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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 72
Phantom House Ghost by Alphonse224
I will start from the beginning, I have been surround by ghosts my whole life. Every house I have ever lived in has had a ghost or two residing in them. Most of the ghosts have never tried to approach me but have made themselves known. I will post these accounts later but there is an account in whic...
Death Means Nothing At All... It Does Not Count by hippiechick83
I should start off by giving you some background information before I start my story. I'm a widowed, single mother to one beautiful, intelligent and talkative two year old daughter. Her father, my fiancé passed away unexpectedly in a tragic hit and run shortly after we received the exciting news th...
My First And Only Sleep Paralysis Experience by Jennifer40
About a decade ago I was living in a very haunted three decker apartment in Worcester, MA. The rest of the story of this apartment is detailed in the story, 'Supernatural Activities in the Old Apartment.' I lived alone on the top floor of this three decker and at the time most of the paranormal c...
Incubus Coming Back? Or Something Else? by McFlurried
I'm Sara, and I usually don't talk about my experiences out in public. I usually keep everything on the down-low to avoid being ridiculed. I've always had strange things happen to me even as a kid. Probably ever since my grandfather died when I was about 10 years old. Now, I don't want you to go...
The House On Mary Chris by Jennifer40
In the early 1970s my parents bought their first home, a split level entry home in a new neighborhood outside of Boston. The basement was unfinished and there was a small room my Dad called the Mud Room to the left of the staircase. The other side opposite the staircase was larger and used for stora...
The Faceless Girl by blue_raven80
It was the year 1997. I was in first year college and was taking up engineering in one of the state universities here in Manila. For me to get to my school, I have to wait for a PUJ (Public Utility Jeep) along Rizal Avenue with a signage of "Mabini-Harrison Plaza" because that is the only jeep that ...
I Have The Potential To Become A Guardian Angel? by clarz
For the past couple of months, me and a few friends have been contacting the spirit world via home made Ouija boards. Every session we do we seem to find out more stuff about how it all works via my friends (Hannah) spirit guide, Ben. I first started to be able to 'feel' spirits during our third...
Some Very Creepy Ghosts by Tatjana
My first experience happened in about 2006. My family had just moved out of our second house. This house was our third. When we moved into this house was when I started to look into the paranormal. I never told anyone about what happened in the house while living there. Well when I first moved into ...
The Finger by nateeta
My name is Natasha, and I have an interesting story to tell. So a long time ago when I was probably 10 years old, I had a couple really weird experiences, and even though it happened a long time ago, I remember them like it was yesterday. So ever since I was little I had never liked sleeping in ...
Man Shot And Killed In My Room by soulstruck
In this house a couple years back a man was killed and so were two of his dogs. His name was William Ashley. When I'm alone in my room, I sense someone watching me. At night I feel someone touching (or I could say poking and prodding) my feet. I soon discovered that the house was haunted by a girl w...
Are These Just Mere Coincidences? by x10
I was missing in action for a while. I was busy at work and with my life. By the way, I mentioned on my first story that we are on the process of buying my cousin's house (the one where Abbie, my cousin's deceased wife still visits), we already moved into that house. Let me also tell you guys that I...
I Am Here To Tear Your Family Apart by CassidyW84
I am not a superstitious person and I am most certainly not a writer as you will see in my story. Up until my I was 23 I had never seen, heard or encountered anything out of the ordinary in my life. I would laugh when someone told me a "ghost story" because I could always explain things with science...
It Pushed Me Into A Wall by Sourmoonfruit
This happened around the age of 13. My parents split up and my dad left the house. It was just my mom, my little brother who was then 3 and me. My mom decided to put her bedroom furniture in my room and my bedroom set along with my brother's in her room. I guess she didn't want to sleep in the same ...
Hokkus - Cat Spirit by Nuka
Our dear cat Hokkus died five years ago when I was 14. I never got the chance to say goodbye to her because it happened when I was in school. It was a big loss and I cried as I missed her so much. About year after Hokkus passed away, she came back. I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up. I f...
My Newly Unfortunate Events by CelinaCyanide
I remember how all of you said that whatever was in my house did not seem to want to harm me. I also remember just trying to live with it and ignoring it and telling you all my experience. I haven't been able to post in so long on here because I have not had a computer at home for quite some months....
Dark Manly Figure by MV_Navajo
My experience was quite puzzling. I know it's paranormal though, just don't know what it was. But I'll tell you as I remember and what I saw with my family one evening. Growing up my family had a real strong bond. My aunts and uncles all live on the family plot, near my parents home, there's a cl...
The Old Tree Topper by number2ark
I am 41 years old. My experience was back when I was 13 years old. On my way home from school the last week of the school year I was stopped by an old man on the side of the road, who asked me if I wanted to make some money helping him to top a tree at the end of his driveway where he parked. I...
Ghost Cat Or Imagination by GhostAngel12
I was only 6 at the time of this experience at the Myrtles Plantation. I was with my Grandma, sister and Aunt. The guide was talking about the man who got shot, climbed to the 21st step, and died in his wife's arms. I was standing behind the table near the big glass doors. My sister and Aunt were pl...
The Girl At The Door by Elvira
I used to live in this apartment and it was an apartment I'll never forget. Many things that seemed paranormal happened there, so before I get started I'd like you all to keep an open mind... Here we go. First thing I ever heard about was from my mom (she's as much of a believer as me). I came ho...
Haunted Swing by Sarah-Sadist
This had happened to me back in the middle of the Summer, 2006 in my backyard. I had heard my dog barking in the middle of the afternoon and thought to myself, "What the hell could he be barking at?" It was weird and a bit alarming to me, seeing as my dog NEVER barked. So I had walked out on to my b...
Get Your Feet Off My Couch by Sarah-Sadist
My grandma had passed away in February of 2003. And it really took its toll on my older sister and me. You see my grandmother was super honest and she didn't care if what she said hurt your feelings. My family always knew this very well. Well after about 9 months after her passing my sister and her ...
Paranormal Years by Hawkeye1981
Back When I was nineteen, I moved into an apartment in Iowa City with my ex-girlfriend. Things were going great, we couldn't have been happier to be on our own, and we overlooked the fact that the complex was surrounded by a cemetery. However, the events that took place there were enough to turn any...
Stone Cold Figure by isabella8
Hey everybody, this is deepsha here... I have not really had many paranormal experiences... The one which I have had are really freaking me... So here is the thing... My parents don't usually stay home... They go for business. I have a sister who is 15 months older than me. These few days my e...
New House New Activity And Recent Disturbances by NowOrNever
This is my second story here. This story might be a bit long because I've been waiting almost 2 months to upload my story. So here are some of my experiences. None of them freak me out though except for one. I was lying in bed at 5 am trying to get some sleep. It was summer so I was chatting and ...
My Mind Would Not Let Me See It by DieCon
This is my first post. I'll start by saying this is not my first experience with the paranormal. This experience is however my most important one; it changed the way I look at life, the vary way I see things. Most of my previous happenings were corner of the eye shadows, my name being called, voices...
Why Is He Attatched To Me? by questioningreality17
No matter how much I've tried looking for answers in books and in the internet; I can't seem to find anything that resembles what I'm going through. I've read that ghosts attach themselves to houses, and objects and very rarely to people. However I have a male spirit who has been following me since ...
Choked By My Grandmother by Rashidah
I am really embarrassed to submit this story, but this is something I have to get off my chest and come to terms with. When I was a little kid I hated my grandmother because of the way she disliked my father. She never wanted my parents to get married. She never ceased to make that point clear. I...
My Child Sees A Spirit That Doesn't Like Me by colls2211
From being pregnant with my daughter Kellie, I have endured many ghost encounters as well as evil spirits. When I was 7mths into the pregnancy at 2am every morning I was woken with someone sitting on my bed and my Yorkshire terrier would go crazy. When I was full term I was woken the same time but t...
Night Time Attacks by Shuster84
I was either 19 or 20 years old the first time this happened to me. I was living at my Mom's house with my baby and had just gone to sleep. My baby and I shared a room so my bed was against the wall opposite the door and my child's crib was adjacent to my bed (making like an L shape if that makes se...
The Abbey Flat by sameeca
These happenings took place from February 2009 to August. My friend and I had decided to move out of our family homes and get a flat together in our home town of Sligo. It was a beautiful flat, built opposite the ruins of old Abbey from the 12th century (although, technically it's a friary). Many dr...
Things That Seem To Be Hurting My Child by pointyfire
My 5 year old son has been experiencing things that are happening in our house on and off for the past 3 years. He has woken up screaming that there are things on the walls, ceilings, and for a long time that a man was coming in through the walls and doors and was over him while in bed. This has hap...
The Haunting In My Room by jtmist
When I was three my dad committed suicide. We don't know how, never have, never will. However I will tell you a story on how it was. When I was three my mum went to go and see a medium called Ginny, and she was shuffling the cards and she said, "what's your name?" So my mum told her and the address,...
Is It A Ghost? by JLKC
I am 19 now, but when I as around 11 years old I could sense something in my room, this is after we had a loft conversion (my bedroom was below this one). Weird noises in the night like shuffling of feet and small whispers could be heard in the night. One night it felt as though somebody was breathi...
Am I Haunted Or Is It The House? by Fluxed
This is probably going to sound quite vague, I wasn't sure if it counted as psychic or ghostly experiences, I was afraid if I submitted it on the psychic sight they would say it was meant for the ghost sight. Oh well here it goes. I am agnostic (I think) I have never ever dismissed any beliefs an...
It All Started As A Joke by Nukey
I had been going to see my friends brother for a while and when we were pretty drunk he used to joke and say his house was haunted at first he scared me and then it just wasn't funny anymore since I had seen nothing and didn't believe him boy was I wrong. It was late one night and we were sleepi...
I Have An Entity Attached To Me by StacyH
I have a peculiar but very true story. I used to run a paranormal group until about 10 months ago. Approximately a year ago, I was involved with a family who contacted me via email regarding a request for a paranormal investigation in Virginia. The lady who I was communicating with (to protect her i...
To Mention A Few by jenny00800
My name is jenny as most of the story tellers here I was born here In the Philippines. I am a true believer but don't have a lot of encounters with ghost so here I will start my story. This story was told to me when I was about 13 years old this happened to my sister when she was 2 years old then...
Extreme Incubus Encounter by Lila091
This happened about 2 months ago at my sister-in-laws new house in Florida. I'd gone to visit her after learning that her and my brother were getting a divorce. My brother was on the other side of the world at the time and I had always been very close to her. When I first arrived at the house I felt...
Haunted Family Home - Or Am I Haunted? by kaylz274
I lived in my family home from birth until I was 21 years old and have had strange unexplained experiences in it my whole life. I now live in my own home with my fiancé and have not experienced a single thing there even though a young boy died right outside our door. I have never felt any spirit ac...
The Swinging Child I Couldn't See by Miracles51031
On the afternoon of October 13, 2007, I made, what I thought at the time, was a crucial traffic mistake. Where I'm from we have "Swap Days" aka Trader Days. For those of you who aren't familiar with this, Swap Days is an event that can tie traffic up for hours in all directions. And I mean HOURS! So...
My Two Or Three Guardian Angels by VelvetLucifer
I've seen my two Guardian angels when I was about 4 years old. I was going up the stairs at nighttime into my room and I saw two little angels standing there smiling at me. One was a female who had dark brown hair and with dark eyes, and the other one had black hair with dark eyes. They had whit...
A Nightmares Message by searchin4thelight
Due to your kind words on my last story I have decided to share more with you. A few years had passed and I had began living life as I was around the age of six. We moved to a new house thinking that would separate me from the shadow person because we didn't know if it had really been my grandmother...
Death Means Nothing At All... It Does Not Count 2 by hippiechick83
This is my second story to elaborate more about my two year old daughter's experiences. It's more of a continuation of the first. For more of a detailed background, please read my first story. In short, my daughter's father passed away before she was born. His name was Chris. The sub-title for this ...
Random Conversations That I've Overheard by hippiechick83
This is another story about my two year old daughter Novalee. She seems to have a gift of communicating with spirits. I've been keeping a diary of sorts since she learned how to talk. I write down everything she says that is cute and adorable and also I include the date and her age at the time. I ha...
My Sentinel by DieCon
After writing my first entry on this website and reading the comments. I started to look back and see if any other events would make a good narrative I chose this one for now. I should state now that I have always been protected from the worst of everything. My family and I have been in several car ...
My Black Shuck by Spooner
This experience happened to me at the age of 13, I was moving close to the Thames River in London. Me, my mother, and my older brother, whom was 18. We had two dogs, Chewy our Chow Chow, and Marco our black Labrador. After a few weeks of moving into our new home, we had neighbors knock at the doo...
The Midnight Scare by AxelZBONE
First let me just say I have had some kind of paranormal activities before like things moving but nothing like this. These are all events that happened when I moved to my new apartment in New York. Friday night's I like to be in bed watching television. One evening I was upstairs watching televi...
Night Time Hauntings by Rumy
I used to experience pressure during sleep when I was 15-16 years of age (When I was in India). I also experienced as if someone was touching and pressing my skin with a finger sometimes and I used to think my brother was doing it to wake me up. I used to get up and never found anything around me. I...
Scratched In My Sleep by Luna_Azule
I recently have become ill with a disease, so my friend suggested that I start doing Wicca "The practice of white magic". So I took it upon myself to do so. I did a white magic spell and asked the gods to bless me with health. It didn't take long before something very strange happened. The very ...
Is It A Ghost? 2 by JLKC
This is an update from the last few days. (Is it a ghost?) After the power went the other day, I went to bed that night to see a poster and card folded towards the ceiling, so I ripped them off, nobody has a clue why they were like that... I woke up a few nights later faced my reflective war...
A Watchful Shadow by forevercarnaby
It's been about a month now. I was getting ready for bed, same as usual. My night-light had burned out the night before. I am a very paranoid person, so I always like some light in the dark. I hopped in bed, snuggled up with my cat, and turned off my bedside lamp. My room was pitch black, unusual to...
Household Prankster by Crystal717
So this is my first post, and it's also the most recent of any of my experiences. I will post the others as I get them written out. My Husband and I, and our 2 year old son, live in an apartment in a good neighborhood in central VA. I've never worried that this apartment was haunted. I've lived...
The Twisty Tie Lady by Matt-Attack
During '03, my Mom and my step Dad had purchased a condo in NE Ohio, only about 15 minute east of where we lived. I had only lived there for a brief stint being a senior in high school, I was planning on moving out right after school had finished. The development actually became condemned in the sum...
Haunted Tunnel by cash81
I lived in Virginia for several years as a child/teenager. Growing up in a semi-rural area, I heard many "haint" stories from family and friends, some of them revolving around Cencibal (I'm not positive on the spelling) Tunnel. The paranormal has always interested me because I started having ghostly...
The Good Spirit And Some Other Entities by lovebugs
I'm Ging and I'm new here. I have a lot of ghost stories to tell but this one just happened recently, last August 29 2010. Three experiences took place at the same night. It was about 6:30 PM (Philippine time) when the first one occured. So here is my story. I was having a conversation with my...
Radio Blizz by Spike-Angelica
I currently reside in a house with my parents and siblings. At the moment we are having a recurring encounter with our radio. It doesn't happen at certain times of the day or night. Though only with songs we associate with people or life experiences. It doesn't just happen on the radio, it happens o...
Early Doors Phone Call by mxpoppy
I live in a small village in Derbyshire, with my two daughters. Last night when I got into bed (27.09.2010) at approximatley 10pm to read my book, I heard noises from downstairs. It was the sound of my dog's bowls being moved. This has happened before. On Sunday one of the bowls fell off the side on...
Half Person Floating - What Is It? by dicombobulated
It feels wierd writing about this but here we go. When I was 13 I was with my cousin who also was 13 at the time. We had to go out the front of the house to get a camera from her parent's car. It was about 11pm at night. She was in front of me and started yelling at me as to who that was across the ...
My Sentinel 2 by DieCon
I said I would write about it and I am a man of my word. This happened my senior year of high school Early 2000 April or May. It was finals time at the end of school. The finals were over the course of three days. When you completed a classes final you didn't have to go to that class anymore. On tha...
Haunted Escalator In Central by Honshu
I was fortunate enough to go visit Hong Kong twice in a row. My first time being with my family in 1994, and then by myself in 1995. My story happened in July 1995 after going out with some friends, and was on the way back to my uncle's flat. I am not too familiar with Hong Kong, so please forgiv...
Ghosts Of My Past 2 by StephanDragon
It has been awhile since I last posted but I decided to continue my story. At last ending I told of the creature that lived in my old home. Well things happened and my Mother got divorced and we moved back to my grandmother's place. She purchased a trailer for us to live in and we settled in quickly...
Weird Man by Tiarnie-Rae
Lately I have been seeing a shadow of a man in my house. He is usually out between the hours of 10pm and 3am and whenever I see him he always bulks himself up like he is ready to attack me, but whenever he sees my partner it just walks away real quickly. I have no idea what this spirit wants but ...
A Spirit Had Sex With Me by danielleS
This is the strangest thing to date that has happened to me. There are things I might mention that may sound strange but just read my story as it has a great ending. At age 11 I'd started my menses and even for young girls it never came every month or lasted very long but within that year mine came ...
Confederate Soldier by BadJuuJuu
This took place one night when I was 15 or 16. I couldn't sleep, so I grabbed my homework and radio and went to the living room. My mom was asleep, my dad was out of town, so I had the front of the house to myself. I turned on my radio, sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table, and sta...
My Childhood Experiences by mrslang86
So I have posted something before about my daughter having a visitor. I'm very happy to report that, her friend is no longer scaring her, and they actually have conversations and sometimes play together. I would like to share some of the experiences that I had as a child. I stopped having things ...
Haunted Church by Melime
First of all I better let everyone know I'm from Sweden so I'm sorry in advance for any spelling errors. This took place several years ago, I think I was 12 or 13, (I'm 22 now) and me and my family were in a town called Ramsberg in Sweden. My dad was a gunfreak when I was little. He had a lot...
Presence In The Mirror by TheGirlInWhite
This happened around a month ago, at night in my room, and is the reason I have started believing in the presence of ghosts. From a very young age, I felt there was always something weird about my room. I could never explain it, but I always felt that someone was watching me, like there was a pre...
A Mysterious Man by searchin4thelight
Before I begin, many of you questioned my last story, asking if anything else happened after I learned why this man was haunting my dreams. The anwser is yes but nothing too bad. The nightmares did continue and at certain times I didn't feel like myself but then again I never went into the basement ...
The House At Bobstay Ave No.3 by Antionette
After having visitors at night I started getting use to them. I was still very young. My bedroom window was close to the swimming pool. I heard only one time children playing around the swimming pool and laughing. But I didn't call for my mother for then they would disappear. The footsteps in th...
Black Shadow And Angel by ghost777
I'm Jayne, age 33, also profoundly deaf and have been seeing ghosts, spirits and poltergeists all my life since age 4, and I have been seeing orbs of white and blue. Don't know what it means. Also sometimes poltergeists when I'm sensitive or moody! Also a lot of different kinds of ghosts too! I a...
Sleep Paralysis? by Chels18
I've been having these "sleep paralysis" episodes for a while now. The first time it happened I woke up and I couldn't move or open my eyes and it felt like someone was on top of me shaking me. When I was finally able to get up I realized my shoulders were stinging so I looked at them in the mirror ...
Ring Around My Room by Sarah-Sadist
This story is part my mother's experience and part mine. One day, I can't exactly remember when, all I know is that I was in high school and my mother was down stairs folding laundry in the room under mine. That room used to belong to my late Grandparents and after they died my little brother decide...
House Of Strange by ikilledjulia
I live in El Monte, California and I (along with a few others) have noticed strange occurrences in my house; especially my bedroom. I have sleep insomnia so I'm always the only person in my house who is up after 3:00-am and I always hear and see strange things. I need help because I've tried to rese...
Return Of My Night-time Stalker by Surya
It has been a long time since I posted anything on the site. To tell you the truth all went very quiet for while with the exception of a few bumps in the night as well day and the odd silhouette passing by the window in the garden. In between my last submission and this one, my beautiful tabby...
Standing At The Door by ScottRuiz
This happened just last month. A few days of terror for my family and me. We were house- sitting for my mom while she went downstate for a short vacation. She told us that we could take her master bedroom because it was bigger and we could sleep our three kids in there with us. We told her ok but en...
The Little Lost Girl by Dezzie
I remember once as a little girl my grandmother would tell me lots of stories and all were true. More than anything they would fascinate me instead of scare me. I would go into her room and sit in a chair as she would tell me things from her bed. One story in particular was the one about the little ...
Dream Or Ghost? by Enchanted_Sisters101
Lately I have been having strange dreams, where I'm lying in bed and there is a strange pressure that's over my whole body. I can't move, and can't scream. The only thing I can do is see. The scary part is it all feels real. It seems like hours before I'm able to move again. And when I can, I tell m...
Mysterious Voice by SkysMama
It was Christmas Day 1998; the first Christmas my family spent in our new house. I was upstairs playing with my presents when I heard an unusual, shrill voice scream my name- the loudest I have ever heard my name called- "SHANA!" Downstairs, in a completely different area of the house, my dad had...
Lost Radio Station Or Real Demonic Growl? by Autumn13
So, this story took place when I was 14 years old, and my sister in her early 20's. I am now in my early 30's, but this experience still frightens me to this day. We lived in Southern Texas back then, in the countryside, dirt roads, mesquite trees, barbwire fences and all that crap. We often visited...
Regaining My Composure by searchin4thelight
Years passed these things, these beings coming to me for some reason I didn't know why they came to me or why that some of them thought I could help until I met north central paranormal. You see when I turned thirteen we moved to a cozy house in liberty addition it's also the one I'm currently stayi...
My Mom's House by danielroger
When I was little about 5yrs old I remember me and my sister used to have the master bedroom well one night we are talking and there is a man sitting at the edge of our bed telling me to come with him it scared me, No one ever believed us until 25yrs later when my niece was 4yrs old while playing wi...
Spirit Guide Shows Me My Past Lives by DieCon
You all now by now that I think this is the same thing that watches over me I call it my sentinel but just didn't want to put that in the title "my sentinel 3" come on. This story takes place in the same bondo trailer as sentinel 2. Only at this time my room was at the end of the house the farthest ...
The Late Night Visitor by Lanafairy81
It's been awhile since I have shared any stories, but I am here again. About 2 weeks ago I want to say I was in the computer room on FB and chatting with friends it was about 11:30pm.Anyway as I was stating I was on the computer and I hear loud music playing, followed by a car door slam. I thoug...
Knuckle Sounding Knock by krill123
I will describe a series of events that have occurred to me and my family over the past 3 years... None of this is fictional. Rest assured that being 36 years of age and having 2 kids, I don't go around talking about this kind of stuff to anyone. But this website has given me a forum in which to tel...
Ghost That Follows Me by dreamweaver555
My nephew, 3 sons and I have lived in a very nice apartment for the last two years now. The building is only 4 years old, having been rebuilt after a fire destroyed the last house on this site. The neighbors told me that a man and his dog died in the fire, and also an elderly lady died of natural ca...
College Dorm: Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares by 50ftqueen
I was staying in an old dorm located in an old university in Quezon City (clue: 100 years). One night, I was sleeping in my bed when I felt like my entire body couldn't move, and I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis because that had happened to me before. It was just like I was awake. I was awa...
College Dorm, Sleep Paralysis, Nightmares 2 by 50ftqueen
Another experience of mine, this happened in the same college dormitory as my first post. Another night that I was sleeping in bed, I became aware that I was experiencing sleep paralysis. The same thing happened, I knew I was in bed, I could "see" the room and the location of the furniture etc., whe...
Fireman by davidswife
My whole life I have seen one thing or person since I was a young child, starting at the age five. The thing/ person always had a yellow-fire outline with pitch black eyes and what I believe to be a mouth. Starting In Streamwood - I had been playing with my stuffed animals when through my bedroom...
Dorms On Campus by 50ftqueen
During my college years, I found out that most dorms in my University were haunted in one way or another (as stated in my other submissions). One dorm in particular stands out because it used to be a hospital. To this day, a nurse's station greets visitors at the entrance, while the double doors lea...
The Maternity Ward Ghost In A Pink Gown by Trix
My previous story was about a haunted hospital in Pretoria. That was a Hospital where I started my nursing training. I took a transfer to Witbank in my second year to be near my family. I worked in that Hospital for a few years. This is just a short history. I worked in almost all the wards. There a...
Haunted House In Witbank by Trix
I finished nursing training, got married. Me and my husband at that time moved into a house in Witbank. (I say at that time because we were married for seven years then got divorced) We started a family. My son was born. That house was creepy from the start. My husband is not sensitive for parano...
Evp: I Hear Dead People - 21 Ghost Voices In 24 Minutes by EVPResearcher
This story is about a rather productive EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) night I had in a cemetery on June 20, 2010 at approximately 10:00 PM. This is a small local cemetery, in which I have captured many EVPs. It was used from about 1840 to around 1940's. One of those old "Farmer" cemeteries, if yo...
The Oregon Caves Chateau by Moongrim
My mother came out to visit me and my family just recently. One thing she'd wanted to do when young, but never got to do: Visit the Oregon Caves. So before her coming out, I reserved a number of rooms for her and my family, at the Oregon Caves Chateau. Part of the nuance of such was that it (the ...
Crucified In My Sleep by helplesslysleepy
Everything I write is a 100% true though hard to believe. First of all when I was a young girl I'd' have these reoccurring dreams of this girl following me. She wasn't a "normal" girl; she was pure evil. She had these haunting red eyes but she never approached me. I would run from her in my dreams a...
The Face At The Door by Beyond-Death
This keeps happening a lot lately. It's either a face or a hand. Yes I may be a teenager and no this is not fake. Unfortunately I have no pictures of these experiences, I have tried but it's never there when I look at the picture. Here's my story. I was sat in my living room watching TV and my dog ...
Is The Demon Still Following Me? by Alexstar26
I'm pretty sure it all started when I was 13 years old. My parents bought me an Ouija board for my birthday. Over the years, my friends and I found excitement in using it. Whenever we played, the results were different. As I aged, I started to notice a few strange experiences my mother or father ne...
Ghostly Love? by Emo_sharky
I don't know how to start everything so this is what I can say. Everything started when I told my guy-friend that I have an imaginary boyfriend which I really love. (I am still kind of young you see) So he told me that he is not imaginary friend but a ghost. My ghost name is Ash, My friend said that...
She Was Seeking Help by lovebugs
This story took place 4 years ago, When I was first year high school in one of the exclusive school for girls somewhere in Quezon City, Philippines. I was a transferee back then. I had six great friends and they were really nice to me. We were a very happy girls with no worries at all. The school...
Elliston Cemetary Ghost by lioncat97
This story took place in Graytown, Ohio in Elliston Cemetery around August 15, 2008. My friend and I were playing in her back yard and I suggested that we go on a walk through the cemetery before it got too dark. My friend agreed because we were running out of ideas to pass the time before I had to ...
Presence In The Mirror 2 by TheGirlInWhite
As the title says, this is a follow up. This happened on the 1st of October. I was getting ready for bed, it was around 11:30, as soon as I got half way up the stairs I felt a chill, and thought to myself "another tough time sleeping tonight then". Well I got into my room, and yes, the strength of ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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