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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 99
The Boogeyman by jessy_tor3
I truly believe that young children and animals can see things we adults cannot, mainly because of the stories my mother told me when I was around 18 months to 2 years old. This happened to me when I lived in Florida, I currently live in New York now. I still have strange occurrences happen to me to...
Leaving An Old Life Behind by CDubber
For those of you who have read my two previous stories you will know that my family and I are gifted with the ability of sixth sense among various other physic abilities. This collection of assorted stories are based over a period of the recent ten months around my family and i. I will pick up f...
Green Hill Cemetery by BenH518
I'm back with another story as promised. This story is about one of Amsterdam, N.Y's most haunted cemeteries. If you look up Green Hill Cemetery on the web you will find it. If you read my story The Hidden Door this happened a few years later when I was 16 years old. After the experiance in my las...
Paranormal Maybe Not? by MissyM
My Mother's house as I explained in my previous story is quite old. This story is about the cellar of the old house. My Mother's cellar can't be accessed from inside the house. There's an old wooden sliding door at the back of the barn house that enters into the dirt floor cob webbed walls of he...
Ghost Playing With Magnets by ktc96
Let me just say I'm young and this is not just my first expriance with a ghost. So I am going to tell you a little about myself. I'm 15 years old. I have had people in my life pass away. But this story right here I don't understand. For the past couple of weeks I have been babysitting my niece. Sh...
Norm Nutman by Kuhlmad
I would like to start by saying that I really do believe in ghosts. They interest me, but at the same time scare me. Call me a coward if you wish, but ghosts are really my only and biggest fear or phobia. This happened to me about a month ago and has really stuck with me. In my room I had this 1...
My Bed Started Shaking 2 by SoniaMary23
I made a previous story that is connected to this one. I'm not really good at telling stories but I'm trying my best. This is beyond my control and I just want it to stop. A few weeks ago my bed finally stopped shaking but after a week thing began to change. I feel like the entity is getting s...
Creepy Farm by angelus_crudus
I've been reading stories on this site for months now and love the hair-raising creepiness of them all. I moved in with my husband four years ago. He lives, and now I do too on a hundred acre farm in West Quebec Canada. The house is small and used to be a hunting shanty then added onto to make a lat...
They Know More Than We Give Them Credit For by SamIAm1991
This story takes place in Andersonville, Ga. If you know anything about Andersonville... People say it's haunted. I live about an hour away from the P.O.W (Prisoners of War) camp. My aunt Sylvia, My uncle Mike, their friends Bob and Karen, and I love to ghost hunt. I stopped ghost hunting for this v...
The Unknown Ghost by lillriff
My name is Samantha, I am 13 years old and I definitely believe in ghosts. I have experienced some crazy encounters with them. I live in Akron, Ohio; which is in the United States. My house was built in the late 50's. I think that my room is haunted. I have heard the usual footsteps and heard the ...
Child Hauntings by Smokex12
My little Cricket is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He is my life and the purpose of me being on this Earth. If anything ever happened to him my heart would grieve to the point of death. My name is Selena Tyler, and I'm twenty years old. Here is my story. The summer of my sixteenth...
A Nuisance Spirit by silentBob
This event happened six months ago on a Saturday night. My sister and I were home alone as our parents had gone to watch a show at the Crown Casino which is about an hour and a half away. I was playing on the PlayStation while my sister was talking to one of her friends on Skype when the power we...
Linked Events? by GodlyGirl
I don't exactly know where to start. I'll give a bit of background first. My name is Kennedy, I'm from the United States, and I'm a 13 honors student. My parents are split up, and I have a step-dad with my mom and 2 brothers, ages 1 and a half and 4, and my dad has a girlfriend with 2 girls ages 6 a...
My Son Is Very Scared by CMAD_mama
Ever since my son was a baby he has been seeing and talking to something that we could not see. My son is now 3 years old and it seems to be getting worse. We will find him in his room talking to someone and we will ask him who he is talking to and he will start to tell us and then he will just stop...
My Earliest Encounter by teneki
I've never been very scared of the supernatural, especially ghosts. In part this is because I believe I've been experiencing things since I was really little. This is the account of what I believe to be the first chronologically. I live in the country, with an empty field across the road and a wi...
Small Red And Hooded by bjtc1
From the age of 7 until I was 14, I lived in a large house on a farm with my parents and my 4 brothers and sisters. This was on a farm just on the outskirts of Hamilton in New Zealand. My elder brother had the upstairs room and the rest of us were downstairs. I used to like going upstairs to sleep i...
Young Little Ghost Girl by ZawwHy
I was only 12 or 13 years old when I encountered this one particular ghost, a girl. I was asleep one night with my grandmother by my side on the same bed. I was suddenly awoken by a jolt. I looked at the clock on the wall and it showed 12 midnight. Then I felt the hair behind my neck began to st...
Haunted House Share by Hitchhaunt
I want your thoughts on my experience. I moved into my first house share I was 18. I had some strange things happen. Now the house share was a converted mansion in South Manchester and the story of the house was back in 1981 the owner of the Mansion killed his wife by choking her and he was arrested...
The Black Hairy Man by gelique
This happened when I was 16. It was around October 2008, I was a freshman at a University in Northern Samar, Philippines. My sister (on her Senior year) and I had another row. She was crying (as she often does when we argue) and I really felt guilty yet still angry towards her. I want to stop our fi...
It Will Always Be My Room by SuperstitionQueen
My parents made the decision to start a new business during my sophomore year. Over the summer, we picked up and moved. It was only 40 miles away from the town I grew up in, but as a teenager, it might as well have been 300 miles. We had a unique situation under which we bought our new home. The ...
Night Terror? Or Demon? by becky-campbell
I am 14 years old and I live in Runcorn although I am originally from Liverpool. I have used a ouija board once before this experience, but I am positive I used it and closed it properly. Although I realise that sometimes experiences like mine are called "Night Terrors" this one didn't feel right, h...
Unthankful Giving by Cincinnatian
So my previous story was about my son who saw a ghost in my kitchen. Freaky but was the first time I ever had any kind of paranormal experience, until a week ago. When I posted that story about Johnny, I recently forgot that I even put a story about it on here but what happened to me last week remin...
England Edition by jewelre
I believe it's time for me to start sharing my experiences and I will start with the trip to England. I went there in 2007 (I was 22 years old) and I had some scary experiences of my life! I will try to keep it short and stick to the point... Feel free to ask questions after. Went there with my ...
Anne by Micha_1998
My name is Michelle and I am 13 years old. Just because I am 13, it doesn't mean I'm making everything up, these stories are genuine experiences of mine. I live in a very old house (Around 200 years old), and I do believe there are quite a few spirits in here with me, nice and not very nice ones....
My Paranormal Beginnings by tsmiti
My daughter and I moved into an older home (circa 1928) in 2004. At the time, my daughter was 9 years old. Neither of us had ever had any paranormal experiences, but moving into this house changed that very quickly. It began with my daughter refusing to sleep in her room. She kept telling me she was...
The Summer House Ghosts by Mercury93
My family bought a summer house in a really small town that had nothing around it. It's an old 80's farm styled house, that had three bedrooms and one bathroom. We got it after my Great Grandmother died in December of 2008. So in 2009 my aunt thought it would be a good idea to get this house after h...
New Comer In The House by September13
I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, but there are few events stand out to me and some have me a bit confused. I don't remember it much myself but my family swears to it. My Grandfather passed long before I was born so I didn't know him at all. However when I was around three yea...
I Saw My Grandma That I Never Met by IMErikGhost
I still remember this memory. When I was 6 (I'm 14) I visited the Philipines where I visited my cousins and witness the funeral of my grandmother who I never met. It was sad because she was loved but I never got to love her. So after the funeral my family went home. I got tired and decided to tak...
My Girl by Karlijoe15
My name is Karli and in the last 7 months or so I have been visited by a girl. Now, most people would probably brush this off because I'm fairly young, 15. But this is real and it happens to me. I just want to share my story and know that I'm not alone. It first started at about 9:00 P.M. My mom ...
Ghost Cat On The Bed by Wildcat2
I am looking for any kind of info on what I am experiencing. A few months ago my Husband and I were just starting to fall asleep when I felt one of our cats climb into bed with us, it started at my feet and climbed in between my Husband and I and came all the way to our faces. I reached my hand up ...
Young Girl In My Room by Smokex12
I'm not proud of what happened in this story, but it did happen. It all started when my brother and I were fighting (again), and my mom was yelling at both of us to stop. I think we were fighting about a choice Charlie had made, or something, and this was way back last June. I know I was stressed be...
Just Moved In To A New Very Old House by iain
Let me start off by saying that I am not sure if I do or don't believe in ghosts, I believe in vibes, actions, environments and people can give off good or bad vibes which tend to be right more often than not. Myself, 3 friends and my girlfriend recently moved in to a house we are renting, a cou...
Looks Like Things Are Starting Again by Worriedorparanoid
It's not surprising to me that once again I have a story to tell. We are currently still staying in our new place and now my husband knows that there is something in our house after my son has showed him where this "thing" is and he has seen it for himself. After the comments that I received ...
Something Is In My House by ShanMindfreak
I moved to my current house back in 2003. The house I'm staying in is a double story house. The first day I stepped foot into the house, I knew something was wrong. However, when I told my father about this, he said it was nothing and asked me to go unpack in my room. Well for your information, I di...
Dark Presence by xXBlackRavenXx
Not too long ago, I moved into a trailer on the north side of Lafayette, Indiana. My first night here was met with a feeling of foreboding, like something was watching me. It was enough to keep me up all night, and to send chills down my spine. For days afterward, I repeatedly experienced strange ...
A Haunting In North Bengal by dodon94
This unforgettable incident took place in October this year when we (my father, mother, sister and myself) were on my way to North Bengal to celebrate the Durga Pujas (a festival of Bengal). . We boarded the Teesta Torsha express from Sealdah. It was going good until night when my uncle called us u...
Ghost Hunt At Galleries Of Justice by Simplyghostnights
The paranormal investigation at the Galleries of justice ran so smoothly and professionally in and in no small part to Ian our host for the night at this spooky venue. The Simply Ghost nights and the ghost hunters who attended the event were treated to some amazing spirit activity and one particular...
What Do They Want? by brittany94
I have debated on telling my stories for a while now, making it public scares me. Everybody says I'm crazy, maybe that's more of the reason I don't want to share it. Maybe I've thought about it so much that it has driven me crazy? I have had many experiences with seeing things, being "attacked" by t...
And It Begins by justcandy
My life has been full of what seems to be paranormal experiences. I will start with the the first one I remember. I was about 15 and my little sister was 11. My parents had left us home alone for a while. My sister and I did our usual activities when we were home alone. We sat in the living room ...
The Lady At The Door by jrose1967
Here's a tale that's always puzzled me. I was a witness to it of sorts, but I was an infant... So obviously I don't remember. However, my mother and my grandmother have told me the story many times over the years. Here goes: I grew up in a small town west of Phoenix. It was a farming community wi...
They're Messing With Us by jrose1967
I'm going to relay this story exactly as it happened. You can draw your own conclusions. When I was in my third year of college, I befriended a guy named Mike who was an archeology major. Over Christmas break he and I came down to the Valley from Flagstaff to work on a construction project with m...
Incubus, Spirit Or Imagination? by InkTainted
So I just signed up to post this recent experience of mine, as I can't trust my own judgement on the situation and need more opinions on what had happened. I've always had a comfortable "relationship" with the spiritual world, I understood it existed and it never frightened me, even after several e...
The Coughing Man And The Scissors by shellzy
I moved into a rented house by myself over a year ago and I have had some very strange occurrences happen in this time. The activity can happen any time of day or night and happens in all different areas of the house. I love the area that I live in and I actually do really like the house but a coupl...
Sleepwalking Friend - Connection With Ouija Board? by ashley4444
I just need some advice or perspectives on what people think. About a month ago, my sister and I decided to try an Ouija board. We both didn't believe that anything would happen. We figured, how could a piece of cardboard contact spirits? So we decided to try it, and it actally did move. At first I ...
Paralysed by iCleopatrah
My name is Jess and I am a 13 year old girl. My story happened about a month or two ago and I thought I would share my experience. It was about one in the morning and I was sleeping on my back. I woke up to find myself unable to move. My eyes were closed and my mouth clamped shut. My mums r...
Ghost In My Hallway by KitKatKatie
Ok, so I live in an apartment with three bedrooms and one living room, with my room in front of the bathroom and my grandmothers room next to it, just to give a visual. Every time I walk through the hallway to get to my room or when I'm in my room I feel like something is watching me. Some days it g...
St. Augustine by Lawrence
After seeing Ghost Hunters St Augustine's episode, I decided to plan a two day vacation to St Augustine and try to see for myself. It was my first time there and decided to explore the oldest city in America. I visited the usual tourist attractions like the Fort and the old Augustine. I also looked ...
An Old Military House - Possible Haunting by MrsNutty
My story starts almost a year ago today, when we first moved into this house with our newborn son. Our son was only 2 weeks old when we moved into this house, in Ft. Lewis, WA. At first, I assumed the weird noises (sounds of men whispering, things creaking and groaning) were just me being a para...
Is It Because Of Her? by JCAbigbear
My story begins decades before I was born in the 1960's. I have the suspicion that because of what my great grandmother (mother's side) did during her life, I, and my family, have a gift of the paranormal kind. What I'm about to share is 100% true. My great grandmother practiced black magic in a ...
The Face In The Garden by Subtle_Poetics
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am from Northern Ireland. I am studying to be a journalist. I will clear something first, I have not personally witnessed anything paranormal except in minor cases. I am reporting stories from my family and my closest friends in whose truthfulness I personall...
Who Moved My Slippers? by mystique20
The incident happened in London, UK at the beginning of the year 2008. I was studying for my Masters and living in the university accommodations. The room was an En - suite, with the bathroom opening directly into the room. It was a small room (with no hidden corners) on the first floor with only on...
The Pink Man In The Bedroom by BUNbrunette13
I hope anybody will be able to help explain these strange happenings. Around the year of 2003, my Brother Alfie was 3 years of age and was sitting on the top of the stairs of our house. All of the family: Mum (Wendy), Dad (Barrie) and Me (Sister, Mollie) was sitting downstairs, watching a film one ...
Hi Grandpa by teneki
First a little history, my Grandpa died before I was ever born so I never got to meet him. I've told in my previous account what happened to me at my parents' house, I became aware of this occurrence around the same time. As a lot of people do, I used to stay over at my Grandma's a lot, at least...
Red Light, Big Fright by rachel15904
I experienced this whilst staying at my Aunt's house in Devon. I did some research into the house and it was built around the 16th century and the owner of the house died in one of the upstairs rooms, the cause of death wasn't recorded in the house's documents and which upstairs room is still unknow...
A Haunted Life by BelievingSkeptic
Just a little background information before I start. I'm a 24-year-old writer living in northwestern Pennsylvania, near Erie, and I've had paranormal experiences off and on throughout my life. My first experiences happened in my family's first house, which my family and I lived in until I was a so...
Who Called? by tsmiti
My first story "Paranormal's beginning... For me" was published, so I decided to share another very strange experience that my daughter and I had at our first home. I must explain a bit first, for this to make sense. I was dating a guy for a while who would call me at all hours of the night. Whic...
Encounter With An Elemental? by sylunedarkchylde
I'm back with yet another story. I never realized until recently that I did have a lot of odd things that happened to me in the past! I'm not sure how other countries perceive Elementals to be, but here in the Philippines, they are called "Engkantos", "Anitos" and so on. These Engkantos and Anito...
Night Time Visitor At Christmas by taz890
To all of you on here who I have come to call friends I'm sorry I have been holding back on this one but I'm sure I will be forgiven! This all started before I joined ygs, it actually was the reason I found the site and joined up in the first place. I work nights in security for a large ditrubu...
Will It Get Worse? by Meg1011
I think I started noticing strange things happening when I was younger. It started by seeing shadows and hearing my name when no one being there so I didn't really worry about it at the time. Now I'm older I think its started to get more frequent. It started when I changed the room I was staying in...
Creepy Girl, Or Imagination? by Paigey
At my house in Yorkshire UK, we have always had strange things happening things like pillows been moved, doors slamming, things such as the kettle and tv switching on or off, and banging on the front and back doors. We have had strange messages left on the answering machine and the dog goes crazy in...
As A Child, Could I Have Had Help From A Spirit? by Kuhlmad
When I was less than 2 years old I gave my parents and family a heart attack. My mother and father had laid me down for bed like any given normal night. We lived in a first story apartment at the time, and I can't remember it at all, so I can't really give a layout to it. Well after everyone had ...
The Laughing Little Girl by cocoloco1234
This story starts at about 10. 30 pm in Ireland. I was in my bedroom in my old house (I moved somewhere else in May but not because of this experience). I was trying to get to sleep but I just couldn't, I was looking around my room trying to wind down, but what I heard next certainly didn't help me ...
The Cow Fields by Geezy
I've lived in the same town all my life, it's small and in middle of the countryside, south of England. Around two years ago, me and a friend of mine called Lisa decided to go for a walk to this place we called the "cow fields". To get to the cow fields you have to go down a long thin road, that has...
The Dark Shadow Over Me by Cai2011
I live in a very quaint older house in a quiet neighborhood in Maryland. I loved this house until several unexplained things started to happen and some visitors experienced the same things that I had experienced but for fear of being criticized by others I kept it to myself. On several occasions a...
Is Someone Or Something Really There? by pebhmoob
I live in this one condo, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, near the university, during my college year and afterward. My sister and 2 of my friends, we live together. Everyone has their own bathroom. Next to the bathroom door, I have a shelf and on that shelf I have a CD/Cassette player. One night, around 3-4...
My Old Town by KaiWolf
I've always loved and believed in another, spiritual world. Even though it sometimes scares me. Nothing big happened to me, not really anyways. Not something that would scar me for life. Of course, they could happen after I write this. Maybe I hear a voice calling an hour after this, or maybe someth...
The Walls Have Eyes by Illuminati322
There stands a house in Marinette, Wisconsin that from 1958 to '98 belonged to my grandfather. Constructed in the late 1800's, area realtors posted its origin as the home of a logging baron during the boom of said industry. Its' first story consists of several formal rooms, and it's second several b...
Flashes Of Light At Night by mk03
Before I begin my story, I will give you a little bit of background info on myself. I am 20 years old and have never had anything 'paranormal' happen to me until now. My family and I never believed in any of this stuff, and that is why I am now alone on this one, searching for answers. It all beg...
The Old Hag Got Me Too by devildogx
If someone I knew confided in me what I am about to write, I would have thought they were crazy, or at least making things up. Don't get me wrong. I have had several minor unexplainable moments in my life that could be described as paranormal. But I have always wanted to logically explain something ...
My Hauntings In The Beginning by 8baw
Background information to better picture/understand my story: my parents are divorced and I lived with my mom at the time and the house we lived in was haunted-BEFORE I was born; I have 2 older half sisters, an older half brother and a younger full brother; all my life growing up I had heard people ...
The Shadow Man And Green Orb by 8baw
When I grew older at age 14, my uncle Tuffy and aunt Diane came to live with us for a little bit over the summer. (by this time my sisters and older brother had moved out) When they began living with us, during broad day light my mom, lil bro and I saw little white flashes of light throughout the ho...
Strange Things Happening In My House by Crissangelfan22
Lately in my house there have been some strange things happening. When I mean strange I mean things that I can't explain. One thing that happened was: It was early in the morning and I was just waking up. MY mum was up already I could here her talking to my brother in the lounge room. Talking really...
Kayla's House by 8baw
My best friend Kayla used to live in this 3 bed/2 bath house near my mom's house (this was 2 years ago now). It was an old house and looked a little creepy on the outside. Her house was haunted like my mom's. Well both of her parents argue a lot, smoke, and drink. Her mom knew that there were spirit...
It's Time To Go by SheWolf
This is just a little thing that happened this morning. Not scary, but a little unsettling. The night before, I stayed up late watching some episodes of "Planet Earth" (a nature documentary) on T.V. It was around 1am when I went to bed, so you can imagine I did not want to wake up early (I've alr...
You Better Get It by 8baw
The only time so far that I have had a poltergeist try to physically harm me was at my friend Kayla's house. (read Kayla's House). I'm almost 21 now. And the most recent experience I had was back at the end of August when I stayed at my sisters house (actually trailer) to visit her and our nieces. ...
That Haunted Bungalow by banerjeepriya2004
This Terrific Experience that I gained before 3 years. I stay at Salt Lake, Calcutta. Before my dad's retirement we were eagerly seeking for a house or bungalow. After long effort we found a 10 years old bungalow in a fashionable area of Salt Lake. It was white marbled flooring and 2 storied. We wer...
James' House by Geezy
About 4 years ago, when I was 14 I spent a lot of time with a friend called Kate. We lived in the countryside of Hampshire, a county in England. Her house was more rural than others though, she lived on the only road going out of our small town, her house was the only house on that road and it was a...
Ghost Riders? by Luna0794
This experience happened this past Halloween -2011. My family had our usual celebration around the bonfire. Part of our usual celebration includes an offering at the crossroads, technically a Y in the road, about a quarter of a mile from our driveway. I volunteered to take it down and make the offer...
No One Can Help Me by alandhopewell
Back about the summer of '88, I'd walked up to an all-night gas station to buy some smokes-it was about half-past midnight. The station was about a half mile from my apartment, but the night was pleasant, and I didn't mind the walk. I strolled north down Reid Avenue, waving as a passing car honked a...
Strange Occurance by AngelusExMortis
I wouldn't call this a ghost story but I would say it's making me feel like I'm going a little bit crazy and wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Strange things have been happening around the house and I've noticed it has started ever since my dad decided to re-do the house. I mainly he...
Bedroom Door Opens On Its Own by DHoward247
My 9 year old daughter has been having a creepy feeling in my living room for the past 3 months. I recently found some of my grandmother's belongings and decorated my home with them. My grandmother died when I was 17. Today my daughter came running out of my house to her brothers' bus stop telling m...
The Tall, Dark Figure by Micha_1998
Most people probably thought that when they were younger there were monsters and ghosts in their basements. Well, me being a typical 5 year old, I thought there where too. I would hear noises in my Basement such as scratching, breathing and footsteps, when I told my mum about this she would just rea...
Unknown Spirit In My House by Sf49erLaLa
I have always had an open mind to the paranormal world, but until recently I never really understood what contact with this world could cause! To start off, I live with my grandparents in a decent sized two story house. I have pretty much lived here my whole life and have never really had any experi...
Screaming In The Pool by Melody00
This happened recently at my house. I am 13 and I live near Brisbane, QLD. This happened with 2 friends in my pool. We were diving underwater, when we heard a short, cut off scream. Suddenly, my 2 friends came up and said "did you scream!?" It wasn't me and I told them that. From then on we went u...
Not Liking This At All by justcandy
posted a story already about when everything began. It is now 7 years later and I am still experiencing things. We have moved into a different house since the first occurrences. We moved 4 years ago. The last thing I remember happening in the old house: I was asleep in my bed as it was 3 in the mor...
Threatening Entity Or Playful Misinterpretation? by mgraves
Before I begin my actual experience, I think a bit of back story might help for insight. I've grown up around things of spiritual/paranormal nature. My Father, earlier in his life, was avidly into metaphysical healing, tarot readings, and other things of similar nature. Maybe I'm just more open to t...
The Footsteps On The Stairs by KaiWolf
Quite a few months ago in June or July, my grandparents took a trip to Florida for a quick vacation. So my mom and brothers were house-sitting for the time they were gone. I go to my grandma's every other Friday to spend the night with my mom (My mom and Dad divorced two years ago and this is where ...
The Witch On The Window by WhoAreThey
"Do you believe in ghosts?" There are moments in my life where I have been asked this question. And every time I would answer "I'm not sure". I cannot easily reject it, because I know you cannot deny something that can't be seen by the naked eye alone, but accepting the possibility of an unknown and...
A Camp To Remember by thirdee
My next story happened to me last May 2006; when I went to a spiritual camp held by the organization that I belonged. Actually I did not participate in that camp, me and my friends who are also a part of the organization just dropped by because their camp leader named Sheena invited us. At first, ev...
Came To Say Hello by Bubbles2011
I am a fan of this website, and this is going to be my first posted story! The story is about my old dog, he was 17 years old when he passed (I was 18), so as you can imagine, he was like a sibling to me, and another child to my parents. He was greatly loved from all my family and friends. But sadl...
An Evil Impostor by CDubber
This story is not one of my own but belongs to my mother, whom is happy to share her experience to forewarn anyone tempted on performing a séance. This story has not been fabricated in any such way, although some events may be slightly off tune due to the recollection of my thoughts. The story ...
The Dagg Farm by angelus_crudus
This story is about our trip to The Dagg Farm last summer. This farm is well known around the Pontiac in West Quebec for a famous poltergeist that harassed the family there in 1889. The Dagg family is still a large family in the area and the graveyards around town have lots of old Dagg family member...
Helpless At 3am by zarric
I was born in '81. Not in a large city or a backwoods town. Just a Middle sized place in the desert. Born to a father and mother that love me very much. I was my fathers 2nd child and my mothers 1st. My oldest sibling didn't live with my family because my fathers first wife was granted custody. It w...
My First Sleep Paralysis Experience by Charmsdes
This is my second experience and definitely one of the scariest experiences I have ever had. Little did I know this would recur for the next twenty two years and almost every night. My bedroom was being renovated so my brother and I slept in my parents' room. I had a cot at the foot of their bed...
The Passing Of A Friend by ReliquiasVeritae
Life is a very funny thing. It's here one minute and gone the next. It's laughter and tears. It's hello and goodbye. We all hope that it will be long, but for some of us, it's cut short -- painfully short. My friend Alex "Stoska" Staroska committed suicide on November 29, 2010. It was a shock to eve...
The Demon Of My House by Stroup
My name is Ryan, and I am 20 years old. My first encounter with a spirit was when I was the age of 7, and my sister was right there with me. The incident I am going to talk about... Well I should say incidents, since there are a lot, but I'll list only 4 to keep it short. 1) This is my first enco...
The People I See by demonwatcher
Ever since I was ten I have noticed weird things that a normal 10 year old would not notice or see. I was ten when I saw my first spirit. I was visiting my grandmother for the summer, my first summer away from my family. It was a couple weeks, and one night something weird happened. It was about 1...
Randfontein Mine House by Fergie
It was around the time that my third daughter was born, 1970, that I started to see strange things. This all happened in Randfontein, South Africa. I don't know if it was a case of 'raging hormones'. Or the house we were living in. We had recently moved into a very old mine house; brick on the...
First Move And Footsteps by my_favorite_number
I have a couple of things to tell you about. 1. It was somewhere in 2007-2008 when my family moved to a new house. It is the house we currently live in now. The house belonged to my father's friend's brother who had a heart attack, fell down the stairs to the upper floor and died. I don't really ...
10 Year Long Black Demon Haunting by openbook
My story begins around 1987. I was a somewhat normal 11 year old boy up until that point. My parents were separated and it was a rough time for us. We lived in a tall apartment building on the 19th floor. I was interested in things like dungeons and dragons but my mom never bought me that kind of st...
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