At just the age of 14 I've seen so many unexplainable things I will be writing down all of my experiences.
My first that I can remember was when I was about five I was sleeping with my parents in their bed when I woke. I looked to see a man in this black hooded cape who had red eyes he looked at me in hate.
Not to long after this I was in the bathroom taking a bath I looked across the hall. There he was again just staring at me sitting on my parents' bed.
A couple years passed. I had a new friend. I was sleeping at her house for the night she was my neighbor. We decided too look out her brother's window when we did we saw this thing. It was the figure of a man-he was neon green then he pulled this string and disappeared into thin air! Whatever it was it was not human.
A couple years passed I moved from that house to a house in the country. One night my sister got into this horrible car accident killing her boyfriend. We started seeing him-my sister woke up with him just staring at her. My mom saw him too as did I. I didn't know what he wanted but one day he called my name I was so horrified.
This happened a long time ago and I've been okay for about five years now except at night, I hear people calling my name.
Please if you can relate or help it would be wonderful. Thanks for reading I hoped you enjoyed.