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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 98
The Trick by waffles9992
I was staying at a friends house one night over the summer. We had been joking around for weeks about summoning a demon. This night, one friend brought the required items to perform a summoning. There were four of us. Each of us had our reasons for wanting to summon a demon. "Harry" was sceptical...
Do I Experience Things Because Of My Ancestors? by Watchful
If you haven't read it yet, my previous story tells of my currents paranormal experiences. I have read on here that many people's experiences or abilities run in their families, or have some sort of family tie. My running question is this: could my ancestors be influencing my current situation or is...
It Choked Me This Time by -_Syeetaque_-
Sorry for being missing for too long and a special apology to my friend Pendragon because I didn't post my sister's experiences (the ones at her school) as I promised to. Don't worry I'll make sure I keep my promise. A lot of time passed since, and within that period a lot has happened to me as well...
Little Boy By The Bathroom by ceciline
The day this happened, I was home alone. It was a few years ago I don't remember how long ago. My mom and my brothers were next door, which is why I was allowed to stay home alone. My dad was working with my big brother, so it was just me. I didn't have my own room back then, so I just stayed in the...
The Landlord by bsk36
I grew up listening to all these stories about this ghost we had when I was a baby. So now 35 years later I decided to write about it. I interviewed my mother and took notes. I am writing this as if it was my mother telling her story... What you are about to read is very true, I have no reason what'...
Strange Visit From My Dog by stormangel
This only happened yesterday morning and it's only a short one. Myself and my boyfriend stayed at my place for 7 days, as I'm not allowed animals we left the key with what we thought was a trusted friend. Yesterday morning I had just turned the pc off, I had been reading ygs as I always do. ...
A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 4 by DaisukiHaru
Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Things became hectic, but I've been able to keep track of what's been going on for the past few months. About three months ago my sister started acting weird again, different than she was the last time. That dog that she said Kadan gave her when the d...
Reminiscence Of A Past Long Concealed by BriBri
As I am waiting out this "Witches curse" that you can find out about by reading my earlier story, I've decided to pass time by recounting an earlier ghostly encounter I had experienced. Long ago when I was about 7, I lost my Grandmother to pancreatic cancer. Everyone in my family was upset, but ...
Hilarity In The Presence Of Fear by BriBri
This tale is a recounting of another experience I had this past Halloween. So for those of you that haven't read any of my stories yet I am a tad bit sensitive to spirits. I'm so used to paranormal activity that I'm actually very casual about it, unless it's necessarily violent. Even then I'll still...
Illusions In My Head? by Diaz-Barnes
Hey guys, I just want to share an experience with you hopefully you don't think I'm making this up and most people do. Anyways here is it 1.So I was sitting down playing some League of legends and I see in the corner of my eye a lady, now I'm sure it's a lady because of the slim shadow she appear...
Jun Jun by sylunedarkchylde
A lot of people in the office would know who "Jun-Jun" is, if you ask everyone. Jun-Jun is a playful little boy that pulls pranks on everyone in the office. He's always seen wearing a black and blue striped shirt, denim shorts and white rubber shoes. As far as I can remember, he has been a mainstay ...
My Half Brother Mike by quixoticqt
I was 5 months pregnant and I hated every month of it. On May 25th (I remember it being a Wednesday) I felt unusually uncomfortable. I was woken up around 2 something in the morning like someone was looking at me. I turned around and saw nothing there. Being kind of irked I was thinking, "OMG, I hav...
Grandparents Trying To Contact Me? by str23
This has literally just happened within the last hour, I am currently in an state of emotional wreck as I don't quite know what to make of it all. But I'm sure what I just felt was real. Basically, before my grandparents both died and when I was quite young, they invested some money for me (called p...
Floating Face, A New Lesson by Tempe_Toxic
Slipping into sadness more and more. It's what the pre teens brought me. Not different from any other children my age. I had a lot of questions and had no answers. The last year had provided me two exorcisms preformed on me. My mother couldn't afford to be supportive anymore. After all she got an ex...
Scary Workplace by caisen365
This is my first story on this website and this experience happen to me about 3 years ago when I used to work for a business centre as a security receptionist, now before I start my story I would like to give more detail about my work place, my workplace has one basement and one ground floor (recept...
Could I Have Offended A Ghost In The Alley? by Saqqara
Some strange things have been happening to me and I would really like to hear if you think I am being haunted. I have never seen a ghost in my life and I didn't ever give them much thought, except for sometimes watching scary movies, until recently. Last month when I was walking home from classe...
The Old Mill In Utah by AmberMoonPriestess
Another story shared with permission. Both my Mother and Aunt worked at the haunted house that used to be held in The Old Mill, they also helped with a movie filmed there, Teen Alien. When they worked in the haunted house they were most often what is referred to as a "plant". The scared girl who get...
A Very Strange Photo by lvarey
On Sunday November 13th/2011 I was out at my sister's home in Alberta to take some photos of the exterior of her house, that she had requested from me. She wanted to use the photos to get some redecorating ideas. As I am a hobby photographer and enjoy this type of thing, therefore, I agreed to d...
Family Cemetary Ghost Face by hportallstar
My ghost story occurred a few days before Halloween of 2010 on October 26th, 2010, and my family and I decided that it would be fun to visit a local family cemetery that had looked to have been abandoned for a long time just to do a fun "ghost hunt" to get in the mood for Halloween. So we arrived at...
The Strange Black Man In My Room by mary30xoxo
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell my story, I have had several paranormal experiences but I will only share one with you today. It all started when my family moved into this nice big house in southern California, around 1995, I was 15 years old and starting the 9th grade in high school...
The Red Figure In My Room by Anahita
I used to be an atheist and I didn't believe in supernatural stuff. I used to visit this web site a lot and enjoyed the stories but I thought people were just experiencing illusions. But 3 or 2 years ago, something happened that changed my mind and to this day, when I think of it, I have a panic att...
Something Was Holding Me Down by laura-brown
At the moment I am having a hard time. I recently moved out of my family home, lost almost all of the members of my family, taking some of my GCSE'S, getting crap from me real dad and my epilepsy is playing up. I am under a lot of pressure as I am having to attend court to convict a member of my fam...
Possession Or Poltergeist? 3 by CF
The entity had stopped scratching me (read possession or poltergeist 2) at least in the mornings, but now it began to whisper in my ear. It never left me alone! It has started to move things across the table (books, pencils, etc.). Once I tried to hold on to the pencil, but it was snatched out of my...
My Freaky Life 2 by anneke8
A few years ago, in my last year in high school, I saw this very cute guy standing with his friends. Two days later, he asked me to the matric dance, and I was happy to go! He seemed a little weird, but actually I liked it. After the first date, we began to see each other every day. I was head over ...
Trouble I Can Foresee by Yukioma
I apologize in advance for the length of this, there just happens to be a large amount to explain. I guess I should begin with a little backstory: Our family has both Native American and Irish ties. It seems as if it is a rite of passage for the women in our family when they experience their firs...
An Ipod Speaker Randomly Turns On by Tuning4k
My wife and I have a small battery powered speaker on a shelf in our bathroom that we plug our iPods into during showers, baths, cleaning the bathroom, etc. It has suddenly started to turn itself on by itself. This is especially odd as the only way to turn it on is to turn the volume dial on the sid...
Children Laughing by CJ0602
One day, a few weeks ago, I was babysitting my baby cousin for a night. I had just gotten his p.j's on, and he was playing with his toys while I made his bottle. All of a sudden he burst out crying. I ran into the living room and he had a GIANT bruise on his forehead. It hadn't been there five minut...
The Angry Old Man by ghostsrreal202
This story first takes place when I was about 10 years old. For some reason, I stayed home from school. I had waken up from a nap at around 10 a.m. (I wake up to get ready for school at around 6:30) and had turned on my lamp beside my bed. Being lazy and still a little tired, I still lie in bed. The...
A Child Will Always Be Afraid Of The Closet by Mannerizms
I am 25 years old, now this happened when I was 15 years old. I had A LOT of stuff going on; including my father was taken to jail by the D.E.A. For things I'm not really sure of but I do know most of it was just lies put on him because he has had so many concussions he really has no memory of it. A...
My Sister And The Old Hag's Attack by hekate
My sister went on a winter trip with some friends of hers last year and had a really fabulous time. However, there was a very bad surprise for her during the second night of her trip. She shared a room with her friend in a really cozy, traditional hostel on a mountain. As they were deep asleep, my s...
Amie, The Child Who Stayed by Graffiti-My-Mind
I've been living in this house for about 3 years now, and there is just too many paranormal-like incidents here for it to be blatant coincidence. We moved in about June 2008, and we bought the house off of our family friend's boyfriend. The first moment I stepped through the door, the atmosphere...
The Ghost From The Camera by SumGuy2
Just earlier today, I was at an antique store, and purchased a gaf SS 250 XL camcorder. It is from 1977, and uses Super 8 film. So when I got home, I did some research on it, and got some information on it. I went downstairs to watch TV. Suddenly, I felt as if I was being watched. All of the sudden,...
What Has Been Happening In My New House by shandi
I haven't really had much to post since my last story which was 3 A.M. Throat clearing. This is a compilation of what has been happening in my new house over the last year. Activity seemed to really increase around the holidays last year. I have experienced the feeling of someone sitting down on...
Is There Someone In The House? by Destiny23374
This happened just over a week ago when I was over at a friends place. Before I start I'll just say that the house is not a old one, its pretty big though with an attic and a basement. The basement is sealed off. And as far as my knowledge there has been no death in the house. Anyway back to the sto...
Brownie by thirdee
I just want to share some of my paranormal experience when I was at my very young age. By the way I'm Thirdee. I live most of my life here in Manila, but we often went to our province in Ilo-Ilo for vacation. I really love to go in there because I have a lot of cousins in there. While we are there, ...
Weird Happening In My Friend's Backyard by LaLaGurl
During Halloween, I went to a friend's house to spend the night along with 4 other people. In total, there was five of us that were outside after dark when we were done trick-or-treating (we just wanted free candy). Well, we made a haunted house for my friend's, who I will call H, sister. When we ...
Between 11pm And 3am by NightFear21
I live in a rural area of Ohio called Hopedale and we rent a two-story house from a very elderly couple who also own a funeral home next door. I do not know if the events I am about to describe has anything to do with our house neighboring a funeral home, but I need some insight, and maybe even some...
The Speechless Ghost by msmagnolia
My name is Kimberly, I am 31 years old. At the age of 17 I had an encounter with some type of spirit. The incident took place twice in less than a year. One morning while lying in bed with my back facing my bedroom door I heard footsteps coming from the front of the house, we had tile floor, no ...
Uninviting House by Chelseababeh
My mother and father had filed for a divorce, splitting the money to come from the house. My mum went house-searching and found this very strange looking one she called "Perfect". At that point, my brother and I wouldn't argue with her, as she'd been through enough already. I can remember quite well...
The Man In The Suit by billydakid39
This story begins in a small house in a small town approximately two years ago. I share a room with my younger brother whom we'll call "Paul". My brother Paulie was about 13 at the time and I was 16 and one day he complained to me asking if I saw or heard anything during the night. I said no and I ...
The Dreamer by fisheye90
I have always been weird, since I was a child, I really don't remember much from my childhood but my mom told me that I could see shadow people following real humans. I've been told stories about how I disappeared as a baby, think I was 2 years old I was playing in the front yard of our house, my gr...
Married To A Ghost by ghostiie99
This is a completely true experience, not one word of a lie, this is not my own experience but an experience of one of my close relatives, my great aunt called (Mareshna), she lives now and is 89 years of age, and when I went to visit her in cocas island, she showed me many pictures and videos of he...
My First Unsettling Encounter With The Unknown by Saiman
I'm sure many of you have heard of "The Hat Man" as he is called on the internet. I've only recently discovered that the strange experience of seeing The Hat Man was more widespread than my own experience. I have seen The Hat Man and it is something that has bothered me my entire life. The first ti...
My Freaky Life 3 by anneke8
About 5 years ago, me, my fiancé and my daughter moved into a semi attached Town house in Parow, Cape Town. The place's name was Ryan's Place; a lovely place it was indeed. It was newly renovated. In the main bedroom was a huge built-in white cupboard, from roof to floor. It looked like it was pa...
My Night In The Woods by SirAader
After the harsh review of my last story I figured let's write a new one. I do not know all of what had happened that night. But I do stand by the fact in it that they are all true. I will not use the infamous filing system I invented instead it will be more straight foreward. Recently I decided to...
Something In My Mother's Bed by Steve07
I don't know if you will find this experience interesting as it wasn't really in retrospect very dramatic but it is by far the freakiest thing I can say has ever happened to me anyway. It happened about five years ago my brother and I were in our room we share. It wasn't very late we were watc...
Persistent Shadow Entity by choshi
My name is being withheld for personal reasons, but I live in California and am 17. For about 5 years now, I'm sure that a supernatural entity is somewhere around me no matter where I go. Actual sightings of the thing have been relatively sparse in time (at least around a month, at most around two y...
Strange Sightings At The House by Cogstee
I've been going to this site for a while now and just got around to publishing my story. I hope you enjoy it and can tell me what happened during this time of my life. So now, I'll begin my story. My parents are separated. But they weren't always. They separated when I was about eight, and due to...
My Ghostly Experience In Texas by pebhmoob
I just want to share one of my experience that I had while I was living in the middle of Fort Worth and Dallas, TX in 2008-2009. I rented this one room apartment in Hurst, TX. The price was reasonable. Not bad at all. I thought I was not able to afford but turns out it was a good rate in that pa...
They Just Need To Learn Boundaries by Mannerizms
Do ghosts have boundaries? You'd think they do! But I guess when you're dead they've lost caring? Anyways this does lead to an experience... Okay so after I left my bedroom after the closet incident, I moved to the room across the hall. It was a bit smaller than my room but I didn't care. Of course ...
Creepy Sadness At My Grandmother's House by LSN86
When my grand parents bought the house in Brisbane, Queensland it was already known by names such as "creepy" and "haunted", after sitting empty for many years. There had been a couple of deaths in the house, including a suicide. Today, the land has been sold for development and the house was bought...
Ghosts Or Something Else? by zapamay
I have had other experiences with ghosts and shadow people and such, and they didn't scare me. But these seem to. I remember something from not long ago. I was laying on my bed one night, and I saw something dart around the room. It just flew across the room in one swift moment and went through my w...
The Angels And The Shadow by mzreis315
My story begins when I was 16, young, dumb and sick, I guess you could say. At that point in my life I was starting down the wrong path. My father and I never got along, and as I got older it got worse. We had gotten into an fight, and I decided to commit suicide. I don't remember what kind of pills...
Mangohick Haunting by owensnee1
This experience is not mine, it is my mother's. However, I did play an indirect part in this. Everything I say is true and, as far as I know, accurate. My mother gave me permission to tell this story. Here we go. My family is originally from eastern Virginia, in and around the historic area of the...
A Young Ghost by tejana
In Nov. 2011 I started a new job in a small convenience store my shifts are mainley at 5 pm until midnight. When I started working I kept on seeing a dark figure of a young guy wearing a black coat black pants in his early 20'S I thought it was my imagination so I kept on ingnoring it. I started see...
My First Ghostly Experiences by shadow7221
So,a real quick say, Age: 14. I'd say about 3 or 4 years ago I finally had my experience. I don't know which came first, but I do remember them. One night I was just sitting on the computer watching the popular ghost story shows Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal State. I had a fear that ghosts would ...
I'm Being Watched by Lauren_A
I am 13 so I don't have much experience with this sort of thing. I have been on this site for only a few months and have read lots of your stories. I am a believer in the paranormal and my 'experience (s) ' only started this year. Ok onto the 'experience (s) '. I live with my mum, dad and 2 older...
Flushing Ghost? by rookdygin
I work for a Security Company and the site I work at creates and ships educational materials. This Company is very 'Green Focused' (will make sense later in this experience). I had heard stories from other Security Officers (S/O's) that had worked there concerning the strange sounds heard during the...
Ghosts By My Bedside by LittelReD
Firstly I've been somewhat haunting this site for a few months, there is nothing dramatic about me or my story but I have finally decided to share it with you. I live in New Zealand, in a small town in South Taranaki, I have always lived in this area and I have always seen and felt things slightly ...
The Man With The White Face by Reesybear93
My family has moved around a lot, because my father is in the military. Out of all the places that we have lived, this place was by far the worst. We moved into our house in February of 1998, we lived in a four bedroom house on a military base and all seemed well. A few months passed and I noticed s...
Various Paranormal Happenings With My Family by Smokex12
My dad was twelve or thirteen when this happened. He was hunting with his dad and his brother in Vermont, and the mountains they were hunting on were believed to be haunted. In fact, the book Green Mountain Ghost Tales was based off those mountains. Anyway, he got lost and came across a beaver pon...
Monks Graveyard? by AzzyBeh
This is a story about my paranormal experience. I was at my grandparents house, she has been living by herself for many years now as her husband left her. Anyway, I am 14 and this 'haunting' happened when I was about 10 years old. I had heard a lot of stories about my grandparents house before th...
The Reed Organ, And The Charred Arm by SumGuy2
So, I love collecting antiques, and vintage items. I was at goodwill, and bought a 1969 Magnus Reed Organ. When I brought it home, it looked like it had ash on it, and dirt on it (like it was taken from a fire). I wiped it off and began to examine it for safety to make sure it is safe to play. It is...
Spirit In The Kitchen by Vikkayy
So starting a few months ago when I was speaking to my boyfriend on the phone some really creepy things started happening. My boyfriend, Andrew, was in the kitchen making food and I was in my car driving home. A couple minutes into the conversation I started hearing a static on my end of the phone a...
Small, Pinpoint Orange Light by Ansger
So one night I'm just relaxing and watching television. It was late and I had the lights off so that I could just fall asleep when I started feeling tired. Around 1 am my brother and I started a small conversation, and I noticed a small, very bright orange light about the size of a pinhole, just sit...
The London Commuter Hour by LondonLady
It was a normal Thursday morning during the main 'commuter hour' in London, as usual I had dragged myself out of bed a little too late, and was hurrying to catch the 8:05 tube on the Piccadilly line going from Ealing Common towards Holborn. The date was the 1st December and it was a chilly but sun f...
Strange Music by Hellhound
This happened about six months ago in a share house near the uni. This house had a lot of strange happenings, but that is another story. I was in my boyfriends room (who lived in the same share house, before we were together) going through a really hard time, we all do at some point in our lives, I...
The Georgian House by Alexander_Griffiths
When I was younger I moved into a Georgian terraced home with my family of six (how my family were able to afford it I am unaware). The basic history of the building was it began as a Poor House and later became a School. It later became lodgings for a groundskeeper and his family; the groundskee...
The Start Of The Paranormal World For Me by olivia1988
I am glad I have found a website where I can tell my experiences to and not be laughed or mocked at. Things started when my grandmother passed away, not to myself but my younger sister at first, whom was probably to young to remember the experience but was able to tell my mother the morning after, t...
The House On The Hill by jesuanvalentin15
So before I moved to Jacksonville, Florida I was always obsessed with everything paranormal. I would watch movies involving ghosts, demons, exorcism and anything involving the supernatural. This was about 4 years ago I was 15. Me and my friends use to hang out where I used to live because it was all...
Spirits Paralysing My Body by Anoncookies
This has happened to me about 4 times now. The first time was when I was about 4 years old. I woke up to my body feeling restrained and tied down, I couldn't move at all. I went to scream for my parents but I couldnt. I never really thought about it while I have grown up because I thought it was pro...
First Ghost Story by Cupcake13
So as you can tell I'm new to this and I'm not a very good describer but I'll try. My first experience didn't happen to me but I was still in the house. It was the night my grandfather died when I was 6 and my eldest brother decided to sleep with my Nan upstairs in the spare room. It had two beds...
Paranormal Activity Has Recently Picked Up by hales3
I haven't updated in years! I have so many new stories, so many new experiences. I will briefly summarize and get into detail later, you can email me for more info about a certain one if you'd like. So, usually paranormal activity in my life picks up dies down randomly. Lately, things have picked ...
Bad Dreams Or Worse? by LG1986
I have been reading stories from this site for awhile now and have finally mustered up enough courage to write about something that's been happening to me. I want to start off by saying I am not 100% sure that this is actually paranormal or something more explainable, but at this point I just want s...
My Great Aunt Came Back by anihilator123
This isn't long but here goes. Basically I was sitting in my room reading a book and I just happened to look up to take a break when I saw something white go past my door. I ran to the door and called out, everybody was downstairs. Now I have no idea what it was but my mom said she had seen my au...
I Saw Things No One Else Could See by eholmes
When I was a kid, my family and I lived in a house in DeQuincy, LA. I was probably in the second or third grade at the time. I would see these strange things that no one else could see. I would repeatedly see a black mass in the shape of a person run across the opening of the hallway going to my roo...
306 by Hellhound
This story will be a bit long, so I sincerely appologise before hand. 306 was my first university share house, it was on the main road and was pretty ran down and I'll say doddgy. The front fence of the house was falling apart, you walk in the front door and are met with a long hallway with 7 bed...
Nightclub Ghost by sarge82
This story I am about to tell you happened to me about eight years ago. I had just started working as a doorman for a night club/strip club. Before it was remodeled it was a penthouse owned by an old rich recluse back in the late seventies. It was said she was murdered where the dance floor is on th...
Gainsboro Hall by Simplyghostnights
It had been some years since the team had last visited this historic Tudor building and what a return awaited us and our intrepid group of brave ghost hunters. From the initial walk round the eerie atmosphere grew. As we rambled around the corridors and splendid rooms on our brief tour of the vigil ...
Morecambe Winter Gardens by Simplyghostnights
This lovely old building sits proudly nestled along the promenade of Morecambe looking over the bay, the building is a testament to Britain's imperial past of the 19th century. We arrived and were greeted by both Andy and Pete who helped make sure the nights events ran so smoothly, and easily. Af...
The House With A Million Eyes 4 by aya22
Hey. I apologize for the extended absence- especially because of exactly when I decided to drop off the radar. To a lot of you reading this, something like that might discredit everything I've shared and am about to share. I've accepted that so I won't be embarrassed or offended. To clue those in wh...
Posing As God by SamIAm1991
My grandfather and I were very close. He took me everywhere with him, but he wasn't the nicest person in the world to others. My story takes places near the Rio Grande in Texas. My grandfather was the manager for the Dr. Pepper factory there. He always left early before the sun came out. He wanted t...
Nice Old Lady by ParanormalExprience
My Nan's house is haunted by an old woman (I did some research) she would of been 127 years old as of 6th of December 2011. Not only did I do research but the old woman used to appear to me at night and talk to me about what she used to do and how she had died. She died at the age of 76 from a heart...
The Christmas Gift by netnix0
Thanks to all who commented on my experience with the ghostly black cat I used to talk to on the stairs when I was a small child at my family's big old house. I have been waiting to post the next installment, but until now this site has been down most of the time and not accepting new info. Hope thi...
Two Dark Apparitions In One Day by cyclo8999
My fascination in the paranormal began when I was, eight years old, alone in the cottage during the afternoon. Out of nowhere appeared a large-dark apparition that floated still-like at a short distance from me near the front door. I was immediately frozen in fear by staring at something I did not u...
It Felt Like I Was Dreaming Awake by link
This happened to me a handful of years ago, and I've tried not to think about it or to block it out so parts of it still seem foggy or unreal to me. I guess I think if I just don't think about it, then it'll not be an issue. But lately I've been confronted with how skeptical I am of so many things, ...
Paranormal Experiences? Or Something Else? by NickyCharmed
Five years ago, when I was eight years old, I lived in an apartment (let's call it the Saticoy apartment). It was the only apartment from the whole the whole building that had a bar. My dad loved this fact. The first time we moved in, I had an odd feeling about the house but I ignored it. I thought ...
The Ghost Of Mary Lake At The Queen Anne Hotel by SFheffe
My ghost encounters started when I was 3 or 4 years old. I was at my great-grandmothers house sometime around Christmas. I woke up one morning, looked out the hallway to see a huge gray-white mist hovering in the doorway. I started yelling for my mom and dad, they woke up and comforted me. I didn't ...
Why Is She Still On Earth? by Snowy23
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Anyway, I'm back after being off for a few months. This experience happened about a week ago when I was at my grandmothers. My grandma had recently died so the whole family was at her house going over the memorial service plans. There's a table about 10 feet fro...
A Ghost In My Room by carot82
Five months ago I moved to this new townhome with my family. At first I was the only one experiencing weird things in this place so I remained quiet! At first I couldn't sleep at night and I would stay awake looking around in my room since I had this feeling of being scared, and now every time I am ...
A Ghost Tail by FallenAngel13
My story may not be scary, But to me it is... Ever since I was little (As far as I can remember), there has been something following me. The first time I ever saw it I was 3. I was in bed and for some reason woke up. I looked at the end of my bed and saw a white cat tail going under my bed. (We d...
The Hidden Door by BenH518
My name is Ben and I'm 22 years old. I live in Upstate N.Y. The story I'm about to tell one of the most mysterious things I've ever witnessed. When I was about 11 years old my mom, my mom's boyfriend Jay and I were heading to a friends house to help them move into their new home. When we got there i...
Toddlers See Things by bossymum
This is my personal story. I have a 23 month old toddler and sometimes she freaks out. When I use to sleep at my bf's place, I hate having the windows open due to my previous experience and also because my child would wake up in the middle of the night and start screaming her head off as if somethin...
Sunday Night At The Art Deco Festival On The Queen Mary by teafortwo1922
My friends and I party a lot on the Queen Mary, have a lot of late nights on the ship and fun times. We dress up to the era of the ship so were always in 1930s -1940s outfits. I have lot ghost stories, so it is pretty normal to see us walking the ship. Even the some the workers know us by name and w...
Poj Ntxoog Or Little Girl Monsters by bossymum
One night, I heard little kids laughing outside my window. There's a picnic bench outside of my window (live in an apartment). I awoke to their laughter and gibberish talk. At first, I was pissed because they woke me up and because it was still dark. I didn't know it was 4am, I assume it was 6 am be...
Neolithic Henge by WelshmanTrezise
Just to be upfront, I have never told this to any one except my dad who's where I come from. If any of you know about my past stories I have a full Celtic backround, and am very interseted in the Celtic paranormal beliefs. I have always hiked in this certain part of my town since I was wee lad. I al...
Haunted By A Ghost Or My Imagination? by happyferret12
I think the first time anything happened was two years ago. Now, nothing new happened. Nothing changed. We didn't move, no one died, and no one sinned. Could someone have activated some resting ghost? Or is that the stuff of movies? Anyway, I've always had a strange disposition towards scary, so tha...
Seeing George And Last Goodbye by gemini414
I would say I've only had 2 paranormal experiences in my life time. The first was with a ghost my family liked to call George. I really never had any feelings as a child that there was something around me, but growing up me and my brother were always told, by my mother, that we had a ghost and hi...
Am I Stuck With This For The Rest Of My Life? by irishoreo
So I have not spoken to many people about my encounters that I have had since I was about 5 or 6 years old. The first thing I remember as a child is being at my sisters house and seeing red eyes go from window to window on the 3rd floor apt. Soon after that I would feel as if I was being watched eve...
Ouija Board, And The Room Got Bright by Felidae
Before I tell my story, I have to say that I am not a religious guy. I love to use my reason to explain things (And that doesn't mean, that religious people don't use their reason), to question everything and to find answers to these questions. Nevertheless I am attracted to the supernatural, I'v...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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