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Real Ghost Stories

Things that Go Bump in the Night


We're deciding to put all of our little stories that couldn't quite make it on their own... All in one:

#1 The thing that thinks it's my cat

I say this only because it LOOKS like my cat Mystique. The weird thing is, it ALWAYS looks like Mystique, it never looks like my other cat Madden. But sometimes it acts like him. The first time we noticed it was with us was when I was in the bathroom. I saw Mystique's paw under the door, and I just figured she wanted to be fed, so I washed my hands and went to my room. She was sitting on her favorite spot on this metal shelf thing with a princess blankie. I asked my brother if she had been there the whole time and he said yes. Then I remembered the paw under the door didn't have orange toes, all of Mystiques toes are orange.

The second time that we can remember is the other night I saw Mystique run out of my room and I asked Darian to go get her, he looked over and said "she's right there" and I just laughed a little nervously and said "It's back".

We feel it jump on the bed all the time, and it just feels like a cat jumping up on the bed and laying by us, or just jumping off.

And last night we thought one of my cats jumped up on my computer desk and Dare asked "Are your cats supposed to go on your desk?" and I was like "why?" and he said "Because there is a cat on your desk" But Mystique was next to him, and Madden was chewing on my hair.

And once we were laying in my bed, reading ghost stories actually. And I felt Madden chewing on my hair, and I asked Darian to move him because it was bothering me, and he said that Madden was in his shirt. And Mystique was under the laptop because she's fat and was laying on me. Lol.

And sometimes I hear scratching on my door, and I think it's Mystique but, I open it and there is nothing there, and she doesn't run that fast, trust me...

We see it jump off of stuff and run out of rooms, but, it never makes me feel uneasy or scared, it's sort of my buddy, and I feel like it's there to watch us. I think it may be my cat that died that we were all very close to, AnnaBelle, but I don't know.

#2 The shadow thing

My brother Darian was watching a movie and he looked over because he's paranoid and he saw a tall dark figure walking into the second living room, and he moved his leg because it was blocking the view to see what it was, to see what was there and he looked over to see if it was our dad, but no, he was watching the movie too...

#3 Amber the Watcher

When you're in Darian's room, you always feel like your being watched and his little chain to turn on the light just snapped. We think it's due to a girl named Amber that talked to us through the Ouija board. She doesn't like me, but I guess she has a crush on him. I try not to go in his room either, My left arm or leg usually gets really cold and like. It feels electric. And he feels things touch him at night.

#4 Max the Watcher

Max was another spirit that contacted us via Ouija board. He used to talk to me, I don't know why he liked me so much, but in my room, at our old house I always felt watched, that's why I never changed in there. But one day during one of our sessions with the Ouija board we were talking to him, he told us he was 15. We don't know why he was at the house, we never bothered to ask. But one time my brother said that he thought this was stupid and went to get up. A book was hurdled at him from the other side of the room.

It was my fairy book, it's a pretty large book and it was on top of my stereo at the time. There was no way it could have made it that far across the room by natural causes. We asked Max if he did it, he said he had. We went to put it back up, and I had these little tea cups and they had a pot to go with them and the pot was upside down on one of the speakers and the rest were untouched, and a unicorn statue I had that sat in front of the book was left untouched. So today we joke about darian getting the book thrown at him, he doesn't think it's funny. But I do.

#5 The Thumb

One time when I lived in Rathdrum Idaho, me and a bunch of friends walked down to this church, we were eating those little cracker sticks with the cheese in the thing and were just messing around, Buba decided to open this window to this shed thing and a thumb, just a thumb, came out and told us to get out of there as quick as we could. We ran out of there. I was so scared for a long time, but now I wonder if I just imagined it. But, if so, how could all my friends have seen it too?

And just so you all know, I no longer play with the Ouija board, but Darian is always asking me to, and I never owned one, one of my friends had one. And then we used to make them, but they scare me too much to use them now... Any questions, feel free to ask, we're always on here.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BaD, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tygerwolfe (3 stories) (19 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-28)
As for the first thing you mention, having had multiple experiences with ghosts of the feline persuasion (:P), I can tell you that this cat you're seeing is most likely Annabelle. Why don't you try calling to her next time you see/sense her presence? :)
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-18)
Yea, I agree with you all.
All my mom cares about if you can see my floor (which you currently can't) and if my cat box is clean...(which it hardly ever is...) anyways, thanks for reading. And I hope you read my other story aswell 😊
Hada (36 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-18)
I'd like to follow up on that ellycat, a most apt quote:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than can be
dreamt of in your deepest philosophy’ said the Danish prince
ellycat (guest)
18 years ago (2007-06-18)
well I'm a odd one out my mum and nan both believe in ghosts and stuff like that I think that one of the reasons I'm into stuff like this cause I have been brought to believe in this sort of stuff as they say there is more things in heaven and earth then the mind can think of
unguided_traveler (9 stories) (35 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-18)
Hey BaD, sorry to hear that your parents think you're nutso too! 😁 Actually, that's not funny. I really hate it when they give you that empty look and then say, "Well, okay, honey, just go tell those bad things to go away and finish your chores" or something like that. I really wish that my mom would acknowledge the fact that some things defy logic. It is right there in front of her, and she witnessed things in our first house that couldn't be explained away... Why can't she believe me? Anyway, your stories sound interesting, and the whole "Watcher" entities are kinds freaky sounding. If you have the time, please read and comment on my stories. Just go to the Alaska stories section of the site and you'll find them there. Thnx. 😊
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Okay, about last night, I told my mom right, and I was talking about it to her, and she just said "Hunny are you on druggs?"
yep, there is my wall of support.
3 cheers for my mom! Whooooooo 😲
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Thank you so much again Abby,

Yea, I'm going to try to get somethings done about it, just to keep it away from me. But it's hurt me befor to the point I was laying on the floor crying, but that was during our, experiments, I really wish we never had done any of that. And dispite the whole thing, my brother STILL wants to do, summonings, Ouija, but I refuse to help him, and he's too scared to do it alone, so...ya...well anyways, thank you!

<3 BaD
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear Bad (Baylie),

You are welcome. I hope things improve this evening and you are able to sleep. You may want to try some of your wiccan protection spells. You may also try just imagining a violet light around your entire body like a cocoon of armor and also being protected by your army of protectors of your choosing like God/Goddess, Angels, masters, loved ones, ancestors, etc., etc., etc. You can carry a small pen lite if you feel that would help. Clapping and/or laughing also helps. It breaks up the energy. You are right not addressing the ghost by its name may help as not to give it energy. If you could find the courage to demand it to leave that would be the best. Since you are wiccan you may want to have your room(s) and/or house cleansed and blessed. Open some windows and let the place get fresh air. My advice is to try everything until you feel comfortable, safe, safe and secure.

May you have a peaceful night's rest tonight, and many nights to come. Please do have a good week-end. Enjoy the weather and outdoors too. Blessings, Abby
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Thank you so much Abby,

I understand, and I felt that way, all I could think after I read the msgs was "Omg, now their never going to believe me when I really need them" But, I hope that isn't the case.
I really was happy that any of you decided to chime in, in my moment of need. I'm so grateful for that, you may never know how that alone conferted me.
Well, I'm wiccan, and I was thinking about going through a few of my spell books to see if there was anything I could use.
And I don't know. Just protection I guess, I think, if it was real and it wasn't just my imagination, I made IT mad by talking about trying to get rid of it.
So me and my brother agreed to never say its given name. We don't really feel like provoking it. And yes, by the light of day, all seems better, although it doesn't help the really dark hallway I need to walk to, to my bedroom. And see somthing for you came out of the thing lol 😁 see happy lol. I know I'm retarded, and your tired? I wouldn't even close my eyes until my dad left and it was light out and my brother was in my room. But I don't know, that's the first time I heard IT and freaked, I mean... I usualy grab a porcilin Doll my grandma gave me befor she died, so that's a big comfort thing. I would go to my cat Mystique, but she was acting weird... So now, I didn't go to sleep until 6 or 7 this morning, my mom woke me up to wait for the dog groomer... And falling asleep. But thanks lol. I swear, I won't do it again until afterwards until I know somthing happened, then I'll know if it was a real problem, THANKS AGAIN!

<3 BaD
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear BaD or Baylie,

Your apology is accepted. I take it you are now fine, especially now by the light of day. It sounds like you let your fears get the best of you. You are going to have to take a stand and get control over them, and learn to stuff them down, and actually be brave. You can't go around hollering "wolf" or "emergency" every time an incident like this or something similar occurs. As you already know, soon others will not want to try to help or will be there for you to offer help, because they will not believe you. Thus, you are going to have to be responsible and take matters into your own hands, and use your common sense about when something is a true emergency.

Martin and I waited for you in chat. Yes, I can understand that you would not be on the net when you were afraid to be in your room. My first advice was to tell you to tell your parents. If you can't trust your parents with your fears and other stuff, who can you trust. You did what I would have suggested you to do. If your parents didn't believe you, then there was your brother and then you go down the list of people who care about you, including us, this ghostly crew and cast of characters here on! Yet, as always it begins with you. You need to actually try some of the suggestions written here on this site on comments and articles. Try them out and let us know what works and does not work, so if they don't work, we here at this site can help you with other advice and suggestions.

Well, luckily Martin and I were still up, but just barely. Your post did help me though, as I found out how to use the Emoticons, and Martin found out how the chat was not so how shall I say "grrrrr----reat"! 😢 Thus, in every emergency that was really not an emergency there is still something to be learned for all those who were involved. That and the fact, we are now sleepy and can't keep our eyes open.😉

I think everybody needs to have an outdoor privy or outhouse way back, back and farther back in their backyard in order to learn how to overcome fears at night. No chamber pots allowed. As soon as a person feels the "emergency" coming on, they are forced to go out into the dark outhouse and relieve themselves and their fears. Its funny how fast fear leaves when one's bodily functions are screaming "emergency"!

Well, BaD I know you are a smart lady, so I'll just ask you to try some of these things I've mentioned above, and know we are all here (well, at least hanging around and in and out) for you when and if you need us. 😁

Be Brave, Be Common Sense Smart & Just "BE" the Best You Can Be! Holler if you need me, I'll be in the outdoor privy,---Abby

PS- If you or anybody might consider pulling my leg or my chamber pot out from under me as a joke, remember I am not that afraid to... Come and Get You or Put a Spell on You! Boo! Did that scare any of you? So, don't even think about it, ha, ha! :)
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
I feel so bad that I got off after I freaked out. I'm so sorry guys, I just got so scared, I hope you understand. I mean, it's sorta hard to sit on my bed calmly typing while I think Ray is trying to kill me. I doubt you guyz would. Lol. Well, maybe some of you =] again, I'm so sorry to all of you who came to my idiotic aid.
I feel really bad.
And thanks Martin for the chat. Again, so sorry you all went through the trouble of getting to me. Via chat or comment. Thanks.
Sorry again. 😳
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Sorry guys, No somthing did happen, But I went to my parents, and my brother, that's why I got off, Sorry I didn't see this, thank you everyone for trying to help. I was really freaked out. And no, I wasn't even asleep, I just... Heard it, Idk, maybe I'm just getting paranoid. But I could have sworn. Eh, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep...
Thanks all who responded. Sorry, I just had to get out of my room. So, I don't know. I'll tell anyone that wants to know, but there really isn't much beside the fact, I heard somthing, well, in my head. God I sound like a loony lol. 😕
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Well nothing happened for those who might have been curious... Bad didn't show up and Abby and I just chatted (which was fun on its own, I wish it didn't have to happen so late though)... Enough also to realize we need to find another chatting service, this free "parachat" really suck! 😢 I'll find something else... But I was happy still that we had a chat page like that in case of emergency... Maybe next possession! 😉
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Completely understood Martin. But You know me when there is someone who may need help. Probably just a bad dream is all. Though I am willing to bet Abby doesn't think so. Talk to you all Monday. Have a great weekend.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Shane, actually Bad isn't coming to the chat page and it's pretty late for me so, since nothing is going on, I'll log off soon, just chatting with Abby right now, who's growing skeptical with the whole deal as time passes 🤔
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
😠 of course an emergency I can't take part in because of limitation on my end.😠 Martin if you are able can you fill me in on what is going on? That is if you get this in the next 15 minutes then I have to leave.😊

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Guys, if you need an instant communication system faster than posts like this, especially in a situation like that, maybe you should try the chat page, I'll be there for a few:
ellycat (guest)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
whatt did ray say to you?(god that soounds dumb its probarly be ill kill you or something like that) but any way did you provoke him or was this out of the blue?
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
Dear BaD,

Okay, I'll bite what is the emergency, and what is going to kill you (which one are you)?

Well, at least you can use your Emoticons. 😉 Sorry,--what's up? Abby Oh, look-- I figured it out, duh! Only took an emergency. Oh, sorry, again--Abby
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
I don't know I just heard him, Ray, the demon, idk, the one in my first story if you've read it. I'm freaking out!
ellycat (guest)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
which one wants to kill you ? What has it done or said it will do ? I know this might make you feel worse but I'd be crapping my pants if it happened to me
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-15)
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
no prob with the Ouija, I mean, those things scare me, there is only one thing in my house that truly scares me, and that's what my other story is about its name is Ray, and I see him somtimes, that's really all that puts me a litte on the, "Run to my bedroom and hide under my covers" side of the fence. But, for the most part it's okay the most annoying thing is when I hear my cat scratching REALLY loud and I get up to let her in, and it's not her, that's what really annoys me lol.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
That's good. It's great to hear that your not getting scared anymore with these paranormal events, as long as your safe and come out ok from them, I guess that they arn't that bad. I have to agree with you on annoying, because my mom, my dad and I used to live in a blue house not too far from where I live now, and it was haunted. Someone or something would pull the covers off from my mom in the middle of the night and she could hear someone washing the dishes when no one was there. Then, I started having an imaginary friend(perhaps a spirit?) and after that, my mom and dad moved us out of there before you could say, "ghost". Well, I know what you mean, I'm looking foward to your other stories. Thanks for giving me the advice on my quija board story. 😊 Good bye, good luck and take care.
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
lol, thanks a lot Janice.

It makes me feel good to know that you guys are actualy interested in this stuff, It's just becoming part of my life. Little stuff like these happen every day, It's weird when they dont... But It's not so much they bother me anymore, somtimes they just get annoying lol. The other ones are just long, they'll be up soon, I promiss lol.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
Hey Bad, you really have a lot of abnormal events happening here. It happens a lot and we really want to hear your other stories so don't you get lazy, lol. Your stories are really cool. 😁
BaD (4 stories) (54 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
lol, thank you Rose.
And thanks for reading =]
I have lots of stories I'm hoping to not be too lazy to type up. Lol.
rose (9 stories) (92 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-14)
BaD = At least you are positive, know how to deal and to control. Give you an A to that.
Nice story

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