Greeting readers name is Brooke. I am new to this website so I'm going to start with small stories first. I will try to post daily and I hope you like my story. Because you don't know anything thing about my background information I will tell you some. My Nana is a medium and when I was born she has told my parents that I was going to grow up as one too, and luckily she was correct!
When I was young (around 6-7) I always used to find pieces of wood on my grandmother's carpet. I asked her why and how they got there because we don't wear shoes in the house (expecialy not on the carpet) and every time I asked that question I would always get the same answer "sweetie don't be scared, it's just my dad watching over us trying to let us know that he is still with us" (Just to let you know my grandmother's dad had passed many years ago when she was fairly young, he worked at a wood shop). And to this day I still believe that's his sign that he is still here.
In fact, yesterday I was reading some paranormal experiences on this site and from the corner of my eye I could see a little bright white light and it was hovering from the carpet right beside me. I looked to see who it was and what this orb was doing. I looked to my right and the orb slowly disappeared, then I looked down and right beside me on the carpet was a little peice of wood, I still have this peice of wood beside me and I am still amazed by this story. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked it. Please comment below if you have had any experiences related to this story because I would love to here them all. Take care!