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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 164
Drips, Steps, And Hold On by canadatradesman88
Where do I begin... I guess it all started at the age of 5ish with me chasing an invisible entity out of my house. I heard something in the other room and I figured I'd surprise it. In a moment, I jumped out of bed and took off toward the sounds I heard. I saw the front door open by itself and slam ...
Come Here, Ruby 2 by GSDLady
This story is a continuation of my submission entitled "Come Here, Ruby" regarding my experience hearing a disembodied female voice in the upstairs hallway calling my dog, Ruby, in the middle of the night. Ruby heard it too and reacted by quickly raising her head and wagging her tail after being rou...
I Have Older Brother? by HaikuReSanovA
My religion Hindu and I live in Bali Island. My father, mother, my younger brother and me live in small house but with large yard. It start in 2010. I was 16 year old. One day mom and dad have a fight. At first I didn't really care about that. As we all know, married couple fight anytime. But af...
Broken Leg Result? by Sanchez_92
When I was 8 years old I was staying with this lady in California waiting for my dad to pick me up. A week passed and he couldn't take off from work so I stayed with the lady for a week. This lady had a son who was a cop but he was never home. He worked night shifts and morning shifts. She bough...
Preschool Haunting by flowersgrowback
I work as a preschool teacher, and while the school is beautiful, positive, and belonging to a church, it's hard not to wonder if it may still be haunted. When I began working here, an employee who resigned not long ago would tell me to be careful, "This place is haunted, I swear." She had a sar...
Tall Man by yomomma
This next occurrence began in the fall of 2009. That was the first sighting of Tall Man. We call this guy tall man because we don't know what else to call him. He's very tall, slim and looks like a living human being. My husband and I first saw Tall Man as we were about a block and a half awa...
Indonesian Black Magic by 1emotecinebu
I was reading another story here about black magic, which reminds me of an incident occurred almost 20 years ago. It's probably not as scary as other stories on here, but it's definitely odd. My family immigrated to Canada when I was 9. Years later, I was living with my mom, brother, grandma, cou...
Immersion by MysticFrance
This is another story happened in one of my community outreach activities (called IMMERSION) as a teacher with my freshmen college students in a Catholic school. It was February 2013. The event took place in a municipality in Camarines Sur, Philippines, near the foot of Mt. Isarog. I was with my B.S...
They Came After Her Birth by kiiko
This is my first story I'm sharing here, so please don't mind any grammar mistakes. When I was 10, my younger sister was born. It was a great time that year, as I finally got to see her. However, strange things started happening after she came home from the hospital. I would see shadows going ar...
My Life Of Hell by Jenniferever
My story began at the age of 12. I was lying in my bed and had fallen asleep. I remember waking up, or assuming I was awake, to the smell of something like a burning camp fire. In front of me was an 8 1/2 foot tall static figure. Like static on a TV screen, the inside of the figure moved with static...
My Teenage Haunting by Evans
I am from Canberra, Australia. This story recounts my time living in a haunted house in the late 1990s, when I was a boy. All of it is true, as best as memory allows: I have not embellished anything, and where I wasn't entirely sure around details, I have omitted them for the sake of clarity and hon...
Experiences Years After Uncle Passing by Mckayla2013
I've had a few paranormal experiences but this is a favorite and not scary and would like some insight on what you might think. My great uncle passed away a few years ago now. He was more like a grandpa to me. I spent all of my summers since I was about 5 with them learning to ride horses and jus...
Malicious Entity Is After Me by ophiuxhus
Before I begin, I'm going to give a bit of a back story so this all makes more sense. It all started a few months ago when I had asked a close friend of mine if she believed in the paranormal, as I was very interested in it at the time. She said yes, so I asked if she had any experiences. Reluctantl...
Please Help! Please Read! by shannon1161
Everyone my name's Shannon and this is one of my stories but I didn't do anything about it because I didn't think nothing of it. It was a while ago now, about 5 months ago. I was in bed asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night and my mum was sat on this chair in my room (me and my mum share a...
Poor Gentry by Occuret
This is my story. It happened some years ago, maybe in the early 1990's, and lasted for several months. I can't really put a time line to it. One night I heard heavy breathing coming up the stairs, and then a roaring noise in my head. There was a shadow silhouette standing in the bedroom door. I...
A Misfortunate Event by starlord810
A very unfortunate event took place in November 2011. I live in an apartment which is twelve storied and we stay on the ninth floor. A weekday morning there was a foul odour circulating through the floors. My father thought it was probably cause of the biogas plant on the terrace. But however even a...
Nana (grandmother) Having The Last Laugh by sheld999
The story I'm going to tell you is about an enjoyable,. Aughing encounter. The year of it happening was 2012. My Nana was in the final stages of passing over. So me and my mother flew up to Palmerston North (North Island, NZ) to see her final days. She passed away after seeing most of the family...
Someone Watching Me Sleep by johnboy1964
I have had a few 'unexplained' occurrences happen to me early in life, mostly during teens and later on college, that were scary at the time, but forgotten the morning after. Now I am much older, I think back on those 'events' and think - yeah, that was definitely spooky and unexplained. I am a big ...
Something Grabbed My Ankle by Jane93
Before this incident, I never had problem going to washroom alone. Due to this incident, I grew wary whenever I goes to washroom alone. And what I was going to type here is all true and up for you to judge. I wonder if anyone have the same experience like me... Let's see. And my story will begin aft...
My Story As A Skeptic by willfer
So first of all I want to say that I am still a skeptic. I am not someone that believes in ghosts or the paranormal without evidence. However, I need to say that there is something in my past that left me wondering if what we experienced was indeed something paranormal. I don't know, that is the tru...
The Stereo by Jager
If you have read my other stories you will know that I grew up in a very old house in Australia. Most of my experiences were in that old wood house and this one is the next in order of time from what I can best remember. I believe it was a late afternoon when I was about 14 or 15 years old, and ...
Goodbye Footsteps by brighteyez
These past few weeks have been pretty hard on my dad's side of the family. My grandfather passed away due to prostate cancer that had spread to his bones, and he wasn't able to breathe very well on his own due to fluid building up in his lungs so he needed oxygen everyday that the nurse gave him. ...
Experiences Of Our South Padre Trip by ulvenNixie
I recently went on a trip to South Padre Island with my best friend, her fiancé, and my ex from 6 years. We had a lot of fun and we visited a lot of places that were reported to be haunted. I didn't see anything at any of them. My best friend's fiancé claimed he saw something at the Presidio la Ba...
My Douple Demon In The Mirror by girl25
Recently, before three months, I saw my own doppelganger first at the mirror. It was looking like me, same glasses and hair. This night I have done my hair different from usual and I rarely wear my glasses. That night I was looking differently from my everyday look. And I was really in a good mood a...
Death Echo by PunkysMama
I am not sure if a "Death Echo" is what something like this would be referred to as or if that is just a term coined by the popular show Supernatural. But I believe that this is exactly what I experienced. There is a large stretch of road on the North side of Jacksonville called Lem Turner that ...
50 Shades Of! by 27flowers
The following experience is just one of the many (what I believe to be) supernatural events (as always your thoughts are welcome) that I have experienced in recent years whilst spending time in Ireland. As I am from an inner city area in England I don't really get chance to escape the hustle and...
Hello! I'm Behind You! by truelou
A few years back, about six now so that would be in 2010, my friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, and I were in my bedroom on a particularly sunny day that had no clouds in the sky and no forecast of rain nor thunder/lightning that day either, attempting to contact the dead through means of EVP (...
Hearing Voices After Doing Evp: Evp Psychosis by jerseyguy77
EVP PSYCHOSIS: A True and Personal Account of Hearing Voices after Experiments with EVP (A Danger of Experimenting with the Electronic Voice Phenomenon) By B. Edwards "Your power is in not believing us" - an evil spirit 1. I certainly know how strange this account will sound to most,...
The Triplex by OCGirl
Throughout my lifetime, I have always had experiences. Some I thought were definitely paranormal, where others were just weird. This story is about the first apartment my husband and I lived in for 10 years. When my husband and I were first married (1985), we lived in a triplex that my grandparen...
The Shaking Bathroom Door by Ring
Around one month ago (14th May 2016) I arrived in Philippines for working purposes, to be exact at Makati City. There are two more people who came here with me, we are staying at a condominium in 20th floor. We are working in shift, whereas I work in night shift while the other two work in the mo...
Pike County Ky. Tall Dark Man With Horn-rimmed Glasses by Bfman67
I grew up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. I lived in a number of "coal camps", towns built for the families of the miners that worked in the mines. One town in particular, Greenough, in Pike County was the site of my story. My twin sister and I were in the first grade. We walked to and fro...
3rd Floor Girls Restroom by Mlah17
I have been reading some scary and kind of similar experiences about the unknown here in your ghost stories website. So I decided to share my own personal experience that happened when I was still in college. I am now leaving here in California and my weird experience happened when I was 3rd yea...
My First Flat by Maiawalli
This happened many years ago when I was 19, and had just moved into my first flat. It might help to have a little background on me. I am of aboriginal descent, half of my family is tribal (Maiwalli tribe) and believes in the old spirits. I have many stories about what happened when I was wee but ...
Glowing Eyes On Halloween Night by countryguy91
This one isn't super long, and may not be very scary to most, but it stuck with me for a long, long time. So, here goes. It was Halloween night, I think 2014, once again in my hometown of Richmond, Kentucky. My cousin, his girlfriend, and myself had been riding around, and went out to get some c...
Is My Daughter A Sensitive? by nolasara
I have shared on this sight before and I am truly starting to believe that I am a sensitive. This is not something I want and it is not something that I like to dwell on. I have two daughters, they are 11 and 2. My 11 year old has never been afraid of anything. She never wanted to sleep with a l...
My Parents' First House by Bibliothecarius
After my brother and I were born, my parents got married and bought a very small house about 2 blocks from my dad's parents' home. This was a terrace house, just off the Uppingham Road in Leicester, which was built such that the fronts of all of the houses along that side of the street formed a sing...
I Think They Follow Us by Miamis_life94
My name is Miami. For a while now me and my family have experienced a lot of ghost-like situations in which my sisters, mother and I have all seen things that cannot be explained. We have moved due to different complications but it never fails, it always feels like we aren't the only ones living in ...
Not A Believer, But by BigJohnBoy
Please let me start off by saying I am the most sceptical person out there but these are the facts. I brought my family, wife and 2 kids, to Edinburgh for a 4 night stay. We were lucky enough to get central accommodation as this was the time of the Fringe festival. We managed to get a Georgian ty...
Oh...excuse Me! by Miracles51031
I am so annoyed with myself. I try so very hard to record everything in my Journal, but this one I have only the date and four words: Tuttle guy in kitchen. A couple of months ago, yomomma submitted "Do Your Ears Hang Low" which made me remember this incident, and I fully intended to submit this ...
Prairie Street House Haunting by valkricry
For some reason, a house that my friend Lori and I used to clean back in 2005 has been on my mind lately. It was one of those quaint old two story houses that look smaller on the outside than they are on the inside; an illusion given by the fact that being basically rectangular shaped, the narrow en...
Strange Sensation by roylynx
I finally got what I think is my second encounter of a spirit. As in a few of my comments, I have a cat which is a mix of a Turkish Angora cat (white coated, with yellow and blue eyes) and a Bombay cat (black short fur, with yellow eyes). This little fluff is basically a black version of a Turkish ...
Updates And Dream Recollection by Tallyia-fx
Thank you so much for the positive feedback and helpful comments on my previous post! It means a lot that strangers are willing to listen and help. At the moment, I'm staying at my partner's house quite a bit because I feel more comfortable when he's around. However, when I'm not with him, my nig...
The House On 6th Street by PhantomChild96
This story takes place when I was about 12 or 13 in a house that my mom, little sister, and I all lived in at the time. It was a white two story house. Inside the house their was a carpeted spiral staircase that led to the second story. The second story was kind of like a closed in loft. One hal...
Confused About A Presence - Guidance Please by mytic_28_feb
This is the very first time I am ever posting a story here. I am sorry for being novice or not knowing the unknown and would appreciate if those who know more and better than me help me understand what exactly happened. So this happened in my home back in India. I was a kid (12-13 years) and we ...
My Gramma Returns To Visit by mommaoftwo
Since this is my first story I'll start off with a little information of myself. I am currently 24 years old and not living in Ohio anymore. I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. My gramma died January 3rd of 2001 of a terrible accident that I won't get in detail about. We had her cremated and she sit...
Odd Things And A Phantom Dog? by Lolljo
I'll start by saying I'm not a writer by any means so I apologise if there are any errors. I'm 31 and these "events", if you will, are the ones directly related to me either first hand or told about me from close family members from when I was younger (I personally don't remember the early ones - to...
It Came From The Ouija Board by cityofangels
Some people will tell me it's all in my head, others will say I'm just plain crazy, but I still stand by what I saw, what I felt and what I experienced on a Halloween night in 2008, nearly eight years ago when I, a fun loving 14 year old, and my friend decided to play a nice friendly game of Ouija. ...
What My Mother Wants by Suzieb1
Every since I was five years old I've been able to see and hear things that others can't. Sometimes it's just a feeling but most times I can catch something passing out of the corner of my eye, like a haze or a mist. There are others that I can plainly see. In the days before my mother had the la...
About My Grandpa by PriyankaMenon
This is first time I am going to write here. Well I live in India sorry I can't specify exact cities but still will give a name in order to understand. This story almost date backs to 5 years, that time I was in college in second year. It was December and exams were going on. My Grandpa had been...
My Horrifying Nights by ashar123
So far I have narrated many of my personal experiences here on this site by my stories. It's all because of that unknown entity and why she is doing it. The reason is still unknown nearly after 4 years after from the time it started. It was 24th May, late night. The whole city was dark because of...
The Night I Saw Lady In White - Further Investigation by psyketz
Before reading this story please read my previous one. And this is not a fiction. Just recently I went back to my old place to investigate about what I saw other night. After that incident happened I talked to some people in my old neighborhood (we moved from that place). They told me about that...
We Should Have Moved by Moody1989
I've always believed in ghosts but never had an experience myself until about two years ago. This is my first attempt at writing it all down so be kind, may be kind of rambling. Summer of 2013 I had just graduated college. My then boyfriend (now husband, same-sex couple) and I decided to take the...
Haunted Shell by tcameryn
This is my first story and is going to be hopefully a thorough account of everything that's happened up until tonight. I also want to preface this that this story overlaps with sensing and seeing spirits directly. I didn't know which site to put it on so I sincerely apologise if it's in the wrong pl...
Hauntings In New House Part 1 by sweetsunshine1800
I'm Sweet sunshine. I've been reading experiences on this site for months and decided that its time to post mine. I'm 16 years old currently and started experiencing the paranormal since I was 8. Our family moved to Ranchi (capital of Jharkhand state) in 2008. A few weeks later my dad rented a n...
I'd Like To Know What It Wants by rogansmom516
I'm not all that keen on the supernatural and I've always been kind of back and forth on the possibility. I've a tendency to be a bit of a skeptic and, where "seeing is believing" is enough for some, it's never really been for me. But I'll explain that more in a moment. I don't think I'd ever co...
Dreaming With The Dead by OCGirl
When I was in my early twenties, I had a very vivid dream that my grandfather was visiting me. I remember lying in bed partially sitting up on one elbow when he came to me. When I saw him I said "Huelo, you're here!" (Huelo was the name we called him as a nick name for abuelo). He answered "Yes, I a...
My Haunted Childhood And Mamma's Experience by ashar123
In all of my previous stories I have mentioned about all the experiences from my teenage but actually I had many experiences in my childhood that I never took seriously and ignored or my parents just explained me it was my imagination. My mother tells me before I was born my parents lived in a go...
In The Old Office by jester
It's been a long time since I posted two accounts, both related to my father. This month of Ramazan/Ramadan brought back some memories from my old office, so felt like sharing it here. So, here it goes. I spent last 15 years of my professional life with a German multinational in their IT division...
Candy Man by jennie
This happened about 4 years ago. I was sharing a house with a friend and her two teenage daughters. There was a lot of ghostly activity at this house. For example, if you had a shower at night the light in the bathroom would always turn off, things would spontaneously fall off benches, things like t...
A Ghost With A Personal Grudge by Aries_fire
I have had a lot of paranormal experiences throughout my life, but none that were as personally targeted at me as this one. My boyfriend and I had just moved into his mother's house in Laguna Vista, TX. It was a beautiful 3 bedroom home, and the deal was as long as we went to school (college), we we...
Totally Confused by annie16
Those of you that have read my other stories will know that I have only had those experiences. Until very recently. This next experience is far beyond anything I have experienced to date. It was also very frightening. As I stated before, I do not scare easily. In fact, I have a lot of fun scaring...
My Friend Billy by RedWolf
Now before I get to the story about Billy I have to give you a little backstory. I tried to write this story more than a dozen times a few months ago. It didn't matter which tablet I used or if I used the P.C. At some point I would lose the story. I thought it was my father-in-law was messing with m...
Shadows On The Ceiling by xcielinwonderlandx
I want to get a second opinion on something strange that happened last night. I don't even know for sure if it's paranormal, but I think it is. Anyway, it was probably around 1 am, and I was doing what every teenager does in the summer at this hour, playing on my phone. At some point I noticed a...
Backseat Driver by TwitchyMind
Hey guys! I'm really happy that I stumbled upon this site. This is my first entry. I have so many stories to share and they collect more and more every day. I'm excited to learn about what everyone else has experienced as well I wanted to share one of my experiences on a car ride home alone one n...
Whistling In My Room by shelly_2429
This isn't the first story I've written on here, but my name is Shelly and I'm 17 years old, live in Australia. So mid-late last year my great grandfather passed away. He lived far away from where I lived and I hadn't seen him since I was about five. So when he passed it wasn't really a big shoc...
Parnormally Inclined I Suppose by Mda61
I grew up in a house with my parents and six siblings in a house that I believe had more than one ghost. One was a small boy and we just referred to him as the boy in the blue and white striped shirt, the other other one was a tall man who we never really seen but felt. My first memory is sharing...
A Malevolent Presence by abhi8686
I am a regular visitor of this website and find all your experiences and narrations fascinating. The incident I am going to tell you about happened to my in-laws last week. I hope you all can shed some light on it. They were staying at my mother-in-law's sister's place last weekend. It is a recen...
Pushed To The Side Of The Pool? by Natters
I live in the UK but this story happened when I was on holiday in 2001, aged 11, in Gran Canaria (a Spanish island off the Moroccan Coast). Being 11 and it being summer, I remember spending a lot of time in the apartment complex outdoor pool. My parents bought me a child's snorkel and eye mask se...
Let Me Out Of The Shower by yomomma
This following occurrences happened in early 2011. E, our youngest daughter and Z, our youngest son were still living at home at this time. Our oldest daughter and her husband came over for dinner and movie night. Z's girlfriend was also there. About midway into the movie, E decided she w...
Be Killed Or Fight by illumi_zoldyck
I've been reading some stories from Philippines about the aswang/ghouls, and I happen to have a experience with those night creatures. I was 15 that time and my aunt (my mom's cousin) was 7 months pregnant with her first child. My aunt lived with me and my maternal grandparents since her husband ...
Hooded Shadow Person by DandK
Three nights ago I was sleeping on my left side, with my back to the bedroom door, when I was awakened by someone shaking my right shoulder to try and wake me up. I turned over to look at whoever was trying to wake me and all I saw was a dark figure of a person that appeared to be wearing a loose ho...
Lyrics/stereo Communication by Artisanlady
After reading the previous Stereo story, I thought I would add my own. I do admit I watch a lot of Ancient Aliens which I LOVE, so it's not surprising that when I was awakened out of deep sleep at 3:00AM in the middle of the night to my stereo blasting the Beatles lyrics "You Say Goodbye and I Say H...
Knock, Knock by Janellexx89
I've been a member on this site for a couple of years now but this is my first story on here. This just happened to me and my brother's girlfriend a little over an hour ago, so about 9:30 PM. I need to give you a little layout of the upstairs in my house. You come up the steps from the living ro...
Was I Awake? by Sanchez_92
About 4 months ago I experienced something really unexplained. I was talking through text messages with my boyfriend at like around 1am. I could not sleep so I decided stayed up talking to him until late. Later that night, when it was about around 3:30am, I told him I was getting sleepy but wasn't g...
Mr. Karl by OCGirl
Mr. Karl is an older man (I think) that is living in my former residence where my daughter still resides. I'm not 100% sure when he showed up but it seems to be when my husband and I were going through some difficult times in our relationship and we lived apart for a few years. I remained in the hom...
Weird Events by paranormal-lover
When I was eleven, I went through this phase of being highly into watching those ghost hunter shows with my parents. I wanted to prove to them and myself that I was brave, so I would spend all afternoon and weekends watching these shows. In the end, they effectively scared the shiat out of me and I ...
A Very Brief Encounter - Part 2! by TriGirl89
A few months back I posted a story about my experience in Edinburgh at Mary King's Close. Well I went back to Edinburgh in June and something else happened! My fiancé had never been to Edinburgh so we decided to take a day trip there. He is into his paranormal movies and loves to give himself a ...
My Home's Other Residents. What Was Their Purpose? by kentucky_believer
From the time I was 12 until I was 19, I lived in a house that was fairly far out in the country; our closest neighbors were over a mile away and most of our backyard consisted of a heavily wooded mountain. That being said, when I first moved there I wasn't afraid to stay home alone when my mom ...
The Man In The Snow by kentucky_believer
Shortly after my 21st birthday, I was in my bedroom, simply lying on my bed watching TV and relaxing after a long day when I heard my dad's dog (a Teacup Chihuahua) barking. Being used to this, I ignored her for several minutes, though I eventually became annoyed with how loud she was and walked dow...
Strong But Weak (strange Encounters) by FallenAngel98
As my last post, or story I guess, it has been a year to which I have taken as a break from this site (personal reasons) ...
What Happened After The Car Accident? by Anonymous520
Before I begin, this house was built studs up from 2008. So it's pretty new, and no previous owner I know of died. It is a spacious 4 bedroom house. My question is, why did these series of incidents happen? Nothing ever happened in our new house until this one incident. Any insights are helpful. ...
Dark Figure From Childhood by Katroshka
For the past few years I've been getting faint scratch marks all over my body. This wouldn't be too frightening if I had pets or nails but I lack both of these things so it's a bit scary. There are four ghosts in my house but only one of them has followed me for all of my life (my family moves a...
Stomping Around In The Darkness by SomeCallMeTim
In 1990-1991, I was the superintendent of an apartment complex in Rockville, CT. The "complex" was actually three buildings of varying ages crammed onto what had originally been the stately yard of the 1877 mansion at its corner. This mansion was where I had my apartment, 3 large rooms that had orig...
Danger Nights by RohanP
Welcome friends. Pardon me if there is some grammatical error in my story as my first language is not English. So coming to the story which have been experienced by me in real and is spooky for me. Till now I had no paranormal experience anywhere. It is my recent and first experience in my own h...
Shaking Door by amjm
I was only seven and I slept by myself. My room was located at the end of the hall on the left, right in front of my parents' room. It all happened in the year 2011 in May, right after the tornado in Joplin had hit. My dad was occasionally going to Joplin because of his job, to help reconstruct. ...
Dark Places by SomeCallMeTim
I honestly don't know what to make of my childhood experiences. I had a troubled, abusive upbringing and didn't really deal with it until I was in my thirties. I don't know if my experience of dark places was a side effect of that, or if I managed to short-circuit a genuine extrasensory gift along w...
The Disconnected Light by Mrbeany17
The story I'm about to share with you happened when I was around 14. I lived in a small home on the island called Sanday located north of Scotland in the Orkney islands. The house was very old and small with 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and a bathroom. At the time it was just my parents and ...
Ghost Diary #1 by ChippyCho
I want to say first and foremost, this is completely true, but whether you believe me is up to you. On July 5, 2016 I used a Ouija board while home alone. I had it set up with an incense, a bandanna as an altar cloth, and 4 crystals: a quartz, a tigers eye, a snowflake obsidian, and an amethyst. ...
The White Wings by Cymru_am_byth
As this is my first time at publishing a story here, I thought I should start relatively slowly and also explain some background about me. Up until recently, I have been a dancer my entire life, and have always felt most serene stood in the wings of a stage. Funny really, that this story so revo...
Afraid In My Own Home? by chnl
Ever since I was a child we've had some form of presence, and my mum talks of one too from when she was a child. Hers felt positive, according to her. This just, doesn't. My childhood wasn't the best due to my father being controlling and abusive. So I always blamed my paranoid feeling on how he...
Flashes And Orbs? by PerfectlyDisturbed
It's been a little while since my last post here on YGS so I thought I'd do an update as I need confirmation of what I'm seeing. As I mentioned briefly in my previous post that I had been starting to see the occasional orb after my mum passed, I feel like it has gotten more frequent only they are...
Night Before Lukie's Funeral by Cassee34
It was March 9th or 10th of 2008, it was either two nights before or the night before our baby's funeral. He was 3 1/2 months old when he passed away. It was my mom, my sister, my friend, and me alone in the house. My husband and cousin were out of the house, because his cousin took him out to t...
The Shadow In The Doorway by kentucky_believer
At the age of 21, I was living with my parents and younger brother (who, at the time, was a high school junior) who depended on me to wake him up for school because he could sleep through an alarm clock. Being off work this one morning, I decided to go back to bed after I was certain he was awake...
Dead Pet by Bunnybaby
This story is not particularly scary as the spirit is a loved one, but it is interesting I believe. About a year and a half ago, my beloved pet rabbit died. He was my baby, never in a cage, and usually either wanting to cuddle with me or play with me. He had a very sweet personality, sometimes im...
Growing Up In My Grandparent's House by bluntforcetrauma
My last story was about my Mom's house. This one is about her parent's house where I mostly grew up. You see, my mom and dad separated and my mom thought I would have the best chance of being the best person I could be if my Lolo and Lola (they're still alive and I live beside them) raised me. It...
Our Family Home And My Old Workplace by ilovesodawater
I come from a town in the central north island of New Zealand and don't have a scary story as such, just a few things that have happened over the years. Background first... When I was around 8 years old we moved into a big old house (apparently the oldest one in our town). My class mates used ...
Singing Angel by Aaron13lib
So when I was younger (about 11) my family and I lived in a two bedroom trailer. We had a small little hallway coming from the living room to the main room. My mom is Christian and she listens to a Christian music radio station and we would listen most of the time in car rides (keep this in mind). ...
Ghosts Need Showers Too by RCRuskin
I have a few more stories I'm writing up for this site, some need a bit of editing to hide the identities of the innocents involved. Events include a possible demonic haunting a former coworker shared with me, and I no longer have the EVP she provided. There is also the haunted elevator in a church....
The Man Who Leaped On Me by skylark574
It's the first time I am writing about my experience. I hope readers would forgive the small mistakes I make. I live with my parents and small brother in Delhi, India. My elder sister lives in a far off state, Raipur for her studies. The incident happened a few days back. My father is a very str...
Events Happening In My House - by DandK
Over the past few months, there has been an increase in noticeable activity at my house (large lot, lot's of room between neighbors). I made a comment on one of my other posts about a couple of incidents. These were that my bedroom door opened and closed itself while I watched from the bed, somethin...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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