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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 192
Twist And Slam by Mango2Mango
It's been 4 years since the first story posted and I promised to share my next experiences. I post this story with a new account since I forget my password, my old account was MangoMango, my first story titled "That Cheerful Voice". Here we are... We moved from our first house to a new one, s...
Ghost Stole My Bracelet by DragonLadyYT
We used to have a ghost. We banished it and unfortunately that was before I realized my bracelet, made of real turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty mines in California and set in sterling silver was missing. I have searched this house of ours, even taken things apart to find it, but to no avail. I lef...
Odd Experiences In A Friendly Spot by Alina5
I'll try to provide efficient details in a short narrative for the readers to understand the very defect of the matter. I live in a two storey bungalow. The outer setting of my house is quite spacious to accommodate a garden extending upto 3 metres in the length and sufficient amount of width to ...
Personal Experiences Of My Mother And Myself by Rajine
In my second previous story I related about how my parents heard what sounded like a woman screaming in the bushes, in this next post I will also relate other accounts that my mum experienced and also a very personal incident that happened to me as an adult. This all happened in the house where I...
My Paranormal Experiences With My House by Rat_Queen
My house is pretty new, and nobody has lived in it before our family has moved in, but for some reason we've been having really strange paranormal experiences. We have security cameras in our house, and lately we've been seeing stuff from them. One thing we've seen would be glowing orbs. We would se...
Hide And Seek And The Little Boy by friendlyclown
(All names in this account have been changed for privacy reasons) My cousins have this huge property in a rural area, basically in the middle of nowhere. They have a huge farmhouse, a barn, stables, everything. Every year, for Thanksgiving, we (my family and I, along with other relatives) drive ...
Brother Showing Me Early Signs by Ashleypo
For starters I'm going to say that this is my very first story here on this website. I love reading other people's ghosts stories here so I'm excited to share one of my own! Recently on March 30th, 2020, my oldest brother Ronnie passed away so suddenly. We have all been devastated since we've rec...
A Ghost That Was Crawling Backwards by asires85
I also want to know if someone has ever seen this kind of ghost in their life. It is still strange for me whenever I think about it. It is the most traumatizing experience in my life and I still cannot forget it. This happened when I was in college. It was around 2013. My family was preparing to g...
Voice Of My Dad by asires85
My father passed away due to cancer last Christmas. When he was alive, I was actively taking care of him especially when he couldn't move that much anymore. I was always grieving and crying whenever I feel lonely and whenever I miss him, which is normal because losing a parent will really affect you...
The Dream by Shrikant
My name is Shrikant and I am 50 years old man. I am from Mumbai (Bombay).I am going to share my story which happened in my childhood. When I was about one and half year old my mother passed away. She met an accident. You will surprised to know that though I was a toddler but I can still remember...
Soviet Soldier's Ghost Is Basically My Best Friend by FinnyFinn
I'm a 23-year-old guy from Finland, Lapland. I'm skinny and quite small, having long blond hair and a lot of piercings. Trust me, this will be important. Where I live, it's in the middle of a forest, the closest neighbor is miles away. I had some weird things happen in my house, like, random cup...
Nightover...more Like Worst Night Ever by Orora99
Hey guys, this is my first time writing a story so bear with me. This particular incident happened when I had just graduated and was staying with my cousins at their spacious bungalow in Pune. I have three maternal cousin sisters who are younger than me. We decided to have a girls night out at one...
Spirits That Find Us by Katie212
When my husband moved in with us after we married. We experienced an entity that we were told was a woman who scratches males. He would wake up to long scratches on his back or in weird spots on his body. Other events would happen like running water when nobody was in that room, or someone running u...
Our Discovery by Katie212
Hoping everyone is doing well through our Covid-19 tribulation. I wanted to share this experience with you while it is storming outside right now and a scary songbird is whistling outside my window, it seemed like the perfect time. Plus the bird is freaking me out. We had a beach rental that had...
Strange Coincidence Or Something Else? by VeronicaMarie
In 2007 I was going through a very rough time, due to a severe anxiety disorder that I have. One day I was trying to distract myself from the obsessive worry and went online to look at wallets, as mine was falling apart. I've always loved those little inexpensive brocade wallets and billfolds with t...
Outstanding Sleep Paralysis Episode by blckwdnsdy
I am writing this, because something is really bothering me, frightening me and I want to know more things about this, but I don't really know how I'd be able to do so. For those who've read the other stories I've posted, you know that I mentioned sleep paralysis. I completely understand how it's...
The Face In The Camera Screen by NorthCoastie19
This isn't a big story, but it still has me rattled and I felt worth sharing. I am an investigating consultant for insurance companies. Basically, I get hired to go out and look at property insurance (building/homeowners, etc) claims when the insurance company is having a hard time figuring it ou...
Other Sister by sophiethunder
A few days ago, I had a really weird experience. I was going out with my sister and we were getting ready. I saw her sitting at the computer. I'm not sure if she was doing anything, but she was definitely sitting there. Obviously this was strange, since we were going out and I encouraged her to hu...
I Saw It Too by Suneel-Gee
It was during the mid 90s, Kathmandu was a lot cleaner and less chaotic or you may say it really justified the quote"City of dreams". My family had a house on the middle of a road, left and right a narrow space enough for a small car and vehicles to pass through. During the silence of the night, it ...
Demonic Voice? by wrh1969
When I first joined the Air Force in 1988, I was away from home and I got my first taste of freedom. I could do whatever I wanted. I didn't even talk to my parents that much either. So I partied a lot on the weekends. I really enjoyed the dorm parties. I was sleeping with a lot of girls too and I wa...
The Non Believer by Crazy4Tulips
My brother-in-law came home from work last night and described that he saw something strange moving quickly across the road up ahead but when he got there, there wasn't anything there. He kind of believes in aliens but not ghosts so he told us he thought he saw an alien or "something". He knows that...
Phone Call Voices by DeliverDawn
I would like to begin by saying that while everything that I heard and happened to me has taken place in Mississippi, my best friend is at the center of the story too, and he lives in Colorado. I'm choosing to name the location as MS because the story is coming from me. This friend of mine--we'll...
Incident Of The Ring by Amena
I am new to this website, but I've been an avid reader for many years now. I've been meaning to post this strange and unusual story for a long time, but life, children and work always took priority. However now due to the unfortunate state of affairs in the world, I have some free time to write this...
Red Eyed People In My Room With Threats To Kill by Madalyn_4610
Let me start by saying, thank you all for reading this! It means a lot and sorry in advance if this is really long. Brevity is not my strong suit and these details are I promise you, very relevant to setting this story up. I have two families and they live across the country from each other. Ever ...
The House Of Spirit by Ashraf
Dear readers, its almost 5 years! Entire world is struggling with Covid-19 outbreak and Indian Government has ordered complete nationwide 'Lockdown' until further notice to avoid the virus' spread. Its been 11 days since I am at home without job. I request all of the readers please follow the saf...
Antique Piano Finds A Forever Home by MrsRamsay
This story started as a reply to Phillip Kafka's recent post about "50 King Street." I realized it just got too lengthy for a reply, so decided to make it a story. It never occurred to me before that it was a "haunting" or anything paranormal, but maybe it is? PhillipKafka had talked about his ti...
Forgotten Train Station by Dreyk
The village of Zelenoye is just another one of the thousands of nondescript, tiny villages which can be found hidden away here or there in the dense evergreen forests of Siberia. Indeed, from the main road you wouldn't even know a town existed if not for the tiny, poorly maintained dirt road and han...
Something Doesn't Want Me To Eat My Skittles by Cole_Harris
A background for my experiences: The house was built in 1902. It was constructed by the same man who built the house next door. The house next door was the man's personal home. Before our home was built, the family next door used our lot as a dumping ground. If you dig down a foot, you'll come ac...
The Doorbell by Earth2Bella
This is my first submission of many, because throughout my life I have experienced some strange occurrences since I was around 8 years old. Here goes nothing! It was the eve of Halloween, and I was sitting on my couch alone watching a paranormal investigation program that I believe was called ...
Pressing Down by Mimi_mi
This is my first time writing here, but I need help. I am sorry for my english,it's not my first language. I live with my mom,dad,and brother in a small apartment. About a year ago I woke up to my chest being pressed to the bed. I was sleeping on my chest, but something was pressing my back down....
The Woman On My Bed by EllyDreams
This happened one year ago. Because of this, I've been struggling to sleep. I felt like she's always watching me. Watching me and my little sister, Mai. I decided to submit this story because I wanted to know if one of you guys have experienced the same thing we did. Our house was newly built an...
Time To Finally Tell All by EnglishEmpath
First of all I would just like to say that we are safe and happy for these spirits to live with us so I am not looking for any advice, I just would like to share my many experiences. As my name suggests, I am an empath. I have always felt as though there were people around me and it used to really s...
The Shadow Upstairs by adove
This happened about 1995, I was 33 at the time. We lived in Tampa Florida in an apartment and my sister and her kids lived in the apartment right across the porch. Her kids ran back and forth between both places most of the time. I would babysit them when she and her husband went out, sometimes even...
Ghostbusters-loving Ghost by Ghosts4ever
There's a family down the street from us. They have a boy my age and a girl a year younger than my sister. The boy and I used to be close friends when we were younger but we drifted apart, now talking when we see each other but nothing more. My sister, and his sister, though, are best friends. We'll...
Tight Rings Removed by Empress-Solomon
Stack rings removed during sleep!? So this happened last night which would have been 20/04/2020. It's a Sunday night I'm laying on the sofa watching a late night film, eventually I fall asleep. I have a 10 year old who sleeps dead and a 2 year old who will wake up in the middle of the night to ...
Haunted Closet by creeps_peeps
It was the year 2015, and I was 12 turning 13. My father had beeen deployed to North Carolina for military business as a National Guard soldier. We lived in a bit of a small town called Fayettville in a large neightborhood called Pine Valley. Now, it was a tradition to visit my mother and stepdad...
A Mother's Final Goodbye by Overlordundead
S o at first I'd like to say that this story is a little foggy to me so I don't have the detailed specifics of the story. Also I have to explain a few things in order for a few of you to understand where I'm coming from first of all I am currently an adopted child living with my aunt (my mother's si...
The Gladstone Villa Story. by Andrew Dexter
A prequel to ''The Ghost of Gladstone villa'' The property was named after the former Prime Minister William Gladstone, he died in 1898. The the Gladstone property dates back to the 1900's as shown in a map of former mining town of Bargoed of that year and it still stands in Cardiff road. Henry...
Continuous Sleeping Paralysis? by svishal121
My name is Vishal. I am a passive reader of this site. And this is my first experience I m going to share here with you all guys so please forgive me if I have any grammer mistake. This goes way back when I was a high school student. I don't know how to explain this all so I will get into the poi...
Evil Force by Satyabrata2009
It happened 9 years back, when I was working for a construction company. The location was very far from my native place, so company gave me shared accommodation. Along with me there were 10 more staffs. After one month few employees joined us, so company thought of taking a new apartment nearby in-o...
Radio And Cry by Mango2Mango
I hope everyone is healthy and blessed. This is my third post and is my newest experience and I do hope this is going to be the last. I never really like meeting "them"...they were unpredictable...let's go straight to the story: It was still around 2018 new year holiday and my parents are decided...
A Ghostly Fortnight by Madz
For context to this story, I live in an old house in Australia, having been built around 130 years ago. Though the house has been renovated and rooms have been added, my bedroom is the original room of the house. When you enter the room, my bed is on the far right, lying against two walls and my cup...
The Victorian Home by Jb66
I live in a large brick victorian home that was built in the 1800s. I, and my family have had numerous occasions where unexplainable things have happened. Here are my stories. I had been in my room all alone, I was very young at this time! I was just standing there in front of my mirror with my fa...
My 1st Experience by Raider143
I lived in this small hometown in northwestern New Mexico, where I lived in a house that I rented for a short time. I remember moving in and the landlord never did mention anything happening in this house so I had no idea what I was in for. The first few months living there was quiet and nothing out...
I May Be Being Contacted By An Old Friend by nillabean
Four years ago my friend died unexpectedly and for a while I sensed a spirit with me and was almost being contacted by him. A couple months after he died I experienced sleep paralysis and lucid dreams involving him and I was in a place very important to him when it happened. I tied these things to h...
The Giggling Girls by Jb66
This is a personal experience that me and my family had in a hotel in Ohio. I was only about 5 years old at this time. When we first arrived at the hotel it seemed nice. It had a giant hallway, a large staircase, decent rooms as well as an indoor pool. I believe it was sometime in the afternoon when...
He Died In This House by piscesrising_
Before I get started, I will share some background information. The location where this happened is my grandparents home that they have owned for 20+ years. Many of my relatives have had unexplainable experiences in this house. My grandfather says the man who owned the house previously died in the h...
Dark Entities by DeathStarK
While my family and I try and find a research team or paranormal medium, this is what's been going on in our house. (Mind you when I was only 3 years old, I started saying what I thought were demons and what looked to be a werewolf creature. My mom had me blessed and they went away for a time.) T...
Freaked Me Out by Tigerlily20
I moved into a apartment building which used to be known as the Captain house. Apartment I lived in was perfect for my boyfriend and I. I received custody of my grandson when he was 5 months old, and our perfect little apartment needed to be extended; so when the people next door moved out I was abl...
A Ghost In My Kitchen And Bathroom by SunnySunny
This happened to me about 5 five months ago and never happened again. I'm a 16 year old and I've been living in the same house my entire life, nothing particularly abnormal has ever happened and I'm very skeptical of paranormal events, but this really weirded me out and I haven't stopped thinking ab...
Multiple Spirits Around The House by Aqueousdissolution
So this all began around the beginning of March. Some background: I live in Western Australia, in a suburb that has minor crime if you discount drug use. I've been living in this house for three years without much going on except one case which I may publish later... For now up until this year...
I Saw A Nun Walking Down The Street by Cole_Harris
I've been doing a lot of thinking. I live in New York, and everything is shut down because of the Pandemic. Last night, I remembered something that happened to me when I was really young. Probably about 6 or 7 years old. I was watching the Memorial Day parade that my town puts on every year. I re...
Evil Spirit Encounter As A Young Teenager by Elessarfl
I am 62 years old. The events below occurred when I was 12 through 13. The were so dramatic and real that I remember them as if they just occurred. My large family was living in a house that was 103 years old at the time. My father was a violent, abusive, psychotic and daily IV drug addict. I had ...
Childhood Fears by wrh1969
I will start this story telling you what happened to me as a kid, teenager and adult. When I was 5 years old and living in Tyndall AFB Florida base housing I had a really strange occurrence. I was in bed trying to get to sleep and I had some toys on top of my dresser. I had a stuffed monkey toy si...
Disturbed While Sleeping by SpookyTrinidy
A few weeks ago I had gone to sleep with my led light on a bright setting. My mom decided that they were too bright and came in my room and changed them without me waking up. I usually sleep with my covers on top of me since I feel uneasy at the closet in my room. I opened my eyes to something layin...
Playing Wolf Wolf by Jactin
When I was young I lived in Michigan where our home was out in the country. The area was corn fields and trees. We had a big family and we got together all the time. One of our favorite games was called wolf wolf. It was played at night. One person would be the wolf. They would go out into the dark ...
Odd Experiences- The Conclusion by Alina5
Submitting this narrative reenforce the memories of the past weeks, the uncertainty, confusion, dread, distraught probably many such words as definition of this event but neither seems to satisfy the definition of the uncalled mishappenings which took place. In my previous narrative, I've descri...
Overnight Recollection by moon_felicite
Newbie here, found this site since I make creepy threads in fb. I decided to share my story as well. When I was a grade 7 student, our school decided that recollections will be overnight. So we were all happy about it because we can sleep with our friends. It was 5:30 pm when our advisers told us...
The Old Barn Scares Me And My Friends. by ZeppelinChriss
Welcome Everyone and thank you for taking time to read this. Hope you enjoy it. I'll answer questions if I can, so ask if you have any I won't be upset. I have questions myself. Back in 2017, a farm came up for auction in Milton Keynes, UK. Family estate sale. Furnishing included, Farm equipment...
Are These Dark Entities That Keep Showing Up? by Chilli
I apologise in advance for the potential length of this but I would love to hear opinions from others who've had experiences. I'm tired of being afraid. From as young as I can remember, I've had experiences which I can't fully explain. I had a rough childhood, growing up with an alcoholic mother....
A Big Family Holiday by sophiethunder
I went on holiday a few months ago. Some pretty weird stuff happened, but after talking to the rest of my family and friends, I realised I wasn't the only one to notice. I went to a house near Devon. It was quite big and had a lot of rooms to accommodate all of us. There was 8 of us. Mum, dad, my...
Little Girl Following Me by sier
The first encounter I've had was when I was 8. I was laying in my bed and I felt something in my room. I was scared as I had never had this feeling before and I stayed still because I was so scared, although I couldn't see anything. After a minute something sat at the edge of my bed. At this point I...
Mysterious Ball Of Light by piscesrising_
Hope this story finds you well. I have always been a believer in all things paranormal. I've never been a skeptic, even as a child. My parents have told me stories of me talking about seeing "angels" when I was young. I have had my fair share of experiences with the paranormal and I'm excited to...
A Glance Behind The Curtains by Orora99
Greetings YGS family, thanks for reading my first submission and interacting with me. I'm pleased that you liked it. Here is my next story... Although story is not the word that I am looking for here, as it was much of an experience. This particular incident happened when I had just finished my 12...
A Dark Smokey Wraith! by Amena
For those of you who have read my previous story, "The incident of the Ring" you already know that this story is about the villa we lived in, in Doha, Qatar. We lived in Doha from 2012 onward for a period of three years. Our villa was strange and many inexplicable incidents occurred there. One such...
The In-between by Suzy2
My story happened recently and it puzzles me. Not sure it's actually paranormal but I will let you decide. My bedroom has 2 windows with room darkening curtains. I sleep with a fan set on hurricane speed to drown out any outside noise and my bedroom door was closed. I'm not sure what time this occ...
My Son's Amusing Encounter And Mine With The Man by EnglishEmpath
This is one of our most recent experiences and one I love! My son is 6 and has global developmental delay, he is very clever though, shows quite a few autistic traits but hasn't been diagnosed as of yet. He was 5 when this happened a few months ago. I was in the kitchen and my son comes downst...
Changing The Things I Cannot Accept by Lealeigh
Things move around sometimes in a home that has people in it who are experiencing an emotional upheaval. People say that poltergeist activities are usually centered around adolescents. I am turning thirty-nine this year; but that is besides the point. I have an active imagination and I am always at ...
Edmonds Haunted Rental Home by becca4713
In 2007, our family moved into a small rental home in Edmonds, WA. It was in a 4-plex building, and we rented the upper right, top unit. The rental had 2 bedrooms/1 bathroom, and was approximately 750 sq ft. It was a very small place for our family of 4 - Me, my husband, our 7 year old son, and our ...
Grave Yard Ghost by kkaelynn1
This happened to me a couple months ago. I was with my friend and at around 10 o'clock her step mom asked if we wanted to go to a grave yard. We said yes, and got in the car. We drove past a couple of grave yards before going to one a couple miles a way. Once we got close to the grave yard, we notic...
9 Lives by blckwdnsdy
I was recently talking with a friend about our own experiences with things "out-of-the-norm". We always speak about these things, trying to logically explain them and it helps. We are both persons who believe in such things and who had experienced such things, but we always try to think rational bef...
New House, New Experiences by Zaruje
Greetings YGS. Hope you are all safe and in a good condition. Three years living in my previous apartment with my Brother (I have written and submitted here my experiences in that apartment), I have finally made up my mind and moved out (too late I know). My brother moved out first before I did. I m...
My Sister's "lookalike" by Shrinkydink
This is my first story on this platform! It happened a few years ago so I might not remember it too clearly! Around this time, I had been waking up at midnight kind of hours. I was about 9 or ten. On one particular night, I woke up as normal, my parents had gone to bed already. I decided to go do...
Early Morning Jog by AmanPS
I would like to begin this true experience of mine by saying that, this event is related to my Best Friend 'Mukul' and his village when we both were 13 years old. Basically, it was Summer 2017 and a few weeks later, we were about to have summer vacations. I can still recall that it was 2nd day of ...
Something I Never Expected by piscesrising_
You read stories and watch interviews of people who see things and feel things of a paranormal nature. You don't think it will happen to you, or at least I didn't. In my previous submission, I discussed an encounter I had in my grandparents home. I just wanted to make it clear that this encounte...
Billy With Glowing Blue Eyes by Zacitt
I was a troubled kid and had a lot of fantasy friends, most of them disappeared when I grew older except for one and I called him Nick. As an adult and studying, I had a teacher who said that she wanted to speak with me alone and she told me that she was spiritual and she could see this big skinny g...
They Heard My Words by Vmarie123
I will start by saying that I am a pagan priestess. I don't want to say which set of God's and Goddesses I worship as it is not important. I will say that I practice witchcraft regularly, I also teach both the history of paganism and basically every aspect of paganism and witchcraft. I humbly serve ...
Hospital Overnight by Kest
I have thought about this story a lot lately. It might explain something. I decided I needed to do this one first instead of going back to my haunted Louisiana home. It goes back to my youngest daughter who I refer to as Jacey in my stories. Jacey is now 17 and she and I have talked recently about w...
The Victorian Home Part 2 by Jb66
For those of you who read my previous experiences in my Victorian home, this is a continual to that. I have had more experiences since then that I would like to share. This was one of our most recent experiences. I, and my family were removing a large tree that was growing up our fence. My mom was...
Too Scared To Look by Tabbs
I've been on this site for several years and finally decided to post this story. Short background first. I'm from Scandinavia, but I attended university in a Canadian city where this story takes place. I am the very definition of a sceptic, always have been (although I love a good ghost story)....
Terror At The Lake by Quasar
The recent Covid-19 lockdown has given me an unusual and mostly welcome respite from work and the ongoing rat race. Like many of you reading my story I have been connecting with my family and friends via Skype and zoom and there has been a lot of talk and recollection of past events, especially holi...
The Spirit House by Jubeele
I have previously shared a number of strange tales about my grandmother's house in Cairnhill, with its shadowed past. During WWII, when Singapore fell under the Occupation from 1942 - 1945, several violent deaths had occurred in the area. Such troubled memories can linger on. My elder sister, Lil...
Outstanding Sleep Paralysis Episode #2 by blckwdnsdy
You became the first place I go to if I need any advice or if I feel something is wrong. Your opinions always helped me, they opened all kinds of doors that made things clearer for me. I am sorry if I post a lot or if some of my experiences are not so "out-of-the-norm", but I feel the need to discus...
Is My Rescued Truck Haunted By Old Owner (s) by ZeppelinChriss
A little while ago I wrote a story about a farm going up for auction in Milton Keynes, UK. I titled the story "Old Barn Scares My Friends and I". During that story I talked about rescuing with hope of restoring an old truck left on the farm behind the barn. Soon mentioning the truck now resorted...
A Surprise Call by ccmerlin
I got a call from my dad telling me my grandfather was in the hospital up north and was not doing well. They were going to cut off his leg to try to save him, but it did not look hopeful. They didn't want me to come see him, and I couldn't talk to him so I sadly expected a call soon informing me tha...
Hawaiian Ghosts In Military Housing by silverthane61
My wife and I spent five years in Hawaii while I served in the armed forces. We lived in the officers' quarters and shared a tenement-style four-plex building with three other military families. The apartments had two stories, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and utility room, living room and ...
Why Do I Seem To Be A Magnet For These Experiences? by rolltide8925
Sorry I've been gone so long. I do not recall if I ever told anyone I lost my mother in 2016. The day after Valentines ðŸ˜. Shortly after she passed, my boyfriend and I split up for a few weeks and I ended up moving into her home. The same home I lived in when my grandfather passed. I don't know...
Camping Experience Gone Wrong by Anis_Far_Min
When I was 11 years old, my school held a 2 days and 1 night camping experience in the school. It's a Chinese school in Masai, Johor, Malaysia. I'd rather not reveal the name of the school. The camping experience was held only for the 11 year old students or as according to the Malaysian education s...
Year 10 Drama Class by sophiethunder
When I was at high school, in year 10, my drama teacher told me and my fairly small class that she'd seen a ghost. The drama studio had a balcony which used to be used to watch small drama productions, but it was just used as a storage space when I was there. Apparently, he wore Victorian attire ...
Haunted Loft by Lorenzo
Recently, I have been really nervous about what is happening in my home. A bit of backstory: I have lived at my home for 10 years. I live with my auntie because my parents work abroad. A few days ago, I was in the bath and I heard footsteps from above, which is the loft. It was like someone w...
House After House After House by LuciaJacinta
We've had a history of living in houses with strange occurances. So many that we used to think, was it us or the house? But it's been house after house of supernatural experiences... I have come to think, for's the houses and not us that are haunted. One reason I believe this is because ...
Grandfather Sighting by LaurenNH13
When I was around the age of 12 my grandfather passed away. It was a very sad and unfortunate time in my life. To give a little bit of background, I have always believed in spirits/paranormal - something has always called to me about death/spirits. To start, I have NEVER experience anything like thi...
Shadow Figure In Dorm Room by LaurenNH13
To give a little background, I'm originally from Canada, however, I went to a college in Texas for a scholarship. We all know the state of Texas is very religious and I'm not at all (this will play into affect later). A bunch of my teammates and I decided to mess around with a Ouija board. One of...
Haunted Schools by RakesTalisman
I was always sensitive when I was younger. I knew that we were surrounded by spirits and could sense when they were near. My High school was situated near an old one room school house that had been closed for somewhere around 50 years. The stories I was able to gather from the older inhabitants of t...
She Frightened Her Away...! by good-ghosts
I met with an accident on 22nd Feb 2020. Suffered 7 facial stitches and skull fracture. So I was on bed rest for almost 2 months. I was very close to my grandmother who passed away in 2004. I have had visitations from her a couple of times. She even came to visit my baby once. During my hardships,...
The Victorian Home Part 3 by Jb66
Sorry if it seems like I am bombarding you guys with my stories, but every time I think that nothing else is going to happen in my house, more and more happens. It seems like it's never ending. It's also nice to be able to share these incidents each time they happen. Though I "just" posted part 2 of...
Nightmare In A Deserted Club House by Satyabrata2009
When I was a kid, I loved cricket a lot. We had a nice group of players and a Cricket club. Initially we used to keep our sport accessories with one of our friends called Lulu, but his parents started complaining after he scored a very poor percentage on his Board exam. Cursing cricket they threw al...
Baby Kicking My Car Seat by DanielJZ
I have been actively reading everyone's stories here and have decided to submit my own. It's nothing crazy but still really freaked me out and you will see why. This happened around May 2016 when I was dating my now wife N. N and I had just finished our dinner/movie date and I had just dropped ...
An Apparition In The Bathroom by Cunobelinus83
A couple of months ago I submitted a story on this website regarding two strange experiences I had here in Beijing late in 2019. I have to stress that before these two incidents I have never had any paranormal experiences at all, and I had none since - that is until a fortnight ago. I have a gene...
Night At The Hotel by Rose97
This is an incident which happened last year when I went for a trip with my friends & Boyfriend to Shimla which is a famous hill station in India. I belong to Assam and Shimla was a long journey after a 3 hours flight and 4 hours of drive. So when we finally reached our destination, we checked-i...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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