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The Mystery League

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United States
Atlanta, GA (click for map)
The Mystery League was founded in 2004 by Identical Twin Sisters Maria and Michelle. We grew up in a house with passing spirits. Our Father had a gift that he called having a "Veil" over his eyes that allowed him to see things that most people could not. We grew up as witnesses to the paranormal. These experiences have changed our lives forever.

The Mystery League is here to assist those who are experiencing the paranormal or associated anomalies. Although we have experienced the paranormal up close and personal we still base our investigation results on diligently scrutinizing all photos, videos & data we collect. Our method system is a little different. If at all possible: Remove your fear, fear only makes you weak and more susceptible to hauntings or worse. We teach you how to bring your vibration up, empower you, your home & protect your loved ones free of charge. Although we are based in Georgia, we do travel nationally. We know what your going through, and we will help. Please e-mail us at paranormalatl [at]

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