It all started when I fell asleep. And what was weird was that I fell asleep on my SIDE not my back. Then somewhere at 6 am I woke up but couldn't move. I surprisingly didn't freak out that much as you would expect me to, but I still did have that feeling like I was being stared upon. (Keep in mind I felt pretty drowsy like I was still asleep.) My chest felt like it was abnormally hot and funny thing was it was JUST my chest. And I look ahead of me at the wall, and I see a black figure with... Ugh, I hate to say this: devil horns... And then this part surprises me!
I instantly started saying in my head without even thinking, "Go away! I'm God's child!" And then I instantly woke up from all that and I could move! The aftermath? Well, I was a little freaked out but right now I just feel relieved and happy.
Now just to clear this up a little I don't think this being was a incubus because I wasn't dreaming of a man 'sexually' interacting with me and then morphing into this demon and then waking up from that feeling violated. I seriously don't want an incubus EVER anyway so I'm glad it wasn't that.
But yeah other than that, I feel awesome! Like I just told a demon off but in an appropriate manner without provoking it (IF it was a demon). What do YOU think? Was this just another case of hallucination, or was it an actual demon or something paranormal? I'm a little confused. Just so you know I'm not trying to make anything up, and this is my very first experience of sleep paralysis! Thanks for reading!