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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 151
A Pressure That Took My Power by Sally1985
This is hard for me to say because I have read a lot of the stories and the critics are pretty tough. This is a true story with all my heart and I still wonder all the time what the heck it was that happened. I lived in a place called Big Bear Lake California for a very long time. Born and raised...
Scary Hostel Incidents by shiz98
These things happened with me during my stay in Kota for last 2 years. Kota is very famous for large number of coaching institutes and every year, lakhs of students come to Kota to fulfill their dreams. It was month of September (2013). I heard a group of girls talking about crying voices and ...
The Lady In The Rocking Chair by Venni
I was about 7-8 years old. Me and my family had just moved to Highland Park, California. From the first time I set foot into that apartment I felt strange, as if tho someone was watching me. At that age I had already experienced the paranormal before so I didn't really pay it too much mind. One n...
Grandfather Still With Me? by rolltide8925
IN 2008 my grandfather was diagnosed with brain cancer. Of course it devastated the whole family. Unfortunately due to him also being a diabetic and 73 years old, his body could not handle the chemo and radiation treatments. That being said, no one else has had any experiences since his death except...
I See Faces by LucyPerkins
I used to live in a house that was haunted. My dog max, who is crossed over would always look at the couch in our old house like he was seeing someone there and like someone was talking to him. I recently moved from out of the county to the city. I only lived in this house for a short while... Less ...
Midnight Corporate Meetings by skepticsu
This is another of my father's stories. It was during the initial days of his career, his first job perhaps. He worked in a jute mill company which was of British origin. It was built during the British occupation of India. In this company they had an annual management meeting which was held around ...
People Just Don't Believe Me by Haunta
Unlike most people on this website having extreme experiences with the paranormal, I've just started seeing a few things that really scares me. Every now and then I'll try to fall asleep, and I'm talking about once every month, I just can't fall asleep. I've noticed that these certain nights have in...
Spirit Attachment? by eyecandy
Let me start off by telling you a little about me. I will not be revealing any names, including my own. I will be 19 in October. I've had paranormal experiences ever since I can remember. In the past I lived in two houses (not including the one I am in now which I've had no experiences) that I'v...
The Night Watch At Lackland Afb by jetrune
I believe this story to be good enough to share. That said, it won't be one of the more exciting stories that anyone here has read. It's hard to convey in writing what it's like to have a sudden sense of panic or alarm without any immediate cause to someone who wasn't there but here is my attempt. ...
Weird And Frightening Experiences by Sera
My name is Sera. I am psychic. I have abilities but they are pretty minor. Like mainly I can just sense things but I do see or hear stuff too some times. I am also not the only one in my family that has these abilities. My cousin Angel and my aunt and grandma do too. My cousin is actually the one th...
Is My Toddler Actually Seeing Ghosts? by stacym1978
I'm just wondering if my toddler is actually seeing ghosts or if it is just his imagination. My toddler is 3 years old. We just bought a house that was built in 1920. We have not even lived there for a month and these are some of the things he has said... He was playing upstairs in his room one d...
Little Dead Girl by Saheed10
This is the first time I write about my story. I feel really glad I found this site. When I was 18 I lived in Queretaro city, Mexico. As you know this is a colonial city, full of stories and legends on the alleys of the old hoods. Some are true, some are not. But this happened in a new neighborh...
You Know You're Dead by AngeLeeS
This happened 5 days ago while I was in my colleague's house in Malaysia. I was in Malaysia for my project and I decided to stay in Zati's house on the night before the submission of the project report. Her husband had gone to the other city for work and her sister was baby-sitting Zati's 11-month o...
Ghost Woman by Rangarangalol
I woke up to strange noises in my room one night. I sat up, looked around, there was a strange figure of a woman standing in the corner in the shadows. She seemed to be looking down at her feet with her hair partially covering her face. She started to whisper words I couldn't really make out. I trie...
I Think I've Been Haunted My Whole Life, I'm Serious by AnnaWillBringYouTheHorizon
It all came together last night. When I was 6 I was so mean and evil, my mom says it's because my father left us. I literally tried to kill my older brother. (OK not "kill" but seriously hurt him.) One day I was having a really bad temper tantrum. My mom went and got the holy oil and put a cross...
Living In Fear All Of My Life by VickyJ
I am new to submitting stories on here but I have been reading ghost stories off of YGS everyday for about a year. In advance I would like to apologize for any grammar mistakes I will make. My first experience with the paranormal was when I was maybe 4 and I was sitting on my sister's "Sabrina" ...
The Curse by timehopper
I don't believe in ghost or other beings that moves among the living. I don't know what's wrong with me but I keep on seeing things that are not usual. It started when I was 9, I asked for a special friend under a mango tree then after a day my mother's friend told my mama that there's something wro...
My Mind Playing Tricks...? by shmicky
About 2 years ago, I also used to go on holiday in the summer to Poland. My parents would always leave me at my Nan's house and go back to England, meaning that I would be left with my nan and grandad. The house was massive! I would nearly describe it as a mansion, but it's not quite as big. But any...
Strange Occurances In One Childhood Home by rolltide8925
This post literally begins with the question "Where do I even start?" Growing up I have an odd family situation. I was adopted by my grandparents at about 3 years old but they have raised me since I was a baby. Please don't judge but my mom couldn't take care of me and I will leave it at that. Th...
Is It My Fathers Ghost? by Jenaew
Let me start by saying, My name is Jenae White, I was 15 when my dad was killed. A little background information on his killing: My father was on parole and had stopped talking to his parole officer, and then had a blue warrant for his arrest. It was 2AM when police officers showed up at the house, ...
Transparent Being Lurking In The Hallway by JaneWest
This is not directly something that I experienced, but it was one of my brothers and my sister. When they were younger they used to sleep with the door open for reasons I don't know, but one day we were all sitting on the couch and talking about supernatural things. My family isn't really crazy abou...
Sounds Of Foot Steps, People Talking, Etc by ASN831
I have been living in my boyfriend's room that is connected to the basement of his parents house on and off for about five years now. The room is downstairs and the entrance is outside of the house. The room is part of the basement that has been renovated into a living space. The washer and dryer is...
Presence by Davetje
I am 35 years old, raised in the south island of New Zealand born and bred there. I moved to the lower east coast city Dunedin in 1998, and moved into the affected house about a year later, in with a new girlfriend who owned the house. Almost immediately she told me after a couple of nights about th...
Green Eyes Looking At Me by Immy
It was just after 11ish at night in the Christmas holidays, everyone had gone to bed (some were sill up reading). I was feeling a bit tired so I thought I would try to sleep. I turned off my light and lay down but try as I might I could not get to sleep. It got to about half past and I was still awa...
The Voice In Earplugs by cute_princess
I remember that it happened when I was 13 years old. Me and my family had gone to attend a wedding in Jammu. After the wedding ceremony we decided to go to my maternal grandma's place. She lives with my uncle and aunt. My uncle has two children one namely X and the other can be said Y. I don't want ...
An Attached Spirit 2 by ZombieHugs
I have posted before on what I've experienced and got a lot of helpful suggestions. I did a ritual cleansing and it seemed to work but the hauntings seem to have started up again. I think she's really mad and to be honest I'm terrified. As I have previously stated I feel this woman is malicious and ...
Ghost Sightings And Ouija Experience by RazersharpShadow191
This took place during the summer of 2014. I know what I saw was real. The first sighting I had was in my living room. Across the room from me was a boy. I didn't know who he was. I stared at him never moving a muscle. Then as soon as I saw him he disappeared right in front of my eyes. After he disa...
Seeing And Feeling My Grandad With Me by Anonymous84
I'm not sure what to do. I have never written on any blogs like this and before now never had any interest in this subject/arena. I just don't know who to talk to to get serious advice. So this may sound strange but recently I have been seeing my grandad at home! Not in an obvious "standing in front...
My Aunt Still With Me? by saher
I live in a small town in Karnataka. I was very close to an aunt of mine who lived not far than 35kms from my place. As a child I was either living with my mom if not her then my aunt. I loved her a lot. But on one unfortunate day as she was putting some kerosene in the stove her dress caught fir...
Presences by Cloudre
This happened when I was around 18 months old, I think of it as my earliest memory. One night I was asleep in my cot, mind you at this age I was a single child, sometime during the night I was awoken. I don't know how or when but it was pitch black. I happened to be looking in the doorway or what...
And The Haunting Continues by Angeli
I just published a story on here, not that long ago, and it's rather ironic, because in that story I was saying how all the activity had ceased, and, right after I wrote that, it picked up again! It's insane, how it happened like that. Then again, I did write in my other story that the activity here...
I Lived In A Haunted House For 2.5 Years by Ant
I don't know where to start but I personally believe that I had a series of paranormal experiences over a significant period of time (Dec 2009 - Jun 2012) after which I left the house I was residing in. A little background about myself. I used to be an avid ghost hunter's fan back in college. Did...
Grandfather Or Something More Sinister? by SailorMT
So I might have to break this story into two parts, and have to bring about a little back story to make sense of it all. So back in either October or November of 2007, me and my family (mother, father and younger brother) all moved into our very own house. The house itself was more of a shack, it...
Things Are Getting Scarier by Rahul_Kumar
I am new to this space, as I was a non believer both in ghosts and God so websites and stories never attracted me. Now as I am experiencing these kind of thing very first time I need some genuine help in this matter as I do not know what to do. Now I come straight to what is happening from last thre...
The Haunted Guelph Town House by Honshu
It was July 1, 2012. My family and I were looking for a townhouse to rent. I found one and surprisingly it was really cheap. We started to move in on this date. It was a three bedroom townhouse, two bathrooms, a small lobby, a good sized kitchen, and a dinette, living room, and a 2nd floor balcony t...
Activity In My 200 Year Old Church by christennnc
Growing up, I have had several experiences. A majority of my experiences happened at my house, but my most recent experience was at my church. Just a little background on my church. It is over 200 years old. In the 1800's it used to be an old school house. There isn't any known deaths that happ...
Shadowman by AntiSocialFeminist
About 6-7 years ago I was living in Maryland with my grandparents. They had this huge old estate home with white clapboard siding, dark shutters, and it was two stories high and had about 8 rooms. At the time my aunt and her three young kids were living there as well. In my room I had my own bat...
Small Family Big Trouble by wadewilson2772
It all began when I was about 9 or 10 years old. We were a family of 5 and I was the youngest of 2 siblings. The oldest was my sister who was 4 years my senior. At the time my sister was big into witchcraft, Ouija boards and stuff of that nature and since I was younger she would drag me into a lot o...
14 And Something Wasnt Right by jbaby
One night me and my sister was asleep. Our dog was at the end of the bed. She had woken me up and told me that the bed moved. I was half asleep and told her that it was just the dog. Or that it was her having a dream that seemed real. She claimed that it really did moved and that she was scared. So ...
Looping Astral Projection by cashm0ney360
I was staying at my friend's house somewhere in the middle of farm/mountain South California, really close to the Mexican Border. Me and a few of my Naval buddies (I was in the Navy at the time) spent the night partying at his farm/house. When everyone decided to go to bed, I managed to grab a sp...
Floating Dowel Pin by gfritz
I live near Verona, Ohio. I own a 70 acre farm I bought in 1994. Old farm buildings were built in late 1800's. The one barn was for drying tobacco, and had a tobacco stripping shed attached to the barn. From the time I lived there, it always seemed like weird happenings would go on in the tobacco ba...
Wendy - The Heartbroken Ghost by Chellabella_4
I would just like to start by saying this is 100% true and my first time writing about my story, so please excuse my amateur attempt. About 1 year ago I moved into one of my parents' old rental homes with my brother and his partner in a small town near Melbourne. The moment I first took a step in...
On Camera by depitong
A few weeks ago I had a weird experience with my camera. I do not know if it was a ghost encounter or a malfunction of the device, but it gave me the chills. It was late at night, not sure about the exact time it happened. I was in my room sleeping with my boyfriend and suddenly woke up with a st...
My Sister's Friend by ym
This was when my family still lived in Thailand. I was about 4 or 5 years old at the time. My older sister, who was 7 at the time, had a friend that went to our school too. Let's call her friend Mina. She only lived about 2 blocks from our house, so every morning either Mina came to our house or we ...
Lucy The Doll by VirtuousElemental
As a young child, I always enjoyed playing with my dollies as many young girls do. Now the age of 16, I wish I could have found out more about my experience and maybe some explanations as to why it happened to me. I don't remember much from when I was in my primary school years, but this was cert...
The Drowning Girl by alldatassstera
About 6 years ago, when I was 11, one night at my grandmother's house in the big island of Hawaii, me, my sister and two of my younger cousins were all sleeping in the living room watching movies. We all fell asleep and all the lights were off except one right by the TV stand. The TV stand was l...
Tapping And Disappearing Objects by EmilyGeorge_xo
I'm going to go straight in with the story. Since I was little I've been able to see shadow people and have experienced some a few things as I've grown up, pretty common I suppose on here. But for the past couple of months its becoming more regular. I have so many stories to tell, but this one st...
Spirit By The Guest Bed by physalis17
I read some stories on your site to see if I could get any help. I felt the need to share since I didn't see anything similar. A little background is needed. My mom is more attuned to the spiritual realm and is a very religious person. I am open to the idea of spirits and accept they exist because o...
Visit From A Ghost Cat And My Great Grandmother by LittleWriter
A few months ago I had two different experiences within 24 hours. The first one on a Saturday evening, the second one on a Sunday morning. I must say that I haven't had many ghostly encounters yet, but I'm pretty sure that what I experienced must have been related to paranormal activity. The firs...
Nightmare by Korius4295
One weekend I had gone to my Grandparent's house for the weekend due to my Mom and Dad wanting a "Mommy and Daddy only weekend". Well, as most of our family knows their house is haunted, but the problem was I was very young probably 7 or 8 years old, and nobody wanted me to know. That night I had be...
Unexpected Ouija Encounter by bghomagnet
Before I moved to Kansas a few years ago, I experienced something that terrified me while living in my Grandmother's house in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. I heard about the Ouija Board, and I wanted to try it. Now mind you, I knew the dangers it held, but I was a kid and I didn't think of the danger...
Mr O'brian by anisajazz
It all started when me and my mother moved into our new home in Bradford England in 2008, I was 17. The home was a normal 2 bedroom house which needed a lot of modernising, which we did before we moved in, in the mean time we got to know our neighbours and the area. When speaking to the neighbours,...
Spirit On The Bridge by slim_shady
Hey guys, until now, I had never believed in all this, but after this experience, I have started believing in all these things. Coming to the story... I currently live in Rajasthan and have ancestry in Maharashtra. During my holidays, I went to live with my father's cousin who had a big palatial ho...
Multiple Strange Occurrences In Our Home by kletson117
Hey my name is Kenzie, and I am from Alabama. For the past 6-7 months things have been happening at our home. First off I would like to tell about the night my grandmother heard a strange noise. She was visiting, and while in the bathroom, she heard a strange noise coming from the vent in the ce...
New House Horror by GypsysHeart
I moved into this house about a year and a half ago. Since moving in there have been several strange things happening. It started off slowly as these things often do. We moved in and got settled fairly quickly. After about a month things started to disappear around the house then reappear in odd...
The Chief by labtech
We built a house on family land, it used to be a pasture. My husband and our friend put the electric in. We were going to a wedding in Key West two days after we moved in. The first and second day after we moved in, whenever I walked into a room to talk to my husband the lights over head would b...
The Backyard Of My House by saher
This all began recently when I came home from Bangalore after a very long time (3.5 years). I have a very big compound at the backside of the house which has fence and at the very end is the river and across the river is the burial ground. The network near my area is very bad so I'll have to go...
What I Caught On My Periphery by dxm04
My experience happened at the house where I grew up. (I had stories about the house on my previous posts.) Before I decided to finally transfer to where my husband lived, I was raising my son with the help of my mom. It was around 6 pm, I was washing my son who just finished pooping when I notic...
Strange Goings On In Our Home by Miracles51031
It's been awhile since I've submitted anything about the activity in our home. There have been things on and off but nothing major until this week. Wednesday night, 5/06/15, I had the beginnings of a migraine so I went to my room to lay down from 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. From my bed I could see stra...
Childhood Curse by callmeD
This will be my first time telling my story to people other than my close family (those whom I lived with and grew up with). Even then it took me well over 10 years to tell them of my experiences. You guys can call me D, I'm Mien. The only reason I feel this is worth mentioning is because of our...
Spirit In My Closet by brookethehook
When I was about 7 or 8 years old I always felt like someone was watching me whenever I was in my room. One night when I was up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. I look over to my closet (which was in the corner of my room with the door open, it's also a walk-in closet by the way) and I...
Nan's Come To Stay? by MaybeADreamer
I have previously submitted 2 stories which both involved (ghostly) meetings with and messages from my sister who died. Well, now I think my Nan (paternal grandma) is also keeping an eye on me. I'll tell you what has happened and I would like to hear if you agree with me. In October 2013 sadly my...
Followed By Knocking by Tweed
Before joining this site I had started going through a 'bad haunting' I guess you'd call it. By the time I joined it had escalated. I delayed submitting this story because I didn't want to think about it. It's because of this 'haunting' I wound up finding this site, so every cloud. Started about ...
The Woods By The Road by curiousDevu
This is the first post I am about to submit in a long time, I believe I had mentioned before that my friends and I are really into ghost hunting. The events that took place sometime in August of the previous year put us off ghost hunting for some time. Since we began anew last month, I figured I...
The Shadow Man With The Glowing Eyes by ClaudiaStarsz
This is something I will never in my life forget, I guess it's because it was so intense. I was about 15 my dad had rented the basement of a family friend's house temporarily in Kew Gardens Queens, NY. The whole block was mainly full of buildings except for that one old looking creepy house. Not...
Static People by Jawsh
I honestly am not too sure on how to start this. I'm new to this sorta thing and I'm not the best at giving great detail. I just want to get this out there in hopes that someone else possibly had a similar experience. Anyways I'm rambling, sorry. This story takes place when I was just a little ki...
Blur by outofboxthinker
I am an atheist and skeptic but I have seen something that might interest people. I do have a possible explanation but I'm not sure if it fits exactly because it happened a long time ago. When I was five my cat died and about three weeks after she died I was walking down a small staircase and a ...
Bed Shaking At Night by miick
Between the age of 5 to about 16 I would experience, what I can only describe as, "my bed shaking". It was along time ago now, so any finer details are lost from memory. But out of curiosity, I thought I would try my luck and search the web. As it turns out it seems there is a degree of prevalence a...
My Extreme Haunting by Deniserose
A couple years back I had sat down with my family at our new house. Someone had brought up the house we had just moved from being haunted which I, of course, knew and told everyone but no one would admit to believe me in hopes I would not go live with my dad. I really should have known they knew see...
The Creepy Images On The Wall by BeautifulDeepanshi1
This is my first story on this website. Please don't mind my English as I am too weak at it. So it begins like this. I was overwhelmed with grief as my mother and I had quarreled with each other on some serious matter. Exasperated and sad, I lay on my bed, crying my heart out. I gradually indulge...
Spirit Not At Peace, Wanting Communication by NPPS
This happened in March 2013. I still feel sad as I relate the events that took place. My family and I frequent a local medical center. We are normally treated by a certain lady GP but if she is not available then we opt for a male GP, let's call him Dr C. All in, we probably have been treated by Dr ...
The 4 Am Haunting by AngeLeeS
I think I might have caught something when I stayed the night over at Zati's in Malaysia. And these are the incidents: Since my return, I have been hearing unexplainable knocks at weird timings of the day. The apartment made different kinds of noises but they seemed to have grown in number. Befor...
The Man In The Attic by saishu_heiki
My story took place in Colmar, Alsace, France. It's a town near Germany. My grandparents were quite young during World War II and told me many stories about that town. When I was four, my parents and my mother's parents bought a two-story house in Colmar with a beautiful garden. My grandparents ...
Mark On Hands And Shadows Lurking Around by SushilRj
I would like to share some recent events. I moved to Germany last year and I am living in a shared apartment. My room is on the third floor and I share the floor with ten other people in as many rooms. We have a long narrow doorway that opens to a small balcony and also connected to kitchen in the l...
Mom's Forest Demon by Zephyrin
This story happened when I was a teenager to my mother, not me, but I was there to see how it affected her. My mom, who was becoming Catholic at the time, saved up her money and flew to Minnesota to attend a Catholic conference. It was autumn and the leaves in Minnesota were changing beautifully,...
Small Brown Creature? by NCF
My friends and I went to an abandoned hospital where they started messing around with a Ouija board. Ever since I've seen this little brown creature at the house of the person who owns the board. The first time I saw a brown flash in the corner between the couch and window, it scared the dog and...
Not Sure If It Is God Against A Ghost... But Really Scary by bishwanaren
They say if you don't believe in ghost, you have high chance of curiosity and luck to see one. I had two sightings in the same day which scared me to the core and dad later explained to me of what really happened when I fainted. My dad has some sort of thing which he sees things when he sleeps. ...
Ghostly Fingerprints On Shoulders by Omen666
This incident did not happened with me, but my husband - Rajat, some 5 years before. We were at our ancestral house, in Jodhpur, India. We stay in Bangalore for our work purpose, but since my husband's eldest maternal uncle passed away, so visited them. Things were passing in a slow sad manner. ...
My Personal Experiences With Three Separate Hauntings by lanius
I am a 19 year old college student in the United States. I live in one of the most haunted cities in America, or so I was told, shortly before moving here. I have always felt I was a hypersensitive, or someone who is more susceptible to the "other side." It all started when I was young, and I sa...
Man In The Closet by lmoraba
This all happened 6 years ago when I was visiting my great-grandmother's in the free state. I've always been scared of the dark or sleeping alone, so I asked if I could sleep with my aunt and she didn't have a problem. I'm 31 years this year by the way. The first night wasn't so bad as I had the ...
Forever Cursed by lightgoddess
My story is long, but I'll make it short. It starts when I'm a child and my parents moved into a house. You could feel the pressure in the air. We shortly found out the house was haunted with me being it's victim. I saw my blanket float like someone was under it and heard a window break, but found o...
My Great-grandmother's House by girl
So, this story is creepy, and horrific to me, since I've lived it. This is my personal experience with a demon in the house of my 95 year old great-grandmother. I will first give a little background knowledge about myself and my family. I am a Christian, I believe in God and believe that my spir...
What Attacked Tim? by Zephyrin
Generations of my family have spent their summer vacations at our old adobe cabin in the mountains of Northern New Mexico. It is in a tiny secluded valley we fondly call Valley Jo, where two rivers and three mountains all come together. Once in a while when we you are sitting out on the porch at nig...
Wolf-human Hybrid Creature by TheCynic
For all my life, I've lived in this average-size house out in the countryside. It's one of those places where nothing bad seems to happen, and the people all seem pretty normal. So, you can understand I don't share my story often. It started when I was young, around five to nine years old, and conti...
The Family House by Trischa_D
I don't know why this is but in my life I've noticed that there are some people who have many paranormal experiences and there are some who never experience anything unusual at all. I'm one of those people who has experienced many strange things and this is just one account of many. My grandparen...
A Strange Astral Travelling Experience by Trischa_D
About four years ago I moved into a house in Toledo Ohio in a very normal, very quiet neighborhood. I made friends with my next-door neighbor Marsha and after a very short time we became really close. She had mentioned that she had the ability to astral travel and that she'd done it multiple ti...
The Family House 2 by Trischa_D
So I posted a story about my "Family House" and seeing a black-robed figure floating in the hallway through a closed bedroom door, but I've had many experiences in that house and I thought that I would take the time to share a few of them. In the first segment of this story I talked about my da...
It Done Or Is It? by SalesaSeiuli
It was back in 2007, I was only seventh grade when I first experience a demonic vibe. So my mom was telling my siblings and I about the aikus (ghosts) in Samoa just to scare us to sleep and how the two sisters took our grand uncle. I would say their names but these names are never to be mentione...
Curly Smoke by Eddo
It was 1987 and we were living in Pinner, Middlese, England. A quite road with mock Tudor houses. Our experience occurred one evening in our lounge. It was dark, the curtains were drawn, tableside lamps were on and we were watching TV. My wife Monica was sitting in an armchair opposite me and be...
The Sleeping Apparition by Claust
I have reviewed this experience repeatedly in my mind since it happened about fourteen years ago. I haven't told many people, not that it's anything to be embarrassed about, but I feel comfortable sharing it online anomalously. I know what I saw and I know for sure I was not dreaming the experience....
The Spectral Footsteps by LoveOfAbundance
I have been visiting this site to read everyone's wonderful stories for around two years. I like this site because everyone seems very supportive and gives non-paranormal possible explanations for posters' experiences. This is my first time posting an account of my own. It is not the scariest of sto...
The Ghost Of The Teenage Girl by sri_cit
Little bit of intro before the long story. This may not look like a ghost story at all in the beginning. It may look like some sort of psychological problems to many. But I think once you read what we have found out in the end may answer all the questions. Me and my wife both work in IT firms. We...
Black Lady Of The University by bloodshoteyez
This happened when I was twelve but I felt compelled to share this. There was this urban legend on a university where I took my bachelor's art degree of Home Economics. There are countless of entities active in Central Luzon State University one is this Black Lady. I will share first my friend's exp...
A Curse On Our Home by Zephyrin
My mom is a single parent who doesn't earn much money, so she was thrilled to be able to finally afford a new house for the three of us. We did notice some odd things about the house as we moved in. The third bedroom, my younger sister's room, had four different locks inside its door and glow-in-the...
The Farrier by Mace
During my teen years I spent a lot of time on my stepdad's cattle ranch, west of Spokane, Washington. I was and still am really into horseback riding. Every weekend my best friend and I would venture out to the ranch to spend a couple of days with our horses, practicing for 4-H shows and having fun....
The Evil Within My Closet by christennnc
Because of the activity my family has experienced in our home, we have concluded that our house is haunted. I believe that my room is the most haunted room inside of our home. In May 2013, I began noticing some strange things happening in my room. My room became freezing cold, which was odd beca...
Nature Spirit? Elemental? by teriland1
Last year my friend "S" lived briefly in her ex-husband "C's" "pool cottage". She was in between apartments and he had taken over a large piece of property with extra room for her too. There is a big main house with swimming pool and the pool "cottage" had been available to their shared grown childr...
It Lives In The Closet by Brooklynnberceuse56
First off thank you for deciding to read my story. The following is about a few of the strange experiences I have had in my home throughout my youth (about 5-7 years old) and I will probably post more stories later about the experiences I had in my early-mid teens later. The first paranormal expe...
One Unexplained Voice And One Odd Car Incident by Rarrkel
I have never believed in ghosts of any kind. I was brought up as a devout Christian and still stand firm by my beliefs, although my understanding of those beliefs has developed as I have matured. However, despite not believing in ghosts, I cannot deny I have had strange experiences that to this day,...
Negative Entity Help by gigismum
I moved into this house seven years ago and I heard a few things upon first moving in but nothing that scared me. However, two years ago everything changed when I was watching TV and a commercial for a psychic came on. I was going through a rough patch with a lot of anxiety and depression. I kne...
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