It was during a company picnic, that I witnessed the ghostly girl at the park called Edgewater Park. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was so real to me.
We all gathered, co-workers, friends and their families, for our company gathering. Alcohol would be put on later at a different location. This was for only food and games.
We were playing horse shoes with a few others and it came time to eat. So there was turmoil of everybody running around to get ready for the feed. I walked to the far side of the pavilion to wash my hands at the restrooms. People were walking in all directions and there was quite a few. We are living in the eighties and the girl I saw walking up toward me was wearing clothes from the late western period. That was my best guess. Way out of character and out of place with our gender of dressing.
She had a long brown heavy skirt on with a white western style shirt and her long hair tied back. She looked to be in her early twenties. It was only a few seconds of a glace so I am not too vivid on the details. Her hands were lifting up her long skirt, as she walked. But I seen her passing and she knew I saw her. She smiled at me in passing.
No one else seemed to be aware of her. In just a second of passing me I turned for a second look of this out of character girl, and she was gone. There was no place to go or hide to be out of my view in that short of time. That was just not possible. She just simply vanished, never to see her again. But, for a brief few seconds, I did make contact with her. I just wish I did not let her out of my site. I would have liked to see her vanish.
I will always remember this as I have never seen a ghost before. I have had experiences but never had seen an apparition. Can't really say what she was. Could possible have been a time traveler. But one thing is for sure. She was real for seconds and then no longer existed. I looked all night and never saw her again.