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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 160
Locked In! by Angelkiss
Another story just came into my mind about the residential home I worked in. This one was scarier, for me personally, than the first. I always worked the late shift due to family commitments. I was alone on my unit and it was getting to the end of the shift so I was making sure the kitchen and si...
The Ghost At Grandma's House by captjnye
When I was in the later part of high school, back in the 1980's, I ended up moving in with my grandmother so she would have someone at home with her. Her house, built back in the 1930's, was a small two story, two bedroom home, with a basement. There was something always about the house that made yo...
My Unusual Life So Far by brownhairedlass
I am a firm believer that there is life after death. I have only ever shared my experiences of the paranormal with my family (whom have witnessed these happenings in our house as well) and my best friend as you meet too many people in life that like to scoff and laugh when you tell them. These unusu...
College Entity by NinjaPirateAssasin
This year, I'm living in a dorm room at a big university (avoiding using the name) with a roommate. In the room, both sides of the room are identical, so we each have a walk in closet. About two feet from the door of the closet is our desks, which are pushed up against the end of our lofted beds....
Spirits Following Her by fallenangel028
Part I of this story is written as told to me by my Stepmother, as it is something that happened to her before she met my Father. It does tie in with the rest of the story. Part I: The Past Experiences My Stepmother (whom I will call Anne) spent 30 some-odd years in a home located in the small...
Grandma's House by rachse11
I've had many ghost experiences, but today I'll be telling you the experiences I have encountered only at my grandmas, from the first encounter, to the most recent experience I had. Her son (my uncle) died inside that house from throat cancer, he had a hole in his throat so he could eat, talk, and b...
The Beginning Of My Living Nightmare by MissPanda
This is my first story on this site and I apologize if I'm not the greatest storyteller. I just wanted to share what has been going on pretty much my whole life. This may have to be done in multiple stories but I'll get what I can into this... Just some background info, the house we live in was d...
Was It My Granny? by Kokopat
This incident happened about 6-7 years ago. I was in class 10th preparing for my board exams. Now let me first give a brief introduction about my home and my room. My house is a 3 BHK flat. My study room also is the puja (prayer) room. Earlier when my granny used to stay with us, she used to slee...
A Sneaky Ghost by yang07
The story that I am about to tell you is the one experienced by my friend. This story is a little bit funny but its REAL. It happened last year, around the month of October. I was at school and it was two in the afternoon. Since we don't have any classes left, me and my friends decided to finish ...
Bangkok Haunting by cloudy
I will tell you about a few peculiar things that happened to me about a year ago. Me and my friend Maria decided to move in together as both of our earlier leases were just about to expire and we spend pretty much every waken hour together either way. We went house hunting and finally found an a...
Planchette In Hostel by Kokopat
This is my story which happened in the year 2011 in Delhi. I have many of my friends staying there and had gone to meet them. I had planned to stay there in my friends' hostel for 2-3 days and then come back to my home. That was the time I got introduced to planchette. I had heard a lot about Ou...
She's Still There by ashar123
Months ago I submitted my two stories stating my ghost experiences until March, 2014 but it was not the end, the haunting continued. However in the year 2014 nothing much happened with me and it was a marvellous year for me. I was bit happy that the paranormal activities ended; however, then aft...
The Open Door Of A Ouija Board by Manafon1
There are several cautionary accounts here on YGS of bad experiences people have had using a Ouija board. My experience isn't necessarily bad but a bit on the freaky side. Around thirty years ago, when I was between the ages of eighteen and twenty one, I experimented actively with a Ouija board....
A Lady In The Comfort Room by Chinitah22
I've used the term "Comfort Room" to refer to the bathroom. It's the most common term here in our country. I am from the Philippines, Baguio City to be exact. I started working in 2010 as a tutor. Our office is in the second floor of a building near a public hospital and hotel. There were a ...
Being Watched? by Kricket
So this is my first story and I am not sure if I have actual experiences or what you would call them. I have never seen a ghost, entity, or anything else, however I do believe in them. What happens with me is more of a feeling of being watched. It will come out of nowhere, no matter where I am a...
Bedroom Voice by DandK
When I got married five years ago, I moved into my husband's house in Wenatchee, Washington. The house was built in 1959. One night, about a month after we got married, we went to bed around 11 pm. I laid down next to my husband and put my head on his shoulder. The nightstand light next to him was s...
My Disappearing Pillion by Devils_Advocate
I am new to YGS and have been an avid reader for the past few days. It is really very interesting site and I am really amazed to read the experiences of people which they have shared here some real, some fictitious. I am about to narrate a personal experience which is about 12-14 years old. The expe...
Please Help! by SandyGeorge
For most of my life (I am now 38), I have had some strange things go on around me. Around the age of 7, I remember be terrified of the dark, as I know a lot of children are, but it felt magnified. I was afraid to go to sleep. I am still afraid of the dark. The latest things have been very close toge...
Personal Ghosts Haunting My House by VampireGirl20
So, since I was five years old, I've been able to see the paranormal. Up until I was five, however, I was never able to do that. It all happened when I was walking home from the park with my older brother, Jacob Thomas. We were about a block from our house when a man staggers out from the alleyw...
Supposed Evil Spirits In My Mom's Old Apartment by RavenAngelvX
I have posted another story here and have several more to the point that I wonder if my mother and I might have some small bit of psychic ability as ghosts seem to be everywhere we go. This is one of hers. Grand Rapids Michigan, 1973. My mother, her boyfriend at the time, and my sister who was th...
The Shadow Man Is Back 2 by Emilio
So it's been about a year since I last posted. To give a quick background summary of what has happened in my past posts: When I was a child a shadow figure has been stalking me and causing me to be very angry and violent as well as from the more recent post has caused me to hate more and more eve...
Where It All Started by Oatcake
I have a few stories spanning from my early childhood to around 5 years ago. The most chilling happened during my teen years but I will post them separately. The experiences on this post I don't remember and have been told to me by family members. We were on the Isle of Aran for my paternal Nan a...
Who Went In The Bathroom? by jane_lee
It happens on September 1997, I was 15. My eldest cousin is getting married at the end of that week and the wedding reception will be held at my aunt's house which is located downhill from my house. It was a very busy week for us. Every preparation was done by all our family members (siblings, cousi...
Lifelong Friends! by Crystals
So it all started when I was a kid, around 5 or 6 years old. I used to hear and see strange stuff. A lot of times I used to have nightmares and used to ruin up to my dad 3 am and cry. I have always been moody and slightly stubborn all my life. So this one night I had a little argument with my mom...
Things I Can't Explain by Oatcake
These stories are from my pre-teen years up until about 5 years ago. I was 9 when my paternal granda died and we had all due to go on a big family holiday down to Devon. The house was a lovely big cottage and from the photographs, was stunning. Because we were due to go on holiday before he got s...
Grim Reaper In Sister Room by a13048291eyes
Hey everyone, I would like to share my past experience with you. I was about the age of 11 or 12 (still in primary school), my older sister had a very nice, charming guy friend by the name of Tyron. He was very friendly, sociable. I liked him very much, we would always visit there after school, he a...
Demon With Red Eyes And Yellow Teeth by a13048291eyes
Here I go with another story. I was about 15 years old and went to visit a very well known friend of mine. She lived in a very big house, well maintained. It was my first time visiting as my parents were very strict and I had limited time with my friends. As I walked into her house, I got a chil...
My Grandparents Came Back by cirice
A bit of background. In 2004, my grandma died. In early 2007, I moved 8 hours away, we used to live in the same town and I'd visit every day before we moved. I was extremely close to my grandma and grandpa. Around Easter of 2013, my grandpa had a fifth stroke and was taken into long-term care. In Se...
A Demonic Being Followed My Family Across The Continent by Chill244
My cousins have been dealing with freaky things happening from the very beginning. They first lived in an old farmhouse where mildly scary things happened semi-regularly, lights flickering, footsteps, etc. At this point it was just my aunt, uncle and their oldest child who was just a toddler. Th...
Little Girl Staring At Me by Jordanking95
I cannot tell you for sure that what I saw was a ghost, but when you understand the full story behind it and the sheer coincidence of what happened then you can't deny it's pretty strange. I was with my friend driving around doing deliveries for his dad's takeaway shop. It was the last orders of...
Who/what Was Outside by Nsbf1986
I consider myself, and have been considered by others including experts on the subject, a medium. Since my childhood I've had experiences with the spiritual world and until this day don't get used to the knew experiences I have constantly. They are so many that if I tell all of them, I could write a...
Reassuring Friend by LizP
A friend of mine and many others passed away quite suddenly at the end of 2014. I was in my final year at university and was in the midst of dissertation research. Needless to say, his passing had a pretty strong effect on me - and it still does today. A few weeks later I went home for the Chris...
Voice In The Backyard by Dee-J
Date: circa 2014 What happened in this event was extremely odd but I am not sure if I can pin it down to being an actual entity. I was at my parents' house on my laptop listening to music throughout most of the night. Time went by and next thing I knew the hour was within 4 am. My mother w...
The Master Bedroom by Dee-J
Date: Various. Circa 1998-1999 Before you read this, I just wanted to say that given the title of this entry, I hate for this to sound like some sort of cliche title of a horror movie. However, the title is indeed very fitting, and the story will speak for itself. My house has had a lot of pa...
Figure Passing By The Door by Dee-J
Date: Early 90s I am not quite sure of the exact year this took place but I know that it was between the years 1992-1994. When my siblings and I were younger we used to sleep with the bedroom door open all the time. You know how you have those nights when you'll wake up and can't seem to go back ...
Visited By My "brain Dead" Brother by chel
Just over four years ago my only brother, who is two years older than me, was in a car accident. This happened in Virginia where he was living with my mother temporarily, while sorting his life out and finding a job. Prior to the accident he had a sort of change of character. I had moved to Californ...
Sleep Paralysis Ghost by Loveunlucky92
I remember it so vividly, I had just been broken up with and sent packing back to my parents' house. It was only just some months ago. I hadn't slept well in days much less cared for food. It didn't help that I had gone from 113 pounds in my relationship down to a mere 92 pounds before being kicked ...
The Growl by JessieB
I swear everything I'm writing here is 100% true and in one case I have another witness who would back all of this up. This took place in a small town near Boston, Massachusetts. It takes place in my mother's house, which is about 30 years old. We were the first owners. The land was an apple orchard...
Visiting Spirits 2 by tonepete
This is a follow-up article to "Visiting Spirits" which I wrote about four years ago. In the meantime several instances listed in Visiting Spirits, having been repeated and a new approach having been used, have improved "knowledge" of what happens and why during the Spirit's visit. Based on each ...
Was It A Voodoo Doll? by Angelkiss
This story relates again to the residential home I worked in. I cared for a lady who, as her health declined, was moved to various rooms in the home to suit her particular needs at the time. This obviously involved a lot of furniture/clothes removal and repositioning in the new rooms. But the thi...
Help. Hand Grabbing Leg by mayo_manno
First things first. I am not a strong believer in ghosts. Some strange things have happened to me in the past 180 days. To get to the point. At night around 3:00 in the morning something grabs my left foot/ankle and pulls me at least 6in down my bed. After that I do what a normal person would do...
Body Under The Sandstone Slab by demonkitty101
This isn't my story, but one my mother has brought up now and then, an experience of her own. I'm very interested in all things paranormal and supernatural, an interest I share with my mother, but we are both sceptics - my mother more than me, definitely! - and this story had come up from time t...
Answers, Is This A Demon Or A Ghost? by FDJ
So first of all I kind of should state that English is only my second language so I apologize for every minor mistakes made by me. I know this story might sound crazy but this is the absolute truth that happened. Okay so ever since that fateful night I've really been wondering as of to what this ...
I Need Help? Ghost Child! by loneybone
I moved in into my current home about 3 months ago. It was me and my roommate with her husband and child. Things seemed peaceful for a while like for the first 2 weeks or so. One day I came to the house after a long day at work I started to feel uneasy and worried like someone was watching me. At fi...
Of Cemeteries And Portals And Possession (part 2) by rookdygin
Date: 15-16 July 1988 Time: 00:15 Location: St Michael's Cemetery Pensacola Fl. Running late, class got out at 2330 almost an hour later than normal for a Friday. I arrived about 45 minutes later than I had hoped to. I entered the cemetery and made my way towards the tomb, as I got close I saw ...
The Biggest Mistake I've Ever Made by Klore
So I know many people have asked if I've had a second experience with the same entity from my previous story, but I feel it is best to move this whole thing in chronological order so that is what I'm going to do. I have never been the religious type, despite my experiences when I was little, but...
A Song Of Passing by Mystic25
When I was around eight my mom use to work in a care home, sometimes I had to ride the bus there after school to wait for her shift to end. Usually it was only an hour or so wait and my mom's boss didn't mind me being there as long as I stayed in the nurses break room and was quiet. Which was no pro...
My Haunted Apartment by Roxje92
We lived in an apartment for one and a half years, and I am absolutely positive that place was haunted! We moved into it after it had been empty for five years, and no one could really tell us why it had been empty for that long. It was a beautiful place with a big fireplace in the middle of the...
Grim Reaper In A Photo by loneybone
I want to share my story that happened around the month of April 2014. This took place at this building in downtown Houston called the Warehouse Live. This was my first time going there and I was going to a Marianas Trench concert. This night was so amazing and I had such a great time seeing 4 g...
Restroom Poltergeist by DandK
About 12 years ago I worked for a large manufacturing company. About a year prior to the story I'm about to tell, the company had just completed construction on a new wing of the building in which I worked. My group had moved into this wing right after its completion. Our offices were on the sec...
Dark Cloak by Mike-Phil-96
When I was young, my family had to move from Arizona back to California and our cousin let us stay at her old apartment for a while. It was a one room apartment. At the time, it was just my dad, my little brother and sister, and me; my dad took the living room while we took the room. We were all...
Staircase Figure by Kenny000
I have been staying at my cousin's house for a couple of weeks now and up until now everything has been normal. The room I am sleeping in is diagonally across from a staircase leading downstairs. I am a very light sleeper and often get up to get a glass of water. I was going downstairs to get a ...
Movie Night by ashlcoopa
After going 90 miles a minute all week long, my boyfriend and I wanted to stay home and relax. What better way then to watch movies? So, we get the air mattress out and set it up in front of the TV in the middle of the living room. Which I might add is all open; has vaulted ceilings, connects to the...
Ghost Officer At Old Fort Henry, Kingston by rusty_s1085
In 2010 I took my family, which consisted of my wife, our 1-year old daughter and myself, on a trip to see Old Fort Henry in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This fort is known for ghost experiences. I have had many "ghostly experiences" in my life so maybe I'm more sensitive to things than others but tha...
What Is Lurking In The Dark by brighteyez
I have always been afraid of the dark since I was around 8 years old, (I am semi still afraid of the dark even now at 26 years old). When I would go get ready for bed, my mom was always in the kitchen which was right down the hall from my bedroom so I could see into part of the kitchen. My mom was u...
Lost From The Light by nicksandra
This is a true story. My name is Nick and I am a medium. I have been living in Liverpool NS for most of my life. Me and my wife and two kids have been renting for most of our time together. We have been together for 12 years at this time so we thought it was time buy our own house. As weeks went ...
The Cat Ghost By My Door by Sonic
It's possible that I simply have strong imagination but this is my story, and I'm not sure what the cause is or why I feel like this but if anyone has any theories or answers feel free to suggest them. On a night during the weekend, I got done from watching this movie called the "Spirit of the Py...
Followed By The Same by Paranormal_SN
This is something that happened to me when I was very young and I don't really understand it even today since then. It's when we moved into a small town called Domohani near Jalpaiguri, India; the house we moved into seemed creepy but fine. My mother said I seem to have a "friend" whom I talked to b...
Union Cemetery Spirits Hangout By Tree by bigvig
This uncomfortable feeling took place in the fall 2004 when me and a friend took a ride up route 59 on Sunday afternoon to the intersection of 59 and 136 arriving at the historical Union Cemetery. Now usually I go to these historical burial grounds in Connecticut to look at the grave stones and abso...
My Paranormal Life by brogan_davis
I am going to tell you about a few ghost experiences that I have had in my life. I am 25 years old, and live in Greenwood, Indiana. My very first experience was when I was eight years old. A few weeks after my grandpa passed away, I was home from school sick. My dad and stepmom went to the gas s...
The Lamppost Man by Monster26
Around a week ago I was walking my dog in the evening and the streets were silent, no people nor cars in sight. No noise other than our footsteps. The moon was hidden and the street lights were the only thing illuminating the street. My dog stopped to do his business so I picked it up after he h...
Shapeshifting Ghost by Yheladeth
My ghost story begins when I was 14 years old. My aunt on my father's side moved to another country and left the house to my parents as they were renting and it would obviously be better for us to live on a house we own. The first weeks in the house were completely quiet and peaceful; one of my cous...
Face Of Evil by GothamsReckoning
I was ten years old, growing up in Liverpool, England. I was a pretty normal child with a good set of friends and a loving family. My Dad had been taken to hospital for an operation on his legs. My mum and me went up every day to see him, and the medical staff used to let us stay most of the day...
Last Trick by jane_lee
After reading one of the stories submitted in YGS, it reminds me of an experienced I had eight years ago. Although nobody was locked in, but while I was reading the story my mind drift back to this particular event. Back then I was working with an insurance adjuster company as a clerk. There is ...
The Night Of The Shadow Man by RandyKnapp
It was late one night when I retired to the couch for the night. I went to sleep and had the window blind open so I could use the fan on my window air unit. The street light lit the room with a soft orange light. I always keep my pistol close by when I am sleeping and this night was no exception. I ...
Did My Soul Visit Hell by kjw2202
For as long as I've known I have always had unexplained experiences along with my mother, grandmother and siblings. I'm starting to think this is a genetic trend, although I feel I have these occurrences more often then they do. I'm now at the age of 29, most of these experiences happened when I...
Apartment For Rent by gen2795
This story happened 10 years ago. We once rented a house near in a public market. It was really a huge house with two bedrooms. Beside our house is a huge Chico tree. My mom always recall her experience at that house. One night, while we were asleep, my mom went to the toilet. Our toilet was down...
Hometown Experience by Tsanok
I was born and raised in a family that doesn't really believe in the paranormal. We are quiet religious but was also brought up by my old folks telling stories that consist of the explainable and much to say (for me) "impossible" ghost stories. I do live near the famous White House in Baguio in whic...
When I Embodied An Entity by Nsbf1986
I posted about my experience with an entity when I used to work at a rehab center. There I had many encounters and vivid experiences, bad and good ones. This one actually happened in my final days there, and it was physical. Since I'm a medium I got to experience one of the worst experiences of my l...
The Seventh Housemate by Science-tastic
My story begins around late August, when five friends and I moved into a large old rental house across from our campus. It was perfect, like an undergraduate funhouse. Spacious, cheap, interesting, great for hosting the usual slew of college parties, six bedrooms so that we each got our own space. T...
Possible Ghost At A Friends House? by Girlofthebrokenscene
I never really believed in ghosts but there was always something in me that did. I recently experienced something and I think it might have been a ghost or spirit. After that I went looking online to see if I could find some stories that I could relate to and I found them here. So now it's time for ...
Seeing A Demon During Sleep Paralysis by Jay011
I've started having this terrifying series of sleep paralysis. As I am typing this, I've experienced this 4 times over the course of two and a half weeks, all of which that apparently a demon is wanting to torment me. The first time this happened, I awoke from my nap and suddenly felt a chill engulf...
My Daughter Is Terrorized By Shadow People by Bonshaw75
I am hoping that Fate led me to this website, because I am running out of ideas. I Googled "why is my daughter seeing shadow people?", and an old thread on this website popped up. A story similar to ours. So hopefully we will find some answers here. This all started for us back in 2009. My daught...
Corner Creeper by rachelylala
From youngest childhood, as long as I can remember, I had this thing that lived in my room. I was the only one who could see him (it was distinctly male - I knew just by the feeling he gave me) but others would feel his energy and it creeped them out, or in a few cases frightened them so badly they ...
Paranormal Or Regualr Sleep Paralysis? by wowbummerdude
I have read a lot on Sleep Paralysis (for those who don't know what it is, when someone is about to fall asleep, or just waking up from sleep, they can't move or speak, but they can move their eyes and breathe), but I am still uncertain on whether or not paranormal things can happen while experienci...
My House Lorain, Ohio by monica74
I thought I'd stop working on the story I was working on and start this one and I can add things as they happen, seeing as things happen when I'm working on my book. As I'm sitting here working on a story, I hear a piece of silverware fall in my kitchen. My husband is upstairs playing the game s...
Harbinger by Soccermom99
I've been reading the fascinating stories on this site for a while and finally decided it was time to share some of my stories. I have, for as long as I can remember, always had experiences with spirits. I grew up in a haunted house, and I will share those stories another day. In December of 200...
Who, What And Why? by Ashraf
As I had written earlier, I had leased house in a village very near to Ramnagar during my studies. My parents were in Bangalore. Sometimes I loved my privacy. My friends used to be there with me after our classes. I showed them computer and its operations. When my 3rd semester was approaching, we...
The Playful Paranormal by karss13
Being a person who is extremely afraid of paranormal activity, this moment gave me the chills. At the moment I was 12. It happened around summer of 2014 in the middle of July. My dad was at work, my mom was out shopping and my younger sister was down the street playing with the neighbors. I call...
A Tap On The Shoulder by Ghoster2K
Wednesday, November 7, 2003. At one time while in the Freedom Mausoleum, I noted that the sun was going down and the cemetery would close soon, so I made my way back up the stairs to the main floor and walked down the corridor to the exit. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, I became aware ...
Little Things by triden07
Since the night my cousin finally appeared things have been quiet on the spirit front. Nothing really huge has happened. However, little things tend to add up, so I'll share what I have experienced. We went to the coast over December, my twin sons and I along with my parents (my boyfriend had to ...
New Home New Spirits by spiritwaiting
We moved into our current home in May of 2015. I need to put this in first so it makes sense later on. I can feel spirits, energy and vibrations, moods of others when they are around me or in close proximity. Now onto the experience... Before we decided to move or sign anything, I felt it w...
Saved By A Premonition Just In Time by chel
This experience was one of my first and most memorable experiences with the unknown. For a little back story on me, I have a family history of "psychics." My maternal grandmother was a fortune teller and tarot card reader, and my paternal grandmother came from a family of Irish gypsies. Despite that...
Bathroom Light Cycling by DandK
One night about three years ago, I woke up to find myself alone in my bedroom with the master bathroom's light very slowly cycling on and off. This had never happened before. My husband had stayed up late to read in the living room so as not to disturb my sleeping. I went into the bathroom and t...
The Baby Cemetery by kjw2202
In this story I'm going tell you one of my many real life experiences. I was about 16 when this event occurred and I'll never be able to explain how this happened, or exactly what it was that I experienced. I remember falling asleep in my blue waterbed the night this occurred. That being said, let m...
Spirit In The Cemetery by Isida1980
My story is located in my village in Thessalia area about 20 years ago, when me and my 2 cousins went to the cemetery to lit a candle to their father's bones. In Greece we have a storage in the cemetery (which I don't know how they call it in English) where we keep, if we want, the bones of the dead...
The Haunted Terrace House by Matty-matt
This is my second submission on this site. I mentioned in my first one that I had a few unexplained things happen while I was growing up, I will first explain the house and its layout, as the main incident of this submission will be better understood that way. I grew up in the inner west of Sydn...
My Grandpa Teddy And His Cardinals by spiritwaiting
I'm not sure where to begin with this. My grandfather Teddy passed away years ago. He was the strongest male figure in my life and gave much inspiration for my strength in me. While I was a young girl my summers were spent at his home in Sunrise Beach, Missouri. My fondest memories were create...
Jogging At The Nam Van Lake by GoldenDragon1984
This story had happened a few years ago and I was thinking whether or no to share it here. I remember that it was during the end of February, the air was still breezy and dried. I decided to jog for my diet and started my course from the Macao Tower. I starting by walking down the stairs down to ...
Full Body Apparition by cloudy
This is a story from my childhood that takes place when I was no older than 5. I know this because at this time one of my sisters and I were still sharing bedrooms. This room was the biggest one in the house. Earlier the house was separated to two apartments, one on each floor, and this room formerl...
There's A Cat In Her Face! by Mystic25
When I was rather young, I saw some strange occurrences that even in my adult years I find it hard to fully understand. This would be one of them. I was six years old when my mother, father, brother and I went to a tent revival that I will never forget. We had arrived an hour early so my dad cou...
Flash Of Light And Shadow Man Next To Bed by DandK
A couple of years ago, I started noticing a very short, fast single flash of light once every few days or so in the dark bedroom at night when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep. It was so fast I could never really see where it originated in the room, except a couple of times it seemed like i...
The Moving Light by BloodEman
This story may be not interesting but I need an answer. I was about 08 or 10 years old when I experienced it. I was at home with my mum, dad, sister and grandmother. It was about 7.00pm and I was in my room alone. The windows were closed and the door was open. While I was playing, I saw a white c...
The Haunted House My Friend Moved Into by Nsbf1986
My friend "D" moved to a very old house complex in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Well she always had the tradition of having a lot of people around and I always visited her house, and being one of her best friends, took care of her dog Fred whenever she traveled. The house was a very well structured,...
Strange Light In The Sky by loneybone
I wanted to share this story with you guys, because I found it to be strange and awesome at the same time. I'm not sure that my story would be classified as paranormal. Well I'm going to say this was in early 2014 about 9 or 10. I was home going about my business when I get a phone call from my frie...
My Oldest Son And A Possible Attachment by spiritwaiting
Very recently, my oldest son has given me an insight to some of his experiences. Our night began with my husband's newfound neighbors/friends coming over to have a night of hanging out. The guys playing chess, while enjoying a few drinks, and us ladies enjoying each others conversation. I'm not s...
Jinns In Our House by moon-gang
This is my first time posting on this website. I'll start by giving an introduction. I'm 17 years old and will be turning 18 in September. Throughout my life, I've been moving from country to country. After being born in Beirut, my family and I moved to Dubai in 1999, then to Doha in 2002, Manama in...
Nan's House by Jodie_S
The events I am about to share took place at my randmother's house in Orillia, ON. Some of the experiences I will relate are my own, and some are things that my Nan told me. Both my grandparents were very kind, loving people. Solid Baptist background, active within their church and community, and...
The Presence: Frightening Experiences In Two Different Homes by fallenangel028
This story is a continuation of the post on my other YGS account (FallenAngel218): "The Two Women, The Radio, And The Voices" (Editor provided link A few more things have happened in the house I describe in that story, right up until s...
The Thing With The Scissor Legs by shellzy
It has been some time since I have submitted a story. Not much has really been happening lately up until this morning. I thought I would share this experience as, to be honest, I am not sure what I encountered. I live in Australia in Melbourne on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula. It is summer ...
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