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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 6
Two Chances by Kelsey
When my brother was around the age of 6, he was afraid of nothing. One night, my uncle Jack had died. He never had the chance to say goodbye since he was in a car accident. One night, 2 weeks after my uncle jack's death, my brother was getting ready to bed with no worry. Finally, it was around 2:00 ...
Numerous Encounters by Hortencia
When I lived in mexico, I was constantly hearing and seeing many supernatural things. I was not as scared as I am now, but it was the worst and the best part in my life. When I was 16 years old and I heard a lady's voice saying my name while my body reached the state of sleep paralysis, I couldn't d...
The Boy in the Delivery Room by jessa
I remembered the first and last time I saw a ghost when I was in 4th grade. It was very terrifying, when a chubby girl wearing black dress and waving a black handkerchief was floating right in front of me at the kindergarten room of our school. It was my first and last time I saw one, beyond what my...
Our Cat General by surf4life
It happened one night when I was in Montana visiting my Aunt and my Cousin. My mom had called me to tell me that our cat General had just died. I was devastated. A week later, when I arrived back home in Colorado, I was sitting in my living room watching TV when I heard this familiar scratching nois...
Girl in a Dress by jagz
I have only just found out that my house in haunted. I can't believe I'm writing this down now. It feels like someone is watching me. My mum is at the hospital for depression. One day, my mum and my grandma and granddad came round for doctor who. When they left, I ran back upstairs to the bathroom a...
The Hair Lady by ErinT
My mum is a hairdresser but she only does it on the side of her usual job (working with my dad) for friends and family etc. When I was younger, my mum would do the hair of this little old lady who lived alone. Sometimes my mum would drag me and my sisters to this old lady's house while she cut her h...
The Headless Ghost Man by JessicaC
I'm 20 years old as I write this story. What I am about to tell you happened to me and my brother when I was about 12 or 13 and he was 16 or 17. We had just moved into a house inside the city limits of our town and my brother and I would sit out on the front porch every night to talk. One night, ...
Bad Workplace by paul sweeney
I have recently changed jobs but before that happened, I was working at this place for about 3 and a half years. Now, I have heard a lot of stories about the building I worked in and they haven't been very nice, for instance, it used to be a farm run by a man who supposedly killed and tortured peopl...
Second Floor Haunting by lovable_outcast
This isn't exactly a story, but I need comments and opinions on this. In my upstairs hallway, you always hear creaking footsteps (more than the ones from a normal person) even when you're the only one in the house. You also could swear that you feel someone watching you from it. As I type this, I fe...
Windy by Lexi
My name is Lexi. I live in a small town in George County Mississippi. When I tell about Windy to my friends and family, they laugh, like I'm joking. I'm not joking or making this up. My story 100% true. Windy is the ghost that lives in my house. I don't know what her real name is, but I feel like sh...
Loose Screws by VanityandVengance
This happened about 3 years ago when I moved in to the house I am living in now. I had been listening to music, on my MP3 Player. It hadn't been too loud. I was reading something as well. There was a knock on my bedroom door, I put down my MP3 Player to see if my mother wanted in. Nobody was there. ...
My History with Sleep Paralysis by Emma
Hello Everyone! - Although I have been an avid reader of the stories listed on the this sight for several months, I have not yet posted any of my experiences, even though I have several, from sleep paralysis, to sleep walking, to ghostly encounters. In this post, I'll cover my experiences with sleep...
House of the Little People by deejaymigs
Hi hope you guys liked by previous story Grinning Lady. This time my story was told to me by my Dad, that's why I know it's true. This happened before I was born. My parents had just gotten married and my uncle as well. My parents are staying with my grandparents until they left for the US and my un...
Being Watched by ErinT
This happened just recently actually. Geez I don't know why ghostly things keep happening, they drive me mad. I was sitting in my bedroom on my bed reading. After awhile, one of my many china dolls fell off the shelf to the left of my bed. I saw it fall from the corner of my eye, it had fallen head ...
Being Held Down by a Ghost by craigster586
The other night, It started in my dream and it wasn't an unpleasant dream either, but then I felt something was interfering in my dream, whatever it was, it wouldn't allow me to move, it felt as if gravity around my body was 10 times the regular force that it normally is. After awakening from this d...
They're Not Just Hallucinations by nooshin
I'm 12 and I know all you adults are going to think I'm hallucinating and imagining things but I swear I'm not. I tell myself I don't believe in ghosts because I don't. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I think I have a ghost following me, only in the house though. I feel his (I think it's a boy...
Doors and Windows Opening on their Own by Darcie
First off, I would like to say this really did happen it wasn't an illusion and I'm not making it up so for those of you that will comment to say it was a illusion or something, don't waste your time commenting my story. When I was around 7, my family lived in a big old farm house we called the kesl...
The Man in the Jail Kitchen by surf4life
When I was 12, which was last year, I went to work with my mom. She worked at Boulder County Jail until I moved. Now my mom was a nurse at this Jail and worked nights. So I went to work with her. Being the adventurous type that I am, I went wondering off. I explored everywhere. I went through everyt...
Grandma Appearing as a Comforting Glowing Face by QueenTas
About a month or so after my grandmother passed away, and about 4 or 5 months before my grandfather passed, everyone was going through my grandma's stuff, and giving it to each person in the family. I got her old bed to put in my bedroom as a guest bed. One night, my friend was staying the night, an...
My Aunt's House by Darcie
I had previously posted a story on here but this one I recently remembered. This happened when I was about 9-13... I am 16 now. Me and my cousin Amber had always been very close. She lived in a 2 story house (she's 21 now and moved out when she was 18). I stayed over at her house a lot when she stil...
The Burly Man in my House by FeaRandLoathinG
I have lived in the same house for about 15 years now and ever since I was young, my sister and I have encountered some strange experiences. I will share some that happened to me. The first time I became aware that the spirit was in my house I was 9 or 10. I had a friend over to spend the night and ...
Ghostly Resort by Robert Ruiz
I worked on this resort as an operations manager and as a security supervisor from 05/03 to 06/05 . In this period I, and many other employees, encountered many strange happenings such as... Lights being turned off just to be turned on again. The sounds of a party in progress in a suite and just as ...
The Woman from the 1800s by Ryan
I have experienced a lot of paranormal activities, but this one happened to me the other day and I thought I would share it with you guys. Me and my friend were just wanting something to do and since we like ghosts, he suggested we just walk through the cemetery. I have been there numerous times and...
The Car by birdiebev
When I was only eight years old, I saw my first ghost. I lived in a city in southern Ohio. Across the alley from the back of our house was an old shed. It seemed to be used for storage of the abandoned old house in front of it. Curious children wanted to know what was in there. My sister, two years ...
Ms. Unknown by urxgurlxmaraka
I'm only eleven and have already encountered a ghost. I go to my grandmother's house a lot and see "things". There used to be this rocking chair in the living room that every time at 2am, something would be rocking this chair. My grand mother is very religious and she can tell (by the coldness) when...
The Sandra Wooding-Limon Story: A Story of a Haunting in Bakersfield by PaulDaleRoberts
As I sit here pondering if there is life after death. I can only assume, there must be an afterlife. Einstein came up with the sound theory that E = MC2. Energy can be converted into matter and matter can be converted into energy. Energy is a substance that cannot be destroyed. All information from ...
Cigarette Fumble by QueenTas
During the time between my grandmother's passing and my grandfather's passing, whenever I would smoke a cigarette, the cigarette would start to shake as if someone were trying to push it out of my hand, my grandmother never liked the fact that my dad smoked, and I think it may have been her way of t...
Demon in the Sky by killjoy
On Oct 31st, 2004, on Halloween, me and my friends (josh, ryan, and jacob) decided to go out at midnight to play the ouija board on an upside down pentagram. So late that night, we all snuck out and met up at the park entrance. It was a full moon out so we didn't need candles or anything. We sat the...
My Old Father is Seeing Ghosts by triton
Looking for someone who may have experience with something like this. My father is 80 years old and has started seeing multiple ghosts in his apartment. When he goes to my sister's house, he sees different ghosts there. But always the same ones. Obviously everyone thinks he is crazy but I don't beli...
Evil Presence by slexis burton
I'm am 16 years old and I live in algona, washington. I recently moved into an apartment with my dad, my sister and my brother. My sister and I share a bedroom. One night, my sister told me that she knows how to contact the dead. I was a little freaked out, but I wanted to try it. I said that we sho...
Queen Mary Paranormal Tour by Emma
In October 2006, my 9 year-old son and I accompanied my good friend Chris to Los Angeles to pick up a travel visa for his upcoming trip abroad. Since the visit in the office was very short, we had extra time to kill before heading back home (a couple of hours away). We decided to do something fun, s...
Huge Black Figure by Crystal
I am 23 now, this occurred when I was 16. I lived at my parents house, about 12 miles or so from where I live now. From the time I was a child until now, I always read myself to sleep. This night was no exception. I had been reading by lava lamp (since its a dim light that makes it easy to fall asle...
My Own Poltergeist by Kaylie
This experience is not for the ones who are scared of ghosts. I was a teen, and my mom and I got into an argument. I told her not to close my door and turn out the light. She does it anyways. I am sitting under my blanket, and all of a sudden, it flies off of me. I pull it back on, and something hit...
Encounter at the Lake by Emma
This story happened to my friend Ted, about 30 years ago, when he was young, probably between 10 and 13 years old. His parents had a second home by Lake Isabella that was located in a mobile home park near the water. Lake Isabella is a quaint little town that is surrounded by wilderness and that is ...
Guardian Angel or Menacing Apparition? by Shaun
Late in 2001, my wife was at home taking care of our 8 month old baby girl. She laid the sleeping baby in her baby cot, pulled up the side safety bars and locked it into place, and then proceeded to the kitchen to continue with her day's chores. Several minutes later, she walked back to the bedroom,...
Pap Pays a Visit by Papsangel
This story is about my grandfather's ghost. A week ago, on Easter after dinner, my mother, myself, and her friend Lisa began discussing ghosts. My mother said that about four years ago, around the anniversary of my grandfather's death, she began to see things. She saw a figure with no face, wearing ...
My 7 Year Old Son Lives With Multiple Ghosts by pierce
I need help with this as much as I want to share our stories. There are so many to share so I will try to put it all together the best I can. My husband and I built our house 7 years ago on land that my husband grew up on (farm land - no known war, no tragic past, boring farm land). Nothing special ...
The Boy in the Well by killjoy
First off I would like to say that I don't know much about the spirit world and I really don't care. I'm not dead yet so I haven't done too much wrong. I don't mean to offend anyone saying that. My stories are true, a lot of things happened to me when I lived in that house in sunman, I just wanted t...
Tall Black Figure by Brittany1
My name is Brittany Carrigan, I am 12 years old and live in Alberta. My mom and I used to live in an apartment on the third floor. One morning, I was up quite early and my dog started barking for absolutely no reason. A few minutes later, I turned and saw my lamp flickering uncontrollably. About a ...
An Unknown History by Kirby
I haven't found an explanation for these. It is ALWAYS cold in my room. But that's because I keep that fan on high, and the attic in near my bed. Normally, when I wake up in the morning, I feel hot breathing in my face. Or the back of my neck if I'm lying to my side. It happens normally, right when ...
Preparing Our Way by Shane
This story was told to me by my best friend's wife upon his passing several years ago. First, let me give you a little background about my friend. He was in a wheel chair and had been ever since an accident with a train as a teenager. He had lost both of his legs up to his hips and was told almost e...
Man in the Hall Way by Lindsay
I've been avidly reading the stories on this site for several months now and have finally gathered the courage to tell one of my own. It's been two summers since this incident, but it still kind of spooks me. My friend Sarah has a family of 7 and is one of 5 girls. Her oldest sister was graduating f...
666 by CenterCore
I haven't posted anything on here for some time now, and nothing's really happened... But today something happened. Actually before this, at school, there was another encounter I had. First off, at school, I had gotten little sleep the night before. I was being kept up all night by strange sounds, b...
Is Just My Imagination? by angeline newlan
I live in a house on Galena dr. but I only go there for the weekends. I also live in an apartment with my mom and it's small so I have no worries, but when I'm in a big space it's creepy and gives me this strange feelings. My step dads home was built about 37 years ago when he was born, so that make...
Uncle Tom by Elizabeth Marie Jackson
My family has this old farm, about 20 miles outside Mauston, Wisconsin. My family used to visit every Sunday and play in the bluffs around the farm. The farm house was built in the early 1900's by my great-great grandparents. Today, my great aunt and uncle live there. So on one visit, I was washing ...
Out of the Corner of my Eye by Chris
Usually whenever I go to my room, I do something and I sometimes see things out of the corner of my eye. It's kind of creepy, also I sometimes see things out of the ordinary and sometimes I feel like I'm being watched by something evil, something way too evil. This whole deal happens at random, so i...
Julia's House by xXxSpiralxXx
My friend Julia has lived in the same house since we met. She doesn't know how old her house is but her dad said that he used to ride his bike past the house when he was a little boy. I have spent the night at her house too many times to count and many strange things have happened. There are at leas...
Strange Mist and Poltergeist Activities by paul sweeney
After moving house a couple of times, since we moved back from cyprus, I have always got the feeling I'm either being watched or have actually had someone or something keeping me company. It first started when I was about 9 years old and I lived with my mum, brother and sister. We lived in a house o...
Brookfield Woods by Tom
In Brookfield, IL, things out of the ordinary are continuing to go on in the woods. Apparently, Native Americans used to settle there back in the 1300's. Well, I myself witnessed the first Orb sighting in my entire life, on Monday, April 23rd, 2007 at 10:00 p.m. We were in the woods for over an hour...
Apparitions in my Bedroom by Zyro
I'm 11 years old and I have already witnessed 3 events involving ghosts in my house. It was about two weeks from Christmas. It was really late at night, because I couldn't go to sleep. I looked up out my window, and saw something. It was an orange mist... WITH EYES. I was scared to death, but didn't...
A Life of Haunted Houses by stacecadet
I'm 17 and I've never written anything before, so sorry if it isn't all that clear! It's all true and it kind of scares me! It started when I was 2 or 3, my parents, brother and I lived in this dodgy old house, I can't remember where, the people before us were into occult and stuff. Every night I wo...
The Strange Visions I Have When I Awake by bullitt2007
What I'm about to tell you all is what I believe to be real, it's very strange and has no logical explanation other than related, I think, to a supernatural episode. These episodes started when I was about 11/12 years old. I'm now 32, and to be honest I haven't really thought much about them until r...
Noises in the Night by JCop08
I have always believed in spirits and the undead but I never thought anything would ever happen to me... Until two nights ago when it finally did. I am 17 years old and I have never been so scared. I was really nervous to turn off my lights the other night but I didn't know why because I am never ne...
Strange Man Spotted Again by ErinT
Now if you have not read my previous story Strange Man in My House than I'll just inform you that my middle sister (Ria) on several occasions has seen a male figure in our house while there has been no one in the house except her. Only last night did he "show" himself again with others in the ho...
Sleep Over Terror by TheUnforgiven
About a month ago, I got invited to my friend Kira's for a sleep over along with my other 3 friends Sarah, Amy and Tijara (TJ for short). We did our usual, stayed up all night. By 5 in the morning, weird crap started happening. We could've sworn that her plastic cat that has glow in the dark eyes...
My Great Grandparents House by Darcie
When I was about 9 I lived in my great grandparents house with my parents (my great grandparents were already deceased). I remember I was always afraid to sleep in my room, I was just always feeling watched. One night, I remember waking up having to go to the bathroom and I saw this big redish thing...
Unknown Caller by kate
Before my husband and I were married, we rented a house with a roommate. It was a 2 story house with us upstairs and our roommate downstairs. We quickly realized that we were not the only people that were there. We had a few people over one night and I had a headache and went to bed early. Later whe...
Mariposa Ghost by outcastwo
There are two Mariposa Bridges, a new one and an old one. The old mariposa bridge isn't used any more. A long time ago, there was woman who's car broke down on the old bridge. She was killed by a drunk driver. Some people say there are nights you can see her upper torso drifting from one end to the ...
Not Scared, But Disturbed by Danielle
I'm hoping you might have a few answers or suggestions for me. I'll start at the beginning: The previous house we lived in was 25 miles away, we lived there for 4 years. There was finished attic space there that we used for storage. We had planned to make it a guest room, but never did because it wa...
Midnight Shadow by Whoaness
I'm going to give a bit of background info on what room I was in, and how I can try to figure what went on. The computer is located in the computer room. This happened when we had the old computer, one that wasn't exactly the brightest, but it could still cause shadows when one walked by. The comput...
Someone Is Touching Me by Aileen
I've never really seen a ghost straight up, full out in its form, but I've seen orbs and feel presences. Right now as I sit here in my room I feel a chill, my room is the coldest in the house... There isn't any wind or anything, my windows are shut and the curtains closed and I'm watching my dream c...
Pap Gives Me a Sign by Papsangel
I recently wrote a story about my grandfather's ghost that my mother had told me. Now I believe I had my own experience. On Monday 4/16/07 at about 4 am I was standing in my kitchen. It was a week and one day before my step father Carl died. He had something on tv but I wasn't sure what though. I wa...
Old Man Jack by Shaun
As I had previously promised, this is another of my strange experiences. I was about 13 years old at the time. Earlier on that morning, an elderly gentlemen, Jack, who lived in the house situated behind ours, had passed on as a result of a long illness. He was a kindly old man and the children aroun...
The Hand by mony_liz_23
This story happened about 7 years ago, I was coming out of the bathroom, turned off the light, and then when I was going to go in the kitchen I saw a hand in the door to the kitchen, sort of like telling me to go there, I thought it was one of my brothers but as I came in the kitchen I realized I wa...
Third Party Encounter by unguided_traveler
I've changed the names of the individuals involved. We've all known that if we could just get someone besides ourselves to see and hear what we do, then we won't feel so crazy. At least, that's how I've always felt. After so long of experiencing activities in my bedroom and not being able to capture...
My Old House by Raylene
When I was about in 4th or 5th grade, people used to say that you seem to see ghosts when your young because you're so innocent inside. One day, my cousin tiffany was at work and I was left at home alone, like everyday, and I went to go use the bathroom and when I was done, I pulled up my pants and ...
Ghost Girls in my Bedroom by nicolle
I myself am very into ghosts and paranormal things and when I saw my first ghost, I was petrified. But as I began to see more and more ghosts, I became used to seeing them more often. The last time I saw a ghosts was last night, I have many ghost friends and they had never caused me any trouble befo...
Black Silhouette by chunkygut1
This isn't my story, it's my friend's. He's only 13, he lives with his mum, his two dogs and his two cats, and has experienced multiple paranormal activities. Only about a month ago, I was staying over at his house, I went in the kitchen to feed his dogs and cats when he shouted me in to the front r...
Tormented by a Poltergeist by Amethyst20
This wasn't one of my experiences, this actually happened to my nan and various other family members. In the past, my nan and granddad have had a lot of trouble caused by "poltergeist" activity, a few years ago my mum was at my nan's house getting my grandfather's dinner ready for when he came home ...
Floating Baby by Deco1082
My story may seem unbelievable but according to my parents, it's true. As I recall, the story goes a little bit like this. It was a nice typical day, my parents got home from the grocery store a little bit tired and decided to go to bed and rest. At this time, I was still an infant, about 8 months o...
Unknown Haunting by DeRosa
I'll straight up say that I've never really been face to face with my ghosts, but I have heard and seen them and felt their presences. My house is about a generation old, I'm not to sure, but from the information I've gathered from the home-made Ouija board me and my friends made, I think a girl was...
A Family of Ghosts by lynne ramirez
I have lived in my home 13 years, and I have done everything I can to live with these ghosts, but I don't think I can take much more, my friends say my personality changes when I'm home, things go flying across the room, footsteps are heard up and down the stairs in the hallway, and I learned to ign...
Foot Steps by Miranda
I was about 12 and I was all alone in my house. My sister went to a friend's house, my parents were out and my grandparents were at a wedding in Green Bay. I was in my room on the internet searching around for good ghost stories to tell my friends. I was in my bedroom which was at the end of the...
My Friend Amy by HermioneMorris
This is true, think what you want, but it is. When I was 2, I lived in this old house from the 1900's, a married couple used to live there, but the husband killed his wife in the kitchen, I'm not getting into details, they were too gruesome. He then went into the garage and killed himself. When I...
Ghost Strangling by evilolivia
When I was about nine years old, I remember waking in the early hours of the morning, about 3am, and was completely paralyzed. I was extremely hot and sweating all over. My room was in the attic of our house and I had my own staircase to my room, I knew something was coming up those stairs, and at m...
White Woman by kristy38
When I was a child, we lived in a 2 bedroom apt. I was around 10 or 11 years old when this happened to me. Me and my mom and some of my sisters shared a room. When it was time to go to bed, we all would go to our rooms. We would fall asleep and this women would wake me up, she would talk to me, I re...
Mysterious Footsteps by JessicaC
One morning, in 2005, when I woke up at 4:30am, I was very thirsty so I went to the kitchen and got myself a drink. It wasn't very dark, it was just starting to get light. So I didn't have to turn any lights on, everybody was still asleep with their doors shut. I made my way back to my room and just...
Is Somebody in my House? by JessicaC
This is has happened twice, the most recent was Friday 27th of April 07 this year... But the first time happened last month. I'm usually home alone (since I dropped out of school), I took my dog outside for him to do his business and I was listening to my ipod. The song I was listening to had just s...
No One Believes Me by nicolle
What I have seen is unexplainable and some people brand it as impossible. I was laying silently in my bed one night, everyone was asleep when all of a sudden I heard the loud footsteps coming from the hallway. Being used to my younger sister Ella, 8, getting up all the time, I went to see if she was...
Zooming Shadow by CardinalNinja
This encounter happened when I was about 8 years old. My father was stationed in Germany (he's in the military). I had a lot of friends, my best one being Chris, who experienced this with me. It was about 8:30 PM, which was a little late for us to be outside, because we were young. We were just walk...
Voices, Bangs, and Sheets Pulled Off by CanadianHorses
I was in my bedroom sleeping about 6 months ago, and I woke up hearing voices in my room. I was so creeped out but yet... I sat up and slowly walked to the light switch and flicked it on and off about 3 times. The voices didn't stop. But the thing that scared me most was they were talking about the ...
Phone Call From Beyond by Zelora
I had a friend, Carol, who was dying of cancer. Her husband called to tell me she was in hospice - meaning the end was very close. I couldn't go to visit her because my car was out of commission, and also because I knew that I'd cry and Carol wouldn't like that. So I just stayed home and cried off a...
My Paranormal Troubles by Anika
I called my house phone from my cell to play around and see what I sounded like on the phone. As stupid as it was, I picked my phone up and a strange loud laughing came from my cell which was on speaker. I called my younger sister for help and ran out the room. We were home alone (this actually just...
The Rage by mike chilson
Before I tell my story, I want to give you a little background on my family history... Starting with my mom. Just to save myself some typing, I'll tell you the blunt part of it: She dreams things and they come true... Never good things, but the fact that a lot of the stuff happens is well, creepy. M...
Our Ghostly Experiences by Alison
Many of my friends and I have had ghostly experiences. Some have had more than others, but we've all got a pretty scary story to tell. ~Alison~ My cat died a few years ago. He was very old, and very needy. He needed to be fed so often, that I had to feed him during the night. He took to scratc...
A Stranger by darkistheheart
I was twelve when I first saw a guy. I was walking out of the church and I glanced over to my mom's office. There was a guy standing there. He had dark hair and was wearing a white shirt, black pants. And a black top hat. When I looked again he was gone. I told my mom what I saw and she didn't know ...
Behind the Curtain by Chosen
At an age of around 6, my brother and I used to make a pallet on the floor in a room that was air-conditioned anytime we couldn't stand the heat. Every time that I slept in this room, I would have recurring nightmares of something standing behind one of the rooms large curtains looking down at me. I...
My Son by kristy38
When my son was 5 years old, we lived in a trailer park. He would come to us and tell us he saw this old woman in his bedroom. And my girl was in the kitchen cooking when a spoon she had just laid down moved. She ran and told us. She never saw anything, but things would happen to her. One night, my ...
House Built in 1860 with Three Ghosts by Kat
I moved into my flat back in January of this year, there are 3 flats situated in this house that was built in 1860, my boyfriend lives in the middle flat, between my flat and his, there are 2 small sets of stairs and a small landing area with a window in between. When I first moved in, my boyfriend ...
The Old Man and the Young Boy by Tmetsfan31
This is true. My brother and I are being followed by a ghost each. At Long Island (our summer house), my brother was climbing a ladder to his bunk bed. The ladder fell back... And I felt a gush of wind and the dresser he was going to hit (it also would have paralyzed him) suddenly shot back, and I s...
Many Voices by kristy38
My girl and husband were going somewhere the other day, but as they were going in the door, they heard someone say "hello". They both looked and no one was there. We all experience this a lot, we hear someone talking or saying our name and when we say "yea?" or "what do you want?" no one is there. O...
Sleep Paralysis, Demons and Angels by jasonbdj
I had my first sleep paralysis when I was 13 in my bedroom at my old house. I was dreaming at first, which I can't remember. I woke up hearing a young boy voice saying "hello nea nea". I tried to move but I only moved like 1mm, then returned the way I were, like I am tied up with rubber. I was layin...
The Brookdale Lodge Haunting Investigation: Santa Cruz Mountains by PaulDaleRoberts
Remember the movie "The Lost Boys" and the camera spans the surroundings of Santa Cruz? While your looking at an odd mixture of Santa Cruzians, the song from the Doors plays... "People are Strange". Well, I will explain why I thought the people of Santa Cruz were strange later on in this article. Bu...
Choking Ghost by Hillary
My name is Hillary. I am 14 years old. When I was around 12 years old, I lived in illinois. One day at school, my friends in gym class noticed a huge bruise on my neck that I didn't see until then. They said it looked like a hand. So I put my hand up to it and it was the same exact size (but I would...
Lady in my Room by Brittany1
Hello my name is brittany and I'm telling you about about a frightening ghost encounter I had at my dad's house when I was 10. I was at my dad's house and I was sleeping. But I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go to the bathroom extremely bad. I was scared to get up because of oth...
A Warning and the Baby's Ghost by Daisy_Pink13
This story has two parts, and I have to tell both, or the second wouldn't make sense. They involve my adult cousins. My cousin, Jen, is married and has two kids. Her husband's name is Tom and her kids' names are Tommy, 6, and Diana, 4. My first story takes place about a year ago. One night, Tom a...
Great Grandma Felt Much Better After Death by Zelora
This is really my mother's story, but she's told it to me over and over, so I know it well. This took place in Mulberry Grove, Illinois. My mother was named after her own grandma and loved her very much (she was my great-grandma, obviously, though I never knew her. This happened before I was born). ...
Entity Doing as I Say by Qtgrly111
At one point in my life I have said "I don't believe in ghosts..." Well I will never say that again based on my experiences. If you care, here is how my stories started! One day my friend and I were on the internet and saw this random ghost proof video. Now that I look back on it the video was total...
Not So Friendly Ghosts by hannahbmarie101
When I was a few months old my family moved from Texas into a beautiful home in Louisiana. It was out in the country, and there were few houses that were close to us. At first we were just renting it, but the man that owned it later sold it to us because the house went into bankruptcy. As far as ...
Seriously Bad Dream by goulishgirl
I'm not really sure if I was experiencing a ghost when this happened, but maybe someone can help me figure out what did exactly happen. This was about two months ago and it started out as a horrible dream. I dreamed that I was with my family and we were about to get into a car to drive somewhere. I ...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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