I was preparing dinner tonight, before my girlfriend came to my place. In the corner of my eyes I saw her walk from my dining room down to my bathroom. As this figure who I thought was my girlfriend pass me I said hello. She turned or it did and looked at me and walked by. After a minute I went back to check on what I assumed was my girlfriend and there was no one in my room or bathroom.
When I got to my son's room there was an extremely cold draft passing through me so I stopped and decided to turn around and go back to cooking dinner. I was so bewildered I wanted to leave my dinner and everything just to get out of my apartment and not go back in. To make matters worse as soon as I walked into the kitchen my girlfriend texted me and said she would be 15 minutes late.
This is not the first time I saw a shadow person or ghost here. I'm just concerned now because it's the first time it decided to take a human form. Should I be concerned? I'm going to sage my apartment tomorrow, is there anything else I should do to this apartment? My concern is whatever this is trying to make contact with my son. He is 9 years old and is on the spectrum.
He is entirely too trusting when it comes to anything and he told me about the old lady in the apartment he sees. Which I believe is my girlfriend's grandmother. Which is weird since she lived in Alabama and I never met her or saw a picture of her. After I described the old lady ghost to my girlfriend she said she saw her grandmother here also. I'm lost on what to do please help.