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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 146
Dark Shadow Figure by queenie
In February of 2011, I was laying on my bed about to fall asleep because I was feeling really exhausted that day. I was a couple of months pregnant at that time. I had felt a strange quietness to my room, like someone was in there watching me, but I just blew it off and didn't think anything of it, ...
Annals Of A Haunted Farmhouse by Fergie
My memory has been jogged by a story I have just read on YGS. I will recount to you a tale that my father told me many years ago. The period was circa 1930, the place was Kimberley, South Africa. Doug (my dad) had an Afrikaans friend and neighbour, Friederike (Frikkie for short). Frikkie had hea...
The Translucent Rider by JFS2
These stories didn't happen with me, but with my family. I want to start explaining how was the place where my father grew up in the 60's and 70's. It was a very small rural city called Jaboti, in the countryside of the estate of ParanĂ¡ in Brazil. In the early 60's my grandfather came to this al...
The Ghosts At My School by lol-awesome-kid
At my school, there are lots of ghosts. First there is George. He is a 10 year old boy who haunts the drama studio balcony. My drama teacher first saw him and she described him as a dark haired boy with a Victorian hat and young boy's suit on. She originally thought that it was one of her year 7s me...
Death Visits And Coincidences by RitaCMW
This is a very difficult story for me to tell. As a little background I would like to mention that my brother committed suicide decades ago. His birthday was November 9. Six years after he died my father died on my brother's birthday, November 9. Moving ahead another 13 or 14 years my mother died on...
The Old Blue House On Dalhousie Street by old_dude
If you have read any of my past stories you will already know that as a kid I grew up in a small town named Amherstburg. It is about 20 minutes south of Windsor Ontario (next to Detroit MI). As a kid I had many experiences with ghosts, especially as an older high school kid. Amherstburg, in my opini...
The Black Crow by Jaiicee
The experience I am about to share is something that happened my mother and grandma. Now I can't say for sure if what happened was paranormal, but it was definitely a very creepy experience. The story is based in Australia and happened about 25 years ago. My mother and grandmother are not really...
White Woman Of Singapore Mrt by AngeLeeS
One day, I had an appointment at Clarke at noon. I finished the meeting with my client early and being near Orchard Road, I went for shopping. By the evening I got ready to go back to the flat (the same flat which is in my story "An Invisible House-mate"). I was filled with dread due to the previous...
What Is Going On? by Sam222
READ THIS FIRST: (please) Recently (a couple of weeks ago), I began keeping track of things (so they can be more understandable and organized). I wrote what happened while it was fresh in my mind, and the date and time. Before I began keeping track, there were multiple things that happened, rece...
Tears Of A Dark Figure by genesis8799
This isn't a long story but it is a freaky one. In the middle of the night I was laying in my bed, I couldn't sleep for some weird reason, I just had a weird feeling about something and I didn't know what. A few minutes later as I closed my eyes, I started to hear a girl crying. The crying sound...
A Mother's Unrest Soul by Aprajita
This is more than a haunted experience... It is attached to my mom and her family's emotions. This incident took place some 18 years ago in my moms hometown Farrukhabad. This incident is related to my mother's real aunt. Her name was Prabha. She was the most loved child of her mother and sisters....
Spooky Taj by Montu
A brief introduction about myself, I am professional lawyer based in Delhi. Born and brought up in Delhi. I hold a Masters Degree in Sociology and Law. I have travelled the world over, I come from a deeply spiritual Bengali Hindu family. Learning all the rituals, hymns in Sanskrit and astrology dire...
Bad Vibes by ifihadyoux
If you have not read any of my previous encounters, except for the very first one I published, then you might not get some references I am about to make. You may still read the story however, so please enjoy. Warning: Story contains information about wiccan/pagan ritual and may not be suitable o...
The Invisible Roommate by Parabol
I was talking to my mom while I was helping her make our Thanksgiving dinner and the conversation got to the house she had just moved out of two weeks ago. We all strongly believe that the house is haunted, though we believe the spirit (s) to be benevolent since s/he never did anything all that thre...
Demonic Follower by genesis8799
Ever since I was a small child I have always felt like someone was watching me. Everyone always told me don't worry about it, everyone feels like someone is watching them. I tried my hardest to believe them but I always felt like I was being watched. As I grew up the feeling started to become wo...
Things Moving On Their Own by TanTan
I kind of forgot about this incident because it happened a little after the major incidents, so anyway this is it- I was watching TV (I watch a lot of it) at around 2:30 to 3 in the afternoon. I wasn't alone as my grandmother was just a few feet away from me. Everything was quite normal but then ...
The Lady Of Knapp's Island by old_dude
This story will be a quickie. There is not much to this event and worse yet there is not much known history. As with my other stories I will begin with a quick introduction. I grew up in a small town south of Windsor Ontario. The lands around me were mostly farm fields and marsh. Town was a simp...
On Hardwood Floor by ceciline
I've moved into this house 3 months ago. My family and me all like it here. And of course first thing my mum asks is, "Do you think it's haunted?" Since I was a little girl, I've been seeing things I couldn't explain. I don't see them often, but I can say that I'm used to them by now. I'm now 21 and...
Im Starting To Think I'm Haunted by kdw7222
So this starts out when I was about 8 in Fountain Colorado... I laid awake on my side one night in the living room "camping out" and felt incredibly uneasy and had a cold tingly sensation when it felt like someone had just touched my shoulder. No one was around so I brushed it off. A couple of weeks...
Girls On Street by nympheav
Before I share my experience I would like to share my view about paranormal. I am not a believer of any paranormal or supernatural things. According to me whatever is being termed as "ghost appearance" or "spirit encounter" has got to do with the mental state of the person at that particular instant...
My Mother's Friend by smithnb42
I have submitted another story called I Lived In A Haunted House. The story I am writing now also takes place in the same home yet I firmly believe it is a separate and distinct event and not associated with the existing haunting. My mother and father had an eclectic group of friends when they w...
The Happening by jess001
Here is some of the paranormal things that have been happening to me this year. We (me, my mum, her boyfriend and my sister) moved into our house about 1 year and a half ago. When we first moved in I loved it and never minded being in the house all alone. I have encountered in the past loads of para...
The Man In The Bathtub by reneemarie29
When I was two years old, my mother used to set me on the counter in the bathroom while she did her makeup and hair to keep an eye on me in the mornings. She said I often liked to make faces in the mirror and giggle at myself, like a normal toddler. However, one morning, she said I was looking into ...
Broken Mirrors by buttongrass
Growing up in the average, 3 bedroom Australian, brick suburban home. You wouldn't think a house of the 1970's era would have any tales of odd happenings. In fact, the only story you think this humble home would produce is a bunch of good memories. The home did create some wonderful memories, bu...
Paranormal Activity Experienced By My Family by sushantkar
Recently I have some serious health problem. I have a cardiac arrest on 22nd November 2014 and I was admitted in the hospital for more than a week. Still I am on bed rest but I am recovering from it smoothly. Since I was hospitalize for more than a week, in my absence my mother and my two brother...
Playing The Card Game by Sam222
First of all, I would like to say that there is this game just called "The card game", I wouldn't really consider it a game though, because game have objectives. The card game is a way to communicate with spirits (depending on what you believe). It's kind of like the pencil game/Charlie Charlie, but...
The Basement Hall-2- The Outcome by sushantkar
As I had mentioned in one of my stories named as 'The Basement Hall' that I would soon come up with the history of it; I fill satisfy that I my hard work had paid me off and I had finally dogged out the history of my office's archive room situated at the basement. The ghost of which I had encounter...
What Has Been Happening Since My Last Submission by hippiesiren
As I have said in previous stories, strange things have been happening most of my life, however, since I began acknowledging them, I've begun to notice more. I'm going to combine a few experiences in this story, so I'm sorry if this takes up a lot of time to read. I'd really appreciate it if someone...
Unknown Voices by queenie
After I had my baby I began to hear voices of a young child and another I can not tell the sex and a mans voice. One night I decided to take a bath while my newborn was sleeping. My room has a bathroom in it and my baby was sleeping in my room. For some reason there is a window in the wall that i...
The Shadow Man Is Back by Emilio
It's been a while since I posted anything on here; since I only had one experience whilst I was a child. So the spirit/daemon/creature that I have deemed "The Shadow Man" has come back into my life. Now before I say what has started happening I will explain a bit about what happened when I was...
Eerie Feeling by TanTan
So the atmosphere at home has somewhat changed. There isn't much 'activity' and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. But there's that weird kind of feeling, it's not like I'm anticipating something to just show up but there's a feeling like something is here but is deliberately trying to hide i...
My Baby Saw Something? by good-ghosts
This is my first personal experience about something weird. I am sharing to know what you feel about it. Positive or negative comments and suggestions all are welcome. Please share your views. Background of the story: My grandmother ('Aaji' as we call in Marathi Hindus) passed away in 2004. I was...
Swimming Pool At River Grove by csofia
I would like to apologize, first for my English, although I live in Canada, my native language is Spanish, and second, I'm not really sure if I'm making a big deal out of this experience and there is a perfectly logical explanation to it. I am a true believer of ghosts, having experienced few odd...
The 100 Year Old House by reneemarie29
My mother, brother, and I lived in an older house in a small town near the Kansas and Missouri border several years ago. The house was built around 1905, had three rooms, a large front porch, and an added on kitchen with a back door. I remember thinking the house was kind of creepy to begin with, be...
The Haunted Theatre Of Boblo Island by old_dude
When I was a kid I worked at Boblo Island as a summer job. I was there the night of the tornado... It was that night that we saw the ghost of Smiley the Magician. (I know the name sounds silly, but it is the actual name of the guy). Boblo Island was an amusement park that was at one time larger ...
The Restless Spirit by sushantkar
Here I am going to narrate a story which is based on my mother's experience. She had a power of sensing dead persons. My mother has two brothers and three sisters. My mother is the younger one amongst them. My mama (maternal uncle) named Gopla who was also the youngest amongst his brothers and siste...
Noises, Shaking, Flying Stuff, And Shadows by tawa
Greetings Your Ghost Stories readers. Before we get into this I'll just let you know I'm not the best with punctuation although I'll try my absolute hardest so please bear with me. Other than these experiences I haven't had any other major dealings with the paranormal. So let's get into it...
The Cabinets by Vember
My name is Sean and this happened to me almost 2 years ago now. This took place in Bangor, Maine in my old apartment with my fiancee. The place was definitely haunted. One thing about the place was the bathroom mirror. You would get zoned out if you stared at yourself too long and eventually your fa...
After My Grandfather's Passing by spiritwaiting
Due to many different things going on in my life, I haven't been able to submit many experiences, or even take time to read others. These incidents took a period of over 3 days. My grandfather "Sonny" passed away this past July. His home is where a lot of my other published experiences happened....
Work Stories by ms_st0308
I haven't posted anything in a while, but I had some time today so just thought I'd share some stories about the hospital where I work. First, just to give some history of the hospital, it was originally "built" in 1918 as a TB sanatorium. I say "built" because it started as a camp with tents that t...
Can You See Me by IAMjinxX
The night of December 16th, 2014, I experienced the most frightening sleep paralysis I have had so far. The encounter happened at 3:27 in the morning. I had woken up abruptly and couldn't seem to move. Having dealt with Sleep Paralysis before, I decided to wait it out. As I lay there, facing my TV, ...
Eternal Love by good-ghosts
This is the true incidence that has been experienced by my mother. Nothing in the following incidence has been made up or exaggerated. This story revolves around my grandmother who passed away on 1st April 2004 (April fool's day). She was 75 years old and died of a heart attack. My grandfather...
The Imaginary Friend by annalinnmurphy
When I was really young my parents, my infant brother, and I all lived in a house in Clarkston, Washington. This house was very old and bigger than any of the other houses we had lived in up to this point. At first the house seemed normal with no weird sightings or anything like that, but then ...
Strange Occurrences While I'm Sleeping by MrOmNom
This story may seem strange and I apologize if I'm not using perfect grammar as it is very late at night. I've been having weird things happen to me while I sleep and I can't explain it. The first time this occurred was when I was up in the afternoon and I hadn't slept all night I decided it woul...
Even In The Afterlife, They Continue To Race by Ryoku75
This happened in Wentzville over a location unnamed on google maps. I'm a bit of a car enthusiasts, been that way from age 2. My Father would tell me stories of Paul Newman and other top racers at Mid-America Raceway, a race track that would eventually fall to suburban homes. There were still ...
Ouija by Okayyouthere
Everything started one year ago. Since then strange things have happened in our house a lot of times and it's getting weirder and weirder. Neither my sister nor me can explain what's going on but let's start from the beginning. Ok so around five years ago my family moved into that big, old house...
The Glowing Fire Eyes by terranigma
This is my third story and this happened when I was 14. After we had moved from the old house where I heard the breathing, we moved into another house a few years after as the house we were renting in was to be sold. The new house was smaller but I liked the look of the house as it had fresh whi...
Little Girl In The Bathroom Dressed In White by Mari
I was about five years old and living in Mexico. My mom used to work at a bridal shop. The shop was next to a candy store that my mom's friend owned. One day I wanted to use the bathroom and my mom took me to the candy store because our store didn't have a bathroom. Her friend's wife let us use ...
Unseen But Felt by Paradise777
I'd like to start by saying that I have lived in my apartment for almost 14 years with my boyfriend. We live above a Harley Davidson Bike Shop that my landlord runs downstairs. There are two apartments upstairs and we rent one of them. Soon after I moved in I started feeling the bed shaking. In ...
Rays On The Ceiling by amie96
This is my first ghost/paranormal story and I'd appreciate any feedback or anyone that's had a similar experience commenting. Ever since I can remember, every night I fell asleep I saw 3 rays (the animals) circling around my light shade on the ceiling before I would go to sleep. They were green...
Ghost Or Imagination? by momin3
About a few years ago when I was 10 years old or maybe 11 we used to live in a house which had two bedrooms in. That house was haunted we would usually hear footsteps there and see shadows. So my first experience was when I was 10 years old I was playing alone with my toys I felt that there was s...
15 Church Close by Jam91191
I am now 13 years old. My parents decided to get divorced in 2010, and from then I have lived in 3 rental homes and I am now in a purchased home settled for a long time. I am an only child and 15 Church Close in Mountnessing, UK, which was the family home for us three. Anyway ever since I can re...
The Man With The Mask by Rikke
Before I start telling my story, I should mention that I DO have a history of mental illness. Psychosis to be more accurate. There are two reasons that I still feel this might be something paranormal. First off, when I was ill I never saw things (hallucinations), I'd just imagine stuff (delusion...
Iron Bridge by Elrond
Greenlawn Cemetery is a huge, old burial place dating back to 1848 that can be found southwest of downtown Columbus, Ohio. I understand that it was once surrounded by forest. My father's parents are buried in a relatively new section of the cemetery. The history of the place includes references to V...
The Ghost Was Thirsty by RebelRaider
As I said in my other Story, I volunteer at a Civil War museum that has a lot of activity and is a pretty old building. They open up the building for Ghost Hunts and being friendly with the person in charge of arranging these hunts I go to almost everyone. I do civil war re-enacting and for the l...
Debby by Perfecttime687
When I was a small child I had many imaginary friends. One was named morrow another was named Friday. But they were not weird at all because I knew that they were not real. There was one named Debby that scared me to death and I thought she was as real as the day is blue. During my younger child...
There Is A Lot Of Sadness In Your Life by rogerjrlover
So Hey you all, this event happened to me during my first year of college away from home. Important background: So this happened almost a full year ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. Around the time that I left for school I had decided to come out of the closet as bi, I haven't told ...
A Violet Orb - Amazing Experience by MarciaClaire
The following experience happened to me early morning, December 22, 2014. I have only told one person about it because I am afraid that I will not be taken seriously or people will think I am losing my mind. I am not losing my mind and I will cherish the experience I had for the rest of my life. ...
Jolted Awake Twice by onlykid
I had several paranormal experiences when I was a kid but I am not confident that those are real. This is the first surreal experience I ever had. I was 18 and was selected as one of the participants to join the national service for 3 months. I was sent to UUM, SINTOK. The first month we were re...
Sounds In The Night by buthaya
All of this happened at my brother's house. This is the first time I publish my experience on paranormal. I have experienced few things at my own house that I plan to publish them later. My English is not very good so I apologize for any mistakes in my grammar. I haven't researched about ghosts ...
Twins by webkinzlid
In 2010, I was living in a very small town in northern Michigan and had a few friends up there who lived right near me, on the same road. We were always hanging out together, playing on the beach right near my house in the summer and sledding down every possible hill in winter. One day, though, my f...
The Hacienda by csofia
I am stuck in the office waiting for Christmas shutdown so I decided to write about yet another experience of mine, it is not terribly spooky but it was validated by a coworker. This happened in Mexico, in a factory that was originally built as n Hacienda (Ranch). The buildings were a "patch" be...
My Grandmother's House by Perfecttime687
My uncle came to visit for the Holidays around the 14th of this month. He also brought his 5 year old daughter and 8 year old son, along with his wife. He is very religious and believes that all spirits that walk around the earth are demons. We had a conversation about spirits and what I saw whe...
Black Hooded Ghost by sabrina8153
I am currently 18 years old. I am engaged to a wonderful man and have a beautiful one month old daughter. When I was about 8 years old, I used to share a room with my younger sister. Her bed was against the wall as well as mine was. The door was across the room. Next to the door was the light sw...
Work Stories 2 by ms_st0308
I'm killing time before going home and thought I'd share a couple more stories from the hospital I work at. You can read my previous story, "Work Stories," to get the history of the place. We all have heard the stories about the ghosts that are still here from way back when, and there are some odd t...
The Manson House And More by JohnnyG55
Hey Guys, it's been a while since my last post, I've been really busy finishing up exams at TAFE. Unfortunately I had to retire the Fairlane, as its transmission gave out, and it's now sitting under a tarp in my backyard, slowly gathering dust and rust. I think it's right that the fellas finally get...
White Shapeless Spirit? by FaithV
A few years back, when I was in high school I experienced seeing a spirit. Usually, ironically to my name, Faith - I didn't really believe in the supernatural. My mother has always told me that being able to see spirits is in our blood line, but honestly, I thought that was complete bogus, until ...
Imagination Or Reality? by ailly
hey! So this is my second story that I am about to write. But first a bit of introduction. My name is Ailly (not real name). I am a Pakistani leaving in Saudi Arabia, Jeddah. I am 15 years old and was born in Jeddah. I used to live in K.A.I.A coompound (it was near airport area where the all the sta...
A Very Strange Encounter by Ghost_adventures_fan
My name is Lachlan, I would like take a quick paragraph to say how proud I am to be on this website and have people in the community to talk to about my and their paranormal encounters and thank anyone who has helped me in my previous story. My Friend Alex, who used to live in a haunted house in ...
My First Sighting The Black Cowboy by MezurashiReito15
I know the title is very basic for a ghost story. This is my first post and to be honest might not be that interesting, but I wanted to post it since I feel weird having a account here and not posting anything. And because this is one spirit out of many I've felt and encountered that I have no idea ...
Scary Painful Voice by erina8888
So here's my experience. Warning: it might be too long. Location: Nallasopara-Vasai I stay in an area on the outskirts of Mumbai. It was around 8:30 pm when our classes dismissed. One of my friends has a car and we all made a sudden plan for a 1 hour short drive after which we would get back t...
Can I Just Not See Them? by elnoraemily
This story deals with the same friend who was in the Frantic Energy story I posted- she apparently is very sensitive to the paranormal and energy. A recent post on here reminded me of this encounter. When we were a bit younger (not young enough to excuse being this stupid), there was an abandone...
Footsteps 1 by Richard899
This is my first time on this site or any site to do with paranormal on reguards to sharing this experience. Ok so around 2 weeks ago I was at home with my girlfriend, we live in a small two floor attached house, and the house is fairly old itself. Bear in mind I have been living with my girlfrie...
A Body Guard? Or Stalker? by buthaya
This is something still happens to me since my childhood. I can't remember when it all started but I was a kid when I realized something I don't understand is going on. I grew up alone in a big house. My parents and brothers are always away. One day when I was walking in the house I heard footsteps ...
Someone Digging Outside My Room by buthaya
As I promised, this time I tell you about what I experienced in my own house few years ago. At first little background details. I have two brothers; my father built houses for each of us. The house in this story is the house I still live in. It is a big house and has three floors with beautiful view...
Puurmani Castle by SnakeQueen
This happened in the summer of 2014. I was at a camp that took place in Puurmani's Castle. We were going to stay there for a whole week. The castle has a really long history. I think it was built in the 14th century. It has been a home for many people. Nowadays it's used as a school. Anyway as to ex...
My Black Cowboy by Kota
My story is similar to the other one but it is pretty different than that one. When I first noticed The black cowboy I was laying bed at age 7 and my blanket kept moving, so I screamed for my mom and she told next time that happens to tell it to leave me alone, so I did. That night after I screamed ...
It Wasn't The Dog, So What Was It? by DrPickle
I've been reading stories on this site for a while but this is my first time submitting one. First of all, let me give you a little background information. I am 24 and I recently (last month) moved in with my sister and nephew after having lost my job due to a knee injury. My room is on the second f...
Footsteps 2 by Richard899
Continuing with my story. The next night we went to bed a little earlier and decided to watch TV in bed for awhile. Anthony had been in bed since around 9pm and we went to bed around 11ish. Amanda checks on Anthony every night before bed, just to make sure he's asleep. We were laying in bed watching...
Protective Or Evil Entity by Pupanickle
I am 23 years old and have been with my partner for just over a year now. I just wanted to mention that I have never experienced anything paranormal or like this in my whole life. My partner, 30, has had paranormal experiences in every home he has lived in since he can remember. I moved in with ...
New House Spirits by Maura87
I have been seeing ghosts or glimpses of things since I was a kid. I remember seeing my grandmother coming out the front door of our house when I was a teenager, she was wearing a white gown with long sleeves. And I remember she had her glasses on. She had passed away 12 years before. We moved i...
Whispers And Banging by momin3
This is my second story on this website. In this story I will tell you two weird things that I experienced a few weeks ago. So my first experience is, I was sitting in my study room where I had my computer. So I was just sitting there alone and playing games on my computer. The room was very sile...
He Still Helps Me by Hecate0
It's time I share my favorite ghost story. My father was diagnosed with lung disease when I was a freshman in college. It was horrible news. He was one of those rare people. I never heard him yell, ever, other than when having fun. There are four of us kids in my family. I am third. He and I were al...
Grandpa's Grandfather Clock by old_dude
When I was a young child I spent many a summers at my grandparent's house in Lasalle Ontario. They had an old redwood cedar and angel brick house with a large woodland behind them. I played and made forts in the woods. This was the late 70s early 80s and even then time had stood still for years in t...
Final Farewell by Angel9090
When I was in my mid 20s I attended a business school in New York where I had a dear friend in my class by the name of Doreen whom I was very close to. Doreen was young and single and most of all beautiful. We got along like sisters. During that time, I was married and was about six months pregnant ...
Screaming Girl by Simie
This happened few years ago when I was about 20 years old. I was doing my undergraduate studies in a prestigious university. The university was situated in a huge garden like land where the buildings were very old and there were huge and old trees all over the land and it looked like the university ...
My Cat Came Back To Say Goodbye by Mac_Barbie93
I'm 21 years old, we are Indians, from India settled in the United States. My parents are animal lovers and I've grown up with pets. We had daschunds when I was an infant and after they passed away from old age, we rescued two cats. Snaggle puss, a beautiful orange colored tabby that I rescued in 19...
The Clock by LexzOnne
I want to relate what happened when I was about 5 years old. I tried so many times to publish this story on other sites, but I couldn't, because my computer was shutting down automatically. My grandmother loved to take me with her when she went to visits. I loved that too because I get something...
Voices Of Girl by momin3
This story contains some creepy things that I experienced. The first experience occurred in my study room. If you read my previous stories I have mentioned that I heard whispers in my study room. But this time it was completely different. I was sitting in my study, I was alone in the room an...
Physicist Turned Schizo? by My5t1kal
A little about me: I am a 31 year old physics student. Formally Atheist, now open to the possibilities of everything. I have never paid any attention to supernatural or paranormal and have done nothing, to my knowledge, to instigate the stories you are about to read. Also, there being so many of the...
A Creepy Experience by deepak22
My name is Deepak and i'm 22 now. I live in a small town in India. When I was 12 years old, our family moved to a new house and it was an old house but nothing wrong about it. Things were great for the first few weeks. But one night while I was sleeping I woke up suddenly and I saw an old woman in w...
Need Help With Spirits In My Home And Dreams by hmiller61
My anxiety is through the roof lately because I'm moving out of my family home we've lived in for 10 years and I feel like something has been following me. I moved into my boyfriend's home a year ago and things would happen. TV would turn on and off on and off repeatedly during the day, baby mon...
Was This A Ghost Or An Angel That Saved Me? by Angel9090
I do know that a light comes to take peoples soul into the afterlife when they are close to death or have died. When I was about 8 years old, I was drowning when I jumped into a body of water which I thought was shallow and I went down the bottom of the deep trench. I was by the trench with some...
Ghost Bugs? by Grav3yardgirl1403
This happened about two or three years ago. When I move furniture in my room something odd tends to happen. Things will fall off my walls or desk and I have restless nights from things constantly making noises. I recently moved more furniture and things have been happening. That's another story t...
Haunted On 27th Street by twisterwatcher7
This is my first submission on YGS, but me and my husband love reading everyone's accounts on this site. We are avid paranormal enthusiasts and have a TON of experiences ourselves. I've had a few hauntings myself and my husband has had quite a few. This first one I am relaying happened to me when I ...
Pentagram Necklace by vanadis16
This is the first time I have shared my experience on this website. For those who are unsure, by pentagram I mean the symbol which represents the five elements, not the satanic symbol used in cults etc. This event took place when I was about thirteen years of age (I am eighteen this year) and I ...
Childhood Haunted Home In Stc by NewAuthor
Ghost stories - here are a few of my remembrances... My parents built our house and we moved in a year after I was born in 1970 on Ron Sue Lane in St. Charles (STC), IL USA. So there were no previous owners. Nor was there any death on the property that I am aware of. The land was a wooded area i...
Haunted Camelot by twisterwatcher7
This story takes place at the Camelot apartments in Ogden. Me and my mom lived there when I was 5-8 years old. I knew at that time that there was something wrong with our apartment, but being so little, I didn't get the world of the paranormal. I was 7 when this event happened. Me and my mom jus...
Haunted Cottage - Where Do Spirits Go? by marko88
Firstly, this is more of a question pertaining to the existence of a spirit once their place of haunting is destroyed. But I will include the back-story... My family formerly owned a property on Lake Muskoka in Ontario that was known by several extended family members and old family friends to ha...
Billy Was Here by Chatham_Mann2012
Growing up, my family moved around a lot, and my dad would come in and out of our lives. I used to think it was because my daddy kept hurting mommy. It wasn't until recently while I was visiting home for the holidays that I found out the real reason why we moved so consistently. Before I delve in...
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