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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 159
A Ghost On The Bed by Vampirekid
Last December, I went to my hometown with my family as my grandmother was dead. One of my cousin, Maria (not her real name) was there with me. We were staying at one of my paternal uncle's house. That house was near a graveyard. One evening we (me and Maria) were just roaming around the house. Af...
The Ribbon Man by annonymous1234
I know that many people won't believe me. That's alright, whether you believe me or not doesn't matter, the facts are still facts. I am going to tell you the story of the man who gives me ribbons. Over the course of a year, this man started leaving ribbons on my doorstep. Sometimes, they are neat...
Strange Events At My Aunts by jba
When my Uncle and Aunt lived local to my family I would often house sit when they went away on their adventures around the world on the Catamaran they used to work on. This was always something I loved doing for them. I would look after their cat Floyd and their Golden Retriever Pup Benji. The la...
I Seriously Angered Something by Macknorton
My experience took place when I was about 10 years old. My brother, who was a couple of years older than I (and funnily enough, still is!), and I were sent to stay with our Uncle Ron who lived in a small town called Temuka, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. Ron enjoyed his fishing and...
An Unknown Entity by amiett
I hope you all had liked my previous experience; I wouldn't call it a story as it was a real experience and not a work of fiction. Well to continue with my experiences the incident I am going to share is what happened with me in year 2008. First let me tell you about my house as it is an importa...
The Welcoming Of The Owner by tinch31
This one of my experienced happened during our food and beverage OJT (on job training) dated August 2012. I was assigned with my best friend, at the same time my college classmate, in one of the famous hotel in Zamboanga City. As a food and beverage Ass. Supervisor Sir RJ is assigned to give us an i...
Visit Of My Ancester by jt
I always use to go to my granny's place to meet my cousins, but this time there was a change. Because of some problems we have to go to my village that is near Kurekshetra. First I ignored the idea of going there because it's very difficult to live there moreover there are no kids of my age there. B...
The Shadows That Follow Me by ygs_sayan
Just my word so it's all down to you if you believe me, but I promise you this isn't made up or something out of a dream. This is real and these things or creatures do exist! It all started just before my grandma died. My family, we four including me, my elder sis, mom and dad moved in with her t...
That Old Time Religion (a Halloween Tale) by JerryB
I was just a kid in the 1950's. Life back then in Southern Illinois was pretty bland considering what I took as enjoyment was me usually watching the world pass from the backseat of the old family Dodge. Life did have its moments, however, and road trips certainly never disappointed. My adult rol...
Great Grandmother Ada by Blueraven
The following is not my ghost story, but my Great Grandmother Ada's. She passed when I was a teenager. I remember her as a bright and loving woman. In the late 1970s toward the end of her life, someone in my family thought to ask her to record her life history on audio tape and I'm so glad they did....
My Crucifix Will Not Stay! by jkiel1
I recently purchased a Sterling Silver Crucifix from an antique shop near our home in Daytona Beach, Florida. I was replacing a gold Eagle pendant which was a gift from my father-in-law, after he died last year. I was a little uncomfortable wearing it, as I was never sure whether he liked me very mu...
Creepy Memories From My Childhood by Illuminati322
This is not a singular story but a collection of incidents that occurred in my parent's house, during my childhood. I present them like this because each is too short and fleeting to be worth posting individually. So, here we go... I grew up in an older home with a creepy backstory: it had belon...
Young Girl In White Dress by Concerningvisits
I don't know if I should be worried or not. I've been seeing a young girl in a old white dress or nightgown and long black hair around ten years of age. I first seen her with my uncle in Louisville. We was moving into a house and we seen her in the abandoned house next door in upstairs window. I...
My Lifetime Of Haunts by Somewhatsceptic
Sorry for the long story but it's difficult to shorten a lifetime of events. This is my second story to this site to which I have a few more. I will write them in order in which they happened in my life but you do not need to have read the other story to understand this one. So this story kind of...
Occupational Hazards Of A You Tube Narrator by CreepyBattenberg
My story actually begins a few months ago when I decided to make a You Tube channel where I narrate scary stories. I seemed to know so many people who had a story to tell so I went for it and ended up with the name Creepy Battenberg. With the help of a good friend I soon had stories coming in fro...
Family House by Kassidymay
The first house was my great grandparents in Orem. My mom was young when this happened. She would hear footsteps walking up and down the hallways and sometimes would hear voices. Everyone would hear them but never gave it any attention. So my mother asked her grandma what the sounds where. She told ...
My Queanbeyan Visitor by cosmo48
In 1986, I was renting a small flat in Queanbeyan in New South Wales, near Canberra, whilst waiting for the sale of another property to be finalised. Even though the flat was fairly new, I had decorated it with antique furniture and indoor plants, giving it a cosy Victorian atmosphere; I also regula...
Voices That Wake Me by notadaddysgirl
This is the first time I have written a story though I have been reading them for months now. I joined the site yesterday so I could become a more active member and share my experiences with you all. I have been living with my fiance and his parents for a year now, although if I am honest I think...
Mysterious Ghost Following Me by Alexthecat
Before I begin, if you have not read my previous entries, please do so as it might make this entry easier to understand. The link to my first story is and the link to my second story is
The Girl That Screamed by TheCowLord
I am currently 27 years old and own my own home. This incident happened roughly in 2004-2006. So with that out of the way, let's begin! I was living with my mother, step-father, and brother around the age of 16-18. We lived in a split level home, and my step-father worked at a factory on the nigh...
Needed Love by NVina22
What I am about to tell you may sound unreal or made up but it's real and it's my life. I have been dealing with a spirit I believe is attached to me. I believe/believed it's an incubus but I am not going to talk about that, I'm going to explain something else that recently happened. Of course pe...
When It All Started by Klore
Now when I was little (2-4 years old) I had experiences along with my mother and although some of them I don't remember very well, most of them have been stuck in my mind forever. One day my mom was talking to my sister about what she was experiencing, hoping that my sister would say she was exp...
Non-disturbing Spirits by parp
I guess I have always lived with the paranormal, or my parents really have the worst intuition while moving into a new house. So just to set the story in a background. My parents are originally from Calcutta, I was born there but in 1993, my dad got a job in Pondicherry and moved there with my mom a...
A Body And A Black Dog by The_Puffin
This takes place around 1998 or 1999 in Reno, Nevada. I moved there from southern California about four years prior and had been hopping between various apartment complexes. My stepfather worked as a maintenance worker at this specific place. Tanamara Apartments were only half built at the time and ...
Should I Be Scared? by Jones1992
I have always had a strong connection towards spirits and strongly believe they come to me on purpose. I've had many experiences with ghosts but none like this. My dad died 11th December 03 and a few weeks before he died we saw an elderly man wearing 1920's style clothing walking down the middle ...
The Man In The Door by NinjaPirateAssasin
I think my earliest ghost experience occurred when I was about four or five. My dad was out on a business trip, so I spent the night on his side of the bed. I really liked to sleep in my parents' room, so I would take any opportunity I could to stay in there, usually sleeping on the floor in a sleep...
Someone's Out There by yojkizz
Our school is located in the middle of the forest and 50 meters away from the main road. My father is permanently working here so we had our house just in the back of one of the school buildings. Our neighbors are so distant to each other since only employees of the school can live here. My story...
The Unseen Someone (part 3) by Darcus
This write-up is the 3rd and the final edition of my previous writings titled "The Unseen Someone". I have no words to describe how it feels to actually encounter a person who is dead. My cousin Elvis took me to our family bungalow during the day time. He oriented the layout of the bungalow to m...
Red Cross by ClayWeir
I am new to this site but have read a story that is so similar to mine about the spirit that I felt that I should share my experience and would live feedback about this or if you have see it please email me at clayweir2[at]yahoo[dot]com. This happened when I was 13 years old in Huntsville, Alabam...
Restroom Ghost by Ceekat
This took place a few years back. There is a meat and 3 type restaurant in my home town that's known for the great food and wonderful staff. It is run out of a building that was an old elementary school many years ago by a small group of very religious women. They have gospel groups there to play on...
Strange Shadow Figure by Nfoj00
I'm fifteen years old, I live in Western Australia and I have no idea if I'm going crazy or there is another presence in my house. So it began about last year when I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a really strange urge to check on my parents- as if something was wrong. So I got out of ...
I Need An Answer! by iggyjay03
I am 2 3years old. Ehen I was 10 until I was 15 I was what they called a lost soul. Suffered sexual physical abuse, came from a broken home. Growing up I was a rebellions child, hanged around with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, having sex etc. During those bad years I started feeling a presence or...
George The Friendly Ghost by ErinLottie
This is my first post on here and I love this website so yeah! So, I have a ghost in my house his name is George and I'm guessing he lived here in the past because I didn't have any relatives named George. Anyway one night when I was about 12-13 I woke up with a tugging sensation on my head and ...
Watching From The Stairs by ashlcoopa
I have shared a previous post about being watched from the stairs... This time, it was not me being watched. A few days ago I stayed with my parents in my usual spot upstairs, since I will not sleep in my own room and have not since about 2009. On this particular morning, I was awakened by my pa...
Hooded Spirit With No Face by Jennnn
My daughter is 3 years old, she has mentioned things she has seen in the past and I can feel that she is in touch with the spiritual side. Recently she slept at my parents' house and had a meltdown in the morning when she woke up. She told me later that she woke up and saw a black ghost. I don't...
Alabama Haunting by AnotherZombie
It was 2011, I was in fifth grade at the time. We had just moved to Alabama from North Carolina. We arrived in Phenix City, a small town right on the border of Alabama and Georgia next to Columbus. I walked into the house, it was beautiful with a nice fireplace, Jacuzzi bathtub, outback pool, open k...
New Ghosts And Ghosts That Follow by Wada
I have been inspired to write about my experiences due to some recent things that have happened when my fiance and I recently purchased a home here in Cheektowaga, NY. It's really hard to choose where to begin so I think I will start with the happenings here at our new home that we have lived in...
Is There A Spirit Portal In My House? by redheadchick20
My whole life I have had a sixth sense. I have felt many presences, known when someone is going to call, and have felt someone touch me and even pull my hair. I have felt many cold spots, and have seen shadows and lights. But my main question now is about spirit portals. When I first went to col...
Multiple Strange Happenings In My Home by cirice
This is going to be a fairly long post, so I'll give you some background first. I'm a believer although I try as hard as possible to debunk things or come up with theories as to how something happened. Also, I am a real night owl, I sleep from around 6am until 2pm, basically every day. My patio b...
A Shadowy Christmas by SleepyOwl
This event happened when I was around six or seven. I am nineteen right now and pretty much nothing changed since then. So it was Christmas and we gathered for dinner. It was my mother, father, sister and aunt. I remember being a bit sick so after dinner I decided I should lay down for a minute o...
My First Paranormal Experience Summer 2015 by FiendWithoutAFace666
This is my first ghost experience that I had earlier in the summer of this year. Here is a bit of information to give you some understanding: After my grandma died in 2012 my uncle had stared to have strange occurrences happen around his house, one of which was a toy that would go off and on by i...
Glimpsing The Future by Macknorton
I originally posted this experience in the sister-site "Psychic Experiences" a few months ago now, but no one bothered to comment (gee) so I thought I'd share on this site. This isn't so much a ghost (or alien) story but it's (I think) fascinating and, if published, will hopefully create some robust...
Spirit Attachment by SkyLoverr
For as long as I can remember, I have had a male spirit attached to me. It didn't matter where I moved or how old I got, he has always been there by my side. At times, I grow fearful of him, other times he comforts me and sometimes he is dormant for so long, I tend to forget about him. I first gr...
Soothing Torcs: Placebo? by CelticHeathen
Now, I suppose to get my own sense of reluctance and cynicism out in the open, I should say that until two years ago I was a very vocal disbeliever in anything out of the realm of touch, sight and sound, any form of religion, any form of energy that had no conventional source. You get the idea, I wa...
Come Here, Ruby by GSDLady
I live in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada with my boyfriend, Graham and our 2 German Shepherds Maggie and Saxon. We also have an American Pit Bull/German Shepherd cross named Riley who I have nicknamed Ruby. Our home was built in 1870 and we have been living here for approximately 1½ years. I have had...
Shadow Man In My Doorway by CrazedNdeSolate
In 1990 I moved into a house with my parents in Middleton WI, a smaller town right outside of Madison. The story I'm about to share is a phenomenon that started from the time I started living there until the time I moved out when I was 19 years old. I was 9 years old the first time I saw the man...
Mom's Comfort by C2C
When my mother died at 55 of an unexpected heart attack, my primary feeling was anger because she'd been seeing doctors the prior six months because she wasn't feeling well. The battery of tests and procedures cost around $6,000 out of her pocket since she had no insurance and were quite wearing and...
Upsetting Experience Before Yacht Party by RedWolf
As most of you know I live on Long Island. One of the contractors that my husband used invited us to attend a party on his yacht about 9 or 10 months after the 9/11/01. The problem for me was we had to walk right by where the Twin Towers once stood. I was disgusted by all the gawkers looking through...
Spirit Cat Visits by C2C
I've had a couple incidents of a ghost cat jumping into bed with me. It was always when I was just starting to fall asleep or just slowly waking up, but it would jolt me awake and I'd lie there enjoying the moment. The first time was a cat I had when I was very young, my first pet. I think I was...
Spirit Passing Through My Room by Dee-J
Date: circa Summer 2006 I cannot remember the exact date but all I know was that this encounter in particular was in 2006. One night I had turned the TV off and was trying to get some sleep. The moon was bright lit on this night and it was a clear sky, but I had the window blinds closed tight so ...
The Runaway Motorcycle by jane_lee
My name is Jane. I was born and grew up at Sabah Borneo. I have been reading the stories here and decided to write my own experience. I'm not a very good writer so here goes. It happened in 1998 when I was 16. I was on the phone with my then best friend Mel. But first let me describe my house. I ...
Seeing The Same Woman? by remainunbroken
When I was 12, a few weeks after the death of my grandpa, I woke up at 3:00 am to a pale woman sitting on my bed stroking my hair. She had long white hair, in a braid, and she was looking at my bedroom door which was directly across the room from my bed. I can't remember if I had been having a night...
She Calls To My Husband (a Continuation) by flowersgrowback
I posted part one of this under a different username. I haven't been able to get into that account due to my own extreme level of forgetfulness, but I hadn't used it much anyway, and you don't need to have read my previous story to understand the latest happenings. Previously, I mentioned a spiri...
The Balloon Ghost by lianakathryn
This is my first story, and it freaked me out. I have a friend (an adult) and I seriously think her house is haunted. I saw the first sign about 2 months ago. The owners of the house have twins (one year old) and one of them has this balloon that she loves. She has had it for about a year (it's r...
Updates On Life by Mannerizms
I know it has been a while since I have really written anything (about 2-3 years I believe). But since then I have had a daughter and just getting into a routine again. I have not really had any issues, until my daughter turned one (July 1st, 2015). I think the protection and love of my daughter ...
There Was Nothing There by spooky-thistle
This happened to me quite long ago, when I was around 5. I was living with my mum and dad at the time in a nice flat in Paisley, Scotland. We lived on the top floor and the house was fairly big. The first thing that happened was when I was being put to bed by my parents. I was in the bed and they...
A Tap On The Shoulder And The Call Of The Name 2 by JustAnotherPerson
This story is a continuation of my previous story "A Tap On The Shoulder And The Call Of The Name." Please read that one first before reading this one. If you have already read it, well then you know that I have had spirit (s) constantly tapping on my shoulder or saying my name when I am at home....
Becky The Guardian Angel by Ryan_Elizabeth
I was at my cousin Becky's funeral. I was standing by her casket petrified while everyone else was in the back of the room by the sign-in. I was just staring at her pale face when I heard someone whisper, "Ryan". It sounded like my cousin Becky but... How could she whisper shout to me if she was in ...
Angry Woman In My Cottage by Linzell
Thanks for the good reads over the past couple of months. I'm glad I've found what is undoubtedly (to me) the best forum I've been to specialising in this kind of stuff. Everyone seems to have genuine advice and the stories are great. Incidentally, I have just read a story that is quite similar t...
The Owl Of Wisdom by Mystic25
When I was younger my great grandmother, who was part Cherokee, used to share Native American legends with me. One of my favorite ones was about The Owl of Wisdom. Unfortunately my great grandmother died when I was six. Though she had passed on her legends still live in my memory. One afternoon ...
The Smell Of Flowers by Ranchero76
Back in 2001-2002 I worked for a small shop off of Ferguson Lane in Austin. One night I was working late on my personal truck in the shop. Everyone was gone for the day. The area the shop was located at is a small industrial area. It has grown a lot over the years but back then there was a lot of wo...
Ghost In The Well by permramaan
I am being in Chennai since my Birth and this story is about a well near my house. We built and moved to the house nearly 20 years back but this ghost is prevailing for many years even before. Explaining about the Well, it is 30 ft deep, 10 ft in diameter. Steps are available to reach half the d...
A Personal Haunting by Wolf-N-Stuff
Greetings. This is something that I've always wanted to talk about, but I've never really been open about until recently. I thought it was normal, but in researching and talking to more people, it's come to my attention that it's not so. So, I should start from the beginning. I have two entities ...
A Weird Figure by Vampirekid
According to many people, my room's environment is a bit weird. However I don't understand why they feel weird in my room. I think it is quite comfortable. But it is true that many unexplained incident occurred here. A few days back my cousin and one of her friend came to my house we were discuss...
Voices In The Middle Of The Night by brighteyez
I submitted a story a month or so ago in the same exact house but I have another story to share with you and I hope someone can help me understand it. I do not know what to make of it, but here it goes. I was in the middle of a deep sleep as I was extremely tired from the day before. It was perf...
Everyday Visitations by mott35
I have been told that I am highly magnetic to spirits and this would explain a lot. They seem to follow me around and no matter what house I am in, I hear things. One instance was when I lived in my previous house, I would go upstairs to take a nap in the daytime, which by the way is a common ti...
Static Entity by Jamboking1991
My short story is a clear memory I have from my childhood that will stick with me for life. I'm 24 now. This happened when I was around 6, but I can remember the incident like it was yesterday. I'm a logical thinker so life after death is hard for me to rap my head around and would be a complete...
Crawling Around My Ceiling by Chookie
2002 my husband went to work out of town for about a week. Me and my daughters, ages five and seven at the time, were getting ready to sleep. From the room that I was sleeping in, you could see the living room. In one of the corners, I used to see this shadow person that would always try until g...
Bathrooms,hallways, And Dogs by Arynn072006
First is the creepy hallway ghost. I was staying up late and needed to go to the bathroom, so I got up out of my Grandparents' bed. When I exited their room, I saw this guy. It looked like my Grandpa, but it was grey/black. It had glowing red eyes and there was a cloud underneath/over him and he had...
Who Was There? by notadaddysgirl
Before I moved in with my fiance, I was staying with my mum after losing my flat and my job. When my fiance came to stay with me, we would have an air mattress in my brother's bedroom on the floor as he always stayed when they were at their dad's. One night we had gone to bed as normal and I wok...
Possession Of My Brother by Vishnunair128
It was December 2013. Jaipur is a pretty developed city in the state of Rajasthan in India. We are a family of four (me, my father, my mother and my younger brother). Since 15 years I have been staying away from home in residential schools and colleges. And my brother stays with my parents in Jaipur...
Revenge Of The Banyan Tree by jane_lee
This happen when I was 16 and I still feel scared when remembering this event. My parents are a very active CCR (Catholic Charismatic Renewal) member. During this time my father was the CCR group leader and my mother is one of the core group members. They are very active and sometimes with the permi...
Golden Eyes by Wilting
I wasn't asleep when all these occurrences happened. One time I had been in my bedroom, reading a book. I had the sudden urge to look out the window, and what I saw were two giant golden orange eyes staring back. They were shaped like a cats and had slit pupils. I wasn't scared, I didn't feel any fe...
Orb Spotting by mommybookworm
This incident occurred in the summer of 2011. I was pregnant with my second child and my husband and I were staying at my mother's apartment. It was late at night and we were the only two people home. We had made a pallet in the floor of the living room and were watching TV. Now the apartment is...
She Sees More Than Most Children by Mystic25
I have a daughter whom we will call Adeline for safety reasons who is a toddler. I clarify this now because some parts of what I'm about to share could possibly be mistaken as bad grammar. Within the last month I have noticed that something is bothering her while she sleeps and sometimes during t...
A Glowing White Figure by sheld999
This is my first story here. I have had many encounters in my life so far so I'll start off with this one. The year was 2005, I think the month was December. Summer was just starting and I was staying at a friends of mine. So we decided to hang out at the park in Rangiora (in North Canterbury, N...
Hearing Things At My Job In Einsteins by loneybone
I want to share with you guys my story that happened like 6 months ago. I used to work at this place called Einstein Bagels. I still do, just not as much as I used to. Well, at first when I started to work there everything was fine. I got along with everyone, no problems and still none of that. ...
Over My Paralyzed Body by lily122
***I HAVE CHANGED THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE FOR PRIVACY REASONS! (names of deceased were kept same) *** So, I travel around the world quite a bit; however, Bulgaria is my home country, the place I live. I don't have any siblings, not one, yet my family is still quite big without them. A few yea...
Baron And The Red-faced Man by Seraphina
Here's a personal experience I had just before my freshman year in college. I'd almost forgotten about it, and because it was so long ago (I'm a retired great-grandma now) I may have forgotten some details. I took my parents' explanation for this incident as the truth, and never did research to ...
Ha-ha Very Funny, Josh by valkricry
Christmas. It can be rather an emotional maze for many of us. This year has been a bit rougher for me than others. Since my son's death in 2002, all the holidays are a bit bittersweet, I think is the term for it. I miss him and the rest of my still living family very much, but even more so during th...
Suffocated While Sleeping? by Anny_Reece
I've been living in this house for almost two years now, and there has definitely been some paranormal happenings going on. Although I'm not going to get into them, I was just giving some background information. I was sleeping in the same bedroom as my 9 year old, younger brother. We were sharing...
Blue Glowing Hollow Circle? by 1301143
It was just before 3:00am-ish when I was still wide awake reading books on my iPod. It was a comedy book so at one part it was too much to handle so I clicked my iPod off and started to laugh. After some wheezing and calming myself down, I was about to pick my iPod up again but something unexpec...
Missing Cross: Washing Machine by macqdor2
The events of this particular day will always be remembered because it was the weekend Captain America the Winter Soldier came out. I believe it was the first weekend of April 2014. A month prior to this movie premier, my cousin from Dallas came to visit, an elementary school teacher in a Dallas...
Found It by monica74
I know what I want to say, just hard finding the words so, please bear with me if I ramble. But my mom, sister and brother and I just lost dad on Sept 4 and was buried Sept 7 labor day, of pneumonia. He died in West Virginia Veteran hospital. He's buried in a private cemetery in Brownton, WV. On...
Was She Still There? by terrortale
I almost spent my entire childhood at my maternal home. I belong to a conservative joint Bengali family and I am habituated to grow up with my kins. The year was 2004 and I as usual went to my maternal home to spend my summer vacation there. My mamabari (maternal home) was in the suburban area o...
Childhood House Haunted? by bilbo8933
This is the first story I've ever submitted so please forgive me if I'm not the best story teller. These events took place when I was a young kid (not sure how old but I was going into the 6th grade when we moved from the house where the events took place). So my family and I lived in this house ...
Dark Figures At Sad Location. Ironic Coincidence? by wvseller
I've struggled with whether or not I should share this story. The reason being the location, a scene where not so long ago a number of people lost their lives. Relatives of the deceased are alive and visit this location. Some people close to this location may even be members of this website. If one ...
Hotel Shadow Man by Littlebutterfly
About 5 years ago, I had to travel interstate for work related training. I had arrived at the hotel late and checked into my room. Anyway, I had a shower and watched a bit of television in bed before trying to get some sleep as I knew I had to be up early the next morning. It was a large room, w...
Very Curious by what1shappining
Where to start, I guess from the beginning. Okay I was adopted when I was seven. We lived in this house built in a hill. That's where it began. Let's just say I had some bad vibes from the start of moving in, but my adopted parents inherited it. My room was in the back of the hallway no windows, and...
Urban Legend by terrortale
This story is not mine but I heard it from my mother, and believe me she had goosebumps while telling it to me. My mom got married at an early age. She got married when she was 18. My dad was in the hotel industry so would often come home late and therefore my mom was instructed not to wait for him ...
Of Cemeteries, Portals And Possesion (part 1) by rookdygin
At the time of this experience I was a Solo Practicing Witch. I had no Coven, did my own research and had been doing so for nearly 8 years at the time. The pendulum I mention was a white quartz crystal on a leather tether. When I used it for divining I would hang it from a stand and rest my fingerti...
Helpful Or Just Plain Creepy? by Calamity
Several years ago my roommate (Claire) and I rented a small three bedroom, one bath old frame house in Austin, Texas. If memory serves correctly the house was built in 1936. It was one story with living room, dining room and kitchen basically on the left side, and my bedroom, the bathroom, and her b...
Loved Ones Saying Goodbye by Jlori
My mom and my grandma passed away two years apart, and after their deaths they still made their presence known. My mom and I got along well for the most part, but my grandma and I not so much as she had a mean spirit. I went out to run an errand for my mom one day because she was tired and not f...
Not So Ordinary Orange Orb by Antu
I know many of you are skeptical of orbs and their connection to the spirit world, I am too; however, this is an event which I experienced with my brother-in-law I believe you will find compelling. This took place on 1 November 2002. My father-in-law had passed away around the first of August of ...
A Hand Haunting by NinjaPirateAssasin
There's one spirit in my house that always seems to enjoy making noise and scaring me. I can't help but feel that he is a bad spirit. I still remember the first (and only) time I physically saw him. Our family used to have two guinea pigs and a rabbit in our basement (all three have since passed ...
Indescribable Presence by kiah
My Name is Kiah I live in Western Australia and have had my own experience with a spirit/ghost and would describe it as the most amazing but scary surreal feeling. In the back of my mind I had always believed in spirits and ghost as my mum would tell me stories and leave me very open minded about it...
Who Screamed? by GoldenDragon1984
One hot summer day, me and 4 of my friends were traveling around the countryside of old Tokyo. I rode my motorcycle and my friends drove a van. I stopped at a gas station to fill up my motorcycle. My friends stopped as well and bought some soft drinks to have in their van. We went shrine browsing...
The Noise Of Horror by Summer1021113
It started when I was about 11 years old. I was sleeping one night when I very suddenly woke up. It was about 2 A.M. I was confused as to why I had woken up because I was usually a very sound sleeper. Then I heard the first noise. There was a tapping noise directly above my head. (Note: I slept in t...
My Rommate's Ghost by Miranu
This is my first time submitting a story of mine, so we will see how well I can tell mine. I never had much of any paranormal activity experiences until college when I met my roommate. This story is the experience me and him had together in our dorm room in 2013. My roommate told me that there wa...
Ghost In High Heels? by Angelkiss
I am new to this site but have read a lot of the stories and feel inspired to share my own. This takes place at my former place of work, a residential home for elderly people, so we dealt with death regularly and many of my coworkers had claimed to see or hear things in this place. I was working ...
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