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Ghost Stories in Category: A Haunted Life: Page 1

The Nightmare That Only Gets Worse by conquinn93

I feel like I need to start this off with a warning that this story does contain explicit content, and I share it hoping that it helps me maybe identify what is afflicting me through the help of anyone else that has experienced something similar, so I can then get rid of it, and then hopefully if so...

Waikumete Cemetery by Joelstrong

I wanted to start a ghost channel on you tube with a friend, so we spent 3 consecutive nights/ mornings walking around the cemetery recording and taking pictures. What we captured was truly terrifying, but that was just the beginning, as I was about to realize is that these demons/ entities can move...

The Changes In Me by jessica2k67

A lot of you have read my pervious story/encounter with Gavin who I've come to the conclusion was either my Angel Guardian or a friendly spirit who came into my life to sort of calm me down the roller coasters in life. But ever since that encounter, there have been changes in me as I mentioned in th...

Did Something Followed Me? by lwgrn4real66

If you read about my prior published true unexplained experience (sorry, kind of lengthy), but that experience was back to back for about an hour and half, which I had experienced. Long story short, things started happening in numbers of "five". I think something may have followed me to my dad's...

The Unknown Entities by dazybloop

To start with, the following experience was in 2020. It was around 5pm and I was doing my homework. I was having difficulties in doing some of them, I asked my cousin to help me, which she did, and I still didn't understand, which made me super melancholy (I don't like asking for help and hate fe...

The Floating Head At The Foot Of My Bed by margiekay

I had an interest in unexplained phenomena by the age of nine and loved to listen to my parents read ghost stories, or hear stories around the campfire at Girl Scouts, but did not think that I would ever see a real ghost myself. One evening that would change. I was eleven years old and living in...

Returning To This Site After Almost 2 Years Of Absence by Cole_Harris

It's been over a year since I last visited this site. And reading back through my old posts, I'v realized I've missed one or two of my childhood experiences... So I'm going to correct that, and start posting again... But let's rewind things a bit. I've been gone so long, I feel like I need to reintr...

The Ghost Experiences Of My Life by Mark0477

Ever since I was a kid, I experienced various ghost experiences. Maybe not too many. One of my earliest experiences was witnessing my mother astral project when I was 6. If that even counts as a ghostly experience of some kind. This occurred in the house I grew up in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. I am lyin...

Big Fright In Several Places by Firegirl14

I, my twin brothers and a brother younger than I, and his friend were at the church tombola event at Sea View's Dutch Reformed Church in the 1970s. My mother sent us to our house, which was just across the street! When we walked to the back door, the curtains were see-through, we saw my grandm...

This Is My Life! by Plaza

My name is Plaza and what I am about to share is a very real part of my life. Nothing is going to be exaggerated or worded to sound better than what it is, what happened happened and I've tried to debunk it all myself with no such luck. First off, I am not the world's best writer, I was kept off s...

A Doppelganger by Panini18

This is my third story. I was 7 years old when this happened and it was during summer vacation. In my first story, I mentioned that I grew up with my aunt and her family. Every summer vacation, my parents along with my younger siblings (I'm the eldest), uncle, and grandma would travel to Angeles Cit...

My Experiences With Spirits And Energies by Jigoku6Shojo

THE REAL STORY Let me tell you the real story. As a child, I used to see ghosts every day at my house. It was natural to me. Nothing special, just black shadows walking around, showing themselves whenever they wanted to. It started to change when I was a teenager. At the age of 15, I face...

Someone Sitting Next To Me by chartygirl

I lived alone in a two bedroom mobile home located in the woods. I lived there for about 4 years and nothing ever happened to me. I went to bed one night and I started to feel someone sitting next to me like in the middle but edge of the bed. Nothing was there. Then things started to get worse. On...

Objects That Move, Disappear And Reappear by Chadwik

It was 11:00PM and I was home alone. A grown man, who has had several paranormal encounters, I don't scare easy. It's a normal occurrence for household items to disappear and later reappear. It's also normal for lights to flicker around me, regardless of where I go. I'm living in a home wher...

A Series Of Paranormal Events Pt. 2 by Aeropostale

I have finally gathered my thoughts enough to get to writing a part two for you all. However, some of these next encounters are my close friend's as well. I might not be able to get them all into one story, but there will definitely be more parts. Now, let me give you a little bit of background inf...

A Series Of... Paranormal Events? by Aeropostale

My name is Jen. I'm 23 years old and I have always been sensitive to spirits or things of that... Sort. I have many other stories from when I was a kid but I'll save those for another time. Within the last few years, I have experienced multiple, minor things. My boyfriend lived in base housing on ...

Menacing Entity by Mimi30

My husband and I moved every 4 years with our children due to our military duties. The last 3 assignments were Los Angeles to Cape Canaveral, Florida then back to LA. We found a newly built 2-story back unit suitable for us and quickly moved in. About a month and a half there, at 7 months pregnant...

Childhood Fears by wrh1969

I will start this story telling you what happened to me as a kid, teenager and adult. When I was 5 years old and living in Tyndall AFB Florida base housing I had a really strange occurrence. I was in bed trying to get to sleep and I had some toys on top of my dresser. I had a stuffed monkey toy si...

Things I Can't Seem To Explain 2 -it Hasn't Stopped by lookin4answers

It has officially been 12 years since I posted last. Since then I have moved a handful of times, 4 additional cities, and even became a mother... And like the title says, it hasn't stopped. The last 4 years have probably been the most active. I became a single mother of a 1 year old and moved in...

Anyone Experienced Leg Grabbing/pulling? by Taratwin999

Was visiting Japan, from Canada, July 2018. Meditating, laying down in a hotel room. I felt a very strong grab and tugging of my lower legs which quickly escalated up my thighs to my hips. I startled out of my meditation and sat up quickly to find nobody there. It felt like a strong person mauling m...

The Events That Started It All by easyforcheez

Keep in mind this is just the story that started most of the paranormal experiences that My friend and I have experienced. This is far from all of what has happened, but this is where it gets scary for us. So, this story starts back in 2015. Before then I have had a few paranormal experiences, so...

Thing Following Me Around For 2 Years by blckwdnsdy

A couple of years ago, I was writing about the things happening in my new room. For understanding better, I really think you should also read my first story. Shortly after, I got rid of those experiences because I moved to another city with my boyfriend. I lived in two different places while bein...

Demons Attacking My Family by Fate_did_it_all

I am seeking help if there is any. My story is pretty long and messed up. It's probably all my fault. Thanks in advance. I have always been interested in everything beyond the veil, I got my first set of tarot cards at 13 and have always seen "dark shadows" and UFOs. When Ancient Aliens came out ...

Second Time, Second House by MT196955

On my birthday of 2019, September 5th, my girlfriend and I were leaving early for Colorado. We went to bed about 9:30 and about 20 minutes after shutting off the TV and light, neither of us even close to sleep yet, all of a sudden there was a loud crack on the footboard of our bed. About 3 years...

My Three Hauntings by VickieDW

There were three hauntings I have had in my life that stand out and to me are worth telling. The first was when I was child living in Van Nuys, California on Sherman Way. The house we lived in was an old house that was on 3.5 acres right in the middle of Van Nuys, with an apartment building on o...

Timmy My Poltergeist by Timmymypoltergiest

I have multiple ghosts in my home. They have been with me my entire life; I'm used to them. Just recently I thought there was a new ghost in my family's home, but soon I figured out it was a poltergeist. Me and my sister like naming our ghosts so we can tell which ghost is currently with us, befor...

Family Guest 2 by tellanizer2

I wish to start off this story by saying that this is a follow up on a previous story I had published on this website in 2011-11-01. I have unfortunately lost all my login details and the password help function wasn't successful. Thus, I have created a new account. For those who wish to read my prev...

Is Something Haunting Me Or Following Me? by JustL_ovelythings

It began when I was 10, I moved to a small city to the cheapest house with my mother and siblings. Some of our family came to help us move in, my cousin stayed the night over and witnessed something. While he was watching a movie on his laptop in my would be room a girl with long black hair, white d...

Misty Black Hand by Rose345

This is my second posting; I didn't get much feedback on my last post so I'm hoping this time will be different. Or someone knows what this is. I'm not entirely sure what this is, but it's been happening to me for years and it's the same thing over and over again. At night when I'm laying down to ...

The Old Lady In My Dream by failedcuriosity

I currently live in Manila and whenever I go to my hometown, I don't sleep in my own room and this is the reason: Back when I was a teenager, we had to move to a new house because my grandmother whom I was currently living with that time decided to sell her house because she wanted to live near m...

New Home, New Happenings by spiritwaiting

We have recently moved into another home. The last one ended up having a huge bug infestation that we couldn't get rid of. During the summer it happened to get extremely warm, which meant A/C running on auto. So it was nice and cool once the A/C was halfway fixed which, in return, allowed these part...

My Eyes Don't Lie by JuggaloJohn

I grew up in a suburban neighborhood where the houses were built brand new. The land was farmland before they built the houses and belonged to the Rancocas Indians before that. When I was a child, I would say around 5 or 6 years old, I had my first ghost encounter. It was Christmas Eve, I was sl...

My California Ghost Stories by HawaiiFemme

Story 1 When my sister was about 9 years old, she was alone in my room praying her rosary. Suddenly, she heard the sound of books from my bookcase falling to the floor although none actually did and the room turned red. She ran out of my room and unfortunately, that was the last time she ever pra...

The Angry Red Man by Arieson13

I have some concerns... But to understand I should start at the beginning... When I was about 3-4 years old, my grandmother was messing with an ouija board around me. At one point there was a knock on the door and when grandmother checked outside nobody was there. I told her, "there is someone. ...

I Think I Have A Demonic Attachment by Gladden124

I think it all started when I was about 6 or 7 years old and it attached itself. Me and my friend were watching tv and I saw something white in my peripheral vision and when I looked, it was a small "ghost" boy. My friend saw it too and it ran into the other room. We looked everywhere but all the li...

My Psychic Grandma by Filmbuff1234

Before I start this story, I would like to say that my Grandma in this account is in fact my stepmum mum - so I am not related to her by blood. My Grandma is definitely a psychic and there are 5 things she told me I remember most. The first was when my stepmum was little she and her parents went...

The Beginning Of My Paranormal Experiences, Age 3 by MusingsGrace

As this is my first story shared on this site, I felt it makes the most sense to begin at a beginning. I'm a rare individual who has always known ghosts, and therefore has never doubted them. I'm also a lucid dreamer; this is also a part of me that is hard wired. Unfortunately, when one is under 4, ...

My Ongoing Story by tlogan122812

It started when I was little. I can remember 6-7 year old. I use to chew gum and right before bedtime I'd chew my gum and watch whatever cartoon was on TV in my bedroom. My mom would tell me to throw my gum away and brush my teeth. I wouldn't throw it away (mind you I'm like 6 or 7) I'd put it at th...

Spirits Follow Me by Haileyh252

My entire life has been filled with paranormal experiences. The first sign that something was wrong is when I was very young I kept asking my parents if we had ghosts. They would always answer with," we bought the house brand new", so no one had died there. I would try to believe them, but I always ...

A Few Happenings by EmberSparrow

Each story of mine is only a brief explanation long so I'm putting them together; I'm wishing for more frequent and longer experiences, though! The first happened a few years back. My younger sister and I were sitting on our back patio listening to music and relaxing while my parents were at the ...

My Father's Hometown 4: My Hand Floating by unknownymous05

This was happened on the first 6 months of our stayed in the house year 1998. We used to sleep on the second part of the second floor where the big old mirror was. My sisters slept on two combined bed near the wall with a single sliding capiz window. If the window was opened, you could see the stair...

Being Harassed By Hyperdemensional Enitties/ Spirit Attach by Jonte35

My name is Jonte and I really need help with a situation I am dealing with. I have been getting harassed and interfered with by negative entities going on 8 years and no one can seem to help. It all started about 8 years ago in Washington State when I started to notice everything started going wro...

Personnel Items Disappearing by excellor123

Am staying with a friend until I find my own place. She's trustworthy and wouldn't mess with me. In the meantime, this morning, get out the make-up to start applying it. Go to use the eyebrow pencil and the lead has disappeared. Used this eyebrow pencil the day before yesterday. There was at leas...

Living A Haunted Life by muggleborn79

It seems like there is never a time where I can legitimately say I have not experienced some type of paranormal experience. I grew up in a small town in south Louisiana surrounded by the bayous. The house I grew up in was well known around town for an incident that happened years before my father ...

The Skin Walker by beastiifetus

The first experience. Aged 8. At first it would only run up and down the hallway. It would peek just around my door way some nights and leave me frozen in fear. I was too stiff to call out for my mother. Eventually it became brazen off my fear and would kneel down in my doorway. There it would ...

Various "happenings" by Paranormal98

Hey again everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this! I have a few more stories that I'd like to share that are mine and others I know. My first story I wanted to share was a fascinating but creepy story from my Aunt. My Dad and Aunt grew up in a really creepy and eerie house in the Arbroa...

My Experiences Throughout My Childhood by Paranormal98

Hey guys, thanks to those of you who took the time to read my other post "Albert"! I wanted to share some of my paranormal experiences in my childhood. It seems that now I've left puberty and my adolescent years, I haven't experienced anything for a couple of years, sadly. I do remember feeling l...

Inconvenience by WontTellYouMyName

Hey. I'm back with the most recent account of the (guardian angel?!) spirit in my house. So, to backtrack, I'd like you to read my first account,'Attached' to understand what I've been living with for the most part of my adult life. I'm going to delve into a little bit of the past and try my bes...

College Glimpse by sporadicglimpse

Many have happened during my college years since it was more than one and just short, I'll just compile them in this one-shot read. In all that I have experience in my entire life, never did I think or talked about horror prior they reveal. They just appear whenever I was just happy or in a good ...

Dark Entity Following Me Around by Acantha

First, I'd like to apologise for my mistakes. I am not a native English speaker, but I will try to do my best. I am posting this story here because I am desperately trying to get help but people either don't believe me or refuse to help me. I live in Belgium. Most of the things I am describing hap...

Ghosts A Part Of Life by mlynch1998

I'm a 19 year old girl from the west of Scotland, myself and my family have always had connections with ghosts and spirits and talk openly about them so it's quite normal for us. I live in an old miner's cottage which was built in the 1800's and before I lived there my uncle and cousins did. One d...

Hallway Shadow Figures by TheLightFatedGirl89

One of my earliest experiences started with an apartment my parents moved us into. Just a regular two bedroom apartment in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. It had a large living room with a long highway that connected the front living room and kitchen to two bedrooms and two bathrooms on the other e...

Haunted House, Sleep Paralysis, Shadow People by rachelgrace7798

I remember being on this website when I was in middle school. I started to write a post back then but I didn't know if anyone would take me seriously because I was young. I am 19 now and recently have had more things happen so I thought it was a good time to write this. I will try to sum it up as be...

Annoying Haunting by Just_Alice

I can't think of a better title than annoying for what is going on at the moment. I have had encounters with ghosts/spirits for as long as I can remember. I remember things were always odd at my grandmother's house, I spent a lot of time at her house when I was younger. Things would move on their ow...

Paranormal Experiences: More As I Age? by lee45022

Growing up I never thought much of ghosts or, in general, the paranormal. As a child there were a few occasions but I never thought much of it, until years later when I met my old best friend in high school. Let's call this old best friend K. K was very attuned with the paranormal. She would alwa...

The Black Cat, The Pulsating Shape, And The Growl by Valkyrie_Thorn

I've been lurking around the site for a few years now, but I only recently got an email address, so this'll be my first post on the site. My experiences with the paranormal are rather limited and all took place during my childhood. I decided it would be best to sum up all my experiences here, rather...

House Recently Built Near Unmarked Graves by Metalluthier

To begin, I'm not a professional story teller or writer. This stuff did happen and I absolutely detest people who make up stories or deceive for attention. In 2002 my mom and stepdad bought a house in the neighborhood I grew up in (after living in an apartment and splitting custody with my dad fo...

Am I Crazy? Or Is This Normal/possible? by jungsdaughti

When I was 7 my family moved to a house in the Southwestern part of Missouri. It was a very old farm house, and the wooded area behind the house was very eerie and overgrown. Being a child from the city, it naturally scared me. It was mid-summer when I suddenly was okay with the wooded area and bega...

Am I Being Haunted In My Sleep? by _bxbyfaith

I am 20 years old & I've been playing with spirit boards since about the 8th grade. I woke up a few times when I was younger locked in fear feeling as if someone was standing at the foot of my bed watching me, but I couldn't see. After that I stopped sleeping in the dark. I've had what I thought was...

My Timeline Of Experiences (2) by bbqcthulhu

After witnessing the gigantic dog was when I became increasingly sensitive. I'd see sporadic miniature orbs of light of all colours about my room (which I believe to be the nymphs I used to play with and build mud stick houses for as a child), I was never scared of these little lights, I remember fe...

A Lifetime Entity by CrystalAwakening

I am 16 will be 17 soon. For my whole life I have been out of the ordinary. Some of my family were surprised at the strange happenings that followed me. A time that stands out is when my grandmother told me that when I was a baby I kept throwing my bottle out of the crib and she would give it b...

My Origin Of The Paranormal by ethereal_friend

I wasn't sure where to begin and because I will be posting all my experiences on this website I wanted to make sort of like a "background" post explaining my most earliest experience so those that may have more insight can see what could be called the start of my paranormal experiences and those who...

Awoken By Presence by DarkAngelx91

This happened to me back in February 2016 at my house. My bedroom in my house is the main location for things to happen. I was on my phone before I went to bed and came across an app called Ghost Radar. I decided that I would download it just to see what it was all about. As soon as it had finish...

A Burnt Man Called Dounia by Tambrius

The man I mentioned in the title is an entity (I don't know what exactly to call him) that has become attached to me in the past year. And I'm trying to understand and help him. By "attached", I mean that he is attached to me as a person and not as an energy source to drain. A few times I've felt t...

Always Afraid by alina_nefer

I don't even know how to start, this is my first time I write something on a site, I usually don't speak about what happen to me, just family and close friends know. Everything started when I was very little. My family did not tell me that I had a twin brother, but I always knew, I always felt him...

My Childhood by Kaitiebug123

First story: Throughout my life, ever since I was a young child around the age of two, I've always seen spirits. I never quite knew what the meaning behind some of them were. I remember when I was around the age of four, and I was asleep in my room. But then something/someone woke me up. It wa...

The Attachment We Are Being Followed by Cupcakes1

Here goes, we go back to 1999... I and my husband had six children at the time the youngest and last child born the following year, my husband being a long distance truck driver was working away most of the time, So that left me on my own to look after our children, In the summer of 1999 five of m...

My Life Story And Now by Shizuka_Hio

My name name is Sharon Clawson. I'm new on here and I go by the username JellyBean12. It's nice to meet all of you who have paranormal experiences. I will start telling mine in a strange way, or you can say chronological order by my age during those different paranormal happenings. At the age of...

Possible Ghost Following Me by jersey4ever

This all starts when I was in high school. I use to live in Upstate New York in a house that was built by my great-grandparents a long time ago. Living there, I kind of always felt like I was being watched. I would also suffer from sleep paralysis almost nightly. Nothing else would happen. I eventua...

Haunted House? Or Haunted Me? by paranormal12

I live in a house with another 5 family members therefore we all have experienced something over the 18 years we have stayed in this house. We begin after I was born. My mum realized strange things were happening with me as a baby, I kept staring at something that wasn't there. Over the years I grew...

My Ghost "friend" by KatsWhiskers

I am a young lady from South Africa. All my life I have been sensitive to things that aren't there. It puts me on edge. I am sure that there is a ghost that goes where I go because things seem to occur regardless of where I am. At first I thought the ghost just hung around my family but it continued...

The Ghost At My Bed by MK2019

I have had many experiences with ghosts since as long as I can remember. My friends love to hear ghost stories from me, like it's something fun, but it is something I have struggled with for many years. I have always tried to block them out because when I was younger they'd never leave me alone. ...

Pulled Out Eyebrows In Terror by Melda

This is my first post to YGS. It has taken me a while to submit this story as I was not sure how to put it all together. I was very young when all my supernatural experiences began and it is difficult for me to write about occurrences which span a number of years of childhood horror and to keep it a...

You Are Not Alone by Blacqpearl

My grandmother was from the deep country. She knew a life of farming, hard work,cows,chickens,horses,etc.Apparitions and things we identify as paranormal aren't that unusual to country folk. I figured it must be due to a life of having had to do it all for themselves from scratch. Why shouldn't they...

The Virtual Entity by The_Banker

This is story is probably the first of its kind. Or I may not have heard or read any story like mine. I don't know if I can include myself as a person who has a "gift" to see creatures from the beyond, but I have a handful of stories to share. This 1 incidents I'm about to share happened in 2 dif...

A Compilation Of My Experiences When I Was In Puerto Rico by alexandrapr369

Everything started when a Lechuza (small owl) decided to sing very close to my window, deafening the songs of the Coquíes (small endemic frog). In Puerto Rico there's a silly superstition that when you hear the Lechuza is a bad omen. Or did it all started when one night I enter my room around midni...

What Am I by callmeD

It's been awhile since I last visited this page. Let me start by asking what I am, or rather, who I am suppose to be. You see, the last year has been a year of self reflection. Needless to say the more I learned about myself, the more questions arise. For as long as I can remember, I've always be...

The Battle Of "good And Evil"... by pamelapetersen

So much prior to this experience I'm about to share had happened starting 20 years ago. The battle over my mortal soul was at stake and still to this day it is. How do I know? Because not only did I loose my sanity that fateful but miraculous day, my experiences in the spirit world entered my life i...

Figures In My Life by CaRm1516

Every since I was little I always had the feeling I was being watched like I was never alone. Recently over the years it's only gotten worse. Half my life I've always seen a woman in a long white dress around my house and judging by what my mom has told me it could be my grandmother. She died by a...

Childhood Paranormal Odds And Sods Part 1 by Manafon1

The following incidents are what initially sparked my fascination in the paranormal and occurred when I was between the ages of four and fifteen. I have broken this account into two parts. In my latter teens I wrote down what I could remember of these events and these notes have been extremely h...

Hauntings In New House Part 2 by sweetsunshine1800

So this is the second part of my story ' Hauntings in New House Part 1 ' This story is about a different house, where we moved in mid 2010. We left the one mentioned in the previous story due to monetary issues. All was well and good in this house but only for a few months... First occurrence (s)...

And So It Goes On Continued by GhostlyGirl1983

So, after my mom, brother and sister moved up north I went and lived with my other brother and our dad. It was located in a neighbourhood that was built in 1948 and has been known to be the first project in North America. Anyway we lived on the 13th floor (yes there was a 13th floor) and everything ...

And So It Goes On by GhostlyGirl1983

If you haven't read my first story please do, as this is a continuation. So, as I stated in the first story we lived in this building and after mine and my mom's experience with the shadow man things only seemed to get more intense. In this story I will combine all the things that happened until we ...

My Sister's Gift by applerose

It's been over five years since my last submitted story and for that I do apologize. That span of time, however, has gain me a few experiences that I must write about... Hope you enjoy. Those of you that have read my stories know about my sister, Kelly. In the last few years it has come to our fam...

Becoming A Beacon? by Rusty_Kitten

A bit of history before I begin this story. Despite having higher functioning Aspergers, I have always been able to pick up on certain things. Feelings, atmosphere, whatever you want to call it. When I was thirteen, I had a horse riding accident. The moment it happened my mum knew despite being mile...

The Shadow Stalker by JethroJ133

My whole life I've had something following me. At first I would just feel a presence around me but as I got older it worsened. I was 11 when I had my first actual contact with the entity. It was late one night when I decided to grab a drink, I opened by eyes and when I sat up I noticed my bed was su...

Stalker Clad In Black 2 by DirtCreature

I notice that most of my experiences happen around the evening. From the first time I saw shadow people as a child to now, I've tended to see, feel, or hear anything nearing 6pm into the wee hours of morning. One night I was sitting by myself at my laptop and felt someone touching me once more. I've...

Followed Home By A Poltergeist by BrittBass01

Hey,this is my first time posting. I've been having experiences since I can remember. So about a year ago I was visiting my sister. Before I left her house I was feeling rather deppressed, because I didn't want to go home. I came to the conclusion that it had followed me home from my sisters. I was ...

Our Family's Protector Or Something Else Entirely? by UpbeatTyler

After reading stories on this site for a long time I finally made an account for myself and submitted my own story and questions that have been bugging me. It's going to be a really long story, but it thinks it will be necessary for the background. First of all, I want to apologize in advance...

Is This Paranormal / Ghostly Activity? by cristinpls

This is my first story here and I hope it makes sense. It will probably be a bit rambly but I'll do my best to cover the basics and not rant too much. It's also perhaps worth disclosing that as a child I used to sleepwalk and still now I experience sleep paralysis on a regular basis, although I d...

The Black Figure And Strange Occurrences by KatherineLinien

Let me make it very clear now that I thought most of the things happening to me were things that happened to many others. As I will explain in a little bit, these black figures and weird occurrences that have been happening in the house I have been living in have never happened in my friends' houses...

Am I Being Followed Or Is It Attached? by _rowan_

To begin with, this post is very long, and it's happened in two different countries, but mainly in America. I was about 10 when I had my first encounter, and I was with my dad. My parents are divorced and my dad lived in another country so it was a surprise to see him at my house. We lived nex...

Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences by the22centuryboi

This would be my first post here. I am a true to heart sceptic and haven't seen enough proof firsthand to conclude the existence of absolute good or bad. With that said, I do try my best to elicit a response from the other world or other plane of energy, or the other dimension. Until today I still h...

3 Knocks And Something New by Bigpapa

I have been sharing my story for years and never thought about posting it for others to read. Last night I had something unusual happen in addition to what has been happening over the course of about 20 years so I decided to share with a friend at work who has not been apart of my stories in the pas...

Miscellany by SomeCallMeTim

My brushes with the supernatural have been few and far between. Rather than submit several very brief accounts, here are the best of the rest: Projection: When I was a small child, probably no older than five, I noticed that I was standing several feet away from myself, watching myself play with ...

I'd Like To Know What It Wants by rogansmom516

I'm not all that keen on the supernatural and I've always been kind of back and forth on the possibility. I've a tendency to be a bit of a skeptic and, where "seeing is believing" is enough for some, it's never really been for me. But I'll explain that more in a moment. I don't think I'd ever co...

My Life Of Hell by Jenniferever

My story began at the age of 12. I was lying in my bed and had fallen asleep. I remember waking up, or assuming I was awake, to the smell of something like a burning camp fire. In front of me was an 8 1/2 foot tall static figure. Like static on a TV screen, the inside of the figure moved with static...

The Being In My Closets by Maryr

When I was 9, my parents divorced, and my mom bought a house across town. I don't remember much about the house at that age (it was almost 11 years ago), and I spent most of my time outside. When I turned 12 or 13, I don't remember specifically, I started feeling very strange in my bedroom. It wa...

Eldridge Terrors: Are Demons And Ufo's Related? by theprodiffenon

I have been aware of otherworldly influences in my life as far back as I can remember. One particularly unnerving experience that stands out from among the rest involves myself as a latch-key kid. Moments after arriving home from grade school each afternoon I would make a wild dash to the upstairs k...

Our Family Friends by MrsFishbait

Since I could remember, weird things have always happened to my family and me. We lived in a house out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but woods. My mom told me the family moved out because the husband died in a car wreck down the road. I come to find out later my mom lied to me beca...

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