 time and, well, this experience was made weird because of what happened over Christmas of 2011. Living in the house I've grown up in, I've noticed that not everything is as it seems. I was downstairs at home...
The Black Figure And Other Experiences by josh2010
I Moved to a Town called Casino (NSW Australia) in 2006 with 2 mates and because we didn't have a house to move into, we had to stay in a Pub. That's where the experiences started to happen. It started with me waking up at night around 2am and seeing glimpses of a black figure in the room. This w...
My Boyfriend's House And Its Little Friends by jonesss
I never really talked about it with people who might know more about it, so I really hope someone here knows more. Me and my boyfriend got together about a year ago. We talked about what we liked and believed. The same music, the same movies and we also both believed in paranormal things. I perso...
The Shadow Or The Mailman by YellowHipposAdam
I don't really know what to do about what's been going on. I've tried talking to people about this, but they just stare at me like I'm crazy - so, I've brushed it off as coincidences and too much TV. I can't deny it anymore. I don't know what this is, but it's scaring me and I'm honestly afraid that...
My Son's Guardian Angel by trucha
This is my first story and it's very difficult so please go easy on me. My stepson "Alex" committed suicide 3 years ago at the age of 16. He was a handsome, loving kid who was suffering in silence. The night he died, I knew something was wrong, call it 6th sense. He left behind 2 younger brother...
I Saw My Mother's Look-alike by rukiel_17
This happened while my family and I stayed in Quezon last week March 28th-31st for the Holy Week. I work at night so I'm fully awake while all of them are sleeping. Anyhow, I always wake up after midnight and since I'm the only one who's awake I read books at the living room since my sister is sleep...
Are We Stalked By Spirits? by SammieJoe
I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half now. When we first met I noticed one morning that he had 2 big scratches down his back. He then told me that he has always woken up with random scratches. These scratches are also in places that he could not possibly inflict on himself. Some are ...
Voices Of Our Resident Ghosts by Marine
I live with my Dad in a house that was built in the 40's, the same house I grew up in. While I do not necessarily like the word "haunted" to describe it (I always associate this word with's just me) there are occurrences in this house that can only be referred to as paranormal. Unlike my b...
My First Ghosthunt by SmokenMirrors
I took part in my first ghost hunt for Halloween last year. I will try to recite my experience as best I can but if you have any question feel free to ask. The location was at a hotel and bar that has a reputation for been active. The building still trades as a hotel so I will leave it unnamed. Suff...
Landlord Around by rabnr
The incident took place when I was in my high school. We were living in a house near the main road in Kathmandu. It was already more than 8 years since we were living in that house. We moved to that house when I was in grade 5. We were new in that house along with three other families. The house had...
The Phantom City by Lunahenry
My Sister, Pattie, used to live in South Jersey for many years. This is Pattie's Story. My husband, Mark, and I were in the habit of taking "coffee rides" (he would have coffee and I would have tea, then take a long drive to drink at our leisure, while enjoying the sights along the way). It was...
A Shove In The Right Direction by triden07
As a means to avoid confusion, this post is about my resident ghosties residing in my house, namely Gran, Charlie and Kiddo. On my birthday this year (March 2nd) my oldest friend in the world (Adb0423) and her boyfriend were among the guests. Now, as she has explained in her posts as well, her bo...
Zen, A Well-wisher Or An Ouija Demon? 2 by scary_ritwik
It hasn't been long, since I posted my first story 'Zen, a Well-wisher or an Ouija Demon?' on this site, which was about my experiences with an entity "Zen", whom I had contacted by my Ouija board. My story got many comments and suggestions and I thank everyone who read my account. I am really sorry...
Moonlit Night by cupofjoe55
When I was younger, between the age of 6 and 8, I experienced something that would change my life forever. My family lived in Northern Indiana and the time of year was winter (early 1980's). Sometime during the night of this event, a heavy snow fell at a steady pace that was common in those days. I ...
Vernal...skinwalker Ranch by Believer88
Vernal is about 3 hours away from Salt Lake City and quite honestly it is a total back water town that has no city codes what so ever, you can pretty much have a cow in your front yard and you won't get a fine. Vernal is a little behind, meaning they don't have any major entertainment places and the...
Apartment Hauntings by laurrennm
I'm brand new to this site, but I've been reading stories on here for a few weeks now. I've been eager to share my stories to people who believe, so here it goes. I have quite a few stories regarding the houses I've lived in. This story, however, will be based on a few events that occurred in the...
Sunshine Bridge Phantom by Louisiana1
During December of 2004 my brother and I were taking our girlfriend and wife to Nottoway Plantation in Louisiana for the Christmas tour. We finished the tour around 9:30PM and decided to eat at the Restaurant located on the plantation. We lived on the east bank of the Mississippi River so we had...
One Of My Many Possible Experiences by Fantasy_Reality
It may not sound like much, but it is pretty weird for me. I have been living in a newly built house for around 4 years and it has 3 floors. About three stairs up the second flight I feel like someone is stood there. It is a silhouette of a person who is taller than me, and has a male build. I may h...
Saviour In The Storm by valkricry
This happened to me this morning as I was walking to work, so I'm still puzzling it out. First off, I wasn't feeling that great and it was raining. It was also very dark out. 5:30 in the morning, the sun is still sleeping, and there is very little traffic. In fact I hardly see anyone out that earl...
Harris Street Part 2 by vmolina9025
The paranormal events later escalated from footsteps and voices to seeing shadows and having objects move around. Both my sisters would wake up in the middle of the night, hold hands, and walk around the house to make sure every door was locked so no intruders would come in. They told me sometimes...
The Grave Sites In My Yard by Josee337Bee
I moved into a house with my family in Opelousas. They lived on the side of the city called ''The trash pile'', not far from Holy Ghost Catholic Church. At night, sometimes we would hear footsteps in the hallway and voices around the house. I told my mom about what I was experiencing and she laughed...
The Ghost In The Web Cam by wolf-mitchum
Once, about ten years ago I had leased 40 acres and a small isolated cabin near Pine Mountain Georgia. One day after I had lived there about a month the Land Lord who lived in Florida dropped by to inquire as to how I was liking the little place. He mentioned that his teenaged daughter had really li...
One Last Reminder by KateM
I am a widow and a mother of three children. My late husband was a violent man who as far as I can recall, never showed me an ounce of love or affection in all our married life. Shortly before we met, he had had an affair with another woman who was expecting his baby, but unfortunately she was kille...
The Unknown by she_28
I would like to share all the paranormal events happening in my life since I was a kid. It all started probably around the age of 3-4. I didn't have my own bedroom that time, so I sleep in my mom's bedroom. The door to our bedroom was just in front of our dining room, from the side of the bed where...
My Mother by Lukerobinson
Name is Luke. My mom has been gone for two years now and a few things have been happening. One would be that sometimes when my fiancé turns off her tv or we go out into the living room, we come back and at times when my fiancé leaves the tv on it would be on a church channel or when we turn the tv...
Well That Was Weird by ghostly94
I think it right to share this because these are my first 3 experiences with the paranormal. Now, being only a child when I had my first 3 experiences I somehow remember them very well. The first: It was the middle of the night and I had woken up after which I sat up and saw a figure standing on t...
6 Year Old Child Ghost- Monty by Montyam
I am very new to this forum so I apologise if any of this detail of the story is unclear. When I was wandering in a fairly old cemetery (I know this sounds hard to believe) but I received a thought pattern in my head which told me a boy with blonde hair was wanting to chat to me. So I replied in...
He Is The Man In Black by moonstar4807
Since I was a little girl, I have had this feeling of someone watching me. My mother told me that when I was 7, she would hear me talking to someone in my room, but no one would be there. She pushed it off as just an imaginary friend. As I got older I stopped talking to this "friend" and my mother d...
14 And Scared by CalebBrant
Me and my friends decided that we should go ghost hunting in my friend's garage, only to be scared out of our wits. We decided that we would split up in groups, and we would catch more things on tape and on the voice recorders. So me and my friend Dawson were in a group. We had just asked any sp...
Crazy Paranormal Investigation by EveryHour
My close friends and I have had paranormal experiences since we were very little. Last year, we started a ghost hunting group and we go to the most haunted places in our town every weekend. This past weekend, we went to an abandoned house on a street that one of our members lives on. We didn't know ...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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