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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 115
Hovering Face by dashmasha
I have never experienced any kind of supernatural or paranormal experience before, except this one time... When I was 21 (I'm 30 now), I lived in my parents house with my 3 brothers. My room was in a kind of basement down stairs. We lived in Melbourne in the suburbs. There is no history or anythi...
Poltergeist Or A Spirit Meaning No Harm? by Gingexo
For the past several months my parents and I have been experiencing several things in our home. We have seen figures of people and animals. There has been many of times where there has been large orbs flying across the lounge and my parents' bedroom. I've heard groaning noises and whispering in my...
Paranormal Pregnancy by ShadowRainFaint
I found out I was pregnant about August 11, 2012. I am around 14 weeks pregnant right now and I have had some creepy unnatural things happening to me and I don't believe that I am imagining them. I have had a few encounters with spirits or ghosts before, and so has my boyfriend the father of the bab...
Crazy On The Couch by matsaw
I recently posted a story on here titled The New Resident. That story happened to me years ago but this one only happened a few months ago. It gets pretty hot here in Boise, Idaho in the summer, so my air is constantly running. My house has central heat but I don't have central air so I have a h...
The Three Ghosts by thisisthelife
I was young when my parents split up, and I didn't really understand what was going on. Me, my sister (Aimee) and my Dad, all moved into a flat with mine and my sisters best friend (Shinea), and her dad. I loved it, as any young child would love living with their best friend, but there was someth...
Voices Around Me by Priyanka
I am a new bee here. Pardon me for my English. I am from Mumbai, my mother died 8 years back and was a schizophrenia patient. In January, one night at around 2am or 2:30 am I was on my computer listening songs on my ear phones and as soon as I removed my earphones I heard the same song tune just ...
Banging Heard An Figures Seen On My Backyard by LukeW2012Xx
I am Luke and I am from the UK. I live in a quiet area thirteen miles away from Derby and I am going to share with you one of several strange situations which have occured in my house. For my first story, I will talk about the stuff me and my brother have witnessed/heard this year. I am not 100% sur...
Black Eyed Man by DannX68
I have just joined and have a lot of stories to share; some are not so long, so some of my posts will have a couple of stories just to meet the required 1500 characters. I was standing behind the counter in the spiritual bookstore I worked in for eight years some years ago. The counter faced the ...
Late Night Snack by tupacismine
I will tell you a story, I have a lot. I feel like people are always around me. My nan was exactly the same. She could see and feel and know when somethings up. I thought to add some stories and see what I have experienced or maybe I'm just crazy lol. On a late night, I was maybe eleven or ten, I...
Voices In The House by tupacismine
Brief about me: My nan could see and feel people around, and could tell when something's going to happen. My mum thinks I could too. But I don't know if I can I feel like it. I experience a lot. My aunty's house: I was a baby living there. Then she moved into it couple years ago. So now I was 17 ...
I Think My Parents' House Is Haunted by MLIGN
I just recently stumbled upon this site out of pure curiosity. Well let me get started. My parents' bought a new house around the summer of 2004. Over the past eight years I have lived here or visited here, there has always been a strange knock on the front door. Usually we put the blame on a cat...
That Mysterious Lady by rajyasreedey
That terrible experience that I gained before years when I was 18 years old only and I went to visit Purulia District (a district of West Bengal) with my college friends. We had booked a forest bungalow from Calcutta, but when we reached at Purulia Station then it was evening. We hired a Tata Su...
Whispering by jennysue35
My name is Jennifer I am married and have five kids. We live in Vancouver, WA. My story is short, but very strange. I have had many encounters with spirits in my life, but what happened two nights ago is puzzling me. My family and I just moved into this house, we have lived here for about a mont...
A Native Ghost by grand-duchess-ana
I won't deny, I am a firm believer in ghosts. And yes lately I have been reading more into them, so yes, it is a possibility that I conjured the ghost through my imagination. But I don't think so. I am a very messy person. In fact, I am renowned for it; however, my room has been especially messy...
Red Cross Nurse? by amv00003
When I was a little girl, about 5 years old, I was asleep in my bed. I didn't feel very good. I remember waking up and laying there. I felt very sick. I remember seeing a blue light, like when you stare at a light bulb and then look away from it and there is a blue dot, but bigger. The blue dot ...
My 911 Ghost Is Back by sherm784
I previously published a story on here about a possible ghost in my apartment in New York on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Today (9/11/12), again something crazy spooky happened. I had tried to sleep really heavy because I have a long day. The fact it's the anniversary of 9/11 was not on my m...
The Dormitory by jamaicangurl
It happened last 2007 when I was still in my college days. I stayed in the dormitory just 10 minutes away from our school. Actually it was my classmates room I just stayed there because I got tired from going to and fro the school. We loved watching movies on our portable DVD player every night. B...
The Family Legacy by Lastingdreams
This story is more a plea for assistance. Two years ago, the woman who raised me passed, who I called auntie but was in fact a distant cousin once removed, leaving me all her worldly possessions and the rather beautiful country house she had brought me up in. Though not a day goes by in which I d...
Voice In The Night by Spirit_Juggler
I'm curious to hear what people think on this site. I came here simply to read peoples personal accounts of the paranormal and seeing the site thought I'd share my own most recent experience. I live with my wife and son in the West Midlands England in a 1930's built red brick house that's never ...
Restaurant And Rv Ghosts by mizkitty
Back in 1991, I worked at a Luby's Cafeteria in Sherman, Texas. One of our cooks who worked there died in intensive care. About a year after that, I was standing in my vegetable prep area, peeling potatoes. This faced the butcher area, and the meat walk-in. No one could pass in front of me without m...
Haunting Of An Old Teacher by tulisafan123
The maths department at our school used to be the chemistry department, where Bunsen burners were used. There was a story of an old chemistry teacher whose hair got caught in the Bunsen burner. She panicked, as any normal person would, so she fled the room, not remembering that there was a balcony o...
Grim Reaper On Pacheco Pass by pinktherapist
After being laid off from my job as a School Counselor two years ago, I started doing in home sales parties to make some extra money. Usually the parties were local and I didn't have to drive more than about a half an hour from our home near Fresno, CA. One evening, however, I was going to do a part...
My Haunting Past by haterboy
My story starts a few years back. I was laying on the bed in my sister's room. With me was my sister and my older cousin. I was laying behind my sister who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and my cousin was sitting in the floor, in front of my sister. We were all laying there just talking slightl...
Footsteps In The Night by chimchim
In 2010, my cousin and I went to Wales on vacation. My family have been visiting Wales almost every year for decades, but this was my first trip (although I had been to England on my own). Whenever they go, my family always pays a visit to St Davids in southwest Wales, and they stay in a holiday cot...
8 Year Old Seeing Ghosts And Shadow People by Laynaryan
For the longest time my daughter will not stay in a room by herself. I was getting tired of it and was going to take her to see a therapist to help her out, because this has been going on for about a year. About a month ago she told me why: about a month ago before the reason we were at my mother's ...
Ghosts Of Murdered Highway Patrol Officers by chimchim
This event happened when I was maybe three years old. My mom was cleaning around the house, when I came out of my room and asked her to come to the bathroom with me, because I had to potty and "there's a man in there." So she went with me, and she couldn't see anyone, but she asked me to describ...
Glowing Blue Eyes? by ilovesoccer95
My family used to live in a home in Madison county Idaho. I was very young at the time, maybe 6 or 7. This is one of my most vivid memories from my childhood and it still makes me nervous when I'm alone. My family and this house have a history of experiences like mine and I think they could be relat...
Trio Of Girls by trooper
I wanted to tell everyone about one entity in particular that has been a source of constant torment for me for some time now in the hopes of getting some feedback from others. I'm very interested to hear what everyone has to say about her/them. I should note that this will probably make more sense t...
Glowing Red Eyes by angeleyes97
My encounter takes place in a house in Cleveland Oklahoma. I was around 13 years old. My little sister and I were staying at a family member's house for the night. My sister was asleep on the couch and I was on a pallet in the floor at one end of the couch. Well it was about 2-3 o'clock in the morni...
Validation From My Brother by Gayatrishiva
My brother who was just 19yrs old passed away which was of course, and is still, hard to digest. I was so shocked and after that developed high blood pressure which is now under control. By the way today is his death anniversary. After he passed away I was so down and I couldn't take it, as I am 13y...
Something Watching Me by chimchim
I lived in Texas for three years when I was a teenager. My grandmother had moved there in the 1950s because my mom needed orthopedic care (she had had polio as a little girl) and my mom's surgeon had moved to Texas. So our family literally followed him. When they grew up my mom and her sisters moved...
The Haunted Parsonage by southerntk
My story takes place in April 1988 in the rural area called Shoulderblade, KY. I was 20 years old and had just gotten married in my local church. The church offered us the parsonage to live in. We happily accepted and moved in right away. The first night we were there I was so glad to have my ow...
A Residual Haunting From A Tragic Death? by chimchim
Years ago my mom and I rented a house. It was a three bedroom house and there were only the two of us. My mom suggested I take the master bedroom. Now, I wasn't really thrilled about the master bedroom because it had two architectural/design features I hate--mirrored closet doors and a toilet I can ...
Pushy Robert by chimchim
I was visiting a friend who lives in Sheffield, UK. She rents a row house, which was probably built around 1900 for steel workers, like all the other houses in the neighborhood. The garden shed was originally an outdoor toilet, so that gives you some idea of the date of construction. My friend an...
Hide And Seek At My Aunt's House by beautifuleden
I have had a few experiences in my life, and will be recounting them over the next few days. This particular experience happened when I was about 7 or 8 years old. We (my mom, younger brother and I) were over at my aunt's house for an afternoon visit. One thing you must know about my aunt is...
Real Or Hallucination? by magneto095
This story was just recent, last two months, I think? This story happened in Bicol. We have our house in Bicol. It's not that big. Actually, it's simply small. Anyway, the setting of my story is on the living room (but in those times, I am at my bedroom). I will tell you about our Living Room, my Be...
Flowers From My Grandmother by SirenBelva
My grandmother or "Memow" whom I was very close to passed in July 2010. She fought a long, hard 10-year battle with breast cancer. She was 86 years-old when she fell in her bedroom and broke her hip. Her bones had been weakened by chemo. She was very upset that she had to spend her final two months ...
Is It Me Or The House? by webbie
I am the first owner of my residence. My house was built in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina destroyed my prior residence. The land the house was built on was woods and never had a structure on it before mine. This August makes 7 years of residing in my home, however, for 6 of those years I have had par...
Did We Wake Up Ghosts? by Wondering1
I married my husband in October of 2007. Shortly after that, probably around February of 2008, we began to remodel our home. My husband had bought the house in 1979, when he was about 25 years old. He bought it from an older married couple who were moving out of state to be near their children since...
Two Spirits And A Gift Received by ryanrowe82
Kind of funny to say that I have received this gift, but the truth is, as far as I know, I have. I'm going to get to how I received this gift, but first I should share the story and the background leading up to that point to express all the information that I already have. Back in 2007 I moved i...
Evil Spirit Child by me1983
I was laying in bed asleep one night. I woke up and couldn't move at my father's house. I wasn't dreaming. I looked at the computer and noticed a very strange static on the screen instead of the usual screen saver. I was very scared. A little girl dressed all in black came into the room and she was ...
Lost Wedding Ring, Appears In Very Visible Place by Lockport_1880
A few days ago, my wife lost her wedding ring. I felt very sick to my stomach, sad and even somewhat betrayed that she hadn't taken better care of it. We searched all over the house and could not find it. Today, I came home late at night after classes and she was coming back from picking our son up ...
Scary Times by sariah
About 10 years ago (when I was in my early 20's) I was staying with my new boyfriend and his friend who shared a house in small village in Bedfordshire, it was by no means an old spooky house, just a regular semi detached approx 30 years old. I would usually stay at weekends often arriving on a Frid...
The Two Figures And The Three Girls by nicol159
This story is my first paranormal experience, it actually happened in 2011. So every weekend I go to my friends for a sleep over, and when we can't sleep we sneak a snack from the upstairs kitchen. But this time I regret not going to bed early. Somewhere in a September weekend I went after school...
My Aunt Is Attached To Me by froman64
I have been interested in the paranormal for about 6 years now, and I have seen and heard many things since then, but this story comes from the past up to today. Almost 5 years ago I lost my Aunt Christine and we were so close. The day she died I was over at my gmas house and me, mom, dad, grandm...
Nanny's Dream Visitor by JaymeAnne
My grandmother, who I call Nanny, is very much like my mother and sister. She is incredibly in tune with the supernatural world. She's seen many spirits or ghosts and has a pretty strong connection to what we've always called her spirit guide. This is a story that she told me that still brings tears...
An Odd Ability Of Strengths And A Follower by hollowveins
I have always had spiritual sense. Just able to sense when they're near. I see them on occasion, but I do things so I won't have too. I always lived in Arizona, where throughout my life I saw shadow people. My first encounter that I can recall was when I was 7, I saw a man with some fancy hat stan...
Ghosts Slamming Doors? by Grav3yardGhosts
This is my story, I know it may sound fictional, but it really is true. It was the summer vacation 2010 or 2011, I don't remember the date, but it was in Klaksvík, a city in the Faroes, at my friend Natalia's house. I was staying with my friend and her house is haunted. She was able to see and comu...
The Woman Who Watches Over The Grocery by SirenBelva
When I was in high school my then-boyfriend got me a job as a server in a local gourmet restaurant in a very rural town--Harmony, TN. Although this was the only restaurant in this tiny town, people came from far and wide to eat there because the food was very well-known and delicious. My boyfriend h...
The Ghost And The Elevator by IrishCossack
In the early 1990s I worked as a custodian at a hospital in Sacramento, California. Shortly before having been hired, there had been an accident involving one of the elevators. An employee had stepped into the elevator on the top floor. She became trapped between the doors when they suddenly closed....
Guardian by BareXenolith
I didn't come by my experiences by mistake, or by some inter-demensional flaw, or whatever paranormal experts call the ability to see things beyond the physical. I inherited it from my maternal grandmother, who had a ton of experiences, but I'll save those for later. The first time I ever had an...
Queen Mary Aft Elevator by akafatkid
Over the past 15yrs I have visited the Queen Mary Long Beach on multiple occasions. I liked to board the ship at night. I would go in the hotel entrance and tell them I was going to the lounge for cocktails. They would let me aboard with no questions asked, even though I was not of legal drinking ag...
Haunted Hostel by black_brain
I don't know whether what I've experienced was real or just my imagination, but similar experiences has been felt by my room mates too. I study in Cuttack, Odisha. I've not got any college hostel due to no vacancy, I booked a private hostel. The hostel is a part of Cuttack's first ever hotel, it ...
She Didn't Want Us To Sleep by triden07
I have experienced quite a few exceptionally scary things in my life, and I would like to start with experiences I had when I was 18-years old. This was in 2002. I live in South Africa, and at that point we were living in a house that I had never had any bad or paranormal experiences in until tha...
Granny And Little Boy by triden07
We have been living in our house for the past 7 years. From day one I have been very aware of entities residing in the house. They (there are 2) don't mean anyone harm. In fact, one of them is completely focused on my mother. Ok, maybe I should explain this statement. My mother grew up in foster ...
Floor Shaking by highmodeghosts
So this happened a few years ago. Maybe five or six years ago, and I was about 9-10 years old. It was 10:30 PM, and me and my parents just went to sleep. When you get to the top of our stairs, there's an empty room in front of you, with no doors or anything, and to the right is my parents room. ...
Am I Crazy Or What? by ErickaSarah
After reading so many stories, I have decided to tell my own. I have had a lot of experiences that I can't explain. Let's start at the beginning. I was born on October 26 at around 10:55 pm. I feel that being born close to Halloween has something to do with it. All of my immediate family and most of...
Something Black Was There by cincinnati24
I was up late one night in early August of this year. It was around one in the morning and I was just relaxing and watching TV. I live a few mile away from a small airport and I heard a low flying plane so, since there wasn't anything else going on, I looked out the window at it. It was so low that ...
Mrs. Morris by Andrea22
Around the time that I was born, my parents were offered a house in Indiana. A friend of my father offered to let us use it. The friend said he would pay the rent as long as we took care of it. This friend, his mother had recently died in that house. A lot of his mother's belongings were still store...
Bright Flashes by carsmom
I was wondering if some of you could help me. On Saturday I was coming out of my bedroom and saw a VERY big bright flash of light in the hallway. It looked like someone took a pic, but a bigger flash. It was the middle of the day very bright outside so no lights were on in the house nor was it storm...
Constant Activity by slingshot0097
I'm sorry if this might be too long. My experiences have been happening since the early 1990's. My first visual of something "strange" was of a figure. A full figure but all black. I watched (as well as the cat on my lap watched) the reflection of this figure in a mirror on the wall, get up and w...
A Plantation Presence by kmcgr
I am just a normal, average, every-day American teenager. I was 17 at the time of my encounter. I won't pretend like I'm someone that has seen or had many experiences with ghosts or spirits in my life. This is my first and only paranormal experience. I had always been somewhat skeptical about "paran...
Something Invaded My Home by SilvershadeLynx
For as long as I can remember I have been experiencing things that I just can't explain. For example: Hearing footsteps and seeing weird black little shadowlike figures running across the backyard and something or someone keeps moving my stuff. Sometimes I wake up in the morning only to discover tha...
Great Grandmimi by SlatchBGore
Several years ago in my old house, my little brother (whom was only about 3 years old) was taking a bath. I was asking my mom something as she was helping my brother get out of the tub. I saw him stare over my shoulder and smile with excitement. At first I didn't notice how he wasn't looking directl...
Falling Ghost? by devildogx
This event adds to the growing list of odd and unexplainable experiences at my home. The other night I was enjoying a cigar on the back deck as the sun was going down. I normally sit out there in the evenings, weather permitting, and have a cigar and a glass of wine while reading a book or working o...
My Little Black Cat Herman by ImissmyHermanBaby
I recently lost my all-black kitty named Herman. He was struck by a car one week ago today. My husband and I buried him in the back yard in a shaded area on the edge of our property. We were both grief stricken. I couldn't do anything but cry for a whole day. That night when I finally fell aslee...
Experiences From My Childhood by Baikeru
There is a lake not far from where I lived when I was little called Lake Fort Phantom. It sounds like a cheesy title of a ghost movie, but it's a real place. Google it. It has a Wikipedia page. Fort Phantom was used during the Civil War and was abandoned in the early 1900s. Over the past century, co...
Life In The Country by Baikeru
In 1999, my family (my stepfather, my mom, my four sisters, and I) moved out into the country outside of Merkel, Texas (my little brother came along a few months later. Actually, he's the reason we moved out there. We'd been living in a cramped apartment, and my stepfather always wanted to live in t...
High School Experience by Baikeru
I left this out of Story 2 on purpose Backtrack to 2003. I am a sophomore in high school. For P. E., instead of having us do "physical education", Coach Flowers (quite the intimidating football coach name) had us go to the track and just hang out. It was basically a free period where we didn't ha...
Missy by Baikeru
We only lived in Alamogordo for three weeks. Wayne's job didn't exactly work out. Turns out the boss was a sexist, racist person. Long story short, Wayne (and therefore my sisters) is half-Mexican. The boss didn't know this because you don't do a job interview by saying. "Hi. I am Wayne. I have mana...
My Apartment by Baikeru
I moved into my apartment on 28 March 2009. Within a month I started feeling a presence. I assumed I was imagining it, because what are the odds the last three places I lived were haunted? But then sometime in August 2009, Mark and our friend Kristin were over. Kristin and I were sitting on the b...
I Heal by Kryodrache
This story happened a while ago... Maybe 5 to 7 months ago, I forget exactly when. It was right before I started to have some real issues here at home, problems that have recently begun to fix themselves. It's a fairly short story, but it really stuck out to me, simply because of how unusual it was....
My House And A Ghost Too Many by BlackRose2131
This is my first story. I have lived a fairly normal life. When I lived in Hawaii I lived in a haunted apartment I would wake up in the middle of the night with bugs in my room and very weird scratches all over my body. Of course I don't really remember this, this is just what my mother told me. For...
Sleep Paralysis Or Demon Or Something Else by CraigDancey
I was in bed I couldn't sleep at all. I had a phone chat with a close girl friend for a few hours. Finally tried to go to sleep around 2:00AM. I completely couldn't sleep. I just laid there staring at the ceiling and then I went on facebook for a little longer, talked to some people and at aroun...
The Underground Railroad House by hauntedlife19
It all began when I was 7 or 8. My parents wanted to move out to the country so we moved to the outskirts of the small town called Hollansburg. We came up on this house and it was absolutely beautiful, like one of those houses you see in books that everyone wants to live in. We went inside and looke...
Coincidence Or Did I Hear An Incident 20 Miles Away? by Lakota73
This story happened in August 2011. My old workplace is situated on a fairly new industrial estate with a main carriageway and a motorway running along either side. This particular morning, I'd just pulled into the car park. Nothing out of the ordinary, to begin with. My routine was pretty mu...
Child Ghost by GloriaW
A few years ago I moved into an older home with my husband and three children. I have two daughters who were at the time of this occurance aged 6 and 12, and a son aged 8. Our new home was located in an older neighborhood and the main part of the home was originally built in the 1950's with two bedr...
Happenings In My Apartment by DannX68
I put these experiences together in one post, since some of them are too short to meet the 1500 characters requirement:) They all took place in my old apartment which was located in a building dating back to the 30s. One night I had a rather disturbing nightmare of me running from something throu...
The Last Goodbye by Dawniie31
It was maybe a year ago, my beloved Titi (Aunt) died, it was tragic event. My family and I had to go to the funeral, of course. I just couldn't believe she was gone. I never thought that the last time I saw her was the day that I went to her house, she didn't seem well at all, she was coughing a lot...
Ouija On The Bus by Autumn105
This story happened just yesterday, when I was on the bus coming home from school. I was sitting near a couple of my friends, named Dylan, Marissa, Julie, Emma, and Connor. Emma has a real Ouija board at home, but since she couldn't bring it in to school, she had drawn one on a piece of notebook pap...
Evil Doctor by VSangel0309
You guys know me formerly as Elle0309; something happened to my account and I had to create a new one. It has been a long time since something paranormal, or what I perceived as paranormal, has happened to me. Honestly, I prefer it that way. Recently, I traveled to San Angelo, TX, to conduct a s...
Lonely Shadow by TimDefacto
Here's another story that happened to me last night. I was about to go to sleep and decided to have one more cigarette. Usually I'm smoking in the kitchen. My apartment is located on the second floor. The light was off so it was convenient for me to stand in front of the opened window without being ...
Happenings In My Apartment 2 by DannX68
Of course I forgot to put some things into my latest account. So here goes, it won't be anywhere near as long. I didn't only see black shadows at my feet, but I saw them on a fairly regular basis, everywhere in the apartment, all sizes. I never felt fear when I saw them, though. The next two ...
The Demonic Dead by Subtle_Poetics
The following account details a series of unexplained happenings that occurred on Tuesday 18th September roughly between the times of 8 pm and 10. 20 pm in Northern Ireland. For those of you who remember, I am a Journalism student with a special interest in the paranormal. My mother is a medium ...
Something In The Graveyard by Wondering1
My husband told me this story not too long after we were married. He knows that I'm interested in strange events/occurrences that don't have an obvious explanation. I've experienced several interesting and unexplainable things throughout my life and I like to hear of other's stories. Just to giv...
The Torcher 2 by indrajitD
The last story I narrated to you about some demonic / unclad fellow and expressing possibilities of him torching the quarter of a law keeper, thus, killing people including the magistrate's wife, Suhasini and the magistrate himself who used to stay there, actually had a huge impact on my life. No do...
A Selection Of Experiences by sariah
I have recently been discussing ghostly encounters with my close family and friends and have heard some very interesting stories that I'd like to share. Around 20 years ago my husband attended a college in the UK at a rather famous old RAF base in Bircham Newton that had been converted into a const...
Silent Footsteps In The Dark by curious-cat
Let me start by saying that I have a huge interest in reading about paranormal activities. I'm thrilled I found this site and I love getting spooked (but not face to face). I have only encountered two in my life and I don't look forward to coming upon any others. The first time a ghost spooked m...
Florida Shampoo Ghost by SirenBelva
Winter of 2009 was very bad in Eastern Tennessee. It was so cold that our water pipes burst and we had to carry water to our horses. My dad and I happily boarded a plane to St. Petersburg, FL where the highs were still reaching 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a very welcome, sunny change. It was also ...
The Experience That Convinced Me Ghosts Were Real by tassle1991
I have never believed in ghosts until I stayed at my friend's house over the summer. What I experienced there has convinced me that ghosts are real. My friend lives in Leeds and her father believes that the house is built on an old battleground. In the garden there is also a small patio that was...
Ghost Man Or Skinwalker? by Roamer12
I live in Gallup, NM a city surrounded by Native American culture and history. We have many surrounding towns and reservations that have been here for a very long time and many people claim they are haunted. My experience actually takes place right in Gallup on the east side of the city near a v...
Spirit Or Dream? by Cliney1212
Dear readers, I'm not entirely sure what to make of this story so I've posted it for your opinion. We have been living in our current house for the past 7 years and around 5 years ago we had our loft converted. I have posted a few stories on here that mention my various experiences and also some ...
Who Is Watching Me Sleep? by berkley715
I am a 19 year old girl and I have been able to communicate with ghosts since I was little. When I lived with my mom in Delaware at the age of 3 or 4, we had two ghosts that lived in my house. It was a grandmother and grandson. If someone was cooking in the kitchen, the grandmother would sweep th...
The Small Stuff by DannX68
These are things I don't know how else to categorize and where to submit. I have seen three UFOs, two of them I saw with others, the third one I saw on my own and, sadly, it was the clearest of them. My aforementioned friend and I both have a "thing" with numbers. Hers is 222 or any variation ...
Ghost Of My Uncle by fullname_01
First of all, let me start by saying I was never a very intuitive person. I was never able to see ghosts or feel them. I only had two occasions in which I personally encountered ghosts. My grandmother, on the other hand, was always connected to the afterlife affairs. She was one of the reasons I bel...
Singing Girl In White Dress by fullname_01
This is the second story that I'm uploading to the website. If you have read my fist story you would know I'm not open to these kinds of experiences most of the time, and I have only seen ghosts two times. Also, you would know that my grandmother was very intuitive and she would talk to my deceased ...
My Worst Experienced In My Childhood Home by Mylenium
The house I grew up in, my parents' current home, is haunted. Most of the activity that has occurred happened mostly when I was little. My dad is the one that has experienced paranormal activity the most; my mother a close second catching glimpses of entities as they were walking into other rooms. M...
Microphone Man by Trybal_Knyte
Growing up a military brat had exposed myself and my siblings to many different cultures and people. When we finally came to American Samoa, the place we would call our home, things were weird on a very calm sense. (Noises in the halls of the homes we used to live in, knocking on the doors, cold dra...
The Overlook by triden07
This is the story of a house we lived in where very strange things happened. This was between December 1998 and May 1999. When we had moved in, we made a sign that we put up outside of the gate, calling the house "The Overlook". Which we thought really fit the house, because if you looked in from an...
Black Angel Shaped Observer by Pashaniq
I am so pleased to see there is a place like this to share real life experiences with the world. My story actually took place September 24, 2012 and began just at midnight. Since you don't know me I will fill you in on an important fact for your further understanding of what happened. I am a 25 ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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