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Followed By An Evil Entity


Let me just say, I'm happy to have found this site, because I have been dying to tell someone these stories in hope to get answers to what is going on.

Ok, well our house was very, very old about 300 years old to be precise. It was always haunted, and so was the property. Everybody in my family all have their own story of what they have experienced or saw, mostly just heard or saw things, but my mom was the only one who seemed to be being stalked, by something evil. This one thing used to happen all the time, she would leave the house to go shopping or something of that source, my brothers and I would be playing in the woods, not knowing my mom left. We would hear her scream our names in a very nasty voice, like we were in big trouble, we run to the house to see what she wanted, and she wasn't home and her car was gone. This has happened so many times, we never knew why. My dad has even had this happen to him a few times it freaks him out. My mom used to tell us also that she was being followed by a evil entity. Well years went by, we actually had a house fire that burned the house to the ground. My mom was so obsessed with the property, we were going to rebuild on it, so we got a trailer put on the property, and were supposed to live in it until the house was built. We were only supposed to live in the trailer for about 6 months at the most, well 6 month turned into 3 years.

I was 14 years old. The trailer had 3 bedrooms, I shared mine with my little sister. I started to feel a presence in my room. It only happened when I was alone, some days I would walk in the room and the energy level was so high it felt like I was being choked. I'd be so scared and try to get to the door as fast as possible it felt like everything was in slow motion. I would be so scared to sleep alone I would always leave the light on, and if I didn't I regret it. After awhile I was very depressed, always thinking of suicide, I became a cutter, and actually tried to kill myself by consuming bottles of pills. I think that just fed the entity more.

Every night I would have the same dream, I would be sitting on the edge of my bed looking at myself sleep, I think it could of been a out of body experience cause of how real it felt and looked. Well I would see myself on the bed, and I would levitate about 6 inches off my bed, and I would be surrounded by darkness like it was trying to enter me, waiting for me to let it in. I also had dreams of myself walking around my room, and I still can see myself sleeping, but all the candles in my room were lit and spinning in circles, and I feel surrounded by darkness. These dreams used to wake me up in a sweat, and I could feel the energy building up again to the point were I'm gasping for air, so I jump out of bed and run out of the room.

I hated feeling so scared, and not being able to sleep in my room. I had a dog, and I started bringing her in my room at night to sleep with me. One night she jumped up, growing and barking, now she's a pit bull, very aggressive dog. I could feel every muscle in her body tense up her tail was stiff, she looked like she was ready to attack and she stood over me as if to be protecting me from something. I was so scared I couldn't move I refused to look what she was barking at, I just hid under the covers, sweating, and trying to work up the courage to run out of the room. After awhile she calmed down, and went to bed. That was my cue to dart out of there as fast as possible. I don't know what the hell it was, and why it was only happening to me. My dreams were getting really bad, something evil kept trying to get in me, I even had dreams of being raped by this demon.

My only weapons were prayers. I shared my story with my mom, she said the same things happen to her, in the house before it burned down. She even had the same dreams, down to every detail. My family even told me they hear me call out their names, and come to find out I'm not home. The freakiest story I heard from them was that they have actually seen me walk into there rooms at night, and laugh. Knowing that I was at a friends for the night. So this spirit would like to imitate my mom and I.

We moved, when I was 16 I still feel something following me. I haven't felt that bad energy like I use to, but I can feel something still lurking around. I'm 19 now, I'm still having nightmares, they all consist of the old property and demons trying to take over me. My mom has said she hasn't had any dreams or felt anything, but I still do. I live in a apartment complex with my mom. I still sleep with my lights on, sometimes I forget or too tired and turned them off, and something always happens. Lately my sheets are being pulled off of me, my mom says she can't walk in my room because, of the energy, and she can't breathe the weird thing is I don't ever feel it, friends and family even complain that I smell like death and so does my room. Pretty strange to hear that, I almost think that the entity is in me, I always feel like my insides are black and sometimes feel like other people can see the blackness around me like my aura. I hate feeling this way, and being scared, I go to church and pray to god, but it almost makes things worse. I have a horrible hatred towards everyone, I'm very negative and bring every one down around me out of enjoyment. I have very demented, morbid thoughts I have actually acted out on them, like torturing animals, which when I think about it makes me sick considering I love animals but the thoughts get so overwhelming I can't control them and act out on it.

This only happens when I'm on the property, my mom and I are obsessed with the property, we visit it alot, and still plan building the house there.

I want to know if anybody experience the same things I have, or does anybody know if it's a ghost or a demon, and what should I do. How do I get rid of this negativity and hate. Why did it target me, at such a young age? I just need some answers I've been wondering for years what it could be and if anybody has had the same experience.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maxpower, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ozzi12 (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-07)
First of all may god help you and also try to be wuth at least 3-4 people everytime you feel that presence. Also if your havin a good time try no to think about your experince and one more thing LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST bro
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-09-20)
Jennilou - don't feel foolish. I would guess at least 80% of us on this site have done the same thing: believed a story to be true when it wasn't and given advice based on our personal lives, shared personal information and then found out the story was just that... A story.

The one thing that I can think of to come of sharing your experience is someone else could benefit from it. Always think of it that way. It could be someone who isn't even a member, who just reads the stories and feels like no one understands, that they have no one to talk to but one day they pop on site and there is your advice, or mine, or someone else's and it is exactly what they needed to read that day.

I do admit when people submit stories that are made up, or plagiarized and they get published and we don't realize it until too late it does tick me off but I have to remind myself of what I told you and then it makes me feel a little better 😊
Jennilou87 (6 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2014-09-20)
[at] miracles, sorry didn't realise. I was wondering why he would refer to himself as a cutter, when the last thing you want is people making fun of you for doing it, let alone making comments like this about yourself.

I feel a bit foolish now tbh. Telling people I was a "cutter" when I was younger isn't something I generally do unless I think someone needs help. (I do this so people know I understand what it's like). The fact that this story could be false really upsets me!

Self harm is very private, and in most cases people are ashamed of it. They don't want others to know!

If this story is false he should be ashamed of himself!

Btw, sorry for the late reply, I've been rather busy.

Thanks for the heads up Miracles.

Best wishes

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-20)
maxpower - if that is indeed your story on another website then I'm sure you must understand why your story was rejected.

We have had way too many people submitting stories that are complete fabrication, yet filled with what appears to be true information and here you are with an exact, word for word story from another site, two different authors as well as age groups.

To say we're a little hesitant about accepting your word based on just that would be putting it mildly.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-20)
So, how long have you been a Swedish demon hunter? I deleted two of those stories myself. I sincerely hope that lady at the bus stop was indeed a demon, otherwise you may be facing sexual assault charges.
maxpower (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-20)
i did not steal or copy any stories that is me on another website
maxpower (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-20)
Miracles51031 I post my stories on other websites as well...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-18)
ERizzy - I'm sorry, I never thought to copy the link to the other story. I just remember it being a blog.
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-17)
miracles: interesting you found out he a copied a portion of another persons story. Do you mind if you link it here, but if you choose not to for reasons, its fine:)

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-17)
Jennilou87 - I don't mean to trash your advice, because you are giving good advice, in my opinion. But I feel it may be wasted on this member and his story.

I was holding off saying anything, actually hoping the interest in this story would die off on its own and I wouldn't have to say anything but since you unknowingly drew attention back here, I feel I have to mention this.

I recently rejected a story submitted by this author because when I Googled a portion of it I found it was an exact copy of a story by someone else on a different website. Mmmm...plagiarism? Now, whether that means this story is untrue I cannot say.

Please don't let this discourage you from offering advice. We try to catch this before it happens, but sometimes they slip through 😊
Jennilou87 (6 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-17)
Hi max power,

I can relate to you in that I used to be depressed and a cutter too. I cut myself for about 3 years And what I will tell you is that when you're depressed everything seems to be much worse.

This is just my opinion, others may disagree, but when you "create" negativity it almost always comes back to you. You could be being targeted by this entity because of your negative thoughts.

I have now been taught to find a positive in every negative. I know this sounds like a load of rubbish but it really does work. I've found the things that bothered me don't so much anymore. I mean both normal and paranormal.

I find that when something scary is going on with the paranormal it's made worse by my fear, if that makes sense. Like the "entity" is feeding off my fear.

I hope this helps And I'm sorry if I'm coming across as patronising or condescending, but I find it really helps.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find the answers you're looking for, either within medical help or in the paranormal.


Jenni loo
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-07-16)
maxpower, I'm going to warn you right now, you probably will not like what I am going to say. You'll probably think me quite rude, but I've been sitting here debating on whether to comment on your story for the past half hour or so. I always try to be understanding and considerate in my remarks. I know somethings are just too personal to put out there, and sometimes, folks just aren't very good at placing facts on paper. It's like Rook said, too many of your experiences are possibly due to stress and possible 'psychological issues', and you are extremely vague with important details.
You say, " After awhile I was very depressed, always thinking of suicide, I became a cutter, and actually tried to kill myself by consuming bottles of pills." What kind of pills were they? Sleeping tablets? Aspirin? Did you leave a note? Were you found by family? Taken to the hospital? Were you sectioned under the 301, or placed by your parents?
I await your answer to those questions, before I decide if I stay on the fence or not.
If you are beginning to act upon 'morbid, horrible thoughts' such as torturing animals, and you do not get medical help NOW, it is only a matter of time, before it could escalate further.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-15)
(Climbs on Soap Box)

Err...testing, testing... Is this thing on?

To all the science and doctor nay Sayers,

If a mental condition is not considered and ruled out then the veracity of the O/P experience will ALWAYS be in question... Even to themselves.

Even more for the 'experiences' related here. What the O/P has posted reads more like a teaser for a book or movie of the week... Just enough detail to make you wonder... Is this because they are nervous about sharing personal details...purhaps...Is it because most of the occurances are actually caused by an undiagnosed mental condition and there are not anymore details... Only a Doctor can really tell... Maybe this is just a 'story', a work of fiction... There is really no way to know for sure...

But to say that Mental Health Professionals are 'brainwashed' into thinking a certian way and telling individuals who may need help not to seek it is HIGHLY irresponsible in my book.

For the O/P...could you share some more details concerning some of these events... I asked some questions already and truely hope you respond.

(Climbs off Soap Box)


logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-15)
Good Lord...!

People let's all agree to stop telling Max what to tell the doctor and what not to.

Bottomline - GO SEE A DOCTOR!

This comment from Zozazoth is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

mimerkki (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-15)

I would also recommend seeing a doctor. A doctor can treat your psychological issues regardless of what caused them. You may well have experienced paranormal things, but that should not be your first worry right now. You should worry about your own well being and take very good care of yourself. When you get stronger and start living as a young adult should, negativity around you lessens a lot.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
Good Lord...Really...REALLY?

Could you be any more vague about many of the details in your many 'erperiences'?

Too many of them are possibly due to stress and possible 'psychological isues'. I do not mean to sound rude or unbelieving but please see a Doctor about many of the things you have described.

I may be on the fence concerning many of the 'experiences' you have related here but I do want to ask about the 'name calling' people back to the house... Did it only happen when the house was EMPTY? Like no one insde?

Was the person (s) called the closest to being home?

Was anyone home when the home caught fire and burned down?

Something about that 'struck' me in such a way I felt the House... Or a spirit /entity connected to the house did NOT want it to be empty.

I know asking for more details can be 'personal and even embarssing' so if they are too personal I understand... But, I must repeat myself, much of what you have shared sounds more psychological than paranormal please see a Doctor.


maxpower (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
Reply To lady-glow

Answer To Question 1: my sister eventually moved out of the room at a point so I was then sleeping alone.

Answer To Question 2: Yes they separated because they didn't want to live with each other anymore and they still had the dreams for awhile but then it went away.

Answer To Question 3: That may of triggered it not sure.

Answer To Question 4: No I don't they didn't say anything.

I'm quite sure it's not a psychological problem from the things I experienced, I have a feeling it is a demon.
maxpower (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
okay thank you all for your help I appreciate that and I will try your suggestions
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
I'm going to seat on the fence on this one.
Maxpower: you should go to a doctor ASAP, because you really need help.

I have some questions about your story:
You say: "...The trailer had 3 bedrooms, I shared mine with my little sister."
And then: "...I would be so scared to sleep alone I would always leave the light on, and if I didn't I regret it."
So, did you sleep alone or with your little sister?

Did your parents separate? And why are you the only one living with your mother now? Do you know if any of your siblings still dreams about the old house?

Would it be possible that some of the hate and negativity you feel was triggered for the separation of your parents (assuming they divorced)?

Do you know if the previous owners/tenants of the house experienced anything similar to what your family did?

Before asking if what's bothering you is a ghost or a demon, try to find out if it is not a psychological or an emotional disorder.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
Erizzy, it's best to let a trained medical professional determine the efficacy of medications. It's really best for the OP to speak to a professional, no one here has the qualifications to give him the help he needs. Don't advise people to avoid medical help because of hearsay. This has derailed enough from the original post, so let's get back to maxpower.
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
elnoraemily, yes I am very sorry for the silly comment I submitted. He should go to the doctor for self harming himself. My comment was very ignorant. But maxpower should be aware from the medicine for depression. I heard that it could make your depression even worse. And the possession part, I didn't mean that hes possessed I meant that he could have a chance of being possessed. When he said he goes to church and pray but it makes things worse he could have a higher chance. Correct me please if I'm wrong 😊

elnoraemily (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
ERizzy, I would have to dissuade you from telling people they are possessed and offering up ideas such as that.

If the OP needs medical attention, then let them receive it.

Urging someone who is self harming to ignore the physical signs is incredibly dangerous. Getting mental help will not make the situation worse and telling someone that is a horrifically irresponsible thing to do.
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)

You need a priest asap, from my knowledge your borderline possessed. I know its hard to accept it but you need to do something about it. If you go to church or pray and your experience gets worse, it's probably in you. And also you guys probably should'nt build a house to be on the safe side. Good luck and god bless you.

PS When you said you had suicidal thoughts, the least thing you could do it to see a doctor for medicine, it will make your depression A LOT worse than it already is. Do Not get Xanax or any other medicine for depression.

tayto (1 stories) (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
go and get a priest to bless you and your family that might help
elnoraemily (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
Honey, you need to go to a doctor.
I don't mean to be rude, but if you are self harming, you need serious help.
There is nothing anyone on this site can say that will be able to give you the guidance that you need.

Harming yourself and innocent creatures is indicative of something very serious.

Before exploring paranormal options, please get yourself help. I implore you to reach out to medical professionals.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-07-14)
To be completely honest, I don't know what to think of this. If this is true, you need to seek help, and not from folks on the internet. We can't offer what you need.
Have you spoken to a doctor about the depression, cutting, and suicide attempts? Lots of people experience paranormal activity, self harm isn't a typical part of hauntings. Harming animals, sweetie, that is serious. Harming innocents is also not typical of a haunting. Please seek out help. Start with your medical doctor, and go from there. He or she can refer you to a specialist if needed, but get help. The road you're on is dangerous for you and those around you.
You need to get the self-harm and harm to animals under control before you can even begin to look at a paranormal aspect. The greatest danger always comes from the living, don't be that danger.

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