During my early years of growing up, ages 6 to 12, my family lived on the campus of a boys reformatory school on the outskirts of Rocky Mount, NC. My dad was a councilor there.
We live in a small 2 bedroom house. My mom and dad in one room. I and my 2 sisters in the other. On many nights I had witnessed a figure with a long robe or gown come into our room and seem to stand or kneel at the foot of my sisters' bed. All that I can remember now is being afraid and turning toward the wall. I don't remember if I ever mentioned it to my parents of even my sisters back then.
Years later, after we are grown, in jest, I mentioned it to them one day as we sat around talking about the old days. Much to my surprise they both had seen the same thing I had. Don't know if there is anything to it, but I have always wondered did whoever lived there before or after us see the same image.
The house is still there as far as I know. It is actually a minimum security prison for women now. The house was old when we lived there back in the 1960's and early 1970's. I don't know how all this works. Could someone have died in this house before we lived there? Was this a guardian angel? Lots of questions run through your mind as you get older and reflect back on things from the past. It is really weird when years and years later you talk to someone who saw or experienced the same thing you did, but for some reason had never talked about it. We all grew up and went our separate ways in life, and like most families get together on occasion and talk about the good old days.