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Is This A Warning Or Nothing?


Not too long ago I posted my story about Himiko. I am still 18 at the moment and about a few weeks ago something started happening. Before the experience, let me give a few background information.

I am living in a house that's around 200-300 years old. There have been people to have died there without an explanation. This house is also a haunted house. Now I have always been able to see, hear, feel and speak to spirits. I do use an ouija board and I know of the danger. The main thing is that spirits are afraid of me at times.

Recently I been seeing lots of new spirits. They seem to be running from the spirit world I been told by some spirits. This could be a result of a couple of things happening. First there could be too strong of dark energy. Secondly some believe our world and spirit world are colliding (or fusing).

Well like I said, I have been talking to new spirits. There is a certain spirit that keeps saying and spelling certain words. It keep saying "kur nisno ligua deqir mushia" Himiko, me or the other spirits do not know what that means and can't seem to find its meaning. I feel as if this is some sort of warning.

This is all true. I would really like to hear what you people think and if any one knows the meaning of this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zoajet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

izle234 (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-03)
I am very interested in your experience. I was bored in school today during computers, so I was flipping through stories, and found yours. I don't know the words, sorry, but I was wondering about Himiko. So, she has been with you since you were 7? And she never left you for a period of time more than a day or two? I also have some reason to believe there was a certain reason that I might be able to find you story. You see, there's this little ghost boy at my school, and every so often my right knee hurts. I'm psychically sensitive, and I am told that he had some sort of injury on his right leg. It has been hurting for about two days now, but while I was talking to myself (Yes, I discuss things with myself, no I am not crazy), and I thought of something. What will happen if our world collides with the realm of the spirit? What is this dark force in the spirit realm? And then I decided I must figure this out. Surprisingly, my knee stopped hurting. I have been thinking that maybe this boy wants me to know this? I know this must be very long, but thank you for reading it and I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter. Blessed Be, izle.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-18)
haven't been on here for a while. What you all said is basicly true. The spirit world is fusing with ours but for a more compacated reason that I don't fully understand just yet.
benzmonster (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-06)
set or league the mouse (it)

This is what it means deciphered it
Saurian89 (28 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-19)
I've been to the spirit world a few times myself and there are some crazy things happening there. 😐
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-15)

I like Surya's post in this thread.
Trudy (92 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-31)
Dear Zoajet,

Why don't you try Hebrew,Greek,Latin,and Arabic, to decipher the warning? If you are able maybe you should try ancient Middle Eastern language like Assyrian, Aramaic, Chandalean and ect, to decipher the warning.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
i'll look forward to that then. The voice is not around as much now sense I think it knows that I know the words now.
galvon (142 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
ill email you when I'm on a other computer witch works properly ill look back time to time.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
but that's the thing, knowing is ok but what's knowing without understanding?
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
i have sent you a message zoajet, and I disagree, people should know what there dealing with before they begin to get hurt
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
oh first of do you as a spirit have a privite e-mail not dan's? And you do not know the length of the power I contain. Do not wish to let people know more then they should on this site.
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
your strength can only reach so far. You may have led me to reveal I am not of this realm but inevitably you cannot make me tell you anything else. When the time comes you shall know my name.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
as I thought. You fell right for it. So, "john" what's your real name? Or at least the possasion spirit you are?
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
your very smart zoajet. And since I must I am from the moon. Oh and thank you for telling me Dan told you I was on here
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
yeah and I been studying the way you act. So tell me (I don't know if it works online) are you from the sun or the moon?
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
john, lmao well now let me get this straight... Dan told you it was me? Am I right
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
plus your not even the person who this belong too. Am I right "john?" and how would you say spirits told you if I ask hundards already?
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
no no no, you don't get it, I know that's what it means, I have talked to three different entities about this, you can't just tell me I'm wrong
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
Dantheman, I know for sure its not what you said. All I know is this is a puzzel that makes me think. What happens if some letters where taken out of it or if rearranged?
Dantheman (7 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
heloo I told you people what they ment! No one listens. And no I will not repeat myself again, because of people inhability to listen
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
I have spent five days googling these words "kur nisno ligua deqir mushia" and it is definetly words picked from different languages as NobleScarlet has come up with exactly the same as what I did. If google can't find these words who can? Shall we consult the Spirit world. 😆 (sorry)
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-20)
galvon: send me an e-mail if you want to talk more. And my research shows anywhere from 2010-2015
galvon (142 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
ah I'm back ty for your comment. On my comment lol. Ah yes the spiritiual world... Its truely colliding. My friend assumes... It will happen around 2012-2014... I don't know if I should believe him... Or what but I do keep getting the same feelings as him... And I get realy sick of if something bad happends... And I been sick for a long time... That has nothing to do with my diabetes... A demon called zozo/aka read the story of darren... Was trapped once... Somehow. He found a big anouf portal between a good time... Because he is indeed a very powerfull and ancient demon--

O and I want to contact you trough a messenger is that possibly?
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
triscint: yes I tried talking to others about himiko. She doesn't even know what the words means. Let just say "if" it has somthing to do with her then why would it have waited for a while.
triscint (1 stories) (31 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
Maby it has to do something with himiko. Have you tried asking other spirits about her. Maby there something in her past that will give meaning to the words the new spirit keeps saying. Eatheir that or the spirit could be confused and is speacking nonsense.
zoajet (2 stories) (276 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
galvon: what you said is true sort of. My research showed me that there was surposse to be a big portal but not the case. Now its belived that both worlds will colide with each other. All I know is it has somthing to do with a distortion in space.

KimSouthO: Thanks for your concern but don't need a lecture on ouija boards. Been using one for 8 years almost every day. So I am well aware of the danger and of the responsibility. And for my sake, please do not say "Say the Lords prayer and tell these beings to leave, they are not welcome at all" because the spirits are wellcomed and I don't believe in god.

Staford: Like I said, our world and spirit world are coliding.

TheLightBeforeDawn: there no need to look. I already looked or them and found some meanings but never could but them together to make sense.

Chaos: yes the worlds are belived to be coliding and that's why more spirits are coming through. For the spirits gettting stronger is very easy to explain. More are coming into our world which means more people will give off fear which means the spirits feed in the fear and gets stronger. Belive it or not, even the good ones feed off of fear.

Hobbyholly: Maybe I was a little harsh. There althrough is a reason I won't share with others on why they fear me because its too dangeroue for most.
Chaos (1 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
yeah I have felt that the spirits are stronger even where I live. The increased number of spirits could be due to that the spirit world and the mortal reality could be in a synchronization episode where the boundaries between the two become fuzzy and creatures can move between the two. There have been times when there was much more paranormal happenings and down times also when everything is quiet. This may be a increased period of paranormal events. Lets just hope that they are not fusing because that will let strong demons enter this world where they should not be.
TheLightBeforeDawn (5 stories) (41 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
Hi there, just spent a few hours on the subject of translations and here are a few things that I have found;
Kur can mean anything from: where, chick, when, hens, Kur (?), and establish.
Nisno I have found no meaning for.
Ligua has many meanings also: language, Ligue (?) (?FRENCH?), league, diseases, and ligua (it says that it is an english word, any one know what it means?).
Deqir also has no meaning. 😭
I'm getting kind of frustrated, can't find those two words ANYWHERE!
Mushia on the other hand has plenty of meanings: mushi (?), mush, cider, mushin. Nothing useful. Unfortunatly. Going to continue looking, nothing better to do. Also it fascinates me. Any one tried Latin?

Goddess Bless, in your search and in life.
staford (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
i am like a master off these special mystic paranormal rocks. Spirits/the rocks (who are never wrong) have warned me of three things
1 the paranormal world is vanishing /disintagrating
2 spirits are begining to be trapped on our side and now can't get back
3 that if the paranormal world dissapears all spirits will be trapen on our side 😨 😲 😨
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
My opinion is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ouijia boards.

The words that are being spelled out to you may be simply gibberish to through you off or toy with you or it may be an ancient language, one that is not easily recognized. You may have opened portals that you should not have and should not be dealing with at all.

Please follow the appropriatte instructions available on the internet to properly clse all sessions and destroy the ouijia board.

Say the Lords prayer and tell these beings to leave, they are not welcome at all.

God Bless!

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